Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics A Select Classified Bibliography of works in English, Arabic and Urdu up to 1975. by Muhammad Nejatullah Siddiqi Research Report No.1 International Centre for Research on Islamic Economics, King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah, and The Islamic Foundation, Leicester 1978

Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of

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Page 1: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of

Contemporary Literatureon

Islamic Economics

A Select Classified Bibliography

of works in English, Arabic and

Urdu up to 1975.


Muhammad Nejatullah Siddiqi

Research Report No.1

International Centre for Research on Islamic Economics,King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah,

andThe Islamic Foundation, Leicester


Page 2: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of

© The Islamic Foundation, 1978/1398 A.H.

Research on this project was co-sponsored by theKING ABDUL AZIZ UNIVERSITY, JEDDAH andTHE ISLAMIC FOUNDATION. LEICESTER.

ISBN 0 86037011 9

Published by:-THE ISLAMIC FOUNDATION223 London Road,Leicester,LE2 1ZE

Quran House,P.O. Box 30611,Nairobi,Kenya.

P.M.B. 3193,Kano,Nigeria.

Printed by Derbyshire Print, Station Road, Chesterfield, Derbyshire, England.

Page 3: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of

ForewordA bibliography is an indispensable aid to research. In view of the fact that the economicsof Islam is emerging as an academic discipline beginning to be taught at a number ofUniversities in the Muslim World the need to have a properly researched bibliography hasbecome too pressing to be ignored. A pioneering effort in this direction has been made byour brother and colleague, Dr. M. N. Siddiqi, Professor of Islamic Studies and formerlyReader in Economics, Muslim University, Aligarh, India. At the initiative of the King AbdulAziz University, Jeddah, and the Islamic Foundation, Leicester, he was assigned with theproject of writing a survey article covering the literature on economics of Islam in threemajor languages of the world: English, Arabic and Urdu and to prepare a bibliographyof the available literature. The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literatureavailable to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of literature 011 Islamiceconomics and one of the most exhaustive bibliographies on the economics of Islam.The paper was presented to the First International Conference on Islamic Economicsheld at Makka under the auspices of the King Abdul Aziz University from 21st to 26thFebruary, 1976. The bibliography given in the survey article has now been revised andexpanded. It is being offered as a research report for wider use.

Another effort to produce a bibliography of English and Urdu works has been made byanother of our colleagues, Mr. Muhammad Akram Khan, who has also written a surveyarticle which the Foundation proposes to publish as an Occasional Paper. His biblio­graphy has already been published from Pakistan. The present bibliography is, however,much more exhaustive and concentrates on only those works which are more substantive.All entries give, as far as possible, full bibliographical details.

This bibliography is being published as a Research Report of the Foundation. It is hopedthat all students of Islamic Economics will find it useful. The material referred to is enoughto establish the claim of Islamic economics as an academic discipline. We are sure muchmore specialised studies in this field will appear in the future. It is our intention to makethis bibliography more comprehensive and more up to date in its forthcoming editions.As such, we request our readers to assist us by pointing out gaps in our knowledge. Welook forward to their co-operation in making this bibliography more useful in the future.

The Foundation acknowledges its debt to the King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah, inco-sponsoring the present work and meeting a part of the expenses involved in procuringbooks and other material. We are particularly grateful to Dr. Muhammad Omar Zubeir,President, King Abdul Aziz University, Dr. Hasan Balkhi, Dr. Muhammad Ahmad Sakr andDr. Anas Zarqa for their help and encouragement. I am also indebted to my brother andcolleague Dr. M. M. Ahsan for helping us in the painstaking job of technical editing ofthe manuscript so as to achieve greater uniformity of style and presentation and for see­ing it through the press.

4 November, 197716 Dhu'I-Qa'dah 1397 A.H.

Khurshid Ahmad

Page 4: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of
Page 5: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of

CONTENTSEntry Numbers Page


2 ECONOMIC SYSTEM OF ISLAM 81-498 15Sources and Precedents 81-102 15

ii General ·. 103-166 16iii Comparative Studies ·. 167-181 20Iv Socialistic Trends ·. 182-208 21v Ownership ·. ·. 209-223 23

vi Land: Ownership and Tenure 224-242 24vii Sharecropping 243-244 26viii Partnership and Profit Sharing ·. 245-250 26

ix Consumption ·. 251-252 26x Business and Trade 253-260 26

xi fjisbah 261-273 27xii Co-operation 274-279 28xiii Hoarding ·. 280-282 28xiv Public Finance: General · . 283-299 28xv Public Finance: Zakat ·. 300-321 29

xvi Public Finance: 'Ushr, Kharaj, etc. ·. 322-329 31xvii Inheritance .. 330-333 32xviii Social Security 334-344 32xix Endowments 345-348 33xx Insurance · . 349-380 33

xxi Banking without Interest .. 381-422 35xxii Foreign Trade 423 38xxiii Labour and Industrial Relations 424-445 38xxiv Family Planning 446-472 40xxv Economic Development .. ·. 473-494 41xxvi Audit and Accounts 495-498 43


i Capitalism ·. 499-500 45ii Interest 501-533 45iii Commercial Interest 534-553 47iv RiM'I-Fagl ·. 554-555 49v Speculation and Stock Exchange 556-559 49vi Lottery 560-562 49vii Socialism and Communism 563-597 49viii Marxian Theories 598-599 51ix Socialism and Capitalism etc. 600-610 52


Page 6: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of

4 ECONOMIC ANALYSIS IN ISLAMIC FRAMEWORK 611-646 53General ·. 611---614 53

ii Consumption ·. 615 53iii Production and Enterprise 616-619 53

iv Profit-sharing ·. 620 54v Zakat ·. 621-627 54

vi Abolition of Interest 628-632 54vii Nature of Islamic Economics 633---647 55

5 HISTORY OF ECONOMIC THOUGHT IN ISLAM 648-691 57General 648-650 57

ii Ibn KhaldOn 651-664 57iii Ibn Taymlyah 665---667 58iv AbO YOsuf .. 668-672 58v Yal)yii ibn Adam ·. 673---675 59

vi AbO Ja'far Dimashql 676-677 59vii Na~lr ai-DIn 10s1 678-679 59viii Others 680---691 59

6 MISCELLANEOUS ·. 692-698 61

7 BIBLIOGRAPHIES ·. 699-700 63



Page 7: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of

Islami ma'ashiyat (IslamicEconomics) Hyderabad, IdaraIsha'at-e Urdu, 1947. 453p. (U)

Editor's Nole

In preparing a bibliography on a subject like Islamic economics one cannot make a claimof having covered all the available material, most of which is scattered in innumerableperiodicals published all over the world. To ensure availability of all this material in Indiaremains a dream as yet unfulfilled.

It is a selective bibliography mainly in two respects. Firstly, material published in Arabic,Urdu and English languages alone has been included in the bibliography, and secondly,material of a too general nature, articles and pamphlets that merely reproduced materialalready published elsewhere, as well as polemical literature have been excluded. Thebibliography does not include works on the economic history of the Muslim peoples, andthose relating to the current economic problems of the Muslim countries.

Within the classified divisions and sub-divisions, entries are arranged alphabeticallyaccording to the surname of the author, or the first word of the title in case of works withoutauthor. Such articles or prefixes as 'ai', 'the', 'De' have been ignored and the entry isarranged according to the first substantive word.

The transliteration scheme followed in this bibliography is given separately.

While titles of books and articles of non-English material have been invariably trans­literated, in case of authors' names this has been done sparingly, i.e. where a particularauthor has written both in Arabic or Urdu as well as in English, rendering of his name inEnglish has been adopted untampered. But in cases where an Arabic or Urdu writer'sname has appeared with various spellings in his English contributions, the spellings usedmore frequently have been chosen for entry to achieve greater consistency. Care has beentaken to correlate translations with their originals wherever possible. When known, ref­erence to earliest edition of a given work has also been provided. Names of Arabic andUrdu titles have been translated into English and given within parenthesis immediatelyafter the original title.

Each unit entry-article or book-has the following elements in the given sequence:

Book: Author (Surname, forename). Title (Italics). Englishtranslation in case of Arabic and Urdu titles (withinparenthesis). Place, Publisher, Date. Pages. (Lan­guage in case it is not English).

Example:GILANI, SyedMana~ir Absan

"The economic order within thegeneral conception of the Islamicway of life", Islamic Review (Lon­don) 55(2), Feb. 67: 24-26; 55(3),Mar. 67, 11-14.

Article: Author (Surname, forename). Title (within doublequotes" "). English translation in case ofArabic and Urdu titles (within parenthesis). Title ofthe periodical (Italics). Place of issue (within paren­thesis), volume no., Issue no. (within parenthesis),month. Year (without century since all items relateto 20th century, i.e. 19 .. ): inclusive pagination.(language in case it is not English).

Example:ABO SA'OD.MabmDd


Page 8: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of

Titles by anonymous authors have been listed with a blank space following the entrynumber.

The bibliography is followed by an author index. Names of the authors listed in the biblio­graphy appear in alphabetical order. The numbers noted against each author refer to thenumbering of entries in the bibliography. First the English titles have been listed. Thenthe letter 'A' in parenthesis indicates that the numbers that follow relate to the Arabictitles of the same author. Then come the numbers of the Urdu titles preceded by theletter 'U' in parenthesis. In all the three cases titles have been listed in chronologicalorder, those not dated having been placed in the beginning. Book titles appear in italics.

The following analysis of the author index will be of some interest:


Grand Total








Total number of authors involved is 406.

In the preparation of this bibliography I have received valuable co-operation from a numberof friends who supplied new entries or helped in transliteration. I am grateful to all thesefriends, especially to Mr. Ahmad Ashfaq, Documentation Officer in the Centre of WestAsian Studies, Muslim University, Aligarh, presently serving as Assistant Librarian, atthe University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran, for the invaluable technical assistanceprovided by him. Needless to state that I alone am responsible for any mistakes whichstill remain.

We are sure the well informed reader will find that some titles known to him fail to findmention in this bibliography. We shall be obliged if these are brought to our notice forinclusion in a subsequent edition. The same applies to bibliographical details missing insome of the entries.

M. N. Siddiqi.Department of EconomicsAligarh Muslim UniversityAligarh.26th January, 1976.


Page 9: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of


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Page 10: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of
Page 11: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of

Chapter 1.

Economic Philosophy of Islam[1-80]


2. 'ABO al-RASOL, 'All

5. ABO SA'OD, MabmDd

4. ABU 'I-MAKARIM, Zaidiin








7. ABO SULAIMAN,'Abdull;lamld Abmad




"Ma'lshat-e-lsliim: fikr-o-ni~iim" (Islam's economy:philosophy and system), Tarjuman al-Qur'an (Lahore)74(2),91-108; 74(3), 165-173. (U)

al-Mabadi'l-iqti$adiyah fi'I-lslam wa'l-bina' al-iqti$adlli'l-dawlat al-Islamiyah (Economic principles of Islamand the Economic structure of Islamic State). al­Qiihirah, Diir al-Fikr al-'Arabl, 1968. 294p. (A)

"Ma'iilim ai-TarIq: al-niiblyah al-iqti$iidlyah" (Guide-posts of the road: The Economic aspect), al-Muslimoon (Dimashq), 3(5), July 55: 20-25. (A)

Bina' al-iqti$ad fi'I-lslam (Structure of economy inIslam). al-Qiihirah, al-Diir al-'Arablyah, 1951.210p. (A)

"The Economic Order within the General Con­ception of the Islamic Way of Life", Islamic Review(London) 55(2), Feb. 67: 24-26; 55(3), Mar. 67: 11-14.

KhutCit ra'isiyah fi'l-iqti$ad al-Islami (Salient Featuresof Islamic Economy). Beirut, Matba'ah Ma'tDq Ikhwiin,1965. 96p. (A)

Na?arlyat aI-Islam al-iqti$adiyah: al-falsafah wa'l­wasa'il al-mu'a$irah (Economic Theory of Islam: ThePhilosophy and Contemporary Means). al-Qiihirah,Diir Mi$r li'I-Tibii'ah, 1960. 124p. (A)

"The Theory of the Economics of Islam: The Econ­omics of Tawhld and Brotherhood; Philosophy,Concept and Suggestions", in: Contemporary As­pects of Economic and Social Thinking in Islam.Gary, Indiana, M.S.A. of U.S. & Canada, 1973: 26-78.

Economic Doctrines of Islam. Lahore, IslamicPublications, 1974. 3v. v.l, 224p.; v.II, 275p. v.1I1 273p.

10. ALAVI, Q. Ahmadur Rahman "An Introduction to the Economic Philosophy ofIslam", Islamic Literature (Lahore) 2(4), Apr. 50: 25-34.

11. 'ALI, Ibriihlm Fu'iid Abmad "Nabwa iqtiSad Islaml mutabarrir" (Towards a freeIslamic Economy), al-Wa'y al-Islami (Kuwait) (109),Jan. 74: (114), June 74: 99-103. (A)

12. ALI, Syed Ahmad Economic Foundations of Islam-a Social and Econ­omic Study. Calcutta, Orient Longmans, 1961. 203p.


Page 12: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of

13. AMINI, Mubammad Taql

14. al-'ARABY, Mubammad'Abdullah

Tahdhlb kl jadldtashki/(Reconstruction of Civilization).Delhi, Nadwat al-Mu~annifrn, 1974. 339p. (U)

"Economics in the Social Structure of Islam",World Muslim League (Singapur) 3(7), July-Aug. 66:10-25.

18. ASHRAF, Mubammad

19. ASHRAF, ShaikhMubammad

22. DASTGIR, Ghulam

20. BABULLI, MabmGdMubammad

23. al-FANJARI,Mubammad Shauql

25. al-FASI, 'Allal

24. FARlDl, Fazlur Rahman










" "





al-Iqtiljad al-Islaml fl tatblqihi 'ala'l-mujtama' al­mu'aljir (Islamic Economics as applied to Con­temporary Society). Kuwait, Maktabah al-Manar, n.d.(A)

"Some Aspects of Islamic Economics", IslamicThought (Aligarh) 6(2), Mar-Apr. 57: 8-19.

Ta'alim aI-Islam al-iqti$adlyah (Economic Teachingsof Islam). Kuwait, Maktabah al- Manar, n.d. (A)

"l;lu<;lGr Anwar $allallah'alaihi wa~allam aur ma'ashini~am" (The Prophet of Allah, peace be upon him,and the Economic System), Bayyinat (Karachi) 16, (6),Aug. 70: 22-40.(U)

"Islaml ma'lshat" (Islamic Economy), SalsaM (Kar­achi) 8, July70: 19-23. 208p. (U)

AI-Iqtiljad fl rjau' al-sharl'at al-Islamlyah (Economicsin the light of Islamic Law). Beirut, Dar al-Kitab al­Lubnanl, 1975. (A)

"Kha~a'i~ al-iqti~ad al-Islaml" (Characteristics ofIslamic Economy), Nadwat al-Mul)at;Jarat, Rabitat al­'Alam aI-IslamI, Makka, 1969: 79-102. (A)

Islam ke ma'ashi taljawwurat (Economic Concepts ofIslam), Karachi, 'Abbasi Kutub Khana (U)

al-Madkhal ila'l-iqti$ad aI-IslamI (Introduction toIslamic Economics). al-Qahirah, Dar al-Nah<;lat at­'Arablyah,1972. V.1235p. (A)

Nature and Significance of Economic Activity inIslam. Aligarh, Muslim University, TheologicalSociety, n.d. 19p.

"Islam ka ma'ash! na~arlyah" (Economic Theory ofIslam), Fikr-o-Na?ar (Islamabad) 7(11), May 70:814-30. (U)

al-Naqd a/-Dhali (Self Criticism). Beirut, Dar al­Kashshaf, 1966. 477p. (A)


28. GILANI, SayyidMana:j:ir Absan

"Economic Principles of Islam", Islamic Studies(Islamabad), 8(1), Mar. 69: 1-8.

"Ahammlyat al-iqti~ad fl Qau' al-sunnah" (Impor­tance of Economics in the light of Sunnah), al-Ba'thal-lslami(Lucknow) 10(4), Dec. 65: 55-61. (A)

29. " "Islaml ma'asniyat (Islamic Economics). Hyderabad,Idara Isha'at-e-Urd G, 1947. 453p. (U)


Page 13: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of

30. HAMEEDULLAH, Mubammad "Review on J. Hans: Homo Oeconomicus Islamicus(Vienna, Austria, Joh. Sen. Klegnfurt, 1952. 144p.)with a map showing Foreign Investment in MuslimPetro Countries", Islamic Quarterly (London) 2(2),July 55: 142-146.

31. I;iAMODA, 'Abd "Siyasat ai-mal fi'I-lslam" (Financial Policy inal-Wahhab Islam), Liwa' aI-Islam 13(10), Dec. 59: 592-594. (A)

32. I;iASAN, l;iasan IbrahIm Islam: A Religious, Political, Social and EconomicStudy. Beirut, Khayats, 1967.

33. I;iASAN al-BANNA, Shaikh Mushkilatuna fi rJau' al-ni?am al-Islami (Our Prob­lems in the light of Islamic System). al-Qahirah,Daral-Kitab al-'Arabl, 1952. 96p. (A)

34. HUDA, M. N. "Islam and Economics", in: Some Economic AspectsofIslam, Karachi,Motamar Alam-e-Islami, 1965: 15-26.

35. I;iUSAINI, Abmad al- 'Iml wa'l-mal fi'I-lslam (Knowledge and Wealthin Islam). al-Qahirah, Dar al-Tabrlr li'l-Tiba'ahwa'I-Nashr, 1971. 126p. (A)

36. IBRAHIM, 'Issa 'Abdou "l;iaula al-siyasat al-iqtil?adlyah" (Regarding Econ­omic Policies), al-Muslimoon (Dimashq), 3(1), Mar.55: 52-55. (A)

37. IDRIS, Gaafar "Economics Sans Man Sans Purpose: reviewArticle on J. K. Galbraith's Economics and thePublic Purpose", Impact (London) 4(12), 28 June, 11July74:8.

38. JA'FARI, Ra'is Abmad Islam aur 'adl-o-iQsan (Islam, Justice and Benevo­lence). Lahore, Idara-e-Thaqiifat-e-Islamiyah, 1960.391 p. (U)

39. JAMI'AH FU'AD al-AWWAL, al-Iqtil?ad fl c,lau' ai-Islam (Economics in the light ofKULLlYAT al-TIJARAH, Islam) al-Qahirah, Dar al-Kitab al-'Arabl, 1951.JAM'IYAT al-DIRASAT al- 114p. (A)ISLAMIYAH

"Daulah ta'awunlyah wa ummah muta'awanah" (Co­operative State and a Cooperating People), al-Azhar(Cairo) 29(4), Oct. 57: 289-294. (A)

"Islam kl ma'ashl aqdar" (Economic Values ofIslam), Sayyarah (Lahore) 16 (xvi), 27-31. (U)

"Nabwa iqtil?ad Islami mutabarrir" (Towards a FreeIslamic Economy), al-Wa'y al-Islami (Kuwait) (113),May 74: 32-37. (A)

"Islaml ma'ashiyat" (Islamic Economics), Burhan(Deihl) 12(2), Feb. 44: 125-132. (U)

"Islam as a Modren Social Force", DevelopingEconomics.

40. KAGAYA, Kan

41. KHAN, Mubammad'Abdur Rabman

42. KHAN, MubammadMurtac,la

43. ai-KHATIB, 'Abd ai-KarIm

44. ai-KHATIB,Mu bibb al-Dfn

45. " ""ai-Mal fl ni~am ai-Islam", (Wealth in Islamic System)al-Azhar (Cairo) 26 (17,18), May 55: 945-953. (A)


Page 14: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of

46. al-KHAULI, Amln


48. al-LABBAN, IbrahIm

49. MAUDOODI, SyedAbul Ala

50. " "

51. " "

52. " "

53. al-MI$RI, 'Abd al-Saml'

54. MOULAVI, C. N. Ahmad

Fi Amwalihim (In their Wealth). Cairo. Dar al-HanaIi 'I Tiba'ah, 1963, 142p. (A)

Islam and the Contemporary Economic Challenges.Xerox Unpublished, 1973.

"Haqq al-fuqara' fl Amwal al-Aghniya'" (Right ofthe Poor in the Wealth of the Rich). Kitab al-mu'tamaral-awwal Ii majma' al-bul)ath al-Islamiyah, Cairo,Mar. 64. (A)Eng. Tr. "The Right of the Poor to the Wealth of theRich", al-Azhar (Cairo) Mar. 64: 167-187.

