1 Consulting and Training Services for Educatioan Communication? How to? Márcia Augusto Março 2015

Consulting and Training Services for Educatioan€¦ · • Ed Tech Consulting and Training Services need to boost their credibility. Foundations as Gulbenkian in Portugal may function

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Page 1: Consulting and Training Services for Educatioan€¦ · • Ed Tech Consulting and Training Services need to boost their credibility. Foundations as Gulbenkian in Portugal may function


Consulting and Training Services for Educatioan Communication? How to?

Márcia Augusto Março 2015

Page 2: Consulting and Training Services for Educatioan€¦ · • Ed Tech Consulting and Training Services need to boost their credibility. Foundations as Gulbenkian in Portugal may function

Education and Consulting Discussion and Concept

•  BRAND provides an integrated solution for classrooms, until now focused on hardware. But, what about the consulting and training services? Shall they be isolated? Aren’t they part of the success in any BRAND2 popup classroom?

The concept

Page 3: Consulting and Training Services for Educatioan€¦ · • Ed Tech Consulting and Training Services need to boost their credibility. Foundations as Gulbenkian in Portugal may function

Education and Consulting Benchmarking - HP

Integrated Strategy

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Education and Consulting Benchmarking - Acer

Integrated Strategy

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Education and Consulting Benchmarking - Google

Integrated Strategy

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Education and Consulting The Project





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Education and Consulting The Solution

•  A detachable for teachers, 15 or more detachable for students, a server to connect and to store the curricula content.

•  Enables any traditional classroom to get digital in minutes. •  Built to resist and to last.

The hardware

•  A software to excel the collaboration and the creativity in the new learning landscape. •  A way to an immersive way of learning. •  Adapts and engages the students. •  Saves time and allows the teachers to get focus on what really matters: teaching.

The software

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Education and Consulting The Solution

•  BRAND2 popup classroom as a solution aims to provide a step-by-step guide to help the schools, the teachers and the IT departments to implement and to take full advantage of the technology in Education.

•  The Consulting Services are committed with the motorization, by training the teachers and supporting them during all the process.

•  The consulting means Helping, Transforming, Coaching, Mentoring and Assessment in order to bring the confidence that the teachers need to succeed in the new learning and teaching models.

The Consulting Services

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Education and Consulting Hardware – the benefits and the promise




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Education and Consulting Software – the benefits and the promise





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Education and Consulting







Ed Tech Training– the benefits and the promise

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Education and Consulting Communication Goals

•  To promote BRAND2 popup classroom project as an integrated solution •  To leverage the leads in consulting and training services •  To boost the buying actions in consulting and training services •  To credit our training services •  To position BRAND as a specialist on ED Tech implementation

The Consulting Services

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Education and Consulting Communication Goals and Actions


• Marke/ngandCommunica/onmaterialswithanintegratedvisionandcontents(brochures,corporatepresenta/onsandothers)

• Press,SEO,SEMandSocialMediafullyintegrated

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Education and Consulting Communication Goals and Actions



• Fullydedicatedapptosupport,trainingandmanagement(any/me,anywhere);

• BRAND2community

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Education and Consulting Communication Goals and Actions


• SEO,SEM,AdVideos,SocialMediaandMediaPlanning(adsonspecializedmedia)

• Marke/ngandCommunica/onmaterialswithanintegratedvisionandcontents(brochures,corporatepresenta/onsandothers)

• Na/veAdver/sing

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Education and Consulting Communication Goals and Actions


• Partsherships(brandambassadors)

• PressRela/ons

• MediaPlanning-adsonspecialiizedmedia

• Na/veadver/sing

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Education and Consulting Communication – The Actions

•  Communication and Marketing materials shall be developed regarding an integrated vision with integrated contents (brochures and other pieces);

–  A brochure to promote Hardware, Software and Ed Consulting Services as full integrated solution; Hardware – Durability, Connection and Mobility; Software – Management, Collaboration and Creativity, Consulting Services- Help, Transforming, Empowerment, Assessment and Confidence for those who want to Know;

–  A fully dedicated brochure to the ED Consulting Services. The Training and Consulting Services are meant to be the Strategic Partner – a Friend (to Help, to bing Development, to bring Confidence, to Transform, to Collaborate).

Marketing and Communication materials

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Education and Consulting Communication – The Actions

•  Press Relations are essential to promote the success and to leverage the credibility of our consulting services, publicizing them through our major examples worldwide, as well as the ambassador partnerships (Gulbenkian, in Portugal and other foundations or recognized publishers linked to Education, worldwide). PR’s efforts must be on the specialized media.

