MSCCN Board Meeting Conference Call Conference Call May 26, 2011 May 26, 2011

Conference Call May 26, 2011 MSCCN Board Meeting Conference Call May 26, 2011

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MSCCN Board Meeting

Conference CallConference CallMay 26, 2011May 26, 2011

Roll Call for MSCCN Board Meeting May 26, 2011

• Lee Tuveson, Chairman

• Dan Kloeppel, Finance Chairman

• Richard Parr, Board of Directors

• Norm Bartlett, Board of Directors

• Don Ceresia, Board of Directors

• Andrew Jackson, Board of Directors

• Bill Warren, Board of Directors

• Joe Garcia, Board of Directors

• Joe Weiner, Board of Directors

• Deb Kloeppel, MSCCN President and CEO

• Edward Greene, Board of Directors

• RADM Lee Metcalf, USN (ret) and Board Member


The Driving Force of Our Success


Founded by Military Spouses

Operated By Military Spouses

and Veterans

In Honor of Our Military Warriors

and Their Families

The Fabulous MSCCN Team

Full Time Staff – Deb Kloeppel, Stacy Bayton, Jennifer QuimbyPart Time Staff – Amy Rossi, Emily Burton, BrendaLee Winans, Erin Voirol,

Maria Cotrell

Take care of the MSCCN Workforce• More dependable personal computers• Reasonable compensation for Team Members• Better operational programs for training and conferencing


Stacy Bayton

Stacy was raised in a military family, served in the U.S. Coast Guard Reserve and U.S. Marines before pursuing careers in law, business, and public service. Stacy is an entrepreneur, an environmental and social activist, military family activist, writer, keynote speaker, health and environmental spokesperson, and a civic leader. She holds a degree in pre-law with a focus in Criminal Justice and Civil Litigation, and certifications in non-profit business management. Stacy brings to MSCCN fifteen years of experience founding various military family projects, environmental and

health programs, campaigns, and fundraising efforts to improve health and environmental conditions within the United States. She has an extensive career in business, consulting, law, investor relations, and activism which has prepared her well for her current position as the Operations Manager of the MSCCN where she serves as an advocate for military spouse and veteran employment. She has also co-chaired various women’s business mentorship groups, founded the “Healthy Body, Healthy Earth Campaign”, is the Vice President of the Navy Wives Club of America Pensacola Chapter, a member of the Marine Spouses Association, and a member of the National Professional Women’s Association. Stacy is a veteran and wife of an active duty Marine. She has a passion for helping those who are in need,

particularly those within the military community. She understands the struggles that spouses/families and veterans face both during and after their service, and serves as a passionate advocate for military family support.


Stacy BaytonOperations ManagerMSCCN

Jennifer Quimby

Jennifer was born and raised in England. In her early 20s, she moved to Germany and started working for the US Air Force at Rhein-Main AFB where she later met and married an air force sergeant. She has two daughters and, after 20 years traveling to various air force locations world-wide, the family retired in Florida.

While traveling with the military, she experienced the challenges of trying to find work, both on and off-base. She brings with her diverse work experience, including being an Avon representative, assisting with realty sales, and working from home. After her husband retired and the family was finally settled in one place, she started work as an Executive Assistant and was also able to complete three associate degrees. She discovered an affinity for mathematics and computers and has honed her business skills, working with government-related technology companies and in the healthcare field. Her most recent experiences have been as an Office Manager and Program Coordinator. She also has extensive experience as a trainer, continuing education teacher, and is a certified Microsoft Office Professional.

After experiencing both the joys and challenges of military life, she is excited to be able to play a small part in assisting other military spouses find opportunities in today’s challenging job market. She firmly believes that being married to the military brings a special perspective to life and work.


Jennifer QuimbyWebmaster, Gateway Manager, Chief of StaffMSCCN

MSCCN Operations

• Applicant Process• Applicant ~ Recruiter Connect Program• Jobs Platform• Virtual Training• National Guard Program• Marketing and Public Relations• Social Media• Corporate Development and Fundraising• Website• MSEJ• Volunteer Program


Applicant Program Outline

• Applicants upload their resume or work history to the MSCCN Website on the Job Seeker page www.msccn.org/jobseekers.php

• MSCCN Applicant Specialist Responsibilities – after resume/work history is uploaded:

• An MSCCN Applicant Specialist will contact the applicant to discuss the individual’s job search needs and goals.

• The Applicant Specialist will assess the needs of the applicant in conjunction with the MSCCN Applicant Program, and direct to the services they need (virtual training, resumes assistance, etc.).

• The Applicants are each provided 6 one-hour long sessions, one-on-one, with an MSCCN Applicant Specialist to assist them in their job search, find local resources, answer questions, practice mock interviews, and more employment readiness topics.

