21st International Cosmic Ray Conference CONFERENCE PAPERS Volume 9 (HE Sessions) Edited by R.J. Protheroe XXIICRC ml 6-19 January W 1990 Adelaide, Australia 1990 Department of Physics and Mathematical Physics The University of Adelaide, Australia UB/T1B Hannover 115 322.027 ..._,„„ 89


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Page 1: CONFERENCEPAPERS Volume (HE Sessions)

21st International Cosmic RayConference


Volume 9

(HE Sessions)

Edited by R.J. Protheroe


ml 6-19 JanuaryW 1990



Department of Physics and Mathematical PhysicsThe University of Adelaide, Australia

UB/T1B Hannover

115 322.027 ..._,„„


Page 2: CONFERENCEPAPERS Volume (HE Sessions)


HE 3: Extensive air showers

3.1 EAS Phenomenology (Monte Carlo)

HE 3.1-1 Monte Carlo Simulation of Electromagnetic EASs 1

Mikocki S, Gress J, Poirier J

HE 3.1-2 A Contradiction in Che Concept of Shower Age 5

Dai H Y, He Y D, Huo A X

HE 3.1-3 Why do you talk about the lateral distribution now? 9

Kasahara K, Yuda T, Torii S

HE 3.1-4 Measurement of the Age Parameter in Showers Produced 13

by 101S eV Primaries

Idenden D U

HE 3.1-5 Lateral Distribution of Electrons at High Energy 17

Malabika Sinha

HE 3.1-6 Model Calculations of Narrow Air Shower 21

Chernyaev A B, Lidvansky A S, Kempa J

HE 3.1-11 Consequences for EAS Phenomena of Adopting a Very 25

Large Photonuclear Cross-Section

Wdowczyk J, Wolfendale A W

HE 3.1-12 Characteristics of High Energy Electromagnetic 28

Cascades in Air Taking the Photonuclear Process into


Mukhamedshin R A

HE 3.1-14 Equal Intensity Curves for Extensive Air Showers in 32

the 10* - 109 Shower Size Range

Wrotniak J A, Yodh G B

HE 3.1-15 A Monte Carlo Simulation of Extensive Air Showers on 33

the Primary Energy Spectrum up to 1020 eV

Wrotniak J A, Yodh G B

HE 3.1-16 New Calculations and Measurements of the Coulomb 34

Cross-Section for the Production of Direct Electron

Pairs by High Energy Nuclei

Derrickson J H, Dake S. Dong B L, Eby P B, Fountain W


Page 3: CONFERENCEPAPERS Volume (HE Sessions)