Press Relations

•  Ed Tech Consulting and Training Services need to boost their credibility. Foundations as Gulbenkian in Portugal may function as an ambassador. Though, we need to get an image of certified success that doesn’t come only from our intern knowledge. We need to be linked to strong brands in this area – publishers and/or Universities (Oxford, Cambridge, Stanford, EMAITI, Columbia…) for example. In Portugal: Oporto Universities (Psychology and Education School of Oporto University).

•  The equity and notoriety of these brands must be recognized worldwide in the education scope.

Partnerships – brand ambassadors

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Education and Consulting Communication – The Actions

•  An additional tap dedicated to the training and the consulting services – it must has the contacts to generate leads.

•  This might be extended to an App. The BRAND app doesn´t function. Remove from the playstore or reuse it for a support/training/management for teachers and schools.

•  The app shall be focused on the teacher support and training. Furthermore, it may allow the teachers to manage the classroom contents and to prepare/keep up all the students work (teaching anytime, anywhere, saving time).

Website / APP

•  A created community on Edmodo or an owned platform for the effect. This brings: Interaction, Discussion and Sharing, fostering the sense of belonging to the brand sphere, setting up a brand group, boosting the brand equity and notoriety, bringing closer teachers and our training team (as well as the app, which may include our community)

BRAND2 community

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Education and Consulting Communication – The Actions

•  Ed Tech Training and Consulting services may also share with marketing relevant contents to post on facebook – oriented content for teachers and schools, when the classroom solution is implemented. At this time, it is not recommended to create another Facebook profile, once it may cause disintegration and confusion, as well as big efforts to leverage the fans of the page.

Social Media

•  Native advertising is a concept encompassing both an aspiration as well as a suite of ad products. It is clear that most advertisers and publishers aspire to deliver paid ads that are so cohesive with the page content, assimilated into the design, and consistent with the platform behavior that the viewer simply feels that they belong. IAB – The Native Advertising Playbook.

Native Advertising

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Education and Consulting Communication – The Actions

•  It’s a kind of a fusion between the publicity editorials and the press release. The borders between the commercial and the news article are very thin. The advantage over the PR resides in the fact that the brand may negotiate the online space and the time. Furthermore, the article is treated highlighting the service in a creative way, in the form of a news article, breathing the structure of the medium (the lector knows that it has an advertising nature, but the article is saw with more credibility, engaging the consumer. The medium may also post this article in the social networks (more fans, more audience, more engagement).

Native Advertising

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Education and Consulting Communication – The Actions

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Education and Consulting Communication – The Actions

•  The social engine optimization techniques allow the brands to tell the browsers how relevant they are for the users and their searches. To define effective and relevant keywords, related to our market, leverages the success of the offer, generating leads and sales. SEO techniques shall be replicated in any text in order to get a fully integrated communication. For example, if we set “e-learning” as a keyword, that word must be integrated in every landing page, banners, PR’s, website contents and even in the social networks posts. Everything must breath the integrated strategy in every communication channel.

Social Engine Optimization

•  Define effective keywords related to ED tech training and consulting. Those words must be on the Head, Subhead, URL and even in the text body. To boost the presence of our related pages, we shall reproduce this in the dedicated tab of our website, in relevant blog for the teachers and the opinion makers on what digital education is concerned.

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Education and Consulting Communication – The Actions

On Search Examples

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Education and Consulting Communication – The Actions

•  We may define and get ideas from google adwords. •  For example, what are the most used keywords in “Education Consulting and Training?”

Social Engine Optimization

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Education and Consulting Communication – The Actions

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Education and Consulting Communication – The Actions

•  SEM is meant to be integrated with SEO. After defining our keywords, we may set several actions (ads) to boost our presence in the social media, impacting our target, generating leads.

•  There are several types of social ads, like Search Ads, Ads on Display, Ad videos…

Social Engine Marketing

•  Set up the effective keywords and then, google will display our ad on the search results and on display (in other relevant websites for our target).

•  Further, we may set our target by age, local, interests.

SEM – Ads Search and Ads On Display

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Education and Consulting Communication – The Actions

•  We may promote our training and consulting services on videos, showing activities in the classroom, training teachers, for example.

•  This allows an efficient segmentation (local, age, interests, searches…) •  In any SEM action, the advertiser only pay by click or view (the whole video), revolutionizing the advertising

industry and the costs. •  It allows a synergy between owned communication and earned communication (shared contents, comments…)

SEM – Ad Videos

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Education and Consulting Integrated Model on Communication





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Education and Consulting


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