Congregation brith sholom President: EDWARD K. LEVY rabbi: Michael singer Rabbi emeritus: rabbi Allen juda Volume XXViI No. 10 ~ October 2016 Elul 5776 ~ Tishri 5777 Sunday, October 23 ~ 1:00 - 4:00 PM ……PLUS…… EQUALS= A Great Time with family & friends! *Bar-B-Que * Beer * Board Games* Come fulfill the mitzvah of eating (and watching football) in the Sukkah. There will be bar-b-que prepared by grill masters of CBS including Rabbi Michael “The Marinader-Serenader” Singer. Menu of Various Wings and Kosher Sausages to delight your palate and more. Beer and Wine will be available at an additional charge. WEWILLBETHERE: NAME:__________________________________ No.Adults@$12:_____ No.Children(5+)@$5:_______ No.Children5orunder(free):______ Total amount:______________________ PleaseRSVPbyFriday,October14toTammyattheoffice. Paymentbycheck,cashorcreditcard. Vegetarian? Allergies? Please let us know so you’ll be happy eating too.

Congregation brith sholom · 10/9/2016  · skin of Leviathan) and offer praise and thanksgiving to God together. Indeed, Sukkot is called z’man simchateinu - literally the “time

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Page 1: Congregation brith sholom · 10/9/2016  · skin of Leviathan) and offer praise and thanksgiving to God together. Indeed, Sukkot is called z’man simchateinu - literally the “time

Congregation brith sholom

President: EDWARD K. LEVY rabbi: Michael singer

Rabbi emeritus: rabbi Allen juda

Volume XXViI No. 10 ~ October 2016 Elul 5776 ~ Tishri 5777

Sunday, October 23 ~ 1:00 - 4:00 PM



A Great Time with family & friends!

*Bar-B-Que * Beer * Board Games*

Come fulfill the mitzvah of eating (and watching football) in the Sukkah. There will be bar-b-que prepared by grill

masters of CBS including Rabbi Michael “The Marinader-Serenader” Singer.

Menu of Various Wings and Kosher Sausages to delight your palate and more.

Beer and Wine will be available at an additional charge.



No. Adults @ $12:_____ No. Children (5+) @ $5:_______ No. Children 5 or under (free):______

Total amount:______________________

Please RSVP by Friday, October 14 to Tammy at the office. Payment by check, cash or credit card.

Vegetarian? Allergies? Please let us know so you’ll be happy eating too.

Page 2: Congregation brith sholom · 10/9/2016  · skin of Leviathan) and offer praise and thanksgiving to God together. Indeed, Sukkot is called z’man simchateinu - literally the “time



