Concordia News May 2020

Concordia News May 2020 · UPDATE FROM THE ILLINOIS SOUTH CONFERENCE We recently received this letter from our Conference Minister, The Rev. Shana Johnson and the Conference Board:

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Page 1: Concordia News May 2020 · UPDATE FROM THE ILLINOIS SOUTH CONFERENCE We recently received this letter from our Conference Minister, The Rev. Shana Johnson and the Conference Board:

Concordia News

May 2020

Page 2: Concordia News May 2020 · UPDATE FROM THE ILLINOIS SOUTH CONFERENCE We recently received this letter from our Conference Minister, The Rev. Shana Johnson and the Conference Board:

CONCORDIA U.C.C 7600 State Route 163

Belleville, IL 62223




Pastor: Email: [email protected] Joan Mier

Cell #: 219-805-6022

Secretary: Email: [email protected] Natalie Huck

Director of Christian Ed: Becky Avara

Custodian: Rayonda Montgomery

Organist: Jennifer Hampsten



Edgar Stallmann 618-538-7603 [email protected]



Kevin Juhas 618-719-1611 [email protected]


Rayonda Montgomery 636-222-2334 [email protected]


Doris Steiger 618-476-1366 [email protected]


Financial Secretary

Cheryl Mueth 618-975-6768 [email protected]

Congregational Care

Marie Gemmingen 618-277-8045 [email protected]


John Klaus 618-791-2488 [email protected]

If you require Pastoral Care, please call the church, email Pastor

Joan: [email protected] or email Natalie:

[email protected]. If it is an emergency call Pastor

Joan at 219-805-6022.

Page 3: Concordia News May 2020 · UPDATE FROM THE ILLINOIS SOUTH CONFERENCE We recently received this letter from our Conference Minister, The Rev. Shana Johnson and the Conference Board:


Zoom Bible Study—May 6, 13, 20, 27 & June 3, 1 pm

May 3—Facebook Live Service with Holy Communion, 10 am

May 4- Zoom Book Club, 1 pm & Council meeting, 6:30 pm, location tba

May 10—Mother’s Day – Facebook Live Service, 10 am

May 17—Rural Life Sunday – Facebook Live Service, 10 am

May 21—Ascension Day—remember Christ’s ascension

May 24 – Facebook Live Service, 10 am

May 25—Memorial Day

May 31—“Strengthen the Church” collection – Facebook Live Service, 10 am

Unfortunately, it has been decided to put the Chicken Dinner on hold for now, hoping to

reschedule it sometime later this year.

May Lectionary Scripture Readings

May 3 – Fourth Sunday of Easter

Acts 2:42-47, Psalm 23, 1 Peter 2:19-25, John 10:1-10

May 10 – Fifth Sunday of Easter

Acts 7:55-60, Psalm 31:1-5,15-16, 1 Peter 2:2-10, John 14:1-14

May 17 – Sixth Sunday of Easter

Acts 17:22-31, Psalm 66:8-20, 1 Peter 3:13-22, John 14:15-21

May 24 – Seventh Sunday of Easter

Acts 1:6-14, Psalm 68:1-10;32-35, 1 Peter 4:12-14;5:6-11, John 17:1-11

May 31 – Pentecost Sunday

Acts 2:1-21, Psalm 104:24-34,35b, 1 Cor 12:3b-13, John 20:19-23

Page 4: Concordia News May 2020 · UPDATE FROM THE ILLINOIS SOUTH CONFERENCE We recently received this letter from our Conference Minister, The Rev. Shana Johnson and the Conference Board:

Pastor’s Message


Today, April 22nd, as I write my thoughts for the Pastor’s page for the May “Concordia Chat,” I

am reflecting on what I was doing fifty years ago—I remember being in 6th grade and our teacher

talking about the upcoming recognition of Earth Day and our responsibility to care for The Earth.

On Earth Day, (fifty years ago) our whole class went to the down-town area of Walkerton, IN,

the town we lived in, and were given bags to collect rubbish that had collected on the sidewalks

and in the alleyways. Our whole class worked together to clean up our small, down-town area. I

remember the smiles on our faces and how good we felt helping to care for our town and

absolutely care for Mother Earth. This lesson, received when I was in sixth grade, has stayed

with me all of my life and resides in my heart today. One thing that I chose to do when my

daughter was a baby was to use cloth diapers rather than disposable ones for as long as possible.

