20-26 August 2021 Congratulations to our students on their record breaking IGCSE & A Level Results (June 2021 Series) A huge congratulations to all staff and students for the notable and record-breaking results of Cambridge Assessment International Education (CAIE) IGCSE & A Level June 2021 Series! The results awarded reflected the true potential of our students’ academic ability. The 100% passing rate of our students across subjects in IGCSE, AS and A- Level examination truly asserts our contention that NH’s assessment requirements are on par with Cambridge standards. The impressive record-breaking results are indeed no flash in the pan. The 100% passing rate is a testament to NH’s determination over the years in building a nurturing environment for the students to overcome the challenges that would have likely compromised their ability to prepare for the exams. Instead of losing their focus, our students exerted conscious effort to be on track. They studied and revised for their exams periodically which helped them nurture their concept knowledge and strengthened their confidence. As it stands, our students justly deserved the grades. Below is the summary of the results: Cambridge International IGCSE Subject Passing Percentage Percentage of students who achieved A*/A Accounting 100% 50 A Mathematics 100% 74 Biology 100% 91 Business Studies 100% 82 Chemistry 100% 89 Chinese as 2 nd Language 100% 100 Economics 100% 84 First Language English 100% 88 Foreign Language Mandarin Chinese 100% 86 Geography 100% 33 Mathematics (w/o Coursework) 100% 83 Physics 100% 88

Congratulations to our students on their record breaking

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Page 1: Congratulations to our students on their record breaking

20-26 August 2021

Congratulations to our students on their record breaking IGCSE & A Level Results

(June 2021 Series)

A huge congratulations to all staff and students for the notable and record-breaking results of Cambridge Assessment International Education (CAIE) – IGCSE & A Level June 2021 Series!

The results awarded reflected the true potential of our students’ academic ability. The 100% passing rate of our students across subjects in IGCSE, AS and A- Level examination truly asserts our contention that NH’s assessment requirements are on par with Cambridge standards.

The impressive record-breaking results are indeed no flash in the pan. The 100% passing rate is a testament to NH’s determination over the years in building a nurturing environment for the students to overcome the challenges that would have likely compromised their ability to prepare for the exams.

Instead of losing their focus, our students exerted conscious effort to be on track. They studied and revised for their exams periodically which helped them nurture their concept knowledge and strengthened their confidence. As it stands, our students justly deserved the grades.

Below is the summary of the results:

Cambridge International IGCSE

Subject Passing Percentage

Percentage of students who achieved A*/A

Accounting 100% 50

A Mathematics 100% 74

Biology 100% 91

Business Studies 100% 82

Chemistry 100% 89

Chinese as 2nd Language 100% 100

Economics 100% 84

First Language English 100% 88

Foreign Language Mandarin Chinese 100% 86

Geography 100% 33

Mathematics (w/o Coursework) 100% 83

Physics 100% 88

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20-26 August 2021

Cambridge International A Level

Subject Passing Percentage Percentage of students who achieved A*/A

Accounting 100% 100

Biology 100% 100

Business 100% 43

Chemistry 100% 82

Economics 100% 88

F-Mathematics 100% 100

Global Perspectives & Research 100% 85

History 100% 75

Mathematics 100% 88

Physics 100% 79

Cambridge International AS Level

Subject Passing Percentage Percentage of students who achieved A/A*

Accounting 100% 100

Business 100% 100

Economics 100% 100

F-Mathematics 100% 100

Global Perspectives & Research 100% 79

History 100% 50

Mathematics 100% 100

Once again, kudos to all our students and staff for surpassing expectations!

Shared by: Hannia Derogongan Marohombsar Dean for Academics

Page 3: Congratulations to our students on their record breaking

20-26 August 2021

>> Upcoming Events

21 August Student Council Online Training

23 August Student Council Online Investiture

>> Independence Day of Indonesia Happy 76th Independence Day, Indonesia!

>> Independence Day Celebration To commemorate Independence Day of Indonesia, NHJS has celebrated virtually by conducting online flag ceremony, singing and colouring competition. With enthusiasm from students, teachers, and all staffs, we hope this annual event could raise the spirit of independence among us.

