Analysing Contents Page Of A Music Magazine

Contents analysis final

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Page 1: Contents analysis final

Analysing Contents Page Of A Music Magazine

Page 2: Contents analysis final

Analysis of music magazine contents pageContents 1 – NME Dizzee Rascal

Page 3: Contents analysis final

Analysis of contents page

The main image is tanted to the side, this makes it more quirky then a straight face on image. It has also been taken like this to make it look not professional and more like a ‘snapshot’ that has just been printed off and stuck on. They have done this because it links with the title ‘Touring Special’

The bands are listed down the side as an index. They have done this so if you are not interested in the front cover artist you can find your favourite artist by using this. This technique brings in more readers as they will find it easy to find who they like. It is in red as it links with the ‘NME’ sign and it stands out next to the black page numbers.

The editors introduction to the magazine talks about what this issue about. This particular one is about ‘proper British gigging’ Where they have mentioned something in the article they have put the page number next to the keywords for the reader to easily find more information.

Drop cap has been used at the beginning of the article to stand out and look good.

A banner has been used to let the reader know clearly that this is the contents page. The masthead ‘NME’ which can also be seen as a logo is the same colour and style as the one on the front so it must all link throughout out the magazine.

There must be a date to let the reader know what issue they are on and if they are up to date.

The headers of different sections throughout the magazine have been separated into black boxes to make it clear they are different sections. Then there is a brief summary of what is on each page and the page number is in red to stand out and make it clear for the reader.

An option to subscribe to the magazine is used so the reader can save money. It gives you information on how to do this and shows past or future editions of the magazine. This has been separated off in the corner as an ‘extra’ for the reader.

Page 4: Contents analysis final

Analysing music magazine contentsContents 2 – Vibe Kanye West

Page 5: Contents analysis final

Analysis of contentsThe image of Kanye West who is featured on the front cover of the magazine has been placed to the left thirds of the page. This has been done because the contents text will go on the right side. A filter has been used on this page to make everything black and white except the paper heart the hand is holding in front of Kanye West. This suggests that the article on Kanye West is about his love life and how he has ‘given his heart to a girl’. The filter makes the heart stand out as it is the only thing on the page in colour and it is red.

The Masthead or logo has cleverly been placed behind Kanye West. The reader will know that the 2 lines going downwards represent the letter ‘V’ because the magazine is called ‘Vibe’. The title Contents has been split. Instead of it going straight across the top like a banner it uniquely fits into the top right third.

This writing is called the Byline. It is giving credit to the photographer and editor who designed this page. This lets the reader acknowledge who they are. It usually anchors the main image.

Every magazine must have a date so the reader knows what issue they are reading and can keep up to date. This magazine has put the date in the typical place under the word contents put it is in italics and it only says ‘1/’3 meaning the 1st March.

The Headings (Feature and Fashion) are in a different text and are in bold. This is used to make it clearer for the reader and making them stand out.

The page numbers are also in bold making it clearer as it separate them from the brief description of what is on that page.

Here is another Byline giving credit to who photographed Kanye West. It also tells you where it was shot and the date.

On this contents page there is not a editors letter or anything said by the editor like on some magazines. This shows that this magazine has a different target audience.