© University of Melbourne and Catholic Education Office Melbourne 2004 Page 1 of 14 ______________________________________________________________________________ CONFIDENTIAL ERIK EARLY READING INTERVENTION KNOWLEDGE NAME: SCHOOL: GRADE LEVEL: DATE OF BIRTH: AGE AT ASSESSMENT: years months DATE/S OF ASSESSMENT: SCHOOL EXAMINER/S: This assessment profile describes the student’s knowledge in a range of psycholinguistic and cognitive areas necessary for learning to read. The student’s performance on the assessment profile will be used to determine an appropriate intervention pathway to meet the student’s needs. The three intervention options or teaching pathways are Phonological Awareness, Orthographic Processing and Comprehension. Each intervention pathway consists of, up to, 60 lessons, 30-45 minute sessions, 3-5 days a week. The school will determine how they will implement the program according to their current staffing capacity. Successful discontinuance is defined as achieving the average text level reading ability of their school year cohort, or completion of the 60 sessions. Further assessment may be required for students who are not performing or making expected gains. SCORING SYSTEM Standard Scores Average = 100 Average range = 85 - 115 Percentiles If 100 students the same age did the same test under the same conditions, the percentile ranking indicates the number of students this student would have equalled or done better than. Average range = 16 - 84 Stanines Rankings 1-9 Average range = 4 - 6 RECOMMENDATIONS: (The student)’s performance on the ERIK assessment profile indicates that he/she would benefit from inclusion in the Phonological / Orthographic / Comprehension teaching pathway.

CONFIDENTIAL - olsel.catholic.edu.au · CONFIDENTIAL ERIK – EARLY ... Modifications have been made to the number of core test items since the ... Sutherland Phonological Awareness

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© University of Melbourne and Catholic Education Office Melbourne 2004 Page 1 of 14 ______________________________________________________________________________



This assessment profile describes the student’s knowledge in a range of psycholinguistic and

cognitive areas necessary for learning to read. The student’s performance on the assessment

profile will be used to determine an appropriate intervention pathway to meet the student’s needs.

The three intervention options or teaching pathways are Phonological Awareness, Orthographic

Processing and Comprehension.

Each intervention pathway consists of, up to, 60 lessons, 30-45 minute sessions, 3-5 days a week.

The school will determine how they will implement the program according to their current staffing

capacity. Successful discontinuance is defined as achieving the average text level reading ability of

their school year cohort, or completion of the 60 sessions. Further assessment may be required

for students who are not performing or making expected gains.


Standard Scores – Average = 100 Average range = 85 - 115

Percentiles – If 100 students the same age did the same test under the same conditions, the

percentile ranking indicates the number of students this student would have equalled or done

better than. – Average range = 16 - 84

Stanines – Rankings 1-9 Average range = 4 - 6


(The student)’s performance on the ERIK assessment profile indicates that he/she would benefit from inclusion in the Phonological / Orthographic / Comprehension teaching pathway.

© University of Melbourne and Catholic Education Office Melbourne 2004 Page 2 of 14 ______________________________________________________________________________

PRE-EXISTING SCHOOL LITERACY DATA * ROL score: __________ * Letter Identification __________ (*Scores taken from Marie Clay's Observation Survey) BURT Word Reading Test: __________ Entry book level: __________ Exit book level: __________ PREVIOUS INTERVENTION PROGRAMS

Reading Recovery Yes / No _______ No. of sessions

Corrective Reading Yes / No _______ No. of sessions

Bridges Yes / No _______ No. of sessions

Other Reading Program: ________________________

PLEASE NOTE: Modifications have been made to the number of core test items since the completion of the research project to streamline the assessment process and to allow schools to profile students without having to submit a Referral to CEOM. Therefore there is a discrepancy in the order of the task numbers.

ERIK ASSESSMENT PROFILE – CORE TEST ITEMS Task 1: Reading Ability Neale Analysis of Reading Ability – 3rd Edition Materials: Neale reader and Score Sheet

Use the yellow section of the Neale passages (for pre-testing).

Work through the practice passage giving as much assistance as you feel appropriate.

Commence testing with the Level 1 passage.

Score the reading accuracy by subtracting the number of errors from 16.

Score the comprehension by marking how many questions were correctly answered.

Record the time taken in seconds with each passage administered.

Cease testing if the student has difficulty with the Practice Passage and makes between 8 and 10 accuracy errors at Level 1.

Cease testing when the student makes twelve or more errors on a passage.

