www.bridgend.gov.uk Date of issue: August 2014 Tel: (01656) 643 664 Email: [email protected] Web: www.bridgend.gov.uk/consultation Consultation and engagement project planning guidance toolkit Bridgend County Borough Council

Consultation and engagement - Bridgend County …...The guide integrates Participation Cymru’s National Principles for Public Engagement in Wales that have been adopted by the council

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Page 1: Consultation and engagement - Bridgend County …...The guide integrates Participation Cymru’s National Principles for Public Engagement in Wales that have been adopted by the council


Date of issue: August 2014

Tel: (01656) 643 664

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.bridgend.gov.uk/consultation

Consultation and


project planning ► guidance ► toolkit

Bridgend County Borough Council

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Email: [email protected] Ext: 3664 Intranet: search ‘c’ for consultation.


This planning and guidance document has been put together by the council’s Consultation and

Engagement team to help managers ensure that all of their consultation and engagement projects are

consistent, robust and effective.

Please note this toolkit is not designed for formal internal employee consultation as there is a set

procedure for this in place and you will need to contact HR separately for this support.

If you are unsure if this toolkit is necessary for your individual projects please contact the

Consultation and Engagement team on 01656 643664.

The guide integrates Participation Cymru’s National Principles for Public Engagement in Wales that

have been adopted by the council. In summary the ten principles that underpin effective consultation


1. Ensuring consultation and engagement is effectively designed to make a difference.

2. Encouraging and enabling everyone affected to be involved, if they choose to be.

3. Ensuring consultation and engagement is planned and delivered in a timely and appropriate way.

4. Working with relevant partners.

5. Providing information that is jargon free, appropriate and understandable.

6. Making it easier for people to take part.

7. Enabling people to take part effectively.

8. Giving the right resources and support to be effective.

9. Telling people the impact of their contribution.

10. Learning and sharing lessons to improve the process of engagement.

This toolkit also incorporates Gunning’s principles surrounding legal guidance:

1. Consultation must take place when the proposal is still at a formative stage.

2. Sufficient reasons must be put forward for the proposal to allow for intelligent consideration

and response.

3. Adequate time must be given for consideration and response, and

4. The product of consultation must be conscientiously taken into account.

Following this document will ensure that you meet all the necessary standards as well as BCBC

procedures. The full toolkit for BCBC can be found on the intranet under ‘c’ for consultation. Training

sessions and presentations on carrying out effective consultation and engagement can also be

arranged if necessary.

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Email: [email protected] Ext: 3664 Intranet: search ‘c’ for consultation.

Section one: scoping requirements

Step 1 – Do I consult or engage?

Consultation and engagement can cover statutory, policy or discretionary based interaction. It can be

used in many ways including to: generate ideas; prioritise services; set performance standards; and

improve delivery. Consultations must only be used when there is an open mind to the responses

received. However, if there is a preferred outcome, this can be suggested, if there are options that

people can still share their views on. You can follow the consultation decision flow chart to confirm the

necessity to consult or engage.

Before choosing to consult or engage it is important to also ask the following questions:

► Will engaging make a difference?

► Will the outcomes be considered?

► Is the consultation statutory?

► Is there a similar piece of work currently ongoing?

► Is this information already available?

► If in partnership, do you share the same vision?

Step 2 – Submit draft project planning form and liaise with the Consultation

and Engagement team

Once the need for consultation or engagement has been confirmed, refer to the project planning form

in appendix 2.0.

Please complete section one to seven and return to [email protected]. The Consultation

and Engagement team will contact you to discuss your requirements or to arrange a meeting

depending on the complexity of the project.

If applicable, the cabinet report outlining the proposed consultation should be submitted to the

Consultation and engagement team alongside the completed form.

Step 3 – Getting resources into place

Consultations and engagement projects can be resource intensive. Ask yourself the following:

► Is the approach you are looking to take cost-effective, for the level of information you need?

► Will you complete the exercise in the required timescales?

• Robust and effective consultations, that ensure everyone has had sufficient time to be

reached and take part, can take between eight-12 weeks (depending on the type of

consultation being carried out). Time is also needed to analyse data before submitting


► Are others looking to consult with a similar audience within your timescales, or close to them?

► Could the resources you’re using be better used elsewhere?

► Are there currently procedures in place that you must follow?

► If in partnership, are there clear roles and expectations of those involved?