• In addition, the MSCCN Applicant Specialist is available by email.


Applicant ResponsibilitiesMSCCN concept ~ Job Seekers Vested in their ‘Own’ Job MSCCN concept ~ Job Seekers Vested in their ‘Own’ Job


MSCCN Applicants are expected to:•Communicate with the MSCCN Applicant Specialists.•Receive Training on job search related topics.•Become an active participant in their job search.•Celebrate receiving that job offer and let the MSCCN

Applicant Specialist know they were hired.


Virtual Training Platform• Live resume training sessions and assessment workshops are held

weekly. Our virtual training schedule can be viewed at www.msccn.eventbrite.com

• Virtual Training Topics Include:


Organizing Your Job Search Networking – What Is It and How to Make It Work For You

Targeting Your Resume for Maximum Impact!

Don’t Hand Out Your Resume! How to Make the Most of a Job Fair

Live Resume Assessment How to Lock that Job – Interview Techniques that Work for You!

Just One thing – Top Tips for a Successful Job Search

Guerilla Job Search Tactics for Job Seekers

Making the Vision Happen

• There have been Twenty (20) training sessions held since January 1, 2011• Topics geared to help military-affiliated job seekers TARGET their resumes and

their job search, and PERFECT their interview and networking skills.• Virtual Training Platform includes the use of Eventbrite.com and GoToWebinar for

tracking an hosting.• In July 2011 the MSCCN will launch its online training modules for applicants to

access 24/7 at their convenience and begin to use weekly live workshops on the module topics.

Live Workshop Topics Will Include:


How to Target Every Aspect of your Job Search Networking

Using Social Media How To Balance Your Life as a Military Spouse

Q & A with MSCCN Applicant Specialists Q & A with Recruiters

Goals for Streamlined Applicant Program

• Increase productivity for our applicants• Increase employment opportunities for our applicants and

hires•Offer a program that is supportive of our military family

centers and the services they provide.

MSCCN ~ One Step Ahead!MSCCN ~ One Step Ahead!


National Guard Employment Network

Mission• To assist the National Guard with the development of an

employment assistance program for each National Guard command throughout the United States.

Goal• It is MSCCN’s intent to improve National Guard force stability by

improving its members’ ability to seek, obtain, and retain civilian employment through employment readiness and placement assistance after they return from Iraq and Afghanistan.

The implementation of an employment program is of critical importance to National Guard families. MSCCN has committed resources in support of this endeavor.


National Guard Program Consists of:

• Training for state National Guard Employment Support Teams.• Creation of full service websites for each state with job boards, training support, and

resources designated just for National Guard – attached to each state site.• Peer-to-peer mentorship – direct outreach. • Interactive Virtual Training Seminars. • Virtual Job Clubs Support for on-site workshops with custom-tailored curriculum for

each workshop that specifically addresses the needs identified by the National Guardsmen and spouses within the state/community being served.

• Work-from-home initiative. • Military Employment Journal (MSEJ) to provide tips, success stories, information on

events and virtual training schedule, and other information for job seekers. • Direct follow-up with all work shop participants; job coaching and mentorship. • Internship Program – opportunities for military-affiliated job seekers to develop and

expand career skills and gain work experience. • Recruiter and Corporate Connections – partnerships that expand employment

opportunities for our military-affiliated job seekers.


Goals of Program

•Provide a full service website that is interfaced with the MSCCN website and job portals

•Train National Guard Employment Teams in each state and support their efforts

•Employment readiness for our National Guardsmen and their spouses

• Increased employment opportunities for our National Guard and their spouses


Media Report


Total Media Contact

• MSCCN active on 3 social media networks• Increased online presence and more search engine hits

▫Career Navigation Blog growing 500-700 Views per month▫Google Alerts and Hits over 180

• 1,124,844 hits on the website since January▫ Over 15,000 hits in the last 2 months

• MSCCN published 46 articles, referenced in 10 additional articles• 100 press releases sent• One (1) television interview


Social Media

Current social media includes Twitter, Facebook, and the MSCCN Career Navigation Blog.

New additions in social media for 2011 will include a dual platform in LinkedIn that will support our Applicant ~ Recruiter Connect Program, and a new interactive addition to the MSCCN Facebook.