"Economic and political teachings of the Quran" inSharif, M. M. (ed.) A History of Muslim Philosophy,V. I. Wiesbaden, Otto Harrassowitz, 1963: 178-90.

The Economic Problem of Man and its Islamic Solution.Lahore, Islamic Publications, 1975. 40p.

"Ma'ashiyat-e-Islam (Economics of Islam). Lahore,Islamic Publications, 1969. 436p. (U)

"Principles and Objectives of Islam's EconomicSystem", Criterion (Karachi), 4(2), Mar-Apr. 69:44-58.

Na?ariyat aI-Islam al-iqti~adiyah (Economic Theoryof Islam). al-Qahirah, Maktabah al-Anjal [j al-Mi~­

rlyah, 1972. 246p. (A)

Principles and Practice of Islamic Economy tr. fromMalyalam by K. Hasan. Calicut (Kerala, India) AnsariPress, 1964. 200p.

55. MUSLEHUDDIN, Muhammad Economics and Islam. Lahore, Islamic Publications,1974. 112p.


57. NADWI, 'Abd al-Barl

Motivation for Economic Achievement in Islam".Lahore, All Pakistan Educational Congress, 1974.50p.

Tajdid-e-ma'ashiyat (Reconstruction of Economics).$idq-e-Jadld Book Agency, 1955. 518p. (U)

58. ai-NAJJAR, Abmad

59. " "

al-Madkhal ila'l-na?ariyat al-iqti~adiyah fi'l-minhajal-Islami. (Introduction to Economic Theory in theFramework of Islamic Methodology). Beirut, Daral-Fikr, 1973. 315p. (A)

al-Na?ariyat al-iqti$adiyah fi'I-lslam (Economic The­ory of Islam). al-Qahirah, Dar al-TabrJr li'I-Tiba'ahwa 'I-Nashr, 1973. 85p (A)

60. PARWEZ, G. A.

61. QADRI, Sayyid Abmad

Quranic Economics. Lahore, Quranic ResearchCentre, n.d. 24p.

"Islaml ma'a~hiyat ke chand rahnuma u~[jl"

(Some guiding principles of Islamic Economics),Zindagi(Rampur) 41(2), Aug. 68: 31-40. (U)


Page 15: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of

62. QUTB, Sayyid

63. QUTB, Mu~ammad

al- 'Adalat al-ijtima'lyah fi'I-lslam (Social Justicein Islam). 7th ed. 1967 294p. (A). (First published in1948). Urdu tr. by Siddiqi, Muhammad Nejatullah:Islam mel) 'adl-e ijtima'. Lahore, Islamic Publi­cations, 1969. 576p. English tr.: Social Justice inIslam by John D. Hardie, American Council ofLearned Societies, New York, 1970, 298p.

Shubhtit !)aul aI-Islam (Islam: the MisunderstoodReligion). Beirut, Dar al-Shuruq, 1973. 242p. (A)(First published in 1953). English Tr.: Islam: theMisunderstood Religion, Islamic Publications,Lahore, 1972. 199p.

64. RAFI'UDDIN '''Usus al-iqti!;iad al-Islaml'" (Fundamentals ofIslamic Economics) al-Ba'th al-Islaml (Lucknow)8(1), Sept. 63: 32-40 (A)

65. RA'OF al-I;lASAN, "Islam ke iqti!;iadi nazariyat" (Economic theoriesShaikh of Islam) al-Balagh (Karachi) 3(10), Jan. 70: 15-23. (U)

66. RIJ;>WI, Sayyid Zahid Qai!;iar "Islam mel) daulat-o-iflas ka tawazun" (Balancingbetween wealth and poverty in Islam), Burhtin(Delhi) 12(2), Feb. 44: 133-150. (U)

67. SHALBI, A~mad

68." "

69. al-SHARBASI, A~mad

70. al-SIBA'I, MU!;itafa

71. $IDDIQI, 'Abdul I;lamld

72. $IDD1QI, Mu~ammadMalharuddln

73. $IDDIQI, Mu~ammadNejatullah

74. $IDDIQI, Na'lm

75. $IDDIQ1, $iddlq Jamal

76. SYED, J. W.

al-I:fayat al-ijtima'lyah fi'l-tafkJr al-Islaml (Social lifein Islamic Thought). al-Qahirah, Maktabah al­Nahc;lat al-Mi!;irlyah, 1968 392p. (A)

al-Siyasah wa'l-iqti$tid fi'l-tafklr al- al-Islaml (Politicsand Economics in Islamic Thought). al-Qahirah,Maktabah al-Nahl;lat al-Mi!;irlyah, 1964. (A)

aI-DIn wa'l-mujtama' (Religion and Society) al­Qahirah, al-Matba't al- 'Arablyah, 1970. 255p. (A)

IshtirakJyat aI-Islam (Socialism of Islam) 2nd ed.Dimashq, Mu'assasa al-Matbu'at al- 'Arabiya, 1960.423p. (A)

"Islam ka falsafa-e-ma'ashiyat" (Economic Philo­sophy of Islam), Chiragh-e-Rah (Karachi), Sept. 51:17-36. (U)

Islam ka ma'ashi na~ariya (Economic Theory ofIslam) 2nd ed. Lahore, Idara-e-Thaqiifat-e-Islamiyah,1955. 92p. (U)

"Economics of Islam", Islamic Thought (Aligarh)14(3),71: 22-33.

"Chand ma'ashiyiitl ~aqlqatel)" (Some EconomicTruths) Tarjuman al-Qur'an (Lahore) 33(6), May 50:340-360. (U)

Islam aur ma'lshat (Islam and the Economy) Hy­derbad (On), Nizam Silver Jublee Press, nd. 64p.(U)

"Islam and Material Progress", Islamic Literature(Lahore) 6(7), July 54: 15-9.


Page 16: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of

77. al-TAI:lAWI, Ibrahim

78. TAsIN, Mubammad

79. 'UTHMAN, ShaikhMubammad

80. 'UTHMANI, MubammadFahlm

al-iqti$ad al-Islami madhhaban wa nqaman wa di­rasah muqaranah. (Islamic Economics-a School ofThought and a System, a Comparative Study).al-Oahirah, Majma' al-Bubuth al-Islamiyah, 1974.2v. 616,400p. (A)

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"'slaml ma'ashiyat: tana'uum wa 'aish koshl"(Islamic Economics: Affluent and Luxurious Living),al-f;laqq (Karachi), 5, Aug. 70: 39-48. (U)


Page 17: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of

Chapter 2.

Economic System of Islam[81-498]

i. Sources and Precedents: 81-102

81. 'ABD al-BARI "'Ahd-e-Hisham ka ma'ashl ja'izah" (EconomicSurvey of the reign of Hisham) Ma'arif (Azamgarh)110(4), Oct. 72: 267-281. (U)

82. ai-AFGHANI, Sa'ld

83. AMINI, Mubammad Taql

Aswaq al-'Arab fi'l-jahiliyah wa'I-lslam (The ArabMarkets during Jahiliyyah and Islam). Dimashq,Dar al-Fikr, 1960. 528p. (A)

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""""Khilafat-e-FarOql mel) arac;li kl tan~Im-o-tanslq"

(Land Organisation during the Caliphate of 'Umar),Ma'arif(Azamgarh), 91(6) June 63: 405--409. (U)

85. QANAWI, Mubammad 'All 'Umar bin 'Abd al-'Aziz fi'I-Qukm wa'l-iqti~ad wa'l­qarja' ('Umar bin 'Abd al-'Azlz: Governance, Econ­omics and Justice) Beirut, ai-Dar al-'Arablyah,1966. (A)


86. FARIQ, Khurshld Abmad

87." "

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90. GIBB, H. A. R.

88. " ""Daur-e-l:iaidarl ka iqti!?adr ja'izah" (EconomicSurvey of the Era of 'All), Burhan (Delhi) 65(6),Dec. 70: 392-409 (U)

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91. GOITEIN, S. D. A Mediterranean Society, Vol. I Economic Foundation-the Jewish Communities of the Arab World asportrayed in the documents of the Cairo Geniza.Berkley, Calif., Univ. of California Press, 1967. 550p.


Page 18: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of


92. I;lAMEEDULLAH, Mu bam mad JahiJiyat-e-'Arab I<e ma'ashT n,.{am I<a athar pehITmamlal<at-e-Islamiya I<e qiyam par (Impact of theEconomic System of Arab Jahiliyah Period on theEstablishment of the First Islamic State). Hyderabad(Dn.), Habib Co., 1362 A.H. 103p. (U)

Bayt ai-Mal and Banks in the Medieval MuslimWorld", Islamic Culture, 34(1), Jan. 60: 22-30.

94. KISTER, M. J. "The Market of the Prophet" Journal of the Economicand Social History of the Orient (Leiden) 8(3), Jan.65: 272-276.

99. SHALBI, MabmOd

98. al-SHAFI'I, Abmad

95. RA'NA, 'Irfan MabmOd

97. $ALlI;l, Mubammad Amln

Economic System under Omar the Great. Lahore,Mubammad Ashraf, 1970. 152p.

al-Kharaj wa'l-nu{um al-maliyah fi'I-lsltim !)atlamunta$if al-Qarn al-thalith al-hijri (Kharaj and theFinancial Systems in Islam till the Middle of theThird Century Hijra) Ph.D. Thesis, Kulliyat al-Adab,Jami'ah al-Qahirah, 1959. (A)

al-Nu{um al-iqti$tidiyah fT Mi$r wa'l-Shtim fT $adrai-Islam (Economic Systems in Egypt and Syria inthe beginning of the Islamic Era). al-Qahirah, Mak­tabah Sa'id Rifa't, 1971. 228p. (A)

al-Ni{am al-iqti$adT fi 'ahd 'Umar bin al-Khatttib(Economic System in the Era of 'Umar bin Khattab)Ph.D. Thesis, Cairo University. (A)

Ishtiral<Tyatu Mu!)ammad (Socialism of Mubammad)Cairo, Maktabat al-Qahirah al- I;ladlthah, 1962. (A)

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96. al-RIS, Mubammadf;liya' ai-DIn

102. $IDDrQr, MubammadM3?haruddln



ii. General: 103-166

103. ABA:~AH, IbrahIm DasOql

104." "

al-Iqti$ad al-Islami: muqawwimatuhCi wa minhtijuhii(Islamic Economics: its Elements and Methodology).Cairo, Dar al-Sha'b, 1974. (A)

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105. ABO SA'OO, MabmOd

106. ABO ZUHRA, Mubammad

"Economic Policy in Islam", Islamic Review (London)45(5), May 57: 7-15.

Tan{im ai-Islam li'l-mujtama'(lslamic Organisation ofSociety). Cairo, Maktabah al-AnjalO al-Mi~rlyah.208p.


107. al-'ADIL, Fu'ad al-'Adatat al-ijtima'iyah (Social Justice). Beirut,Dar al-Kitab al- 'ArabI, 1969. (A)


Page 19: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of

108. AFGHANI, Shams al-l;Iaqq "Islam ka ma'ashl ni~am" (Economic System ofIslam) Fikr-o-Na?ar (Islamabad) 2, 89-100; 3,276-284.(U)

109. AI;IMAD, Man?ur al-Rabman "Takwln jadld li'J-iqtii?ad al-Islaml" (Reconstructionof Islamic Economy). al-Ba'th al-Islami (Lucknow)13(10), July 69: 51-55; 14(1), Aug. 69: 58-64; 14(2),Sept. 69: 67-74. (A)

110. AMIN al-I;IAQQ "Ma'ashl bubran aur Islam (Economic Crisis andIslam) al-f;laqq (Pakistan) 5 (10), July 70: 41-48. (U)


115. CHAPRA, M. 'Umar

113. al- 'ASHMAwl, Yaqut

112. al- 'ARABY,Mu bammad 'Abdullah

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"Turuq istithmar al-amwal wa mauqif ai-Islamminha" (Islamic Viewpoint Regarding the Ways ofProductive Employment of Property) al-Azhar (Cairo)al-Mu'tamaral-thanlli majma' al-bu buth al-Islamlyah,May 65: 124-136. (A)

al-Khutut al-Kubra li'l-ni?am al-iqti~adi fi'I-lslam(Prominent Features of Economic System in Islam)al-Qahirah, al-Idarat al-'Ammah li'I-Thaqafat al­Islamlyah bi'I-Jami' al-Azhar, 1959. 32p. (A)

Political Economy of the Islamic State. Ph.D. Thesis,University of Southern California, 1970. 280p.

The Economic System of Islam-a Discussion of itsGoal and Nature. London, Islamic Culture Centre,1970. 54p.


116. FAII;>ULLAH,Mubammad Fawzi

"Minhaj ai-Islam fi'l-takaful al-ijtima'I" (IslamicMethod of Collective Responsibility) al-Wa'y al­Islami(Kuwait) 115, July 74: 52-61. (A)

117. GHAZNAVI, Syed Abu Bakr Circulation ofWealth in Islam. Lahore, Islamic Society,West Pakistan University of Engineering & Tech­nology. n.d. 14p.

118. al-GHAZZALI, Mubammad aI-Islam wa'l-awrja' al-iqti$adiyah (Islam and theEconomic Institutions). al-Qahirah, Dar al-Kutubal-l;Iadlthah, 1961. (First published in 1947). (A)

119. HAMEEDULLAH, Muhammad "The Economic System of Islam" in: Introductiontolslam./.I.F.S.O., 1970: 140-168.

120. 1;11 FZUR RAI;IMAN,Mubammad, Seoharwl

121. HUSAINI, S. Waqar Ahmad

122. Ibn 'ASH OR,Mubammad ai-Tahir

Islam Xii iqti$adT ni?am (Economic System of Islam).2nd ed. Delhi, Nadwat al-Mui?annifln, 1942. 359p. (U)

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Page 20: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of


124. 'Ill ai-DIN, MOsa

125. JAMA'AT-E-ISLAMfPakistan

127. KANDHLAWI,Ibtisham al-I;laqq

128. al-KATTANI,Mu bam mad al-Munta$ir

129. KHAN, I;lamid 'All

130. al-KHAULI, al-Bahl

131. MAKHLOF, I;lasnain

"al-Iqti$ad al-Islaml" (Islamic Economics) al- Fikral-lslami(Beirut) 1(8), June 70: 32-58. (A)

aI-Islam wa qa(faya al-Sa'ah (Islam and the Issuesof the Day). Beirut, Daral- Undulus, 1966. (A)

Manshor bara'e intikhabal 1970 (Manifesto for 1970Elections) Lahore, 20 December 1969. 40p. (U)

MaujOdah iqli$adi bul)ran aur Islami I)ikmal-e­ma'ishal (Contemporary Economic Crisis and theEconomic Policy of Islam). Compo by KhurshldAbmad and Na'lm $iddiql. Lahore, Shu'bah Nashr­o-lshl1'at, 1970. 271 p. (U)

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Mudhakkiral {i'l-amwal {i'I-lslam (Discourses onWealth in Islam). Dimashq, Kulilyat al-Sharl'ahbi-Jami'ah Dimashq. (A)

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134. al-MUBARAK, Mubammad



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Page 21: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of

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145. RODINSON, Maxime Islam and Capilalism, tr. by Brian Pearce. Suffolk,Allen Lane, 1974. 308 p. Arabic tr. Nuzbah al-I;lakim:ai-Islam wa'l-ra'smaliyah. Beirut, Dar al-Tall'ah, 1968.

146. SALIM, At)mad Musa ai-Islam wa qa(iayana'l-mu'a~irah (Islam and ourContemporary Problems). al-Qahirah, Dar al-Hanali'I-Tiba'ah, 1970.293 p. (A)

147. SHABANA, ZAKI Mat)mOd "Ma'alim ra'islyah iqti:?adiyah Islamlyah Ii mu­wajaha al-mushkilat al-iqti:?adiyah al-t)aQimh" (Sali­ent Economic Features of Islam for Meeting theChallenges of Present Economic Problems) al­Muslimoon (Dimashq) 3(2-6). (A)

148. SHAFI', Mufii Mu t)ammad "Distribution of Wealth in Islam", Muslim News Inler­national (Karachi) 7(8), Feb. 69: 5-10; 7(9), Mar. 69: 3-8.

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Some Aspects of Ihe Constitution and the Economicsof Islam. Woking, England, The Woking Mission &Literary Trust, 1967. 246 p. (First Published in 1957).


Page 22: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of

155. $IDDIQI, l;Iaidar ZamiilJ

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iii. Comparative Studies: 167-181


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Page 23: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of

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iv. Socialistic Trends: 182-208

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Page 24: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of

183. CRAGG, K.

184. FARRAJ, Af:tmad (ed.)

185. FAUDAH, 'Abd al-Raf:tim

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"al-Takatul al-ijtima'i and Islamic Socialism", Mus­lim World 59(3, 4), Jul.-Oct.; 69: 275-286.

al-Musawat wa'l-ishtirakiyah fi'1-lslam (Equalityand Socialism in Islam) (A)

"Islaml ishtirakiyat ke chand pahl 0" (Some Aspectsof Islamic Communism) Fikr-o-Na?ar (Karachi)7(7), Jan. 70: 513-526. (U)

Principles and Philosophy o{ Democratic Socialismin Islam. Karachi, The Author, 1966.

al-Naz'at al-ishtirakiyah {i'I-lslam (Socialist Trendin Islam), Beirut, Dar al-'lIm li'I-Malayln. (A)

al-Ishtirakiyah {i'l-mujtama' al-Islami bain al-na?ariyahwa'l-tatbiq (Socialism in Islamic Society: Theoryand Application). al-Qahirah, Maktabah Wahbah,181 p. (A)

"Socialist Ideas in the Poetry of Muhammad Iqbal",Studies in Islam (Delhi) 5(1-3), 68: 167-179.

Li man aI-mal? 'ala {Iau' Sari/) al-Kitab wa Sahi/)al-Sunnah (To Whom Belongs the Wealth? In theLight of Explicit Provisions of the Qur'an and Auth­entic Sunnah), al-Fajalah, Matba'ah al-I;fal;larah al­'Arablyah 1974. (A)

Balsha{at aI-Islam (Bolshevism of Islam). Beirut,Dar al-Kitab al-Jadld, 1966. 144p. (A)

"Islami Socialism-What is Implies?" Criterion(Karachi) 7(9), Sep. 72: 34-39; 7(10), Oct. 72: 19-29.


Page 25: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of

200. PARWEZ, Ghuliim Abmad


202. RI!;>WAN, AbmadMubammad

203. SARKAR, Abdul Bari

204. SHARBA$I, Sa'ldal-Shirablnl

205. SHARQAwl, MabmOd

206. $IDDIQI, MubammadMa~haruddln

207. WAFI, 'All 'Abdul Wiibid


Economics in the Social Structure of Islam. Lahore,Quranic Research Centre, n.d. 12p.

"Rizq-e-Mubammadi kl taqslm" (Distribution of'Muhammadi' Provisions) TuIO'-e-lslam (Karachi)23, June 70: 18. (U)

IshliraKiyat aI-Islam (Socialism of Islam). al-Qiihirah,Diir al-Kitiib al-'Arabl, 1950. 136p. (A)

The Concept ofIslamic Socialism, Dacca, The Author,1964.

Mabadi'l-ishliral<.iyah fi'I-lslam (Socialist Elementsin Islam). al-Qiihira Diir al-Qaumlyah, n.d. 86p. (A)

"$Orah min ishtiriiklyat al-Isliim" (A form of Islam'sSocialism) al-Azhar (Cairo) 37(4), Oct. 65: 236-239.(A)

"Socialistic Trends in Islam", Islamic Literature(Lahore) 4(10) Oct. 55: 5-18. (Also Published inIqba/(Lahore) 1(1), 52: 65-82).

"Islamic Socialism: The Best Guard AgainstCommunism", al-Azhar (Cairo) 31(2), Aug. 59:58-64; 31(3), Sep. 59: 91-93.