I know that I am not alone in feeling overwhelmed and anxious about the

world in which we live. It seems that almost every conversation is fraught with either the coming Presidential election, the multiple crises overseas, and the discord here at home. While I believe we must be informed and engaged in the moral issues and demands of our times, we all need some way of letting off a little steam, of lightening the mood as it were, so that we can recharge ourselves for the tasks which lay ahead. That is why I hope you will join me in thanking God for the holiday of Sukkot! With its themes of thanksgiving, welcom-ing, and agricultural focus on fertility, Sukkot brings life, celebration and joy to the forefront. It operates on a totally different holiday cycle than Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur (introspection, repentance and forgiveness) which precede it. In our tradition, Sukkot is last of the Shelosh Regalim, the 3 pilgrimage holidays, with Pesach followed by Shavuot leading the cycle. Following the story progression, we begin with freedom from Egypt, receive the Torah at Mt. Sinai, and conclude with God’s protection (sukkat shalom) as we make our journey to the Promised Land. The Promised Land, however, is not only the tangible land of Israel but also the great hope of the Messianic Era. Our tradition views Sukkot as more that just another holiday but indeed “THE HOLIDAY!” It is suffused with the themes of the ultimate hope and redemption to come, when all nations will come up to Jerusalem (The City of Peace), sit under the great Sukkah (made from the skin of Leviathan) and offer praise and thanksgiving to God together. Indeed, Sukkot is called z’man simchateinu - literally the “time of our rejoicing.” Sukkot reminds us that despite all of the tzurris that tries to bring us down, we believe that in the end God will see us through. We do not give up on ourselves, on God, or the dream of a better world. Instead, we sing Hallel, parade with lulavim and etrogim, dwell in sukkot, and share our bountiful feast with each other and strangers alike. Take a deep breath of crisp autumn air, look up at the stars, take in the vibrant color of the leaves, hang out in the sukkah without a newspaper, tv, or (dare I say it) a cell phone, and talk about all of the blessings we truly have and enjoy. As two talented and wise Jewish poet/songwriters would remind us, “Slow down, you move too fast. Got to make the morning last. Just kicking down the cobblestones. Looking for fun and feeling groovy!” (credit to Paul Simon & Art Garfunkel) What a party we can throw (Schnapps optional)! As Kohelet (Ecclesiastes) reminds us, “A season is set for everything, a time for every experience under heaven…A time for weeping and a time for laughing, A time for wailing and a time from dancing…”(3:1,4) Sukkot is a time for rejoicing, and a time for thanksgiving. A time for welcoming and a time for peace. So as we say the special greeting for Sukkot, “Moadim L’Simcha!” and respond “Chagim u’Zmanim l’Sasson!” (“(May you have) a joyous festival!”/ “Holidays and Times for Celebrating!”) May we remember that Sukkot is the Rx from the Big Doctor Upstairs. God knows we need it. So let the festivities begin! Rabbi Michael Singer

Sukkot: Just the Rx God Ordered

Page 3: Congregation brith sholom · 10/9/2016  · skin of Leviathan) and offer praise and thanksgiving to God together. Indeed, Sukkot is called z’man simchateinu - literally the “time


Friday, September 30 ~ Candle Lighting: 6:25 pm ~ SATURDAY, October 1

Torah Portion: Nitzavim ~ Deuteronomy 29:9-30:20 ~ Haftarah: Isaiah 61:10-63:9 ~ Havdalah: 7:49pm




Friday, October 14~ Candle Lighting: 6:03 pm ~ SATURDAY, October 15

Torah Portion: Ha’Azinu ~ Deuteronomy 32:1-52~ Haftarah: II Samuel 22:1-51 ~ Havdalah: 7:26 pm


Friday, October 21 ~ Candle Lighting: 5:53 pm ~ SATURDAY, October 22

Torah Reading: Exodus 33:12-34:26; Numbers 29:26-31 ~ Haftarah: Ezekiel 38:18-39:16 ~ Havdalah: 7:16 pm

Friday, October 7 ~ Candle Lighting: 6:14 pm ~ SATURDAY, October 8 Torah Portion: Vayelekh ~ Deuteronomy 31:30 ~ Haftarah: Hosea 14:2-10, Micah 7:18-20; Joel 2:15-27 ~

Havdalah: 7:37 pm

Schedule of Services


Everyone is invited to attend and participate in the beauty of the Shabbat Services and the Kiddush that follows.

Services begin Shabbat morning at 9:00 AM.

MINYAN—is held in the Chapel

Monday and Thursday mornings……….7:45 AM

Holiday mornings……………...9:00 AM


Friday, October 28 ~ Candle Lighting: 5:43 pm ~ SATURDAY, October 29

Torah Portion: Bereshit ~ Genesis 1:1-6:8 ~ Haftarah: 1 Samuel 20:18-42 ~ Havdalah: 7:07 pm





Page 4: Congregation brith sholom · 10/9/2016  · skin of Leviathan) and offer praise and thanksgiving to God together. Indeed, Sukkot is called z’man simchateinu - literally the “time


DINNER & Please join us for a 1890's dinner setting

the stage for the big screen showing of HESTER STREET

Our resident film maven, Barbara Platt,

returns to bring greater light to the

relevance of the movie.

