Context Clues By Mr. Gonzalez Language Arts and Reading Teacher

Context Clues By Mr. Gonzalez Language Arts and Reading Teacher

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Page 1: Context Clues By Mr. Gonzalez Language Arts and Reading Teacher

Context Clues


Mr. Gonzalez

Language Arts and Reading Teacher

Page 2: Context Clues By Mr. Gonzalez Language Arts and Reading Teacher

Hey…What does that word mean?!?• When you read, do you occasionally come across a

word you do not know?

• How would you figure out the meaning of a word?

• What if you did not have a dictionary?

Page 3: Context Clues By Mr. Gonzalez Language Arts and Reading Teacher

What are Context Clues?• Context clues are words in the same sentence or

passage that gives you clues to what an unfamiliar word means.

• These clues will help you understand the meaning of the unknown word in a story or passage.

Page 4: Context Clues By Mr. Gonzalez Language Arts and Reading Teacher

Five Types of Context CluesThere are five types of context clues:

1. Definition context clues

2. Synonym context clues

3. Antonym context clues

4. Description or Example context clues

5. Visual context clues

Page 5: Context Clues By Mr. Gonzalez Language Arts and Reading Teacher

Definition Context Clues• The author includes a definition to help the reader

understand the meaning of a word.

• The verbs “is,” “are,” or “to be” are signals indicating that the definition of the word can be found within the sentence.

• These verb forms are usually found between the unknown word and its definition.

Page 6: Context Clues By Mr. Gonzalez Language Arts and Reading Teacher

Definition Context CluesExample:

The Eskimo was having difficulty climbing up the pingo, or Artic hill.

• In this example, the author gave the definition of a pingo, which is an Artic hill.

Page 7: Context Clues By Mr. Gonzalez Language Arts and Reading Teacher

Synonym Context Clues• When the author includes a synonym (a word that

means the same or about the same) for the unknown word.

• The word “like” or “or” can be a signal words indicating a synonym context clue within the sentence. Signal words are not always used, so don’t rely on them.

Page 8: Context Clues By Mr. Gonzalez Language Arts and Reading Teacher

Synonym Context CluesExample:

After seeing the picture of the starving children, we all felt compassion or pity for their suffering.

• In the example, the author gives you the word “pity,” which is a synonym for “compassion.”

Page 9: Context Clues By Mr. Gonzalez Language Arts and Reading Teacher

Antonym Context Clues• An antonym context clue is when the author gives an

antonym (a word that means the opposite) for the unknown word.

• The words “not” or “but” are signal words indicating that the antonym of the word can be found within the sentence.

Page 10: Context Clues By Mr. Gonzalez Language Arts and Reading Teacher

Antonym Context CluesExample:

Most birds are herbivores, not meat eaters.

• Because the sentence uses an obvious antonym, a good reader will understand that herbivores eat plants instead of meat.

Page 11: Context Clues By Mr. Gonzalez Language Arts and Reading Teacher

Description or Example Context Clues• The author includes one or more examples or

descriptions to help the reader understand the unknown word.

• Look for words and phrases like “such as,” “including,” “for example,” and “consists of.”

• Colons (:) and dashes (-) are also signal descriptions or examples.

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Description or Example Context Clues


The Native American gave the wounded soldier a cardamom potion. The herb’s strong smell was enough to cure the hurt man.

• You can gather from the second sentence that cardamom must be an herb used for medicine.

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Visual Context Clues• The author includes a picture, drawing, chart, graph,

or other type of visual to help the reader understand the meaning of a word.

• Always read the sentence first, then look at the photo, drawing, chart, or graph for a clue to the unknown word.

Page 14: Context Clues By Mr. Gonzalez Language Arts and Reading Teacher

Visual Context CluesExample:

Peggy had an exultant look on her face.

• You can tell by the picture that exultant

means happy.

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Context Clues and Meanings … • Our Girl Scout troop took an excursion, a short

journey, to a museum.

• What type of context clue is being used?

An example context clue is being used.

• What does “excursion” mean?

A. Trip B. Class

C. Paintings D. Lunch

Page 16: Context Clues By Mr. Gonzalez Language Arts and Reading Teacher

Context Clues and Meanings … • Our Girl Scout troop took an excursion, a short

journey, to a museum.

• What type of context clue is being used?

An example context clue is being used.

• What does “excursion” mean?

A. Trip B. Class

C. Paintings D. Lunch

Page 17: Context Clues By Mr. Gonzalez Language Arts and Reading Teacher

Context Clues and Meanings … • Jerry is very clumsy, but his sister Jenny is adroit.

• What type of context clue is being used?

An antonym context clue is being used.

• What does “adroit” mean?

A. Pretty B. Robot

C. Graceful D. Smart

Page 18: Context Clues By Mr. Gonzalez Language Arts and Reading Teacher

Context Clues and Meanings … • Jerry is very clumsy, but his sister Jenny is adroit.

• What type of context clue is being used?

An antonym context clue is being used.

• What does “adroit” mean?

A. Pretty B. Robot

C. Graceful D. Smart

Page 19: Context Clues By Mr. Gonzalez Language Arts and Reading Teacher

Context Clues and Meanings … • The harlequin, like the circus clown, is a clown who

likes to perform.

• What type of context clue is being used?

A synonym context clue is being used.

• What does “harlequin” mean?

A. Book B. Clown

C. Shadow D. Animal

Page 20: Context Clues By Mr. Gonzalez Language Arts and Reading Teacher

Context Clues and Meanings … • The harlequin, like the circus clown, is a clown who

likes to perform.

• What type of context clue is being used?

A synonym context clue is being used.

• What does “harlequin” mean?

A. Book B. Clown

C. Shadow D. Animal

Page 21: Context Clues By Mr. Gonzalez Language Arts and Reading Teacher

Context Clues and Meanings … • The infuriated man could not figure

out his laptop computer.

• What type of context clue is being used?

A visual context clue is being used.

• What does “infuriated” mean?

A. Sad B. Confused

C. Happy D. Angry

Page 22: Context Clues By Mr. Gonzalez Language Arts and Reading Teacher

Context Clues and Meanings … • The infuriated man could not figure

out his laptop computer.

• What type of context clue is being used?

A visual context clue is being used.

• What does “infuriated” mean?

A. Sad B. Confused

C. Happy D. Angry