Neale Raw Score Percentile Rank Stanine

Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post




Comments on performance: _______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

© University of Melbourne and Catholic Education Office Melbourne 2004 Page 3 of 14 ______________________________________________________________________________ Task 2: Letter-Sound Decoding Materials: Stimulus, Appendix 1 Instruction to student: Look at these strange words. Listen to how I say them. Point to buv glag sotl as you say each one - buv glag sotl. These don't sound like real words, do they? I am going to show you some other strange words. They are not real words. Say each one as I point to it. If a student attempts to match a response with a known word, remind her / him that these are not real words and go through the three practice examples again. Record each student's response on the chart below. If the response is correct, tick it. Note whether each correct response is automatic (write A beside tick) or attention demanding (write AD beside the tick). If incorrect, note as accurately as possible what is said. Note two or more attempts at any letter string.

Target Response Target Response Target Response


ag iv / 3 (vc words )


lum sot / 3 (cvc words)


freg crot / 3 (ccvc words)


tepl gint / 3 (cvcc words)

Pre-Intervention Score: _______/ 12_ Comments on performance: _______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ POST

Target Response Target Response Target Response


ag iv / 3 (vc words )


lum sot / 3 (cvc words)


freg crot / 3 (ccvc words)


tepl gint / 3 (cvcc words)

Post-Intervention Score: _______/ 12_ PLEASE NOTE: Tasks 3, 4, 5, 6, 17, 22 and 23 are no longer administered as part of the ERIK assessment profile. These tests might be administered as part of a full academic assessment IF a student requires further assessment.

© University of Melbourne and Catholic Education Office Melbourne 2004 Page 4 of 14 ______________________________________________________________________________ Tasks 9 – 11: Phonological Awareness Sutherland Phonological Awareness Test (SPAT) Instructions for administration of test items are provided below. Task 9 SPAT Item 6: Segmentation 1 (VC, CV, CVC): * Materials: Stimulus, Appendix 4 Instructions: Break up these words into separate sounds. Say the sounds out loud as you tap on the numbers, so that you can tell me how many sounds there are in the word. For example, the sounds in ‘up’ are u…p… - that’s 2 sounds. Encourage the student to use the sounds, not letter names. Record the actual sounds the child says: score correct, only if the phonemes are correct. Practice: pin (p.. i.. n.. – 3 sounds) 1. am (a.. m.. 2) 2. go (g.. o.. 2) 3. seat (s.. ea.. t.. 3) 4. mug (m.. u.. g.. 3) Task 10 SPAT Item 7: Blending (VC, CV, CVC): * Materials: None required Instructions: Join the sounds I say to make a word. For example, if I say ‘i… ce…’ that makes ‘ice’. Practice: m.. oo.. n.. (moon) 1. s.. ee.. (see) 2. d.. ay.. (day) 3. r.. oa.. d.. (road) 4. g.. a.. te.. (gate) Task 11 SPAT Item 9: Segmentation 2 (CCVC, CVCC): * Materials: Stimulus, Appendix 4 Instructions: Break up these words into separate sounds, just as you did before. Say the sounds out loud as you tap on the numbers, so that you can tell me how many sounds there are in the word. For example, the sounds in ‘sleep’ is s.. l.. ee.. p.. - that’s 4 sounds. Encourage the student to use the sounds, not letter names. Record the actual sounds the child says: score correct, only if the phonemes are correctly pronounced. Note if student pronounces the /t/ in ‘trip’ as ‘ch’: This error need not be penalised. Practice: snake (s.. n.. a.. ke.. - 4 sounds) 1. trip (t.. r.. i.. p) 2. spoon (s.. p.. oo.. n) 3. beast (b.. ea.. s.. t) 4. bond (b.. o.. n.. d)

Sutherland Phonological Awareness Test











Segmentation (1)






Segmentation (2)


Combined score: /12_ Comments on performance: _______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

© University of Melbourne and Catholic Education Office Melbourne 2004 Page 5 of 14 ______________________________________________________________________________ Task 12: Verbal Analogies Materials: None required Instruction to student : I am going to say a sentence to you that is not finished. Listen carefully. I want you to finish it off for me. Say A cat meows, a dog _____ Pause briefly after dog so that the student is aware that a word needs to follow dog . If the student answers correctly, say, Yes, that's good. A cat meows, a dog barks. If the student has difficulty providing the response or answers incorrectly, say 'barks'. A cat meows, a dog barks. Give a second practice example. Say A fish swims, a bird _____. After the student has responded, say the complete sentence A fish swims, a bird flies. Read each of following to the student. Say : Listen carefully. I want you to finish off each of these for me. You need to say one word to finish each one off. If the student has difficulty with any of them, replay the practice example. If the student says more than one word, remind her / him that we are looking for one word answers only and give a second go. Write the student's response to each. Correct options are shown in brackets after each response.

