LLNL-PRES-XXXXXX This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under contract DE- AC52-07NA27344. Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC Construction Laser Safety Presentation Presented to AU-11 Jamie J. King, CLSO DOE EFCOG LSTG Chair September 16, 2020

Construction Laser Safety Presentation

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Page 1: Construction Laser Safety Presentation


This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under contract DE-AC52-07NA27344. Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC

Construction Laser Safety PresentationPresented to AU-11


September 16, 2020

Page 2: Construction Laser Safety Presentation


Lasers are all around us

LASER is an acronym— Light— Amplification for the— Stimulation — Emission of— Radiation

What is a LASER?

Lasers touch your everyday life in more ways than you think!

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What makes laser light different from conventional light

Monochromatic— Single wavelength or very discreet

band of wavelengths

Directional— Low divergence

Coherence— All photons are in step or in phase

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How does a laser work?

All lasers have 3 components— Lasing Medium

• Solid• Liquid• Gas• Semiconductor

— Excitation Mechanism• Light source• Another laser• Electricity• Chemicals

— Lasing cavity• 100% reflective mirror• Partially reflective mirror

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Laser Classification

Lasers are classified from Class 1 to Class 4—The higher the laser output, the higher the


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Detailed Classification

Class 1/1M— Power = few microwatts

Class 2/2M— Output less than 1 milliwatt (400-700nm), blink response protection

Class 3R— Output between 1-5mW (Invisible or visible), carved out classification for construction lasers

Class 3B— Output between 5-500 mW continuous wave (output below 125 mj for pulsed system), intrabeam

and specular reflection hazard

Class 4— Output higher than Class 3B, Intrabeam, diffuse reflection, and fire hazard

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DOE utilizes all types of lasers from laser pointers to enormous national treasures!

Lasers, lasers, lasers…

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ANSI Z136.1 – 2014 American National Standard for Safe Use of Lasers—Provide recommendations for the safe use of

lasers and laser systems between 180 nm and 1 mm

—Provide reasonable and adequate guidance for safe use of lasers and laser systems

—Accomplished by classifying lasers and laser systems according to their relative hazards and specifying controls for each

—Requires laser safety officer (LSO) for Class 3B & 4 lasers and laser systems

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DOE Labs comply with ANSI Z136.1 for Safe Use of Lasers — ANSI Z136.8 for Safe Use of Lasers in Research and Development is used for Best Practice

Oversight of construction lasers is by IS/IH personnel— Looking for lasers >Class 3R

Construction lasers as with all others sold in U.S. comply with the Federal Laser Product Performance Standard (FLPPS) under the FDA

Lasers that are Class 3B/Class 4 are not authorized to be operated on construction site

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)— Construction Industry (29 CFR 1926)

• 1926 Subpart D, Occupational health and environmental controls– 1926.54, Nonionizing radiation

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Typical Construction Lasers (Class 1, 2, and 3R)

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Construction Laser Controlled Area (LCA)

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Training and Regulations

Regulations require that all users of Class 3B and Class 4 lasers shall be trained.

DOE NTC and EFOG Laser Safety Task Group developed a web-based Laser Worker Training Course which is used across the complex.

Local training may include; site specific, lessons learned, alignment training, and OJT.

Industrial Safety Professionals are trained to monitor construction sites at DOE facilities

Many DOE Labs are permanent members on the ANSI Z136 Standards Committee— LANL, LBNL, LLNL, SLAC— This committee establishes the industry standards— Next ANSI Z136.1 revision is due out in 2021

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How hazardous are lasers used in construction?


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Key Points for Safety Professionals

All Lasers are regulated by the FDA

Class 2/3R/3B/4 are required to have a visible classification label

Construction Laser Safety falls under 29 CFR 1926.54

Construction site managers are responsible for any control measures:— Control of site— Training— Signage— Not directing laser beam onto roads/occupied spaces

As with laser pointers, there may be mislabeled lasers out there, but this a rarity

If you notice a laser in operation, whether in a conference room or construction site this seems unbearably bright, contact your Laser Safety Officer for investigation