"Isliimi ishliriiklyat ba-silsila-e-Kitiib al-Amwiil"(Islamic Communism in connection with 'Kiliibal-Amwiil') Bayyinat (Karachi) 115, Jan. 70: 44-54;Feb. 70: 37-47. (U)

209. AbO-SUNNAH,Abmad Fahml


211. al- 'ARABY, Mubammad'Abdulliih

212. al-'ARABY, Mubammad,Abdulliih

213. 'ARAFAH, Mubammad

214. 'AUDAH, 'Abd al-Qiidir

215. I;lASAN, 'Abd al-Ghaffiir

v. Ownership: 209-223

"Tabdld al-milkiyah fi'I-lsliim" (Ceiling on Propertyin Islam) al-Azhar (Cairo) 24(3), Nov. 52: 300-363. (A)

"Private Property and its Limits in Islam" AI-Azhar'Academy of/slamic Research,First Conference, Mar. 64

"al-Milklyat al-Khiii?i?ah wa budOduhii fI'I-lsliim"(Private Property and its Limits in Islam) Kitabal-Mu'tamar al-Awwal li-majma' al-bu/;JDlh al-Islaml­yah, Cairo, 1964. (A)

"Private Property and its Limits in Islam" al-AzharAcademy of Islamic Research, First Conference,Mar.64.

"Tabdid al-milkiyah fi'I-lsliim", al-Azhar (Cairo)24(2) Oct. 52: 141-145 (A)

aI-Mal wa'I-/;Jul<.m fi'I-lslam (Property and Govern­ment in Islam), 4th ed. Beirut, ManshOriit al- 'Ai?ral-I;ladlth, 1971.116p. (A)

"Infiriidi milklyat" (Individual Ownership) Milhaq(Lahore) 17, May-June 70: 47-54. (U)


Page 26: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of

al-MilkJyah fi'I-lslam (Property in Islam). al-Qahirah,Dar al-Kutub al-f;Iadrthah, 1952. (A)

216. al-f;IUSAINI, al­Sayyid Abu'l­Na~r Abmad

217. ITTIf;lAD TULLAB. aI-Mal wa'l-milkiyah fi'I-lslam (Property and Owner-HANDASAT al-QAHIRAH, ship in Islam). al-Qahirah, Matba'ah al-Jiladl, 1972.al-LAJ NAT al-THAQAFIYAH, (A)al-JAM'IYAH al-DINIYAH

218. JAMAL ai-DIN, Abmad

219. al-KHAFIF, Shaikh'Ali

220. $IDDIQI, MubammadMa~haruddin

221. $IDDIQI, MubammadNejatullah

222. 'UTHMANI, MubammadFahlm

223. 'UTHMANI, MubammadMubtaram Fahlm

Naz' al-Mil/ciyah fi a/Jkam al-shari'ah wa nU$u$ al­qan On (Confiscation of Property According to theSharf'ah and Positive Law). $aida', al-Maktabatal-Mi~rlyah, 1966. (A)

"al-Milklyat al-fardlyah wa tabdlduha fi'I-lslam"(Individual Property and its Limits in Islam)Mu'tamar 'Ulama' al-Muslimfn al-Awwal, Kitab al­Mu'tamar (al-Qahirah), Mar. 64: 128 ff (A) Eng. tr.Individual Property and its Limits in Islam" al­Azhar, Academy ofIslamic Research, First Conference,Mar. 64: 79-103.

"Islam aur ijtima'i milklyat" (Islam and CollectiveOwnership) Thaqafat (Lahore) 3(5) Nov. 56: 46-51 (U)

Islam hli na?arfya-e-milkiyat (Islam's Theory ofProperty). Lahore, Islamic Publications, 1968. vol. I304. 299p. (U)

"lnfiradJ milklyat par Islam kl 'a'id Karda bud Odwa quyud" (Restrictions Placed by Islam on In­dividual Ownership) al-Ijaqq 5 June 70: 23-33. (U)

"'slam Mel) shakh~I milklyat" (Private Property inIslam), al-Ijaqq 5, Apr. 70: 40-49. (U)

vi. Land: Ownership and Tenure: 224-242

224. ABD ai-KADER, Ali

225. Af;lMAD, SHAIKHMabmud

226. AMINI, Mubammad Taql

227. A'?AMI, NOrMubammad

228. GABALIAH. al-Syed

"Land Property and Land Tenure in Islam", IslamicQuarterly (London) 5(1,2), Apr-July 59: 4-11. (AlsoPublished in Islamic Review (London) 47(12), Dec.59 (20-23).

Mas'ala-e-Zamin aur Islam (The Proplem of Landand Islam). Lahore, Institute of Islamic Culture,1955. 234p. (U)

Islam hli zar', ni?am (Agricultural System of Islam).Delhi, Nadwatul-Mul?annifln, 1955. 303p. (U)

"?amrn aur us kEi masa'il" (Land and its Problems)al-Balagh (Karachi) 4(2-3): 46-53. (U)

"The Significance of Some Aspects of IslamicCulture for Tenure Adjustment: a Comment", LandTenure. Proceedings of the International Conferenceon Land Tenure and Related Problems in WorldAgriculture held at Madison, Wisconsin, 1956:109-110.


Page 27: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of

229. I;lAMID, Mu~ammad

230. al-KATTANI, Mu~arnmadMunta!,lir

231. ai-KHATIB, Syed'Abdull;lamld

232. MAUDOODI, SyedAbul Ala



235. NADWI, SyedHabeebulHaq

236. POllAK, A. N.

237. QURESHI, IshtiaqI;lussain

"Na~arun fl istighlal al-arQ fi'1-lslam" (A Glanceat Exploitation of Land in Islam) al-Muslimoon(Dimashq) 3(1), Mar. 55: 77-83; 3(2), Apr. 55: 54-59.(A)

"al-ArQ: milklyatuha wa Kira'uha fi'1-lslam" (Land,its Ownership and Lease in Islam), al-Muslimoon(Dimashq) 6(1), Feb. 58: 33-41; 6(2) Mar. 58: 35-44;6(3), May 58: 43-53; 6(4), Sep. 58: 24-30. (A)

"Landed Property and Ownership of Land in Islam"in: Some Economic Aspects of Islam. Karachi, Mo­tamar, al-Alam al-Islami, 1965: 109-119.

Mas'ala-e Milkiyai-e Zamin (The Problem of LandOwnership). Lahore, Maktabah Jama'at-e Islaml,1950. 76p. (U) Arabic tr. Mas'alai mil/liyai aI-art}fi'I-lslam. Kuwait, Dar al-Qalam, 1969.

"Mauqif al-Ikhwan al-Muslimln min ta~dld al­milklyah: ~adlth ma' al-Murshid al-'Amm" (Standof al-Ikhwan ai-Muslim un on Ceiling on Property-Interview with Murshid al-'Amm) al-Althbiir(Cairo) 2 Sept. 52: 6. (A)

Mas'ala-e-Zamin (The Problem of Land). Lahore,Idrara-e Thaqafat-e Islamlyah. (U)

"al-Iqta': A Historical Survey of Land Tenure andLand Revenue Administration in some MuslimCountries with Special Reference to Persia", Con­iemporary Aspects of Economic and Social Thinkingin Islam. Gary, Indiana, M.S.A. of U.S. and Canada,1973: 125-156.

"Classification of Land in Islamic Law and itsTechnical Terms", American Journal of SemeiicLanguages and Uleraiures 57: 50-62.

"Islam mel) milklyat-e-Zamln ka mas'ala" (TheProblem of Land Ownership in Islam) Thaqafai(Lahore) 6(4), Apr. 58: 9-21. (U)

238. RASHAD, Shah "Land Ownership and Tenure in Islam", IslamicMuhammad Thought (Aligarh) 6(2), 59: 29-34.

239. $AKR, Man!,lur Mubammad "ai-Islam wa Kira' al-'ard". (Islam and the Rent ofLand) Liwa' aI-Islam (Cairo) 16(8), Aug. 62: 511-514.(A)

240. ai-SAYIS, ShaikhMu~ammad All

241. SHAFI', Mufti Mu~ammad

"Milklyat al-afrad li'l-arQ wa manafi'uha fi'1-lslam"(Individual Ownership of Land and its Benefits inIslam) in: al-Azhar, al-Mu'iamar al-awwal Ii-majma'al-bul)Oih al-Islamiyah, Cairo. 1964. (A) Eng. tr."Ownership of Land and its Benefits in Islam"AI-Azhar Academy of Islamic Research, FirstConference, Mar. 64: 127-151.

Islam Ita ni?am-e arat}i (Land Tenure in Islam),Karachi, Idarah al-Ma'aril, 1383 A.H. 288p. (U)


Page 28: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of

242. YUSUF, S. M. "Land, Agriculture and Rent in Islam", IslamicCulture, 31(1), Jan. 57: 27-39.

vii. Share Cropping: 243-244

243. I;lASAN, 'Abd al-Ghaffar

244. $IDDIQI, I;laidar lamar)

"Muzara'at par taQqlql nafar" (A Critical Evaluationof Share Cropping), Tarjuman a/-Qur'an (Lahore)33(1, 2, 3), Dec. 49-Jan. 50: 89-112. (U)

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viii. Partnerships and Profit.Sharing: 245-250

245. GAIANI, A.

246. al-KHAFIF, Shaikh 'All

247. KHAN, MUQammad Akram

248. al-KHAYYAT,'Abd al-' Azlz

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250. UDOVITCH, Abraham L.

"The Juridical Nature of the Moslem QiraQ", East& West (Rome) (1953) 81-86.

a/-Sharikat fi'l-fiqh a/-Islami: bul)fith muqarinah (Part­nerships in Islamic Law: Comparative Studies). al­Qahirah, al-Jami'ah al-'Arablyah, 1962. (A)

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a/-Sharikat fi'l-shari'at a/·lslamiyah wa'l-qanun a/­walj'i (Partnerships in Islamic Law and PositiveLaw). 'Amman, Wizarat al-Auqaf, 1971. 2v. 378,342p. (A)

Shirkat aur muljarabat ke Shar'i u$ul (Islamic LegalPrinciples of Partnership and Profit Sharing).Lahore, Islamic Publications, 1969. 159p. (U)

Partnership and Profit in Medieval Islam. Princeton,N.J. Princeton Univ. Press, 1970. 282p.

251. 'ABBASI, MUQtar


253. 'ALI NAQI

ix. Consumption: 251-252

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"Islam and Simple Living", Criterion (Karachi) 5(4)July-Aug. 70: 5-12.

x. Business and Trade: 253-260

Tijarat aur Islam (Trade and Islam). Lucknow,l mamiaMission, 1933. 73p. (U)

254. HASANUllAMAN, S. M.

255. IBRAHIM, MUQammad

Trade in Islam: Principles and Practices. Karachi,Motamar al-Alam-al-Islami, n.d. 64p.

"The Standard of Business Morality in Islam", Is­lamic Literature (Lahore) 23(5), May 71: 281-289.


Page 29: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of

256. MOsA, Mubammad YOsuf

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258. De SOMOGYI, J.

Fiqh al-Kiltib wa'l-sunnah.' al-buya' wa'l-mu'amalatal-mu'a$irah (Jurisprudence of the Our'an andSunnah: Contemporary Trade and Transactions).Mi~r, Dar al-Kitab al-'Arabl, 1373/1954. (A)

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263. I;lUSAINI, Isbaq MOsa

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xi. l:'Iisbah: 261-273

"A~I al-I;lisbah bi'I-lfrlqlya: tablil Kitab Abkam al­SOq Ii Yabyii b. 'Umar." (Basis of f:{isbah in Africa­an Analytical Study of Yabya b. 'Umar's Book 'Rulesof the Market'), f:{auliyat al-Jami'ah, al-Jami'ah al­Tunisiyah, 4. 67: 5-21. (A)

"al-I;lisbah fi'I-lslam-Muqaranah ma' al-nu:jCumal-mushabiha fi'l-tashrl' al wac;I'I" (f:{isbah in Islam:A Study in comparison with similar institutions inPositive Law) in: Usb[j' al-fiqh al-Islami. Dimashq,1961.(A)

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264." "

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al- Tas'ir fi'I-lslam (Price Control in Islam). Kuwait.155p. (A)


Page 30: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of

271. 'URN OS, Ma~mOd

272. WICKERS, G. M.

273. ZIADEH, Nicola

"Sharl'at al-I;lisbah fi'1-lslam" (The Law relating toJ:lisbah in Islam) Liwa' aI-Islam (Cairo) 8(2), June 54:99-103. (A)

"AI-Jarsifl on the Hisba", Islamic Quarterly (London)3(3),1956-57: 176-187.

al-J:lisbah and al-mu!)tasib in Islam: Old Texts Col­lected and Edited with an Introduction. Beirut, Catho­lic Press, 1962.

xii. Co-operation: 274-279

274. BARYON, NO" Ma(hOm aI-arM!) (i'I-iqti$ad al-ta'awunT ma' al-isharah'Abdussalam ila'l-fik.r al-iqti$adi al-Kilasik.i (Meaning of Profits

in a Cooperative Economy with a Note on IslamicEconomic Thought and the Classical EconomicThought). Tripoli, Libya, Dar al-Fikr, 1969. (A)

275. FAH1M, Mu~ammad $uwar al-ta'awun (i'I-lslam (Forms of Cooperationin Islam) al-Qahirah, Dar al-Kitab al-' ArabI, 1968.81 p. (A)

276. I:HMA DAH, 'Abd al-Mun'im aI-Islam wa'l-ta'awun (Islam and Cooperation).al-Qahirah, al-Majlis al-A'ia li-Shu'On al-Islamlyah,1968. 186p. (A)

277. "al-Sharikat al-ta'awunlyah" (Cooperative Partner­ships) Liwa' aI-Islam 19(11),25 Oct. (A)

278. $IDDIQI, Na'im








"Islaml ni~am meo imdad-e bahaml ke idarat"(Cooperative Institutions in Islamic System) Chiragh­e Rah (Karachi) Jan. 51: 33-43. (U)

"al-Ta'awun fi'I-lslam" (Cooperation in Islam)Liwa' aI-Islam 14(8),22 Sep. 60: 507-516. (A)

xiii. Hoarding: 280-282

"Islam, Christianity and Monopoly", Islamic Review(London) Aug. 40: 287-290.

"al-I~tikar wa'l-rib~ al-fa~ish ~aram ka'l-riba"(Hoarding and Exhorbitant Profits are Prohibitedlike RiM), al-Azhar (Cairo) 24(3), Nov. 52: 350-351(A)

282. MADKOR, Mu~ammadSalam

"ai-I ~tikar wa tas'lr al-sila' wa Qukmuha fi'l-fiqhal-Islaml" (Hoarding and Price Control and theirPosition in Islamic Law) al-Wa'y al-lslamT (Kuwait)(116), Aug. 74: 33-39. (A)

xiv. Public Finance: General: 283-299

283. ABAZAH, IbrahIm DasOql

284. AHSAN, M. Manazir

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"Baytul mal and its Role in the Islamic Economy",Criterion (Karachi) 10(9), Sept. 75: 14-27.


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292. aI-JAMAL, Muf:1ammad'Abd al-Mun'im

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Islamic Taxation in the Classical Period with SpecialReference to Circumstances in Iraq. Copenhagen,Branner & Korch, 1950. 286p.

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Public Finance in Islam. Lahore, Sheikh MohammadAshraf, 1975,252 p. first published in 1948.

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300. ABO ZUHRA,Shaikh Muf:1ammad

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306. GHULAM 'ALI, Malik

307. HUSSAIN, MirzaMobammad

308. IBRAHIM, MubammadIsma'lI

309. I$LA\:II, Amin Absan

Some Socio-Economic Aspects of Zakat. Karachi,Pakistan Institute of Arts and Design. n.d.

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310. MAUDOODI, SyedAbul Ala

311." "

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"Na~arat fi'I-Zakat min khilal al-itar al-'amm 11'1­sharI'ah" (Observations on Zakat in the Contextof the General Framework of Islamic Law) al-Fikral-/s/ami(Beirut) 1(3), Jan. 72: 84-88. (A)

312. NI.?:AM1, Khwaja \:Iasan

313. al-QARQAWI, YOsuf


315. al-SABSABI, 'Abdai-Qadir

Khuda'i income tax: al)kam , masa'il aur ma$arif-ezakat ka bayan" (Divine Income Tax: A Statement ofthe Rules and Regulations relating to Zakat andHeads of its Expenditure). Delhi, Dilli PrintingWorks, 1925. 80p. (U)

Fiqh al-Zakat: dirasah muqaranah li-al)kamiha wafa/safatiha fi {iau' al-Qur'an wa'l-sunnah (Principlesof Zakat: A Comparative Study of its Philosophyand Laws in the Light of the Qur'an and the Sunnah).Beirut, Dar ai-Irs had, 1949. 2v.1227p. (A)

"Ni!;>ab-e Zakat par ek tabqlql na~ar" (A Study ofExemption Limit in Relation to Zakat) Fikr-o-Na?ar(Karachi) 3(5), Nov. 65: 349-362. (U)

"\:Iaula sharI'at al-.?:akat" (on Laws of Zakat) al­Muslimoon (Dimashq) 6(8), June-July 59: 51-57;6(9) Aug-Oct. 59: 63-69. (A)


Page 33: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of

316. SAKR, Muhammad Ahmad al-ZakiIt wa muqiIranatuhiI bi'I-(lara'ib al-mu'iI~irah

(Zakiit and its Comparison with ContemporaryTaxes). Mimeo, Bai~a', Libya, 1972. 8p. (A)

317. SHAFI', MuftI Mubammad Qur'iIn meQ ni?am-e Zakal (System of ZakiIt in theQur'an). Karachi, Dar al-Ishii'at, 1963. 118p. (U)

318. SHAH, Syed Ya'qGb

319. TASIN, Mubammad

320. YOSUF, Mirzii Mubammad

321. de ZA YAS, Farishta G.

"Zakiit kil ma!;larif" (Heads of Zakat Expenditure)Fikr-o-Na?ar (Islamabad) 5(12), June 68: 917-927;6(1), July 68: 46-55. (U)

"San'all Sarma'{j aur 'imarat par Zakal" (ZakiIl onIndustrial Capital and Buildings) Fikr-o-Na?ar (Is­lamabad) 4(7): 435-448. (U)

"Mas'ala-e tamllk fi'I-Zakiit" (Transfer of Ownershipand Giving Into Possession Regarding ZakiIt) Burhan(Delhi) 37(9) Sept. 56: 150-161; 37(10) Oct. 56:213--225; 37(11) Nov. 56: 273--291; 37(12) Dec. 56:337-352; 38(1), Jan. 57: 24-38. (U)

The Law and Philosophy of Zakat. Damascus, al­Jadldah Press, 1960. xxix, 420p.

xvi. Public Finance: lUsh"~ Kharaj, etc.: 322-329

322. DENNETT, Danial C.Jr.

323. KHAN, M. A.

Conversion and the Poll Tax in early Islam. Cambridge,1950. 13p. Urdu Tr.: Mihr, Ghulam RasGl, Jizyah aurIslam. Lahore, Ghuliim All, 1962. 207p.

"Jizyah and Kharaj (A Classification of the Mean­ing of the Terms as they were used in the 1stCentury H.)" Journal of Pakistan Historical Society4(76), (1956): 27-35.

325. QURESHI, Aijaz Hasan

324. QADRI, Sayyld Abmad









"'Ushr kil ilk Juz'iyil kl tau~lb" (Classification of aRule Relating to 'Ushr). Zindagl (Rampur) 26(3),Mar. 66: 53--55 (U)

"A Critical Study of Wellhausen's Theory of Landand Poll Tax under Muslims" Islamic Literature(Lahore) 11(1,2) Jan.-Feb. 59: 4~56.

"Assessment and Collection of Kharaj (Land Tax)under 'Umar I, the Second Caliph in Islam", Journalof Punjab University Historical Society 13(61): 83--92;Voice of/slam (Karachi) 10(11) Nov. 62: 531-541.

"The Terms Khariij and Jizya and their Implica­tions", Journal of Punjab Historical Society 12 (June1961): 27-38.

328, TRITTON, A. S.

329. De ZAYAS, Farishta G.

"Notes on the Muslim System of Pensions", Bulletinof the School of Oriental and African Studies 16(1),54: 170-172.

"Tithe Lands, Khariij Lands, and the Law of Zakat",Islamic Literature (Lahore) 13(5), May 67: ~9.