MSCCN Career Navigation Blog

In early 2011 MSCCN launched a more interactive information blog that includes:

• Find Work Wednesdays – Hot Job Postings• National guard Program Information• MSCCN Information and Link to website• Career News and Information



Corporate Development Brief

• Employer Partners (62 x $5,000)• Advertising• MSEJ ($1,000 a quarter)• Sponsorship of MSCCN events• Virtual Training Sponsor• MilSpouse Marketing $10,000• Flagship Membership• Charter Membership• Private and Government Grants• Marketing plan to increase individual donations


Volunteer Report• ž30 active Volunteer Corps members nationwide• žOver 2300 Volunteer Hours Performed in since program's inception in fall 2009• žTotal value of volunteer time (savings to MSCCN) over $47,000.• žOver 60 % success rate volunteers placed into positions• žVolunteer Corps Newsletter distributed quarertly• ž20 articles published by volunteers in the past year• žVolunteers attended several events, including job fairs and MilSpouse Job Club

meetings• žDC-area volunteer attended an event with the Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs

of Staff honoring wounded warriors and their caregivers• žTwo volunteers in Jacksonville, FL created a four-day employment readiness

workshop in Spring 2011• žA volunteer presented at TriWest Healthcare Alliance sponsored Colorado

Springs, CO MilSpouse Job Club meeting in January 2011


Expansion of the Volunteer Program

In 2011 MSCCN will expand their volunteer program into a three tiered level of support that will include volunteers, Interns, and Fellows from The Mission Continues.

Volunteers (limited positions)▫ Writing articles for MSEJ (taking submissions from military spouses, veterans, professionals, etc. ▫ Resume Coalition

Interns (10 positions)

The Mission Continues Fellows (3)


› Social Media (3) › Corporate Development/Research (1)› Job posters (3) › Virtual Training (1)› Applicants (2)

› Website Developer/Programmer/Engineer › Virtual Training

› Social Media- to manage development and build out Applicant ~ Recruiter Connect Program on LinkedIn

New MSCCN Website

•Site streamlined to organize information•Employer section provides information on various

membership levels and suggested contribution•User-friendly Job Seeker section •Quick access to information on MSCCN’s leadership, team

members, and financials•Work in progress, constantly being updated to remain fresh

and relevant.


Military Spouse Employment Journal (MSEJ)

•New Look, New Readers!

•Gradually moving the MSEJ online

•Funding potential selling ads in the MSEJ


Program Coordination

•Focused coordination for all team members•Standardization of duties and processes•Streamlined programs•Oversight of departments and programs through the

MSCCN Program Matrix and Operations Chart- Lists duties and responsibilities for the team- Coordinates operational movement- Keeps a balance for MSCCN


Talent Management Gateway Brief

•Resumes Uploaded – 1,249

•Jobs Posted – 5,595

•Candidate Communications – 28,997

•Candidate Known Hires - 41


Feedback on Program

• “Thank you so much for your presentation this afternoon. I found the entire session very informative and appreciated your suggestions. For me, it was time well spent!” ~ Dan~ Dan

• “Thank you so much for all the time and effort you put into preparing and delivering yesterday's training. Even though I have attended 2 resume workshops in the last 6 months, I found your training to be very helpful. The focus on targeted resumes and job applications was especially helpful, as this has not been discussed in much detail in any the other trainings I attended.” ~Mary Beth~Mary Beth

• “Thank you very much for sharing so much great information on how to write a good resume. I thought your classes were great!” ~Denise~Denise

• “Thank you so much for everything you and MSCCN do! You have truly made a difference in my life! We need more people like you and your team and less impersonal information and cookie cutter help!” ~Elizabeth~Elizabeth


2011 Goals

• Increase new hires to 8 a week by October 2011• Increase recruiter contacts – two new recruiters a week•Successful launch of National Guard program in all states

by the end of 2011 in regards to websites and virtual support program

•Expand virtual outreach throughout the US and OCONUS• Implementation of the online training modules and training

workshops by August 2011•Expansion of the Volunteer/Intern Program by July 2011


The MSCCN Focus

•Streamline programs to better support our applicants and our military family centers

•Focus on what makes us unique and successful

•Stay one step ahead!



Services Available

Military Spouse Corporate Career


Army Spouse Employment Partnership

Military Spouse Employment Partnership


OneSource Network of Corporate Partners1 On-line job bank2 2013 2013 User Friendly Website3 Ability for military spouses to upload resumes 4 One-to-one military spouse job search assistance, coaching and training Placement service interface between applicant and corporate recruiter Emphasis on Job Portability and Work from Home Virtual Training Platform, and training with service members stationed in theatre in Afghanistan.