Sunday, October 30, 2016 PM

Ticket Price includes Dinner, Movie & Discussion.

$20 per person Bring Family & Friends.

Dinner includes Eastern European specialties like stuffed cabbage and apple strudel.

Hester Street, tells the story of Jewish immigrants who come to the Lower East side in 1896 from Europe, as did so many of our ancestors. So, it is the familiar story of the evolution of cultures, ambition, sex roles and religious traditions. Familiar, yet special for as Wikipedia says "The film is note-worthy for its detailed reconstruction of Jewish immigrant life in New York at the turn of the century—much of the dialogue is delivered in Yiddish with English subtitles—...In addition, Carol Kane's lead character posed a still-provocative synthesis as she dis-covers her own self-assertion on behalf of her right to maintain a traditional identity in an aggressively modern setting." This is a good movie to share with teens who might be less familiar with this aspect of Jewish history.


at CBS

(October 12th) On Yom Kippur, when the gates close and the day has drawn to an end, stay at Brith Sholom. Break-the-Fast by breaking bread with your family & friends right here. There will be a light, delicious and just-right meal for us at the nominal fee of $10 per adult, no charge for children Please, you must reserve your place in advance so we will have ample for all.

Send your R.S.V.P. to the office. Brith Sholom, 1190 W. Macada Rd., Bethlehem, PA 18017

Yes, please reserve a place for me/us at the table: Name:__________________________________ Number of Adults at $10 per person:_____________________ Number of Children below the age of 13:___________________ Amount included: $______ Please make out check to “Congregation Brith Sholom” with Break-the-Fast in the memo line. Thank you.

Kindly R.S.V.P. BY Wednesday, October 5th, 2016

Page 5: Congregation brith sholom · 10/9/2016  · skin of Leviathan) and offer praise and thanksgiving to God together. Indeed, Sukkot is called z’man simchateinu - literally the “time





High Holiday ticketsareabene)itofsynagoguemembership.

A. IfyouareaFAMILYORSINGLEMEMBERofCBS:allmembersofyourimmediatefamilyincludingchildrenwhoarepastbarmitzvahagebutarestillstudents,highschool,college,graduateschoolarewelcomeatnoadditionalcharge.TheFamilyorSinglecategorydoesNOTincludegrandparents,auntsandunclesorsiblingsofanyage.Ticketsareavailableatregularrates.

B. IfyouareanUNAFFILIATEDCOLLEGESTUDENT(Lehigh,Lafayette,Muhlenberg,Moravian,DeSalesandalloutoftheareaschools):CBSwelcomesyoutoallservices,HighHolidaysincluded,atnocharge.

C. IfyouareintheARMEDFORCES:CBSwelcomesyouatnocharge.








NAME:_______________________________ EMAIL:_________________________________________



A.SynagogueMembersReducedPriceof$50@xno.____ total$_______




Bethlehem/Easton Hadassah

Book and Film Club

Date: Thursday, October 20 ~ 1:30 p.m.

Book: Marriage of Opposites by Alice Hoffman

Place: Ann Goldberg, 2351 Esquire Drive Easton ~ 610-829-1221

Mazel Tov to

Brith Sholom


Maur and Doe Levan

From Jewish Family Service

8(ish) Over 80 Honorees

Thanks to all those Brith Sholom members who attended the September 18, 2016 IJCU Wallenberg tribute honoring Rabbi Emeri-

tus, Allen Juda. A great turnout and a terrific event.

Page 6: Congregation brith sholom · 10/9/2016  · skin of Leviathan) and offer praise and thanksgiving to God together. Indeed, Sukkot is called z’man simchateinu - literally the “time


ELECTION 2016: Certainty vs. Uncertainty Wednesday November 2, 2016 at 7:30 p.m.

