Consciousness is Energy

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  • 7/24/2019 Consciousness is Energy


    Consciousness is Energy

    The story of a mans experiences and research

  • 7/24/2019 Consciousness is Energy


    Consciousness is Energy


    Science tells us that the world around us can be explained through observations and equations. However science paints a cold pict

    of the universe, labeling it as simply an "accident." Deep down inside we all know that isn't true, or maybe we just don't want to accept tha

    cold fact. All of us want to believe in something, and we all yearn for meaning in our lives. The great spiritual teachers have told us to find

    answers within ourselves, but what exactly are we looking for? Can science tell us what it is?

    My journey began years ago while I was going to college. Like all people who go through hardship, I wanted to find a higher pur

    and meaning in my life. About around this time, I came into possession of some "magic mushrooms." I have heard about the little fungi inhigh school before, but I never gave them much thought. I thought it would be cool to try them, but I never did because society told me tha

    drugs were bad. However years later I felt like society betrayed me, in that I was unable to lead a happy and productive life. For this and o

    easons I was more open to the idea of trying them. I have read that the mushrooms cause the user to hallucinate and sometimes have myst

    experiences. Besides being entertained on a lazy afternoon, I saw this as a good opportunity to reconnect with my spiritual side. I have alw

    been a spiritual person, but I wanted to experience the answers firsthand. I was tired of reading about them in books, and I couldn't trust ot

    people at the time.

    On the planned day of my "vacation," I ate three and a half grams of the little buggers in a peanut butter sandwich. I thought to

    myself, the best that could happen was that I found the answers I was looking for, or at least have a fun experience. The worst that could

    happen was a bad trip, but I wasn't too concerned for my well-being. When I started to hallucinate I was having the time of my life, from

    dodging the grasping arms of trees trying to grab me through the window to running around the house screaming and laughing in a naked

    tupor. I eventually found myself in the bathroom, blasting the universe out of my ass and holding onto the toilet for dear life, and what litt

    anity I had left. This experience was the happiest and scariest day of my entire life, just from the sheer euphoria and terror that I felt. I wa

    imply amazed that a substance could produce such intense simultaneous effects like that. I didn't find the answers I was looking for, but i

    only made me thirst for more. I felt that psychedelics were more than just a drug, and I had to research them.

    Thus began the next chapter of my life, and the continuing search for answers. I researched and experimented with psychedelics f

    period of two years, along with marijuana to a lesser degree. Whenever I took the drugs I paid attention to my thoughts, sifting through the

    much like a person panning for gold. Over this period of time I have had many kinds of mystical experiences, from new thought patterns t

    full blown out of body experiences and visions. One experience in particular was a defining moment in my research. In this experience I h

    vision of the true nature of consciousness and the universe, and also the existence of a new kind of energy not yet discovered by science. A

    orrent of images and information began flooding my brain, and I tried to absorb as much of it as I could. After this experience there was n

    denying the facts anymore. This proved to be the most awe-inspiring moment of my entire life. I had finally found the answers I was looki

    for, but it only lead to more questions. Although I was shown many wonderful things, it was difficult to integrate the information into my

    daily life. What I received was a giant puzzle piece that could explain many unknown mysteries, and it needed further investigation.

    Thus began another chapter of my life, where I have been researching and experimenting for the past three years. The purpose of

    esearch is to understand the vision I had, and fit all the concepts together into a workable theory. I realize that I'm not a real scientist. Sinc

    dont have any formal scientific training, every scientific theory that I mesh with my own theory must be taken with a grain of salt. I have

    isted them in this paper because there are important clues that fit with my theory, and I hope you as the reader will see that. The eventual gof this research is to fit this theory in with modern science. I have only been able to do this in my spare time, and I have only scratched th

    urface. However, I hope that you the reader will be able to recognize the connections that I have, and will cause you to think. I present my

    deas and findings in a rational way. In this respect, this paper gives a unique perspective on concepts common in the spiritual community

    which can often be tainted by superstitious beliefs. Both beginners and experts will benefit from this paper. Beginners will be given a

    conceptual framework to help them use the concepts in their own lives. Experts will have greater understanding, and ideas for advanced


    Ever since I had that one experience, I feel as though there is a very large opportunity for the invention of new technology, cures,

    ways of living. I honestly believe that this research will pave the way towards a more peaceful society. It frustrates me that nobody else i

    doing serious research on these concepts, so I have decided to do it myself. It is my utmost desire to help you discover that our reality is m

    more wonderful than you realize. There is a whole universe within your own consciousness waiting to be tapped into. Your consciousness

    powerful tool, where thoughts have the power to influence others and the world around you. I consider this information sacred because I

    believe it can change people's lives. This is the greatest gift that I could possibly give to you, and I hope you will enjoy it.

  • 7/24/2019 Consciousness is Energy


    Consciousness is Energy


    After my experience, I talked to a close friend about it and I was shocked to find he also had a similar experience from smoking

    DMT. Later on I found out a mutual friend of ours also had the same kind of experience, again from DMT. They probably never told anyo

    because they were afraid of being labeled as lunatics. I thought that if my friends were having these kinds of experiences, I wonder what ot

    people were experiencing. I decided to do some research and look up trip reports on, a website where people can post their dru

    experiences anonymously. I searched through the psychedelic reports, looking for clues that matched our experiences. Indeed, they wereexperiencing what we had. Also it didn't matter which psychedelics they took, because the information was still similar. Here is what I fou

    "Any possibilities, occurrences, past and future, and right now, was all going on simultaneously in front of m

    I began to see hundreds of different individual's points of view, out of their eyes; people I know, friends, relatives, a

    people I'd like to know. Suddenly I realized that I was ALIVE... the points of view I was looking at of had to be

    something I knew, and I immediately was certain I was seeing what other people were seeing at that exact moment.

    remember a friend who's point of view I looked out of specifically.

    Gone are the oddities of why we are here, how, and what our purpose is. We are all manifests of the same

    godly single conscience and I truly saw my life for what it was... a cell, on a leaf, on a stick, on a larger stick, on a

    branch, on a larger branch, connected to the biggest redwood in the largest, never-ending forest that ever existed.

    Suddenly everything feels perfect, pure, awe-inspiring, truly completing. I am nothing, yet everything all at once. Evhe multi-verse was gone now, and visions of the future too. It was just me."

    "It was not so much visual as it was what it actually felt like to be in the mind and body of first a fish, then a

    frog, then a snake, an eagle, a lion...I was experiencing the unfolding of life itself, and realizing, as I had realized th

    night before and on other trips and meditations, that the story of life is not one of simple chance and contingency

    nfluenced so much by natural selection, as we observe in the greater physical realm, but rather it is directed by a

    simple life force of pure energy which operates on the smallest of conscious, sentient levels, down to the very

    molecules, atoms, even quarks and smaller where matter and energy blend and are really one and the same. All of i

    conscious, the entire universe is conscious and connected, at every level and every size, and we are nothing more th

    manifestations, physical packages, containers of that pre-existing everlasting all-pervading consciousness."

    "I revise my previous understanding to this: The infinite intelligence sent parts of itself off to become humans. We a

    part of the 1, but we are individual. Life exists for the sole purpose of enjoyment in the 1. So help other people enjoy

    ife, its all the same. Love holds us all together."

    "Integrating this particular experience has not been a pressing issue for me, as I don't think I could ever

    possibly resolve it. But I am left with the definite impression that God or whatever you choose to term the energy of

    universe that is Love, is utterly not human, but contains all the aspects of humanity, especially sexuality. I am still le

    with the impression that God, or this energy, this Love, is neither feminine nor masculine, but rather represents

    both sexes, and every sexual identity and sexual preference that could ever exist."

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    Consciousness is Energy


    "I began to get astounding and glorious revelations. I saw that everything was composed of one basic buildi

    block fractal that would create patterns to give off the appearance of form. I new that this fractal was pure and

    absolute love, the creator and the creation fused as one- God, energy, light, whatever you wish to call it, this is wha

    was. And I realized that nothing was static either-everything was always moving, flowing, going through a continuo

    cycle of life, death, and rebirth. I realized that although it was always changing, it was infinite, and to be part of the

    cycle is what it means to be alive. I saw everything that appeared to be still was simply slowly moving particles of th

    energy life force, vibrating at such a low rate that our ordinary senses perceive it as solid. I almost cried for joy at t

    realization- all was love, all was one.