K, Kuki M, Gregory J C, Hayashi T, Iynno A, King I) T,

Miyamura 0, Ogata T, Parnell T A, Roberts V E, Tnbuki

T, Takahashi Y, Toininaga T, Watts J W

HE 3.1-17 Monte-Carlo Simulation of Multimuons for B.iksan 38


Boziev S N, Chudakov A E, Voevodsky A V

HE 3.1-18 Statistical Primary Energy Determination in EAS 42

Capdevielle J N, Gabinski P, Gawin J

HE 3.1-20 The Angular Distributions of Charged Secondaries in 46

EASs at 100 and 1000 TeV

Poirier J, Gress J, Mikocki S

HE 3.1-21 Determination of the Centers of Extensive Air Showers 50

Poirier J, Funk E, Mikocki S, Rohrer N

HE 3: Extensive air showers

3.2 EAS Phenomenology (Cores)

HE 3.2-1 The Sydney Air-Shower Core Detector, Analysis of 54

Subcore Structure

Horton L, Nasri A, Ulrichs J, Winn M M

HE 3.2-2 The Sydney Air-Shower Core Detector, a Preliminary 55

Interpretation of Results

Horton L, Nasri A, Ulrichs J, Winn M M

HE 3.2-5 A Study of Hadrons at the Cores of Extensive Air 56


Freudenreich H T, Mincer A I, Berley D, Goodman J A,

Tonwar S C, Wrotniak A J, Yodh G B, Ellsworth R W

HE 3.2-6 The Study of Characteristics of Hadron-Containing EAS 60

with the Number of Particles 103 - 5xl06

Avakian V V, Arzumanian S A, Babadjanian 0 S,

Lulukian I A, Mamidjanian E A, Martirosov R M,

Mezhlumian D A, Hovssepian G G, Oganezova D S,

Ter-Antonian S V, Tovmassian A L, Tukish E I

HE 3.2-7 Lateral Characteristics of Low-Energy Nucleons in EAS

with E0 > 1017 eV

Krymsky G F, Migunov V M


Page 4: CONFERENCEPAPERS Volume (HE Sessions)


UK 3,2-1! Nucleons Around Extensive Air Shower Axes OH

Struga 1 ski 2

HE 3: Extensive air showers

3.3 EAS Phenomenology (Lateral Distribution)

HE 3.3-1 Structure and Origin of Narrow Air Showers 69

Chernyaev A B, Chudakov A E, Dzhappuyev D D,

Lidvansky A S, Tizengauzen V A, Kempa J, Wdowczyk J

HE 3.3-2 Age Parameters of EAS Associated with High Energy 73

Hadrons (E„ > 100 TeV)

Chubenko A P, Machavariani S K, Nikolsky S I

HE 3.3-3 Lateral and Energy Characteristics of Electromagnetic 77

and Hadron Components of EAS with N8 = 5xl05 - 107 at

the Mountain Level

Adamov D S, Barkalov K V, Chubenko A P, Dubovy A G,

Dyatlov P A, Erlykin A D, Kadirsisov B B, Nesterova N

M, Nikolsky S 1, Piskal V V, Shaulov S B, Vildanov N

G, Vildanova L I

HE 3.3-4 Lateral Distribution of Energy Flow for the Showers 81

of Sizes from 5x10* to 105

Asakiroori K, Kanteda T, Maeda T, Mizushiroa K

HE 3.3-5 Observation of EAS Using a Large Water Tank at Taro 85

Sakuyama H, Suzuki N, Sakumoto K

HE 3.3-6 Tracking Chamber Data from PLASTEX: Instrumental 86

Performance1 for Single Particles

Buccheri R, Carollo C M, Catalano 0, Lawrence M A,

Linsley J, Ogden P A, Patel M, Scarsi L

HE 3.3-7 A Calculation of the Lateral Structure Functions by 90

the Use of the Special Functions

Nii N, Mori K

HE 3: Extensive air showers

3.4 EAS Muon Content

HE 3.4-1 Muon and Electron Content of Extensive Air Showers 94

Above 10l' eV

Cassiday G L, Ciampa rv ^ iwson B R, Fick B E, Green K


Page 5: CONFERENCEPAPERS Volume (HE Sessions)


D, Kieda D B, Kolodziejczak J, Liebing D F, Matt.lu»w;,

J, Nitz D, Sinclair D, Thornton C, van der Veldt' J <:

