1 CONCLUSION AND CONSERVATION RECOMMENDATIONS End of 20th century and recent last decade of 21st century with global climate change and biodiversity loss have previously exerted significant impacts on terrestrial ecosystems and the impacts are proposed to be greater in the future; and these are major issues for the debate among the general peoples, which are discussed and shared by NGOs, media, awareness campaigns etc. (126) . In spite of these, much efforts laid by various national and international organizations, and during last Conference of Parties (CoP 11) at Hydrabad of Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)-2012, no country has made effective sustainable strategies to reduce green house gases with long-term programme for conservation of biodiversity (Personal observation-CBD, 2012) and several publications also found the absence of reliable monitoring scheme (127, 128, 129) . In addition, many of the world's natural Common Pool Resources (CPRs) (e.g., groundwater, forests, pastures, and fisheries) face overuse and congestion due to increased competition for and the sub-tractability nature of their use. By focusing on current needs and short-term benefits, and ignoring the consumption externalities, users have exhausted many natural resources without considering the needs of future generations (70) . Despite the commitment of most governments to reduce the rate of ecosystem degradation and species loss, the world is facing a historically unprecedented biodiversity crisis. The failure to reach the Biodiversity Convention countdown targets by 2010 can only exacerbate the contention that conventional conservation biology is ineffective for saving, promoting or restoring biodiversity. Much criticism is directed towards the great divide that exists between ‘‘scientific publications and public actions’’ in this field, with the discipline of conservation biology having largely failed to produce results that are practical and applicable in reality (13) . As we know, networks of secluded areas with participatory approach serve as a precious implement for biodiversity protection. In addition, protected areas frequently afford other benefits, like as maintaining cultural identity and sustaining the livelihood of indigenous inhabitant; these areas allow our constantly urbanizing society to retain contact with nature. With limited resources, however, protected areas should be

CONCLUSION AND CONSERVATION RECOMMENDATIONSshodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/bitstream/10603/10588/15... · biodiversity with its areas as well as strengthening the traditional livelihood

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Page 1: CONCLUSION AND CONSERVATION RECOMMENDATIONSshodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/bitstream/10603/10588/15... · biodiversity with its areas as well as strengthening the traditional livelihood



End of 20th century and recent last decade of 21st century with global climate change

and biodiversity loss have previously exerted significant impacts on terrestrial

ecosystems and the impacts are proposed to be greater in the future; and these are

major issues for the debate among the general peoples, which are discussed and

shared by NGOs, media, awareness campaigns etc. (126). In spite of these, much efforts

laid by various national and international organizations, and during last Conference of

Parties (CoP 11) at Hydrabad of Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)-2012, no

country has made effective sustainable strategies to reduce green house gases with

long-term programme for conservation of biodiversity (Personal observation-CBD,

2012) and several publications also found the absence of reliable monitoring scheme (127, 128, 129). In addition, many of the world's natural Common Pool Resources (CPRs)

(e.g., groundwater, forests, pastures, and fisheries) face overuse and congestion due to

increased competition for and the sub-tractability nature of their use. By focusing on

current needs and short-term benefits, and ignoring the consumption externalities,

users have exhausted many natural resources without considering the needs of future

generations (70).

Despite the commitment of most governments to reduce the rate of ecosystem

degradation and species loss, the world is facing a historically unprecedented

biodiversity crisis. The failure to reach the Biodiversity Convention countdown

targets by 2010 can only exacerbate the contention that conventional conservation

biology is ineffective for saving, promoting or restoring biodiversity. Much criticism

is directed towards the great divide that exists between ‘‘scientific publications and

public actions’’ in this field, with the discipline of conservation biology having

largely failed to produce results that are practical and applicable in reality (13). As we

know, networks of secluded areas with participatory approach serve as a precious

implement for biodiversity protection. In addition, protected areas frequently afford

other benefits, like as maintaining cultural identity and sustaining the livelihood of

indigenous inhabitant; these areas allow our constantly urbanizing society to retain

contact with nature. With limited resources, however, protected areas should be

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planned carefully to maximize the amount of preserved biodiversity (116). This has led

to conservation authorities setting measurable targets of preservation of significance

biodiversity with its areas as well as strengthening the traditional livelihood.

