Contents & Staff 2 - Amazon S3 · your lifetime for Jesus sake. This may include your marriage, your kids or grandkids or other followers of Jesus. Unfortunately, this could be a

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Page 1: Contents & Staff 2 - Amazon S3 · your lifetime for Jesus sake. This may include your marriage, your kids or grandkids or other followers of Jesus. Unfortunately, this could be a
Page 2: Contents & Staff 2 - Amazon S3 · your lifetime for Jesus sake. This may include your marriage, your kids or grandkids or other followers of Jesus. Unfortunately, this could be a

Contents & Staff 2

Pastor Mike’s Meditations 3

Deacon’s Corner 4

Report From Session 5

Sierra Kids & Ankor 6

Birthdays & Anniversaries 7

Happening Now at Sierra Pres 8 & 9

Looking Back: SPC Events 10

Library Ministries 11 &


From Our Ministries 13

Get Involved 14

Prayer & Healing 15

Sierra Pres Calendar 16

Event Calendar 17

SUMBIT A SIERRA STORY ARTICLE: Please submit your article in Calibri font size 14 to: [email protected] For the subject please put SIERRA STORY: month and (ministry, group, event)


Any after will be save for the following


Page 3: Contents & Staff 2 - Amazon S3 · your lifetime for Jesus sake. This may include your marriage, your kids or grandkids or other followers of Jesus. Unfortunately, this could be a

As many in our church family know, I am enjoying watching my almost ten-year-old Joshua run Cross Country for Union Hill this fall. It brings back a lot of memories of my own experience as a runner and the many parallels to the journey of faith in Christ that can be found. Whether it is the initial investment, ongoing commitment, or nearing the finish line. All of it contributes to Leaving a Lasting Legacy. One of the things that I knew as a runner is that I needed to start fast. This could be equated to the initial excitement that comes with discovering the love of God and what it means to be in a relationship with Jesus. It is all “downhill” in

terms of energy and excitement. But, as one of my seminary professors used to say, we need to begin with the end in mind. The pace that someone may start with as a runner or in a relationship with God may not be one that can be sustained over the long haul. The question we must ask ourselves in any new venture then is, how will what I am doing now contribute to how I will finish? When Jesus invited his first few disciples into relationship with himself it was a radical commitment of following after him. The first disciples “started fast,” but Jesus was most concerned with building sustainable rhythms and a sustainable pace in his disciples that they could continue on after he was gone. So, if you are just starting out in your journey of faith, I want to encourage you to take joy in your first love relationship with Jesus, but consider what may be needed relationally or in terms of spiritual rhythms and practices in order to move into a sustainable pace of life and faith in Jesus. A second stage in a race or in our journey of faith is what I will call the “long middle.” This is the majority of our journey and the key here is to not allow ourselves to become isolated but finding running partners who will come alongside us in the form of a Small Group or Mentoring Relationship who will root us on, encourage us when we get tired and weary, or remind us of what the goal is. Few of can stay motivated in our journey with Jesus without such a means of support and encouragement. I remember that in the marathon that I ran in 2005 that another runner came up to me at about mile 8 and asked if he could run with me in order to find a mutually sustainable pace. That person stayed with me until mile 18. For roughly 10 miles we encouraged one another and matched stride for stride through the long middle of the race. As a result, I did not become tired and weary in the way I probably would have if I didn’t have another person to pace me. If you are going to hold steady or maintain momentum in your journey of faith I encourage you to find a small group or mentoring connection to encourage you along. Now at the age of 44 I am continuing to look for models, mentors or disciplers who can support my own journey of faith and service through the long middle. Finally, there are others who are being called to finish strong or “Finish Well” in their journey of faith. Many of you have been faithful in following Jesus over the long haul. You have invested yourself in others over your lifetime for Jesus’ sake. This may include your marriage, your kids or grandkids or other followers of Jesus. Unfortunately, this could be a time where you become weary in doing good. But while this may be a period of rest and reflection we also want to remain faithful, and finish strong in our earthly journey even as we anticipate the finish line. I remember my own mentality as a runner that I have tried to pass on to my son, that no matter how the race has gone or how challenging the course has been, I was determined to finish the race well, running my hardest at the end. If you are in that stage in your journey with Jesus, I encourage you to keep on communicating with God in prayer, to keep on investing in Christ-centered relationships, and prayerfully consider what part of yourself God is calling you to give in order to Leave a Lasting Legacy of Faith that will continue on long after you are gone.

