Conflict analyze course for inmates Tuuli Stewart

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Conflict analyze course for inmates Tuuli Stewart Slide 2 This course has been developed through years as my practice with inmates. Majority of prisoners say on the first meeting: I haven't done it; It wasn't like that It is partly a motto, partly self-defense and, partly true many convicts do not realize their crime and its affect to the others and to the community. Why this form? 1. In prison, everybody likes action movies making contact 2. It is easier to talk about somebody else than about yourself 3. A movie we can all see the same time and the same way, rewind, analyze some parts etc. Slide 3 The course is aimed to three main directions: 1. To see, what others see in us 2. To adapt our behavior, to adjust expectations, to learn the language 3. In order to see the point of the conflict The groups could be from 1-2 people up to 12 people, depending on circumstances. The course could last from one day (not desired, as it takes time to observe) until 5-6 meetings. At the end, we watch the movie again. Not the same one and hopefully, not with the same eyes, as in the beginning. Slide 4 The icebreaking meeting is for light discussions of what we like to do, where we get our information etc. CONFLICT IS NOT BAD, CONFLICT IS NEEDED for a change and progress, establishment of etc. We try to manage and direct the conflict Quotes, examples Slightly moving towards stories and plots, favorite movies. We pick a movie Who has seen this movie? Within one year?? What do you remember? Favorite scenes and characters. Describe values what we honor Write it down in the open space "method and leave it Slide 5 One of those: Or pick your own Slide 6 Dividing into groups by birthday (day and month), first name, home location or something like that. The groups will be stable to the end of the course. The ice/breaker what is the meaning of your first name and where did you get it (your personal story). The groups would be e.g as follows: Policeman - what did you see? Report City court what does the law say? Circumstances. What do we know about you? Ordinary citizen how do you feel about the safety in this community? Where you from? What do we think of you? Family member: Of offender Of victim Objective and neutral observer The number and exact design of groups varies by size of the general group, movie, possibilities in time and space etc. Slide 7 I would have the groups tasks written on papers Each time we explain first Asking questions to make sure that all is understood Group tasks could be done individually and then combined. In each group there is a time manager, peace maker and reporter. Those roles vary. Later - groups go to discussion having different roles already Then, we get together to have THE COURT where each group sends their representative to the chair At the end of each session we will write on small slips anonymous replies to the course, likes and dislikes, ideas. At the beginning of the next session we read those out loud, not knowing whos idea it was. No comments, just reading what was said. All papers will be collected then. Slide 8 We listen to all groups during a given time There may be additional questions and discussions Then, by the end, each groups has to give a verdict based on their role We write them down in open space method and set on the walls Comparison Discussion Conclusions Slide 9 AAt the end of the course all participants write one-page summary IIt can be about one character we discussed, conflicts, memo for yourself, a letter to someone or a letter to yourself. The type and format are developed during the course and depending on the group. WWriting is important as it is a different way of expressing than talking and listening - it takes more focus, is more emotional, more personal and memorable than talking. *the course could be repeated with the same basic groups after some time as we can vary it and see what worked, what was changed, can we argue now better, have we noticed something new around based on this knowledge on conflicts Slide 10 The following is theory and the training part is practice We vary those themes depending on time, group and goal. Slide 11 ISSUES PERSONA LITIES EMOTIONS INTERESTS, NEEDS, AND DESIRES SELF-PERCEPTIONS AND SELF-ESTEEM HIDDEN EXPECTATIONS UNRESOLVED ISSUES FROM THE PAST an iceberg of conflict we may take just one conflict situation from a movie (or reading) and discuss it in those layers/ Do we find similar conflict layers around us? *I do avoid bringing personal examples, I do not want to know personal stories, we do not discuss each other's cases Just the tip of the iceberg Slide 12 This may serve just as a sample - we make our own chart of possible conflict types and their causes *I normally bring some samples or the ready-made lists depending on a groups and their level of cooperation and readiness to the course Relationship Conflicts 1. Miscommunication 2. Strong emotions 3. Stereotyping Repetitive negative behavior Data conflicts 1. Lack of information 2. Misinformation 3. Views on data's relevance 4. Interpretation of data Interest Conflicts 1. Perceived or actual completion over interests 2. Procedural interests 3. Psychological interests Structural Conflicts 1. Unequal authority 2. Unequal control of resources Time constraint Value Conflicts 1. Different ways of life, ideology, worldview etc. 2. Different criteria for evaluation Slide 13 Knowing, how conflict emerges we can observe and analyze its phases with samples from our reading or movies Slide 14 Slide 15 How do you handle a conflict? Are you an avoider, a collaborator, a peacemaker at all costs? Or, perhaps youre the bull in a china shop? Christians, like other monotheistic religions have a special responsibility to resolve conflicts in a way that honors God. Since God has reconciled us to himself, He expects us to pursue reconciled relationships (Romans 12:16,18; Ephesians 4:2-3; see: God expects forgiven people to for give) .. and other quotes Slide 16 Slide 17 So, where are you today? Did prison change your relationship(s)? Slide 18 Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, Do not be conceited (Romans 12:16). If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone (Romans 12:18). Do everything without complaining or arguing (Philippians 2:14). It is to a mans honor to avoid strife, but every fool is quick to quarrel (Proverbs 20:3). Make every effort to live in peace with all men (Hebrews 12:14)