    I reflected on the concept of the OM and understood it completely. I also realized that since everything was

    composed of love/God everything was whole, at every moment. I could never be separate from God, I was God, God

    was inside of me and God was EVERYTHING. This thought gave me so much comfort because I knew I would never

    be alone. As I was telling this to H she asked me where fear fit into the picture. I instantly knew that fear was only a

    ack of awareness of love and it is only a flaw of perception. I continued to ponder and gaze at the sky, watching the

    clouds dance and flow with rainbow iridescence around the moon. Sometimes I felt like I was right up there with


    "At that moment, I felt completely at one with the universe and my companions. I reached the conclusion tha

    all life is really a manifestation of the same universal life-form."

    "Then Looking out over the millions of acres of lights that makes up Denver, I felt once again like the most

    privileged human being to have been exposed to something so amazing. It was God. All these lights and people wer

    energies of the divine, the bright white light of God. God being the divine power that makes up everything in the


    "I felt his sadness, but I was comforted by the universal spirit that permeated me. I knew that his extreme gr

    was only caused by a false sense of isolation, and that whether or not he found his way in this lifetime, that same

    universal spirit would always be a part of him."

    "I have faith vested in some overarching concept that includes humans, but I cannot say what. It is larger, b

    not gigantic--infinitesimal but not insignificant. I have trouble calling it a thing, because this tends to imply that the

    s something to be learned or understood about it. I personally feel that on some level, all humans understand it but

    hat some tap into this understanding with more ease than others. To call it god would not do it justice, due to the

    social meanings applied to that word. To personify it would be fruitless, for it encompasses all of humanity, life and

    existence and holds within it all human experience--that which has happened, that which is happening, and that wh

    s going to happen, all encoded in some vast fullness."

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    Consciousness is Energy

    Magic Mushrooms

    "Did I eat too many shrooms? Or was it too few? I long for something more than the somewhat depressing

    revelation in a trip that I am all that exists. I never saw visions so much as I created visions as a more expansive be

    slightly outside of this illusory reality. What I mean by this is that ones identity becomes that of the god head (or at

    east an individual as part of the god head), so that when visions are seen they are not experienced from thendividuals perspective so much as they are from the perspective of a higher mind that creates them as this reality

    collapses slightly under the expanded consciousness. "

    "Feelings of an infinite presence intensify and an ancient voice reverberates through every fiber of my being

    s, I am certain, the voice of the creator--the original I AM which rises up from the void and creates all existence

    with the power of the word. Suddenly I understand that all that exists is an emanation of the force that speaks

    existence in being. I feel All that exists is possessed of sense of self, a sense of being, for in all that exists a small

    repetition of the divine I AM echoes within all just as it echoes within myself.

    The strands of existence whirl about in extravagant geometric patterns and I see at once how monks in anci

    Tibet had been able to walk though walls. It is almost as if I had been there while it was happening. Images of stoneemples and Himalayan panoramas rise uphalf realized, half transparent like distant memories, hover before me

    nstant, then unravel into swirling strands of wildly colored geometrics. The universe is alive, all of it every last ato

    reverberates with the primordial I AM. Thus everything that exists must at some level have a sense of itself and s

    deserve respect. Truths Hindus hold as self evident are suddenly self evident to me as well. Even the dung beetle has

    sense of itself and as an extension of the creator deserves respect. Everything that we see is but an extension of

    something unseenicebergs. Or in the Christian tradition we see through a glass darkly."

    "I felt God talking directly to me, showing me lessons from my life, and how absolutely everything, even

    seemingly random events are completely not random at all, I saw a plan to everything, and even felt I could see futu

    events (I've had events in the past where I've had dreams that have precisely predicted the future). I could seeCausality, I could see the reasons for everything, why I was the way I was and why people were they way they were

    and I realized that I no longer had to judge them. I thought about the teachings of Christ (they being the religious

    eachings I am most familiar with) and I felt that finally I totally understood them. I understood the need for religio

    and also the need for art. I understood the need for experience and that people need to go through bad things often,

    ncluding death in order to recognize the higher purpose. It was amazing.

    I felt God talk to me and tell me that my life purpose, at least at this point in my life was to create art, and to

    show a little piece of God, I knew that one aspect of God is creativity and when we create now matter how 'crappy'

    art may be by public standards, it is still an attempt to reach the place where I was and to touch God. I know I am

    using the male pronoun for God, but I didn't feel that God was male, it's just easier for me to relate that way becaus

    am a man and because of my upbringing, but I don't feel God is male or female separately, but I'm sure he is both

    among countless other things."

  • 7/24/2019 Consciousness is Energy


    Consciousness is Energy

    The Unknown Energy

    The earliest known concepts of a universal energy include Prana, Kundalini, Qi, Life Force, The Holy Spirit, and P

    Prana- a cosmic energy believed to come from the sun and connects all the elements of the universe. It is

    a life force energy that is essential to all living things.

    Kundalini- a spiritual energy that is said to lie dormant within the body, that can be awakened through de

    meditation. It is said to bestow feelings of enlightenment and bliss upon the "seeker of truth."

    Qi- means breath, air, or gas. Qi is the life force that permeates everything in the universe. It is believed to

    the flow of energy around and through the human body, which is important to the persons health. Practice

    using qi include feng shui, qigong, acupuncture, and reiki.

    The Holy Spirit- the divine force of God that acts as a conduit of prophecy and wisdom.

    Psi- the energy used by psychic abilities, such as telepathy and telekinesis.

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    Consciousness is Energy

    The Unknown Energy (cont.)

    Modern researchers of this energy include Franz Mesmer, Carl Reichenbach, and Wilhelm Reich.

    Franz Mesmerwas a German Physician who treated patients with an energy he discovered

    and called Animal Magnetism. He asserted that the planets of the solar system have subtle effects on

    he human body, the gravitational pull influencing the flow of energy much like the moon effects the tides

    of the ocean. From his experiments he believed a universally distributed and continuous fluid flowed

    within all objects, and that disease originates from an imbalance of the flow within the human body. Byestoring balance to this flow through active use of animal magnetism, a person could be healed and

    achieve perfect health. He realized that all organisms emit animal magnetism, and he used his own body

    o pass healing energy onto his patients by touching them. During his healing ceremonies he would touch

    each patient with a wand, transferring the magnetic fluid to them and telling them to open their minds

    and focus on the heavenly powers within their own bodies to heal themselves.

    Properties of animal magnetism:

    The body is affected by the ebb and flow of this energy, and subtly influences the nervous system

    directly, and the rest of the body indirectly. This principle can cure nervous disorders directly, and other disorders indirectly.

    This energy has magnetic properties in the human body, where different and opposite poles can be recognized.

    This energy can penetrate all objects without any loss of potency, and can travel great distances.

    It can be reflected by mirrors, be communicated by sound, and is affected by magnets. It can be stored up and concentrated in any object.

    Carl Reichenbach was a chemist, geologist, metallurgist, naturalist, industrialist

    and philosopher who devoted the remaining years of his life to researching an unknown energy he call

    the Odic Force. His studies first began with psychosomatic illnesses such as night cramps, night

    terrors, hysteria, and sleepwalking. These episodes would typically take place around times of the ful

    moon, where sleepwalkers would often be seen wandering around outside with their arms stretched

    towards the moon. After ruling out psychological causes, electrostatic energy, and regional magnetic

    fluxes, the Baron turned to the unknown. For his next experiments he gathered up a group of these peo

    he called sensitives to be used as human detectors of an unknown energy, if there existed one. He pleach person in a dark room and shined moonlight on different parts of their bodies and recorded the

    results. The sensitives reported an uncomfortable warmth in their body, followed by muscle cramping.

    The sensitives were also attracted to the moonlight, displaying a desire to reach out and touch it. Other

    experiments revealed the same effect with moonlight passing through glass rods and reflected by mirro

    Metal plates allowed to sit out in moonlight produced the same results. The metal plates were also lef

    outside in the moonlight while a metal wire was attached to them. This metal wire ran through the win

    into the dark rooms where the sensitives reported the same effects.