HE 3,4-2 Study of EAS Components Near Axis with Energies nhmii 1H

1015 eV

Novalov A A, Garsevanishvili L P, Kancheli I N,

Kotlyarevski D M

HE 3.4-3 The Dependence of Muon-Size on Shower Size and the 102

Composition of Cosmic Ray Primaries

Basak D K, Sanyal S, Chaudhuri N, Sarkar S, MukherjeeN

HE 3.4-4 Muon Content of EAS as a Function of Primary Energy 106

Blake P R, Hembrow K P, Nash W F

HE 3.4-5 Relationships of Muon, Electron and Neutron Densities 110

in EAS with E„ > 1017 eV

Kalmykov N N, Pravdin M I, Sleptsova V R

HE 3.4-6 A Monte Carlo Study of the Relation Between Electron 114

Size and High Energy Muon Content in AtmosphericShowers

Bilokon H, D'Ettorre Piazzoli B, Fortl C, Gaisser T

K, Satta L, Stanev T

HE 3.4-7 The Muon Content of Extensive Air Showers with E a 118

2x1017 eV

Cassiday G L, Cooper R, Corbato S C, Dawson B R, Fick

B E, Green K D, Kieda D B, Loh E C, Smith J, Sokolsky

P, Thomas S B, Wheeler R M, Ciarapa D, Kolodziejczak

J, Matthews J, Nitz D F, Sinclair D, Thornton G, van

der Velde J C

HE 3.4-8 Lateral Distributions of Charged Particles and EAS 122

Cerenkov Radiation in Narrow Energy Intervals at E„ fc

2x1017 eV

Glushkov A V, Efimov N N, Efremov N N, Knurenko S P,

Makarov I T, Petrov P D, Pravdin M I

HE 3.4-9 The Difference in the Radial Distributions of 126

Secondary Electrons and Muons in Proton EAS's from

1013 to 1016 eV

Poirier J, Gress J, Mikocki S

Page 6: CONFERENCEPAPERS Volume (HE Sessions)


HE 3 4-10 Lateral Distiibution and Lnergy Spectra of Muons in 130

the Lneigy Interval 2 5-500 GeV in All Showers

Sanyal S B isak D K Chaudhuri N, Saikai S MukheijteN

HE 3 4-11 Small EAS (- 1015 eV) ^-Lateral Distributions 134

Martinic N J Aliaga R

HE 3 4-12 On Muon Lateral Distribution Function in EAS 138

Sten'kin Yu V

HE 3 4-13 Photoproduction Threshold Its Implications for Air 142


Halzen F, Stanev T Zas E, Gaisser T K

HE 3 4-14 Muon Number Fluctuations in Air Showers 146

Stanev T, Halzen F, Vankov H P Gaisser T K

HE 3 Extensive air showers

3 5 EAS Arrival times and direction finding

HE 3 5-1 Study of the Arrival Time Distribution of Electrons 150

and Muons m EAS with Energy Above 1015 eV

Khristiansen G B, Atrashkevich V B, Chernykh R I,

Garipov G K Kalmykov N N, Khrenov B A, Kulikov G V

Matsenov S I Motova M V, Silaev A A Solovjeva V I

Sulakov V P Vedeneev 0 V

HE 3 5-2 Arrival Time Distribution of EAS Particles at Akeno 154

Sakuyama H, Suzuki N, Watanabe K, Sakumoto K,Asakimon K Mizushima K

HE 3 5-3 Delayed Particles Near the EAS Core at Akeno 158

Sakuyama H, Suzuki N, Watanabe K, Sakumoto K,

Mizushima K

HE 3 5-4 The Variation of EAS Time Structure with Core Distance 159

Gao X-y, Liu Y-y, Yang Z-t, Zhang X-s, Zhang S-L, Gao


HE 3 5-5 Time Structure of the Shower Disk at Large Core 163

Distances in EAS

Tsushima I, Kawasumi N, Honda K, Hashimoto K, Matano

T, Inoue N

Page 7: CONFERENCEPAPERS Volume (HE Sessions)


HE 3.5-8 Simulation of Arrival Time DistrilniUiin oi Shower 16,/

Particles at Large Distances from the Core

Dai H-Y, Kasahara K

HE 3.5-9 Time Characteristics of Components in Averaged EAS in 171

the Energy Range 101* - 101' eV

Boyadjian N G, Garyaka A P, Mamidjanian E A,

Mkrtchian N D

HE 3.5-10 Simulation of Charged Particles and Optical Emission 175

Characteristics of Air Showers Initiated byGamma-Rays and Hadrons of E„ 5 1015 eV