Nationwide Job Clubs5 Volunteer Corps Job Network6 Training program for Government employment counselors Applicant tracking system Created and maintains National Guard Employment Support Website Created and maintains (first-ever) National Guard Employment Program Serves widows, caregivers and transitioning military spouses Serves primary caregivers - other than military spouses - Mans a 24 hour "ask-us" phone line for applicants Created and maintains an award winning e-magazine (employment journal) Built a premiere corporate recruiter program with highlights on our website MSCCN created first ever National Guard Employment Website & Program MSCCN currently maintains three global job platforms for military spouses Maintains a secure and private (internet) internal document site for our nationwide corporate recruiters and MSCCN Job placement specialists

Provides a mass email function for continual updates to our 23,000 applicant base

Provides a monthly applicant hire report to DoD, OSD, and all Service Branches

Four (4) Certified Kenexa Workbench Administrators Eighteen (18) Trained Gateway Specialists Full-time Webmaster on staff Government funding required

1 650 Partners 2 1.2M jobs now 3 2M hits in 2010 4 22K now 5 Launched in FL in 2010 and have expanded the program nationwide starting in 2011 6 65% hiring success rate for our volunteers.

What Sets MSCCN Apart

•Training Platform with virtual training workshops and online education modules

•An Applicant Program that is ACTIONACTION oriented•Applicant ~ Recruiter Connections = increased hires for our military

spouses and veterans•Employment initiatives that improve employment opportunities for our

applicants- Work From Home Initiative- I AM For Military Spouses Campaign


•MSEJ•Interactive blog•Full service website with information and

training•Secure Kenexa applicant database for

resume uploads, job portals, and communication with applicants

• Tracking and Reporting capabilities•Programs that support our military and

veteran communities


What Really Sets Us Apart…

• Personal contact with our applicants and our recruiters. The MSCCN meets the NEEDSNEEDS of our military-affiliated applicants. We do not decide what those needs are; we listen and adapt our programs to what our applicants and recruiters tell us is needed to find a successful outcome for everyone! We do what others can not and/or will not do!


Allotted Pay Report


Name Misc Notes

Weekly Hours

Rate  Hour Pay Per Week

2 Week Pay Bonus Total Pay

Kloeppel, Deb $ 1,250.00 $ 2,500.00 $2,500.00 Bayton, Stacy 40 max 40 $ 20.00 $ 800.00 $ 1,600.00 $1,600.00 Burton, Emily 32 max 32 $ 15.00 $ 480.00 $ 960.00 $960.00 Cottrell, Maria 10 Max

week20 $ 10.00 $ 200.00 $ 400.00 $400.00

Dehm, Sue LOA $ 10.00 $ - $ - $0.00 Quimby, Jennifer Paid

through DEA

N/A N/A $ - $0.00

Rossi, Amy LOA 0 $ 15.00 $ - $ - $0.00 Schofield, Amy Resigned 0 $ 15.00 $ - $ - $0.00 Voirol,Erin 24 24 $ 11.00 $ 264.00 $ 528.00 $528.00 Williams, Sue Volunteer 0 $ 10.00 $ - $ - $0.00 Winans, Brenda Lee 24 24 $ 11.00 $ 264.00 $ 528.00 $528.00 TOTAL 140 $ 3,258.00 $6,516.00 $0.00 $6,516.00


$ 14,118.00

Totals below do not include bonus column

MSCCN Per Hour/Alloted Time Per Week

Total Per Pay Period

Total Per Month (52 wks / 12 mos)

MSCCN 2011 Budget


MSCCN 2010 Financials

Cash 1/1/10

Contributions 2010

Salaries 2010

Expenses 2010

Cash 1/1/11

2010 Burn Rate

• $206,298.00

• $318,429.00

• $226,854.00

• $30,266.00

• $268,645.00

• $21,426/mo


MSCCN Donor List (Over $5,000)

Gulf Coast Community Foundation $124,500

Community Foundation of Jacksonville $107,000

The Boeing Company $ 50,000

Magellan Health Services $ 10,000

Newman’s Own $ 10,000

ASMBA Star Foundation $ 8,000

Triwest Healthcare Alliance $ 7,500


MSCCN Financials 2011Cash 1/1/2011


IC Salaries


Cash 5/26/2011

2011 Burn Rate

2011 Committed Donations



$ 82,609.00


$ 200,898.00



© MSCCN 2011


MSCCN Donor List


StarTek $15,000.00

Magellan $ 5,000.00

Pentagon Federal Cr Union $ 3,750.00

DirectEmployers Association Jennifer Quimby Salary & Ben $64,144.52

Our NeedsWe Need Your Help!We Need Your Help!

• Expanded Network Expanded Network ~ We need assistance Marketing/Promoting the MSCCN Program to Corporations, Organizations, and Individuals who will support the MSCCN Mission

• FundingFunding to expand the work MSCCN does for our Military and Veteran Communities

• ResourcesResources that will promote the SuccessSuccess of the MSCCN Mission and Goals