    The Baron performed the same experiments except this time with sunlight. The sensitives preferred the sunlight, reporting the

    ensations as cooling and vitalizing. He classified sunlight as a negative polarity, and moonlight as a positive polarity. The polarities of thi

    energy acted as a sort of nutrient that balanced the energy of the victims' bodies, which is why the sleepwalkers walked outside at night an

    eached for the moon. It also explained the others who were afraid of the night because of a lack of sunlight. Additionally, the Baron found

    his energy to be slow moving, traveling at about 1.5 yards a second. It seemed to saturate matter in a fluid like way, with objects retaining

    charge for long periods of time.

    Franz Mesmer

    May 23, 1734 March 5, 18

    Carl Reichenbach

    uary 12, 1788 January 19, 1869

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    Consciousness is Energy

    The Unknown Energy (cont.)

    The Baron accidentally discovered that this energy can be seen as well. During one of his sunlight experiments in an excessively

    darkened room, the sensitives reported seeing a white flame of light projecting from the end of the metal wire. The sensitives were made to

    ook at a variety of objects in the extra darkened rooms, and reported seeing different effects. For example, sunlight running through coppe

    produced green and blue flames while gold and silver produced white flames. Paper, leather, and cloths seemed to not conduct this energy

    very well. Plants and animals gave various colors, and even the human body appeared to be bathed in an aura of colors. Differences in th

    auras were observed between men and women, young, and old, and even their states of health. Although completely black and layered wit

    cloth, the rooms were still not able to completely block the odic force from sunlight, flooding the rooms in a kind of twilight. This was trul

    force that permeated all matter, all of the world, and perhaps all of the universe. The energy was seen pulsating and flowing through all manterestingly, the sensations within the body changed just as the pulsation of lights did. It became increasingly difficult to differentiate

    between imagination and vision. This energy not only permeated all matter, but also seemed to permeate the mind. These observations bro

    nto question the relationship between mind and vision, which seemed strongly connected by this energy.

    Electricity and magnetism seemed to greatly affect this energy. Concentrations of odic energy were found whenever there wa

    electricity, and continued to linger for quite some time even when the circuit was removed. Magnets produced a great variety of colors and

    ntensities, far stronger than most objects. The whole magnet was surrounded by powerful rainbows that emanated in all directions. Curiou

    he sensitives sometimes lost consciousness when near a magnet and would reach their hands towards it. The Baron knew that electricity a

    magnetism could affect this energy, but he didn't know if this energy could affect the two forces the same way. He tried as hard as he could

    but he concluded odic energy did not have a direct effect on electricity and magnetism.

    Through observing the way sunlight and moonlight was able to transmit this energy, The Baron looked to the stars in search of cl

    By observing variations in the energy of crystals during certain seasons, he concluded a flow of celestial currents charged the atmosphere a

    ground. Currents of this energy seemed to be ever flowing along the surface of the ground. Since this energy was shown to travel great

    distances without any loss of potency, The Baron hypothesized that the odic energy from stars could reach the Earth. The sensitives showe

    preference to specific sectors in the sky, especially with The Milky Way. They each walked along the ground and marked points wherecelestial currents flowed into the Earth. Through this The Baron recognized why the ancients erected special and mysterious monuments o

    certain ground points, an effort to mark these sacred places and perhaps harness this energy.

    Wilhelm Reich was a psychoanalyst who studied under Sigmund Freud. He was attracted to

    Freuds theory of the libido, the force behind sexual desire. He sought to prove the existence of libido

    as a physical energy by performing experiments on peoples bodies. He found that there was a charge

    at the skins surface when the subject experienced pleasure, and none when they experienced pain.

    He determined that there was a movement of energy in the body, which charges up naturally and is

    discharged through the orgasm, resulting in a constant flow of energetic equilibrium. He found that

    he disruption of the discharge results in energy build up which causes the neurological symptoms in

    he individuals. He even found this problem manifests physically in their bodies, calling it musculararmoring.

    From there he wanted to learn more about this biological energy, and so he started to study

    protozoa under the microscope. He studied the life cycles of the microorganisms by soaking dry

    grass in water and watching the protozoa form. He noticed small, round vesicles that glowed blue

    first formed on the grass, he called these bions. He discovered that heating different substances to

    high temperatures such as grass, blood, sand, charcoal, and food gave off these bions as well.

    On one culture of heated sand, it could be seen giving off a blue color in the dark, and it could be

    felt by the scientists as well. When the culture was placed near bacteria it would kill them. Reich isolated the culture to rule out the possibi

    of outside radiation by placing it in a modified faraday cage covered with cotton and wood. When looking inside, he could see a type of bl

    adiation coming from the culture. Even when the culture was taken out, the blue radiation could still be seen, even though he dismantled

    washed, and reassembled the cage. He therefore concluded that this energy existed independently in the atmosphere as well, and it could b

    concentrated. He decided to call it orgone energy.

    Wilhelm Reich

    May 23, 1734 March 5, 1

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    Consciousness is Energy

    The Unknown Energy (cont.)

    From this discovery he set out to experiment with how various materials interact with orgone energy. He found that organic mate

    uch as wool, cotton, and fiberglass attracted orgone, while inorganic materials such as metal attracted and then rapidly repelled it. From th

    observations he developed a device called an orgone accumulator, a metal box surrounded by layers of fiberglass and steel wool. This devi

    was able to concentrate orgone energy from the atmosphere inside of it, and cancer mice placed inside of it showed improvement. The resu

    were so promising that Reich tested the device on people, who reported positive health benefits.


    Orgonite is an energy device based on the science behind Reichs orgone accumulato

    was invented in 2000 by Don and Carol Croft, who discovered the technology through interne

    research and tinkering. It consists of pouring organic fiberglass resin into a mold and mixing

    with metal shavings, which then hardens and begins to draw in orgone energy. The resin serv

    to attract the energy, and the metal mixed inside repels it. Once the energy is drawn in, it is

    repelled out by the metal in a more beneficial state. A quartz crystal is placed inside the resin

    to streamline the process, thanks in part to the piezoelectric effect. The piezoelectric effect is

    when a crystal exerts an electric charge from being under pressure. Thanks to the curing proc

    of the resin, the resin shrinks and permanently squeezes the crystal. I believe the energetic

    process is improved by the crystal because electricity excites orgone energy.

    An interesting effect of orgonite is the way it changes freezing water. The jar of water on the

    was frozen with a piece of orgonite underneath it, while the jar of water on the right was the

    control. Looking at the jar, it appears there are a bunch of lines in the ice coming from the cen

    which indicates some kind of movement. Since water attracts orgone energy, the constant

    movement of orgone energy from the orgonite seems to have influenced the way in which the

    molecules organized themselves.

    After the discovery of the presence of orgone energy in the air, Wilhelm Reich set out to the skies to observe the effects of the ene

    n the atmosphere. He noticed that this energy was constantly in motion, perhaps due to the gravity of planets hypothesized by Franz Mesm

    Orgone levels in the atmosphere were observed to be higher on sunny days, determined by how strong the

    charge was inside the orgone accumulators at the time. He also observed that this atmospheric energy

    was negatively effected by irritants such as electromagnetic radiation. Reich watched the clouds overhead,

    and he had an idea that the form of the clouds were held together by orgone energy. To test this idea, he

    built a device called a cloud buster. A cloud buster is a turret of long metal pipes that are connected by

    hoses, which are then connected to a source of running water. From his experiments he knew that

    water attracted orgone energy, and his other experiments showed that this energy seemed to contradict the

    aw of entropy, meaning orgone is attracted to higher concentrations of orgone. Since water had a

    higher concentration of orgone, the orgone energy in the cloud would be attracted to the water on the

    ground, and the metal pipes would serve as an antenna to draw in the energy. The cloud buster

    worked successfully as he watched the device dissolve clouds, and later on he used it to manipulate the

    weather. From his work with the atmosphere he took the the stars, and hypothesized that the shape of

    galaxies were caused by the properties of this energy.

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    Consciousness is Energy

    The Unknown Energy (cont.)

    Properties of Orgone Energy:

    It is mass free, it is present everywhere, and it is constantly in motion.

    It contradicts the law of entropy.

    It is attracted to certain organic materials, and repelled by certain inorganic materials.