Antonov R A, Galkin V I, Golynskaya R M, Ivanenko I

P, Kuzmin V A, Roganova T M, Chuykova T A

HE 3.5-11 Cerenkov Radiation with Atmospheric Transmission in 179

Electromagnetic Cascades

Krys E, Wasilewski A

HE 3.5-12 Time Structure of Particles and Cerenkov Light in 183

Electromagnetic Cascades

Krys E, Wasilewski A

HE 3: Extensive air showers

3.6 EAS Cerenkov and radio

HE 3.6-1 Study of the Cerenkov Pulse Height Spectra for 187

Different Primary Mass Compositions

Boruah K, Pathak K M

HE 3.6-2 Observation of Cerenkov Emission At Mt. Liang Wang 190

Gao X-Y, Yang Z-T, Liu Y-Y, Zhang X-s, Ng L K, Li W S

HE 3.6-3 Determination of the Maximum Development of the EAS 191

Lateral Distribution of the Cerenkov Radiation

Alimov T A, Kakhorov M K, Makhmudov B M, Tashpulatov

R D, Hakimov N H

HE 3.6-4 The Depth Distribution of the Extensive Air Showers 195

with an Energy of 1015-1016 eV

Alimov T A, Kahorov M K, Makhmudov B M, Radjabov T R,

Tashpulatov R D, Hakimov N H, Sirodjev N S

Page 8: CONFERENCEPAPERS Volume (HE Sessions)


llli J.6-5 Studies on thr Lau-ml Disi r ibul Ion ol Cerenkov I'l'J

Radiation from Large K A S.

Mazuindar G K D, Bordoloi T C, Kalita P M, Boruali K,

Pathak K M

HE 3.6-6 Air Shower Cerenkov Image with linage Intensifier 202

System at Energies Greater Than 10l* eV

Matano T, Inoue N, Tsuyuki M, Kato K, Kawasumi N,

Tsushima I, Honda K, Hashimoto K

HE 3.6-7 Simulation of Angular Characteristics of Cerenkov 203

Light from Proton and Gamma-Showers of PrimaryEnergies 10lz-101' eV

Anokhina A M, Galkin V I, Ivanenko I P, Roganova T M

HE 3,6-8 Cerenkov Light Integral and Differential Fluxes in 206

the Investigation of Longitudinal EAS Development and

of Partial Electron-Photon Cascade Characteristics

Grigoryev V M, Doronina I V, Dyakonov M N, Knurenko S

P, Nikiforova E S, Struchkov G G, Prosin V V, Zhukov

V V, Berezhko I A

HE 3.6-9 EAS Radioemission with E0 - 1017-1020 eV 210

Artamonov V A, Egorov T A, Efimov A N, Rekhlyasova T

V, Sleptsov N I, Shudrya S A, Atrashkevich V B

HE 3.6-10 LF-MF Signals From Large Air Showers 213

Kakimoto F, Umezawa T, Nishiyama T, Nishi K

HE 3.6-11 Studies on LF Radio Signals Associated With Large EAS 217

Borah B, Datta P, Majumder G K D, Bordoloi T C,Kalita P M, Pathak K M

HE 3.6-12 On the Contribution of Transition Radiation Effect 218

Towards VLF Emission From EAS

Datta P, Pathak K M

HE 3.6-13 Detection of Cosmic Ray Air Showers by Slow 222

Atmosphere Electric Pulses

Chen C X, Bowen T

HE 3.6-14 The Theory of Pulse Radio Emission from 226

Electron-Photon Shower

Alexandrov A V, Nerushenko V M

Page 9: CONFERENCEPAPERS Volume (HE Sessions)


