Content Strategy | Page 1 Content Strategy: Lungsandyou.com April 3, 2014

Content Strategy | Page 1 Content Strategy: Lungsandyou.com April 3, 2014

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Content Strategy: Lungsandyou.com

April 3, 2014

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Current Content Quality

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Current State Analysis: knowCOPD.com

General Observations

• Summary content for the recently diagnosed is for the most part useful and clearly presented.

• The site fares less well supporting afflicted users and does not provide information or access to resources that might make managing the disease and staying healthy easier.

• Despite the singular focus of the content on the website, there is too much redundancy and repetition on different pages.

• Some critical content (such as quit smoking) is low quality, primarily because it is not detailed enough.

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Current State Analysis: KnowYourCOPD

Content Quality varies across the current section site. Below is an illustration of content quality per site section

• Trouble Breathing?

• Living With?

• Just Diagnosed?

(add specific numbers)

(add specific numbers)

(add specific numbers)

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Current State Analysis: KnowYourCOPD

Tertiary Content QualitySome of the site’s most critical content is linked to via the footer; However, some of this content is also of low quality, and its position may make it difficult for users to locate and re-locate.




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Reasons for Low/Medium Content QualityReasons for suboptimal content quality include lack of sufficient detail to be meaningful to users; lack of relevance in a specific context; and redundancy. Most content is tonally appropriate and clear.

Current State Analysis: KnowYourCOPD

Lack of Detail

Lack of Opportunities for Engagement





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Content Coverage and Gap


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Strategic Goals of New Site

• Lungsandyou.com can not be the resource that users go to again and again to understand everything about COPD.

• However, it can be a practically focused guide that orients, educates, and supports them at various points in their experience with COPD.

• Informative and supportive content may be added to the sites that address user needs that are currently unmet, but that have a direct bearing on quality of life.

• The overall tone of the site can be reworked to be friendly, supportive, and uplifting, to help users sustain a positive attitude, which is an important factor in treatment.

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Current State Analysis: KnowYourCOPD• We have chosen to analyze content according to type of broad user

need it is intended to address: Learn About COPD, Cope with COPD, or Take Action (Do)

• As depicted in the diagram below, content for the current site is primarily oriented to learning about COPD. Significantly less information is available about coping with it.





KnowCOPD content

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User Considerations

Current State Ideal Outcome

QOL Negatively Impacted

High QOL

User’s Desired Outcome

Content/Knowledge Gap


To bridge the gap, users Require:• Information about specific actions to take (exercise, maintenance therapy)• Information about supporting organizations • Information about how to get support from from others• Emotional support leading to non-judgmental acceptance of condition


• Critical gaps exist in the patient’s ability to understand and manage their disease, and thereby effect change. Additional information and support should be provided by the site to help bridge this gap.

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User Considerations

Additional User Groups Not Currently Served by

KNOWCopd.comGroup Needs

Caregivers • Links to resources• Content devoted to managing/coping• Practical advice for limiting exacerbations, stress

Women • Why COPD is sometimes misdiagnosed• Understanding of specific risks to women

Long-Term Users Living With COPD

• Specifics of oxygen therapy• Inspirational content• Information on measuring your own symptoms• Information on managing depression

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Gap Analysis

• Learn content is most useful for providing basics about COPD and diagnosis.

User Need Content Quality

Learn who is likely to get COPD

Learn about COPD

Learn about disease progression

Learn whether I have COPD

Learn about treatment options

Learn why I’m having breathing difficulties

Learn how to share with friends/family

User Need Content Quality

Learn about lung disease

Learn about lung disease tests

Learn about programs to help manage

Learn about treatment side effects

Learn what physicians think

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Gap Analysis

User Need Content Quality

Cope by establishing a support network

Cope with feelings of guilt and fear

Cope by seeing hope for a positive QOL

Cope by understanding treatability

Cope by learning to recognize exacerbations

Cope by becoming part of a support group

User Need Content Quality

Cope by recognizing and managing stress

Cope with depression and anxiety

Cope by learning how to communicate effectively

Cope by hearing from others

Cope by learning to re-establish identity

• Cope content is generally perfunctory or non-existent.

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Gap Analysis• Do content on the site succeeds at enabling the user to open

a dialog and work with their doctor. However, many more additional resources and tactics could be offered/linked to.