At Congregation Brith Sholom, 1190 W. Macada Rd, Bethlehem

Are you excited about the current presidential race between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump? The struggle for control of the United States Senate and House of Representatives will also be addressed. Do you want to know more about what issues will have the greatest impact on determining the outcome of this

heated election? How Pennsylvania, a critical battleground state, will go? Will Dent and Toomey win reelection? If so,

please plan to attend what should be, based on past experience, a very interesting and informative program.

Dr. Chris Borick, Director of the Institute of Public Opinion at Muhlenberg College a political scientist and leading pollster, will share his insights on the heated presidential race and the national political scene. In addition, Dr. Gordon Goldberg, Professor Emeritus of History at Kutztown University, the author of a biography about Meyer London, the New York Socialist Congressman, will discuss the issue of continuity and

discontinuity in American history. He will also conduct a poll of the audience. Similar polls in 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012

and 2014 proved very accurate in predicting the results. So please join us and bring your friends.

The event is sponsored by Congregation Brith Sholom and the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley. It will be held at Congregation Brith Sholom, on Wednesday, November 2, at 7:30 p.m. For additional information call

(610) 866-8009.

Morris Black and Sons, Inc.

Block Insurance

Bill Coyle Family

Carpenters Union N.E. Region Local 600

Embassy Bank

Engel, Bergstein & Wiener

Wm. Elek Ltd.

Fishburn Realty

Dr. Jay Fisher & Family

Floor Layers Union #251

Long Funeral Home

Lehigh Valley Iron Pigs

Nazareth Ford

Metro Design Center

Sands Casino

We wish to thank the Sponsors of the Brith Sholom 11We wish to thank the Sponsors of the Brith Sholom 11We wish to thank the Sponsors of the Brith Sholom 11We wish to thank the Sponsors of the Brith Sholom 11thththth

Annual Golf Tournament Annual Golf Tournament Annual Golf Tournament Annual Golf Tournament

for their generosity.for their generosity.for their generosity.for their generosity.

Thank You!!!Thank You!!!Thank You!!!Thank You!!!

Brith Sholom would like to extend a sincere welcome to all those who joined our CBS family from 2015 to 2016. We plan to celebrate a New Member Shabbat weekend

Friday, Nov.4th - Our first Shabbat dinner. New members will come as our guests. Others should make their reservations NOW.

Saturday, Nov. 5th - New members will participate and be recognized at our Shabbat service and Kiddush/luncheon.

Please "save the dates" and plan to attend these important community events!

Thanks for your support.

Our Membership Committee

Page 7: Congregation brith sholom · 10/9/2016  · skin of Leviathan) and offer praise and thanksgiving to God together. Indeed, Sukkot is called z’man simchateinu - literally the “time


High Holiday ServicesHigh Holiday ServicesHigh Holiday ServicesHigh Holiday Services————5777577757775777


Sunday, October 2

Candle Lighting…………………….. 6:30 P.M.

Evening Service…………………….. 6:30 P.M.

Monday, October 3

Morning Services………………… ..8:00 A.M.

Tashlikh…………………………... ...5:00 P.M.

Afternoon/Evening Services……….6:15 P.M.

Tuesday, October 4

Morning Services………………….8:00 A.M.



Tuesday, October 11

Candle Lighting…………………………5:50 P.M.

Afternoon Service ………………………5:40 P.M.

Kol Nidre Services... ……………………6:00 P.M.

Wednesday, October 12

Morning Services…………………….. 10:00 A.M.

Afternoon/Evening Services………….. 4:15 P.M.


* * * * **** *** ** * *** * * * * *


Sunday, October 16

Candle Lighting…………………………6:00 P.M.

Evening Service……………………..… 6:15 P.M.

Monday, October 17

Morning Services……………………… 9:00 A.M.

Tuesday, October 18

Morning Services………………………. 9:00 A.M.


Sunday, October 23

Candle Lighting …………………………5:50P.M.