HE 3: Extensive air showers

3.7 EAS Properties of hadronic interactions

HE 3.7-1 Monte Carlo Simulations of the Hadron Component of 230

1014-1016 eV Extensive Air Showers

Acton P D

HE 3.7-2 Lateral Distribution of Charged Particles in 234

lO^-lO16 eV Air Shower Cores According to the

Quark-Gluon String Model for Hadron Interactions

Ash A G

HE 3.7-3 Characteristics of High Energy Particles Produced in 235

Air Showers

Mundra J P, Sinha S, Majumdar D

HE 3 7-4 Verification of the Quark-Gluon String Model with EAS 239


Gawin J, Kloszynski J, Sroka J, Wdowczyk J, Popova L,Petrova P, Christov Chr J

HE 3.7-5 Quark-Gluon Models of Elementary Interactions and the 240

Experimental EAS Data

Kalmykov N N, Khristiansen G B, Motova M V,

Ostapchenko S S

HE 3.7-6 Transition to Quark Gluon Plasma and Extensive Air 244


Capdevielle J N

HE 3.7-7 The Analysis of the Estimates of Energy of Primary 248

Particles and Model Parameters of Hadron Interactions

at Superhigh Energies

Dedenko L G

HE 3.7-8 Parameters of Hadron Interactions at E„ > 1017 eV on 252

EAS Development Fluctuation Data

Dyakonov M N, Egorova V P, Ivanov A A, Knurenko S P,

Kolosov V A, Pavlov V N, Sitnikov N N, Sleptsov I E,

Struchkov G G, Nikolsky S I

HE 3.7-9 Prompt Muon Production in Cosmic Rays 256

Dremin I M, Madigozhin D T, Vavilov Yu N

Page 10: CONFERENCEPAPERS Volume (HE Sessions)


HE 3.7-11 Energy Spectra of EAS Electromagnetic and Hadron 260

Components at the Mountain Level and Their Connection

with Primary Cosmic Rays

Adamov D S, Chubenko A P, Danilova T V, Erlykin A D,

Nikolsky S I, Shaulov S B, Vildanov N G, Vildanova L


HE 3.7-12 The Hadron Component of lO^-lO16 eV Extensive Air 264


Acton P D, Ash A G, Hodson A L, Bull R M

HE 3.7-13 Neutral to Charged Ratio for High Energy Hadrons in 268

Extensive Air Showers of Size 105-106 Particles

Rajeev M R, Apte A R, Gopalakrishnan N V, Gupta S K,Selvakumaran T S, Sreekantan B V, Tonwar S C

HE 3.7-14 The Detailed Study on Hadron Structure of EAS at Mt 270


Miyake S, Ito N, Kawakami S, Hayashi Y, Nakamura T,Tanaka K, Suda K

HE 3.7-15 On Extensive Air Shower Studies 271

Strugalski Z

HE 4: Muons

4.1 Ground level low energy background

HE 4.1-2 On the Number of Muons Produced by Primary Cosmic Ray 272Protons in the Atmosphere

Danilova T V, Erlykin A D, Procureur J

HE 4.1-3 Muon Flux at Sea Level 276

Portella H M, Castro F M 0, Navia C E

HE 4.1-4 The Partial Temperature Coefficients of the Muon 279

Component in the Cosmic Rays

Chernyaev G V, Lagutin A A, Uchaikin V V

HE 4.1-5 Kuons In the Atmosphere Initiated by Primary Heavy 283


Navia C E, Pinto F A, Augusto C R

HE 4.1-6 The Vertical Muonic Differential Energy Spectrum in 287the Atmosphere at High Energy

Bellandi Fo J, Navarra G


Page 11: CONFERENCEPAPERS Volume (HE Sessions)


HE 4: Muona

4.2 Composition from EAS measurements

HE 4.2-1 Muon Families and the Mass Composition of Cosmic Rays 291

Danilova T V, Erlykin A D, Chatelet E, Procureur J

HE 4.2-2 Cascade Showers from Cosmic Ray Muon Interactions 295

Ashitkov V D, Kirina T M, Klimakov A P, Kokoulin R P,

Petrukhin A A

HE 4: Muons

4.3 Underground intensity vs depth

HE 4.3-2 Deep Underwater Measurement of Muon Intensity 299

Fedorov V M, Razroev E A, Szadkovski Z, Tornaszevski

A, Trubkin Yu A, Tsarev V A

HE 4.3-3 Depth Intensity Relation of Muon in the Water in the 300

Energy Range from 109 eV to 1017 eV

Takahashi N, Kawaguchi S, Adachi A, Mitsui K, Misaki


HE 4.3-4 Muon Intensity at Great Depth in Zenith Angle 301

Intervals 50°-70° and 70o-850 Obtained byBaksan Underground Scintillation Telescope