Here’s some opinions from our students about Independence Day celebration in NHJS, Pada peringatan kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia tahun ini, saya merasa bangga dan terkesan. Karena meskipun masa pandemi ini, kita tetap bisa memperingati kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia dengan hikmat. Meskipun merayakannya dengan cara online melalui zoom, ada banyak kegiatan yang dapat dilakukan. Seperti pengibaran bendera Merah Putih, pidato dari Bapak Kepala Sekolah, mengheningkan cipta, dan mendengarkan teks proklamasi. Di samping itu masih ada banyak kegiatan yang lebih menarik, seperti melihat video sejarah bagaimana teks proklamasi dibuat, juga melihat video lomba-lomba yang biasanya dilakukan pada 17 Agustus, seperti lomba makan kerupuk, lomba kelereng dan lain-lain. Di akhir peringatan 17 Agustus, ada pengumuman pemenang lomba nyanyi

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20-26 August 2021 yang diikuti oleh Y4 - Y6. Lomba nyanyi tersebut juga dilakukan dengan cara online. Saya sangat terkesan dengan perayaan kemerdekaan tahun ini yang dilakukan secara online. - Kaniya Alensky Nathalie, Y6E Saya sangat terkejut ketika nama saya diumumkan oleh Ms Margaretha dan Mr Priyanto menjadi pemenang juara 1 untuk lomba menyanyi online di sekolah. Saya sangat senang sekali dan hampir tidak percaya. Apalagi mengingat kejadian – kejadian sebelumnya dimana video menyanyi saya sempat hilang, komputer saya rusak dan detik terakhir mendaftarkan video ke panitia ternyata juga ada masalah, karena ukuran video saya terlalu besar. Akhirnya semua bisa berjalan lancar dan kesedihan saya dibayar dengan pengumuman menjadi pemenang juara 1. Saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Tuhan karena sudah mendengar doa saya, untuk mama saya yang tidak pernah lelah membantu saya dan tentunya untuk Ms Margaretha yang sudah mendukung saya mengikuti lomba ini. - Kimberly Junus, Y5T

Hi my name is Dylan. I was so happy when my name was called by Ms Margareth and Mr Priyanto as the winner. My heart just flew away and all the people congratulating me were speechless in chat on whatsapp. I thought I was in a dream and so thank you for giving me the opportunity to win this singing competition. To others who didn't win, you can win next year just don't ever give up because you have parents,

teachers and friends who will support you till the very end! - Dylan Suwarno, Y6E

The celebration was very interesting because we learnt how our country gained independence and we heard new songs. In the Heal The World song, that was something special and I felt very proud to be an Indonesian. Even though the doctors are helping Covid-19 patients, they were able to play a song with the patients using angklungs and other instruments. That showed how powerful we are as a community. I felt very happy and proud for winning 1st place for the Solo Singing Competition. I actually had to record a lot of times just to make it good enough, so I am really happy that I've got 1st place from all the hard work and patience I've put into this. I really appreciate all the support and help from my family, teachers, and friends. They are the true winners of the competition. - Kyle Nicholas Hendrasono, Y8I

Perayaan Hari Kemerdekaan tahun ini dilaksanakan dengan sangat baik dan saya sangat menikmatinya. Pembawa acara sangat energetik dan membuat para siswa tetap semangat meskipun dilaksanakan

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20-26 August 2021 secara online. Acara tersebut tidak hanya menarik, tetapi juga mengingatkan kita semua agar selalu menghargai dan menghormati negara kita, Indonesia. Selain itu, saya juga senang dapat ikut berpartisipasi di kompetisi menyanyi lagu Indonesia karena merupakan pengalaman yang sangat bermakna untuk saya. - Nobel Suhendra, Y9E Hari ini (18 Agustus 2021), NationalHigh Jakarta School mengadakan acara perayaan Hari Ulang Tahun Republik Indonesia. Ada berbagai hal yang dilakukan, seperti Upacara Bendera virtual, mendengarkan pidato Kepala Sekolah, mengheningkan cipta, dan menonton film singkat. Menjelang akhir acara, pemenang-pemenang lomba menyanyi diumumkan. Kami semua bersemangat pada saat acara berlangsung. - Dylan Michael Jaya, Y8A