Monday, October 24

Morning Services — YIZKOR………… 9:00 A.M.


FAMILY SERVICE……………………… 6:00 P.M.

Tuesday, October 25

Morning Services………………………... 9:00 A.M.



♦ Leo & Marilyn Heitlinger in honor of their granddaughter,

Caia’s baby naming

Golden Contribution:

♦ Jannie & Edwin Kay in celebration of our 50th wedding anni-


Double Chai:

♦ Debra and Mark Ross in loving memory of our mother, Sheila


♦ Ron Ticho and Pam Lott in honor of Charles and Jean Ticho’s

56th wedding anniversary

♦ Jannie Kay in celebration of my birthday

KIDDUSH: A Prayer for Those Who Serve the Community

Each Saturday we offer a prayer from our

Siddur that blesses those who establish houses

of worship, for those who come to pray in them,

seek shelter, contribute to its maintenance,

provide shelter, provide food for guests and for

those who are hungry, and, for the wine that is

sanctified for Kiddush. We are grateful to all

who sponsor and

contribute to

Kiddush and make

donations to the

many funds that

support our



Keep Brith Sholom in good standing.

Call Miller-Keystone Blood Center at

(610) 691-5850 and make an appointment.

“Give the Gift of Life.”

Call today to schedule your

appointment to donate blood on behalf

of Brith Sholom

Page 8: Congregation brith sholom · 10/9/2016  · skin of Leviathan) and offer praise and thanksgiving to God together. Indeed, Sukkot is called z’man simchateinu - literally the “time


IT’S a Brith Sholom TRADITION! November 4, 2016

THE 1ST SHABBAT DINNER of the YEAR! The Shabbat Dinner Season begins

with a traditional Friday night dinner (vegetarian option available, of course). Sponsor a New Member for an additional $15 or a New Couple for $25

6:00 PM services followed by dinner.










#Kindelach@$5(5-13yrs.):_______ LittleOnes(<5):N/Cbutweneedtoknow

VegetarianOption?Howmany?___________ FoodAllergies?Pleaseletusknow.


New at the J! - The JCC of the Lehigh Valley announces its Author Series.

Sunday, October 30, 7:00 p.m. Kline Auditorium Felice Cohen

90 Lessons for Living Large in 90 Square Feet (...or more), What Papa Told Me You may purchase these books and enjoy refreshments in the Gallery at the J at 6:30 p.m. When her “tiny apartment” YouTube video went viral with millions of hits, people around the world emailed author/blogger Felice Cohen asking for advice on how to declutter their homes and lives. This inspired her to write “90 Lessons

for Living Large in 90 Square Feet (or more)” She wrote “What Papa Told Me” as a gift to her grandfather, a Holocaust survivor, whose story is told in this work. Felice has been featured on Good Morning America, NBC, CBS, Fox5, Sirius, NPR, Time, Forbes, and much more. View the YouTube video on the JCC's website: www.lvjcc.org This event is co-sponsored by the Holocaust Resource Center

Page 9: Congregation brith sholom · 10/9/2016  · skin of Leviathan) and offer praise and thanksgiving to God together. Indeed, Sukkot is called z’man simchateinu - literally the “time


GOLDEN DONATION In honor of Rabbi Singer and Sam Guncler Bruce & Rose Pollack In memory of Leo Pozefsky Henry, Isabel, Gary & Jeff Schiff


In honor of the marriage of William & Reina Kay Gary & Debbie Miller Best wishes for a speedy recovery to Margo Wiener Steve & Nanci Bergstein In memory of beloved husband and father, Harold Mindlin Beth and Beatrice Mindlin In loving memory of beloved fa-ther, Joseph Pestcoe Andrew & Flora Pestcoe In loving memory of beloved mother, Virginia Stehney Ann Stehney In loving memory of beloved grandfather, Moshe Koussevitzky on the occasion of his yahrzeit Ziona Brotleit