Andreyev Yu M, Chudakov A E, Gurentsov V I, Kogai I M

HE 4.3-6 A New Method for Solutions of Depth-Intensity 305

Relation of Muon Underground

Furukawa N, Nakamura I, Misaki A

HE 4.3-7 Expected Angular Distribution of Cosmic Ray Muons 306

Observed Deep Underground

Nakatsuka T, Kobayakawa K, Kitamura T

HE 4.3-8 Study of Prompt Muon Production by Angular 310

Distribution of Muons Recorded in KGF Nucleon Decay


Adarkar H, Dugad S R, Krishnaswamy M R., Menon M G K,

Mondal N K, Narasimham V S, Sreekantan B V, Hayashi

Y, I to N, Kawakami S, Nakamura T, Tanaka K, Miyake S

Page 12: CONFERENCEPAPERS Volume (HE Sessions)


Scattering Angle of Cosmic Ray Muons with Energy Loks 314

Deep Underground II

Nakntsuka T, Kobayaknwa K, Kitamura T

Detailed Analysis of Counter Data from EAS Experiments 318

Popova L

Investigation of Cerenkov Light from Cosmic Ray Muons 322

in Ocean

Alalykin V G, Gavshin S B, Danil'chenko I A,

Petrukhin A A, Potapov G A, Yashin I I, Ilyichev V I,

Kharlamov Yu M, Kobylyansky V V, Moyseychenko V V,

Myagkikh A I

HE 4: Muons

4.4 Underground (surface and underground comparison)

HE 4.4-1 Surface-Underground Coincidences for Large Deep 323

Underground Detectors

Gaisser T K, Lipari P, Stanev T

HE 4.4-2 Surface-Underground Coincidences at the Soudan Mine 327

DasGupta U, Allison W W M, Alner G J, Ambats I, AyresD, Balka L, Barr G D, Barrett W L, Benjamin D, Border

P, Brooks C B, Cobb J H, Cockerill D J A, Courant H,

Dahlin B, Dawson J, Edwards V W, Ewen B, Fields T,

Kirby-Gallagher L M, Garcia-Garcia C, Giles R H,

Goodman M C, Heppelmann S, Hill N, Jankowski J D,Johns K, Joyce T, Heller K, Kafka T, Kochocki J,

Litchfield P J, Longley N, Lopez F, Lowe M, Mann A,Marshak M, May E, McMaster L, Milburn R, Miller W,Napier A, Oliver W, Pearce G F, Perkins D H, Peterson

E, Price L, Roback D, Rosen D, Ruddlck K, Saitta B,Schmid D, Schlereth J, Schneps J, Schubert S, Shield

P D, Shupe M, Sundaralingam N, Thomson M A, Thron J,

Werkema S, West N

HE 4.4-3 Study of the Primary Cosmic Rays at E0 - 1013 - 1016 331

eV by Simultaneous Observation of Extensive Air

Showers and Underground Muons at the Gran Sasso


EAS-TOP and MACRO Collaborations

(See OG 4.6-17 and HE 7.2-11 for author lists)

HE 4.3-9

HE 4.3-10

HE 4.3-11


Page 13: CONFERENCEPAPERS Volume (HE Sessions)


HE 4 4-4 Simultaneous Observation of Extensive Air Showers and 335

Underground Muons at the Gran Sasso Laboratory

EAS-TOP and MACRO Collaborations

(See OG 4.6-17 and HE 7.2-11 for author lists)

HE 4.4-5 Photo Nuclear Energy Loss Of High Energy Muons in Sea 339

Water And Rocks

Bhattacharyya D P, Pal P

HE 4.4-6 Cosmic Ray Events in Soudan 2 343

Allison W W M, Alner G J, Ambats I, Ayres D, Balka L,

Barr G D, Barrett W L, Benjamin D, Border P, Brooks C

B, Cobb J H, Cockerill D J A, Courant H, Dahlin B,

Dawson J, Edwards V W, Ewen B, Fields T,

Kirby-Gallagher L M, Garcia-Garcia C, Giles R H,

Goodman M C, Heppelraann S, Hill N, Jankowski D J,

Johns K, Kafka T-, Kochocki J,Litchfield P J, Longley

N, Lopez F, Lowe M, Mann A, Marshak M, May E,McMaster L, Mllburn R, Miller W, Napier A, Oliver W,