Page 34: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of

330. 'ABD al-RAZZAQ,Mu~ammad

xvii. Inheritance: 330-333

"Islaml qaniJn-e Wirathat kl Khul?iJl?lyiit" (Charac­teristics of Islamic Law of Inheritance), Ma'arif(Azamgarh) 34(1), July 34: 30-36. (U)

331. ABO ZLlHRA, Mu~ammad

332. MOSA, Mu~ammad YiJsuf

333. al-$A'[DI, 'Abdal-Muta'al

Al)klim al-tarikat wa'l-mawarith (Laws of Inheritanceand Legacies). Cairo, Dar al-Fikr al-' ArabI, n.d.344p. (A)

al-Tarikah wa'l-mTrath fi'I-lslam, ma' madkhal fi'l­mirath 'inda'I-'Arab wa'I-ROman, ba/;rth muqarin(Inheritance and Legacy In Islam, with an Intro­duction to Inheritance amongst Arabs and theRomans-A Comparative Study). al-Qahirah, Ma'hadal-DIrasat al-'Arablyah al-'AIIah, 1960. 396. (A)

al-MTrath fi'l-shari'at al-lslamTyah wa'l-sharai' al­SamawTyah wa'l-war;J'Tyah (Inheritance in IslamicLaw, Other Divine Laws and the Positive Laws).al-Qahirah, Maktabat al-Adab. 183p. (A)

xviii. Social Security: 334-344

334. ABO ZUHRA, Mu~ammad

335. al-FANJARI,Mu~ammadShauql

336. IBRAHIM, A~mad IbrahIm

337. al-LABBAN, Ibrahim

338. al-QAROAWI, YiJsuf

339. al-RAMADI, Gamal eldin

340. RIZQ, 'All Shi~ateh

341. al-TANTAwl, 'All

al- Takliful al-ijtima'T fi'I-Our'an (Collective Respon­sibility in the Qur'an). ai-Dar al-Qaumlyah li'l-tiba'ahwa'I-Nashr.

"ai-Islam wa mushkilat al-faqr" (Islam and theProblem of Poverty) al-'ArabT (Kuwait) (169), Dec.72: 34-41. (A)

Ni?am al-nafaqat fi'l-shari'ah al-lslamTyah (RulesRelating to Maintenance in Islamic Law).al-Qahirah.Matba'ah Salaflyah, 1349 A.H., (A)

"Islam and the Problem of Poverty", Islamic Review(London) 55(8), Aug. 67: 14-19.

Mushkilat al-faqr wa kaifa 'alajaha'I-lslam (Problemof Poverty and how Islam has dealt with it). 'Amman,Jordan, Maktabat al-aql?a; Beirut, ai-Dar al-'Arablyah1966. 168p. (A)

"Social Security in Islam", al-Azhar (Cairo) 36(10),Mar. 65: 9-12.

Ma$ra' al-faqr fi'I-lslam. (Eradiction of Poverty inIslam), al-Qahirah, Dar al-Ta'lIf, 1951. 223p. (A)

Mul)aljarah: Nafaqat al-aqarib ka ma$dar Ii tamwTImashril'at al-takliful al-ijtima'i. Halqat al-dirasat al­ijtima'Tyah Ii'l duwal al-'arabTyah, al-mun'aqad fTDimashq amm 1953. (Discourse: Maintenance ofNear Relatives as a Source of Financing Schemesfor Social Security.Series of Social Studies of Arab Countries, con­ducted in Damascus in 1953). (A)


Page 35: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of

342. 'ULWAN, 'Abdullah

343. 'UTHMAN, MubammadFatbl

344. al-ZAVVAT, A. l;Iasan

al-Takaful tal-ijtimli'l fi'I-lslam (Collective Respon­sibility in Islam). Jeddah, ai-Dar al Sa'Odlyah. (A)

al-Isllim Yul)lIrib al-faqr (Islam at War with Poverty).(A)

"How Islam Tackles Poverty", Azhar (Cairo)31(7), Jan. 60: 153-157. (A)

xix. Endowments: 345-348

345. CATTAN, H. "The Law of Waqfs" in: Law in The Middle East,V.1. 1955: 203-222.

346. SCHACHT, J.

347. SHATA, Mubammad

"Early Doctrines on Waqfs", Mel K6priilii 1953:443-452.

"al-Waqf WasJlah li-tabqlq al-'adalah al-ijtima'lyahfi'l-tashrl' al-Islaml" (Waqf a Means of EnsuringSocial Justice in Islamic Law) Nadwat al-Mul)a{larlit.Rlibitat al-'Alam aI-IslamI, Makka 1959: 29-37. (A)

348. SUHRAWARDI,A. al-Mamoon

"The Wakf of Moveables", Journal Proceedings ofthe Asiatic Society of Bengal N.S., 7(1911): 323-340.

xx. Insurance: 349-380

349. 'ABDOU, Mubammad 'Issa "al-Ta'mln" (Insurance), al-Balagh (Kuwait) 9 July69: 20; 20 Aug. 69. (A)

351. ai-BAH], Mubammad

"al-Ta'mln wa hal huwa bill fl jam" ~uwarih?"(Insurance: Are All of its Forms Legal?). al-Azhar(Cairo) 26(5,6), Nov. 54: 273-274. (A)

al-Ta'mln: al-a$11 wa'l-badll (Insurance: Real andSubstitute). Beirut, Dar al-Bu bOth al-Islamlyah,1972. 48p. (A)

Ni?am al-Ta'min fi hadyi al)kam aI-Islam wa {larilratal-mujtama' (Insurance according to Islamic Lawsand the Needs of Society) 1965. (A)

Mul)a{larah fi'l-ta'min (A Lecture on Insurance). (A)



352. DANISH, Abmad



354. al-DASOQ], Mubammad "al-Ta'min bain al-na~arlyah wa'l-tatblq" (Insurancein Theory and Practice) al-Wa'y al-Islaml (Kuwait)(60), Feb. 70: 12-19. (A)

355. al-DASOQI, Mubammadal-Syed

356. ai-HINDI, Abu Salman

al-Ta'mln wa mauqif al-shari'at al-Islamiyah minhu(Insurance and the Standpoint of Islamic Law)al-Qahirah, al-Majlls al-A'ia li'l-Shu'un al-Islamlyah,1967. 198p. (A)

Blma-e-Zindagi IsllImlnuqta-e na?ar se (Life Insu raneefrom Islamic Viewpoint). Karachi, Maktabah Sa'dl­yah, n.d. (U)


Page 36: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of

357. IBRAHIM, AbmadMubammad

"'Audah ila'l-ta'mln fi'l-shan'ah wa'l-qanun" (In­surance in Islamic Law and Secular Law) al-Fikral-Islami (Beirut) 2(3), Mar. 71: 77-83; June 71:67-71. (A)

358." " "al-Ta'mln fi'l-sharl'ah wa'l-qanun" (Insurance

in Islamic Law and Secular Law), al-Fikr al-Islliml(Beirut) 2(2), Feb. 70: 75-83. (A)

359. 'ISA,'Abd al-Rabman

360. JARULLAH, Musa

361. al-KHAFIF, Shaikh 'All

362. aI-KHATIB, Mubibb ai-DIn

363. al-KHIZAM, Antoun I;lablb


365. al-MAJLlS al-'ALAli-RI'AvAT al-FUNONwa'I-ADAB wa'l­'ULOM al-IJTIMA'IVAH

366. MAJLlS TAI;lQIQAT-ESHAR'lvAH, Lucknow

367. MALIK, Mubammad Ramlz

368. MUI;lAMMAD, Sa'd 1?adiq

al-Mu'amallit al-!)adith wa a!)kamuhlI (New Trans­actions and their Legal Position). 84p. (A)

"Islam aur blma" (Islam and Insurance) al-Ra!)lm(Karachi) Mar. 67 (U)

"al-Ta'mln" (Insurance), al-Azhar (Cairo) 37(1),May 65: 79-89; 37(2,3), Sep. 65: 15~160; 37(4),Oct. 65: 268-274; 37(5, 6), Nov. Dec. 65: 353-357;37(7), Jan. 66: 416-420; 37(8), Feb. 66: 478-485; 37(9,10), Mar. 66: 534-546; 38(1), Apr. 66: 110-115. (A)

"al-Ta'mln" (Insurance), al-Azhar (Cairo) 26(3),Sep. 54: 130-133. (A)

al-Ta'mln (Insurance), al-Qahirah,1950. 350 p. (A)

"The Concept and Development of Insurance inIslamic Countries", Islamic Culture 43(1), Jan. 69:27-37.

Usba' al-fiqh ai-IslamI wa Mahrajan Ibn Taimlyah.(Islamic Jurisprudence Week and Ibn TaimlyahCelebrations). Cairo, 1963. 925p. (A)Contributions:al-ZARQA', MU!iltafa Abmad:'Aqd al-ta'mln wa mauqif al-sharf'at al-Islamlyahminhu (Insurance Contract and the Stand Pointof Islamic Law).al-QALQIU, Mu bammad :'Aqd al-ta'mln (Insurance Contract).al-AMIN, Mubammad:f;Iukm 'aqd al-ta'min fi 'I-sharl'at al-Islamlyah (Positionof Insurance Contract in Islamic Law).'lsA, 'Abd al-Rabman:'Aqd al-ta'mln (Insurance Contract);I;lILMI, Bahjat Abmad: Mazaya ni?am al-ta'mln(Distinguishing Features of Insurance).'UMARUDDIN, Mubammad:'Aqd a/-ta'mln (Insurance Contract).

Sawalnama muta'al/iqah insurance ma' jawabiIt(Ques­tionnaire Relating to Insurance with Replies) n.d. (U)

"Ra'yun akhar fi'l-ta'min" (Another Opinion onInsurance) al-Fikr ai-IslamI (Beirut) 2(10), Oct. 71:25-37. (A)

"al-Ta'mln fi'l-sharl'ah wa'l-qanun" (Insurance InIslamic Law and Positive Law) al-Wa'y ai-IslamI(Kuwait) (61), Mar. 70: 51-59. (A)


Page 37: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of

369. MU$LEI;IUDDIN,Mu~ammad

370. NADWI, Mu~ammad Is~aq

371. al-QAROAWI, Yusuf

372. al-RDI;IANI, al-SayyidMu~ammad $adiq

373. al-SANDS1, A~mad Taha

374. $IODIQI, Mu~ammadNejatullah

375. $IDD1QI, Na'lm


377. TONKI, MuftI Wall l;Iasan

378. 'UTHMAN, Mu~ammadFat~I

379. WAHBAH, Tauflq 'All

380. al-ZARQA', MUl?tafa A~mad

Insurance and Islamic Law. Lahore, Islamic Publi­cations, 1969. 202p.

"Mas'alat al-ta'mln kama yaraha Majlis al-Dirasatal-shar'lyah" (The Issue of Insurance as Viewedby Majlis Dirlisal Shari'yah, al-Ba'lh aI-Islam' (Luck­now) 10(7), Apr. 66: 61-65. (A)

"Na~arat al-sharl'ah ila'l-ta'awun wa'l-ta'mln"(Cooperation and Insurance as Viewed by Sharf'ah)al-Ba'lh al-Islami (Lucknow) 12(6), Mar. 68: 44-52. (A)

al-Masa'il al-muslal)dalha (The New Issues). Qum,1384 A.H. (A)

"'Aqd al-tam'In fi'l-tashrl' al-Islaml" (InsuranceContract in Islamic Legislation) al-Azhar (Cairo)25(2),232-236; 25(3),303-307. (A)

Insurance Islam' ma'ishal mel) (Insurance in IslamicEconomy). Delhi, Islam and the Modern Age So­ciety, 1975. 95p. (U)

B'ma-e Zindag' Islam' nuqta-e nigahse (Lifelnsurancefrom Islamic Viewpoint). Lahore, Islamic Publi­cations, 1960; Delhi, Markazl Maktabah Islaml, 1974.31 p. (U)

"al-Ta'mln 'ala'I-l;Iayat" (Life Insurance) NadwahLiwa' aI-Islam (Cairo) 8(11),708-714. (A)

"Islam aur blma" (Islam and Insurance) Bayyinat(Karachi) 5(5), Mar. 65: 18-40; 6(1), Apr. 65: 17-33. (U)

al-Fikr aI-Islam' wa'l-tatawwur (Islamic Thought,and Change) 2nd ed. Kuwait, ai-Dar al-Kuwaittyah,1969. 559p. (A)

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'Aqd al-la'min (al-saukarah) wa mauqif al-shari'al al­Islam'yah minhu (Insurance Contract and the Stand­point of Islamic Law). Dimashq, Ma1ba'ah Jami'ahDimashq, 1962. 112p. (A)

381. ABA?AH, IbrahImDasuql

xxi. Banking without Interest: 381-422

"l;Iaula msharO' ai-bun Ok al-Islamlyah" (On theProject of Islamic Banks) al-Manhal (Jeddah) 33(7).Aug-Sept. 72: 730-737. (A)

382. 'ABDOU, Mu~ammad 'Issa BunOk bila fawa'id (Banks Without Interest). al­Qahirah, Dar al-Fikr, 1970. (A)

383. AHMAD, Sheikh Mahmud "Banking In Islam", Muslim News International8(1), June 69: 5-11.


Page 38: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of

384. al-'ARABY, Mu~ammad'Abdullah


387. BAQIR al-$ADR

388. BARYON, Nurl'Abdussalam

"Contemporary Bank Transactions and Islam'sViews Thereon" Islamic Thought (Aligarh) 11(3,4),July 67: 10-43.

"al-Mu'amalat al-Ma!;lriflyah al-mu'a!;lirah wa ra'yai-Islam flh" (Contemporary Bank Transactionsand Islam's Views Thereon), al-Azhar. al-Mu'tamaral-thani li-Majma' al-Bul)ath al-Islamiyah. May. 65:79-122. (A)

Bank Dubai al-lslamT (Dubai Islamic Bank). Dubai,Matba'ah Dubai, 1975. 40p. (A)

aI-Bank al-Ia rabawi fi'I-lstam (Interest Free Bank inIslam). Kuwait, Jami' al-Naql. (A)(Urdu tr. 'Ali Jawadl, Islamic Bank. Bombay, JamaliPublications, 1974. 208p.

Kaifa YaMin al-ni?am al-Ma$rifi fi'l-iqti$ad al-Islami(The Shape of the Banking System in IslamicEconomy). Tripoli, Libya, Dar Maktabat al-Fikr, 1972.(A)

Islamic Development Bank. Articles Establishing thelOB.





391. al-GAMMAL, Gharlb

392. GHANAMEH, Abdul Hadi

393. HAMMEEDULLAH,Mu~ammad

The Egyptian Study on the Establishment of theIslamic Banking System (Economics and IslamicDoctrine). Cairo, 1972.

al-Ma$arif wa'l-a'mal al-ma$rifTyah fi'l-shari'at al­IslamTyah wa'l-qanan (Banks and Banking Trans­actions in Islamic Law and Positive Law). al-Qahirah,Dar al-Itti~ad al-'Arabl li'I-Tiba'ah, 1972. 477p. (A)

"The Interest/ess Economy" in: Contemporary As­pects of Economic and Social Thinking in Islam.Gary, Indiana, M.S.A. of U.S. and Canada, 1973:8>99.

"Anjumanhii-e qar"ta-e be sud" (Interest Free LoanSocieties), Ma'arif(Azamgarh) 53(3) Mar. 44: 211-216.(U)

394. " ""Bunuk al qar"t bid un rlba" (Interest Free LendingBanks) al-Muslimoon (Dimashq) 8(3), Dec. 62:1~21.(A)

396. al-HAMSHARI,MU!;ltafa 'Abdullah

397. HUDA, M. N.

395. " ""A Suggestion for an Interest Free Islamic MonetaryFund", Islamic Review (London) 43(6), June 55: 11-12.

al-A'mal al-ma$rifTyah wa'I-lslam (Banking Opera­tions and Islam).

"Economics Accepting Islam", World Muslim League(Singapore) 1(3), Jan. 64: 10-17.

398. " ""Hal Yumkin 'an ta'mala al-bunuk bighair fa'idah"(Is it possible for Banks to function without Interest?)al-Muslimoon (Dimashq) 3(4), June 55: 3~0. (A)


Page 39: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of

399. IRSHAD, Shaikh Ahmad

400. " "

Interest Free Banking. Karachi, Orient Press ofPakistan, n.d. 100p.

Bila sud bank karl (Banking Without Interest). Karachi,Maktabah Tahrlk Musawat, n.d. 152p. (U)

401. al-'ITR, NOr ai-Din

402. JAMJOM, Abmad Salab

403. KHAN, Muhammad Akram

al-Mu'amalat al-ma$riflyah wa bukmuha fi'I-lslam(Banking Transactions and their Legal Position inIslam) (A)

aI-Bank al-Islaml (Islamic Bank). Jeddah, Matabi'Dar al-I$fahanl wa Shuraka'h 0. 33p. (A)

"Interest Free Banking: Some Further Questions",Islamic Education (Lahore) 5(2), Mar-June 72: 29-47.

404." " "

"Islaml ma'Ishat mel) bank aur bachatel)" (Banksand Savings in Islamic Economy), Chiragh-e-Rah(Karachi) May-June 65: 68-83. (U)


406. MANNAN, M. A.

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"Consumption Loan in Islam", Islamic Review(London) 58(3), Mar. 70: 19-22.







"Islam and Trends in Modern Banking-Theory andPractice of Interest Free Banking". Islamic Review(London) 56(11, 12) Nov.-Dec. 68: 5-10; 57(1), Jan.69:28-33.

"A Muslim World Bank; Urgent Need", Criterion(Karachi) 6(1) Jan.-Feb. 71 : 15--20.

409. MUSLEHUDDIN,Muhammad

Banking and Islamic Law. Karachi, Islamic ResearchAcademy, 1974. 153 p.

411. ai-NAJJAR, AbmadMubammad 'Abd al-'AzIZ

410. " "Commonwealth of Muslim Countries and the MuslimWorld Bank.

BunOk bila fawa'id ka-istiralljlyah li'l-tanmlyah al­iqti$adlyah wa'l-ijtima'lyah fi'l-duwal al-Islamlyah.(Banks Without Interest as a Strategy for Economicand Social Development of Muslim Countries)Jeddah, Jami'at ai-Malik 'Abd al-'Azlz, 1972. 104p.(A)

412. READY, R. K.

413. SAKR, Muhammad Ahmad

414. SATTAR, S. A.

415. SHALBI, A i)mad

"The Egyptian Municipal Savings Bank Project",International Development Review 9, June 67: 2-5.

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Page 40: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of

416. SIDDIQI, MuhammadNejatullah







"A Model of Interest Free Banking", Criterion(Karachi) 6(4), July-Aug. 61: 19-33: Journal ofIslamic Studies (Cairo) 2(3), Oct. 69: 1-22.

Ghair sadT bank karT (Banking Without Interest).Lahore, Islamic Publications, 1969. 224p.; Delhi,Markazi Maktabah Jama'at-e-Islaml Hind, 1969. 235p.(U) English Tr. Banking Without Interest. LahoreIslamic Publications, 1973. 207p.

"Islamt ma'ishat ke ba'c;l pahlii" (Some Aspects ofIslamic Economy), Chiragh-e-Rah (Karachi) Oct.65: 19-28. (U)

419. $IODIQI, Na'im

420. 'UZAIR, Mubammad

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" 'Awamil al-naja b fi'l-ma~iirif al-Iarabawtyah"(Factors Contributing to the Success of InterestFree Banks) al-Muslimoon (Dimashq) 6(1), Feb. 58:81-85; 6(4), Sep. 58: 84-88; 6(5), Oct. 58: 70-77. (A)







"Interestless Banking: Will it be a Success ?",Voice ofIslam (Karachi): 853-859.

An Outline of Interest/ess Banking. Karachi; Dacca,Raihan Publications, 1955.21 p.

xxii. Foreign Trade: 423

423. 'UZAIR, Mubammad "Foreign Trade in an Interestless Economy", Voiceof Islam (Karachi) 7(2-3), Nov.-Dec. 58: 90-104.

xxiii. Labour and Industrial Relations: 424-445

425. 'AYYAD, M. Gamaluddln

424. ABO ZUHRA, MUQammad













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al- 'Amal wa'I-'ummal (Labour and the Labourers).al-Qahirah, sharikat al-Ittibad wa'I-Tiba'ah, 1967.136p. (A)

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"ai-Islam wa'I-'alaqat al-insanlyah fI majal al­'amal" (Islam and Human Relations in the Field ofLabour), al-Azhar 37(7), Jan. 66: 410-412. (A)

"The Merits of Labour in Islam", al-Azhar 38(1),Apr. 66: 7-10.