SILVER DONATION Mazel tov to Aaron, Danielle, Toby and Rabbi Juda on the birth of Juliette Ella Juda Ed & Ursla Levy In fond memory of Leo Pozefsky Ed & Ursla Levy In memory of Leo Pozefsky Alan & Roz Cohen In loving memory of Lena Riskin The Riskin Family In honor of Rabbi Juda’s Wallen-berg Tribute Alan & Roz Cohen In honor of the birth of Juliette Ella Juda Jerry & Florence Hausman In memory of Leo Pozefsky

Betsy Glazier In honor of the birth of Juliette Ella Juda Ken & Marilyn Kalnitsky

CHAI DONATION In loving memory of beloved father, Stanley Goldstein David & Tova Goldstein In memory of Dr. Egal Feldman Joan Bischoff In memory of Leo Pozefsky Irving Kaplan In honor of the birth of Juliette Ella Juda Irving Kaplan In loving memory of Selma Freedman Marla Freedman In memory of Rose Brown Linda Redding In loving memory of Alison Diamond George & Roberta Diamond In memory of Jack Green, brother of Helen Cook Jerry & Florence Hausman In memory of Leo Pozefsky Jerry & Florence Hausman In memory of beloved father, Dr. Alvin H. Freedman Marla Freedman In memory of Milton Adler Brenda & John Karas, Allen, Shirley, Tammy & Lori Adler In memory of Leo Pozefsky Harry & Ruthie Shleifer In honor of the newest member of the Juda family Harry & Ruthie Shleifer L’shana Tova and thank you both for your friendship Norm & Sandy Wruble Helen Ebert In honor of the birth of Juliette Ella Juda

Steve & Nanci Bergstein

TEMPLE DONATION In honor of Norm & Sandy Wruble’s wedding anniversary Michael & Stephanie Berman In memory of Leo Pozefsky Casey Goldblat In memory of Joseph Goldblat Casey Goldblat In honor of Harris Apsell’s birthday Casey Goldblat In honor of the birth of Juliette Ella Juda Norm & Sandy Wruble In memory of beloved father, Irving Klein Herb & Julia Saunders In memory of Jack Green, brother of Helen Cook Ruth Kugelman In honor of the birth of Juliette Ella Juda Ruth Kugelman In honor of Rabbi Juda receiving the Wallenberg Tribute Ruth Kugelman In memory of Arline Gold Michael & Jane Spitzer In memory of Leo Pozefsky Linda Redding In honor of the birth of Juliette Ella Juda Ziona Brotleit In appreciation for my Aliyah on my grandfather’s yahrzeit Ziona Brotleit In memory of Jack Green Anne Cornfeld

PLATINUM DONATION In memory of Leo Pozefsky Bruce & Ardie Smackey In appreciation of Brith Sholom Izzy & Sharon Studzienko

It is with gratitude that we acknowledge the following gifts given to the synagogue in

memory of or to honor and commemorate the people or events mentioned. It is a sacred

obligation and a unique privilege for each of us to be able to show such traditional support

and respect for our heritage and loved ones.

(Minimum contributions to each of the donation levels are: Temple/$10; Chai/$18;

Silver/$25; Double Chai/$36); Golden/$50; Platinum/$100

Page 10: Congregation brith sholom · 10/9/2016  · skin of Leviathan) and offer praise and thanksgiving to God together. Indeed, Sukkot is called z’man simchateinu - literally the “time