Pearce G F, Perkins D H, Peterson E, Price L, Roback

D, Rosen D, Ruddick K, Saitta B, Schmid D, Schlereth

J, Schneps J, Schubert S, Shield P D, SundaralingamN, Thomson M A, Thron J, Werkema S, West N

HE 4.4-7 Direct Leptons, High Energy Muon Groups and Chemical 347

Composition of Primary Radiation

Butkevich A V, Dedenko L G, Zheleznykh I M

HE 4.4-8 Lateral Distribution of Muons in Groups 348

Chudakov A E, Tsyabuk A L, Voevodsky A V

HE 4: Muons

4.5 Others - Includes muon groups

HE 4.5-1 Primary Composition up to 1017 eV from the Analysis 352

of Multiple Muon Events in the NUSEX Experiment

Aglietta M, Badino G, Bologna G, Castagnoli C,

Castellina A, D'Ettorre Piazzoli B, Fulgione W,

Galeotti P, Mannocchi G, Picchi P, Saavedra 0,

Trinchero G C, Vernetto S

HE 4.5-2 Multiple Muon Physics with the MACRO Detector at Gran 356


MACRO Collaboration

(See HE 7.2-11 for author list)

Page 14: CONFERENCEPAPERS Volume (HE Sessions)


HE 4.5-3 High Multiplicity Muon Groups In Baksnn Telescope 360

Szabelski J, Wdowczyk J, Chudakov A E, Potkov V B,

Shcherbachev S Yu, Tsyabuk A L, Voevodsky A V,

Dudarewlcz A, Wozniak A

HE 4,5-4 Multiple Coincident Muons Deep Underground and a 361

QCD-inspired Mlnijet Model

Gaisser T K, Llpari P, Stanev T, Tilav S

HE 4'. 5-5 Multiple Muons in the Gran Sasso Laboratory 362

Auriemma G, Gaisser T K, Stanev T

HE 4.5-6 Monte Carlo Simulation of Muon Bundles in Underground 366


Bilokon H, D'Ettorre Piazzoli B, Forti C, Gaisser T

K, Satta L, Stanev T

HE 4.5-7 Multiple Muons at the Depths of 6045 hg/cm2 and 7000 370

hg/cm2 in the Kolar Gold Mines

Adarkar H, Dugad S R, Krishnaswamy M R, Menon M G K,Mondal N K, Narasimham V S, Sreekantan B V, HayashiY, I to N, Kawakami S, Nakamura T, Tanaka K, Miyake S

HE 4.5-8 Single Muon Physics with the MACRO Detector 371

MACRO Collaboration

(See HE 7.2-11 for author list)

HE 4.5-9 Study of Muon Spectrum and Muon Inelastic Scattering 375

at Baksan Underground Scintillation Telescope

Bakatanov V N, Chudakov A E, Novosel'tsev Yu F,Novosel'tseva R V, Semenov A M, Sten'kin Yu V

HE 4.5-10 Contained Events in Soudan 2 378

Soudan Group

(See HE 4.4-6 for author list)

HE 4.5-11 Study of Neutron Flux Generated by Cosmic Ray Muons 382

at the Depth of 5200 hg/cm2. Depth - Neutron

Intensity Curve

Dadykin V L, Khalchukov F F, Korchagin P V, KorchaginV B, Kudryavtsev V A, Mai'gin A S, Ryasny V G,Ryazhskaya 0 G, Yakushev V F, Zatsepin G T, AgliettaM, Badino G, Bologna G, Castagnoli C, Castellina A,

Fulgione W, Galeotti P, Saavedra 0, Trinchero G,Vernetto S

Page 15: CONFERENCEPAPERS Volume (HE Sessions)