Finish off what I say Correct Alternatives Response

You walk slow and you run

fast, quickly, rapidly

A cap goes on your head and a shoe on your


A ship sails and a plane


A pie you eat and a coke you


When you are thirsty you drink, when you are tired you

rest, sleep, nap

The sky is blue and the sun is

yellow, golden, white, bright

Cars go on roads and trains go on

rails, tracks

Cans are made of metal and bottles are made of

plastic, glass

You cut wood and you mow grass, lawn

Score: __________/ 9_ Comments on performance: _______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

© University of Melbourne and Catholic Education Office Melbourne 2004 Page 6 of 14 ______________________________________________________________________________ Task 13: Matching Spoken and Written Forms of Words

Materials: Student Record Sheet, Appendix 5 * NOTE: Student records on the Student Record Sheet

Instruction to student: I am going to show you a box with some words in it. I am going to say one of the words. I want you to find the word I say and put a line through it. Here is an example. I say the word top. Here is the list of words. tom ted top ten. This one is top. See how I put a line through it. Now you have a go with the second box. The word I want you to find is bat. Now we will have a go at the other boxes. First we are going to do it for letters. I will say a letter/word and you try to find it as fast as you can. As soon as you find it, put a line through it. Note how long the student takes to find the letter/word (in seconds) in each box. Record it next to the target letter/word for the box below.

Target Item identified Time in seconds

*A or AD

1. n

2. p

3. in

4. at

5. hog

6. ham

7. lid

8. brag

9. rug

10. cut

11 stun

12 limp

* A = Automatic AD = Attention Demanding

Total Score: ______/ 12__ Score: ___________ (correct & Automatic) Score: __________ (correct & Attention Demanding) Comments on performance: _______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

© University of Melbourne and Catholic Education Office Melbourne 2004 Page 7 of 14 ______________________________________________________________________________ Task 14: Learning an Orthographic Code Materials: Student Record Sheet, Appendix 6 * NOTE: Student records on the Student Record Sheet Look at this pattern. Under each letter below is a special mark.













Administer the practice set. Here are some ones for you to do. I want you to write under each letter the special mark that goes with it. Do as many as you can, Work through them one by one and don't leave any out. If you make a mistake, just go over it and then keep going. Practice item:


e g b f a

When the student has finished this, introduce the task, as follows: Here you can see there is a long string of letters. I want you to write under each letter the special mark that goes with it. Do as many as you can, Work through them one by one and don't leave any out. If you make a mistake, just go over it and then keep going. Record the student’s responses in the boxes below.

Allow exactly one minute for this task


f b g e h a

b e f h


f h f h a g

e b g e


e b a e f b

e h f h

No. accurately completed: ______/ 33_ No. of errors: _______ Comments on performance: _______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

© University of Melbourne and Catholic Education Office Melbourne 2004 Page 8 of 14 ______________________________________________________________________________ Task 15: Phonological Short Term Memory Materials: None required Instruction to student: I am going to say some more strange words to you. They are not real words. I want you to listen to what I say and then you say them after me. Here is a practice: Listen to what I say and then you say it. fim lut Now you say them. Give a second example: fot reg I am going to say some other strange words. They are not real words. Say each set of words after I have said it If a student attempts to match a response with a known word, remind her / him that these are not real words and go through the three practice examples again. Record each student's response in the space above each non word. If the response is correct, tick it. Note whether each correct response is automatic (write A beside tick) or attention demanding (write AD beside tick). If incorrect, note as accurately as possible what is said. Note two or more attempts at any letter string.

Cease testing if the student gets no correct responses in two consecutive groups.

Response Response


oz ib ug


spak crig srep snock


ma fo lee


mupt nels paxt


gat miv lub


gont luft filt vemp


mon neg fim cag


grusk smont slekt


grun slev plag


spefl grist srapt flump

Total Score: ________/ 10_ ____/2_ (2-sound) ____/2_ (3-sound) ____/4_ (4-sound) ____/2_ (5-sound) Comments on performance: _______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

© University of Melbourne and Catholic Education Office Melbourne 2004 Page 9 of 14 ______________________________________________________________________________

Task16: Visual Symbolic Processing

Directions: Point to the two boxes below. Look at this box. Point to the left side box. Now look at this box. Point to the right side box. See if you can find one of these (point to the left side box) in here (point to the right side box).