    It can penetrate and charge all objects, and can travel great distances.

    It can be reflected by mirrors, be communicated by sound, and is excited by magnetism and electricity.

    It can travel along wires of metal. It is important to the function of living organisms.

    Separate streams of orgone attract to each other and superimpose. This gives way to the shape of galaxies, hurricanes, and storms

    Energy in Modern Science

    Dark Energyis an unknown energy that permeates all of space, and is the most

    accepted hypothesis to explain the expansion of the universe. Based on the standard model

    of cosmology, the universe is made up of 4.9% ordinary matter, 26.8% dark matter, and 68.3%

    dark energy. Due to the size of the universe, this means that dark energy has a very low density

    of 6.91 1027 kg/m3, because it is uniform across space. Because of this, dark energy is

    virtually impossible to detect in a laboratory. The concept of dark energy comes from the need

    o both explain the accelerating expansion of the universe, and the theoretical need for an

    additional type of energy to form the universe. Evidence of this energy can be observed from

    upernovae and cosmic microwave background anisotropies. Dark energy is thought to be

    homogeneous and is not known to interect with any of the fundamental forces other than

    gravity. It is also thought to have negative pressure, which means it acts repulsively and

    expands the universe because the higher pressure within the universe seeks to equalize itself. The gravity of the universe pulls everything

    nward and should result in the contraction of the universe, however because of the vast existence of dark energy the expansion overpower

    he contraction. There are two theories of dark energy, the cosmological constant and the quintessence model.

    The cosmological constant states that a volume of space has an intrinsic, fundamental energy that is the cost of having space

    Einsteins theory of general relativity predicts this energy has a gravitational effect. It is sometimes called a vacuum energy because it is th

    energy density of empty vacuum. A problem with this theory is that quantum field theories predict a huge cosmological constant, more tha

    100 orders of magnitude too large. The amount would need to be canceled by an equally large term of the opposite sign.

    The quintessence model speculates that the acceleration of the expansion of the universe is caused by the potential energy of a

    dynamical field, known as quintessence field. The quintessence model differs from the cosmological constant in that dark energy can vary

    ime and space. The quintessence field is very light in order to prevent clumping and the formation of structure like matter. Quintessence

    predicts a slightly slower acceleration of the expansion of the universe than the cosmological constant.

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    Consciousness is Energy

    My Observations

    Definition of Consciousness:

    Perception or awareness of the surroundingsaround a point of reference.

    Energy has consciousness. Consciousness is energy.-observed through meditation, divination, and thought experiments

    Since the unknown energy has virtually no mass, and it has a consciousness, it is the closest thing to pureconsciousness. So far it can only be detected by your own consciousness. It is thought to be the first energy

    exist in the universe, the bridge between consciousness and the physical universe.-observed through thought experiments, divination, and The Big Bang

    Consciousness, energy, and matter are one. Consciousness directs the transformation of energy and matter.-observed through divination and The Big Bang

    Consciousness represents infinite potential. Any possibility that could ever exist is contained in consciousne

    is infinitely intelligent, and is the most powerful force in the universe.-observed through divination and The Big Bang

    Consciousness is malleable; it can be manipulated and changed much like water can take the shape of itscontainer.-observed through meditation, divination, and The Big Bang

    The Creation of the Universe

    Chris Langan:Now, since there is no real time scale external to reality, there is no

    extrinsic point in time at which the moment of creation can be located, and this invalidates phrases

    ike 'before reality existed' and 'when reality created itself.' And once time disappears completely,

    what remains is the answer to the "what" question: a realm of boundless potential characterized

    by a total lack of real constraint. In other words, the real universe timelessly emerges from a

    background of logically unquantified potential to which the concepts of space and time simply donot apply."

    Before the existence of the universe, there only existed consciousness. Consciousness,

    epresenting an infinity of endless potential and possibility, thought of an idea for the universe.

    Directing its own consciousness, the universe created itself.

    Chris Langan:By definition, there is nothing outside of reality that is real enough to

    contain reality. So reality is self-contained. A self-contained medium must provide that which is

    necessary to its own existence. So if energy is necessary for the existence of reality, reality must

    find that energy within itself.

  • 7/24/2019 Consciousness is Energy


    Consciousness is Energy

    My Observations (cont.)

    Once consciousness had an idea of the universe, it learned to translate itself into physical energy. The act of transforming

    consciousness into physical energy suddenly created a very large imbalance between the infinite potential of consciousness, which was no

    expressing itself as physical, with the newborn creation of the universe. This caused energy to explode outwards from consciousness, resul

    n a cosmic inflation where the universe grew exponentially in an effort to balance itself out. This explosion is known as The Big Bang. I

    hypothesize that the unknown energy was the first energy to be created in the universe because it has negative pressure. Since the unknown

    energy and consciousness are closely connected, it has negative pressure because it is minute compared to the infinite potential of

    consciousness. Therefore the unknown energy is constantly causing the universe to expand due to the nature of consciousness.

    Chris Langan:"Within a realm of unbound potential like the one from which the universe emerges, everything is possible, and th

    mplies that "everything exists" in the sense of possibility. Some possibilities are self-inconsistent and therefore ontological dead ends; the

    extinguish themselves in the very attempt to emerge into actuality. But other possibilities are self-consistent and potentially self-configurin

    nternally defined evolutionary processes. That is, they predicate their own emergence according to their own internal logics, providing th

    own means and answering their own hows."

    The reason why our universe is consistent and logically structured according to its own laws is because it was the most efficien

    outcome in terms of energy. Any other possible outcome that is not self-sufficient would instantly fall apart the moment it is created. Ou

    universe follows the path of least resistance, where the energy released from The Big Bang was enough to get it started. The universe need

    be independent, be able to evolve on its own, and eventually support life in order to fulfill the reason why the universe was created.

    Chris Langan: "Within each SCSPL system, subsystems sharing critical aspects of global structure will also manifest the self

    configuration imperative of their inclusive SCSPL; that is, they exist for the purpose of self-actualization or self-configuration, and in self

    configuring, contribute to the Self-configuration of the SCSPL as a whole. Human beings are such subsystems. The "purpose" of their live

    and the "meaning" of their existences, is therefore to self-actualize in a way consistent with global Self-actualization or teleology...i.e., in a

    way that maximizes global utility, including the utility of their fellow subsystems. Their existential justification is to help the universe, AKA

    God, express its nature in a positive and Self-beneficial way."

    Going back to the definition of consciousness, it is described as the awareness around a point of reference. Before the universe wa

    created, there was only consciousness. It had no way to define itself, because it only existed as one consciousness. Without a basis fo

    comparison, there would be no point to reference from. To solve this dilemma, the universe created itself as the first step towards self

    ealization. The universe needs to be independent and evolve on its own in order to provide the necessary sense of distinction, anything els

    would be more like an extension which contributes nothing towards self realization. After the universe was created, it would need to evolv

    tself up to a point to support life. The next step up for self realization would be living organisms, smaller subsets of consciousnes

    experiencing life in the whole consciousness. The evolution of intelligent beings such as humans provides the greatest self realization, as t

    are capable of coming up with their own ideas and answering their own questions. Their purpose is to discover who they are, which in turn

    helps the universe discover itself as a whole.

    Chris Langan: "The universe can be described as a cybernetic system in which freedom and constraint are counterbalanced. The

    constraints function as structure; thus, the laws of physics are constraints which define the structure of spacetime, whereas freedom is tha

    which is bound or logically quantified by the constraints in question."

    Since consciousness manifests energy and matter, the reason why it doesnt do it randomly is because consciousness must obey th

    aws of the universe. The laws provide structure and order for the universe, it is important they not be violated. Creating energy and matte

    andomly would also violate free will, and would contribute nothing towards self realization. Consciousness would only see it as its own


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    Chris Langan:"From the CTMU, there emerge multiple levels of consciousness. Human temporal consciousness is the level wi

    which we're familiar; global (parallel) consciousness is that of the universe as a whole. The soul is the connection between the

    embedment of the former in the latter. In the CTMU, reality is viewed as a profoundly self-contained, self-referential kind of "language",

    anguages have syntaxes. Because self-reference is an abstract generalization of consciousness - consciousness is the attribute by virtue

    which we possess self-awareness - conscious agents are "sublanguages" possessing their own cognitive syntaxes. Now, global consciousn

    s based on a complete cognitive syntax in which our own incomplete syntax can be embedded, and this makes human consciousnes

    ransparent to it; in contrast, our ability to access the global level is restricted due to our syntactic limitations. Thus, while we are transp

    o the global syntax of the global conscious agency "God", we cannot see everything that God can see."