WEEK OF OCTOBER 1, 2016 Sidney Berman 28 Elul Oct. 1 * Rose Blinderman 2 Tishri Oct. 4 * Louis Horn 28 Elul Oct. 1 Leonard Goldberg 3 Tishri Oct. 5 * Nathan Salman 28 Elul Oct. 1 * Abraham Goldstein 4 Tishri Oct. 6 * Bernard Goldenberg 1 Tishri Oct. 3 * Philip Smackey 4 Tishri Oct. 6 Wolf Grines 1 Tishri Oct. 3 Myron Wolkoff 4 Tishri Oct. 6 Helen Packman 1 Tishri Oct. 3 * Edith Lang 5 Tishri Oct. 7 * Paula Schwalb 1 Tishri Oct. 3 * Sadie Rosenberg 5 Tishri Oct. 7 * Leonard Wissow 1 Tishri Oct. 3 WEEK OF OCTOBER 8, 2016 Stanley Riseman 6 Tishri Oct. 8 * Rebecca Block 10 Tishri Oct. 12 * Bernard Rosenberg 6 Tishri Oct. 8 Sara Boganovitz 10 Tishri Oct. 12 Herbert Wildfeuer 6 Tishri Oct. 8 Rose Guncler 10 Tishri Oct. 12 * Morris Black 7 Tishri Oct. 9 Samuel Guncler 10 Tishri Oct. 12 Robert Friedman 7 Tishri Oct. 9 * Lillian Moss 10 Tishri Oct. 12 Molly Garber 7 Tishri Oct. 9 Joseph Spitzer 10 Tishri Oct. 12 Evelyn G. Klayton 7 Tishri Oct. 9 * Morris L. Glazier 11 Tishri Oct. 13 Solomon Knafo 7 Tishri Oct. 9 Sanford Heims 11 Tishri Oct. 13 * Ernest Grotsky 8 Tishri Oct. 10 * Fred Leitner 11 Tishri Oct. 13 Bernard Moskowitz 8 Tishri Oct. 10 Edward Schwalb 11 Tishri Oct. 13 * William Weisz 9 Tishri Oct. 11 * Freda Grotsky 12 Tishri Oct. 14 WEEK OF OCTOBER 15, 2016 Chaim Schonberg 13 Tishri Oct. 15 Eleanor Berman 16 Tishri Oct. 18 * Isadore Israelite 14 Tishri Oct. 16 * Shimon Solomon 16 Tishri Oct. 18 * Morris Cornfeld 14 Tishri Oct. 16 * Elkah Solomon 16 Tishri Oct. 18 Rose Dreyer 14 Tishri Oct. 16 * Mildred Isaacs 17 Tishri Oct. 19 * Anna B. Zimmerman 14 Tishri Oct. 16 Elijah Foxson 18 Tishri Oct. 20 * Michael Albert 15 Tishri Oct. 17 * Steven H. Goldblat 18 Tishri Oct. 20 * Marvin Lisker 15 Tishri Oct. 17 * Leslie Ackner 19 Tishri Oct. 21 * Bella Neuman 15 Tishri Oct. 17 * Esther Goodman 19 Tishri Oct. 21 * Joseph Riskin 15 Tishri Oct. 17 * Wolfe Long 19 Tishri Oct. 21 Sidney Schwartz 15 Tishri Oct. 17 * Harry Spitzer 19 Tishri Oct. 21 * Nathan Spear 15 Tishri Oct. 17 * Helen Weisz 19 Tishri Oct. 21 WEEK OF OCTOBER 22, 2016 * Pearle Lewis 21 Tishri Oct. 23 * Eugene Schobel 23 Tishri Oct. 25 Marta Feitl 21 Tishri Oct. 23 Boyd Silverberg 23 Tishri Oct. 25 * David E. Reis 22 Tishri Oct. 24 Biena S. Goldman 24 Tishri Oct. 26 Yetta Weber 22 Tishri Oct. 24 Paul Pozefsky 24 Tishri Oct. 26 Irving Endick 23 Tishri Oct. 25 Harry Friedman 25 Tishri Oct. 27 * Pauline Gordon 23 Tishri Oct. 25 Bessie Friedman 26 Tishri Oct. 28 * Harold Hirshberg 23 Tishri Oct. 25 Dora Sarachek 26 Tishri Oct. 28 * Anna Rosenberg 23 Tishri Oct. 25 * Max Weiner 26 Tishri Oct. 28 Lew Saunders 23 Tishri Oct. 25 WEEK OF OCTOBER 29, 2016 * Harry Blinderman 27 Tishri Oct. 29 Robert Freedman 30 Tishri Nov. 1 Walter Oppenheimer 27 Tishri Oct. 29 * Samuel Laster 30 Tishri Nov. 1 Margaret Ovsak 27 Tishri Oct. 29 Rose Klein 1 Heshvan Nov. 2 Harold Weinstein 27 Tishri Oct. 29 * Nathan Silberman 1 Heshvan Nov. 2 * Louis Gross 28 Tishri Oct. 30 * Helen Stein 1 Heshvan Nov. 2 Anna Parmet 28 Tishri Oct. 30 * Sarah Schobel 1 Heshvan Nov. 2 Etta Saltzman 28 Tishri Oct. 30 * Joseph D. Fraivillig 2 Heshvan Nov. 3 * Hyman Lazarowitz 28 Tishri Oct. 30 * Martha Lax 2 Heshvan Nov. 3 * Dorothy Amsterdam29 Tishri Oct. 31 * Henny Feigenblott 3 Heshvan Nov. 4 Pearl Kornit 29 Tishri Oct. 31 * Henry Adler 3 Heshvan Nov. 4 Naomi C. Berman 30 Tishri Nov. 1 Fannie Kuntz 3 Heshvan Nov. 4 * Mack Feigenblott 30 Tishri Nov. 1

