Consciousness 6 Things to Stop Saying to Instantly Raise Your Vibration February 19th, 2015 Hi Everybody, My name is Laura Weber and while I find labels limiting and transient, I could say that I am an visual artist, vibrational alchemist, and writer. My alchemy work strongly focuses in water and crystal technologies. You can connect with me via my ongoing crystal grid initiative: The Daily Grid as well as follow my creations and explorations via my Facebook Profile. My background includes Reiki Master-Teacher training, licensed massage therapy, professional writing, visual art, and in 2013 I self-published my first book of soul poetry called 2013- A Book of Verses. For as long as I remember I have loved to create and experiment in a wide variety of mediums and have found writing to be a great soundboard to express my discoveries and explorations. I hope you enjoy. One Love. Words are power. Words are creation. In almost all creation myths from cultures spanning the centuries and the globe we see stories telling of an original consciousness speaking or sounding the universe into existence. Alan Watts says, "The real you is not a puppet which life pushes around. The real DEEP DOWN you IS the whole universe. You are something the whole universe is doing, in the same way that a wave is something that the whole ocean is doing." So make like the universe that you are and start creating what you want. Here are 6 things NEVER to say if you want to accelerate your vibration and create a flower-filled existence:


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6 Things to Stop Saying to Instantly Raise Your VibrationFebruary 19th, 2015Hi Everybody, My name is Laura Weber and while I find labels limiting and transient, I could say that I am an visual artist, vibrational alchemist, and writer. My alchemy work strongly focuses in water and crystal technologies. You can connect with me via my ongoing crystal grid initiative:The Daily Gridas well as follow my creations and explorations via myFacebook Profile. My background includes Reiki Master-Teacher training, licensed massage therapy, professional writing, visual art, and in 2013 I self-published my first book of soul poetry called2013- A Book of Verses. For as long as I remember I have loved to create and experiment in a wide variety of mediums and have found writing to be a great soundboard to express my discoveries and explorations. I hope you enjoy. One Love.Words are power. Words are creation. In almost all creation myths from cultures spanning the centuries and the globe we see stories telling of an original consciousness speaking or sounding the universe into existence.Alan Watts says, "The real you is not a puppet which life pushes around. The real DEEP DOWN you IS the whole universe. You are something the whole universe is doing, in the same way that a wave is something that the whole ocean is doing."So make like the universe that you are and start creating what you want. Here are 6 things NEVER to say if you want to accelerate your vibration and create a flower-filled existence:"I can't"Doesn't it go without saying? Anything you put after "I" is a directive given to your perspective-driven vehicle of the universe telling it how to behave and what to give you. Instead of "I can't", when you hear it come out of your mouth or catch the thought about to sound itself, transform it into something like "I am finding a solution." See how that changes the whole world of possibilities? Give yourself an open door to explore the unknown rather than stamping it and throwing it into the impossible pile. Turn your curiosity on."I want""Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics." Everybody thinks that Albert Einstein said this. He did not. This is actually a Bashar quote. Either way, it is absolutely correct. And how it relates to the energy ofwantingis this; you cannot be in a state ofwantingandhavingat the same time. It is, based on actual physics, impossible. If you are in a deep state of feeling that you are wanting for something that is the opposite way you would feel if you actually had it already. Therefore, it is more efficient to be in a state ofgratitudefor what you have already because this keeps your magnetic energy field in the resonance of having thus setting you up to attract more and more of that having feeling. Do not confuse want for desire. Desire is that signal from the essence of who you really are being registered and it is the fundamental catalyst for drawing the manifestation of the desire to you, but shift your words from "I want" to "I have", "I love", "I am", etc."I'm sick""Your wish is my command," sayeth the universe. "I have fibromyalgia," "I have cancer," "I have a tumor," etc etc etc. You are affirming and giving energy to the illness. I know a lot of people are going to say, "you can't ignore what is!" and this is true. But after you've acknowledged you are out of balance you have the CHOICE and the RIGHT to choose different language that will instruct the cells in your body to behave differently and rather than building an identity around the imbalance you are experiencing, you can validate it, acknowledge it, and after investigating where you have come out of alignment, it is not necessary or required to continue treating an illness experience as a permanent fixture of who you are. Play with it, shape it, change it."YOU make me feel ______"could be replaced, if you wish, with "When you _______ I feel ______" See how that removes the blame game from this interaction? Changing your perception of the cause of your negative emotion doesn't take away your power by not acknowledging someone else's actions, it empowers you by allowing you to take the driver's seat of your emotional vehicle. When you say "When you _____ I feel ______" now you have created a sequence of ideas that will stretch out the cause and effect relationship of this emotional state, thus allowing you to see the underlying state of your being that is causing you to react in the way that you are reacting. And upon seeing WHY you are RE-ACTING you can then DE-ACTIVATE the behavior-emotion cycle that is occurring and ask the other person to adjust their actions or choose to remove yourself; or you might even completely dismantle the problem altogether just by giving yourself an honest perspective on what your trigger is."I don't have _______"This is another one of those fun gray area suggestions where I'm asking you to understand that while it may be logically or physically true that you don't have x, y, or z, it is probably not serving you to use your power of sound to affirm a state of lack you perceive yourself to be in. Oftentimes the lack of one specific resource is an invitation to give value to other undervalued or forgotten resources available to you and to allow yourself to be CREATIVE by using what you have available to you to do things in a whole new way, thus expanding your consciousness and your perceived ways of how something will happen."Yes"It's great to say yes- when your yes really meansYES. But how often are you saying 'yes' when inside everything is screaming, "NO"? Next time that happens take a good look at why you are doing this. What is the fear or lack of respect for oneself coming from? We're talking about empowering your use of the word. Therefore, to use the word with power, you must use it with integrity, and integrity starts with the self first and foremost. If you are using your word to disregard your own truth, your own needs, your own boundaries, then the vibrational template fields you are creating through sound are not cohesive and are not resonant with who you really are and this is a recipe for bad health, frustration, unhappiness, and feeling blocked."No"No is another power phrase when used correctly and also a power leak when used incorrectly. When you enforce and express your truth and your boundaries by using the word, 'no' you are strengthening the self and affirming the universe you are through your word. However, when you say, 'no' because of fear or denial, you are thwarting the free-flow of life force energy through you. You don't necessarily need to know exactly how everything will work out. Take it one step at a time. When everything inside you is saying, 'yes! yes! yes!" then say "yes, yes yes!" and allow that voice of doubt inside your head to be brought to the light and healed.Ultimately, how will you know if you are using the power of your word to create a joyous experience? By the way it feels. And for this, you must sensitize yourself. For a whole day, just make a point to tune in and observe how you FEEL when you SPEAK. If you feel energy draining away, if you feel tense, if you feel exhausted, if you feel frustrated, take note. Use your words to uplift yourself and empower yourself and see how different it feels.