► Consider available venues, staffing, and financial implications.

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Email: [email protected] Ext: 3664 Intranet: search ‘c’ for consultation.

Step 4 – Understanding specific audiences

Who are your stakeholders (the individuals/groups that may be affected by the project)?


► Potential conflicts and risks that could jeopardise a programme.

► The relationships/partnerships required to successfully implement the programme.

► The groups that should be encouraged to participate in different stages of the project cycle.

► Ways to improve the programme and reduce/remove negative impacts on vulnerable and

disadvantaged groups.

You can create your own stakeholder analysis by following the steps here.

How are you going to contact hard to reach and/or seldom heard groups?

Remember you can email [email protected] or call 01656 643606 for equalities support.

Step 5 – How to reach the audience

The Communications, Marketing and Engagement team can help you to select a suitable combination

of promotional messages, tools and activities to reach your target audiences:

► Webpages – documents can be published on the council’s, partner’s and/or dedicated sites.

► Social media – the council has a corporate Twitter, Facebook and Flickr. Some service areas

also have their own dedicated social media pages.

► Push strategy promotion – encourage promotional activity from: press releases; externally

promote through the bi-annual County Borough Bulletin, or; in the Civic Offices using the

information screens.

► Internal promotion – Reach all staff through the Bridgenders email, message of the day or

the Bridgenders magazine issued quarterly. Councillors can also be reached directly via the

bi-monthly Bridgemembers newsletter.

► Paid advertising – through newspapers and magazines, radio stations or via the internet.

► Posters/leaflet drops – used to promote events or publicise the documents.

► Face to face – presentations, events and public meetings can all be used for two-way


► Partnerships – provides the benefits of pooled expertise and resources.

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Email: [email protected] Ext: 3664 Intranet: search ‘c’ for consultation.

Step 6 – Techniques and methods of consultation and engagement

When selecting the techniques and methods of engagement remember only to ask relevant questions

that are specific, insightful, actionable and unbiased. Other factors to consider are:

► Open ended questions verses closed questions.

► Avoid asking leading questions.

► Do you give respondents the option for neutral responses, i.e. ‘I don’t know / neither / prefer

not to say’.

How will you engage with your audience? Select one or more of the following methods:

Traditional methods:

► Citizens’ Panel.

► Focus groups.

► Workshops.

► Exhibitions, roadshows and public meetings.

► In-depth interviews.

► Questionnaires.

Alternative methods:

Alternative methods are less common but in some instances are more suitable than the traditional


► Door step and street surveys.

► Forums.

► Mystery shopping.

► Polls, referenda and ballots.

► Action planning – event(s) where citizens work with experts on issues for community benefit.

► Community visioning – the community sets clear, realistic goals, before working backwards to

achieve them.

► Vox pops – are short collated video recordings of individual responses.

Any draft documents must follow the ten principles set out by Participation Cymru.

Further information about the mechanisms mentioned in steps five and six can be found here

or by contacting the Communications, Marketing and Engagement team.

Step 7 – Send the final draft of the project planning form and the first drafts of

any consultation or engagement documents to the Consultation and

Engagement team

Complete the project planning form appendix 2.0.

Download the BCBC school organisational code consultation template.

Download the BCBC generic consultation template.

Remember to update and finalise your project planning form, then re-submit to the Consultation and

Engagement team. Any drafts of consultation and engagement documents you may have should also

be included.

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Email: [email protected] Ext: 3664 Intranet: search ‘c’ for consultation.

Step 8 – Work with the Consultation and Engagement team until the final draft

and responsibilities are mutually agreed. Send the final documents to the

Consultation and Engagement team

Once the final drafts have been agreed please submit your final documents to the Consultation and

Engagement team. Translations (paid for out of the requestor’s budget) and any engagement

requiring SNAP* software will be arranged by the Consultation and Engagement team. We will also

inform the Customer Services team of the consultation/engagement project timeline.

*SNAP software is an analytics software package designed and used by the council for


In order to ensure BCBC’s consultation and engagement exercises are consistent and effective, the

Consultation and engagement team will need to sign off on consultation and engagement documents

before they enter the public domain for all large/complex/contentious or high profile

consultations/engagement projects.

Examples of this would typically include: Policy/service changes, the prioritisation of services, idea

generation and anything linked to the MTFS. You should check with the Consultation and

Engagement team whether your project fits into this category before you start your preparation work.