    From the idea of consciousness is energy, it can be inferred that our own consciousness comes from the consciousness of th

    universe, which can also be called our soul. Since energy cannot be created or destroyed, it is possible that our souls have been in the phys

    before, a continuing process known as reincarnation. The existence and purpose of reincarnation is substantiated by this energys property

    malleability. Since consciousness cannot define itself from the universal perspective, it sends off pieces of itself to incarnate into the physi

    universe as human beings. Once in the physical, a soul plays out their life, discovering themselves and gathering life experiences. Those li

    experiences then in turn influence the energy of their soul, and once out of the physical they merge back with the consciousness of the who

    o share that information. The information influences the consciousness of the whole, which uses it to define and expand itself. The soul i

    hen sent back out to the physical to gather more information, which is possibly an eternal process.

    The reason why human beings cant create energy and matter with their own minds is because their consciousness is limited by th

    physical structure they are contained in. They are incomplete parts of the consciousness as a whole, the whole being able to observe

    everything we do and think about. However, we cannot observe from the universal perspective, but we are still connected and still share

    imilar traits.

    String Theory

    String theory is a theoretical framework which asserts the particles of physi

    are made up of one dimensional objects called strings. The theory came about from a

    need to unite both general relativity and quantum mechanics. Strings are used as an

    analogy to describe the way they work: much like different lengths and shapes of str

    produce different sounds when plucked by a musician, the different vibration rates o

    strings give rise to the different subatomic particles that we see in physics today. The

    is much more to string theory however, and the equations require both supersymmet

    and the addition of 6 dimensions, for a total of 10 in our universe. Our current

    observation of the universe is based on 4 dimensions: forward-backward, left-right, udown, and time. To explain these other dimensions, physicists refer to compactificat

    As an example, imagine watching a faraway ship approaching port. It starts out look

    ike a zero-dimensional dot on the horizon. Soon you realize it has a mast pointing high into the sky: it now appears to be a one-dimension

    ine. Next, its sails come into view making it seem two-dimensional. As it nears the dock you finally notice that it has a long deck, the thir

    dimension. It is easy to see that dimensions become harder to notice at large distances. Therefore, physicists assert that these extra dimensi

    are curled up areas of space so small that we cant perceive them.

    Compared with the theory of consciousness, string theory holds many similarities. The idea that identical strings can produce

    different particles based on their vibration is similar to the way consciousness can be manipulated and transformed into energy and matter.

    Therefore I speculate that instead of strings, all particles of physics are made up of energized consciousness that vibrates at different rates t

    produce different particles. Additionally, it can be noted that the extra dimensions we are unable to perceive are hidden in this energized

    consciousness. If we were to open up and explore the consciousness of the unknown energy, we would discover whole other worlds

    Examples of this can be seen in psychedelic experiences.

    Consciousness is Energy

    My Observations (cont.)

  • 7/24/2019 Consciousness is Energy


    Thoughts are a specific direction in an endless sea of possibility. Our ideas emerge f

    the infinite potential of consciousness and become manifest in our lives, much like how the

    universe thought itself into being. In the universal blueprint, there are several reasons why the

    unknown energy was created to be malleable. Firstly, the energy serves as a birthing material

    which consciousness can manifest itself into the physical, which was how the universe create

    itself. Secondly, it allows intelligent life to consciously use this energy to manifest their desir

    which helps both the individuals and the universe to expand and learn. When a being thinks athought, that energy radiates out and manipulates the energy of the universe. The universa

    consciousness of the energy then reacts to that thought, and using its own infinite intelligence

    begins to manifest the idea into the beings life. It accomplishes the manifestation by translati

    itself into the appropriate energy needed, for example kinetic, to manipulate certain events an

    circumstances to make the idea possible. Evidence of this can be seen in divination.

    This is the process in which the universe continually creates and expands itself. It is in the universes best interest to manifest the

    desires of the beings, as the beings serve as points of reference for the universe to define itself. The manifestations of consciousness to

    manipulate the universe are very minute, but through the constant radiation of desire by the being the manifestations build up and organize

    enact a change. Whenever the manifestation occurs as a result of a beings thoughts, the infinite potential of consciousness expressing itsel

    he physical causes the universe to expand. The Big Bang was the biggest expression of consciousness into the physical, which is why the

    universe expanded rapidly at first. This was also the only time consciousness expressed itself as physical using its own will, because afte

    ome time the universe began to decelerate due to a lack of creation. It was only when the universe was 7.8 billion years old that it started

    accelerate. Looking at the timeline of the universe, the first stars formed when the universe was 75 million years old. Also the first galaxiebegan to appear when the universe was around 1 billion years old. Judging from these figures, that would give plenty of time for the forma

    of planets and eventually intelligent life. Therefore the acceleration of the expansion of the universe provides indirect evidence for the

    existence of other intelligent races, the sum of all their thoughts eventually overcoming the contraction of gravity. In this respect, the unkn

    energy can have the properties of both the cosmological constant and the quintessence model. The cosmological constant representing the

    ntrinsic energy of empty space, a form of passive consciousness, with the dynamic and changing field of the quintessence model, a form o

    active consciousness.

    The universal consciousness can also subtly influence the consciousness of intelligent beings in order to manifest the desires of

    another being, since consciousness is made up of this malleable energy. Much like when a person is torn between two choices, the simple

    nfluence to pick a choice over the other effects the rest of the universe in a complex way only infinite intelligence would understand, and

    eventually compounds to manifest the desire. This malleable property of consciousness can explain how people can manipulate others, and

    can also explain groupthink, culture, and peer pressure. Interacting with someone in a good mood cheers you up, while interacting with

    omeone in a bad mood puts you down, the effect depending on the kind of energy they are putting out. Multiple people can strengthen theeffect, for example you can feel the tension in the air when two people are fighting. This can also explain when a person can sense someon

    taring at them, as energy is released from the body at various points such as the eyes. They are projecting their energy out through their ey

    onto the other person, their consciousness influencing the other persons consciousness.

    Words also have a similar effect, as they are the physical representations of the thoughts behind them. This provides a differen

    explanation for subliminal messaging, the hidden message programming the subconscious and influencing itself. Even as your are reading

    paper now, it is being downloaded into your subconscious and automatically raising your awareness. This could also explain the phenomen

    of crop circles, the use of symbols by other intelligent beings in an attempt to subtly raise our consciousness.

    Consciousness is Energy


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    Going back to the purpose of our lives, our souls come here to gather life experiences through the impressibility of energy. Howe

    his property of energy can be more powerful than realized, as the life experiences from previous lives can have long lingering effects. Thi

    can be seen in past life regression sessions reported by Dolores Cannon, a hypnotherapist. During her sessions she puts her clients in a tran

    o discover the cause for a specific problem in their current lives. Sometimes these problems can stem from previous lives. Dolores recoun

    her experiences:

    I have had many subjects who suffer from migraine headaches, and these can often be traced back to past lives that deal with

    rauma to the head. Blows to the head from either humans, weapons, or animals are usually carryovers to remind the person not to repeatmistake in this life that may have caused their death in the other lifetime. One case was a woman reliving the lifetime of a young man shot

    he head during the American Civil War. There was a case in England where the woman had terrible headaches all her life that originated

    he bridge of her nose and extended upward across her forehead and over the top of her head. No medication could give her relief. We fou

    he cause came form being struck by a sword in that exact place on her head during one of the numerous wars that have been fought in

    Europe down through history. The understanding of the cause is enough to take away the physical problem.

    A woman client had lower back pain stemming from a disk problem, and her doctors wanted to operate. She relived a past life a

    black soldier in Korea. There were bombs exploding all around. He was hit in the back, and it threw him into a ditch full of water. Paralyz

    he couldnt get out, and drowned. He came back too soon and carried the memory in his back. This also explained her fear of enclosed spa

    and not getting air.