Personally, I think the Independence Day celebration held by NationalHigh was a big success. I’m sure everyone had a great time together. Although we didn’t get to celebrate it in our school campus with all the games and events usually organized, I am still very grateful to be able to celebrate this very special day for our country. Thank you to all the teachers who have made this celebration possible, it wouldn’t be such a huge success without all of you! Happy Independence Day Indonesia! - Callista Cayleen Gandha, Y9T

Even if it only lasted for a brief part of my day, the Independence Day celebrations gave me a chance to pay tribute to what this country has accomplished, and all the work that still has to be done. - Jasmine Kurniawan, Y11I

Perayaan Hari Kemerdekaan ke-76 hari ini sangat menyenangkan. Walaupun kita sedang dalam pandemi, kita masih bisa mengadakan upacara bendera dan menghormatkan pahlawan-pahlawan negara kami. Kami juga dapat menghargai budaya negara Indonesia dengan video pertunjukan angklung dan lagu-lagu bangsa kita yang sangat indah. Menurut saya, meskipun perayaannya singkat, saya bersyukur kita masih bisa merayakan pentingnya kemerdekaan kita. - Bennett Liyanto, Y12 The Independence Day celebration was engaging and fun. We started with presentations of national songs and the flag-raising ceremony, fueling our patriotic spirit. A humorous parody about the meeting for the Proclamation of Independence engaged us afterwards, before finally concluding with the long-awaited announcement of winners for the singing competition. – Vanessa Jaya, Y12P

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20-26 August 2021

>> NHJS Basic Research Writing & Referencing Workshop

The IPW Team together with the Secondary English Department successfully conducted two sessions of the NHJS Basic Research Writing and Referencing Workshop attended by teachers and students from years 7 to 10 on Monday, 9 August 2021 and Friday, 13 August 2021, respectively. The first session covered topics such as plagiarism, the difference between referencing and citation, APA and other referencing styles, different types of sources and checking for the reliability of sources.

The second session was an in-depth discussion on topics such as in-text citation, differentiating the three sources (primary, secondary, tertiary), quotes versus paraphrases, short versus long quotations and citing references in a bibliography.

Thank you and stay safe! Kind regards, IPW Team

>> NHJS 1st Week of Online CCA Last Saturday, 14 August 2021, the 1st online CCA has been officially started. Here are some photos from our CCA activities;

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20-26 August 2021 Highlight There some CCA are cancel due to less participation. The CCA are:

1. Coding Bee Y7-12 2. Digital Art Y1-3

Gentle Reminder Students will not allow enter the CCA class room before they are complete the payment.

>> SC Selection Camp 2021-2022 13th Batch The new academic year is here, and a new batch of students ready and determined to lead emerges. With the election of our new Student Council President Viggo Sugih comes the selection process for those members who will be working with him as the 13th Batch of Student Council. After an application process which required sending introductory videos and recommendation letters, all 76 applicants were required to join interviews which started on Thursday, 12 August 2021, through Saturday, 14 August 2021.

Our first interview on Thursday started at exactly 4p.m and we ended at around 6.15p.m. That day myself and the rest of the outgoing Governing Committee,

Bennett Liyanto, Vanessa Jaya, and Alisa Achdiat, the President, Treasurer, and Secretary respectively, along with the SC Mentors, Mr Jay, Ms Mansha, Mr Indra, Dean of Character Development Ms Ong, and President of the 13th batch, Viggo Sugih conducted the first batch of interviews towards applicants for the new Governing Committee and Exco. Friday, to simply put it, was a continuation of interviews for those applying for Exco positions. This time we were also accompanied by Mr Dexter who helped us in asking insightful questions. Saturday was the busiest day of all. We started our interviews for the rest of the applicants at 1p.m, after all the interviews we held a discussion which resulted in the decisions for the new Governing Committee and Exco, allowing us to end at around 6.30p.m.