There is one in here and so you put a circle around the tick. Do this with the student.

Repeat for the second set of boxes below. Say: This time there isn't one of these (point to the left side box) in the / in here (point to the right side box). This time put a circle around the X.


Now practise on these two sets.



Correct the above responses and say: Now have a go at these tasks.

Work through them as fast as you can.

Allow exactly 1 minute for this activity.

Correct/Incorrect Correct/Incorrect Correct/Incorrect Correct/Incorrect

1. 8. 15. 22

2. 9. 16. 23

3. 10 17. 24

4. 11 18. 25

5. 12 19. 26

6. 13 20.

7. 14 21.


Comments on performance:

© University of Melbourne and Catholic Education Office Melbourne 2004 Page 10 of 14 ______________________________________________________________________________ Task 18: Listening Comprehension Materials: None required

Instruction to student: I am going to read you a story. Listen carefully. When I have finished I am going to ask you to tell the story back to me.

Read the first story below aloud to the student. Read it as a story.

When you have finished, ask the student to tell you what happened. Say Now tell me the story. Say all you can about it. Try to retell the story in the right order.

If required, use prompt, Can you tell me any more or What happened next?

Jane was at school and went out to sit on the seats and eat her lunch. As she opened her lunch box, it fell over and her lunch went on the ground. Jane wondered what she was going to do. Her sandwiches now had dirt all over them. She told her friend, Susan. Susan took one of the sandwiches from her lunch-box and shared it with Jane. After lunch, Jane and Susan went into the playground and had a good time playing chasey.

Write down the student’s immediate story retelling as accurately as possible

General prompt/s provided: Yes / No If yes, how many prompts?

* The student needs to retell events in narrative sequence to be awarded points.

or X

or X

or X

Jane at school went out

sit on seats ate lunch

opened lunch-box fell over lunch on ground

sandwiches dirt Jane wondered what to do

told friend Susan Susan took sandwiches from her lunch-box

shared it with Jane after lunch Jane and Susan

went into playground had a good time playing chasey

Score: / 21 The student needs to retell events in narrative sequence to be awarded points.

Story Grammar or X

1. Setting (school, playground)

2. Initiating Event (Jane dropped her sandwiches)

3.Internal Response (Jane wondered what to do)OR

3. Internal Plan (She decided to tell someone)

4. Attempt (She told her friend Susan)

5. Consequence (Susan gave her a sandwich)

6. Ending (They went off to play)

Score: / 6

Comments on Performance: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

© University of Melbourne and Catholic Education Office Melbourne 2004 Page 11 of 14 ______________________________________________________________________________ Task 19: Orthographic Processing of Words Materials: Student Record Sheet, Appendix 8 * NOTE: Student records on the Student Record Sheet Instruction to student: I am going to show you a box with some letters in it. One of the letters has been written twice. I want you to find the letter that has been repeated twice and circle it both times. Here is an example. Direct students' attention to the first box. It may be necessary to write it on a black / white board if you are doing this with a group. Look down the box and see which one has been written twice. The letter e is written twice. See how I circle it both times. Circle it both times. Now look at the page in front of you. When I say go, start with the first box . Look for the letter that is written twice. Make sure you circle it. Do this both times. and then keep going. Some boxes will have words in them. Circle the two words that are the same. Work as fast as you can.

Allow exactly one minute for this task

Target Items identified

1 c

2 p

3 N

4 E Score: _____/4_ (1- letter)

5 at

6 im

7 ent

8 om Score: _____/4_ (2- letter)

9 isp

10 mop

11 in Score: _____/4_ (3- letter)

12 brag

13 fost

14 gird or grip

15 saw Score: _____/4_ (4- letter)

16 gland

17 strid

18 stone

19 saik

20 snook Score: _____/4_ (5- letter)

No Completed: _______ No. Correct: ______/ 20_ Comments on performance: _______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

© University of Melbourne and Catholic Education Office Melbourne 2004 Page 12 of 14 ______________________________________________________________________________ Task 20 and 21: Rapid Naming Ability – letters & numbers Materials: Stimulus, Appendix 9

Administer all items. Use the practice sheet to familiarise the student with letter names & numbers.