Even if the project is mutually agreed to run independently we would like to gather some brief

information from you in order to keep a central log of all council consultation and engagement activity.

Step 9 – Distribute consultation and engagement documentation

The Consultation and Engagement team will upload any relevant consultation and engagement

documents on the current consultation webpage. All other distribution will be undertaken by the

department requesting the consultation or engagement, unless a different approach has been

mutually agreed during the planning stages.

Step 10 - live period

The live period will typically last between eight to 12 weeks (depending on the type of

consultation/engagement and what has been agreed as part of the project plan), please also allow

two-five working days for final analysis, prior to your report submission deadline dependent upon the

data required.

Throughout the consultation and engagement period, the Consultation and Engagement team will

provide regular updates on the SNAP software responses and any other data that has been agreed


Engagement techniques e.g. focus groups or public meetings etc. will be carried out by the

department requesting the service, unless a different approach has been mutually agreed during the

planning stages.

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Email: [email protected] Ext: 3664 Intranet: search ‘c’ for consultation.

Section two: Summaries

Step 11 – Analysing data

If you have followed the steps in this guide and worked with the Consultation and Engagement team

throughout the process, the team can analyse the results for you and provide final consultation

reports if necessary. More powerful and advanced statistical tests on numerical data, can be

conducted by the Consultation and Engagement team if this has been agreed in the planning stage.

However you may wish to analyse the data yourself. Tips on data analysis can be found on the

intranet site under ‘c’ for consultation.

Remember – getting the most out of your data is the reason for the whole process.

Step 12 – Final report

Preparing the results

Download the BCBC report template here.

Remember to consider who needs to see the results and who may benefit from seeing the final report.

Please send a final draft of any reports to the Consultation and Engagement team before publishing

the document.


Create a feedback response to your audience. The report based on the findings should be publicised

in connection with the consultation.

When feeding back the results, make a clear statement of how the opinions from the consultation

have been taken on board. Consistently show your audience what the next steps are and how they

can get involved in the future. This feedback should also be publicised using similar methods to those

used to promote the consultation.

Action plan

Departments and partners directly affected by the report will need to develop an action plan based

upon the results gathered. Use the plan to inform policy changes and address issues that need

immediate attention.

Share feedback internally for good practice, to inform service delivery and for training/improvements.

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Email: [email protected] Ext: 3664 Intranet: search ‘c’ for consultation.

Step 13 – Evaluating the process

After the results have been published you can reflect on the project as a whole. Ask yourself:

► Could the resources you used have been put to

better use?

► Were the original objectives met?

► What would you do differently if you were to repeat

the process?

► What did you learn?

► How have things changed since completing the


► Did the results influence any decision?

It is important to separate the idea of output and outcomes. An output is a planned result of a piece of

work (a strategy, agreement, idea). Outcomes are what you can achieve from outputs, e.g. an output

of an exercise could be a strategy for cleaner streets in a community. An outcome might be a feeling

of pride within the community.


In your evaluation look directly at the responses you received:

• How many people took part?

• Did you have a representative profile of the stakeholders you were looking to reach?

• Did you successfully meet your aims (enough time, correct depth, and to a high standard)?

• Did you receive any feedback from participants about the process itself?

Remember to share your feedback with those who could benefit from the information.

Page 9: Consultation and engagement - Bridgend County …...The guide integrates Participation Cymru’s National Principles for Public Engagement in Wales that have been adopted by the council

www.bridgend.gov.uk 8

Email: [email protected] Ext: 3664 Intranet: search ‘c’ for consultation.


Appendix 1.0 - check list

You can use this check list as you work through the guidance to help you keep track of the different

stages. A rough timeline for how long each stage should take to ensure the consultation and

engagement project is effective is also included.

*The live period may fluctuate based upon the nature of project topic and any statutory expectations.

Step Title Timeline ✓

Section one

1 Do I consult or engage?


Submit draft project planning form. 11 weeks before

consultation begins

Submit Cabinet report (if applicable)

Liaise with the Consultation and Engagement team. 10 weeks before

consultation begins

3 Getting resources into place e.g. booking venues.

4 Understanding specific audiences.

5 How to reach the audience.

6 Techniques and methods of consultation and engagement.


Send final draft of the project planning form, and the first drafts

of any consultation or engagement documents to the

Consultation and Engagement team.