"Wajibat al-'ummal fi'I-lslam (Duties of the La­bourers in Islam), al-Azhar 37(8), Feb. 66: 469-471­(A)


Page 41: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of

430. al-BAKR, 'Abd al-Rabman

431. FARIDI, Fazlur Rahman

'Alaqat al-'amal fi'1-lslam (Labour Relations inIslam). al-Qahirah, al-Mu'assasah al-Thaqafiyah al­'UmmalJyah 1970.151 p. (A)

"On Wages in an Islamic Economy", Islamic Thought(Aligarh) 7(1), Apr.-June 60: 61-66.

432. " " ""The Problem of Industrial Peace", Islamic ResearchCircle Bulletin (Rampur) 5(1), Oct. 53: !>-18.


434. KHAN, Muhammad Akram

435. MALIK, Muhammad Shafi

436. MAUDOODI, SyedAbul'Ala

"Islam's Solution to the Basic Economic Problems­the Position of Labour", Islamic Culture (Hyderabad)10(2), Apr. 36: 213-233.

"The Theory of Employment in Islam", IslamicLiterature (Lahore) 14(4), Apr. 68: !>-16.

"Wages in an Islamic Economy". Islamic Thought(Aligarh) 7(2), July-Sep. 60: 62-67.

"Berozgarl ka mas'alah bal kame ke Iiye sarmaya­darl socialism aur Islam ka tarlq-e kar" (The Methodsof Capitalism, Socialism and Islam in Solving theProblem of Unemployment), Zindagl (Rampur),41(2), Aug. 68: 41-42. (U)

437. " ""Taqrlr-Labour Convention (Speech in LabourConvention) 12 May 1957", Chiragh-e-Riih (Karachi)Oct. 57: 44-48. (U)

438. NADWI. Mujlbullah

439. QURESHI, 'Abdul MajId

440. " " "

441. " " "

442. SIDDIQI, MuhammadNejatullah

443. UDOVITCH, A. L.

444. 'UTHMANI, MubammadMubtaram Fahlm

445. ZAIN al-'ABIDIN, Wajlh

"Islaml qanun-e ujrat ka ek bab" (A Chapter of theIslamic Law of Wages), Ma'arif (Azamgarh) 77(6),June 56: 405-421. (U)

Mil)nat ke masti'il aur unke I)al (Labour Problems andtheir Solutions). Ichra, Lahore, al-I:lablb Publica­tions. n.d. 60p. (U)

"On 'Wages' inan Islamic Economy",1slamic Thought(Aligarh) 7(3), Oct.-Dec. 60: 40-45.

"Wages in an Islamic Economy", Islamic Thought(Aligarh) 6(2), Oct.-Dec. 59: 24-28.

"Industrial Peace", Islamic Thought (Aligarh) 1(1)Mar.-Apr. 54: 17-18.

"Labour Partnership in Early Islamic Law", Journalofthe Economic and Social History ofthe Orient 10(1),67: 64-80.

"Mazdur Islaml mu'ashre melJ" (The Labourer inIslamic Society), a/-Baliigh (Karachi) 4(4) July 70:51-59. (U)

"ai-Islam !wa'I-'ummal" (Islam and the Labourers)al-Ba'th al-Islaml (Lucknow) 11(5), Feb. 67: 53-59. (A)


Page 42: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of

xxiv. Family Planning: 446-472

446. 'ABO al-'AZlzBIN BAz


448. ABO ZUHRA, Mu~ammad

"l;Iaula ta~dld ai-nasi" (On Population Control)Majallat al-f:lajj (Makka) 19(2) Dec. 64: 75. (A)

"Qariir al-Riibitah bi-sha'n ai-nasi" (Resolution ofthe Rabitah on Population Control), Allhbar al-'AlamaI-IslamI (Makka) (438), 28 July, 75: 7. (A)

"Tan~lm ai-nasi" (Population Planning Liwa' al­Islam (Cairo) 16(11), Nov. 62: 676-680. (A)


"Tan~lm al-usrah wa tan?lm ai-nasi" (FamilyPlanning and Population Planning) al-Azhar. al­Mu'tamar aI-than' li-Majma' al-Bubath al-lslamTyah(Cairo), May 65: 247-303. (A)

450. 'ISA, 'Abd al­'Azlz Mu~ammad

aI-Islam wa tanlTm al-usrah (Islam and FamilyPlanning). al-Qiihirah, Jihiiz Tan~lm al-Usrah, 1973.23p. (A)

451." "

aI-Islam wa tan?lm al-usrah (Islam and FamilyPlanning) al-Qiihirah, Matba'ah al-Abriim al-Ti­jiirlyah,1973. (A)

452. al-ITTII;IAD al-'ALAMIIi-TA NZIMal-W ALI DIyAH(International PlannedParenthood Federation).

453. KHAN, M. E.


455. al-KHAULl, ai-Baht

aI-Islam wa tan?lm al-usrah (Islam and FamilyPlanning). Beirut, 1973. 2v. 414, 596p. (A)

"Is Islam against Family Planning ?", Islam and theModern Age (New Delhi) 6(2), May 75: 61-72.

"Ta~rlk-e r,labt-e Wiliidat kii 'IIml jii'izah" (Scien­tific Review of Birth Control Movement) in: Maudoodi,Syed Abul Ala: Islam aur rjabt-e Wiliidat. Lahore,Islamic Publications, 1962: 163-204. (U)

aI-Islam wa'l-mar'at al-mu'a$irah (Islam and theContemporary Woman). 3rd. ed. Kuwait, Diiral-Qalam (A)

456. MADKOR, Mu~ammad Saliim Na?arat aI-Islam ita tan?lm aI-nasI (Islamic view pointon family planning). al-Qiihirah, Diir al-Nahr,latal-'Arablyah, 1969. 98p. (A)

457. MAUDOODI, Syed Abul Ala "Oabt-e Wiliidat aur Wa~lyat al-'ainain kEi shar"~aithlyat." (Position of Birth Control and Donationof Eyes in Islamic Law), Tarjuman al-Qur'an (Lahore)57(4), Jan. 62: 251-252. (U)

458. " " Islam aur rjabt-e Wi/iidat (Islam and Birth Control),Lahore, Islamic Publications, 1962. 204p. (U) Firstpublished in 1943.English tr. Birth Control,lts Social, Political, EconomicMoral and Religious Aspects by Khurshid Ahmad andM. I. Faruqi. Lahore, 1968. 182 p.


Page 43: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of


460. al-NADWI, KhatIb Abmad


462. al-QOBANI, Mubammad'Abd ai-Salam



465. "

466. SAMBHAU, 'AtlqurRabman

467. " "

468. al-SHARBASI, ai-ShaikhAbmad

469. ai-SHaRI, IbrahIm

470. SIDDlQUE, Kaukab

471. ZERRUQ, A. R. M.


"Nadwat Liwa' ai-Islam: bal)th tal)dld ai-nasi", (Liwa'ai-Islam Conference: Discussion on PopulationControl), Liwa' aI-Islam (Cairo) 7(2), June 53: 117. (A)

"Tabdld ai-nasi fl ~au' al-Kitab wa'l-sunnah" (Popu­lation Control in the Light of the Qur'an and theSunnah), a/-Ba'th a/-Islami (Lucknow) 14(1), Aug. 69:64-69. (A)

Muslim Attitudes Towards Family Planning, New York,The Council, Aug. 1967.

"Tabdld ai-nasi" (Population Control) a/-Azhar29(6) Dec. 57: 550-552. (A)

Tabdld ai-nasi ibadah li'I-'alam al-Islaml" (Popu­lation Control is Destruction of the Muslim World),a/-Mujtama' (Kuwait) (247) 29 Apr. 75: 31. (A)

"Birth Control in the Light of IslamicJurisprudence",World Muslim League (Singapore) 3(7), July-Aug. 66:26-31.

"Oabt-e Wiladat kl fiqhl I)aithlyat (Status ofBirth Control in Fiqh) Fikr-o-Na?ar (Karachi). Nov.­Dec. 64: 332-334. (U)

"Nas band! bara'e Khandanl man!?uba bandl"Sterilization as means of Family Planning), a/-Furqan(Lucknow) 35(10,11, 12), Jan., Feb., Mar, 68: 73-88;36(1), Apr. 68: 39-54. (U)

"Tal)dld ai-nasi min wijhat na~ar ai-Islam" (Popu­lation Control from Islamic View Point), a/-Ba'th al­IslamT (Lucknow) 12(8), May 68: 58-66; 12(9), June68: 66-72. (A)

aI-Din wa tan?im al-Usrah (Religion and FamilyPlanning). al-Qahirah, Matabi' al-Sha'b, 1384/1968.(A)

"ai-Nasi bain ai-tab did wa'l-tan~lm" (Population,its Control and Planning) Akhbiir al-'Alam al-Islami(Makka) (435) 7 July 75: 11. (A)

"Population Explosion and Mankind's Future: aScientific Reply" Criterion (Karachi) 3(2), Mar.-Apr.68: 55-64. (Review of 'Nigel Colder: The EnvironmentGame', London, Seeker & Warburg, 1957. 240p.).

"Islam and Family Planning", Islamic Literature(Lahore) 10(8-9), Aug.-Sep. 58: 71-74.

"Religion of Islam and Family Planning", IslamicReview (London) 58(1), Jan. 70: 6-11.

xxv. Economic Development 473-494

473. ABAZAH, IbrahIm Dasuql "ai-Islam wa'l-tanmlyat al-iqtil?adlyah" (Islam andEconomic Development) al-Manhal (Jeddah) 33(11),Dec. 72-Jan. 73: 1123-1132. (A)


Page 44: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of

488. MEYER, A. J.


475. AUSTRUY, Jaques

476. BERGER, Morroe

477. al-FANJARI,Mubammad Shauql

478. "

479. FARIDI, Fazlur Rahman

480. HAFFAR, Ahmed R.

481. ISSAWI, Charles

482." "

483. KHAN, Muhammad Akram

484. MALIK ben NABI







MANZAR, Abdul Moiz

al-MASHRIQI,Mubammad Mubyuddln


"Industrial Entrepreneurship in Turkey, its originand Growth", Economic Development and CulturalChange 8,1960: 349-365.

aI-Islam wa'l-tanmryat a/-iqti$Mryah (Islam andEconomic Development) tr.from French by NabJl$ubbl ai-TawIl. Dimashq, Dar al-Fikr, 1960. 118p. (A)

The Arab World Today. London, Weidenfeld &Nicholson, 1962. 480p.

"al-Iqti~iid al-Islaml wa'l-daur alladhl yumkin 'anyal'abah" (Islamic Economics and the Role it canPlay) a/-Wa'y a/-Islamr (Kuwait) (112), Apr. 74: 35-42.(A)

"ai-Islam wa'l-mushkilat al-iqti~adlyah (Islam andthe Economic Problem) a/-Wa'y al-Islaml (Kuwait)(95), Dec. 72: 23-33. (A)

"Economic Developmentand IslamicValues",lslamlcThought (Aligarh) 10(1,2) Apr. 64: 9-53.

"Economic Development in Western Scholarship",Islam and the Modern Age (New Delhi) 6(2), May 75:5-22; 6(3), Aug. 75: 5-29.

Egypt at Mid-century .. An Economic Survey. London,O.U.P., 1954. xiv, 289p.

"The Entrepreneur Class" in Fisher, S. N. (ed.):Social Forces in the Middle East. Ithaca, N.Y., CornellU.P., 1955: 116-136.

"Concept of Development in Islam", Criterion(Karachi) 4(4), July-Aug. 69: 7-16.

aI-Muslim fr 'alam a/-iqti$ad (The Muslim in theEconomic World). Beirul, Dar al-shurOq, 1972. 132p.(A)

Shurat al-nah{lah (Conditions of Progress) tr. fromFrench by 'Abd al-$abOr Shahin wa 'Umar KiimiJMasqawl, 1960. (A)

"On Economic Development and Islamic Values",Islamic Thought (Aligarh) 10(3, 4), Jan. 65: 66-70.

"?:iihirat al-takhalluf al-iqti~adl fi 'I-duwal al-Islamlyahal-namlyah" (The Phenomenon of Economic Back­wardness in the Developing Islamic Countries), al­Ba/Jth a/-'lImr (Rabat) 3(17), Jan.-May 71: 44-133. (A)

"Entrepreneurship and Economic Development inthe Middle East", Public Opinion Quarterly, 22 (1958):391-396.

"Entrepreneurship, the Missing Link In the ArabStates", Middle East Economic Papers (Beirut) 54:121-132.

Middle Eastern Capitalism. Cambridge, Mass., HarvardU.P. 1959. 161 p.


Page 45: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of

491. ai-NAJJAR, AbmadMubammad 'Abd al-'Azlz

"al-Tarblyat al-Islamlyah wa mushkilatiina'l-iqti~a­

dlyah" (Islamic Education and our Economic Pro­blems), al-Wa'y al-Islami (Kuwait) (50) 18 Apr. 69:41-46. (A)

492. QURAISHI, Marghoob A. "Investment and Economic Development in MuslimCountries", Association of Muslim Social Scientists.,Proceedings, Third Seminar, Gary, Indiana, U.S.A.May 74: 1-8.

493. SAYIGH, Y. A.

494. SIDDIQI, Kalim

Entrepreneurs of Lebanon: the Role of the BusinessLeader in a Developing Economy. Cambridge, Mass.,Harvard U.P., 1962. 181 p.

"Islamic Development Plan", aI-Islam (Singapore)5(1), Jan.-Mar. 74: 24-30. (Also printed separately:Karachi, Umma Publishing House, 1970).

xxvi. Audit and Accounts: 495-498


495. QURAISHI, Marghoob Ahmad Annual Zak.at Payment Form. Palo Alto, California.AI Manar Press, 1970. 19p.

496. SHII:lATAH, Shauqr Isma'll al-Mablidi'I-lslamiyah fi na?ariyat al-taqwim fi'l­mubasabah (Islamic principles in the theory of valueAssessment in Accounting). Ph.D. Thesis, Kullryat­al-Tijarah, Jami'at al-Qahirah, 1960. (A)

Mubiisabah zak.iit aI-mal 'ilman wa 'amalan. (AScientific and Practical Accounting of Zak.lit onProperty). Cairo, Maktabah al-Anjalii al-Mi~rJyah,

1970. (A)

498." " "

Nilam al-mublisabah Ii-rjaribat al-Zak.iit wa'l-dafatiral-musta'malah fi bait aI-mal (System of Accountingfor Zak.at tax and the Registers used in bait-al mal).M.A. Dissertation. Kulilyat al-Tijarah Jami'at al­Fu'ad al-Awwal. 1951. (A)


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Page 47: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of

Chapter 3.

Islamic Critique of Contemporary EconomicTheories and Systems


i. Capitalism: 499-500

499. PARWEZ, Ghulam Abmad Khuda aur sarmayadar (God and the Capitalist).Lahore, Idara-e-Tul O'-e Islam, 1967. (U)

500. QUTB, Sayyid Ma'rikat aI-Islam wa'l-ra's malTyah (Confrontation ofIslam and Capitalism). 3rd ed. al-Qahirah,1966. 122p.(A)

ii. Interest: 501-533

501. ABBASI, Masud Ahmad "Interest-An Economic Study on the Three Eco­nomic Systems", Islamic Review (London) 57(3-4),Mar.-Apr. 69: 28-32.

502. 'ABO al-BASIT, "al-Riba da' al-basharlyah al-Wabil" (Riba, the Disas-Badr al-Mutawalll trous affliction of Mankind) al-Azhar 22(9), Ramar;lan

1370: 797-800. (A)

503. 'ABDOU, Mubammad 'Issa al-Fa'idah 'ala ra's aI-mal $Orah min $uwar aI-riM(Interest on Capital is a Form of Riba). Beirut, Daral-Fatb, 1970. (A)













Limadha /)arrama Allah aI-riM (Why Allah has Pro­hibited RiM?). Kuwait, Maktabah al-Manar, n.d. 33p.(A)

al-Riba wa dauruhO fi istighlal mawarid al-shu'Ob (Ribaand its Role in the Exploitation of the Incomes ofNations). Kuwait, Dar al-Buboth al-'lImlyah, 1969.86p. (A)

Wa9" al-riba fT bina' al-iqti$lidi (Position of RiM inthe Economic Structure), Kuwait, Dar al Bu buthal-'llmtyah, 1973. 190p. (A)

507. ABO SA'OD, Mubammad "Islamic View of RiM", Islamic Review (London)45(2), Feb. 57: 9-16.

508. ABO SHAI:IBAH, Mubammad Na?arat aI-Islam i1if'l-riba (Islam's Viewpoint of RiM).al-Qahlrah, Majma' al-Buboth al-Islamlyah, 1971. (A)


Page 48: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of

509. ABO ZUHRA, Mul)ammad

510. " "

Bui)oth fi'1-riM (Discourses on RiM), Kuwait, Daral-Bu~oth al-'lImlyah, 1970. 94p. (A)

"ai-RiM (tafs!r al-Our'an)" (RiM, exegesis of theOur'an), Liwli' al-Isllim (Cairo) 8(3), July 54: 137-145.(A)

511. AHMAD, Sheikh Mahmud "Interest and Unemployment" Islamic Studies (Isla­mabad) 8(1), Mar. 69: 9-46.

512. " " " "Sud ka mas'alah" (The Problem of Interest)ThaqiJ.{at (Lahore) 2(2), Feb. 56: 33-43. (U)

513. DARAz, Mu~ammad,Abdullah

514. FARID, O. M.

515. al-GHAWALI, f:Iamid

516. GHULAM 'All, Malik

517. f:IAMID, Mu~ammad

518. HUSSAIN, S. Mushtaq

519. IRSHAD, Sheikh Ahmad

aI-RiM f! na?ar al-qanOn aI-Islam! (RiM according toIslamic Law) Kuwait, Maktabat al-Manar. n.d. (A)Also in al-Azhar 23(1), 51: 11-17; 23(2), l;iafar 1371:105-112; 23(3) RabJ' I, 1371: 193-195. (A)

"Is Interest Obsolete 1", Voice of Islam (Karachi)8(10), Jul. 64: 495-502.

"al-Riba bain al-tibb wa'I-lslam" (RiM according tothe Science of Medicine and Islam), Liwa' aI-Islam(Cairo) 13(4), June 59: 246-248. (A)

"Jawaz-e sOd ka ~aq meo ak riwayat sa ghalatistidalal." (Wrong Argument in Favour of Permissi­bility of interest derived from a tradition), Tarjumanal-Qur'lin (Lahore) 60(5), Aug. 63: 306-309. (U)

"f:Iaula mushkilat al-riba" (On the Problem ofInterest) al-Muslimoon (Dimashq) 6(4) Sep. 58: 75-81.(A)

"Interest on Money and Islam-A SuggestedAnalysis", Report of First Regional Conference of theM.S.A. of U.S. & Canada. Stanford University,California, June 10-12, 1966: 9-14.

"Islamic Economy and the Elimination of Interest",Voice of Islam (Karachi) 12(2), Nov. 63: 78-85.

520. KHAROFAH, 'Ala' al-Dfn "al-Riba wa'i fa'idah" (RiM and Interest), Majma'al-'lIm! al-'Iraq! 10(1), 63: 353-354. (A)

521. MAUDOOD1, Syed Abul Ala SOd (Interest), Lahore, Islamic Publications, 1961,410p. (U)Arabic tr. aI-RiM, Dlmashq, Dar al-Fikr.

522. MUSLIM, A. G.

523. NADWI, 'Abd ai-Salam

"The Early Development of the Islamic Conceptof RiM", Current British Research in Middle Easternand Islamic Studies, Univ. of Durham, Centre forMiddle Eastern and Islamic Studies, 1971.

"Tabrlm-e sud" (Prohibition of Interest) Ma'arif(Azamgarh) 14(1), July 24: 9-31; 14(2) Aug. 24: 93­128; 14(3), Sep. 24: 170-184. (U)


Page 49: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of

524. NADWI, Mubammad Na'lm "Tabrlm-e- sud 'ilm wa 'aql kl raushnl melJ",(Prohibition of Interest in the Light of Science andReason). Zindagi (Ram pur) 38(1, 2) Jan. Feb. 67:25-35. (U)

525. QADRI, Sayyid MU'lnuddln "Sarmayakarl kl ma'ash! baqlqat aur Islaml nuqtae­na~ar sa us ka mu'awaQa kl wajh-e jawaz" (TheEconomic Nature of Investment and the Basis ofPermission of its Reward from Islamic Viewpoint),Burhan (Delhi) 55(3), Sep. 65: 159-176; 55(4), Oct. 65:221-229. (U)

526. QURESHI, Anwar Iqbal Islam and the Theory of Interest with an Introductionby Syed Sulaiman Nadvi. Lahore, MuhammadAshraf. xxiv, 223p. Arabic tr. ai-Islam wa'i riM byFaruq I;lilml. al-Qahirah, Maktabah. Mi!?r, 158p.