    I have found cases of infertility caused by dying in childbirth in another life. An attempt by the subconscious to keep it from

    happening again. Sometimes the subconscious uses strange logic.

    Not only can past life traumas influence our current lives, but past thoughts, emotions, and desires can also have a powerful effec

    Consistently sending out the same thoughts and intentions into the universe causes the thought energy to organize itself and manifestContinually doing this over long periods of time can cause the energy to build up greatly. If the desire isnt achieved in the present lifetime

    hen the energy will influence the next life, giving another opportunity for success. Also passions and interests can influence other lives a

    well, which is why some people consistently have the same kind of lives. For example a man regressed by Dolores lived hundreds of lifeti

    as soldiers fighting in many wars. Even Dolores herself can trace her love of books and knowledge back to a lifetime in Egypt, where she w

    he keeper of a library. Dolores shares her thoughts:

    Vows taken in other lifetimes are extremely important and carry great power, because they are usually taken with great convicti

    Because they were not reneged during the lifetime, they carry over into this one. Some of the most common are: the vow of celibacy, chast

    which causes sexual problems in the present life. And the vow of poverty, which brings money problems. And now we discover the vow to

    suffer. The easiest way to release these is to leave them with the entity in the past who took the vows.

    I have also had unexpected explanations for being overweight. One woman went back to a lifetime where she was the leader of a

    clan in Scotland. The job was very demanding and she greatly felt the responsibility of it. When the man died he still felt this, and dropped

    very important clue when she said (after the death), I will never be rid of the weight of this responsibility. Very important words that th

    subconscious had taken seriously and carried forth to the present life.

    It is important for each individual being to be able to discover and express themselves in a positive way that is in harmony with

    others. However, doing this in a negative way creates disharmony and goes against the will of the universe. A positive and nurturing

    environment is a requirement for self-discovery, as negativity only restricts the free will of others, who shift their focus to survival. Beings

    choose to either be positive or negative because of free will, however there are mechanisms built into the universe to ensure the maximum

    utility of all beings. This is also known as karma.

    Chris Langan:However, due to the fact that Gods Self-creative freedom is distributed over the universe, i.e. His Mind, hum

    volition arising within the universe is free to be locally out of sync with teleology. This requires a set of compensation mechanisms which

    ensure that teleology remains globally valid despite the localized failure of any individual or species to behave consistently with it. In par

    hese mechanisms determine the state of your relationship to God, i.e. your soul. If you are in harmony with teleology with the self

    realization and self-expression of God then your soul is in a state of grace. If you are not, then your soul is in danger of interdiction by

    eleological mechanisms built into the structure of the universe.

    Consciousness is Energy

    Thoughts (cont.)

  • 7/24/2019 Consciousness is Energy


    Because of the independent nature of the universe, beings are free to live however they wish. Due to the constraint of consciousne

    by structure, the mechanism of karma is not observable and instantaneous. However it becomes a different story when a soul leaves the

    physical and joins back with the universal consciousness, where it is subject to adjustment. Using its infinite intelligence, universal

    consciousness determines the next human life which is most appropriate for the soul. Consciousness knows all of the people who would be

    nvolved in the souls next life, whether they be in their immediate family, surrounding area, or even far away places. Consciousness know

    heir personalities and tendencies, and how they would potentially interact with the new life. The new soul would be put into situations wh

    unresolved energies from the previous life would become resolved. With negativity, the soul would get a chance to learn from its mistakesalign itself back with its original purpose of benefiting itself, others, and the universe. With thoughts and desires, the soul would be able to

    enjoy similar interests and achieve similar dreams. The soul must be placed in these adjustment scenarios in order to know each side of the

    ame coin; to learn that every thought and action they take has an effect. In this way the soul gains the most life experience to take back to

    universal consciousness. Of course there is free will, and a soul has the ability to decline a life. However it is in the souls best interest to

    experience it, because the souls ultimate goal is to merge back with consciousness. A soul cannot do this if it has unresolved experiences

    energy lingering around in the universe. Dolores Cannon provides an example of a past life regression:

    She saw herself in war-torn Germany in World War II. There were soldiers fighting in the streets, but they were not fighting oth

    soldiers, they were fighting and shooting civilians. She was a female doctor and was trying to help some of the many people who lay arou

    he streets bleeding and dying from gunshot wounds. She tried to help several of the people, but was pushed aside by the angry soldier

    Eventually the fighting became worse and she was tied up in the street, where she was raped, shot, and burned to death. She came back i

    his lifetime with the plan of helping other people, to make up for her inability to help in that lifetime. Her present father had been one of

    Nazi soldiers, the first to rape her. He had returned to repay the injustice by being her father, intending to raise and protect her

    Not only does consciousness set up the conditions necessary for the soul to gain life experience, but it also does this in a congruen

    way with the lives of other people involved, who have their own karma and life plans to work out. In this respect free will and destiny arclosely intertwined in such an extremely intricate way. However, because of free will things dont always go according to plan. Dolores


    ...That had been the plan, but it apparently changed after he got here into the body. The subconscious said he got caught up in

    ways of the flesh, and forgot his original purpose. The father ended up abusing her in this current life.

    There have been many experiments performed on water to show the power of thoughts. For example, an independent researcher

    named Masaru Emoto studied the effects of intention on freezing water crystals. For his experiments, he exposed water to various words

    pictures or music, and then froze the water and observed the ice crystals with microscopic photography. The water that was exposed to

    positive words or intentions formed visually beautiful crystals, while the water exposed to negative words or intentions formed ugly ones.

    also claimed that different sources of water would produce different crystals when frozen. For his next experiments, he froze water collectfrom a mountain stream versus water collected from a polluted water source. He noticed the water collected from the mountain stream form

    beautiful geometric crystals, while the other water formed distorted and randomly shaped crystals. It is interesting to note that Emoto belie

    he changes could be eliminated by exposing the water to ultraviolet light or certain electromagnetic waves. From these observations as we

    my own, it is easy to see the relationship between water and energy. Because water attracts and holds the unknown energy, it somehow pla

    ole in how the water crystals freeze. The difference between the two kinds of energy projected into the water through thought effected th

    way the water crystals arranged themselves. Additionally, the positive energy of the mountain area was absorbed and held by the water and

    caused it to freeze beautifully. However, the negative energy from the pollution contaminated the other water, and the negative energy wa

    till held by the water even though it was purified, resulting in disfigured crystals. Finally, the claims of ultraviolet light and electromagne

    waves cleansing the water become clear, as those forms of energy contain their own unknown energy and interact with the energy in the w

    causing it to cleanse and disperse.

    I accidentally made a discovery as I was writing Mr. Emotos experiment out. I realized that just like how orgonite can effect the

    water freezes, intention effects the way water freezes as well. Since orgonite has no power source of its own and works with the energy of

    urroundings, Ive concluded that the energy in our surroundings is the same as the energy that makes up our own consciousness.

    Consciousness is Energy

    Thoughts (cont.)

  • 7/24/2019 Consciousness is Energy


    In another example, a French immunologist named Jacques Benveniste performed an experiment where he dissolved anti-lgE

    antibodies into water. He then diluted this water to such a great extent that there could possibly be no more antibodies left. When he used t

    diluted water on human basophils, he noticed the water had the same effect as the antibodies, even though there could be no antibodies fro

    all the dilution. He also noticed that the diluted antibody water could be mixed with other water to produce the same effect. However, the

    ame experiment was tested by a team of skeptics led by John Maddox, the editor of the magazine in which Benveniste published his findi

    The first experiment was ran according to the original procedure that Benveniste used, and it was successful. However, the experimenter

    knew which vials of water were separate from the control vials. In the second experiment, it was performed again but with double-blindingwhich resulted in inconsistent results and disproved Benveniste's claims. Benveniste's experiment was again tested by a different research

    eam, funded by the United States Department of Defense. However, they only noticed positive results when one of Benveniste's research

    an the equipment. Finally, the experiment was tested by Brian Josephson, a physicist who was open to paranormal claims. He noticed pos

    effects as Benveniste did, and he even found that the water's ability could be transmitted over phone lines. From all these trials and errors

    again it is easy to see the relationship between water and energy. When Benveniste first performed the experiment, he knew that the dilute

    water originally had antibodies mixed into it. He believed that the water would have the same properties as the antibodies, otherwise h

    wouldn't have performed the experiment in the first place. Not only was the energy from the antibodies carried over into the water, but he a

    unknowingly programmed the water with the energy of his thoughts to behave exactly like the antibodies. In the double-blind experiment,

    esearchers were unaware of which vials originally had antibodies. Because of this they were unable to program the water with their thoug

    which is why their experiment failed. In the experiment funded by the Department of Defense, the experiment only worked with one o

    Benveniste's researchers because he believed that the water had the same properties as the antibodies, and in effect he manipulated the wat

    with his thoughts.