Six weeks before

consultation begins


Work with the Consultation and Engagement team until the final

draft and responsibilities are mutually agreed. Send the final

documents to the Consultation and Engagement team.

Two weeks before

consultation begins

9 Distribute consultation and engagement documentation.

10 Live period* Eight - 12 weeks

Section two

11 Analysing data. Two weeks after

consultation ends


Meet and/or liaise with the Consultation and Engagement team

until the final report is agreed upon. Once agreed distribute the


Two weeks after

consultation ends


Complete and send the final section of the project planning form

to the Consultation and Engagement team.

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Email: [email protected] Ext: 3664 Intranet: search ‘c’ for consultation.

Appendix 2.0 – Project planning form





Title of project:

Consultation Target finish date: and engagement start date:

1. Why do you want to consult or engage?

This question relates to step one in the project guidance.

2. What are the timescales/deadlines you are working towards?

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Email: [email protected] Ext: 3664 Intranet: search ‘c’ for consultation.

3. What resources will you need? This question relates to step three in the project guidance. Please be aware most consultations last eight-12 weeks.

4. Who are your stakeholders? This question relates to step four in the project guidance. You should also include relevant partners in this section.

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Email: [email protected] Ext: 3664 Intranet: search ‘c’ for consultation.

The Communications, Marketing and Engagement team can provide support or advice on promoting

your consultation through the methods below. Any design work for adverts/posters/leaflets etc. must

be completed by an external designer in line with the council’s procurement contract and brand

guidelines. Please note the administrative side of advertising such as payments, bookings, mail shots

etc. would need to be co-ordinated by the service area.

5. a) How are you planning to reach your stakeholders? This question relates to step five in the project guidance.

If you have answered other to any sections you can provide further information here:


Council website Partner sites

Dedicated site Other

Social media

Corporate Twitter Dedicated service area Twitter

Corporate Facebook Dedicated service area Facebook

Corporate Flickr Other

Push strategy promotion

Press release Customer service screens

Bulletin* Other

Internal promotion

Bridgenders magazine Internal email/message of the day

Bridgemembers Other

Paid advertising

Western mail Gem

Echo Seaside News

Gazette Wales online (web based)

Bridge FM Other

Posters / leaflet drops

Hospitals Citizens’ properties

Surgeries/dentists Council buildings

Community centres Council venues

Councillor pigeon holes Other

Face to face

Presentations Public meetings

Events Other


LSB Communities first

Community planning partners Service user groups

Voluntary sector networks Tenants and residents

HSC and wellbeing Business partnerships

Community safety Bridgend Equality Forum (BEF)


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Email: [email protected] Ext: 3664 Intranet: search ‘c’ for consultation.

b) Why have you chosen to use the method(s) highlighted above?

6. a) How are you planning to interact with your stakeholders? This question relates to step six in the project guidance.

Select your methods of reaching your target audiences to tell them about the consultation:

b) Why have you chosen to interact in this way?

Traditional methods Alternative methods

Citizens’ Panel Action planning

Exhibition and roadshows Community visioning

Focus groups Door step and street surveys

In-depth interviews Forums

Public meetings Mystery shopping

Questionnaires - telephone Polls, referenda and ballots

Questionnaires - postal Steering groups

Questionnaires - online Vox pops


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Email: [email protected] Ext: 3664 Intranet: search ‘c’ for consultation.

7. How will you feedback the results of the consultation or engagement to your stakeholders?

8. How will you know if the consultation or engagement has been successful?

Please send this completed section to [email protected]. Alternatively, contact 01656 643664 for more information.

The final section will be returned to you for completion at the end of the project.

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Email: [email protected] Ext: 3664 Intranet: search ‘c’ for consultation.

Section to be completed at the end of the project

9. What were the outcomes of your project? This question relates to step 11 in the project guidance.

10. What worked well? This question relates to step 13 in the project guidance.

Please ensure any final reports have been sent back to the Consultation and Engagement team.

Remember to share your experiences with those who could benefit from the information.

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Email: [email protected] Ext: 3664 Intranet: search ‘c’ for consultation.

11. What would you do differently next time?

12. What have you learned from the process?

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Email: [email protected] Ext: 3664 Intranet: search ‘c’ for consultation.

13. Please use this space for any additional information, feedback or comments that you would like to share.

14. What worked well? This question relates to step 13 in the project guidance