With You on the Journey, Pastor Mike

Page 4: Contents & Staff 2 - Amazon S3 · your lifetime for Jesus sake. This may include your marriage, your kids or grandkids or other followers of Jesus. Unfortunately, this could be a

Written by Karen Walden

Think about your favorite relationships. It hopefully gives you good feelings. What do you like about those relationships? Love? Communication? Trust? Loyalty? Joy? Kindness? Honesty? Care? So many wonderful qualities we get from our loved ones and, most likely, people feel the same about you. Sometimes it seems hard to get to know another person. By doing things together like working at the yard sale, helping out with the children, singing in the choir, or participating in a small group you are developing relationships with people and one day you realize you have a good friend.

As just one of the twelve Deacons in the church, I feel blessed because serving as a Deacon is another way to get to know you. It is also helps me see how much the Deacons care about the people of the church, really care. I love my church family. With all the people in church, there are many of you I do not know yet, although I am interested in meeting new faces and talking with you and hearing your stories. Know that your Deacons care when you need a helping hand, or prayer, or someone to talk to. I am also grateful for you, the church family, for helping to care for the people of the church either with financial blessings or by cooking a meal or giving comfort.

Fellowship Gathering!

Parishes 7, 9, and 10 will have a fellowship gathering at the home of Jim & Linda O’Kay on

Saturday, October 29th 1:30pm - 4:00 pm

Page 5: Contents & Staff 2 - Amazon S3 · your lifetime for Jesus sake. This may include your marriage, your kids or grandkids or other followers of Jesus. Unfortunately, this could be a

On September 13th the session of SPC assembled for its monthly meeting. Before the session meeting the session gathered for a time of focused prayer for the church.

We prayed prayers of thanksgiving for each of you and for all the works of ministry that are happening at Sierra Pres as God lavishes his loving grace upon us. We gave special thanks for the recent yard sale and all the hard work and devotion that went into this huge event. And we thanked the Lord for his blessing the event with so the monies raised for works of ministry and mercy in Nevada County.

We also prayed for God’s wisdom for us as a session as we meet to conduct his work through us

as leaders. We prayed for wisdom and guidance as we focus on the church budget for 2017 and for His blessing upon each leader and participant. We finally gave special thanks for the loving work of the diaconate and their faithful and diligent care for the people of Sierra Pres and beyond.

The formal session meeting began with reflecting on the calling of being an Elder. Considering

Jeremiah we considered the importance of our being faithful disciples as the foundation upon which we act as leaders and ache for the success of our church. We took time once again to review the session covenant that was established two years ago and discussed how we can build increasing trust, effectiveness, and unity as a session.

The session carefully reviewed the latest giving and budget information that was provided by

Elder Hock Tjoa and the finance team. We continue to seek God’s wisdom as we prepare to use most of our regular meeting time in October to set a working budget for 2017. Please pray with us for God’s provision through the peoples giving and for granted wisdom as we seek to glorify our God through our stewardship of his resources in the coming year.

As we reviewed each ministry area we gave special thanks for Sonshine Preschool as we ap-

proved its budget for the next year. The school is in very good financial condition and has grown in ministry in adding school hours, enrollment, and faithful ministry to the families of Sonshine. Thank you for praying for session and staff as they serve and pray for you. Will Frye Clerk of Session

Page 6: Contents & Staff 2 - Amazon S3 · your lifetime for Jesus sake. This may include your marriage, your kids or grandkids or other followers of Jesus. Unfortunately, this could be a

Sierra Kids Club

Who: 2 years to 5th Grade, childcare available for younger siblings of SKC Participants

What: A place for kids to experience God, have fun, meet new friends, and learn life skills. We are a member of the Pioneer Clubs.