On Sunday, all of us gathered once again to discuss the remaining positions for the Student Council. This discussion was very thorough and filled with different insights and analysis, opposing views and arguments, as well as several consensus decisions. Despite the long 4-5 hour discussion, we were able to finalise our new 13th Batch of Student Council. Congratulations to all those who got accepted, and once again congratulations to the newest President, Viggo Sugih!

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20-26 August 2021 We look forward to seeing you all flourish and bring the change you want to see. To those who have applied, do not be discouraged but use this as an opportunity to grow and as motivation to push you further. We encourage you to try again next year, and we look forward to seeing other ways in which you can impact this community!

“Searching and learning is where the miracle process all begins” - Jim Rohn

Written by: Alexander Clifton Halim (Y12P)

>> World Mathematic Invitational Final 2021 We would like to congratulate our students, who won in WMI Final 2021,

1. Nobel Suhendra (Gold Medal) 2. Wilson Jonathan Mulyadi (Bronze


>> Jakarta Model Parliament 2021 Despite living in the midst of a pandemic and confined to the four walls of their homes, many youths still managed to educate themselves on the problems in their communities and the world. One of the more common ways is through joining Model United Nations (MUN) conferences, where students get to roleplay members of UN bodies or other international organisations as they attempt to solve a global problem. The Jakarta Model Parliament (JMP) is a unique take on the MUN experience. Instead of UN members, participants get a chance to represent members of the Indonesian government as they try to tackle social issues plaguing Indonesia today.

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20-26 August 2021 JMP is open to students from Y7-Y12, and the event details are as follows: Date: 18-19 September 2021, Saturday and Sunday Time: 09.30 - 16.30, specific schedule released later Platforms: Zoom (DPR, Prescab, District Court), Discord (Crisis) Fees: Rp 45,000 per participant This year marks the fourth JMP that has been held ever since the first conference in February 2020, and will take place on the 17th and 18th of September, 2021. We have 4 unique committees, each discussing special topics.

House of Representatives (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat / DPR): Press Freedom and Journalism in Indonesia

Presidential Cabinet: Empowering Human Capital through Educational & Technological Advancements

District Court (Pengadilan

Negeri): Case #1: Inheritance Disputes (The Republic of Indonesia vs. Arawindam Jayanti) Case #2: Corruption Case (The Republic of Indonesia vs. Andrew Tjahya)


The Aceh War Registrations are open until the 10th of September, 2021. You can register either via the link or the QR code below:


JMP provides a platform for students to learn more about Indonesia and its politics, all while developing important skills needed for them to become informed citizens - such as public speaking, critical thinking and negotiation. They would also get opportunities to form connections with other learners, all while raising awareness and speaking out on issues in their communities.

Furthermore, 50% of proceeds from JMP will be donated to support the social movements of youth-led organizations, particularly Street Smart Society and Youth Academy ID. Further details about these charities can be seen on our Instagram page, which is attached below.

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20-26 August 2021 “The Jakarta Model Parliament MUN is an all-around great experience for both newcomers to the MUN scene as well as seasoned delegates to get a crack at diplomacy. Their unique perspective of committee topics based on Indonesia's own domestic affairs also offers a great glimpse into the Indonesian political scene for the aspiring youth of tomorrow.” - Denzel Mardjuki, Presidential Cabinet Chair (Y9) To reach out to us, feel free to use any of the contact details below. JMP Email: [email protected] JMP Instagram: https://instagram.com/jakartamodelparliament (@jakartamodelparliament) The JMP Secretariat hopes to see you at our upcoming conference! Written by: Jasmine Kurniawan (Y11I) Vanessa Jaya (Y12P)

>> NHJS Vaccination Day

On August 16, 2021, NationalHigh Jakarta School was again entrusted as one of the vaccine centers in West Jakarta. This vaccination program is a continuation of the previous vaccine program intended for NationalHigh students and families as well as for the public. By holding this vaccination program, NHJS contributes to helping to reduce the transmission rate of Covid-19 in Indonesia.