Even back then, I thought about all those disposable diapers going into landfills and how long it

would take for them to ever disintegrate. I worry about the amount of unnecessary garbage that is

going into our landfills, polluting soil and even some waterways. My husband and I, throughout

the years, have been active composters and also planters of trees. John planted two rows of pine

seedlings at our home church, Peace UCC, approximately thirty years ago. I wish you could see

how tall, stately, and gorgeous those pines tree seedlings turned out to be. People who look upon

those beautiful trees just feel the presence of the holy. I found this quote from Thomas Fuller

that I dedicate to my husband, John, “He that plants trees loves others besides himself.” Thank

you, John, for loving your God and God’s people so much that you took hours and hours of your

time to care for those dainty pine seedlings. The beautiful trees they grew to be give us oxygen;

they give places for rabbits to hide and for birds to nest and care for their babies. What a

glorious gift was given in those Pine Trees.

I have been told that we do not have a good recycling program in our area around Concordia

Church, therefore, there are things that other people and myself are throwing into our garbage

cans that makes our hearts ache. I feel there must be a better way. How can we make a

difference here at Concordia Church to care for Mother Earth that gives so much to us? If you

have thoughts on this issue, communicate those thoughts with me. I think that we need to be

catalysts of change for the care of the environment, don’t you? The National Headquarters of the

United Church of Christ invited Christ’s disciples in the UCC to a three-year commitment—

“Three Great Loves”-- “Love of children, Love of neighbor, and Love of creation.” This year,

the focus is on creation, remembering these words from Psalm 24:1, “The Earth is the Lord’s,

and the fullness thereof.” Caring for the environment is one of the ways we offer God our

tremendous love and gratitude for the gift of this magnificent planet that we live on. Caring for

the earth should bring joy to our lives. I end this message with a great quote from Leo Tolstoy:

“One of the first conditions of happiness is that the link between man and nature shall not be

broken” SO TRUE!

Loving this beautiful Earth with you,

Pastor Joan

Page 5: Concordia News May 2020 · UPDATE FROM THE ILLINOIS SOUTH CONFERENCE We recently received this letter from our Conference Minister, The Rev. Shana Johnson and the Conference Board:


We recently received this letter from our Conference Minister, The Rev. Shana Johnson and the

Conference Board:

“The Executive Committee voted today to recommend extending the suspension of in-

person worship two more weeks, through May 11, 2020. In the absence of any talk about

slowly reopening Illinois, we expect state guidelines to be extended beyond the current

April 30 date. If the Governor extends shelter-in-place beyond May 11, we will too. This window of time

includes Mother’s Day, a Sunday that traditionally has meant many

generations gathering in filled pews with happy faces. The May 11 date was purposefully

chosen to include Mother’s Day, because it would be exactly the wrong time to try to gather

a large group of people. We are not out of the woods and shouldn’t risk creating a dramatic number of

new COVID-19 cases. And, it might be a disappointing, lightly attended service, given so many are deeply

worried about leaving their homes, which is not what anyone needs right now. Instead of distributing

flowers this year, consider making a donation to your church or any other organization in honor of the

women in your life.”


Pastor Joan, at this time, has decided to no longer do “drive-thru” Holy Communion; therefore, on May 3rd

during the Supper at the Lord’s table, Pastor is inviting those of you who are watching service via

Facebook Live to have your own communion elements ready at home (whatever you choose to use is

fine), so that you may partake, in your own way, in receiving the “body and blood” of Christ.


Whether we are apart from one another or together, our hearts should be joined in commemorating and

celebrating the lives of those who have fearlessly served our country in the United States military and

gave their lives in active duty for the sake of freedom. Memorial Day is to memorialize the veterans who

made the ultimate sacrifice for their country. So, on Monday, May 25th, you are invited to spend some

time in prayer thanking God for those who died in service for their country and for the loved ones who

were left behind. Also, on Memorial Day, we remember all of our loved ones who have gone before us,

those who have made their eternal journey home. May all be remembered with much love on this

Memorial Day. Let it be so. Amen.


Our annual “Strengthen the Church” offering will be collected on May 31st—Pentecost Sunday. This is

the Sunday that we remember the Holy Spirit coming forth and alighting upon the followers of Jesus,

changing and transforming them—they spoke in different languages, yet all were able to understand each

other on that day, holy fire ignited their spirits to go forth and proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ,

advancing his ministry and mission to all the world. In Acts 2, we hear after the Holy Spirit came: “Awe

came upon everyone, because many wonders and signs were being done by the apostles. All who

believed were together and had all things in common. They would sell their possessions and goods and

distribute the proceeds to all, as any had need. Day by day, as they spent much time together in the

temple, they broke bread at home and ate their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and

having the good will of all the people. And day by day the Lord added to their number those who were

being saved.” We are still called, beloved, to share all that we can to “strengthen the church” 2000 years

after the first Pentecost, because the Holy Spirit is still moving among us, transforming us and always

opening our hearts to new opportunities to advance the church of Jesus Christ. Let it be so and let us give

with generous hearts.—Pastor Joan

Page 6: Concordia News May 2020 · UPDATE FROM THE ILLINOIS SOUTH CONFERENCE We recently received this letter from our Conference Minister, The Rev. Shana Johnson and the Conference Board:


If you would like to donate to the Millstadt Food Pantry, please drop your items off by the

side entrance to the church, there will be a blue container to put your items in. I will

arrange to have all donations picked up after the first Sunday of May.