User NeedContent Quality

Discuss how I’m doing with my doctor

Change lifestyle and environment to minimize exacerbations

Get support and tools for quitting smoking

Get personalized information

Do things to promote emotional balance

Take Medication on Schedule

Maintain cardiovascular health

User NeedContent Quality

Create a long-term plan to manage COPD

Change my diet to promote well-being

Advocate for COPD Patients

Find a doctor/facility

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Future State

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Future State Observations

• Site will include content devoted to helping groups, including not currently accomodated user groups, find information about how to learn, cope, and do. (note that some of this content will also be used for the lungsandyou.com site).



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Future State Observations: Learn

• Much of the learn content from Knowcopd.com can be retained with some minor re-tooling.

Content Element

What COPD Is and Isn’t

COPD Symptoms and Progression

Just Diagnosed?

COPD Essentials

Chronic bronchitis


Medications for COPD

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Future State Observations: Learn• High priority learn content to be added includes details around the impact

of smoking, specifics of disease progression and treatment, and content for women and caregivers

Need Create/Link To Source (if applicable)

Animation about how lungs are affected by smoking


Animation or depiction of how lungs may recover


Factoids – Benefits of giving up Create

Learn About Treatment Side Effects Link to Treatment Types brochures (COPD foundation)

http://www.copdfoundation.org/Learn-More/ Educational-Materials/Downloads.aspx

Learn about risk factors unique to women


Learn about disease progression Link to NIH/NHLB http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/health-topics/topics/copd/livingwith.html

Learn how to be a good caregiver Createl

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Future State Observations: Learn• Medium priority learn content to be added includes specifics of

testing and symptom measurement, oxygen therapy, and the concept of “controlled” COPD

Need Create/Link To Source (if applicable)

Learn about programs to help manage COPD

Link to Learn more breathe better


Learn about lung disease tests and symptom measurement

Link to NIH/NHLB http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/health-topics/topics/copd/livingwith.html

Learn about how COPD may not be controlled, even though you think it is


Learn about stages of COPD Link to COPD foundation

Embeddable content for other sites such as information factoids


Information about oxygen therapy Link to COPD foundation http://blog.copdfoundation.org/supplemental-oxygen-taking-the-first-steps/

Page of resources links Create

Caregiver resources links Create

Learn why COPD is sometimes misdiagnosed in women

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Future State Observations: Cope


Living with COPD?

• As noted above, much of the exsting cope content is cursory and should be supplanted or removed. However, one content area could be retained with minor revisions.

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Future State Observations: Cope

Need Create/Link to Source (if appropriate)

Cope by hearing from others Link to ALA Better Breathers page or Community page at My Fighting for Air

Link to social content



Cope by learning to communicate effectively


Cope by hearing what doctors have to say (KOL content)

Create (3rd party KOL)

Testimonials (initially text/imagery) Create

Cope by understanding nicotine addiction

Create (3rd party KOL?)

• High priority cope content to add should include KOL material about COPD and smoking cessation and hearing how others have successfully managed their disease

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Future State Observations: Cope

Need Create/Link To Source (if applicable)

Cope by learning to re-establish identity


Inspirational quotes http://www.lung.org/assets/documents/publications/lung-disease-data/rise-of-copd-in-women-full.pdf

Cope with depression and anxiety Create and link to COPD coping page at COPD foundation


Cope by managing stress Create

Cope by seeing hope for postive QOL Link to faces of COPD videos at COPD foundation


Cope by understanding how women are affected by COPD


Cope by knowing your limits as a caregiver


• Medium-priority cope content should be inspiration and provide users with tools to help manage their emotional state

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Future State Observations: Do

Content Element

Screener (re-worked)

Doctor discussion guides (reworked)

Make a management plan

• Content around driving users to self evaluate and discuss with their doctor should be retained (although content arisiing out of screener should be made more detailed).

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Future State Observations: Do

Need Create/Link To Source (if applicable)

Create a detailed long-term plan to manage COPD


Maintain cardiovascular health Create and link to COPD foundation brochure

Get support and tools to quit smoking

Create and link to freedom from smoking online (among other sites)

www.ffsonline.org (and others)

Support and tools for non-smokers


Do what I can to monitor my own symptoms


Get payment help Link to BI Patient Assistance Program


• High-priority do content to be added is focused around specific tools for smoking cessation and health management, as well as payment assistance information

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Future State Observations: Do

Need Create/Link To Source (if applicable)

Find a doctor/facility Link to AMA doctor finder (or medicare database)


Advocate for COPD patients Link to COPD Coalition COPD-coalition.org

Change my diet to promote well-being

Create and Link to COPD foundation brochure

Practical Tips Create

Provide apps to help improve QOL

Link to (links to come)

• Medium priority do content to be added includes a variety of tools that can help make a patient’s life easier.