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28 Elul, 5776

29 Tishri, 5777

October 2016 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


28th of Elul,

5776 Parashat




29th of Elul,

5776 Erev Rosh Hashana



1st of Tishrei,

5777 Rosh Hashana 5777



2nd of Tishrei,

5777 Rosh Hashana II



3rd of Tishrei, 5777


4th of Tishrei, 5777

Yoga Class



5th of Tishrei, 5777



6th of Tishrei,

5777 Parashat Vayeilech



7th of Tishrei, 5777


8th of Tishrei, 5777


9th of Tishrei,

5777 Erev Yom Kippur



10th of Tishrei,

5777 Yom Kippur



11th of Tishrei, 5777

Yoga Class



12th of Tishrei, 5777



13th of Tishrei,

5777 Parashat Ha'Azinu



14th of Tishrei,

5777 Erev Suk-kot



15th of Tishrei,

5777 Sukkot I



16th of Tishrei,

5777 Sukkot II



17th of Tishrei,

5777 Sukkot III



18th of Tishrei, 5777

Yoga Class



19th of Tishrei,

5777 Sukkot V (CH''M)



20th of Tishrei,

5777 Sukkot VI (CH''M)


23 Sukkah Bar & Grill—1 PM



22nd of Tishrei,

5777 Shmini Atzeret



23rd of Tishrei,

5777 Simchat Torah



24th of Tishrei, 5777


25th of Tishrei, 5777

Yoga Class



26th of Tishrei, 5777



27th of Tishrei,

5777 Parashat Bereshit



Dinner & Movie

Hester Street

5:00 PM


29th of Tishrei, 5777

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President: EDWARD K. LEVY Rabbi: Michael singer

Rabbi Emeritus: Rabbi Allen Juda


Congregation Brith SholomCongregation Brith SholomCongregation Brith SholomCongregation Brith Sholom

1190 West Macada Road1190 West Macada Road1190 West Macada Road1190 West Macada Road

Bethlehem, PA 18017Bethlehem, PA 18017Bethlehem, PA 18017Bethlehem, PA 18017

Non-Profit Organization PERMIT no. 461 U.S. Postage Paid Lehigh Valley, PA

Volume XXViI No. 10 October 2016 Elul 5776 ~ Tishri 5777

Tel: 610-866-8009 Fax: 610-866-8000

email: [email protected]

[email protected]

Visit our website at