527. QUTB, Sayyid Tafsir ayat ai-riM (Exegesis of the Verses (of theQur'an) related to RiM). Kuwait, Dar al-Bu buthal-'Ilmiyah, n.d. 66p. (A)

528. "ai-RiM" (Interest), Liwa' ai-Islam (Cairo) 8(10), Feb.55: 648--657. (A)

529. ai-RiM fi'I-lslam wa fi'l-na?ariyat al-iqti$adiyahal-!)adithah (RiM in Islam and in recent EconomicTheories). Kuwait, ai-Dar al-Kuwaitiyah li'l-tiba'ahwa'I-Nashr, n.d. 72p. (A)

530. RIQA, Mubammad Rashid

531. SHAFI', Mufti Mubammad

532. $IDDIQI, MubammadMa~haruddln

533. ZAKI ai-DIN, Ibrahim

ai-RiM wa 'I-mu'amalat fi'I-lslam (RiM and Transac­tions in Islam). al-Qahirah, Maktabat al-Qahirah,1960. (A)

Mas'ala-e-sud (The Problem of Interest). Karachi,Idarat al-Ma'arif, 3rd edition, 1390 A.H., 148 p. (U)

"Sud ka mas'alah" (The Problem of Interest),Thaqafat (Lahore) 4(5), May 57: 54-62. (U)

Na?ariyat ai-riM al-mu!)arram (The Theory of theProhibited interest).

534. 'ABBASI, Man~ur Absan

iii. Commercial Interest: 534-553

"QuruQ wa ribii" (Loans and Interest), Thaqafat(Lahore) 8(8), Aug. 60: 43-62. (U)

535. ANWARULLAH, Mul)ammad Mas'alat ai-RiM (The Problem of Interest).Hyderabad(On.), Majlis Isha'at al-'Ulum, n,d. 27p. (U)

536. QANAwl, Mubammad 'All "Hal bai' al-taqslt Jii'iz?" (Is Instalment PurchaseLegal ?), al-Ba'th al-Islami (Lucknow) 11(5), Feb. 67:60-65. (A)

537. FAZLUR RAHMAN "Riba and Interest", Islamic Studies (Karachi) 3(1),Mar. 64: 1-43.


Page 50: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of

538. FAZLUR RAHMAN(Gunnauri)

"Mabl)ath tal)lllll)aula al-riba al-tijarl" (An AnalyticalStudy of Commercial Interest), al-Ba'th al-Islami(Lucknow) 12(7), Apr. 68: 48-57; 12(8), May 68:67-71. (A)

541. !:lASAN, Abu 'Usamah







"A Study of Commercial Interest in Islam", IslamicThought (Aligarh) 5(4 & 5) July-Oct. 58: 24-46.

TijaralT sud tarikhi aur fiqhi nuqta-e na?ar se (Com­merciallnterest from the Stand Point of History andIslamic Law). Aligarh Muslim University, 1967. xv,176p. (U)

"Fa:j:lur Ral)manl tal)qlq-e riba kl I)aqlqat" (AnEvaluation of Fazlur Rahman's Study on RiM),Bayyinat (Karachi) 3(2) Jan. 64: 105-123; 3(3) Feb. 64:177-189; 3(4) March 64: 231-251; 3(5) April 54: 311­317. (U)

542. 'IMADI, Tamanna

543. ISMA'IL, Ch. Mul)ammad

544. JA'FAR SHAH,Mu I)ammad, Phulwarwt

545. KHAN, Mir Sa'adat Ali

546. al-NABHAN, Mul)ammadFaruq

547. NADWI, Mul)ammad Na'lm

548." " "

549. NA~IF, Hafnl Beck

550. SHAH, Syed Ya'qub

"Riba aur bai'" (RiM and Trade), Fikr-o Na?ar(Karachi) 2(7), Jan. 65: 429-434. (U)

"Mas'ala-e sud"(The Problem of Interest),IThaqafat(Lahore) 9(1, 4, 6): 37-47, 35-50, 53-61, 40-50. (U)

Commercial Interest ki fiqhi !)aythiyat (CommercialInterest in Islamic Law). Lahore, Idara-e Thaqafat-eIslamiyah, 1959. 234p. (U)

"The Mohammadan Laws Against Usury and howthey are Evaded", Comparative Legislation 11 (1920):233-244.

al-Qurfj(j al-intajiyah wa mauqifaI-Islam minhli (Islam'sStand on Production Loans). M.A. Dissertation.Unpublished. Cairo University.

"Bank ka sud" (Bank Interest), Zindagi (Rampur)40(3), Mar. 68: 22-37. (U)

"Mahajanl aur tijiiratl sud" (Money Lenders Interestand Commercial Interest), Zindagi (Rampur) 40(2-3).(U)

"Bank aur sud" (Banks and Interest), Thaqafat(Lahore) 9(2), Mar. 61: 57-64. (U)

Chand ma'ash! masa'i1 aur Islam (Some EconomicProblems and Islam). Lahore, Idara-e Thaqafat-eIslamlyah, 1967. 259p. (U)

551. " " ""Islam and Productive Credit", Islamic Review(London) 47(3) Mar. 59: 34-37.

552. SHAMI, Amlr !:lamza

553. SUHAIL, Iqbal Al)mad

"Commercial Interest aur Islam" (Commercial In­terest and Islam) Tarjuman al-Qur'an (Lahore), 57(1),Oct. 61: 32-46. (U)

1;Iaqiqat aI-riM (Nature of RiM), Badayun, Ni:j:amlPress, 1936, 14, 178p. (U)


Page 51: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of

iv. Riba'I.Fa~l: 554-555

554. al-'lTR, Nur ai-DIn "'Illat riba'l-fa!;!I" (Legal Basis of (Prohibiting)Riba'l-farj/) al-Wa'y al-Islami (Kuwait) (116), Aug. 74:51-53. (A)

555. 'IWAO, A/;1mad $afl al-Drn "Tai?awwur jadld Ii riba'l-fagl" (A New Conceptionof riba'l-farj/), al-Wa'y al-Islami (Kuwait) (111), Mar.74: 57-69. (A)

v. Speculation and Stock Exchange: 556-559

556. AMINI, Mu/;1ammad Taql

557. HARON, AbdussalamMu/;1ammad

558. KHAN, Mu/;1ammad Akram

559." "

Maqalat-e-Amini (Essays of Amini), Aligarh MuslimUniversity Press, 1970. 268p. (U)

al-Maisir wa'l-azlam (Games of Chance and Raffles),al-Qahirah, Dar al-Fikr al-'Arabl, 1953. 106p. (A)

"International Monetary Crisis: Causes and Cure",Criterion (Karachi) 62(2), Mar. Apr. 71: 5-19.

"Stock Exchanges: Function and Need to Reform",Criterion (Karachi) 7(1), Jan. 72: 28-38.

vi. Lottery: 560-562

560. PIRZADA, Shams

561. SYED 'ALI

562. $IDDIQI, Na'im

Lollery, Delhi, Markazl Maktabah Jama'at-e-IslamlHind 1971, 23p. (U)

"Lottery" Zindagi (Ram pur) 44(4), Apr.70: 47-50.,(U)

"Qur'ah aur lottery", (Qur'ah and lottery), Tarjumanal-Qur'an (Lahore) 41(3), Dec. 53: 205-206. (U)

vii. Socialism and Communism: 563-597

563. 'ABD al-BARI, Mu/;1ammad

564. ABDUL HAKIM, Khalifa

565. ABO ZUHRA, Mu/;1ammad

566. AKBAR MURADPORI,Mu/;1ammad

567. al-'AQQAD, 'AbbasMa/;1m ud

"Islam and Socialism", Islamic Literature (Lahore)3(8), Aug. 51: 21-27.

Islam and Communism. Lahore, Institute of IslamicCulture, 1953. 262p.

"al-Shuyu'lyah wa '1-lslam"(Communism and Islam),Liwa' ai-Islam (Cairo) 13(9), 2 Nov. 59: 535-538;13(10), Dec. 59: 599-604; 13(11), Jan. 60: 663-668;13(12), Feb. 60: 727-733. (A)

Conflict between Socialism and Islam, Lahore,Muhammad Ashraf, 1970. 125 p.

"A Doctrine in Bankruptcy (Communist MaterialismIncapable of Survival)", al-Azhar 31(1), June 59:26-30.


Page 52: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of

568. al- 'AQQAD, 'AbbasMabmOd

569. al- 'AQQAD, 'AbbasMabmud; 'ATTAR,A bmad 'Abd al-GhafOr

570. al-BADRI, 'Abd al-'Azlz

571. ai-BAH!, Mubammael

572. al-BANNA, Mu i)ammaelKamil

573. al-BARODI, 'Air

574. BASHIR al-'AUF

575. DAWALlBI, Ma'rOf

576. ENAYAT, Hamid

577. al-GHAZZALI, Mu bam mad

578. GHULAM RASOL, Sayyid

579. I:lUSSAIN, MirzaMubammad

580. " "


582. KERR, M. H.

583. KHAN, MubammadIhsanullah

584. KHURSHID AI:lMAD (eel.)

585." "

al-ShuyO'iyah wa'l-insaniyah (Communism andHumanity). Cairo, 1956, 335p. (A)

al-ShuyO'iyah wa'l-lslam (Communism and Islam).2nd ed. Beirut, 1072. 213p. (A)

Ijukm aI-Islam fi'I-lshtirakiyah (Islam's Verdict onSocialism). al-Madinat al-Munawwarah, al-Maktabatal- 'Ilmiyah, 1969. 172p. (A)

"Communism and Religion", al-Azhar 31 (3), Sep. 59:76-90.

"al-Shuyu'iyah (Communism), Liwa' aI-Islam (Cairo)13(10), Dec. 59: 605-608. (A)

DurOs fi'l-ishtirakiyat al-'Arabiyah (Discourses onArab Socialism). Alexandria, Maktabat al-Ma'arif,1967. 262p. (A)

Ishtirakiyatuhum wa Islamuna (Their Socialism andOur Islam). Beirut, Mu'assasat al-Intaj al-Tiba'j,1966. 158p. (A)

Na?aratun Islamiyah fi'I-lshtirakiyat al-thauriyah (AnIslamic Review of Revolutionary Socialism). Beirut,Dar al-Kitab al-Jadld, 1965. 144p. (A)

"Islam and Socialism in Egypt", Middle EasternStudies 4(2), Jan. 68: 141-172.

aI-Islam wa'l manahij al ishtirakiyah (Islam and theSocialistic Methods). Cairo, 1951. 120p. (A)

"Islam aur socialism ka bunyadi farq" (Basic Dif­ference between Islam and Socialism), Faran (Kara­chi) 22(1), Apr. 70: 11-12. (U)

Islam and Socialism: A Critical Study of Capitalism,Socialism, Fascism and Nazism as contrasted withthe Quranic Concept of a New World Order. Lahore,Muhammad Ashraf, 1947. xii, 446p.

Islam versus Socialism. Lahore, Muhammad Ashraf,1970. 170p. (First Published in 1947).

"al-Ishtirakryah" (Socialism), Liwa' aI-Islam (Cairo)14(7),23 Aug. 60: 443-453. (A)

"Islam and Arab Socialism", Muslim World 56(4),Oct. 66: 276-281.

"Communism and Islam Contrasted", Islamic Litera­ture (Lahore) 3(4), Apr. 51 : 11-21.

"Chiragh-e Rah". Socialism Number (Karachi) Dec.1967. 525p. (U)

Socialism Ya Islam (Socialism or Islam). Karachi,Maktabah Chiragh-e-Rah, 1969, 320p. (U)


Page 53: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of

586. LEWIS, Bernard

587. MUBARAK, Mu~ammad

588. al-MUNAJJID, $ala~ ai-Din

589. NADWI, Mas'ud 'Alam

590. al-NAWAWI, Mahmud;KHAFAJ1, 'Abd .al-Mun'im

591. SA'ID, 'Abd al-Mughni

592. SHALTOT, Ma~mud

593. SHAMSI, SyedMughni ai-Din

594. $IDDIQI, 'Abd al-l;iamid

595. $IDDIQI, Mu~ammadMa~haruddin

"Communism and Islam", International Affairs (Lon­don) 30(1), 54: 1-12.

"Ishtiraklyat aur Islam" (Communism and Islam),Bayyinat (Karachi), 15(1) Jan. 70: 24-33. (U)

al- Tar;llil al-ishtiralli (The Socialist Misguidance).Beirut, Dar al-Kitab al-Jadld, 1966. 144p. (A)

Ishtiralliyat aur Islam (Communism and Islam)Karachi, Maktabah Chiragh-e-Rah, 1949. 80p (U)

Bain al-shuyu'iyah wa'I-lslam (Between Communismand Islam). al-Qahirah, Dar al-'Ahd al-Jadld, 1959.102p. (A)

ai-Islam wa'l-u!;ul al-fillriyah li'l-ishtiralliyat al­'Arabiyah (Islam and the Intellectual Bases of ArabSocialism). al-Qahirah, Maktabat al-Anjalu Mi~riyah,

n.d. 109p. (A)

"Socialism and Islam" in Karpat, Kemal H. (ed)Political and Social Thought in the ContemporaryMiddle East. New York, Praeger, 1970: 126-132.

"Ta~rik-e-socialism par Eik tanqidl na~ar" (A CriticalStudy of the Socialist Movement), Burhan (Delhi)3(2), Aug. 39; 3(5), Nov. 39: 119-134. (U)

"Ishtirakiyat aur 'amal-e tathlr" (Purges in Com­munism), Zindagi (Rampur) 45(6), Dec. 70: 15-24. (U)

Ishtiralliyat aur ni?am-e Islam (Communism and theIslamic System). Lahore, Markazl Maktabah Jama­'at-e-Islaml, 1949. (U) (Earlier Published under theTitle: Hegal, Marx aur ni?am-e-Islam (Hegal, Marxand the Islamic System). Pathankot, Daftar RisalahTarjuman al-Qur'an, 1943. 240p.

596." "

Marxism or Islam, Lahore, Orientalia, 1952. 168p.

597. ZAYID, Sa'id

598. ABAZAH, IbrahimDas uqi

599. 'ABDULLAH, Syed


"ai-Islam wa'l-ishtiraklyah" (Islam and Socialism),al-Azhar 22(7), Rajab 1370: 665-669; Ram. 1370:826-828; 22(10) Shaw. 1370: 921-923; Muhar. 1371:61-63. (A)

Marxian Theories: 598-599

"Naqd al-na~arlyatal-marxlyah" (Critique of MarxianTheory), al-Ba!)th al-'lImi (Rabat) 8(17), Jan-May71: 97-131. (A)

"Karl Marx kEi na~arlyat maghribl naqqado!) klna~ar me!)." (Western Critics on the Theories ofKarl Marx), Tarjuman al-l;Iadith, Jan. 70: 37-42. (U)


Page 54: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of

ix. Socialism and Capitalism etc.: 600-610

600. 'ABDUllAH, Amln 'AfIfl

601. DARWISH, MUl?tafa

602. DAWALlBf, Ma'rDf

603. DAWALlBJ, Ma'rDf

604. ISMA'fl, IbrahimMui)ammad

605. al-KHAULI, al-Bahl


607. MAUDOODI, Syed Abul Ala


609. SHAFJ', MuftI Mui)ammad

610. TAMAN, 'All FahmI

"Islam aur daur-e jadrd ke iqtil?adl madhahib"(Islam and the Economic Ideologies of ModernAge), tr. by I;liya' ai-DIn 'l?lahl, Ma'arif (Azamgarh)88(3), Nov. 61 : 391-396. (U)

aI-Islam fi muwajahat al-ra'smaliyah wa'l ishtirak.iyah(Confrontation of Islam with Capitalism and Social­ism). al-Qahirah, al-Jami' al-Azhar, 1959. 20p. (A)

aI-Islam amam al-ra'smaliyah wa'I-Mark.siyah (Islamversus Capitalism and Marxism). Beirut, Dar al­Kitab al-Jadld. n.d. 22p. (A)

"Islam versus Capitalism and Marxism", WorldMuslim League (Singapore) 3(5), May 66: 14-24.

Islam and Contemporary Economic Theories, tr. fromArabic by Isma'i1 Kashmrri. Cairo, Supreme Councilfor Islamic Affairs. n.d. 100p.

al-/s/am-Ia shuyO'iyah wa la ra'smaliyah (lslam­neither Communism nor Socialism). (A)

"Capitalism and Socialism", Criterion (Karachi)8(9), Sep. 73: 25-35; 9(4), Apr. 74: 14-31.

Islam aur jadid m'ashi na?ariyat (Islam and ModernEconomic Theories). Delhi, Markazi Maktabah Jama­'at-e-Islaml (Hind) 1969. 136p. (U)

"Mauqif ai-Islam min al-shuyD'iyah wa'l-ra'small­yah", (Islamic Stand vis avis Capitalism and Com­munism), al-Azhar 24(4), Dec. 52: 458-460. (A)

"Ishtiraklyat, qaumlyat aur sarmayadarl" (Com­munism, Nationalism and Capitalism), Zindagi(Rampur) 44, May 70: 29-39. (U) (Also Publishedin al-Balagh (Karachi) 3, Mar. 70: 15-22.

a/-Fik.rat al-/s/amiyah bain al-shuyO'iyah wa'l isti'mar(Islamic Thought versus Communism and Im­perialism). al-Qahirah, al-Mu'allif, 1948. (A)


Page 55: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of

Chapter 4.

Economic Analysis in Islamic Framework[611-648]

i. General: 611-614

611. KAHF, Monzer

613. KHAN, Muhammad Akram

612." "

Challenges Confronting Islamic Economist. Utah,U.S.A., Univ. of Utah, S.L.C., July 1972. 8p. mimeo.

A Contribution to the Study of the Economics ofIslam. Utah, U.S.A., Univ. of Utah S.L.C., July 1973.110p. mimeo.

A Survey of Contemporary Economic Thought inIslam, mimeo.

614. SIDDIQI, MuhammadNejatullah

615. KAHF, Monzer

A Survey of Contemporary Literature on IslamicEconomics. Jeddah, First International Conferenceon Islamic Economics. 1975. 174p. mimeo.

ii. Consumption: 615

"A Model of the Household Decisions in IslamicEconomy" in: Association of Muslim Social Scien­tists, Proceedings, Third National Seminar. Gary,Indiana, May 1974: 19-28.

616. HAMID, Habeeb

iii. Production and Enterprise: 616-619

"On Economic Enterprise in Islam", Islamic Thought(Aligarh) 5(3), May-June 55: 17-18.

617. MOHIUDDIN. Ghulam

618. SIDDIQI, 'Abdul Hamid

619. SIDDIQI, MuhammadNejatullah

"On Market Mechanism under the Influence ofIslamic Spirit", Islamic Thought (Aligarh) 5(1), Jan.­Feb. 58: 32.

"Economic Enterprise in Islam", Islamic Thought(Aligarh) 6(2) Mar.-Apr. 57: 27.

Economic Enterprise in Islam. Lahore, IslamicPublications, 1972. 179p.; Delhi, Markazi Maktabah­Islam', 1972. 179p.


Page 56: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of

620. CHAWDHARI, A. B. M.Masudul Alam

iv. Profit-Sharing: 620

"A Mathematical Formulation of 'Mui;larabah' theProfit Sharing in Islam", in: Association of MuslimSocial Scientists, Proceedings, Third National Seminar.Gary, Indiana, May 1974: 19-28.

v. Zakat: 621-627

621. AHMAD, Afazuddin "Economic Significance of Zakat", Islamic Literature(Lahore), 4(8), Aug. 52: 5-11.

622. HASANUZZAMAN, S. M. "Zakat, Taxes and Estate Duty", Islamic Literature(Lahore) 17(7), July 71: 407--411.

623. IZADI, Ali. M. "The Role of az-Zakat (An Institutionalised Charity)in the Islamic System of Economics in Curing thePoverty Dilemma". in: Association of Muslim SocialScientists, Proceedings, Third National Seminar.Gary, Indiana, May 1974: 9-18.