1.1 Conclusion

Kachchh district especially the Banni region represents unique grassland ecosystem,

which have unique plant species composition and supports the excellent faunal

diversity (42, 124) and it represents unique and very vast unique habitat which is already

described as Asia’s finest and unique grassland. Simultaneously, the pastoral

community is highly depending as open grazing land on this ecosystem for their

livestock including a Banni buffalo breed- an unique germ-plasma, which was

recently recognized as India’s 11th Buffalo breed.

As also discussed in Chapter 4, the flora types of study region are under serious and

increasing force of population growth of immigrant livestock and economic

development at fringes of Greater Rann of Kachchh (GRK), making sustainable land

use planning decisively important for biodiversity and grassland resource

conservation. Since it’s impracticable to defend all remaining consequence or

potential scattered grass composition in study area due to very scarce data and

scientific monitoring mechanism, the best optional policy is to start a network of

multidisciplinary researchers that can preserve most of Banni’s biodiversity in the

most space participatory conserving mode. My study also proposes such a network

based on a national and regional developmental organizations with their available

various base line data situate and apparent methodology.

The results show that the existing protected forest of Banni with other two protected

areas i.e. Chharidhandh Conservation Reserve and Desert Wild Life Sanctuary in

study area does not effectively conserve most of arid and unique biodiversity. A

improved participatory conservation programmed with involvement of local

stakeholders is proposed that has as additional benefit that it can be relatively easily

linked with Government system, which would make study areas more effectively

conserve and ecologically balanced ecosystem. Since the proposed multidisciplinary

network or group will be recommended at very site specific strategies to conserve

entire landscape, it provides an optimal conservation strategy that leaves areas for

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economic development. However, given the fast land-use changes in Kachchh district,

it is of the utmost importance that policymakers including Forest and Tribal

departments of Government of Gujarat start the process of reconsidering Banni’s

current and historical traditional conservation system and make right of local

pastoralist communities on natural resources of Banni areas. Urgency of conservation

is needed because it is likely that within one or two decades, the costs of restoring lost

as well as potential biodiversity and natural fodder resources will be too high and very

difficult to be restored due to lacking of scientific approach in restoration

programmed implementing by various organization and Government. At present it is

still possible to combine Banni’s fast economic development through milk with a

sustainable and feasible biodiversity conservation strategy through participatory and

multidisciplinary approach.

So, the Banni region supports various unique natural phenomenon with cultural

diversity and with invasion of Prosopis juliflora- now becoming part of Banni’s

ecosystem and making major green cover of Kachchh district as well, there are need

to be developed a strategy for removal of this species as phase manner and from very

site specific areas of Banni. Thus, study area is important from the view of rich

biodiversity; eco, cultural and religious tourism; and wilderness with only a vast

grassland and breeding ground of unique germ-plasma-Banni Buffalo Breed in


With above discussion, for Banni region, very few attempts were made to documents

existing biodiversity from certain localities and major concern to restore the degraded

grassland through control grazing enclosure; but, detail inventory with the plant

community dynamics has not been studied. Thus, the attempt was made to know the

existing floral diversity among various habitats with qualitative and quantitative

assessment of the vegetation of the study area. In addition, efforts were also made to

know the distribution and diversity of some Rare, Endangered and Threatened (RET)

plants species and status of ethno-medicinal plants with also suggested long-term

conservation and management measure for the pristine habitats.

To understand and analysis of the floristic diversity and quantitative assessment, with

based on species dominancy and composition, a total of five dominant habitats (i.e.

Dense Prosopis, Moderate Prosopis, Grassland with Sparse Prosopis, Prosopis with

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other Vegetation and Suaeda scrub) were identified, which will also help to identify

ecologically significant and sensitive sites for conservation and management.

1.1.1 Floristic diversity and plant community structure

A total of 218 species of higher plants were recorded from the Banni region during

the field inventory on floristic diversity assessment. Present study was the first

attempt to assess the floristic diversity of the study area (124). Previous studies were

only restricted to the biomass estimation of few important fodder species especially

selected few grasses. The recorded floral diversity of study area belongs to 158 genera

and 51 families. Among them during the pre monsoon season, 174 species were

recorded belongs to 128 genera and 48 families; while, 192 species of 142 genera and

50 families were recorded during the post monsoon season. It was also observed that

post monsoon season represents maximum diversity of ephemeral plants. Poaceae was

the most dominant family represented by 45 species and Asteraceae, Cucurbitaceae,

Euphorbiaceae, Solanaceae, Convolvulaceae, Amaranthaceae, Asclepiadaceae,

Cyperaceae and Mimosaceae are also reported with maximum numbers of species

(more than five). Cyperus and Eragrostic were the dominant genera of Banni region

and Indigofera, Ipomoea, Sporobulus, Cassia, Cenchrus, Convolvuulus, Corchorus,

Euphorbia, Ficus and Solanum are also dominant genera (representative by 3 or more

species) of the Banni region.

