CONSERVATION AWARDS 2018 ;+/If0f k'/:sf/ @)!*

CONSERVATION AWARDS 2018 ;+/If0f k'/:sf/ @)!*d2ouvy59p0dg6k.cloudfront.net/downloads/conservation_award_brochure_2018.pdf · Dal Bahadur Gurung Dal Bahadur Gurung is the Sr. Vice

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Page 1: CONSERVATION AWARDS 2018 ;+/If0f k'/:sf/ @)!*d2ouvy59p0dg6k.cloudfront.net/downloads/conservation_award_brochure_2018.pdf · Dal Bahadur Gurung Dal Bahadur Gurung is the Sr. Vice

CONSERVATION AWARDS 2018;+/If0f k'/:sf/ @)!*

Page 2: CONSERVATION AWARDS 2018 ;+/If0f k'/:sf/ @)!*d2ouvy59p0dg6k.cloudfront.net/downloads/conservation_award_brochure_2018.pdf · Dal Bahadur Gurung Dal Bahadur Gurung is the Sr. Vice

© WWF 2018All rights reservedAny reproduction of this publication in full or in part must mention the title and credit WWF.

Published by:WWF NepalPO Box: 7660 Baluwatar, Kathmandu, NepalT: +977 1 4434820, F: +977 1 4438458

Cover photo: © Karine Aigner/WWF-US

Conservation AwardsTo celebrate the 25th anniversary of WWF Nepal, the Conservation Awards have been reinstituted to recognize and honor individuals and organizations at the grassroots level that have made a significant contribution to protect Nepal’s rich biodiversity. The awards cover a range of themes in conservation and natural resource management and aim to motivate and inspire frontline conservationists.

Silver Jubilee Honorary AwardsAs a part of the 25th anniversary celebration, the Honorary Awards are presented as a special recognition to institutions for their leadership role in the conservation and protection of biodiversity in Nepal. The awards honor the contributions of such organizations that have helped build the conservation leadership of Nepal while strategically addressing a wide gamut of environmental challenges.

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Page 3: CONSERVATION AWARDS 2018 ;+/If0f k'/:sf/ @)!*d2ouvy59p0dg6k.cloudfront.net/downloads/conservation_award_brochure_2018.pdf · Dal Bahadur Gurung Dal Bahadur Gurung is the Sr. Vice

WWF Nepal’s journey began on 19 May 1993 through the establishment of its office in a modest two-room set-up in Kathmandu with the primary objective of biodiversity conservation in Nepal. 25 years down the line, we have been able to grow into a large family of over 100 staff, working in three conservation landscapes through four thematic goals under the WWF network’s global practices.

The Conservation Awards is an effort to recognize and nurture a new generation of achievers in conservation who may go on to becoming inspirations for many others in Nepal. This year, three individuals and two organizations join the many that have proved their mettle in conservation.

Please join us in celebrating our change-makers in conservation!

Dr. Ghana S. GurungCountry Representative

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Page 4: CONSERVATION AWARDS 2018 ;+/If0f k'/:sf/ @)!*d2ouvy59p0dg6k.cloudfront.net/downloads/conservation_award_brochure_2018.pdf · Dal Bahadur Gurung Dal Bahadur Gurung is the Sr. Vice

Dal Bahadur Gurung

Dal Bahadur Gurung is the Sr. Vice President of the Community Forest Coordination Committee, Palpa and coordinator of the Chure conservation program at the district level. Gurung is an active promoter of broom grass plantation in Community Forest User Groups that plays a key role in soil conservation and forest rehabilitation, and has conducted ecosystem orientations for various communities in Palpa to build wider understanding on biodiversity conservation. He is the editor of Ankura, a magazine that covers activities and issues in community forestry, and has been featured in various media for his work on biodiversity conservation.

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Manoj Poudel

Manoj Poudel, a resident of Kapilvastu District, is a reporter with Kantipur National Daily and the former president of Federation of Nepalese Journalists, Kapilvastu. He has been actively writing on issues of wildlife conservation and environment for the last ten years. Some of his major works include stories on tigers and illegal trade of birds, turtles and other wildlife in Kapilvastu. Poudel has helped highlight key issues related to freshwater, pollution control, and climate change through media. He was awarded by Nepal Forum of Environmental Journalists in 2015 and by Friends of Nature in 2016 for his role in nature conservation.

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Shilshila Acharya

Shilshila Acharya is the CEO at Himalayan Climate Initiative, a youth driven Nepali non-profit organization committed to social inclusion and climate resilience. Shilshila was at the forefront of the campaign, 'No Thanks I Carry My Own Bag’, to ban single use plastic bags in Kathmandu. Thanks to her leadership, the government declared a ban on the use of plastic bags in Kathmandu valley within less than 17 months of the campaign. She was awarded as one of the promising young leaders at the National Conference of Nepal Jaycees, 2014, and selected for Global Good Fund Fellow, 2015 for her leadership with the social enterprise ‘Hamri Bahini - The Green Angels’.

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Langtang Conservation Area Concern Society (LACCoS)

LACCoS was established in 2007 by a group of local youth for environmental conservation in the Langtang region and livelihoods improvement of vulnerable communities. Over the years, LACCoS has implemented incremental programs centered on biodiversity conservation, food security, governance and disaster risk reduction at the local level by mobilizing community-based institutions, youth groups and mothers’ groups. LACCoS actively engages in pollution reduction at Gosaikunda Lake, which is also an important Ramsar Site. LACCoS has also been felicitated with various awards in the past for its active role in biodiversity conservation in the region.

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Shreeramnagar Buffer Zone User Committee

Located in Thakurbaba Municipality, Bhurigaon in Bardia, Shreeramnagar Buffer Zone User Committee (BZUC) has been involved in conservation related activities since its establishment in 2003. One of its primary interventions include the restoration of the Ohari River forest area originating from the Chure range. Shreeramnagar BZUC mobilizes a community-based anti-poaching unit with 205 members and community members to mitigate poaching and human wildlife conflict and also undertakes grassland and forest management activities. The BZUC has established a multi-purpose nursery that produces and distributes saplings annually for forest restoration activities and operates a cooperative that supports livelihoods activities for local communities to reduce forest dependence.

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National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Directorate

The National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Directorate of the Nepal Army has helped lead anti-poaching efforts in national parks and wildlife reserves of Nepal for the protection of wildlife. With a strength of over 8,000 army personnel in various Protected Areas, effective patrolling, monitoring and enforcement operations have led to the achievement of 365 days of zero poaching of rhinos five times between 2011 and 2018 to set the standard for other countries to adopt. New anti-poaching technologies such as Real Time SMART patrolling introduced by the Nepal Army have further helped strengthen boots on the ground to combat poaching as the biggest threat to wildlife.

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Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation

The Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation (DNPWC) under the Ministry of Forests and Environment works towards conserving wildlife and outstanding landscapes of ecological importance for the well-being of the people of Nepal. DNPWC works in 20 Protected Areas of Nepal, from the Himalayas and high mountain watersheds to the flood plains of the Terai. The organization has been at the forefront in the conservation of iconic species such as tigers, rhinos and snow leopards and the management of their habitat, supporting the livelihoods of local people through buffer zone and conservation area management programs, and promoting ecotourism consistent with biodiversity conservation.

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WWF Nepal in Numbers

© 1986 Panda Symbol WWF - World Wide Fund For Nature (Formerly World Wildlife Fund) ® “WWF” is a WWF Registered Trademark.WWF Nepal, P. O. Box: 7660, Baluwatar, Kathmandu, NepalT: +977 1 4434820, F: +977 1 4438458, E: [email protected]


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