Content Statement 12 Urban Disasters and Slums; Reformers Attack Urban Problems; Political Machines Run Cities Mr. Leasure 2014 – 2015 Harrison Career Center

Content Statement 12 Urban Disasters and Slums; Reformers Attack Urban Problems; Political Machines Run Cities Mr. Leasure 2014 – 2015 Harrison Career

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Page 1: Content Statement 12 Urban Disasters and Slums; Reformers Attack Urban Problems; Political Machines Run Cities Mr. Leasure 2014 – 2015 Harrison Career

Content Statement 12Urban Disasters and Slums;

Reformers Attack Urban Problems;

Political Machines Run Cities

Mr. Leasure2014 – 2015

Harrison Career Center

Page 2: Content Statement 12 Urban Disasters and Slums; Reformers Attack Urban Problems; Political Machines Run Cities Mr. Leasure 2014 – 2015 Harrison Career

What were some of the causes of housing problems in tenements in the late 19th century?Key Question #1

Page 3: Content Statement 12 Urban Disasters and Slums; Reformers Attack Urban Problems; Political Machines Run Cities Mr. Leasure 2014 – 2015 Harrison Career

..problems in tenements?

•The concentration of people in cities increased danger of disasters because people and buildings were packed closely together.

Page 4: Content Statement 12 Urban Disasters and Slums; Reformers Attack Urban Problems; Political Machines Run Cities Mr. Leasure 2014 – 2015 Harrison Career

..problems in tenements?

•As people flocked to cities, overcrowding became a serious problem.

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..problems in tenements?

• It was a serious problem for families who could not afford to buy a house.

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..problems in tenements?

•Such families usually lived in a rented apartment or tenement.

Page 7: Content Statement 12 Urban Disasters and Slums; Reformers Attack Urban Problems; Political Machines Run Cities Mr. Leasure 2014 – 2015 Harrison Career

..problems in tenements?

•A tenement is an apartment house that is usually run-down or overcrowded.

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..problems in tenements?

•Old buildings, landlord neglect, poor design, and little government control led to dangerous conditions in many tenements.

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..problems in tenements?

•Poor families could not afford to rent a place of their own and often moved in with other families to save money.

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..problems in tenements?

•This resulted in severely overcrowded tenements.

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..problems in tenements?

• Inadequate garbage pick-up also caused problems.

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..problems in tenements?

•Tenants sometimes dumped their garbage into the narrow air shafts between tenements.

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..problems in tenements?

•There was little fresh air, and the smell was awful.

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..problems in tenements?

•Many tenements had no running water.

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..problems in tenements?

•Residents had to collect water from a faucet on the street but it was often unsafe for drinking.

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..problems in tenements?

•Sewage flowed in open gutters and threatened to spread disease among tenement dwellers.

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..problems in tenements?

•A neighborhood with such overcrowded, dangerous housing was called a slum.

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How did reformers attack urban problems?Key Question #2

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..reformers attack problems?

•Many Americans were disgusted by poverty and slums.

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..reformers attack problems?

•Some people fought to reform, or create changes, that would solve these problems.

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..reformers attack problems?

•These people were known as urban reformers.

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..reformers attack problems?

•The social gospel movement provided one basis for these beliefs.

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..reformers attack problems?

•The social gospel movement aimed to improve the lives of the poor.

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..reformers attack problems?

•The most important concerns of the social gospel movement were labor reforms, such as abolishing child labor.

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..reformers attack problems?

•Some reformers inspired by the movement opened settlement houses.

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..reformers attack problems?

•Settlement houses helped the poor and immigrants improve their lives.

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..reformers attack problems?

•They offered services such as daycare, education, and health care to needy people in slum neighborhoods.

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..reformers attack problems?

•Many settlement house founders were educated middle-class women.

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..reformers attack problems?

• Jane Addams founded Chicago’s Hull House in 1889.

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..reformers attack problems?

•The Hull House soon became the model for other settlement houses in other cities.

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How did political machines affect city life in the late 19th century?Key Question #3

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..did political machines affect..?

•Political machines were another type of organization that addressed the problems of the city.

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..did political machines affect..?

•A political machine is an organization that influences enough votes to control a local government.

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..did political machines affect..?

•Political machines gained support by trading favors for votes.

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..did political machines affect..?

•For example, political machine bosses gave jobs or food to people who voted in their best interest.

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..did political machines affect..?

•The most famous political machine was Tammany Hall in New York City.

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..did political machines affect..?

•The Tammany Hall bosses stole large amounts of money from the city.

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..did political machines affect..?

•Despite the corruption, the political machines did a number of good things for the city.

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..did political machines affect..?

•They built parks, sewers, schools, roads, and orphanages in many cities.

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..did political machines affect..?

•Machine politicians helped immigrants find jobs or homes when they entered the United States.

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..did political machines affect..?

•Many immigrants gratefully supported the political machine after this kind of help.