When: 2nd & 4th Sundays from 5:30 to 7:00pm

Where: 175 Ridge Road, NC

How Much: $20 a year per kid, payment plan and scholarships available

To register or have questions contact Katie, [email protected]

Check us out at facebook.com/SierraKidsClub

Fall is here and at ankor we are looking forward to a great October! On Wednesday’s we meet in Hatcher Hall from 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Our current teaching topic is ‘knowing why we believe the Bible is true’. This month our specific topics include ‘the Bible as the word of God’, ‘the Deity of God’ and ‘the Trinity’. Before digging deep into the lesson each week we enjoy fun and active games, a delicious dinner and a variety of worship experiences.

Wednesday October 16th falls on the school break week so we will depart from our regular schedule that night and have a one-of-a-kind event that night. On the 1st, 2nd and 4th Sunday’s of the month at 10:30 a.m. we start out in the Sanctuary for worship and then slip out quietly to go discuss and study that morning’s sermon topic as a small group. The 3rd Sunday of the month we stay in for the full worship service to participate with the larger church body. We also have an Outreach/Service Project coming up on Friday October 28th. The purpose of this off-church-campus event is to create a relaxed and welcoming environment to invite friends who may not otherwise feel comfortable coming to a church site. We will be partnering with local high schools as well as the Sole Hope ministry to cut out shoe patterns from denim jeans. These are then shipped to Uganda to be sewn into shoes for children there and soled with used motorbike tires. These protect the children’s feet from jiggers that otherwise infest their feet. We will have pizza for dinner and frequent door prizes awarded. This is a drop in event so youth can come and stay for as long as they are able. SAVE THE DATE: Sunday November 9th, Our youth Director/BBQ master Jeff will be firing up his new smoker for a pulled-pork fundraiser. We are raising money this year for our Winter and Spring Retreats, an inner-city mission trip to San Francisco and a week at Hume Lake camp next summer. Your prayer and financial support is always appreciated as we endeavor to share Jesus’ love with the youth of Nevada County! Submitted by: Karen Partch, Volunteer Youth Staff

Page 7: Contents & Staff 2 - Amazon S3 · your lifetime for Jesus sake. This may include your marriage, your kids or grandkids or other followers of Jesus. Unfortunately, this could be a

Please pick up a physical copy of the Sierra Story to view our congregational birthdays and anniversaries.

Page 8: Contents & Staff 2 - Amazon S3 · your lifetime for Jesus sake. This may include your marriage, your kids or grandkids or other followers of Jesus. Unfortunately, this could be a

The men of Sierra and Covenant Presbyterian Churches are invited to attend the 2016 Men’s Retreat at Grizzly Creek Ranch in Portola, CA. This year we will be focusing on how we share our faith in our local communities and around the world. We are excited to introduce this year’s speaker, Troy Wilson, Pastor of The Table SF, a startup church in San Francisco and member of the EPC Presbytery of the Pacific. The cost is $180, some additional fees for registering online and/or free time activities.

To register pick up a brochure at the Connection Center in the lobby of Sierra Presbyterian Church to fill out the registration form. Mail or drop off form and check at Sierra Presbyterian Church or register online at www.sierrapres.com

Coming This December! Handel’s Messiah

Sierra Presbyterian will be presenting Handel’s Messiah on Sunday, December 4th. Rehearsals are on Mondays, beginning September 26th. We are beginning to recruit members for the community chorus. New voices are always welcome. If you’ve sung it before or never have and would like to– this is your chance. It is always an inspiring event.

In Depth Bible Study

STARTS: Wednesday, October 19th

at 1:00 pm , Church Library.

Charles Erion will be serving as the facilitator. Class member will use various Bible Study Tools to “dig in” discovering our first Bible book in our study, Malachi. Contact Charles Erion for more details. Future meetings will be held on announced Wednesdays. Bring your shovel to dig deep!


Friday, October 14, 10:00 am - 4:00pm Saturday, October 15 , 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Don’t miss this opportunity to get some pre-holiday shopping done! Booths will be filled with all kinds of edible , wearable, usable and collectible specialties! Come see the talents of our community and support them in their creations!

