Connect Connect - using video using video conference to enhance conference to enhance Chinese student integration Chinese student integration into UK experience into UK experience RuoLan Wang, University of Nottingham

Connect using video conference to enhance Chinese student integration into UK experience Connect - using video conference to enhance Chinese student integration

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ConnectConnect - using video conference using video conference to enhance Chinese student to enhance Chinese student

integration into UK experienceintegration into UK experience

RuoLan Wang, University of Nottingham

Page 2: Connect using video conference to enhance Chinese student integration into UK experience Connect - using video conference to enhance Chinese student integration

“…embodiment of a modern international university” – Sunday Times

Good University Guide 2011

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School of Computer Science - Top 10% 2008 RAE

- Jubilee campus (UK), Ningbo campus (China) and Semenyih campus (Malaysia)

Division of Computer Science

(Ningbo, China)

- 2+2 honours degree programme

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Identified IssuesIdentified Issues

• Ningbo Chinese students’ difficult of integrating into Nottingham UK taught programme in year 2 (academically and socially)

- English language proficiency

- Lack of knowledge of local culture

- Unfamiliarity of new learning environment etc.

• Appropriateness of designing and organising socially shared-activity between cohorts

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Aims of the projectAims of the project

• to smooth Chinese students’ transition from Ningbo to Nottingham

• to develop student’s international capability• to develop an effective and appropriate

mechanism for shared T&L and social activities across campuses

• to increase awareness of issues in transnational higher education

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Why video conferencing? Why video conferencing?

• Well developed

• Affordable

• Allows face-to-face / real-time communication regardless distance

• Sustainable technology

• Ready to use + on-site IT support

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• Ethnographic approach - tends to focus on how things are and how they got that way (Wolcott, H. F, 1980). This approach was used primarily to collect personal and qualitative data to form the understanding of the complex situation.

- Participatory observation / Semi-structured interview / focus group

• Design-based research (DBR) - practitioners and researchers work together to produce meaningful change in context of practice (The design-based research collective, 2003)

- Forming a student committee (N=5)

- Regular meetings / activities design

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Themes of the video-linked events

• Meeting the first time – Nov 10

Life in Nottingham/Ningbo: cultural & social aspects of two different cities

• Celebrating Christmas - Dec 10

Christmas traditions in the UK/Christmas quiz & price draw

• Chinese New Year – Feb 11

CNY celebration in China / activities & price draw

• Easter & Easter Egg Hunt – Mar 11

Easter – its origins & meanings / quiz & game playing

• Coming to Nottingham – May 11

What should be prepared? / Fresher’s week / Q & A session

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Video Conferenced Easter Egg Hunt

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Student FeedbackStudent Feedback

• Familiar with each other’s culture and learning/living environment

• Made friends prior to their arrival to the UK campus (Chinese)

• A chance to ask questions face-to-face to their UK peer /Staff (Chinese)

• Perception changed toward their Chinese peer (UK)

• Improved communication skill and creativity (both)• Fun! (both)

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Challenges Challenges

• Time difference: 7-8 hours

• cross-campus communication

• Technical failure

• Chairing the social event

• Uneven number of participants

• Organising offline communication

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Lesson learntLesson learnt

• Pre-conference connection test

• Staff participation

• Event size – no more than 10 people each site

• Make it clear – clarify the purpose of the event beforehand

• Allow time to prepare (students)

• High-context and structured activities

• Keep it social and informal

• Off line communication

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An Example - Agenda 23rd March

• 13:00 -13:10 – Greeting + Chinese teaching/learning session (Ningbo – Patrick & Bob)

• 13:10-13:10 – Chinese New Year celebration (Ningbo-Patrick and Bob)

• 13:15-13:20 – Easter introduction (Nottingham - Chris)

• 13:20-13:40 – Easter quiz (8 questions) (Nottingham -Chris)

• 13:40-14:00 – VC Easter egg hunt (both sites)

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Project OutcomesProject Outcomes

• Video conferencing proved to be an effective method to be used to enhance cross-campus student integration

• Motivated the UK students’ interests to experience different culture /learning in overseas campuses

• A student-led website http://2plus2.cs.nott.ac.uk/

• The project has now been extended to a bigger scope