Thank you to Brenda Waelti for the beautiful stole you made for Pastor Joan.


Concordia UCC members:

Here we are May 2020, we still do not know when we will return to our regular Church services and

meetings. We have received a communication from Illinois South Conference that recommends we

extend our Church shut down until May 11, 2020. This will mean there will NO Mother’s Day services.

We wish to extend our thanks with all the COVID 19 Pandemic, you, the members, have been supporting

the Church very well. You are greatly appreciated! Pastor Joan and the council will keep in contact with

each other to make sure the Church family stays connected.

I want to thank the Avara family for the wonderful song they performed for us on Easter Sunday.

May everyone have a Happy Mother’s Day and celebrate with your family in a safe way.

Keep everyone in your prayers and with the help of God, Pastor Joan and the church staff we will get

through this pandemic as a stronger church community.

Edgar, President


I am checking out an email I received about virtual choir practice…hmm

Take care everyone!


As of Wednesday, April 29th, a new Bible study began, “Joshua: Winning the Worry Battle” a DVD

study by Barb Roose. We will be continuing this study done via Zoom on May 6, 13, 20, 27 and June 3.

If you are interested in connecting to this Zoom Bible Study, please contact Rayonda and she will get the

necessary information to you, additional questions, please contact Pastor Joan at church (618)476-3377

or e-mail: [email protected]. All are welcome.

Page 7: Concordia News May 2020 · UPDATE FROM THE ILLINOIS SOUTH CONFERENCE We recently received this letter from our Conference Minister, The Rev. Shana Johnson and the Conference Board:


Book Club meets Monday May 4th at 1 pm via zoom call. Please contact Rayonda for more info. We

chose 3 books for April due to more home time.

• GIRL WASH YOUR FACE, By Rachel Hollis

• ABIDING HOPE, By Angela Benson

• THE DUTCH HOUSE, By Ann Patchett

Please join us if you can, should be a fun discussion. And if you have cheesecake during the call, no one

will know


Sunday School - Hope everyone is doing well. I am sure that all the kids are busy with online

learning. I am still receiving free resource material - just not as much as before Easter. So now that it

looks like this "normal" will be going on for a while longer, I will be forwarding some FUN stuff. Stay

safe and can't wait to see you all again!

DuBois Update: Camp is still on as of now, they will make a decision on May 5th whether or not they

will still have summer camp.

Congratulations to Maxwell Juhas our Belleville West 2020 Graduate. In the last few weeks, he

was nominated & selected for the Mighty Maroon Award, won the DAR Good Citizen Essay

Contest, and was accepted to Washington University majoring in Political Science beginning this


Page 8: Concordia News May 2020 · UPDATE FROM THE ILLINOIS SOUTH CONFERENCE We recently received this letter from our Conference Minister, The Rev. Shana Johnson and the Conference Board:

If you do not see your birthday or anniversary listed, please notify the

church by emailing [email protected] or call the church

and leave a message.


2nd Rachel Feazel 13th Jami Wilhelm

Marie Gemmingen 18th Sydni Juhas

4th Jean Meckfessel 22nd Diem Montgomery

Pat Lanaghan 23rd Jose Miguel Fernandez

10th Karen Bangert


1st Bill & Judy Wirth 24th Dale & Linda Hoepfinger

21st Dustin & Rayonda Montgomery 31st Polly Young & Jose Miguel Fernandez

Page 9: Concordia News May 2020 · UPDATE FROM THE ILLINOIS SOUTH CONFERENCE We recently received this letter from our Conference Minister, The Rev. Shana Johnson and the Conference Board:

If you would like someone added or deleted from the Prayer List, please notify the church

by emailing [email protected] or call the church and leave a message.