624. MAHMOUD, Mabid "Frictions, Power Rationing and al-Zakat" in: As­sociation of Muslim Social Scientists, Proceedings,Third National Seminar. Gary, Indiana, May 1974:29-43.

625. MOHAMMAD bin JAMAL "Zakat-A Socio Economic Power for the Develop­ment and Progress of the Muslim Community",World Muslim League (Singapore) 1(6), May 64:47-52.


627. De-ZAYAS, Farishta G.

"Wa:j:lfat al-Zakat fi'l-mujtama' (Function of Zakatin Society), Liwa' aI-Islam (Cairo) 15(8), Sep. 61:463-469. (A)

"The functional role of Zakat in the Islamic SocialEconomy", Islamic Literature (Lahore) 15(3), Mar.69: 5-10.

628. AHMAD, Mahmud

vi. Abolition of Interest: 628-632

"Semantics of Theory of Interest", Islamic Studies(Rawalpindi) 6(2), June 67: 171-196.

629. HASANUZZAMAN, S. M. "Islam aur shar~-e sud" (Islam and the Rate ofInterest), Burhan (Delhi) 53(6), Dec. 64: 325-341. (U)

630. " " "Islam vis-a-vis Interest Rate", Islamic Culture 40(1)Jan. 66: 1-12. Arabic tr. "Mauqif ai-Islam min si'ral-fa'ldah", al-Muslimoon (Dimashq) 9(6), Apr. 65:36-53.

631. SIDDIQI, Abdul Hamid "Islaml ni~am aur tijaratl chakkar" (Islamic Systemand Trade Cycles), Tarjuman al-Qur'an (Lahore)42(1). Apr. 54: 64-66(U)


Page 57: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of

632. ULGENER, Sabri F. "Monetary Conditions of Economic Growth and theIslamic Concept of Interest", Islamic Review (Lon­don) 55(2), Feb. 67: 11-14.

vii. Nature of Islamic Economics: 633-647

633. ALAN, Hashmat

634. CHAWDHRI, A.8.M.Masudul Alam

635. DURRANI, MubammadMurta~a Abmad Khiin

636. al-FANJARI, MubammadShauql

637. FARIDI, Fazlur Rahman

638. al-FARUQI, Isma'i1 R.A.

639." "

640. HAMID, Habeeb

641. HASSANEIN, Medhat

642. KHAN, Muhammad Akram

643. KNAN, MuhammadShabbir


645. MANZAR, Abdul Moiz

646. SAKR, Muhammad Ahmad

647. SIDDIQI, MuhammadNejatullah

Distribution Theory under Islamic Law. Ph.D. Thesis,1953, George Town University. 174p.

"Foundations of Islamic Economics, Pt. I: GeneralMethodology of Islamic Economics", Criterion(Karachi), 9(1) Jan. 74: 17-25.

Ma'tishiytit (lslami nuq(a-e na?ar se). Lahore, 1952.(U)

"al-Iqti~ad ai-Islam! kaifa aghfal'I-Muslim Ontadrlsah 0 wa tatblqah 0" (Islamic Economics: HowMuslims have Neglected its Study and Application),al-'Arabi (Kuwait) (164), July 72: 64-67. (A)

"Need for a Scientific Study of Islamic Economy",Islamic Thought (Aligarh) 2(5), Sep-Oct. 55: 34-35.

"Foreword" in. Contemporary Aspects of Economicand Social Thinking in Islam. Gary, Indiana, M.S.A.of U.S. & Canada, 1973: 1-8.

"Introduction" in: Association of Muslim SocialScientists, Proceedings, Third National Seminar,Gary, Indiana, May 1974: V-IX.

"On 'Problems of Islamic Research in Economics",Islamic Thought 5(2) Mar-April 58: 31-32; 5(3),May-June 58: 19-20.

"Towards a Model of the Economy of Islam" inContemporary Aspects of Economic and SocialThinking in Islam. Gary, Indiana, M.S.A. of U.S.& Canada, 1973: 17-25.

"Islamic Economics: An Outline Plan for Research"Criterion (Karachi) 10(4), Apr. 75: 27-35.

"A Suggestion to the Students of Economics"Islamic Thought (Aligarh) 2(4), July-Aug. 55: 27.

"Method of Approach to Economics", IslamicThought (Aligarh) 2(2), Mar.-Apr. 55: 37.

"Economics Needs a Reconstruction", IslamicThought (Aligarh) 2(2), Mar.-Apr. 55: 7-21.

al-Iqti~iid al-Isliiml: mafiihlm wa murtakaziit(Islamic Economics: Its Foundations and Concept).Paper Presented at the First International Con­ference on Islamic Economics held at Makka onFeb. 21-26, 1976. Mimeo. 51 p.

"Problems of Islamic Research in Economics",Islamic Thought (Aligarh) 6(4, 5), Oct.-Dec. 57: 1-8.


Page 58: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of
Page 59: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of

Chapter 5.

History of Economic Thought in Islam[648-691]

i. General: 648-649

648. MEYER, A. J.

649. $ALlI;f, Mubammad Zakl

650. De SOMOGYI, Joseph

"Economic Thought and its Application and Metho­dology in the Middle East", Middle East EconomicPapers (Beirut) 56: 66-74.

"al-Fikr al-iqtii?adl al-' Arabi fi'l-qarn al-khamis'asharah" (Arab Economic Thought in the FifteenthCentury, al-Qanan wa'I-lqti!;ad (Cairo), Mar., Oct. 33.

"Economic Theory in the Classical Arabic litera­ture", Studies in Islam (Delhi) 2(1), Jan. 65: 1-6.

651. 'ABD ai-QADIR,Mubammad







ii. Ibn Khaldiin: 651-664

"Ibn Khald On ke ma'ash! khayalat" (EconomicViews of Ibn Khald On), Ma'arif (Azamgarh) 50(6),Dec. 42: 433-441. (U)

Ibn KhaldOn It.e ma'ashirati, siyas!, ma'ash! It.hayatat(Social, Political and Economic Ideas of Ibn KhaldOn)Hyderabad (Dn.), A'zam Steam Press,1943. (U)

"The Social and Political Ideas of Ibn Khaldun",Indian Journal ofPolitical Science (Delhi), 3(2), J ul.­Sept. 41.


655. el-ALFI, Ezzat S.

656. ALI, Syed Ahmad

657. IRVING, T. B.


"Ibn Khaldun's Contribution to Economic Thought"in Contemporary Aspects of Economic and SocialThinlt.ing in Islam. Gary, Indiana, M.S.A. of U.S. &Canada,1973: 157-168.

Production, Distribution and Exchange in Khaldun'sWritings. Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. of Minnesota, 1968.

"Economics of Ibn KhaldOn-A selection", AfricaQuarterly (New Delhi) 10(3) Oct-Dec 70: 251-259.

"Ibn KhaldOn on Agriculture", Islamic Literature(Lahore) 7(8), Aug. 55: 31-32.

"A'mal Maharjan Ibn KhaldOn al-mun'aqid fi'l­Qahirah min 2 ila 6 yanayir 1962. (Proceedings of IbnKhald On Celebrations held at Cairo from 2 to 6January 1962). al-Qahirah, al-Markaz al-Qaumtli'I-Bu bOth al-ijtima'!yah wa'I-Jina'lyah, 1962. (A)


Page 60: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of

"Ibn KhaldOn, The Pioneer Economist", IslamicLiterature (Lahore) 6(5), May 55: 33-40.

"I bn-e-Khald On and His Politico-Economic Thought"Islamic Culture 44(2), Apr. 70: 71-80.

"Economic Thought of Islam: Ibn KhaldOn", Com­parative Studies in Society and History (The Hague),VI, 64: 268-306.

660. RIF'AT, SayyidMubiiriz ai-Din

661. ROZENTHAL, Franz

662. SHARIF, M. Raihan

663. SHERWANI, H. K.

664. SPENGLER, J. J.

659. NASH'AT, Mu~ammad 'All al-Fikr al-iqti~adT fT muqaddimat Ibn Khaldun (Econ­omic Thought in the Prolegomena of Ibn Khald On).Ph.D. Thesis, Cairo University, Matba' Diir al­Kutub al-Mi!ilrlya, 1944. (A)

"Ma'iishlyiit par Ibn KhaldOn ke Khayiiliit" (IbnKhald On's Views on Economics), Ma'arif(Azamgarh)40(1) July 37: 16-28; 40(2), Aug. 37: 85--95. (U)

Ibn Khaldun: The Muqaddimah, An Introduction toHistory, V.1. London, Routledge & Kegan Paul,1958. 481p. (Complete History is 3 Volumes).

iii. Ibn Taimiyah : 665--667

665. AHMAD, lIyas

666. KAHF, Monzer

667. SHERWANI, H. K.

"Ibn Taimiyah on Islamic Economics", Voice ofIslam (Karachi) 9(11), Aug. 61: 557-569.

The Economic Views of Taqiuddin Taimeyah (1263­1328): The Great Radical Reformist of the IslamicMiddle Ages. 1973. 29p. mimeo

"Ibn-e-Taimiyah's Economic Thought", IslamicLiterature (Lahore) 8(1), Jan. 56: 9-23.

iv. Abu Vusuf: 668-672



Kitab al-Kharaj: Taxation in Islam tr. by Ben Shemesh.Leiden, Brill; London, Luzac, 1969. vii, 155p.

Taxation in Islam V.2: Qudiima B. Ja'far's Kitiibal-Khariij, Part Seven, and Excerpts from AbOYOsuf's Kitiib al-Khariij. Leiden, Brill; London,Luzac, 1965. 146p.

670. I$LAI;H, Oiyii ai-Din

671. SIDDIQI, MuhammadNejatullah

"AbO YOsuf aur unke fiqht wa qiin Onl Karname"(AbO YOsuf and his Juridical and Legal Works),Ma'arif (Azamgarh) 95(5), May 65: 361-384. (U)

"AbO YOsuf kii ma'ashl fikr" (Economic Thought ofAbO YOsuf), Fikr-o-Na?ar (Aligarh) 5(1), Jan. 64:66-95. (U)

672. SIDDIQI, MuhammadNejatullah

Islam ka ni?5.me ma/;1a$iI, tarjuma kitab al-Khar5.j: Q5.{iTAbU Yusuf (Islam's Tax System, translation of Qal;ltAbO YOsuf's Kitab al-Kharaj). Lahore, IslamicPublications, 1966. 635p. (U)


Page 61: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of


674. KISTER, M. J.

675. NADWI, Mujlbulliih

v. Ya!lya Ibn Adam: 673-fi75

Taxation in Islam, V. I: Yabya Ben Adam's Kitab al­Kharaj. Leiden, Brill, 1958. 172p.

"The Social and Political Implications of ThreeTraditions in the Kitab al-Kharaj of Yahya b. Adam",Journal of Economic and Social History of the Orient(Leiden) 3(3), Oct. 60: 32~334.

"Ya~j'ii ibn Adam aur unkl kitab al-Kharaj" (Ya~yaibn Adam and his Kitab al-Kharaj), Ma'arif (Azam­garh) 64(4), Oct. 49: 293-300; 64(5), Nov.49: 367-375. (U)

vi. Abu Ja'far Oimashqf: 676-677

676. 'ASHOR, al-SayyidMu~ammad

677. al-DIMASHQI, Abul FaQIJa'far bin 'All



679. RIF'AT, SayyidMubariz ai-Din

Dirasah fi'l-fikr al-iqti$adl al-'Arabl: Abu'I-Fat;ll Ja'farbin 'Ali al-Dimashql (Abu'l-iqti$ad) (A Study of ArabEconomic Thought: AbO'1 FaQI Ja'far bin'All al­Dimashql-Father of Economics). al-Qahirah, Daral-Itti~ad al-'Arabl li'l Tibii'ah, 1973. 69, 191 p. (A)

Kitab al-isMrah ila mabiisin al·tijarah wa ma'rifatjaiyid al-a'rat;l wa radiyiM wa ghushOsh al-mudallisinfiM (A Guide Book on Virtues of Trade, and Dis­tinction between Good and Bad Commodities andthe Frauds Played by Adultrators). Cairo, Matba'atal-Mu'ayid, 1318 A.H. 76p. (A)

Na~ir al-Ofn Tus1: 673-679

A Critical Study of JaW aI-Din al-Dawwani's Con­tribution to Social Philosophy. Aligarh MuslimUniversity, Ph.D. Thesis (Unpublished) 443p.

"Na:;;lr ai-DIn TOsI ka risala-e mallyat" (Treatiseon Economics by Na:;;lr ai-DIn TOSI), Majallah'UthmanTyah (Hyderabad) 7(2, 3): 1-14. (U)

viii. Others: 6811--691

680. ABO 'UBAID,al-Qiisim bin Sallam

681. AMEDROZ, H. F.


Kitab al-amwal (Treatise on Wealth), Urdu tr. byA. R. Surti. Islamabad, Islamic Research Institute,1968. 2v. (A), 543p, 408p.

"The I;lisba Jurisdiction in the A~kam Sultaniyyahof Mawardi", Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society ofGreat Britain & Ireland (London) 1916: 77-101 ; 287-314.

"al-Buzanjiinr (A.D. 939-997) The Ma'a$ir", Journalof Economic and Social History ofthe Orient (Leiden)8(1), Aug. 65: 90-92.


Page 62: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of

683. HANNA, S. A.

684. al-LABBAN, Ibriihlm

685. MUI;lSINI, Shamsal-Ral)miin

686. SHARAFUDDIN,Abu 'I-Mul)sin Mul)ammad



689. vADULLAHI,Shihiibuddln

690. al-VAFI, 'Abd ai-KarIm

691. De ZAVAS, Farishta G.

"al-Afghiinl: A Pioneer of Islamic Socialism",Muslim World 57(1), Jan. 67: 24-32.

f;laqq al-fuqara' fi amwal al-Aaghniya' 'ind Ibn f;lazm.(Right of the Poor to the Wealth of the Rich ac­cording to Ibn Hazm). (A)

Shah Waliullah ke 'Umrani na?ariye (SociologicalTheories of Shiih Wallulliih). Lahore, Sind SagarAcademy, 1946. 142p. (U)

"Abu Ja'far al-Diiwudl's Kitiib al-Amwiil" IslamicStudies (Rawalpindi) 4(4), Dec. 65: 441-448.

Imam Waliulltih Dehlavi aUf unkti falsafa-e-'Um­rtiniytit wa ma'tishiytit. (Imam Wallullah of Delhi andHis Sociological and Economic Philosophy), Tr. byBashlr Al)mad. Lahore, Kitab Manzil, 1953. (U)

Shtih Waliulltih aur unkti falsafah ya'ni Imtim Wa/lulltihk.i I)ikmat k.ti ijmtili ta'tiruf (Shiih Wallulliih and hisPhilosophy, i.e., A Brief Introduction to the Wisdomof Imiim Wallulliih). Lahore, Sind Sagar Academy,1944. 240p. (U)

Aba Dharr Ghiftiri k.ti madhhab (Viewpoint of AbuDharr). Shahdadpur(Sind), Bazm-e-Adab, 1374/1954.(U)

"ai-Nasi wa qa.;l1yah tal)dld 'ind al-Ghazziill, Mahra­jtin al-Ghazzall, Dimashq, Mar. 61. (Population and itsControl according to al-Ghazziill-al-Ghazziill Cele­brations, Damascus, Mar. 61). al-Qiihirah (al-Majlisal-A'lii Ii-Ri'iiyat Fun un wa'I-Adiib wa'I-'Ulum al­Ijtimii'lyah: 415-429. (A)

"Considerations on al-Ghazziill's Pragmatical andMystical Approach to Zakiit" Mahrajtin al-Ghazzali,Dimashq-Mar. 61. al-Qiihriah, al-Majlis al-A'liiIi-Ri'iiyat al-Funun wa'I-Adiib wa'I-'Ulum al­Ijtima'lyah: 271-275.


Page 63: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of

Chapter 6.

692. AKBARABADI, Sa'ldAlJmad

693. GHORABA, Hammoudah

694. al-HADAWI, MU$tafa

695. HASAN, Riaz

696. I$LAI:H, 'Abdul 'A~lm

697. NADWI, Sayyid Sulaiman

698. ai-NAJJAR, AlJmad'Abd al-'Azlz


Islam meQ Ghulami k.T I)aqiqat (al-Riqq fi'I-lslam),(Nature of Slavery in Islam). Delhi, Nadwatul MU$­annifin, 1357 A.H. 272p. (U)

"Islam and Slavery". Islamic Quarterly (London)2(3) Oct. 55: 153-159.

al-Riqq fi'l-ta'rillh wa fi'I-lslam (Slavery in Historyand in Islam). al-Qahirah, al-Sharikat al-'Arablyahal-Sa'udlyah al-MuttalJidah, 1963. (A)

"The Nature of Islamic Urbanization-A HistoricalPerspective", Islamic Culture (Hydrabad) 43(3), July69: 233-237.

"Qurbanl ma'ashi nuqta-e na~ar se" (Immolationfrom Economic Viewpoint), Ta'mlr-e l;Iayat (Luck­now) 12(4), 25 Dec. 74: 6, 13. (U)

"Qurbanl ka iqti$adl pahlu" (Economic Aspects ofImmolation), Ma'arif (Azamgarh) 39(2), Mar. 37:170-176. (U)

al-Mujtama' al-'Arabi fT marhalat al- taghyrr (TheArab Society in Transition Phase). Beirut, Dar al­Fikr, 1970. (A)


Page 64: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of
Page 65: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of

Chapter 7.


699. 'ATIYYAH, Jamal ai-DIn "DaHl al-ba~ith fi'l-iqti:;;ild al-Islaml" (A Guide toResearcher in Islamic Economics) ai-Muslim ai­Mu'aljir (Beirut) Nov. 74: 142-151.

700. KHAN, Mu~ammad Akram Annotated Bibliography of Contemporary EconomicThought in Islam and Glossary of Economic Terms inIslam. Islamic Education (Lahore), All PakistanEducation Congress, July-Aug., 1973.


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Page 67: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of


ABA?AH, Ibrahim DasiJqi-(A) 598, 473,381,283,104,103

'ABBASI, Man~iJrAbsan-(U) 534'ABBAS], Mas'iJd Ahmad-501'ABBASI, MUQtar-(U) 251'ABD al-'AZIZ Bin BAZ-(A) 446'ABD al-BARI-(U) 81ABD al-BARI, Muhammad-563'ABD al-BASIT, Badr al Mutawalli-(A)

502ABD aI-KADER, AIi-224'ABD al-MU~EEB-(U)1'ABD ai-QADIR, Mubammad-653; (U)

651,652'ABD al-RASOL, 'ALI-(A) 2'ABD al-RAZZAQ, Mubammad-(U) 330'ABDOU, Mubammad 'Issa (Also see:

IbrahIm 'Issa 'Abdou).-(A) 504, 505,349,382,350,503,506

ABDUL HAKIM, Khalifa-564ABDUL MAJID-280'ABD al-WAHHAB, I;lasan I;lasanl-(A)

261'ABDULLAH, Amln 'Afrfl-(U) 600ABDULLAH, KNOUN-210 (A) 447'ABDULLAH, Syed-(U) 599ABDUR RAUF, M-167ABDUS SATTAR, M.-654ABO AIMAN-(A) 3ABU 'I-MAKARIM, Zaydan-CAl 4ABU 'I-'UYON, MabmDd-(A) 182ABO SA'OD, MabmiJd-507, 105, 5; (A) 6ABO SHAI;lBAH, Mubammad-(A) 508ABO SULAIMAN, 'Abdull;lamld-8, (A)7ABO SUNNAH, Abmad Fahml-(A) 209ABO 'UBAID, al-Qasim bin Sallam-(A)

660ABU YOSUF-668ABO ZUHRA, Mubammad-(A) 331,106,

334,510,565,424,448,300,449,509al-'ADIL, FU'ad-(A) 107ai-AFGHANI, Sa'Id-(A) 82AFGHANI, Shamsull;laq-(U) 108AFZALUR RAHMAN-9AGHNIDES, Nicholas P.-285AHMAD, Afazuddin-621AHMAD,lIyas-665AHMAD, Mahmud-628AI;lMAD, Man~Dral-Rabman-(A) 109AHMAD, Shaykh-301AHMAD, Sheikh Mahmud-511, 383, 168;

(U) 225,512AHSAN, M. Manazir-284AKBAR MURADPURI, Muhammad-566AKBARABAD1, Sa'Id Abmad-(U) 692ALAN, Heshmat-633

• Bold figures r.I.I. 10 books.