HE 4.5-13 On Applications of Cosmic Ray Underground 386

Liu Z-h

HE 4,5-15 LVD Detector: The Tracking System 387

Anzivino G, Casaccia R, Cindolo F, Cui X, De Felici

M, Ding H, Dong Y, Enorini M, Fabbri F L, Gao B, Jing

C, Laakso I, Li Y, Pallante E, Qian S, Shi Z, Sun Y,

Spallone A, Votano L, Zallo A

HE 4: Muons

4.6 Underground observations of sources

HE 4.6-1 Observation of Excess Muon Events from the Direction 388

of Cygnus X-3 in the NUSEX Experiment

Aglietta M, Badino G, Bologna G, Castagnoll C,

Castellina A, D'Ettorre Piazzoli B, Fulgione W,

Galeotti P, Mannocchi G, Picchi P, Saavedra 0,

Trinchero G, Vernetto S

HE 4.6-2 Search for Underground Muons Associated with the 1989 392

Cygnus X-3 Radio Outbursts

Becker-Szendy R, Casper D, Crouch M, Dye S T, Errede

S, Gajewski W, Goldhaber M, Jones T W, Learned J G,

LoSecco J M, Matsuno S, McGrew C, Mudan M S, Reines

F, Stone J L, Sulak L R, Wittel F

HE 4.6-3 Search for High Energy Muons from Point Sources 394

Aoki T, Mitsui K, Ohashi Y, Okada A, Kitamura T,

Minorikawa Y, Kamiya Y, Muraki Y, Shibata S,

Kobayakawa K, Yamamoto I, Nihei A

HE 4.6-4 A Search for Sources of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays 398

with an Underground Muon Detector

Corbato S C, Cebula D, Daily T M, Fenyves E J, Kieda

D B, Lande K, Lee C K, Marshall B

HE 4.6-5 Underground Muons from the Direction of Cygnus X-3 402

Johns K, Marshak M L, Peterson E A, Ruddick K, Shupe

M, Ayres D S, Fields T H, May E N, Price L E

HE 4.6-6 Underground Muon Observations in the Soudan 2 Detector 406

Soudan Group

(See HE 4.4-6 for author list)

Page 16: CONFERENCEPAPERS Volume (HE Sessions)


HE 4.6-/ Studies ol /j's Underground with the Soudan 2 Tracker 409

Kochocki J, Allison W W M, Airier G J, Ainbats 1, Ayrcs

D, Balka L, Barr G D, Barrett W L, Benjamin D, Border

P, Brooks C B, Cobb J H, Cockerill D J A, Courant II,

Dahlin B, Dawson J, Edwards V W, Ewen B, Fields T,

Kirby-Gallagher L M, Garcia-Garcia C, Giles R H,

Goodman M C, Heppelmann S, Hill N, Jankowski D J,

Johns K, Kafka T, Litchfield P J, Longley N, Lopez F,

Lowe M, Mann A, Marshak M, May E, McMaster L, Milburn

R, Miller W, Napier A, Oliver E, Pearce G F, Perkins

D H, Peterson E, Price L, Roback D, Rosen D, Ruddick

K, Saitta B, Schmid D, Schlereth J, Schneps J,

Schubert S, Shield P D, Sundaralingam N, Thomson M A,

Thron J, Werkema S, West N

HE 4.6-8 Deflected Angles of Muons Induced by Cosmic Ray 413


Kobayakawa K, Nuroata N, Saraura T

HE 4,6-9 The Prospects for "Muon Astronomy" in the Deep Ocean 417

Stenger V J

HE 4.6-10 High Statistics Study of the Sea Level Cosmic Ray 421

Distribution in Celestial Coordinates

Battistoni G, Bloise C, Di Credico A, Grillo A F,

Marini A, Ronga F, Valente V

HE 4.6-11 Is Cygnus X-3 a Muon Point Source ? 425

Yamashita Y, Wada T, Miyai H, Katayama T, Yamamoto I

HE 4.6-12 A New Counter Telescope with a Magnet Spectrometer 429

Miyai H, Wada T, Katayama T, Tsuruda M, Yamashita Y,Yamamoto I, Saito K