    Of course experiments like these have been disproven by mainstream science throughout our history, and yet these same experim

    keep appearing. Franz Mesmers animal magnetism, Wilhelm Reichs orgone energy, Emoto and Benvenistes water experiments, divinatiand many other supernatural claims have been tested by scientists and always end in failure. To discover why this is the case, the experime

    procedures of mainstream science hold the key. Modern science strictly focuses on the objective side of the universe, and completely block

    out the subjective side. An example of this are double blind experiments, along with other controls. Modern science seeks to remove the

    observer in order to focus entirely on the physical. The purpose of this is to block out experimenter bias, however it blocks out the very

    evidence we are trying to look for. To understand the universe, both the objective and subjective must be taken into account. Since the

    unknown energy is a consciousness-energy hybrid, the bridge between consciousness and the physical universe, it blurs the line between th

    objective and subjective. Therefore experiments of this kind mustinclude the observer as an active participant of the experiment, another k

    of force added into the equations. In terms of supernatural experiments, the two key ingredients are the unknown energy and the conscious

    of the observer. Both of these ingredients are required for the experiment to work, the omission of one will result in failure. If testing for th

    existence of a new energy, the consciousness of the observer is needed in order to activate it. If testing for the effect of consciousness, the

    energy is needed to give consciousness power.

    Even modern science acknowledges the power of consciousness to an extent. Take for example stress, the placebo effect, and th

    observer effect. Stress is a negative mental state that can have negative consequences on the body. There are various studies that connect so many forms of disease, such as heart attacks and strokes. The placebo effect is when a person's condition improves after taking a

    upplement or performing an act that is supposed to do nothing. In other words, by merely believing that something will work, the person'

    mental and physical state improves. Finally, there is a phenomenon observed in quantum mechanics that has to do with wave-particle dual

    Wave-particle duality is the idea that electrons act as both particles and waves when shot through two slits. However, when scientists try to

    measure which slit the electron passes through, the electron somehow knows it's being watched, and will only act as a particle. This is kno

    as the observer effect.

    There is a fun experiment you can try for yourself that shows the relationship between water and energy. Recall that water can att

    and hold energy, and this energy attracts itself. Going back to Wilhelm Reich, he hypothesized that orgone energy is what gives clouds the

    hape. Also recall that the human body emits energy from various points, including the eyes. With these facts in mind, go outside and pick

    a small cloud in the sky. Stare at it and visualize yourself pulling energy from the cloud, and the cloud disappearing. Keep visualizing and

    taring and watch what happens.

    Consciousness is Energy

    Thoughts (cont.)

  • 7/24/2019 Consciousness is Energy


    With the basics of consciousness covered, it is easy to see how powerful our thought

    are because we are connected to the consciousness of the universe. In this respect, we are

    incomplete parts of the whole where consciousness can experience our lives from our viewpo

    and knows every thought that we think. Due to our physical limitations we are unable to

    experience life from the universal viewpoint. However, there are ways around this limitation t

    allow us to tune into the universal consciousness. This is done through meditationand


    Meditationis the act of sitting still and calming the mind in order to tune out the out

    world. It is usually done in a dark and quiet place, where the person silences their mind to shu

    down their physical consciousness and tune into their energetic consciousness. People repor

    having mystical experiences in this trance state, where new levels of awareness are accessed a

    new information is received from the universal consciousness. This transmission of informati

    comes in the form of a thought, and the information can be anything about the universe or the persons life. The primary purpose of the

    nformation is to help and improve the persons life, and also answer any questions they may have. The information usually deals with the

    persons life, because it is the intention behind the purpose. People who meditate seek to better their lives, and so the information they rece

    s a manifestation of that desire. This is an important practical application of this theory because everyone gets sidetracked at one point in t

    ives. The universal consciousness provides the greatest guidance as an impartial third party who knows every detail of our lives. The

    nformation is important and is accompanied by an emotional feeling, which serves to authenticate the experience. One of Doloress tranc

    ubjects explains:

    It is the amount of emotion and feeling that is connected with that thought. Random thoughts that occur and flit through your miabout things past, things desired, speculations, hopes and dreams, do not have the emotional impact that impressions from your larger sel

    have. The feeling is your key. If you just think the answer in words, with no feeling, it needs to be critically analyzed. It seems that feeling i


    Meditation can be used for other purposes as well. When meditating with specific objects such as rocks and crystals, people repor

    different sensations when using different stones, and being able to feel them. They usually either hold the stone or wear them on their bo

    while they meditate. The person is able to feel the stones by the impressionable property of consciousness. When holding the stones, the

    consciousness of the stones are interacting and influencing their own consciousness, and meditating allows one to tune into their energeti

    consciousness to notice this effect. Just like how each stone is physically different from each other, the consciousness of each stone is diffe

    as well, resulting in different effects during meditation.

    Additionally people also use visualization while meditating with stones. They visualize energy radiating and swirling about from

    tone, visualizing a specific color and feel to the energy that matches with the stone. The person then visualizes the energy being absorbedheir body, spreading throughout and visualizing the desired effect. When one visualizes energy like that, they are using their own

    consciousness to program the energy of the stone. The energy visualized must match up with the properties of the stone, in order for the

    persons consciousness to relate better to the consciousness of the stone. The more similar the kinds of energy are, the easier it is to manipu

    hem. Visualizing the energy of the stone flowing into the body opens up the consciousness of the person to the stone, and programs the

    energy to flow into them. Finally, visualizing the energy flowing throughout the body serves to program the persons own consciousness to

    give the desired effect. With their consciousness programmed, they are left with a lingering sense of well-being, or any other kind of desire

    feeling. Also since mental and physical health are closely related, the change in consciousness can manifest change in the body, leading to

    mproved health. Here is an example of visualization with a rose quartz crystal:

    Concentrate on the rose quartz. Visualize its loving pink energy flowing around your body, opening up your heart center, and

    releasing all the negative emotions and feelings that have been weighing you down. As these emotions exit your body, feel the warm and

    oving energy of the rose quartz flow into it. Feel it spreading throughout your body, spreading a feeling of peace along with it. Feel that t

    heavy weight that was once on your heart is now gone, and you are now feeling balanced, uplifted and peaceful. Your heart is now feeling

    ight as your body.

    Consciousness is Energy

    Meditation & Psychedelics

  • 7/24/2019 Consciousness is Energy


    Meditation can also be done with living organisms, such as plants. Being in close proximity with a plant and meditating with it al

    one to tap into the energy of the plant, the aura of the plant influencing the aura of the person. Meditating with different plants gives differ

    effects, the difference being in their consciousness. In a trance state it is even possible to communicate with a plant, listening to its thought

    and learning about its nature. Native tribes all over the world have always believed in nature spirits that hold great power and wisdom. Wit

    he prevalence of spirits in their cultures, it is easy to see that they were in direct communication with nature through meditation or drugs.

    concepts of consciousness and energy make this possible, and can explain how many tribes knew about many plants and their properties. F

    example many tribes knew plants that could be used for healing. Modern science explains that these tribes accomplished this by eatingdifferent plants and discovering what effects they had through trial and error. However, risking your own life for the sake of science doesn

    ound too practical. Additionally there are hundreds of thousands of different plants to risk dying on. An alternative explanation to this is t

    he spirit of the plants told them their properties, through the power of consciousness. I have had my own experiences meditating with plan

    t is possible to feel the different personalities of trees through meditation. Back when I lived in the country, I would frequently meditat

    under a tree in the backyard. After a period of not meditating for awhile, I came back to the tree and started to meditate. I could feel the

    essence of the tree, and it gave me the impression that it was happy to see me and missed me. Trees are similar to orgonite in the ability to

    draw in energy from the surroundings and purify it. This could be because their roots go deep into the Earth, which can act as a grounder o

    energy. Trees are able to feed off of stress and emotional energy from other beings, which can explain why people hug trees.