Discover Your Place In Ministry

Spiritual Gifts Workshop Saturday, October 29th

8:30am - 12:30pm

Page 9: Contents & Staff 2 - Amazon S3 · your lifetime for Jesus sake. This may include your marriage, your kids or grandkids or other followers of Jesus. Unfortunately, this could be a


The recent Women’s Retreat entitled “When Life Gives You Lemons” was full of precious fellowship time, rich discussions, lots of laughter, delightful crafts and opportunities for prayer, rest and rejuvenation under the pines at Camp Del Oro. Featured speakers included Dr. Melisa Agness and our own Gretchen Schomberg and Beth Griffin.

We were reminded that all things are in “God’s Timing” and that there is nothing the ‘world’ can throw at us that He hasn’t equipped us to endure. This is often difficult to keep in the forefront when we get caught up in worldly demands and expectations. Proverbs 19:21 tells us that "People may plan all kinds of things, but the Lord's will is going to be done." We are often impatient and forget to trust that there is a reason for all things that happen particularly during trying times. "You have sent troubles and suffering on me, but you will restore my strength; you will keep me from the grave. You will make me greater than ever; you will comfort me again" - Psalm 71:20-21. When it feels that life is giving you more than you can stand, remember to kneel.

YARDSALE 2016 Our 36th Annual Yard Sale was a major success thanks to the scores of volunteers who helped us with every phase– setup, sale, teardown. We are always amazed to watch a tent city emerge on our parking lot in a day, providing us with a place to both fellowship and work as we prepare to sell the enormous amount of donations we receive. Then this city disappears ever faster than it was built! We deeply appreciate everyone who faithfully works either on campus or behind the scenes to make this event possible. This year’s total sales were over $36, 000. A heartfelt “Thank You” to our anonymous angel who came forward to cover all the sale’s expenses and enable us to bless so many local organizations. We will gladly be giving the proceeds to A New Day Counseling Center, Christian Encounter Ministries, Living Well Medical Clinic, Hospitality House/Utah’s Place, Kare Crisis Nursery, Interfaith Food Minis-try, Emergency God’s House where we joyfully worship and thank Him for our abundant blessings. In His service, Gretchen Schomberg & Michele Hall

Women’s Retreat Yard Sale 2016

Page 10: Contents & Staff 2 - Amazon S3 · your lifetime for Jesus sake. This may include your marriage, your kids or grandkids or other followers of Jesus. Unfortunately, this could be a

WHAT’S HAPPENING IN THE LIBRARY?? We hope you have all checked out our Library it is a wonderful resource and we have many books as well as other media. Some of the books you will find are :

In depth Bible Study resources Books to comfort and encourage you in your walk with Jesus

Research resources Historical novels

Romance Political Thrillers

Mysteries Inspirational stories

Biographies Family & Relational resources

Real life dramas Courtroom Dramas

Here are some of the books our church members have been reading recently Ellen Gamelgard Divine Conspiracy by Dallas Willard Vicki Foster Fly Away by Lyn Austin Marilyn Blount likes Lori Wick , Lauraine Snelling, Lyn Austin Sharon Koslosky Geraldine Brooks award winning author Joanne Dybdahl Karen Kingsbury Dave Anderson Kings Crossroads by Michael Phillips Joe Chown Joel Rosenburg Millie Raiche reads everything I will give her Pastor Mike Love Does Norene Bundock always looking for recommended reading and has enjoyed a wide variety of our fiction Shirley Binder she has read most everything we have in fiction and is always eager to make recommendations. Gilbert Morris is a favorite. Darlene Moberg recently donated a wonderful little book called Lessons From a Sheep Dog by Phillip Kel-ler. I finished it a few days ago and found it to be wonderfully inspiring. I am following it up by a “Shepherd’s Look at the 23rd Psalm” by the same author. He relates his personal sheepherding experiences to our Great Shepherd and I am amazed how I find that I am much like a sheep desperately in need of my Shepherd. How wonderfully our Lord loves and cares for us. These are two small books that really are filled with great truths for our day to day lives. Lastly we welcome Rena Crist to our Library Team. She will be helping with prepping books to place on our shelves. God is so Good to give us such wonderful people to work together serving Him and serving you. Come see us in the Library! Check out our Bookcart there are always new additions.