Ask the student to say the letter names (not letter sounds), as quickly as they can, reading across the page. Remind students that accuracy and speed are both important.

Work through each of the four stimulus sheets keeping a record of errors on each sheet and the time taken to complete each sheet


o a s d p a o s p d

s d a p d o a p s o

a o s a s d p o d a

d s p o d s a s o p

s a d p a p o a p s

Errors:______________ Time Taken (Seconds): ______ RANL-2

a o a s d s p d o p

o d s o d a s o s a

d p a s o s a o a d

a s p o d p s d p s

p d p a s o p o p a

Errors:______________ Time Taken (Seconds): ______

Time taken: Trial 1 + Trial 2 = ______ ÷ 2 = _____


6 2 7 6 4 9 2 7 4 2

7 9 2 9 2 9 4 6 9 6

4 7 2 4 7 6 4 9 4 7

2 6 2 6 7 9 7 9 6 4

6 9 7 4 9 2 4 6 7 2

Errors:______________ Time Taken (Seconds): ______ RAND-2

7 4 2 4 7 6 4 2 6 4

6 2 9 6 2 9 4 7 4 9

2 4 7 2 7 9 2 6 9 7

4 9 2 6 9 6 4 6 9 7

9 7 2 4 6 7 9 2 4 6

Errors:______________ Time Taken (Seconds): ______ Time taken: Trial 1 + Trial 2 = ______ ÷ 2 = _____

Comments on performance: _______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

© University of Melbourne and Catholic Education Office Melbourne 2004 Page 13 of 14 ______________________________________________________________________________

PLEASE NOTE: Tasks 3, 4, 5, 6, 17, 22 and 23 are no longer administered as part of the ERIK assessment profile. These tests might be administered as part of a full academic assessment IF a student requires further assessment.


Task 7: Short Term Visual Sequential Memory for Objects OPTIONAL TASK: To be administered IF the student scores below expectations on the Orthographic assessment tasks. Materials: Stimulus pictures, Appendix 2 Directions: I am going to show you some pictures, one after the other. I want you to remember them. Show pictures 1 and 2 in Practice 1 (bear / butterfly) Allow one second per picture then show the set of 3 pictures. I am going to point to the pictures you saw in the order you saw them. First you saw the bear. Then you saw the butterfly. Point to them in order. Now you point to what you saw, in the order you saw them. Repeat for Practice 2 (hammer / scissors) Say: Now I am going to show you some other pictures. I want you to do exactly the same thing again. Show the first picture in set 1 and say Look at this picture. Repeat for the second picture. Then show the set and say Now you point to the two pictures you saw in the order you saw them. Repeat for sets 2 to 6. Scoring : allocate 1 mark for each correct identification of the sequence of pictures seen.

Set 1 2 3 4 5

Practice bear butterfly

Practice hammer scissors

1 horse frog

2 bus cake crab

3 train milk-shake

4 light bulb clock hammer

5 bear truck butterfly bike flag

6 scissors book telephone present pencil

Score: _______/ 6___ Comments on performance: _______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

© University of Melbourne and Catholic Education Office Melbourne 2004 Page 14 of 14 ______________________________________________________________________________ Task 8: Short Term Visual Sequential Memory for Letters OPTIONAL TASK: To be administered IF the student scores below expectations on the Orthographic assessment tasks. Materials: Stimulus pictures, Appendix 3 Directions: Now I am going to show you some letters, one after the other. I want you to remember them. Show letters s and k in Practice 1 (s / k). Allow one second per letter then show the set of letters. I am going to point to the letters you saw in the order you saw them. First you saw the letter s. Then you saw the letter k. Point to them in order. Now you point to what you saw, in the order you saw them. Repeat for Practice 2 (a / m) Repeat for Practice 3 (f / h) Say: Now I am going to show you some other letters. I want you to do exactly the same thing again. Show the first letter in set 1 and say Look at this letter. Repeat for the second letter. Then show the set and say Now you point to the two letters you saw in the order you saw them. Repeat for sets 1 to 12. Scoring: allocate 1 mark for each correct identification of the sequence of letters seen.

(Write down letter pointed to in the relevant box)

Set 1 2 3

Practice s k

Practice a m

Practice f h

1 y f

2 n k

3 g z r

4 i t l

5 m s

6 p c

7 j a k

8 n f s

9 g m

10 c w

11 q j a

12 v d n

Score: ________/ 12__ Comments on performance: _______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Last modified 27.08.10