All who are on the Prayer List gives thanks for the support-prayers of Concordia UCC

Marie Gemmingen, Pat Lanaghan, Brenda Waelti, Dale Hoepfinger, Terry Bailey, Mel & Betty Mueller, Helen

Mueller, Sharon Stallmann, Don Sliment, Bill Mueller, Gloria Ellermeyer, Jane Weir, Douglas Anders, Bob

Miller, Randee Rittmeyer, Cory Teamen, Pam Donavan, Lee Strickland, Jeffrey Baker

Deployed: Andrew Settles

In Deepest Sympathy: The Concordia Church family wishes to express our deepest sympathy to Dan and Jodee

Blue and family in the unexpected loss of Dan’s brother, David Blue. We have been praying for David

throughout his battle with Cancer. Our prayers, now, change to prayers for David’s eternal peace dwelling in

the Light of God forever and ever. May it be so. Amen.

Note on Rev. Anders: He was able to continue his experimental Cancer treatments at a hospital in Memphis.

This is much better for him as he can drive there and does not have to stay away from home as long. Continue

to keep him in your prayers.

Additional Prayer List

Kathy Burgard Ronnie & Geri Keim Marion Scharf

Wally Davis Joe Knepper Kathryn Sick

Charlie Dayton Jane Koehler Don Sliment

Mary Douglas Bill & Doris Koeln Marilou Steele

Gerry Freiderich Bill Launius Debbie Waller

Joshua Gamm Mindy Newsum Bob & Wanda Wheat

Susie Gregg Angela Pearson Kevin Wicks

Pat Schmeder-Habers Lorene Rice Art Wynn

LeeAnn Heaton Teri Robertson Debbie Waller

Page 10: Concordia News May 2020 · UPDATE FROM THE ILLINOIS SOUTH CONFERENCE We recently received this letter from our Conference Minister, The Rev. Shana Johnson and the Conference Board:

Rev. Karl Doernenburg

Rev. Karl Doernenburg was born December 17, 1851 in Düsseldorf,

Germany. He immigrated to the United States in 1874 at the invitation of

his brother who was already a pastor in Missouri. After attending Elmhurst

College (1879), he attended and graduated from the seminary in

Marthasville, Missouri. He was ordained in Kansas City and served in the

following churches [1]:

● 1881-1887 Evangelical Lutheran Church - Lincoln, NE

● 1887-1891 St. Paul Church - Okawville, IL

● 1891-1893 Concordia Church - Belleville IL

● 1893-1895 Bethel Church - Concordia, MO

● 1895-1900 St. Peter Church - New Haven, MO

● 1900-1906 Emmanuel Church - Weldon Springs, MO

● 1906-1911 St. John Church - Springfield, MO

● 1912-1915 St. John Church - Metropolis, IL

● 1915-1936 St. John Church - Ridge Prairie, IL [2]

After 57 years of service, Rev. Doernenburg retired first in Belleville and then later moved to

Washington D.C. to live with his daughter and granddaughter. [1]

Rev. Doernenburg was married to his wife Johanna (nee Oberhellmann). He died June 2, 1943 and was

buried in Mount Hope Cemetery in Belleville, IL. [1]

Sources of Information

1. Messenger, 8:20 (June 29, 1943), 14

2. Eden Seminary Archives

Page 11: Concordia News May 2020 · UPDATE FROM THE ILLINOIS SOUTH CONFERENCE We recently received this letter from our Conference Minister, The Rev. Shana Johnson and the Conference Board:

Maudy Thursday

Good Friday


Page 12: Concordia News May 2020 · UPDATE FROM THE ILLINOIS SOUTH CONFERENCE We recently received this letter from our Conference Minister, The Rev. Shana Johnson and the Conference Board:


Please send any articles for the next newsletter by Wednesday May 21st , to

[email protected]

Please call the church office or email [email protected]

• If you move, change your telephone number or email address. Our records need

to be current

• If you or a member of your family is admitted to the hospital. The pastor needs

to know so hospital visits can be scheduled.

• A Death in the Family.

• When you have a new addition to your family.

• When a member of your family leaves home for college.

• When your committee or group plans a meeting or an activity, so the church

calendar can be updated.

• When you feel the church can assist you.

The Meckfessel’s are staying safe!

While we are having FB Live services, we are

not getting altar flowers. If you are signed up

for them during this period, there are still

some openings for other dates you may want

to switch to.

Current Shortages at the Millstadt Food Pantry:

• Boxed dinners

• Canned meats

• Mac n Cheese

• Shampoo, Deodorant, Kleenex, Dryer Sheets

• Laundry Detergent/dryer sheets

Page 13: Concordia News May 2020 · UPDATE FROM THE ILLINOIS SOUTH CONFERENCE We recently received this letter from our Conference Minister, The Rev. Shana Johnson and the Conference Board:
Page 14: Concordia News May 2020 · UPDATE FROM THE ILLINOIS SOUTH CONFERENCE We recently received this letter from our Conference Minister, The Rev. Shana Johnson and the Conference Board: