.... *. 1 V. ... A Vk* T <* BY PLEASANTS & SMITH. RICHMOND. VIRGINIA,Vvn!Kl)AY. smBMiiKii'.V-” --—- 'w>nri< ioiii. jijj now rnn^mmm Vol. IV.-— No. GS. TJ" The CorMTiTUTlONAl. Wilio is published twice a week, (Wednesdays and Saturdays,) at live dollars per Utfnuin, payable in advance. J /* Previous to a discontinuance of (lie paper, nil ar- rearages must be paid up. And tliuse who may wish to discontinue, will notify the Editors to that effect, at least tnirty days before the period expires fur which they sub- scribed. For advertising—7.j cents a square (nr less) tir tiie fftst insertion, and .TO cents for each continuance.—The number of insertions must be noted on the MS. otherwise they will bo continued and charged accordingly. p.-J* AH letters to tho Editors most be post-paid, or they' will receive no attention. U d Notes of chartered specie paying H inks of any of tic States will be received in payment for subscription to the W nig, though Virginia or LT. Suites Bank Notes would be preferred; and remittances can be made through the Post Office ,it lb.* risk of the Editors._ ° BaO&DEOCS E&CES. THE F’all Races, over the Rroadrock Course, will cotn- ineiice on the fust Tuesday in October next. 1st day—A Sweepstake for three yeai6 old’last spring mile heats, five entries, one iuindrud dollars each, ami closed. 2rt dny —Proprietor's Poise $3C0, two mile heats. Ud day—Jockey Club Poise .$t>UO, three mile heats. A fourth day’s race is calculated on, and as there arc many fine liorses in training, good sport may be expected. 1SFIAM PL’CKE'i'T, Proprietor. Sept 79 4t 'Tobacco Planters. A PETITION will tic presented to the next Session of the Virginia Legislature, praying that tlie inspectors of all Public Warehouses, sliali bn lequired, in inspecting Tobacco, to break it in four different parts of each hogs- ift’ud. in order to detect the many impositions piactised in prizing: ami that certain Warehouses, wheic such frauds are connived nt, and whore ins|>ectnrs rtfbsed to break Tobacco in such places ns they are tTbsired to do by pur- chasers, may be suppressed, *wpt 19_fs •76 IWIAITSION HOUSs7~ DRY GOODS. WSc D. KYI.E Sc CIO. have received hy late arrivals from New Yotk, Philadelphia, Sec. n very extensive fupply nfEiigli.b woollen an 1 cotton goods, Irish linens, tfirpers, sheetings and lawns, German and British linens, rlbmestie sheetings, shirtings, plaids anrl checks; and a large Assortment of French fancy goods of every description. Titcy will arid ro their assortment, by the arrival of every Packet fiom the former place, such supplies as will enable IHeni to give entire satisfaction to their customers and such ns may please to give them a rail. They forbear PilJfiiLg, knowing that assertions are nothing. Trial and minute comparisons are the only test; and they doubt not when these are made, that lliiir goods will compote, in cheapness and quality, with anyiu the market. Sept 12 ts THOMAS PULLING Offers to li is customers and the public generally, a complete assortment of fiesh DHUGH, MEDICINES, I*-lfJsT'J'S, OILS. Sic. Sic. at the Sign of the Br,Ac:c Boy and Mortah, Mar- ket Bridge, Richmond, Va. Having recently lUrtHii on nrruiiguinAiit with » Drt ggist in New York of greut experi- ence, to select and' forward by almost every arrival of the regular Packets, socii Medicines as are wanting, he con. fidentiy recommends them as genuine 1 iii. iiim iiesu, aim as ms wish is quicK sate, he will be satisfied with moderate profits. Countiy Merchants particularly, ere tequested to call and examine his stock for themselves; which for quality and Cheapness of price, he has no doubt will be found satisfac- tory. Prescriptions put up with neatness, fidelity and dispatch, at all times of the day uud night. Kept 12_l’2t £B-1I1E subset itieis have enteriyl into copartnership under S. the firm of ARM1STEAD fc M’CREDIE, and res" jieclfully tender their services to their friends and the public, 2 ir the transaction oi'a General Commission Business. JOHN RI. AKMISTEAD. JOHN G. M’CREDIE. Richmond, Sept. I2ili, 1827. w4t /T UR Plantaiioti cm James River is again ollercd tor sale, li lies in the county of Powhatan, twenty-five miles above Richmond, containing live hundred and fitly or .••js'.y acre', eiihty of which is piimc lenv grounds, in good firder for cultivation. Any person inclined to invest a small c fpital in a valuable plantation, would be advantageously Syiitvd in this, particularly in point of health,cheapness and fertility of soil. We refer any person inclined to view it, in Hubert Pleasants, living near it; and for tortus, to either of the subscribers living in Henrico, six miles from Rich- mond. pam’l pleas an rs, \VM. PLEASANTS. Shillelah, ?<J Sept. 11127. fit Improved Patent Spring Saddle. C1ALL and see the Improvement ! have made on T. G. f Prkttv man’s l'.lTEN/' SPRING SAD DEE. The utility anil ease it affords the rider will rarely ut- cirmnteitd it. / HAVE ON I RAND, An elegant assortment of best Rlain and Shafted Saddles. Plated Stirrup Irons, bard and sob solder, ) English and Whip* and Spurs, Bridle Bits, pin led and j- American steel, Bridle Leather and Martingales, J Manufacture. Best and Common Carriage anil Gig Harness, Bear Skins. Curry Combs, Carriage and Gig Collars, of every descrip- tion,on accommodating terms. TJAVliJ JACKSON’, s* Main street, between the Eagle Hotel anti Va. Banks, on the opposite side, ang 2D tf Forty or Fifty Young Negroes ARE wanting. Males firm 15 to 25 years old, and Fe- v males from 15 to £0. For term-, apply to the Editors cf this paper. aug 22 St MHO JAfif»B"M YT;U5and El7z7\ Ids wif,-, and FKfc?- JL DERIFK A. RO~5».—As you are not inhabitants of the State of Virginia, please to take notice, that we shall or. the third Monday in October next, (tlmtbeirg the 15th day of the month,) at Goochland Court-house, proceed to take tit is depositions of John Martin and others, between the hours of eight o’clock a. in. and six o’clock p. m. of the Miff:- day, to bo read as evidence in a suit row depending and mi- determined in the superior j^urt of chancery for the Rich- mond ilixtiict, in which we are plaintiffs, and you and other- are defendants; and if front any caum the taking of the said depositior s should not be completed on that day, to be Con- tinued from day to day until completed; and wc shall also proceed to take the depositions of John Titr.berlake, jr. nib others, at Fluvanna Court-house, on the fourth Monday, in the same month October, (that being tbe 22'I day of the same month.) between the hours aforesaid, to be continued from day to day as aforesaid, and tr be read as evidence fn the same suit; when and where you may attend if you think proper. WM. MANN, SAMI.. DYlfn, Jr. TVtthTnutJ, Va, J7 't Sept. 1227. v 4t | ///f*. •'il/LSSCRlli/•'Ft OFFERS FOR SALE, ! ^150. SPANISH HIDES, several different kinds ■.HO Richmond salted slaughter do do do do calftkins 12 bills. Tanners’oil Curriers' tools of all kinds oOOO sides soal leather—comprising all qualities, both Oak Bml Hemlock tannage, at 12j cts. to JO els. per lb. G^O do wax, russet and grain upper leather GU dozen Philadelphia and other calfskins 20 do seal and boot and shoe morocco skills ^50 do lining and binding skins luOO lbs. coarse shoe thread, in balls and .skeins 500 do tine do white and yellow, fee. Boot-trees and lasts, boot cord and webb Black varnish, heel balls and slice blacking Shoemaker's tools of all kinds Mogsktus, baghides, harness and skirti.ig leather Black and fair biidle leather Uuft.ilne, leopard, bear and hair seal skint Sheep skins, American and English, and buck skins Men’s, women’s nml gig saddle trees Worsted, cotton and straining webtu Hut tacks, fish skin and whip stocks j Morocco skins of nil kinds for hatters and coach makers ^rge chaise and Japaned hides Coach lace, tassels, fringe, &c. C'g handles nod ha nils, moss and floor cloth carpet oOO pair black ami red, men’s and boys’ plantation shoes, Richmond manufacture U ooland 100 lbs. woollen stocking yarn. c VVILUAM CRANE. -S^'12_wdt | i>ew and Seasonable Goods. HALL& MOORE have just received by the Sclir. I' iy Lotn New "\ ork, the following desirable Goods: A beautiful assortment of bare goods, consisting of dupes, caps, cloaks, pelerines, half lull's. Tlirr ad lace edgings nnd i user tines, Ginghams, Chilian Stripes, sniped and yTa+n baiUtc Silk and worsted bereges, &:o. Ale. Superior calicoes,cambric, jaconet and mull tnnslTirs Plain and figured Swiss and book muslins English and t tench Silk Hosiery, a good assortment Men’s and women’s cotton and thread hosiery, do. Black Italian Lutes*ring?,Grn ile Naples anil French Frnrenc.es, very superior, | English and French Black Bombtfzliies of very $tmetinr * quality and colour, Black satins, satin levantines and { Black silk cnuiblct, heavy and good, Black nankin and Canton Crapes, superior Black and white figured silks and Bareges Thread, brown cambric and lioskiu gloves Long white kid and hoiseskin gloves, superior Very superior yellow and white nankeens Moiocco riticulcs of new and handsome patents 1 A large and beautiful assortment of 7 8 and 4*4 Irish Linens, 5-4 and 6-4 Sheetin gs 6-4 and 10 4 table diapers, also diaper, crash°and hucka- back towellings, fancy silk and berege lulltfs. Shell tuck, side and curl coiubs, dressing co7i:bs. In addition to the above, they have, and always keep on hand, a geneeral assortment of Pry Goods, and are receiv* j ing fiesh supplies hy every packet from New York. June 29. Cheap! Cheap! Cheap! HpiIE Subscriber will sell “Randolph’s Reports,” 4 j Jl volumes, as cheap as any other Bookseller in Vir- i ginia; persons there ore wishing* to purchase, trill do! well to give him a call before pttrehnsirm-. Attached to the 4lh volume of the copies he ha*, is j Chief Justice Marshall’s opinion in the cn*e of Gar- nett, Ex.’or of Brooks, vs. Macon *t at.: prepared for tho ptess bv Joseph Tate. PETEK COTTON! StT>L >•___w.li NOTICE. j 4 LI. persons having claims against the e.stnte nf James /a. Cocke, deceased, late nf Powhatan county, arc reques- ted to present them to me properly authenticated, r.n or bn fore lire 1st day of December next. I am now engaged in j I the settlement of my administration of the estate of the j said Janies Cocke, <le.:'d, before a Commissioner nf the! I Richmond Chancery v.uurt, nnd shall plead this notice in! *>ar any claim not presented as above requested. A. A. GREEN. A dm Of of Jctincb Coi kot dwM. s j Powhatan county, ftept. 13fh. wiU* J | '(VrR. JACOB M YERS, sir, as you are rot an i„h7b7- j t1' 3- ,a,!» «’f "i'S State, you will please to take nniire, ! * shall proceed to take the depositions nf John Timber- lake. jr. and others, at Fltivainia Court-house, oh the' leu tli Monday in October next, (that being the22d day of I the month,) between the hours of nine o’clock A. M. and the ( si tting of the sun nf the same day; ami if (mm any cause tin J taking nf the same should not he completed on that day, to 1 be continued from d.*y ;o clay until completed: which depn- ! siiions will he read evidence in a suit in chancery depen* j ding in the Riilimmul district, in which 1 am plaintiff and you are defendant. V\ M. MAN'N. 15th Sept. 1827. ,,.4, William Neale Sc Cd. Have just received by the Exit, from New Vork, and Emily Davis, from Philadelphia. a considerable aihii- imnal supply of new and k.tmi'-.l GOODS, Hnd nitirh "tuli-c Usual parr<. They con-d-d in part oftiie following I articles, viz: ; * A «<»rge assTirtiueiit Preflch iillt batistes, a jif.w tffld > splendid (frtlrlc Elegant gauze ikf-\ > Uj silk ru, »c» t’a tins, silk'., inodes, hie COlpbs Tuck cmnbs, thread laces < 5 !•*.«* cambrics, for bonnets A i—rgo and beautiful assortment prmif, t-nur-ly new j , style, A LEO, C bales (5—1 fndia matting far carpvtyx* And r to in daily expectation of Lit liter supplies of goods. ! (<* j *" the Zii: upland ~Vaw'far lory, opposite t?i r TJAion f l del. riim: S..T.SC,iber re "ii'!',fully informs tin, farmers and „f pm'.V'V-m’l'“’ l,;'s n‘,wbaud, a greater variety than has ever before been offered in this m.-irkei Among which, mv McCormick’* one, two and' tisree Itr.rse, self-sharpenc-rs. his bnrshnre, with bite i.n- tnovriiitfiits; RevercombV and the improved barsltare; also, Ei.-rboni ami nth. c is: ploughs, nnnsu illy cheap. _M’M. PALMER. j rVTOnCE.—I futewern all p rrnr.s from cutting Wood j -Ex tiputi my piece uf land of 16 acre*, ar ,i extending; from the road to the north of a pioco of land formerly Mr, | vi nr, Mai kfn/ie’s, to Cole man's line, bounded on the East by a piece of Land formerly Ike propurty of the late Mr. Ar- I cbibald Blaif, and on the West by the Hermitage Tract.— A::y person giving legal evidence agah^r any person nr person- guilty of the said offence, shall be considered by me i ! :,s having done me a considerable service. 1 give the same j notice in regard to 5 acres of land in Duval’s addition, and ; numbered in bis plan 227,2211 and 220.—I will cither sell or lease fur a term of years, the above parcels of land,and j uh-o 0 acres, more or less, on Richmond Hill, with a brick dwelling bou*e upon it, and very near the City: the soil is of good nnnlity. Eor Rent, that large nr. I valuable I.ot and Houses on ( Cary Street, nt present occupied by Mr. James Wallace, : and also the three story Brick Tenement on 11th Street, near Mayo’s Bridge. Possession of both properties tube I had tin the 1st of October npxt.—I will veil on reasonable terms, tire whole or any part of the above property, and also the I.ot on 14th Street, running back to Virginia Street,and adjoining tire property of Vr. IT. L. Wight. t>- ,, r IE s fNINES. S.-cfefltot!*, May try?. T‘ QUF.fJN /. TAYLOR has Removed to the Ae'v Storn next door above James M. Johnston j'tid nearly opposite Lewis Webb & Go., where he has just opened his PALL SUPPLY OP GOODS, from London, Liverpool and .New York, consistin'* in part of, ° I & B. Wilson's &Gandy‘sNapt Cottons StPlAius Rose, U hitncy, Point and Striped Blankets, ,M,C» rc<!> yellow, green, blac k and blue Flauuels, Green Baizes and Dockings, and Donuts, ^4 Cloths. Fearnoughts and Plains, Fig'd and plain Bom hazels, PiaMsaud Rattincte, German Qznaburgs, Tick let)burgs and Burlaps, Brussels. Kidderminster and Scotch Carpetings & r,.i-rS | Blue, black, brown, green * mixture Cloths and Cos- smierev. Double milled Drab Cloths and low priced Swansdown Armozine, Toilanet, ao.l Valentin Vesting, Gondon Hals. Umbrellas, and. colM Cravats, Gent‘s, you ill's, boys aud cMWieu'a Seal Skin and Cloth Caps, 'Alnte, bloc1' into worsfc^,; cotton aud silk Ho- siery— full assortment, Olive and drab Bang up Cords, Jaconet, Book, and Mud Muslinsand Cambrics, Calicoes, Gingham, Ccu» Paly and Batiste, Plain and fig'd GrodeNap, Florence & Italian Silks, ! Gunp, Grecian and Thread Laces and ttdgings—new1 and handsome patterns. Plain and fig'd white and black Bobbin*:!. Black and white Uobbiuel Veils aud hair li ikfs. l/L'It, bonnet and lovo f.inands, and (ittnps, Gent's and Ladies' buck, beaver, horseskin and kid Gloves, Irish Linens, Sheetings and Lawns—approved qualify. Linen and cotton Bed tieking and Binding, Cambric, habit and furniture Dimity, ° I-'ioss, pound and shoo Thread, spool & ball Cotton, 1 Silk Ildkfs., Sewing Silks and Twist, Liircn and Cotton Apron and Furniture Check, Metal, gilt and silk Buttons, and Moulds, Linen Cambric and Cambric Pocket Hdkfs. Best London Pins a id Needles, Darning «nd Bodkins,! Brown and bleached Domestics and PI..ids, Cloth blue, and steel inixt CassinetF, Mantle, toilet and swing frame Glasses, London Soap, Too.h aud Shaving BriLbetr. a r,*n, :.odgers‘ Pen and Pocket Knives, Razors Jc Scissors, Buck and liorv Table Knives and Folks, Shoe Knives, File- and Screws, Bad and plate Locks, Lancets, Szc. ShaipcV Tower proof brass and steel ornamented Guns,: V Ah a tariefy of oilier Goods—ail of which have1 nc^n carefully selected, and are otTered for sale at moderate prices. Sept i5_Ct u Hi- su»)scribi'r offers his services to }»is frier»cte and the ! *- public, as a General Commission Jilerrhant. lie will j al.-n make liberal advances on all articles consigned to ! Jos. E. Bloomfield, Esq. New Yoik, fur sale. Jnst received per sclir. Mary Archer, a supply of GR0- ! C -MLS, foi •‘ ilt*, (wholesale) for cash nr approved paper; I they weiti laid in within the lust month, in JSew York, upon j mn<Iterate terms, and ns but a small advance is asked, city Grocers and Country merchant* Hie invited to call and examine them; a constant supply will be kept up. JOHN G. ROBERT, Cary-strcct, opposite Columbian Hot;-!. -?”g~_w-lt i Mahogany and Forte Pianos. subscriber bas just received a large supply nfnn- JL hngany planks, boards, paunels and vcnecis, Newell posts, band rails, counter planks and bannister stuff; with a gene.al assortment of figured and plain hair cloths, ropa! varnish, carved feet, arms, scmlss. stumps, bedstead post, ; | .1 iid \ cm-tut 11 blinds; and is constantSy tun mi fa c Mu in » u itn i ( Ihe most select journeymen, cabinet furt.ituie, mattnisscs | and sofas of the newest fashions; and has on I,and, a few' good toned pianos; r.ll of which will he sold, at u-dne-d j prices, for cash, ,n good paper. Also lor litre, at the «!!(,,;- I fit notice, a mat funeral HEARSE, with gentle hours. GEORGE HEN DREE, j, Opposite the Merchants' Coffee House, i Sep* C vts Main Street, Richmond. In Henrico County Court, .lu^ust J f; j7. Allan FowIds and Agness his wife, Jane Johnston, and") Joint Miller and Elizabeth his wife, Pits. 1 f against Jo'r.n Allan and William Galt, formerly William f lalt, Jr. executors of the last will and testament of Wil- liam Galt, Hec’d, Janies Galt, Mary Allan, Jane Walsh an infant, Doctor James Blark. and J im: his wife, in light of the said Jane, John Dennis- ton and William his wife, and the said Doctor *“ ! James Black, as trustee'fnr the said Mrs. Wil- liam Dtnmistnn, lifts. On the motion of the plaintiffs by their attorney, and it appearing to the court, that the defendants Mary Allan,J Jane nlsh, James Blacl and Janr his wife, and Jolin Renniston and William his wife, (who have not entered iheir appearance and given security according to the act '•'* assembly and the tides of this court,) are not inhatv- tants of this commonwealth; it is oideie.rl, that the sa d absent defendants do appear here on the first day of the nex t ensuing November court, m.d answer lire hill of the ! plaintiff*; and that a copy, ot this ruder be fmthwitli in-j serted in some newspaper published in the city of Rich- i 1.ourl. for two months successively, m.d posted at t• I l.-uit door of the C omt-bou-f of tins rnijr.f-.-, on two «-ic- j i- sc--,e court days. On like motion, and it" appealin'--to ! f..r. court, that John Forbes of the. city of Riehtuond, atu r- [ *>' and .counsellor at law, is a single material witness j mr tbu |i; ii;iti.i- in this r.ausevit is fnrthei ordered, that a ! commission do for taking the deposition of the said f John Fmbes, according *0 law. A copy. Teste, LOFTfN N. EI.LETT, C. H. C. ! Tim said pluiufiffs ttMify tire said dnftndarfs, that or. ! tire fourth day of the rrenr evsuing Octr.h r, b«iw»-> t{,|. hours offline before, our! live after ttnnn, at the offer: of ihe I 1 above mentioned John Foii.es, in the city of Richmond, by ! * virtue of n commission issued pursuant to the foregoing order, they will proceed to tnhn the deposition ,.t the suit! i Joint Forbes, to ire itsetl ns evident e in the above mentiorrd J I cause, and so from day to day Uteteafter, then: continue to j < rio until lite satire •shall have been completed and wlmi j nodvvherp t!te said defendants may on that bvitaU attend.! if they think tit, Aruv Fo .vr.ns and A r.y |,i« | v i ;<•, J.i v r. JnnssTo.v, and Jon?;; Mif.t.f'.n and Rr.iJSAnr:t»j his wife, i>y Ii.t.MKi. Cam,, tireir counsel. August 16th, 18-T. o:1 VJ11G iJs'Ll: At rotes, holrtrn in the rink’s office of the sup-rior court ! of clMiirery f..r (lie Richmond dixtriut, the t'.:h dliy of! August, 1827: A illiam Mann, and Samtit l Dyer, ,tr, J.'l's 1 against J Fbornas T. Rouldin, ex’.ir of David Ross, deceased, Jacoti Myers and Eliza Ills wife, John DufiioJcl an 1 Amanda ; his wife, and Walter I.. Fontaine, and George r.iyne, adto’ors of P.iv1: Rn>«, Jr. .and Ficderirk A. < Ross, devisees of David R< .3, deceased, />/-.<•, 1 The defendants Jar b Myers and Kiiza his wife, asid Frederick A. Ross, not having entered their appearance 1 tod given see rrity according to tint art of assembly and Ihe rules of this court, and it apjreiring bv satisfactory ?vidence, that they are t ot inhabitants of this country; if is ordered, that thr sai.J def. i.d int* do appear hereon thP first ilay of the next tertii and a us.-.er the hill t<f die piaiu- 1 li/fs; and that a copy of tl.i. oder be forthwith iiwerted in tome newspaper published in the city of Richmond, for two i months Stirrrssivety, and [rested at the front door of the }< capitol,in tire said city. I; ch a Teste, vAr.r. -\y. ii.Fr.vrjfo, c. c. ; 52L1-j?0nrinfi'*i0:tvil \il\lji'0, ENGLAND. b mm tb a \*»... \f». /. •/.. a * -»j'wiii*a <i uuiLcr ilid- guage. regarding the political situation and circum- stances of Great Dritaiu, titan anything (hat we have recently met with from that cunti). He expresses a ucoidod opinion, tint if Ike seceding ministers should return to power, they must come “pledged to oppose every reform. to maintain a constant stru^glo against ttiu spirit of the age, and defend abuses to which (he nation is becoming every d ly morequicfc-ightcd:”— and-‘that they tviii not have power, even* if they should have the inclination, to act otherwise. And1 what,” say a he, “must the cod of these things hr1 We msiver, without hesitation, that, if this course be persis- ted in, it these counseN nr:d these counsellors are 1 nainlamed, the end .nest hc a rcrulutmn. a b!on- ly ^ and unsparing revolution—a revolution which viil make tlie errs of those who hear of it tin- ;.c m the remotest countries, and in the remotest times : I hn middling orders in England arc, we all know, at- : m-■ dutinns ullucir country, hut not with 1 blinuy partial attachment. They see tho merits cf " sysiosn; bu they also see its faults; and they have ! s’<ro,lq an:; «so" ! ^ ire that these faults should be rernovt d. Iwin! their wish for improvement isgrow- i.;; stiongsf am: Unn.ger, the government is to become worse and »ynr>,e, the consequences aie obvious. lh- vou now it i-> impossible to de-suis?, that there is amino- \ m l,*e ku»-- n oi that clc- a Uepuhlican s.-ct. as 2111,11° cumv, as rear.lexical, httle inclined to re-pert an- tiquity. as erUhusiastically attached to its ends, as uri scrupulous in the choice of its means as the French Jacobins themselves—but far superior to the Fterchl Jaoobin9 in acuteness and information—in caution, in \ patience, and in resolution. They are men who have ! hr e.i put into I raining for violent exertion. All tliat j is merely ornamental—all that gives the r mndnoss, ! 1. sinoo-.bnpss, and the bloom, has keen excluded. .oh.mg U h i, hut nerve, and muscle, ar.J hone.5’ “A strong democratic paity would hc funned in ! »e educated class- In the lowest, and the most nu- laerous order oftlie popn!:ition, those who have anyo- pmion at nil are .1 m mats already. In our rinnofncUt- 7 .V I w " ni*'v Nimbly strong; and it is not 1 m stfflBUi La so: For it is on persons in this atnin thiii t lie a hjiscs of our system press most heavily. I hr. d./hrencc: between an arbitrary and 3 iimiied mo riatchy vanishes, win ft compared with the duTeience between one ic.enl-a-day and tin. <? meals a-day. it U pn:ir conrotation to a man wb has had no break-1 tast.an.l ex,vets no supper, that the King does not pos- I 5C~s a dispensing power, r.nJ that troops rannot t-c rmr- ! ed in time of peace, without the consent uf Ptrliarnent. With this class, our gevernmedt, free as it is, is even1 now as unpopular as it :l it iveic despotic,— nnv much mot e 30.” 1 ’*‘e history of our country, since tlm peace of jp.j •>,' is almost entirely made up of t!r« struggles of the lower Oi.ii y ng.iinsj the government, and of the elfort' of the government to keep them down. In im- >; en e assemblies were convened, secret societie s were 1 formed, and g.oss outrages were committed. Id FJ17, | fhe llabcHs Corpus Act was twice suspended, hi Iul9, the disturbances broke out afresh, 'Meelino-s I ivera held, so formidable from their cumbers and their spiiit, that ti.o Ministry, and the Parlia- ment approved of the conduct of Magistrates ivho I ■*“ dispersed or.n hv the Mycrd. Fresh laws were >:i-',,J against seditious writings ar.-J ractircs. Ye! lie f. i!h;ry;ng year commenced uitli a e'espento and ! iste.nsive conspiracy for the ass issmMi. n of the .abinet, and t.ic subversion of i!:c governmi nt. A cw mouths alter this event. the Queen Ian 'e.J On hat occasion, the majority of the ruddling order joined ! yiMi the mob. The effect oftl.-c union Was irresistible. ! Tiie Ministry and the Parliament stood aghart; the All of pains and pennllies v. as dropped. 7 cuiirui- >ion, which seemed inevitable, w as averted. lint th- events cf that year ought to impress one lessor, on the mind of every putd.c nun;—that an alliance between the divr.fiected multitude and a large poiticn of lh« middling outers, is one with which no government can veutmr to cope, without imminent chu ger to the con 1 stir of tort. A government like that w ith which F.ngland would be nursed, if thu present Ministry should fall huk.ro the i present Oppo-itron, would render such an : Iliance not '< ndy inevitable, hut permanent In less than ten v»-:.rs, it would goad every Reformer m |j,c e mntry into 1 Revolutionist. It would place at the head’of the mill l.thde persons possessing all tbo cducalicc, nlithcjtidg* nent, and all the habit', of c o-operation, in which the inullitu lr; itself is defieieril. rI ha! great hod\ pi;y ucalK trie most powerful in the slate. Kike flic He- brew champion, it vet hel I in captivity hv it:, blind- 1 nc«s. Hut if once the cm rless Giant edi’all find a guide ; In put his hand on the props of (lie State—o'luire !•< dial! how himself upon (he pillr.r=. woo to all who l ave made him Iheii laughing stock, or chained him to grind j at fheir mill. V> n do therefor** nrmlv hr.iieve. that rven if no cx [rrnnl cause wcie to prcci, ifafr a fr.taf ensi tint cmin Irt could not he governed for a single generation by inch inen as Lord V. estruoreljtid and Lnrd F.ldoii, without extreme 11* it of revolution But there are atfior symptoms in the body politic, not !c*« alarming loan tor-” we liave dr'cribod. In 11eland there are j I’veral iai!!ior:e of Caihr.lies who do not love our go ernrnent; nod who i. Ucsf wj:h all their heart with all* ! i~ soul, v. d a!ifhejrrnu* and wub r.!! their.strength, he party now in opr; scion. The recession of that arty fo power, would he a death |0 t’mir t rees »f oVij.siom*? *he:r '.erriare! bt e;>, *;«. -rnJ means, and re »rr.v Lirlt espnrl that nil tlmevetr*. which follow •d the recall of Lord Fitzivilimm. will take place again, m a ~'e *cr am] more 1 nm dubfo scale. One tiong. orlepd, vc have ro »:g!.r to rju.-cd. that a second lochc will be as unfortunate as ll:c tourer. A r,v:l! rar in Ireland will lead almost nc?*ssm ily to a war n uu 1 -’ranee, and the cla- of neutral ad belligerent •: cirri*tor s v id then pmduc«i a w ar with Atnei ica. i Hm:i con-e itmrs to Canada aril expeditions o .Java. ‘.ape off. oh,! flops* inu-.l f>* g.arri'-onrd: who's 1 •* def-.-rd'-d. Lot r- -..;..,.isc rlmljrsijJ bat 1 -I >■. i-t hi a Pg »• nflirt, r d-at b night v et:>r* r r. -.'hlilion to ;i detd a!r<-aJy mod huideiisoine. I *-..h : -,\es and fresh disccnfcnta. All tlmsc are event* >" l.h h mas not iniprehahlr 1 nrg'n ruder ?ny g v* re- cent—rvents which Ihcnexf moorhen?'. butig forlli_ ■vents again*! which, no minister however able and ione-t, can with pct feci certainty p, ovido—hot which Ministers, whose p r ay should exa-pernte the ocr.p’e •f Ireland, wot.: almort unnvoiLh!y burg upon i:s. I \ cabinet formed *>y the cx-mim-ters rou’j scarcely ixtst fora year, without iiicc'i«it*g the lover classes of be English to frenzy, by giving them v.r to the selfish cranny of iH an bwuatioal -upporters, wilhool driving relnnd into a rebellion, and without temptingt Fiance o war. b T ron\ the AVt,o>nj/ /;/, .Vi'O.iyr. COLONIAL QUUSTIO.V. ^ In tu.a Ihirrl number of the American f'u'-.r{',i!v keview, recently pubhshcJ in Philadelphia, there a.c eTeral articles which tv a hare looked into with inter- est. hut tho ona which has especially attracted our ro ire, is that on the Britwu ( Vi.om *r. as-a N.tvm.t- iTi*^ FtSTEVV <ka l;.;* 7 ^ir.:3 s.a IT-n woi|>. H is a very powerful exposition of the merits of (be Colonial ; ‘yuestron between the United,State* and Great Britain, and evidently the production ofa mnMer-micd, perfect* j ly conversant with the whole subject in it broadest bo:,» to principles and details. The writer oruig’i lo the discussion so much of historical, political, and commercial knowledge; lays down his position with so much of elementary force, fortifying them nt the same time with such iucontestible facts, (hat it is re. freshing' to follow hint in his tiain of enlarged and co- argumentation, after the narrow and imperfect views w hich have loo generally been taken ofthesub* P’ot. Ho places himself on (he vantage ground of statesmanship, and, with aims and maxims higher lh:m ? "f ,llf ,n«,Q politician of the hour.snrveti the whole fhjd of discussion. looking at it in connexion with in er-natioual duties and interests of an elftvatcd and permanent order. His elucidation? arc as practical ns they arc tenewed, and those who can go through thp artic!;! without being wanned under the demonstration which \‘ exhibits of tlie extravagant pretentions of Great Britain to assume more than her equal share of advantage n her commercial and navigation .System wuh (lie Untied States, but most especially that part of it which i* colonial, as well as of our past submission, throughout long intervals, to this spirit of unjust as- sumption on tier part, 0111=1 liavo different feelings Iron* those which name overusat its perusal. Amongst o- t.ier facts which the patriotic and careful research of the writer lias brought to light, none struck us as rnoru room liable than Ins reference to the bid brought in- to the House of Commons by Mr. l’ili, in Much, 178J, 1 "'hiing ptovisiuns for the regulalon of (he Colonial intercourse with tlie United Stairs, upon the verypnx- 1 *11 ',<-v ,f0> ’’ ’>irh riui- government has recently contendrGy tlie identical principles laid down in (be celebrated despatch of June 23d, 1823, from Mr. Adams, while Secretary of State, to Mr. Hush, to which public at- trition has heretofore been directed in our column*!. The hill fell'through: hut the fact of its introduction into the British House of Commons, and support by Mr. Pitt, who was then chancellor of the exchcq* or, stand in extraordinary contrast, at least, (o the cond.-*»{ of those politicians of our country who have clro * .; Fir the if own reasons, to sa«nil their own Govern*'.. •; fir urging those principles, aa well as to defend doctrines of Air. Canning and .Mr. Hn-kisson, in oppost tion to tliem. f he article, frorn the dignity of its man n«*i no less than the power of i<s logic, cannot fiiil to bo extensively read, and will help to Rjyead over the conn ti v, before Congress comes together again, enlightened and correct views of the question which it to ably hand it:- its spirit if truly National; and wc think that even timso who have dieted most attention to thrs question, will he amply repaid by its perusal—the drill of iu reasoning, ami its full historical retrospect, con— convening a treat t-j tr.itii'j (ho best informed-on this branch of our public ailairs. The di. mission lias not, it would seem, been exhausted under the fertile disci* plined pen of the writer, whose closing remarks swe. gest the hone that it.iuay be continued inn succeeding- number of the work. At u public celebration in South Carolina, a fe.w months ago, the liberal principles of the present Ad- ministration in England were given as a toast, whilst i:"* administration of our oivn country was disparaged. I lew far this turc-t was becoming in an Ameribin at* mosphere, the voice ol truth, speaking through the facts ofhistory in tlm article we have noticed, can beit answer. The Public cannot fail to gain, if (bis patri- otic and powerful rrasoner goes on with the discussion he has commenced. We are sorry (hat the article, of which we now spesk. is too long' for our columns, or we would spread it bcfoie cur readers, instead of expiessing our approbation of it. Gr.r.j;. r. '/ ! o (.>n*t tlulionnA says. “Few nations' arc more favored by nature ibau Greece. How flour- ishing then would the become with peace and liberty and uhat resources would she afford to commerce and industry At the l.egining of 1825 the population of (ho -•/ eparchies of the peninsuln of the Morea was 700 tf>0 sonU: one twelfth of tf.n territory belongs to the aml cmiHihl of forestr., olive plantations, salt pits, cMierice, t nolle baths, country bouses and gardens, be revenue of the Morea. at the same period, exclu- sive Of the domains of the state, amounted five million* ot 'rani.fi. northern Greece, divided into SG erarebies contained in 3 825. a population of 800,000 souls.— loo disasters of war have so completely overwhelmed Ibis part of Greece that the revenue has only amounted to three millions and a half of francs. The archipel- ago and the rest of Greece united, contain a popula- tion or 1100,000 souls, who paid to the stale one million «d francs, and possessed 800 vessels of different sues. The nation..! debt at that time was 23 millions of francs. If Greece slid breathes, notwithstanding the extraordi nary efforts of her powerful enemies, she owes to it her own heroism and the succour of Christian nations ad- vanced in civilization. We hope tint neither Hit? source of the mecinir nor the heroism will dry up.1* Tnr ,/Jrropn/u of Athena is n hill 250 feci high, situated near Hie centre of Hie ancient city. It was strongly fortified and magnificently ornamented with temples, -he chief of which was thesplendid temp le of Mrneiva. the glory of Grecian art. The Persians, under Xerxes tonic the citadel, put the garrison to the sword, and set fire to the fortress, and the temple of Minerva. The tem: io was rebuilt by Pericles with great additional splendor. «'Jorr.7AT, nr Coumfrcb.** We have received -'’vcr .l pm.fibers of a new paper with this tide puh- !’shed ir> .New York: its appearance is highly credit- »h!o to i's conductors, and its capacious columns nro s-r’,i filled with interesting commercial and miscella- se<uis a^’ic c* r.r.d a Grgn share nt advertisement?.-— Ap't exchides all theatrical and lottery advertisements, it will no doubt receive a liberal ratronsre from liiosu whom the sock and buskin afford no pleasure arul H.mk it better to hold on to the goo,] they have liiao r .sk it for something belter.—[.-We#. ror.ow niA. V,> ».?,-•« rerri-ed Pegcfo papers to he ffJ'h Of July. h>:t are ab’e to say on!v a f w w ids »f their contents thir. tin;ruing. rt.,!:v; f, net rival; and .’Ire pr is sil'l in Mat tig that thr Boiiv;-n * .tv.iior. can iwjvnr hr unproved n> rlie? rcpnbbr '■ f Holiva;rs condin t has b;« p alarming, an I s re ..Merer n Hale C aracas yapeir, show lea' -..line ', arc expre >?cd there without fear an>! n •; rtsc.-v. [-V Y. />• Ad,’ F.rtrari tf « Ulir.r to ihr. fctfitor of thr W»c Yi A F >. !■/ ,hhrrtisrr. tfatitf IWfJ'olo. Srp/rmhr,- uh jf;’ J f)> in hopes that I should have g,.i 1>:.< i from ihe .apnra l'ails last evening n (uric to havedtopped jmn lin* respecting the 'ate of the •cii-.o- :7» r Michigan, l.ut owing to tlin drltn in getting m.- ;, waiting for our passengers. and sort e derangement of th° machinery of tlm Alestinbdnf, and a bead mod, wo did not arriv° until one o’clock this nicuning. A the exhibition yesterday wasofa noccl character, and Lag cxcued much more interest than r.nv person could have anticipated when it wsi first mentioned, van will dnubfles’s he anxious to learn paif'cuJars; atul to gratify your curiosity, I « il endeavor to give you t'no story as much in detail as possible Thu schooner Mietigan. as i believe you have aJ- rfcadv li amctl, wav (he largest cn Fa he F,r;c. and too huge in fact, to er.»er the various harbors on the Lake, and bofrg somcw&al dtcayed in her tipper wgvift, (V«>

Constitutional Whig (Richmond, Va.). 1827-09-22 [p ]. · 1 V. ... A Vk* T nri< ioiii. jijj

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Page 1: Constitutional Whig (Richmond, Va.). 1827-09-22 [p ]. · 1 V. ... A Vk* T nri< ioiii. jijj

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V. ...

A Vk* T


BY PLEASANTS & SMITH. RICHMOND. VIRGINIA,Vvn!Kl)AY. smBMiiKii'.V-” --—- 'w>nri< ioiii. jijj now rnn^mmm

Vol. IV.-— No. GS. TJ" The CorMTiTUTlONAl. Wilio is published twice a week, (Wednesdays and Saturdays,) at live dollars per Utfnuin, payable in advance.

J /* Previous to a discontinuance of (lie paper, nil ar- rearages must be paid up. And tliuse who may wish to discontinue, will notify the Editors to that effect, at least tnirty days before the period expires fur which they sub- scribed.

For advertising—7.j cents a square (nr less) tir tiie fftst insertion, and .TO cents for each continuance.—The number of insertions must be noted on the MS. otherwise they will bo continued and charged accordingly.

p.-J* AH letters to tho Editors most be post-paid, or they' will receive no attention. U d Notes of chartered specie paying H inks of any of

tic States will be received in payment for subscription to the W nig, though Virginia or LT. Suites Bank Notes would be preferred; and remittances can be made through the Post Office ,it lb.* risk of the Editors._


BaO&DEOCS E&CES. THE F’all Races, over the Rroadrock Course, will cotn-

ineiice on the fust Tuesday in October next. 1st day—A Sweepstake for three yeai6 old’last spring mile heats, five entries, one iuindrud dollars each, ami

closed. 2rt dny —Proprietor's Poise $3C0, two mile heats. Ud day—Jockey Club Poise .$t>UO, three mile heats. A fourth day’s race is calculated on, and as there arc

many fine liorses in training, good sport may be expected. 1SFIAM PL’CKE'i'T, Proprietor.

Sept 79 4t

'Tobacco Planters. A PETITION will tic presented to the next Session of

the Virginia Legislature, praying that tlie inspectors of all Public Warehouses, sliali bn lequired, in inspecting Tobacco, to break it in four different parts of each hogs- ift’ud. in order to detect the many impositions piactised in prizing: ami that certain Warehouses, wheic such frauds are connived nt, and whore ins|>ectnrs rtfbsed to break Tobacco in such places ns they are tTbsired to do by pur- chasers, may be suppressed,

*wpt 19_fs •76 IWIAITSION HOUSs7~

DRY GOODS. WSc D. KYI.E Sc CIO. have received hy late arrivals

from New Yotk, Philadelphia, Sec. n very extensive fupply nfEiigli.b woollen an 1 cotton goods, Irish linens, tfirpers, sheetings and lawns, German and British linens, rlbmestie sheetings, shirtings, plaids anrl checks; and a large Assortment of French fancy goods of every description. Titcy will arid ro their assortment, by the arrival of every Packet fiom the former place, such supplies as will enable IHeni to give entire satisfaction to their customers and such ns may please to give them a rail. They forbear PilJfiiLg, knowing that assertions are nothing. Trial and minute comparisons are the only test; and they doubt not when these are made, that lliiir goods will compote, in cheapness and quality, with anyiu the market.

Sept 12 ts

THOMAS PULLING Offers to li is customers and the

public generally, a complete assortment of fiesh DHUGH, MEDICINES, I*-lfJsT'J'S, OILS. Sic. Sic. at the Sign of the Br,Ac:c Boy and Mortah, Mar- ket Bridge, Richmond, Va. Having recently lUrtHii on nrruiiguinAiit with »

Drt ggist in New York of greut experi- ence, to select and' forward by almost every arrival of the regular Packets, socii Medicines as are wanting, he con.

fidentiy recommends them as genuine 1 iii. iiim iiesu, aim as ms wish is quicK sate,

he will be satisfied with moderate profits. Countiy Merchants particularly, ere tequested to call

and examine his stock for themselves; which for quality and Cheapness of price, he has no doubt will be found satisfac- tory.

Prescriptions put up with neatness, fidelity and dispatch, at all times of the day uud night.

Kept 12_l’2t £B-1I1E subset itieis have enteriyl into copartnership under

S. the firm of ARM1STEAD fc M’CREDIE, and res"

jieclfully tender their services to their friends and the public, 2 ir the transaction oi'a General Commission Business.


Richmond, Sept. I2ili, 1827. w4t /T UR Plantaiioti cm James River is again ollercd tor

sale, li lies in the county of Powhatan, twenty-five miles above Richmond, containing live hundred and fitly or

.••js'.y acre', eiihty of which is piimc lenv grounds, in good firder for cultivation. Any person inclined to invest a small c fpital in a valuable plantation, would be advantageously Syiitvd in this, particularly in point of health,cheapness and fertility of soil. We refer any person inclined to view it, in Hubert Pleasants, living near it; and for tortus, to either of the subscribers living in Henrico, six miles from Rich- mond. pam’l pleas an rs,

\VM. PLEASANTS. Shillelah, ?<J Sept. 11127. fit

Improved Patent Spring Saddle.

C1ALL and see the Improvement ! have made on T. G. f Prkttv man’s l'.lTEN/' SPRING SAD DEE.

The utility anil ease it affords the rider will rarely ut-

cirmnteitd it. / HAVE ON I RAND,

An elegant assortment of best Rlain and Shafted Saddles. Plated Stirrup Irons, bard and sob solder, ) English and

Whip* and Spurs, Bridle Bits, pin led and j- American steel, Bridle Leather and Martingales, J Manufacture. Best and Common Carriage anil Gig Harness, Bear Skins. Curry Combs, Carriage and Gig Collars, of every descrip- tion,on accommodating terms. TJAVliJ JACKSON’,

s* Main street, between the Eagle Hotel anti Va. Banks, on the opposite side,

ang 2D tf

Forty or Fifty Young Negroes ARE wanting. Males firm 15 to 25 years old, and Fe- v males from 15 to £0. For term-, apply to the Editors

cf this paper. aug 22 St

MHO JAfif»B"M YT;U5and El7z7\ Ids wif,-, and FKfc?- JL DERIFK A. RO~5».—As you are not inhabitants of

the State of Virginia, please to take notice, that we shall or. the third Monday in October next, (tlmtbeirg the 15th day of the month,) at Goochland Court-house, proceed to take tit is depositions of John Martin and others, between the hours of eight o’clock a. in. and six o’clock p. m. of the Miff:- day, to bo read as evidence in a suit row depending and mi- determined in the superior j^urt of chancery for the Rich- mond ilixtiict, in which we are plaintiffs, and you and other- are defendants; and if front any caum the taking of the said depositior s should not be completed on that day, to be Con- tinued from day to day until completed; and wc shall also proceed to take the depositions of John Titr.berlake, jr. nib others, at Fluvanna Court-house, on the fourth Monday, in the same month October, (that being tbe 22'I day of the same month.) between the hours aforesaid, to be continued from day to day as aforesaid, and tr be read as evidence fn the same suit; when and where you may attend if you think proper.

WM. MANN, SAMI.. DYlfn, Jr.

TVtthTnutJ, Va, J7 't Sept. 1227. v 4t

| ///f*. •'il/LSSCRlli/•'Ft OFFERS FOR SALE, ! ^150. SPANISH HIDES, several different kinds

■.HO Richmond salted slaughter do do do do calftkins

12 bills. Tanners’oil Curriers' tools of all kinds

oOOO sides soal leather—comprising all qualities, both Oak Bml Hemlock tannage, at 12j cts. to JO els. per lb.

G^O do wax, russet and grain upper leather GU dozen Philadelphia and other calfskins 20 do seal and boot and shoe morocco skills

^50 do lining and binding skins luOO lbs. coarse shoe thread, in balls and .skeins 500 do tine do white and yellow, fee.

Boot-trees and lasts, boot cord and webb Black varnish, heel balls and slice blacking Shoemaker's tools of all kinds Mogsktus, baghides, harness and skirti.ig leather Black and fair biidle leather Uuft.ilne, leopard, bear and hair seal skint Sheep skins, American and English, and buck skins Men’s, women’s nml gig saddle trees Worsted, cotton and straining webtu Hut tacks, fish skin and whip stocks j Morocco skins of nil kinds for hatters and coach makers

^rge chaise and Japaned hides Coach lace, tassels, fringe, &c. C'g handles nod ha nils, moss and floor cloth carpet oOO pair black ami red, men’s and boys’ plantation shoes, Richmond manufacture U ooland 100 lbs. woollen stocking yarn. c

VVILUAM CRANE. -S^'12_wdt |

i>ew and Seasonable Goods. HALL& MOORE have just received by the Sclir.

I' iy Lotn New "\ ork, the following desirable Goods: A beautiful assortment of bare goods, consisting of dupes,

caps, cloaks, pelerines, half lull's. Tlirr ad lace edgings nnd i user tines, Ginghams, Chilian Stripes, sniped and yTa+n baiUtc Silk and worsted bereges, &:o. Ale. Superior calicoes,cambric, jaconet and mull tnnslTirs Plain and figured Swiss and book muslins English and t tench Silk Hosiery, a good assortment Men’s and women’s cotton and thread hosiery, do. Black Italian Lutes*ring?,Grn ile Naples anil French Frnrenc.es, very superior, | English and French Black Bombtfzliies of very $tmetinr *

quality and colour, Black satins, satin levantines and { Black silk cnuiblct, heavy and good, Black nankin and Canton Crapes, superior Black and white figured silks and Bareges Thread, brown cambric and lioskiu gloves Long white kid and hoiseskin gloves, superior Very superior yellow and white nankeens Moiocco riticulcs of new and handsome patents 1 A large and beautiful assortment of 7 8 and 4*4 Irish Linens, 5-4 and 6-4 Sheetin gs 6-4 and 10 4 table diapers, also diaper, crash°and hucka-

back towellings, fancy silk and berege lulltfs. Shell tuck, side and curl coiubs, dressing co7i:bs.

In addition to the above, they have, and always keep on hand, a geneeral assortment of Pry Goods, and are receiv* j ing fiesh supplies hy every packet from New York.

June 29.

Cheap! Cheap! Cheap! HpiIE Subscriber will sell “Randolph’s Reports,” 4 j Jl volumes, as cheap as any other Bookseller in Vir- i ginia; persons there ore wishing* to purchase, trill do! well to give him a call before pttrehnsirm-.

Attached to the 4lh volume of the copies he ha*, is j Chief Justice Marshall’s opinion in the cn*e of Gar- nett, Ex.’or of Brooks, vs. Macon *t at.: prepared for tho ptess bv Joseph Tate. PETEK COTTON!

StT>L >•___w.li NOTICE. j

4 LI. persons having claims against the e.stnte nf James /a. Cocke, deceased, late nf Powhatan county, arc reques- ted to present them to me properly authenticated, r.n or bn fore lire 1st day of December next. I am now engaged in j

I the settlement of my administration of the estate of the j said Janies Cocke, <le.:'d, before a Commissioner nf the! I Richmond Chancery v.uurt, nnd shall plead this notice in!

*>ar any claim not presented as above requested. A. A. GREEN.

A dm Of of Jctincb Coi kot dwM. s

j Powhatan county, ftept. 13fh. wiU* J

| '(VrR. JACOB M YERS, sir, as you are rot an i„h7b7- j t1' 3- ,a,!» «’f "i'S State, you will please to take nniire, ! * shall proceed to take the depositions nf John Timber- lake. jr. and others, at Fltivainia Court-house, oh the' leu tli Monday in October next, (that being the22d day of I the month,) between the hours of nine o’clock A. M. and the ( si tting of the sun nf the same day; ami if (mm any cause tin J taking nf the same should not he completed on that day, to 1

be continued from d.*y ;o clay until completed: which depn- ! siiions will he read evidence in a suit in chancery depen* j ding in the Riilimmul district, in which 1 am plaintiff and you are defendant. V\ M. MAN'N.

15th Sept. 1827. ,,.4,

William Neale Sc Cd. Have just received by the Exit, from New Vork, and

Emily Davis, from Philadelphia. a considerable aihii- imnal supply of new and k.tmi'-.l GOODS, Hnd nitirh "tuli-c Usual parr<. They con-d-d in part oftiie following I articles, viz: ;

* A «<»rge assTirtiueiit Preflch iillt batistes, a jif.w tffld >

splendid (frtlrlc Elegant gauze ikf-\ > Uj silk ru, »c» t’a tins, silk'., inodes, hie COlpbs Tuck cmnbs, thread laces < 5 !•*.«* cambrics, for bonnets A i—rgo and beautiful assortment prmif, t-nur-ly new j

, style, A LEO,

C bales (5—1 fndia matting far carpvtyx* And r to in daily expectation of Lit liter supplies of goods. ! (<* j

*" the Zii: upland ~Vaw'far lory, opposite t?i r TJAion f l del.

riim: S..T.SC,iber re "ii'!',fully informs tin, farmers and „f pm'.V'V-m’l'“’ l,;'s n‘,wbaud, a greater variety than has ever before been offered in this m.-irkei Among which, mv McCormick’* one, two and' tisree Itr.rse, self-sharpenc-rs. his bnrshnre, with bite i.n- tnovriiitfiits; RevercombV and the improved barsltare; also, Ei.-rboni ami nth. c is: ploughs, nnnsu illy cheap.

_M’M. PALMER. j rVTOnCE.—I futewern all p rrnr.s from cutting Wood j -Ex tiputi my piece uf land of 16 acre*, ar ,i extending; from the road to the north of a pioco of land formerly Mr, | vi nr, Mai kfn/ie’s, to Cole man's line, bounded on the East by a piece of Land formerly Ike propurty of the late Mr. Ar- I cbibald Blaif, and on the West by the Hermitage Tract.— A::y person giving legal evidence agah^r any person nr

person- guilty of the said offence, shall be considered by me i ! :,s having done me a considerable service. 1 give the same j notice in regard to 5 acres of land in Duval’s addition, and ; numbered in bis plan 227,2211 and 220.—I will cither sell or lease fur a term of years, the above parcels of land,and

j uh-o 0 acres, more or less, on Richmond Hill, with a brick dwelling bou*e upon it, and very near the City: the soil is of good nnnlity.

Eor Rent, that large nr. I valuable I.ot and Houses on

( Cary Street, nt present occupied by Mr. James Wallace, : and also the three story Brick Tenement on 11th Street, near Mayo’s Bridge. Possession of both properties tube

I had tin the 1st of October npxt.—I will veil on reasonable terms, tire whole or any part of the above property, and also the I.ot on 14th Street, running back to Virginia Street,and adjoining tire property of Vr. IT. L. Wight.

t>- ,, r IE s fNINES.

S.-cfefltot!*, May try?.

T‘ QUF.fJN /. TAYLOR has Removed to the Ae'v Storn next door above James M. Johnston j'tid nearly opposite Lewis Webb & Go., where he has just opened his PALL SUPPLY OP GOODS, from London, Liverpool and .New York, consistin'* in part of, °

I & B. Wilson's &Gandy‘sNapt Cottons StPlAius Rose, U hitncy, Point and Striped Blankets,

,M,C» rc<!> yellow, green, blac k and blue Flauuels, Green Baizes and Dockings, and Donuts, ^4 Cloths. Fearnoughts and Plains, Fig'd and plain Bom hazels, PiaMsaud Rattincte, German Qznaburgs, Tick let)burgs and Burlaps, Brussels. Kidderminster and Scotch Carpetings & r,.i-rS | Blue, black, brown, green * mixture Cloths and Cos-

smierev. Double milled Drab Cloths and low priced Swansdown Armozine, Toilanet, ao.l Valentin Vesting, Gondon Hals. Umbrellas, and. colM Cravats, Gent‘s, you ill's, boys aud cMWieu'a Seal Skin and

Cloth Caps, 'Alnte, bloc1' into worsfc^,; cotton aud silk Ho-

siery— full assortment, Olive and drab Bang up Cords, Jaconet, Book, and Mud Muslinsand Cambrics, Calicoes, Gingham, Ccu» Paly and Batiste, Plain and fig'd GrodeNap, Florence & Italian Silks, ! Gunp, Grecian and Thread Laces and ttdgings—new1 and handsome patterns. Plain and fig'd white and black Bobbin*:!. Black and white Uobbiuel Veils aud hair li ikfs. l/L'It, bonnet and lovo f.inands, and (ittnps, Gent's and Ladies' buck, beaver, horseskin and kid

Gloves, Irish Linens, Sheetings and Lawns—approved qualify. Linen and cotton Bed tieking and Binding, Cambric, habit and furniture Dimity,


I-'ioss, pound and shoo Thread, spool & ball Cotton, 1

Silk Ildkfs., Sewing Silks and Twist, Liircn and Cotton Apron and Furniture Check, Metal, gilt and silk Buttons, and Moulds, Linen Cambric and Cambric Pocket Hdkfs. Best London Pins a id Needles, Darning «nd Bodkins,! Brown and bleached Domestics and PI..ids, Cloth blue, and steel inixt CassinetF, Mantle, toilet and swing frame Glasses, London Soap, Too.h aud Shaving BriLbetr.

a r,*n, :.odgers‘ Pen and Pocket Knives, Razors Jc Scissors, Buck and liorv Table Knives and Folks, Shoe Knives, File- and Screws, Bad and plate Locks, Lancets, Szc. ShaipcV Tower proof brass and steel ornamented Guns,: V Ah a tariefy of oilier Goods—ail of which have1 nc^n carefully selected, and are otTered for sale at moderate prices. Sept i5_Ct

u Hi- su»)scribi'r offers his services to }»is frier»cte and the !

*- public, as a General Commission Jilerrhant. lie will j al.-n make liberal advances on all articles consigned to ! Jos. E. Bloomfield, Esq. New Yoik, fur sale.

Jnst received per sclir. Mary Archer, a supply of GR0- ! C -MLS, foi •‘ ilt*, (wholesale) for cash nr approved paper; I they weiti laid in within the lust month, in JSew York, upon j mn<Iterate terms, and ns but a small advance is asked, city Grocers and Country merchant* Hie invited to call and examine them; a constant supply will be kept up.

JOHN G. ROBERT, Cary-strcct, opposite Columbian Hot;-!.

-?”g~_w-lt i

Mahogany and Forte Pianos. subscriber bas just received a large supply nfnn- JL hngany planks, boards, paunels and vcnecis, Newell

posts, band rails, counter planks and bannister stuff; with a gene.al assortment of figured and plain hair cloths, ropa! varnish, carved feet, arms, scmlss. stumps, bedstead post, ; | .1 iid \ cm-tut 11 blinds; and is constantSy tun mi fa c Mu in » u itn i ( Ihe most select journeymen, cabinet furt.ituie, mattnisscs | and sofas of the newest fashions; and has on I,and, a few' good toned pianos; r.ll of which will he sold, at u-dne-d j prices, for cash, ,n good paper. Also lor litre, at the «!!(,,;- I fit notice, a mat funeral HEARSE, with gentle hours.

GEORGE HEN DREE, j, Opposite the Merchants' Coffee House, i Sep* C — vts Main Street, Richmond.

In Henrico County Court, .lu^ust J f; j7. Allan FowIds and Agness his wife, Jane Johnston, and") Joint Miller and Elizabeth his wife, Pits. 1 f

against Jo'r.n Allan and William Galt, formerly William f lalt,

Jr. executors of the last will and testament of Wil- liam Galt, Hec’d, Janies Galt, Mary Allan, Jane Walsh an infant, Doctor James Blark. and J im: his wife, in light of the said Jane, John Dennis- ton and William his wife, and the said Doctor *“ ! James Black, as trustee'fnr the said Mrs. Wil- liam Dtnmistnn, lifts. On the motion of the plaintiffs by their attorney, and it

appearing to the court, that the defendants Mary Allan,J Jane V» nlsh, James Blacl and Janr his wife, and Jolin Renniston and William his wife, (who have not entered iheir appearance and given security according to the act '•'* assembly and the tides of this court,) are not inhatv- tants of this commonwealth; it is oideie.rl, that the sa d absent defendants do appear here on the first day of the nex t ensuing November court, m.d answer lire hill of the ! plaintiff*; and that a copy, ot this ruder be fmthwitli in-j serted in some newspaper published in the city of Rich- i 1.ourl. for two months successively, m.d posted at t• I l.-uit door of the C omt-bou-f of tins rnijr.f-.-, on two «-ic- j i- sc--,e court days. On like motion, and it" appealin'--to ! f..r. court, that John Forbes of the. city of Riehtuond, atu r- • [ *>' and .counsellor at law, is a single material witness j mr tbu |i; ii;iti.i- in this r.ausevit is fnrthei ordered, that a ! commission do for taking the deposition of the said f John Fmbes, according *0 law.

A copy. Teste, LOFTfN N. EI.LETT, C. H. C. !

Tim said pluiufiffs ttMify tire said dnftndarfs, that or. ! tire fourth day of the rrenr evsuing Octr.h r, b«iw»-> t{,|. hours offline before, our! live after ttnnn, at the offer: of ihe I 1

above mentioned John Foii.es, in the city of Richmond, by ! *

virtue of n commission issued pursuant to the foregoing order, they will proceed to tnhn the deposition ,.t the suit! i Joint Forbes, to ire itsetl ns evident e in the above mentiorrd J I cause, and so from day to day Uteteafter, then: continue to j <

rio until lite satire •shall have been completed — and wlmi j nodvvherp t!te said defendants may on that bvitaU attend.! if they think tit, Aruv Fo .vr.ns and A r.y |,i« |

v i ;<•, J.i v r. JnnssTo.v, and Jon?;; Mif.t.f'.n and Rr.iJSAnr:t»j his wife, i>y Ii.t.MKi. Cam,, tireir counsel.

August 16th, 18-T. o:1

VJ11G iJs'Ll: At rotes, holrtrn in the rink’s office of the sup-rior court !

of clMiirery f..r (lie Richmond dixtriut, the t'.:h dliy of! August, 1827: •

A illiam Mann, and Samtit l Dyer, ,tr, J.'l's 1

against J

Fbornas T. Rouldin, ex’.ir of David Ross, deceased, Jacoti Myers and Eliza Ills wife, John DufiioJcl an 1 Amanda ; his wife, and Walter I.. Fontaine, and George r.iyne, adto’ors of P.iv1: Rn>«, Jr. .and Ficderirk A. < Ross, devisees of David R< .3, deceased, />/-.<•, 1

The defendants Jar b Myers and Kiiza his wife, asid Frederick A. Ross, not having entered their appearance 1 tod given see rrity according to tint art of assembly and Ihe rules of this court, and it apjreiring bv satisfactory ?vidence, that they are t ot inhabitants of this country; if is ordered, that thr sai.J def. i.d int* do appear hereon thP first ilay of the next tertii and a us.-.er the hill t<f die piaiu- 1

li/fs; and that a copy of tl.i. oder be forthwith iiwerted in tome newspaper published in the city of Richmond, for two i months Stirrrssivety, and [rested at the front door of the }< capitol,in tire said city. I;

ch a Teste, vAr.r. -\y. ii.Fr.vrjfo, c. c. ;

52L1-j?0nrinfi'*i0:tvil \il\lji'0, ENGLAND.

b mm tb a \*»... \f». /. •/.. a *

-»j'wiii*a <i uuiLcr ilid- guage. regarding the political situation and circum- stances of Great Dritaiu, titan anything (hat we have recently met with from that cunti). He expresses a ucoidod opinion, tint if Ike seceding ministers should return to power, they must come “pledged to oppose every reform. to maintain a constant stru^glo against ttiu spirit of the age, and defend abuses to which (he nation is becoming every d ly morequicfc-ightcd:”— and-‘that they tviii not have power, even* if they should have the inclination, to act otherwise. And1 what,” say a he, “must the cod of these things hr1 We msiver, without hesitation, that, if this course be persis- ted in, it these counseN nr:d these counsellors are 1 nainlamed, the end .nest hc a rcrulutmn. a b!on- ly

^ and unsparing revolution—a revolution which viil make tlie errs of those who hear of it tin-

;.c m the remotest countries, and in the remotest times : I hn middling orders in England arc, we all know, at- : m-■ dutinns ullucir country, hut not with 1

blinuy partial attachment. They see tho merits cf ■ " sysiosn; bu they also see its faults; and they have ! s’<ro,lq an:; «so" ! ^ ire that these faults should be

rernovt d. Iwin! ■ their wish for improvement isgrow- i.;; stiongsf am: Unn.ger, the government is to become worse and »ynr>,e, the consequences aie obvious. lh- vou now it i-> impossible to de-suis?, that there is amino- \ m l,*e ku»-- n oi that clc- a Uepuhlican s.-ct. as 2111,11° cumv, as rear.lexical, httle inclined to re-pert an- tiquity. as erUhusiastically attached to its ends, as uri scrupulous in the choice of its means as the French Jacobins themselves—but far superior to the Fterchl Jaoobin9 in acuteness and information—in caution, in \ patience, and in resolution. They are men who have ! hr e.i put into I raining for violent exertion. All tliat j is merely ornamental—all that gives the r mndnoss, ! 1. sinoo-.bnpss, and the bloom, has keen excluded. .oh.mg U h i, hut nerve, and muscle, ar.J hone.5’ —

“A strong democratic paity would hc funned in ! »e educated class- In the lowest, and the most nu- laerous order oftlie popn!:ition, those who have anyo- pmion at nil are .1 m mats already. In our rinnofncUt-

7 .V I w " ni*'v Nimbly strong; and it is not

1 m stfflBUi La so: For it is on persons in this atnin thiii t lie a hjiscs of our system press most heavily.

I hr. d./hrencc: between an arbitrary and 3 iimiied mo riatchy vanishes, win ft compared with the duTeience between one ic.enl-a-day and tin. <? meals a-day. it U pn:ir conrotation to a man wb has had no break-1 tast.an.l ex,vets no supper, that the King does not pos- I 5C~s a dispensing power, r.nJ that troops rannot t-c rmr- ! ed in time of peace, without the consent uf Ptrliarnent. With this class, our gevernmedt, free as it is, is even1 now as unpopular as it :l it iveic despotic,— nnv much mot e 30.”

1 ’*‘e history of our country, since tlm peace of jp.j •>,' is almost entirely made up of t!r« struggles of the lower Oi.ii y ng.iinsj the government, and of the elfort' of the government to keep them down. In im- >; en e assemblies were convened, secret societie s were


formed, and g.oss outrages were committed. Id FJ17, | fhe llabcHs Corpus Act was twice suspended, hi Iul9, the disturbances broke out afresh, 'Meelino-s I ivera held, so formidable from their cumbers and their spiiit, that ti.o Ministry, and the Parlia- ment approved of the conduct of Magistrates ivho I ■*“ ’ dispersed or.n hv the Mycrd. Fresh laws were >:i-',,J against seditious writings ar.-J ractircs. Ye! lie f. i!h;ry;ng year commenced uitli a e'espento and ! iste.nsive conspiracy for the ass issmMi. n of the .abinet, and t.ic subversion of i!:c governmi nt. A cw mouths alter this event. the Queen Ian 'e.J On hat occasion, the majority of the ruddling order joined ! yiMi the mob. The effect oftl.-c union Was irresistible. !

Tiie Ministry and the Parliament stood aghart; the All of pains and pennllies v. as dropped. 7 cuiirui- >ion, which seemed inevitable, w as averted. lint th- events cf that year ought to impress one lessor, on the mind of every putd.c nun;—that an alliance between the divr.fiected multitude and a large poiticn of lh« middling outers, is one with which no government can •

veutmr to cope, without imminent chu ger to the con 1 stir of tort.

A government like that w ith which F.ngland would be nursed, if thu present Ministry should fall huk.ro the i present Oppo-itron, would render such an : Iliance not '< ndy inevitable, hut permanent In less than ten v»-:.rs, it would goad every Reformer m |j,c e mntry into 1 Revolutionist. It would place at the head’of the mill l.thde persons possessing all tbo cducalicc, nlithcjtidg* nent, and all the habit', of c o-operation, in which the inullitu lr; itself is defieieril. rI ha! great hod\ pi;y ucalK trie most powerful in the slate. Kike flic He- brew champion, it vet hel I in captivity hv it:, blind- 1 nc«s. Hut if once the cm rless Giant edi’all find a guide ; In put his hand on the props of (lie State—o'luire !•< dial! how himself upon (he pillr.r=. woo to all who l ave made him Iheii laughing stock, or chained him to grind j at fheir mill.

V> n do therefor** nrmlv hr.iieve. that rven if no cx [rrnnl cause wcie to prcci, ifafr a fr.taf ensi tint cmin Irt could not he governed for a single generation by inch inen as Lord V. estruoreljtid and Lnrd F.ldoii, without extreme 11* it of revolution But there are

atfior symptoms in the body politic, not !c*« alarming loan tor-” we liave dr'cribod. In 11eland there are j I’veral iai!!ior:e of Caihr.lies who do not love our go ernrnent; nod who i. Ucsf wj:h all their heart with all* ! i~ soul, v. d a!ifhejrrnu* and wub r.!! their.strength, he party now in opr; scion. The recession of that arty fo power, would he a death |0 t’mir t rees

»f oVij.siom*? *he:r '.erriare! bt e;>, *;«. -rnJ means, and re »rr.v Lirlt espnrl that nil tlmevetr*. which follow •d the recall of Lord Fitzivilimm. will take place again, m a ~'e *cr am] more 1 nm dubfo scale. One tiong. orlepd, vc have ro »:g!.r to rju.-cd. that a second lochc will be as unfortunate as ll:c tourer. A r,v:l! rar in Ireland will lead almost nc?*ssm ily to a war n uu 1 -’ranee, and the cla- of neutral ad belligerent •: cirri*tor s v id then pmduc«i a w ar with Atnei ica. i Hm:i con-e itmrs to Canada aril expeditions o .Java. ‘.ape off. oh,! flops* inu-.l f>* g.arri'-onrd:

who's 1 •* def-.-rd'-d. Lot r- -..;..,.isc rlmljrsijJ bat 1 ♦ -I >■. i-t hi a i« Pg »• nflirt, r d-at b night v et:>r*

• r r. -.'hlilion to ;i detd a!r<-aJy mod huideiisoine. I *-..h : -,\es and fresh disccnfcnta. All tlmsc are event* ■

>" l.h h mas not iniprehahlr 1 nrg'n ruder ?ny g v* re- cent—rvents which Ihcnexf moorhen?'. butig forlli_ ■vents again*! which, no minister however able and ione-t, can with pct feci certainty p, ovido—hot which Ministers, whose p r ay should exa-pernte the ocr.p’e •f Ireland, wot.: almort unnvoiLh!y burg upon i:s. I \ cabinet formed *>y the cx-mim-ters rou’j scarcely ixtst fora year, without iiicc'i«it*g the lover classes of be English to frenzy, by giving them v.r to the selfish cranny of iH an bwuatioal -upporters, wilhool driving relnnd into a rebellion, and without temptingt Fiance o war. b

T ron\ the AVt,o>nj/ /;/, .Vi'O.iyr. COLONIAL QUUSTIO.V.

^ In tu.a Ihirrl number of the American f'u'-.r{',i!v keview, recently pubhshcJ in Philadelphia, there a.c

eTeral articles which tv a hare looked into with inter- est. hut tho ona which has especially attracted our ro ire, is that on the Britwu ( Vi.om *r. as-a N.tvm.t- iTi*^ FtSTEVV <ka l;.;* 7 ^ir.:3 s.a IT-n woi|>. H is a

very powerful exposition of the merits of (be Colonial ; ‘yuestron between the United,State* and Great Britain, and evidently the production ofa mnMer-micd, perfect* j ly conversant with the whole subject in it broadest

bo:,» ™ to principles and details. The writer oruig’i lo the discussion so much of historical, political, and commercial knowledge; lays down his position with so much of elementary force, fortifying them nt the same time with such iucontestible facts, (hat it is re. freshing' to follow hint in his tiain of enlarged and co-

argumentation, after the narrow and imperfect views w hich have loo generally been taken ofthesub* P’ot. Ho places himself on (he vantage ground of statesmanship, and, with aims and maxims higher lh:m

? "f ,llf ,n«,Q politician of the hour.snrveti the whole fhjd of discussion. looking at it in connexion with in er-natioual duties and interests of an elftvatcd and permanent order. His elucidation? arc as practical ns they arc tenewed, and those who can go through thp artic!;! without being wanned under the demonstration which \‘ exhibits of tlie extravagant pretentions of Great Britain to assume more than her equal share of advantage n her commercial and navigation .System wuh (lie Untied States, but most especially that part of it which i* colonial, as well as of our past submission, throughout long intervals, to this spirit of unjust as- sumption on tier part, 0111=1 liavo different feelings Iron* those which name overusat its perusal. Amongst o- t.ier facts which the patriotic and careful research of the writer lias brought to light, none struck us as rnoru room liable than Ins reference to the bid brought in- to the House of Commons by Mr. l’ili, in Much, 178J,

1 "'hiing ptovisiuns for the regulalon of (he Colonial intercourse with tlie United Stairs, upon the verypnx- 1 *11 ',<-v ,f0> ’’ ’>irh riui- government has recently contendrGy tlie identical principles laid down in (be celebrated despatch of June 23d, 1823, from Mr. Adams, while Secretary of State, to Mr. Hush, to which public at- trition has heretofore been directed in our column*!. The hill fell'through: hut the fact of its introduction into the British House of Commons, and support by Mr. Pitt, who was then chancellor of the exchcq* or, stand in extraordinary contrast, at least, (o the cond.-*»{ of those politicians of our country who have clro * .; Fir the if own reasons, to sa«nil their own Govern*'.. •; fir urging those principles, aa well as to defend doctrines of Air. Canning and .Mr. Hn-kisson, in oppost tion to tliem. f he article, frorn the dignity of its man n«*i no less than the power of i<s logic, cannot fiiil to bo extensively read, and will help to Rjyead over the conn ti v, before Congress comes together again, enlightened and correct views of the question which it to ably hand it:- its spirit if truly National; and wc think that even timso who have dieted most attention to thrs question, will he amply repaid by its perusal—the drill of iu reasoning, ami its full historical retrospect, con— convening a treat t-j tr.itii'j (ho best informed-on this branch of our public ailairs. The di. mission lias not, it would seem, been exhausted under the fertile disci* plined pen of the writer, whose closing remarks swe. gest the hone that it.iuay be continued inn succeeding- number of the work.

At u public celebration in South Carolina, a fe.w months ago, the liberal principles of the present Ad- ministration in England were given as a toast, whilst i:"* administration of our oivn country was disparaged. I lew far this turc-t was becoming in an Ameribin at* mosphere, the voice ol truth, speaking through the facts ofhistory in tlm article we have noticed, can beit answer. The Public cannot fail to gain, if (bis patri- otic and powerful rrasoner goes on with the discussion he has commenced. We are sorry (hat the article, of which we now spesk. is too long' for our columns, or we would spread it bcfoie cur readers, instead of expiessing our approbation of it.

Gr.r.j;. r. '/ ! o (.>n*t tlulionnA says. “Few nations' arc more favored by nature ibau Greece. How flour- ishing then would the become with peace and liberty and uhat resources would she afford to commerce and industry At the l.egining of 1825 the population of (ho -•/ eparchies of the peninsuln of the Morea was 700 tf>0 sonU: one twelfth of tf.n territory belongs to the aml cmiHihl of forestr., olive plantations, salt pits, cMierice, t nolle baths, country bouses and gardens, be revenue of the Morea. at the same period, exclu- sive Of the domains of the state, amounted five million* ot 'rani.fi. northern Greece, divided into SG erarebies contained in 3 825. a population of 800,000 souls.— loo disasters of war have so completely overwhelmed Ibis part of Greece that the revenue has only amounted to three millions and a half of francs. The archipel- ago and the rest of Greece united, contain a popula- tion or 1100,000 souls, who paid to the stale one million «d francs, and possessed 800 vessels of different sues. The nation..! debt at that time was 23 millions of francs. If Greece slid breathes, notwithstanding the extraordi nary efforts of her powerful enemies, she owes to it her own heroism and the succour of Christian nations ad- vanced in civilization. We hope tint neither Hit? source of the mecinir nor the heroism will dry up.1* Tnr ,/Jrropn/u of Athena is n hill 250 feci high, situated near Hie centre of Hie ancient city. It was strongly fortified and magnificently ornamented with temples, -he chief of which was thesplendid temp le of Mrneiva. the glory of Grecian art. The Persians, under Xerxes tonic the citadel, put the garrison to the sword, and set fire to the fortress, and the temple of Minerva. The tem: io was rebuilt by Pericles with great additional splendor.

«'Jorr.7AT, nr Coumfrcb.** We have received -'’vcr .l pm.fibers of a new paper with this tide puh- !’shed ir> .New York: its appearance is highly credit- »h!o to i's conductors, and its capacious columns nro s-r’,i filled with interesting commercial and miscella- se<uis a^’ic c* r.r.d a Grgn share nt advertisement?.-— Ap't exchides all theatrical and lottery advertisements, it will no doubt receive a liberal ratronsre from liiosu P» whom the sock and buskin afford no pleasure arul H.mk it better to hold on to the goo,] they have liiao r .sk it for something belter.—[.-We#.

ror.ow niA. V,> ».?,-•« rerri-ed Pegcfo papers to he ffJ'h Of July. h>:t are ab’e to say on!v a f w w ids »f their contents

thir. tin;ruing. rt.,!:v; f, net rival; and .’Ire pr is sil'l in Mat tig that thr Boiiv;-n * .tv.iior. can iwjvnr hr unproved n> rlie? rcpnbbr '■ f Holiva;rs condin t has b;« p alarming, an I s re ..Merer n Hale C aracas yapeir, show lea' -..line ', arc expre >?cd there without fear an>! n •; rtsc.-v.

[-V Y. />• Ad,’

F.rtrari tf « Ulir.r to ihr. fctfitor of thr W»c Yi A F >. !■/ ,hhrrtisrr. tfatitf IWfJ'olo. Srp/rmhr,- uh jf;’

J f)> in hopes that I should have g,.i 1>:.< i from ihe .apnra l'ails last evening n (uric to

havedtopped jmn lin* respecting the 'ate of the •cii-.o- :7» r Michigan, l.ut owing to tlin drltn in getting m.- ;, waiting for our passengers. and sort e derangement of th° machinery of tlm Alestinbdnf, and a bead mod, wo did not arriv° until one o’clock this nicuning.

A the exhibition yesterday wasofa noccl character, and Lag cxcued much more interest than r.nv person could have anticipated when it wsi first mentioned, van will dnubfles’s he anxious to learn paif'cuJars; atul to gratify your curiosity, I « il endeavor to give you t'no story as much in detail as possible

Thu schooner Mietigan. as i believe you have aJ- rfcadv li amctl, wav (he largest cn Fa he F,r;c. and too huge in fact, to er.»er the various harbors on the Lake, and bofrg somcw&al dtcayed in her tipper wgvift, (V«>