'ALVI, Q. Ahmadur Rahman-10ALEXANDER, A. P.--474el-ALFI, Ezzat S.-655'ALI, IbrahIm Fu'ad Abmad-(A) 11'ALI NAQI-(U) 253ALI, ~yed Ahmad-12, 656'ALLAM, Mahdl-(A) 302AMEDROZ, H. F.-681AMIN al-I;lAQQ-(U) 111, 110AMINI, Mubammad Taqi-(U) 226, 84, 83,

556,13ANWAR ULLAH, Muhammad-(U) 535ANZARUL HAQUE, Muhammad-678al-'AQQAD, 'Abbas MabmiJd-567; (A)

568al-'AQQAD, 'Abbas MabmiJd; 'ATTAR

Abmad 'Abd al-GhafiJr-(A) 569al 'ARABY, Mubammad 'Abdullah-16,

212, 14,384,(A)17,15,211, 112,385, 169'ARAFAH, Mubammad-(A) 213al- 'ASHMAWI Yaqilt-(A) 113ASHRAF, Muhammad-(U) 19,18'ASH OR, al-Sayyid Mubammad-(A) 676ATAULLAH, Sheikh-303'ATIYYAH, Jamal al-Dln-(A) 699'AUDAH, 'Abd al-Qadir-(A) 214AUSAF ALI-114AUSTRUY, Jaques-(A) 475al 'AWAOI, Rif'at-(A) 170'AYYAD, M. Gamaluddrn--428; (A) 426,

427,429,425A'ZAMI, NiJr Mubammad-(U)227BABULLI, Mabm iJd-(A) 21,20al-BADRI, 'Abd al-'Azlz-(A) 570al-BAHl, Mubammad-571 ; (A) 351al-BAKR, 'Abd al-Rabman-(A) 430al:BANNA, Mubammad Kamil-(A) 572BAQIR al-SADR-(A) 387,171al-BARODI,'AlI-(A) 573BARYON, NiJrl 'Abdussalam-(A) 274,

388BASHIR al- 'AWF-(A) 574al-BASSAM, 'Abdullah bin 'Abd al-Rab-

man-(A) 304BEN SHEMESH, A.-673, 669BERGER, Morroe-476BRAVMANN, Meir M.-286al-BOTf, Mubammad Sa'Id RamaQan-(A)

172CATTAN, H.-345CHAPRA, M. Umar-115CHOWDHRI, A. B. M. Masudul Alam­



Page 68: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of

OANAWI, Mubammad 'Alr-(A) 85, 536DANISH, Abmad-(A) 352, 353 .DARAz, Mubammad 'Abdullah-(A) 513DARWISH, Mu~tafa-(A)601DASTGIR, Ghulam-(U) 22al-DASOQI, Mu I)ammad-(A) 355, 354DAWALIBI, Ma'ruf-603; (A) 602, 575DENNETT, Daniel C., Jr.-322al-DIMASHQI, Abu'l Fa~1 Ja'far bin

'Alr-(A) fIT7DURRANI, Mubammad Murta~a Abmad

Khan-(U) 635EHREN KREUTZ, A. S.-682ENAYAT, Hamid-576FAHIM, Mubammad-(A) 275FAHMI, 'ALI I:lASAN-(A) 262FAIQULLAH, Mubammad Fawzl-(A) 116al-FANJARI, Mubammad Shauql-(A) 23,

636,335,478,477FARID, Q. M.-514FARIDI, Fazlur Rahman-24, 432,637,431,

479FARIQ, Khurshld Abmad-(U) 87, 86, 88al-FARUQI,lsma'il R. A.-638, 639FARRAJ, Ahmad, ed.-(A) 184FARLlKI, Kemal A.-305al-FASI'Allal-(A) 26; (U) 25FAUDAH, 'Abd al-RabTm-(A) 182FAZLUR RAHMAN-537, 27FAZLUR RAHMAN (Gunnauri)-539; (A)

538; (U) 540FISCHEL, W.-69GABALLAH, al-Syed-228GAIANI, A.-245ai-GAM MAL, Gharlb-(A) 391GARDNER, G. H.; HANNA, S. A.-186GHANAMEH, Abdul Hadi-392al-GHAWALI, Hamid-(A) 515GHAZNAVI, Syed Abu Bakr-117al-GHAZZALI, Mubammad-(A) 577,173,

118GHORABA, Hammouda-693GHULAM 'ALI, Malik-(U) 306, 516GHULAM RASOL, Sayyid-(U) 578GIBB, H. A. R.-90GILANI, Sayyid Mana~ir Absan-(A) 28;

(U)29GOITEIN, S. D.-91al-HADAWI, Mu~tafa-(A)694HAFFAR, Ahmad R.-480I:lAFI~, 'Abbas-(A) 187HALPERN, M.-188HAMEEDULLAH, (Dr.) Muhammad-433,

287, 395, 30, 119; (A) 394; (U) 393, 92HAMID, Habeeb-616, 640I:lAMID, Mu bammad-(A) 229, 517I:lAMM ODA, 'Abd al-Wahhab-(A) 31al-HAMSHARI, Mu~taHi 'Abdullah-(A)

396al-I:lANBALI, Sbakir-(A) 189


HANNA, Sami A.-683; (A) 190I:lAQQI,lbsan-(A) 174HARON, 'Abdussalam Mubammad-(A)

557I:lASAN, 'Abd al-Ghaffar-(U) 243, 215I:lASAN, 'Abd al-Rabman-(A) 288I:lASAN, Abu Usama-(U) 541I:lASAN al-BANNA, Sheikh-tAl 33I:lASAN, I:lasan Ibrahrm-32HASAN, Riaz-695HASANUZZAMAN, S. M.-254, 630, 622,

289, (U) 629HASSANEIN, Medhat-641I:lIFZLlR RAI:lMAN, Muhammad

Seoharwl-(U) 120I:lIJ~ZI, 'Abd al-Badi'-(A) 191I:lIMADAH, 'Abd al-Mun'im-(A) 276ai-HINDI, Abu Salman-(U) 356HU DA, M. N.-398, 34; (A) 398I:lUSAINI, Abmad-(A) 35I:lUSAINI, Isbaq Mu~a-264;(A)263al-I:lUSAINI, al-Sayyid Abu'l Na~r Abmad

-(A) 216HUSAINI, S. Waqar Ahmad-121HUSSAIN, Mirza Muhammad-307, 579,

580HUSS_AIN, S. Mushtaq-518Ibn 'ASHOR, Mubammad al-Tahir-(A)

122Ibn al-SABIL, Waitllf Khalid-(U) 192IBRAHIM, Abmad Ibrahlm-(A) 336IBRAHIM, Abmad Mubammad-(A) 358,

357IBRAHIM, 'Issa 'Abdou (also see: 'Abdou,

Mubammad 'Issa)-(A) 36.IBRAHIM, Mubammad-255IBRAHIM, Mu bam mad Ismal'I-(A) 308IDRIS, Gaafar-37'IMADI, Tamanna-(U) 542IMAMUDDIN, S. M.-93IMRAN,.Muhammad-175INAMUL HAQ-193IRSHAD, Shaykh Ahmad-399, 519; (U)

400IRVING, T. B.-657'(SA, 'Abd al- 'Azlz Mubammad-(A) 450'fSA, 'Abd al-Rahman-(A) 359'I$LAHI, 'Abdul 'Azlm-(U) 696I$L;HI, Amln Absan-(U) 309I$LAHI, Oiya al-Dln-(U) 670I$MA'IL, Ch. Mu bammad-(U) 543ISMAIL, Ibrahim Muhammad-604ISSAWI, Charles-481,482al- 'ITR, Nur al-Dln-(A) 401, 554al-ITTIHAD al-'ALAMI Ii-TANZIM ai-WA~IDIYAH-(A)452 .


Page 69: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of

'IWAD, Ahmad $af1 al-Dln-(A) 555'IWAO, Badawl 'Abd al-Latlf-291, 290IZADI, 'ALI M.-623'IZZ ai-DIN, Musa-(A) 124JA'FAR, SHAH, Mu/:1ammad Phulwiirwl­

(U) 544JA'FARI, Ra'rs A/:1mad-(U) 38JAMA'AT-e-ISLAMI, Pakistan-(U) 125,

126ai-JAMAL, Mu/:1ammad 'Abd al-Mun'im­

(A) 292JAMAL ai-DIN, Ahmad-(A) 218JAMI'AH FU'AD al-AWWAL. KULLlYAT


JAMJ OM, A/:1mad $alii/:1-(A) 402al-JARAF, MU/:1ammad Kamiil-(A) 293JARULLAH, Musii-(U) 360KAGAYA, Kan-40KAHF, MONZER-611, E66, 612, 615KA ~DHLAWI, Ihtishiim al-I;lQqq-(U)

127al-KATTANI, Muhammad al·Munta~ir-

(A) 128,230 .KERR, M. H.-582al-KHAFIF, 'AII-(A) 265, 246, 219, 361KHAN, I;liimid 'AII-(U) 129KHAN, Mir Sa'adat Ali-545KHAN, Mu /:1ammad 'Abd al-Ra/:1miin­

(U) 41KHAN, M. A.-323KHAN, Muhammad Akram--613, 700, 434,

483, 558, 247, 559, 403, 642; (U) 404KHAN, M. E.-453KHAN, Muhammad Ihsanullah-583KHAN, MU/:1ammad Murtai;lii-(U) 42KHAN, Muhammad Shabbir-643KHROFA, 'Alii' al-Dln-(A) 520KHATIB, 'Abdul Karlm-(A) 294, 43ai-KHATIB, Anwar-(A) 194al-KHATlB, Mu /:1ibb al-Dln-(A) 362, 45, 44ai-KHATIB, S. A. Hamid-231al-KHAULI, Amln-(A) 46al-KHAULI, al-Bahl-(A) 195,455, 605,130af-KHAYYAT, 'Abd al-'AZlz-(A) 248KHIZAM, Antoun I;lablb-(A) 363KHURSHID AHMAD-644, 454, 252, 47;

(A) 176; (U) 584, 585KISTER, M. J.-674, 94KLiNGMULLER, E.-364al-LABBAN, Ibriihlm-337; (A) 684, 48al-LAJNAH al-TAI;lOIRIAH li-MASHRO'


LATHAM, J. 0.-266LEWIS, Bernard-586LOKKEGAARD, Frede--295MADKOR, Mu/:1ammad Saliim-(A) 456,

282MAHMOUD, Mabid-624



wa'I-ADAB wa'I-'ULOM al-IJTIMA'IYAH-(A) 365


MAKHLOF, Hasnain-(A) 131MALIK Ben NABI-(A) 485, 484MALIK, Muhammad Shafi-435MALIK, Mu/:1ammad Riimiz-(A) 367MANNAN, M. A.-407, 132, 406, 408MANZAR, Abdul Moiz-645, 486MAREK, J.-196MARSI Mu /:1ammad Kiimil-(A) 296al-MASHRIQI, Mu/:1ammad Mu/:1yuddln-

(A) 487MAUDOODI, Syed Abdul Ala-49, 52, 50;

(A) 177; (U) 458, 232, 310, 437,133,521,457,436,51,607

MEYER, A. J.-489, 648, 488, 490al-MII;l$AR, I;liimid-(A) 197al-MI$RI, 'Abd al-Sami'-(A) 53MOHAMMAD Bin JAMIL-625MOHIUDDIN, Ghulam-617MOULAVI, C. N. Ahmad-54al-MUBARAK, Mu/:1ammad-(A) 134, (U)

587MUI;lAMMAD AI;lMAD-(U) 234MUI;lAMMAD MIYA fll-(U) 135MUI;lAMMAD, Sa'd $iidiq-(A) 368MUHSINI, Shams al-Ra/:1man-(U) 685al-MUNAJJID, $alii/:1 al-Dln-(A) 198, 588MOsA, Mu/:1ammad Yusuf-(A) 256, 332MUSLEHUDDIN, Muhammad-369, 199,


al-SABI'-(A) 137MUZAFFAR HUSSAIN-56NABHAN, MU/:1ammad Fiiruq-(A) 546,

178,138al-NABHANI Taql al-Dln-(A) 139NADHIR AHMAD-(U) 141NADWI, 'Abdul Biiri-(U) 57NADWI, 'Abdul Qayyum-(U) 257NADWI, 'Abd al-Saliim-(U) 523NADWI, 'Abull;lasan 'AIl-(A) 140NADWI, Khatib A/:1mad-(A) 460NADWI, Mas'ud 'Alam-(U) 589NADWI, Mu /:1ammad Isl)iiq-(A) 297, 370NADWI, MU/:1C!mmad Na'lm-(U) 524, 547,

548NADWI, Mujlbulliih-(U) 438, 675NADWI, Sayyid Sufaimiin-(U) 697NADWI, Syed Habeebul Haq-235ai, NAJJAR, A/:1mad MU/:1ammad 'Abd al­

'Azlz-(A) 491,698,411,59,58NASH'AT, Mul)ammad 'AII-(A) 659

Page 70: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of

NASIF, Hafnl Beck-(U) 549al-NAWAWI, Ma~mOd; KHAFAJI, 'Abd

al-Mun'im-(A) 590al-NIMR,'Abd al-Mun'im-(A) 179NI:?:AMI, Khwaja l;Iasan-(U) 312al NOWAIHI, Muhammad-142PARWEZ, Ghulam Ahmad-60, 200j (U)

143, 499, 201pIRZADA, Shams-(U) 560POllAK, A. N.-236POPULATION COUNCIL, New York--461QADRI, Anwar Ahmad-180Q~DRI,Sayyid A~mad-(U) 324, 61QADRI, Sayyid MU'ln al-Dln-(U) 525QARJ;l'<\WI, YOsuf-(A) 313,338,371al-QOBANI, Mu~ammad 'Abd al-Salam-

(A) 462QURAISHI, Marghoob Ahmad--495, 492QURESHI, 'Abdul Majeed--441, 440; (U)

439,144QURESHI, Aijaz Hasan-325, 326, 327QURESHI, Anwar Iqbal-526QURESHI, Ishtiaq Hussain-(U) 237QUTB, Mu~ammad-(A) 63QUTB, Sayyid:-(A) 527, 62, 500RABITAI al-' ALAM al-ISLAMI: al-MAJ-

LIS al-TA' SISI-(A) 463RAFI'UDDIN-(A) 64RAFIULLAH-464; (U) 314, 465el-RAMADI, Gamal el-Dln-339RA'NA, Irian MahmOd-95RASHAD, Shah Muhammad-238RA'UF ai-Hasan, Sheikh-(U) 65READY, R. K.-412RIJ;lA, Mu ~ammad Rashld-(A) 530RIJ;lWAN, A~mad Mu ~ammad-(A) 202RIJ;lWI, Sayyid Zahid Qaisar-(U) 66RIF'AT, Sayyid Mubariz al-Din-(U) 679,

660al-RIS, Mu~ammad J;liya' al-Dln-(A) 96RIZQ, 'Ali Shi~atah-(A)340RODINSON, Maxime-145ROZENTHAL, Franz-661al-RUI;IANI, al-Sayyid Mu~ammad $adiq-

(A) 372al SABSABI,' Abd al-Qadir-(A) 315SA'ID,'Abd al-Mughnl-(A) 591al-SA'IDI, 'Abd al-Muta'al-(A) 333SAKR, Mansur Muhammad-(A) 239SAKR, Muhammad Ahmad-(A) 316, 413,

646$ALlI;I, Mu~ammadAmrn-(A)97$~L1H, Mu~ammadZakl-(A) 649SALIM, A~madMOsa-(A) 146al-SAMARRA'I, Husam lal-Dln-(A) 267SAMBHALI, 'Atlq al-Ra~man-(A) 466,

467al-SANOSI, A~mad Ta~a-(A)373SARKAR, Abdul Bari-203SATTAR, S. A.-414


SAYIGH, Y. A.-493al SAYIS, Muhammad Ali-(A) 240SCHACHT, J.-346SHABANA, Zakl Ma~mud-(A) 147al-SHA FI'I, A ~mad-(A) 98SHAFI', Muhammad-148j (U) 531, 241,

317,149,609SHAH, Syed Ya'qoob-551; (U) 550, 318al SHAI;IAWI, IbrahIm Dasuql-(A) 268,

269SHAKIR, 'Abdul Mun'im A~mad-150SHAL~,A~mad-(A)U,~,~5SHALBI, Mahm Od-(A) 101,99,100SHALTOT, Ma~mud-151,592$HAMI, Amir Hamza-552SHAMSI, Sayyid Mughnl ai-Din. (U) 593SHAMSUL HUDA, Mir-152al-SHARBASI, A~mad-(A) 153, 468, 69SHARBAsl, Sa'Id al Shirblnl-(A) 204SHARFUDDIN, Abul Muhsin Muhammad-686SHARIF, M. Raihan-662al-SHARQAwl, Ma~mOd-(A)205SHATA, Mu~ammadA~mad-(A)347SHEIKH, Nasir Ahmad-154SHERWANI, H. K.-667, 663SHII;IATAH, Shauql Isma'J1-(A) 498, 496,

497al-SHORI,lbrahlm-(A)469al-SHORIJI, AI-Bushra-(A) 270al-SIBA 'I, MUstafa-(A) 70SIDDIQI, Abd al-Hamid-618; (U) 71,

631,181,594$ID DIQI, l;Iaidar Zaman-(U) 155, 244SIDDIQI, Kalim-494SIDDIQI, Muhammad Mazharuddin-596,

206, 156; (U) 595, 72, 102,220,157, 532SIDDIQI, Muhammad Nejatullah-442, 416,

158,73,619,614; (U) 671,418,672,221,249,417,374

$IDDIQI, Na'Im-(U) 419, 74, 278, 562, 159,375

SIDDIQI, S. A.-298$1 DD[QI, $iddlq Jamal-(U) 75SIDDIQUE, Kaukab-470de-SOMOGYI, Joseph-259, 650, 258SPENGLER, J. J.-664SUHAIL, Iqbal A~mad-(U) 553SUHARWARDI, A. al-Mamoon-348SYED 'AL!-(U) 561SYED, J. W.-76al TAI;IAWI, Ibrahlm-(A) 77TAMAN, 'All Fahml-(A) 610al-TANTAWr, 'AII-(A)341TASIN, Mu ~ammad-(U) 319, 78TIHRANI-(A) 260TONKI, MuftI Wall l;Iasan-(U) 377TRITTON, A. S.-328'UBAIDULLAH SINDHI-(U) 688, 687UDOVITCH, A. L.-443, 250

Page 71: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of

ULGENER, Sabri F.-632'ULWAN, 'Abdullah-(A) 342'URN OS, Mabmiid-(A) 271'UTHMAN, Mubammad Fatbl-(A) 343,

378'UTHMAN, Shaikh Mubammad-(U) 79'UTHMANI, Mubammad FahJm-(U) 222,

80'UTHMANI, Mubammad Mubtaram Fahlm

-(U) 223, 444'UWAIl;>A, A bmad Thabit-(A) 299UZAIR, Muhammad-422, 421, 423; (A)

420WAFI, 'All 'Abdul Wabid-207; (A) 160WAH BAH, Tauflq'AII-(A) 379WICKENS, G. M.-272WORLD MUSLIM CONGRESS-166YADULLAHI, Shihabuddrn-(U) 689YAFI, 'Abd al-Karlm-(A) 690YAMANI, Abmad Zakf-162, (A) 161


YUNUS, H. Kahruddin-163YOSUF LUDHIYANVI, Mubammad-(A)

208YOSUF, Mirza Mu bammad-(U) 320YUSUF, S. M.-242, 164YOSUFUDDIN, Mubammad-(U) 165ZAED, Sa'ld-(A) 597lAIN al-'AS/DIN, WajJh-(A) 445ZAKI ai-DIN, Ibrahlm-(A) 533al lARQA MUi?tafa Abmad-(A) 380de lAYAS, Farishta G.-321 , 691, 329,

627el-ZA YYAT, A. Hasan-344ZERRUQ, A. R. M.-471ZIADEH, Nicola-273ZOHURUL HOQUE-472ANONYMOUS-390; (A) 233, 281, 608,

459, 528, 376, 529, 581, 279, 626, 277, 123,311,451,386

Page 72: Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics · The Islamic Foundation made every effort to make the literature available to Dr. Siddiqi, who has produced a first class survey of