Page 11: Contents & Staff 2 - Amazon S3 · your lifetime for Jesus sake. This may include your marriage, your kids or grandkids or other followers of Jesus. Unfortunately, this could be a

GLOBAL MISSIONS TEAM The Global Missions Team were honored to have the Rev. Dan H. Prout attend our August meeting and enlighten us about the important ministries he is leading in our community. Dan is a familiar face at Sierra Presbyterian Church where he has often preached and serves on staff. Dan describes himself as a “transformationist” and is committed to developing and training others in spiritual strategies to transform communities through his organization, Sierra Ministries International (SMI). In addition, Dan is Director of the Healing Ministry of Nevada County, founder of Pray Nevada County, and one of the founding organizers of the state-wide coalition, Pray California.

What is Sierra Ministries International (SMI)?

Sierra Ministries is a training and teaching organization, focusing on attracting the Spirit of God to a community with increased and unified Prayer and Worship. Christian volunteers are equipped with skills for effective ministry in Leadership Development, to form bridges of friendship with com-munity leaders; and in the Biblical Principles of Healing, where Christians learn how Jesus Christ plans to heal through each of us. SPC supports SMI through our general fund giving and we partner with SMI to put on events such as the recent Authority To Heal seminar. We thank Dan for his dedication to promoting community transformation though Christian unity and SMI’s support of in-ternational ministries.

Sierra Ministries is a federally recognized 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Your contributions can help carry this ministry forward. If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation to SMI please go the web-

site www.sierraministries.org for information.

STEPHEN MINISTRY Christ Caring for People through People

Contact Pete Welty, 265-3291 x33 STEPHEN MINISTRY TRAINING UPDATE: A new Stephen Minister training class began September 26. We ask you to keep our Stephen Minister trainees in

your prayers as they nurture their gifts and acquire new skills, so that they can bring Christ’s love and care to hurting people on behalf of our congregation. Also pray for our Stephen Leaders who will guide them through the 50 hours of training.

“The Servant Song”

We are pilgrims on a journey.

We are brothers (sisters) on the road;

We are here to help each other.

Walk the mile and bear the load.

I will weep when you are weeping;

When you laugh, I’ll laugh with you.

I will share your joy and sorrow,

‘Til we’ve seen this journey through.

Page 12: Contents & Staff 2 - Amazon S3 · your lifetime for Jesus sake. This may include your marriage, your kids or grandkids or other followers of Jesus. Unfortunately, this could be a

Children’s Ministry Director We are currently seeking a part-time Children’s Ministry Director to oversee the program and administrative responsibilities of Children’s Ministry and outreach to the larger community. Interested candidates should complete our application and submit it along with a resume and letter of interest by dropping it off at our office. Our application and more information on this position can be found by visiting sierrapres.com

ALL CHURCH FALL CLEAN UP Saturday, October 22 8:00 am– 12:00 pm

Join us in pouring love into our church campus while getting to enjoy fellowship with other SPC members. We will have coffee and doughnuts at 7:45am before we start in on the clean up and a pizza lunch will be provided. We will need pruners, people to pull weeds, rake pine needles & leaves, window washers, kitchen & table cleaners, and anyone else who enjoys working as a team to main-tain our beautiful church property. We encourage you to sign up with your family, small group, or just as an individual. Sign-up sheets are available at the CONNECT center in the Sanctuary lobby.

Remember many hands make for light work!