    Psychedelicsare a kind of drug that can significantly alter a persons perception of the world around them. The effects vary with

    dosage and the body chemistry of the individual, but can include a body high, increased energy and emotions, warped thought patterns, op

    and closed eye hallucinations, ego loss, out of body experiences, and spiritual revelations. When referring to psychedelics, many people th

    of the classical serotonin agonists such as LSD, DMT, magic mushrooms, and peyote. However, the definition can include other drugs tha

    produce distorted thoughts such as marijuana and harmine. The effects of psychedelics can be explained by the way the drugs interact withbrain. It is true that they are just drugs that produce a high, however the way they interact with consciousness can produce experiences tha

    defy explanation. With the concepts of consciousness and energy, psychedelics can be thought of as a tool to unlock the mysteries of the m

    n this respect psychedelics act to scramble and soften our physical consciousness, allowing our energetic consciousness to emerge. There

    wo ways a person can tap into their energetic consciousness through drugs: one is through the distortion of thought and the other through


    The distortion of thought is the most common and gentle way in which to tap into energetic consciousness and receive insights. T

    can be achieved through low to moderate doses of the classic psychedelics, other drugs that distort thought, and even meditation. In order t

    eceive an insight, you must have the intention to receive information and believe it is possible. While under the effect of the drug, allow y

    houghts to flow and pay attention to them. Think about anything and everything, and eventually you will find yourself having an insight.

    ransmission of information works this way in that the drugs produce a randomization of thought patterns. The random thoughts provide

    medium in which universal consciousness can subtly manipulate the outcome of a random thought to answer your desire. You will recogni

    rue insight by the way it makes you feel emotionally, and rings true to your heart.Ego loss is a more powerful way to tap into energetic consciousness by lessening the persons sense of self. The feeling is being l

    a ghost, forgetting who you are and being in a foreign body. Ego loss can be achieved through moderate to high doses of the classic

    psychedelics, as well as deep meditation trances. The softening of the ego can open a person up to new levels of perception, totally unlike

    everyday reality. The information obtained through ego loss is the most pronounced and instant, as it provides the highest connection to

    energetic consciousness.

    Very high doses of classic psychedelics can propel one into new realities, a world totally unlike our own. It feels as though one ha

    expanded their own consciousness and emerged into a new plane of existence. Many people in the psychedelic community call this break

    hrough and hyperspace, where they describe it as being more real and alive than our own reality. In this new reality they repor

    experiencing many amazing things and seeing many amazing beings. With the ideas of string theory, these new realities could very well be

    extra dimensions predicted. Through psychedelics and meditation, a person is able to tap into the energy of their consciousness and use it a

    ort of gateway to these other dimensions.

    Consciousness is Energy

    Meditation & Psychedelics

  • 7/24/2019 Consciousness is Energy


    Throughout mankind's history there have been many kinds of divination systems. Th

    have been used to connect with the divine, answer a variety of questions, and predict the futur

    Some popular forms of divination include tarot cards, I-ching, and astrology, while other les

    known forms include hydromancy, pyromancy, aeromancy, geomancy, and necromancy. In to

    there are hundreds of divination systems that have been created by many different people and

    cultures throughout the centuries. Each divination system is characterized by a systematic ritu

    in which a person seeks an answer to their question through interpreting the random resultsproduced by the ritual. Some examples include reading the random results of coin tosses, card

    draws, tea leaves floating in water, rock tosses, burning branches, and cracks in a piece of bon

    With many different kinds of divination systems throughout the world, there must be some tru

    to them. Unfortunately, divination has been labled as superstition by mainstream society simp

    from a lack of understanding. This is due to many factors, such as contradictions in divination

    hat have prevented its full understanding. Many make the mistake of treating divination as a science that has strict rules, much like gravity

    and light. However, one must realize that they are dealing with the subjective side of science, where the energy involved is alive and infini

    ntelligent. That is why they call divination the language of God.

    Before I get into the technicals of divination, I want to explain the theory behind it as presently understood by my observations. T

    divination system I have learned is the I-Ching, an ancient practice based off a series of charts that was invented in China. Particularly, I

    earned a reformed version nicknamed Super I-Ching, created by a man named Alex Chiu. Alex appears delusional, but his work and resea

    with the I-Ching has created a system that is complex, accurate, and reliable. The process involves the use of three quarters and the ancien

    ext, consisting of 64 hexagrams. The ritual begins by the user entering a quiet place with a flat surface, with the intention of seeking ananswer to their question. The user then clears their mind and holds the three quarters in one hand, with the hand hovering some inches abo

    he flat surface. The question is then asked within their mind, which sets off a series of events. After thinking about the question, the user t

    gently drops the quarters from their hand onto the flat surface, and the random results are recorded. This whole process is repeated six time

    Since consciousness is energy, the users question begins to manipulate the aura of their body. The energy of the quarters also become

    nfluenced by the aura of the body, since they are being held in the users hand. Once the question is asked, the infinite intelligence of ener

    nstantly understands the question and begins to answer it. The intelligence of energy automatically reacts this way because since energy i

    malleable, the consciousness of energy is also malleable. When a question is asked, the consciousness of energy becomes manipulated and

    eacts by giving an answer. Infinite intelligence gives an answer by using its own consciousness to influence the energy of the quarters

    urning itself into a tiny amount of kinetic energy in order to manipulate the results of the dropped quarters.

    The results will then bring up the exact hexagram that answers the exact question. This manipulation is absolutely necessary, as

    chance alone cannot describe every situation and answer every question. However, only a slight amount of manipulation is required in ord

    accomplish this task, which is why it is impossible to notice. In I-Ching there are 12 elements, with the year, month, and day representing of them. There are 64 different hexagrams, and depending on the coin results two hexagrams may be required for the question. The hexagr

    are governed by a set of rules, and each hexagram is interpreted differently based on the question being asked. In total, there are over a mil

    different possible outcomes, which gives consciousness plenty of leeway to select the right results with the least amount of manipulation

    Consciousness is probably only able to give such a small effect anyway, since it is only working with the energy of the users body. In thi

    espect, this thought exercise has both the requirements of the unknown energy and the consciousness of the observer in order to be


    This theory of divination has been based off of years of consciousness research and experimentation. To date, I have not seen any

    kind of serious research into divination. I believe no one has done the research because they dont believe such a phenomenon could exist

    even with all the evidence for it. Even if it did exist, they would have a terrible time explaining how it works. Since no one else has done a

    kind of research, I have decided to do it myself and have been for the past three years. In this respect, it has proven to be one of the mos

    difficult things I have ever done, but has also been an important asset to explain the nature of consciousness. The problem with researchin

    divination is that it takes much time and patience, and also requires a large amount of samples to rule out chance and improve validity. Fohese reasons, it is too much work for just one person.

    Consciousness is Energy


  • 7/24/2019 Consciousness is Energy


    With the theory of divination covered, the technical aspects can now be expounded upon. I have observed these technicals throug

    many results, and they seem to make sense to me. However more research and experimentation is needed to fully understand divination, w

    equires more time and manpower. One of the limitations of divination is that one can only ask so many questions within a period of time.

    eems as if the mind gets tired after awhile, and loses its freshness. Mental exhaustion could lead to the users thoughts having less energ

    which wouldnt be enough to manipulate the aura of the body. Additionally divination only works with serious questions. If a user asks a

    question they werent serious about, it probably wouldnt channel the fullest extent of their energy anyway. The technicals I have listed be

    automatically take these factors into consideration. The technicals of divination provide evidence for both the theory of consciousness, andother theories in mainstream science:

    It is affected by free will.

    When asking questions about the future, the results given are based

    the path of least resistance. It tells you the most probable outcome based on

    current facts and tendencies. However, there is still a chance that the path w

    change due to free will. Even though consciousness is infinitely intelligent,

    cannot predict every single one of our moves. Many people make the mistaof believing the results as absolute truth, and when they dont come true the

    believe the system is flawed and doesnt work. However what they dont

    realize is that the results given are true every single time, even if the events

    they foretell dont happen. Of course considering if the procedure is follow
