Concurrency: Deadlock and Starvation Chapter 6

Concurrency: Deadlock and Starvation Chapter 6. Revision Describe three necessary conditions for deadlock Which condition is the result of the three necessary

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Concurrency: Deadlock and Starvation

Chapter 6


• Describe three necessary conditions for deadlock

• Which condition is the result of the three necessary conditions

• Deadlock avoidance makes sure that at least one of the conditions does not exist in the system (TRUE/FALSE)

• An unsafe state is a deadlocked state (T/F)

Deadlock Avoidance

• Maximum resource requirement must be stated in advance

• Processes under consideration must be independent; no synchronization requirements

• There must be a fixed number of resources to allocate

• No process may exit while holding resources

Deadlock Detection

• OS can perform deadlock detection to detect and break deadlocks

• Detection can be carried out on each resource request

• Allocation matrix, Available vector and Request matrix are defined

• Mark processes that are not deadlocked• Begin by marking zero rows in

Allocation matrix

Deadlock Detection

• Initialize W = A• Find an ‘i’ such that process ‘i’ is currently

unmarked• Determine if ith row of Q is less than or equal

to W (for all elements), if no, EXIT• If yes, mark process ‘i’ and set W = W+A for

all elements in this row and go back to find next unmarked process

• At the end, any unmarked process is deadlocked

Deadlock Detection

P4 is marked first; P3 is taken; new W is 00011

P1 and P2 fail the test Q<W so they are deadlocked

Strategies once Deadlock Detected

1. Abort all deadlocked processes

2. Back up each deadlocked process to some previously defined checkpoint, and restart all process

• original deadlock may occur

3. Successively abort deadlocked processes until deadlock no longer exists

4. Successively preempt resources until deadlock no longer exists

Selection Criteria for Deadlocked Processes(3&4)

• Least amount of processor time consumed so far

• Least number of lines of output produced so far

• Most estimated time remaining

• Least total resources allocated so far

• Lowest priority

Dining Philosophers

• Five philosophers are in deep thought sitting around a dining table

• When they get hungry, they try to eat the spaghetti

• There is only one fork to the left of each philosopher

• Each philosopher must acquire two forks to eat• One philosopher can begin eating if the

neighbour to the right has put down the fork• No deadlock, no snatching, no starvation

Dining Philosophers Problem

Solution With Semaphores• semaphore fork[5] = {1};• void philosopher(int i)• {• while (true)• {• think();• wait(fork[i]);• wait(fork[(i+1) mod 5);• eat();• signal(fork[(i+1) mod 5);• signal(fork[i]);• }• }• All philosophers may starve to death!! Why??

UNIX Concurrency Mechanisms

• Pipes

• Messages

• Shared memory

• Semaphores

• Signals


• Based on producer-consumer model

• A pipe is a FIFO queue written by one process and read by another

• Writing process is blocked if no room

• Mutual exclusion is enforced by UNIX

• Named pipes can be shared by unrelated processes as well


• Each process has a “mailbox”, an associated message queue

• System calls are provided for message passing

• Process sending message to a full queue is suspended

Shared Memory and Semaphores

• Common block of virtual memory shared by multiple processes

• Fastest form of IPC• UNIX kernel handles the semaphore

operations atomically• A semaphore contains

– Current value– PID of last process that accessed it– Number of processes waiting

• System calls are provided to handle semaphores


• A signal informs a process about an event

• Signals do not have priorities

• Some signals in UNIX:– SIGFPT: Floating point exception– SIGALARM: Wake up after a time period– SIGBUS: Bus error

Solaris Thread Synchronization Primitives

1. Mutual exclusion (mutex) locks

2. Semaphores

3. Multiple readers, single writer locks

4. Condition variables• Implemented in KLT and ULT• Once created, either enter or release• Kernel does not enforce mutual exclusion

and unlocking on abort of threads

Solaris Mutex Locks and Semaphores

• If a thread has locked a mutex, only this thread will unlock it

• If another thread approaches the mutex, it will be either blocked or wait in a spin wait loop

• Use mutex_tryenter() to do busy waiting

• Solaris provides sema_P(), sema_v() and sema_tryp() primitives for semaphores

Readers/Writer and Condition Variables

• Readers/writer lock allows read-only access for an object protected by this lock

• If a thread is writing, all others must wait

• Condition variables are used with mutex locks

• Wait until a condition is true

Windows 2000 Concurrency Mechanisms

1. Process2. Thread3. File4. Console input5. File change notification6. Mutex7. Semaphore8. Event9. Waitable timer

W2K Summary

• Objects 5 through 9 are designed for supporting synchronization

• Each of these objects can be in a signaled or unsignaled state

• A thread issues wait request to W2K, using the handle of the object

• When an object enters signaled state, threads waiting on it are released

W2K Example

• A thread requests wait on a file that is currently open

• The thread is blocked

• The file is set to signaled state when the I/O operation completes

• The waiting thread is released