Thanks, Jeff & the Properties Team

Upholstery Cleaners If you’re looking for an easy way to serve within SPC then you might be interested in signing up to help clean some upholstered chairs. Sign up with others from your small group or bible study! We will provide all the equipment. Contact the office to sign up! (530) 365-3291

Page 13: Contents & Staff 2 - Amazon S3 · your lifetime for Jesus sake. This may include your marriage, your kids or grandkids or other followers of Jesus. Unfortunately, this could be a

HEALING PRAYER—Prayer for God's healing touch on any area of your life is offered after each Sunday worship service in the Prayer Room. On the third Sunday of each month, Prayer Stations are set up inside the Sanctuary. All prayers are strictly confidential. Please contact our Prayer Team Leaders Dave & Linda Anderson for more information. Healing Rooms of Nevada County takes place on the 1st & 3rd Thursday evening of each month, from 7-8:30pm at Sierra Nevada Memorial Hospital in the Chapel—Located at 155 Glasson Way. Enter through the main entry doors. Christian prayer for healing in a small group setting. For more information, please call 478-1478.


Thomas Akin Army Betz, Family Friend Rick Atmospera U.S. Army– Hawaii The Shurtz, Son-In-Law Jason Bailey U.S. Army Rangers Dennis & Bobbie Bailey Matthew Doyle U.S. Navy– Aircraft Carrier Judy Doyle, Son Matt Dusch U.S. Army Warrant Officer, Ft. Hood, Texas The Shurtz, Stepson Anthony Gannuscio Helicopter Pilot, Afghanistan Bert & Shirley Binder, Nephew Anthony Gilleland Marines– Staff Sgt., Afghanistan Bob & Gladys Joost, Great Nephew Shane Hayle Marines, Iraq Betz, Family Friend Casey Haynes Iraq Tish Wathen, Neighbor's Son Casey Lee U.S. Army, Colorado Springs, Colorado Greg Lee, Son Matthew Nesselroad U.S. Army Reserves Dick & Joan Ortlieb, Grandson Megan Meinholz U.S. Army, Major The Spreiers, Daughter Jeff Price Afghanistan The Pleski’s, Daughter Phillip Pelikan Chaplain, Lt. Commander, USS Essex, Karen Tyner Alec Schreiber Lance Corp. USMC Camp Pendleton, Ca Paul Schreiber, Grandson Matt Schreiber M/Sgt. USMC Okinawa Paul Schreiber, Son Matthew Ward Afghanistan Charles & Norma Black, Nephew Walter Wiggins U.S. Army Special Forces Nate & Betty Beason BACK HOME: Larry Moorhead U.S. Air Force, Tech Sgt, Kandahar Afghanistan Beth & Jack Moorhead, Grandson

Prayer & Healing

Harvest the fruits of God’s love! He offers love, forgiveness and healing for the asking. Step into the Prayer Room following any worship service. Trained prayer warriors will listen, and pray with you in confidentiality. Prayer stations are offered on the 3rd Sunday in the sanctuary as well.

Other prayer times are available by request. Contact Dave or Linda Anderson, Prayer Team Leaders.

Page 14: Contents & Staff 2 - Amazon S3 · your lifetime for Jesus sake. This may include your marriage, your kids or grandkids or other followers of Jesus. Unfortunately, this could be a

Sundays—9am Traditional / 10:30am Contemporary

Coming Up: 10/01— Discovery Membership Class, 8:30-Noon 10/14-16—Men’s Retreat, Grizzly Creek Ranch, Portola 10/14-15 Craft Faire 10/22-- All-Church Work Day, 7:45-Noon, 10/29—Discover Your Place in Ministry, 8:30-12:30pm 10/30—Blended Single Worship Service, 10:00am 12/04—Messiah Concert

EVERY Sunday:

EVERY Monday:

EVERY Tuesday:

EVERY Wednesday:

EVERY Thursday:

EVERY Friday:

EVERY Saturday:

Worship Services: 9:00 Traditional 10:30 Contemporary

PRAISERCISE for Women: 7:30am to 9am - Activity Room

Men’s Bible Breakfast: 6:30am Library

PRAISERCISE for Women: 7:30am to 9am - Activity Room

SIERRA WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY 9am in Ryosa beginning Sept. 16

PRAISERCISE for Women: 7:30am to 9am - Activity Room


Stephen Minister Supervision—2nd

& 4th Mondays, 11am-1pm

SPC Staff Meeting 10-11:30—Library

Christian Women in Stitches Quilting Group Meets on the 3rd Wed. 10-2:30 in Room C

Men’s Small Grp 1 6;30-8/Prayer Rm Men's Small Grp 2 8:00-9:30am (Room B)

CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS: 9:00am Childcare & 10:30am Programs




Worship Planning Meeting 1:00pm Pete’s Office

ankor Youth: 5:30-7:30pm Hatcher 1

Grief & Loss Support Group 10am-11:30am Room A 1st & 3rd Thursdays

ankor Youth: 10:30-11:30 “ankored” Meet in Hatcher

Third Sunday Worship Practice

5-6:30pm in the Sanctuary


Locations change (call SPC office)

*Praise Band Practice: 7:30-9pm *AV Rehearsal 7:15pm-8:30pm

Choir Rehearsal Thursday 3:30pm & 7:00pm Bell Choir 5:15pm beginning

2nd & 4th Sunday of each month: The GATHERING For Families-4:30pm

Stephen Ministers Training

Mondays (Meets weekly)

The Legacy Journey

Meets weekly Beginning Sept 15

Primary Purpose AA Group-Hatcher 1 6:30-8:30pm

AA Group- Hatcher 3 11am-12pm

Sierra Kid’s Club 5:30-7:00pm on the

same night as the GATHERING (2nd & 4th Sunday)

AA Group Hatcher 3—12-1pm Sierra Services for the Blind—1st & 3rd WEDNESDAYS 1:30-3pm—Room B

(Events in italics are outside groups)

Contact Jeanne Kraft

with any Calendar


Page 15: Contents & Staff 2 - Amazon S3 · your lifetime for Jesus sake. This may include your marriage, your kids or grandkids or other followers of Jesus. Unfortunately, this could be a

Elder Reports Due

Mom’s 4

Moms 9:30am Ryosa

Staff Reports

Deacon Meeting 3pm—Rm B

Session Meeting 6pm—Library

Mission Team

4:30pm 4:30-6pm

Small Group Vision Team 10:45am

Nominating Team Noon


50th Anniversary of

1st SPC Worship Service



Eggstravaganza for Kids

WORK DAY 8:30am

Parish 3&5 Get-together

11:30am Ryosa Hall

Properties Team 10am — Rm B


Service-6:30pm 6:30pm

Road to Resurrection:Easter Event for Everyone!


GOOD FRIDAY Bethel Church


Spring Break--Mexicali Trip 19th-26th

SWAT Worship Planning Meeting 5:00pm—Library


BEGINS Turn clocks forward

1 hour

October 2016


2 3

4 5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12 13 14 15

16 Men return

from Men’s Retreat

17 18 19 20 21 22

23 24 25 26 27 28 29

Small Group Vision Team 11:45am

Deacon Meeting 5:30pm—Library

Properties Team 10am — Rm B

Mission Team 4:30pm 4:30-6pm


The Gathering 4:30-6:45pm Ryosa Hall

Sierra Kids Club


Elder Reports Due

Stephen Ministry Support 11am-1pm

Rm B

Christian Women

In Stitches 10:00am—Rm C

Grief Support Group

10:00am—Rm A

Memorial Service Bill Frisbee





Staff Reports Due

Session Meeting 5:30pm—Prayer 6pm—Ryosa Hall

Discovery Your Place In Ministry


All-Church Work Day 7:45-Noon

The Gathering 4:30-6:45pm Ryosa Hall Sierra Kids


Grief Support Group

10:00am—Rm A

The Legacy Journey

6:30--8:30pm Ryosa Hall

The Legacy Journey

6:30--8:30pm Ryosa Hall

The Legacy Journey

6:30--8:30pm Ryosa Hall

Stephen Ministry Support 11am-1pm

Rm B

CRAFT FAIR 10-4 pm -Friday-Ryosa Hall 9-3pm-Saturday-Ryosa Hall

30 One Service


Page 16: Contents & Staff 2 - Amazon S3 · your lifetime for Jesus sake. This may include your marriage, your kids or grandkids or other followers of Jesus. Unfortunately, this could be a