During the intensive floristic survey a total of 11 species were reported as first time

and as new distribution record from study area, which are Elionurus royleanus,

Manisurus granularis, Anisomeles indica, Ipomoea nil, Merremia gangetica,

Psoralea plicata, Rivea hypocrateriformis, Setaria verticillata, Typha angustata,

Zornia gibbosa and Convolvulus auricomus.

Among the all studied five habitats, Grassland with sparse Prosopis habitat supports

maximum number of species (133 nos.) followed by Prosopis with other vegetation

(with 121 nos.). While very least species diversity were reported from the Suaeda

scrub habitat (51 nos.) and remaining two habitats represents moderate species

diversity (not more than 65 nos.) of the Banni region.

As the Banni region is the major victim of the invasion of Prosopis juliflora, the

maximum density of this tree species is also recorded from here, but among the

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indigenous tree species, Salvadora persica recorded with dominant and most diverse

tree species from study area. Due to invasion of Prosopis and other biological and

natural threats, very few tree species (only 15 species) were recorded from study area.

The scrub or bush lets vegetation consisting of various shrub and under shrub species

was dominated by Suaeda nudiflora, due to saline tolerant properties of this plant

species as well as also dominant in most of the saline patches of study area.

Interestingly, species like Capparis deciduas, Indigofera oblongifolia and Atriple

stocksii were also recorded with highest number of individuals from site specific areas

with scattered distribution. Under the climber and twiner category, Mukia

maderespatensis and Cucumis callosus are the most dominant species. Among the

herbaceous cover, Cressa cretica, Fimbrystylis dichotoma and Cyperus haspan are the

most dominant species and recorded mostly in and around the waterlogged areas.

With mapping exercise and based on intensive data collection, it shows that

population of various important fodder species of grasses are decreasing significantly

and salt tolerant and halophyte composition are increases [recorded during

1997(23.26%) and 28.82% (2009)] (43). This trend shows decreasing in potential

grazing resources of study areas and hence, also effect negatively on pastoralist life

style and traditional livelihood. The same trends were also observed from the habitat

based quantitative assessment. Based the species composition villages like; Mithadi,

Dhordo, Dumado, Hodko, Shervo, Sargu and Dadhdhar are recorded with significance

floral species including native trees, shrubs and palatable grasses. During present

investigation, above ground biomass was also estimated under two major categories;

Palatable and non-palatable composition of grasses or fodder species. Among the total

biomass, 924.11 kg/Ha estimated during the pre-monsoon season, in which 772.11

kg/Ha was palatable and in post monsoon out of total biomass, 1407.22 kg/Ha was

recorded as palatable. Based on the present evaluation of the biomass productivity,

production of palatable biomass was high in both season and Gorevali, Luna, Shervo,

Sargu, Bhitara and Mithdi are the important villages producing the good quantity of

palatable biomass.

1.1.2 Threatened and medicinal plants

Only two species of the threatened plants were recorded from the Banni regions

which are Ammania desertorum and Cirtullus colocynthis. Very few numbers of

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individuals of each were reported from the Banni region. Cirtullus colocynthis seeks

species attention for conservation as only six individuals were reported and it is

highly important medicinal plants as reported during the present study i.e. facing the

threats of overexploitation. Bhirandiyara is an important site for the Ammania

desertorum while Misariyado and Dumado is an important for the Citrullus


A total 38 plants out of 218 species were reported as ethno-medicinally important

from the Banni region. A leaf is an important plant part used to cure more than 30 %

of disease in Human being and livestock. A whole plant is an also important as it used

in to cure quite good number of disease of both. Fruits of various medicinal plants are

only used into curing human disease while gum only used in livestock. Achyranthus

aspera was reported as highly important medicinal plants of Banni region as it comes

in use to cure various diseases in human being only while Citrulllus colocynthis is an

important floral species to cure disease in livestock. Azadirachta indica is also

important to cure livestock problems.

1.1.3 Distribution of Prosopis juliflora

Present study intensively focusing on the distribution of Prosopis juliflora with

special reference to invasion intensity. Charcoal making is a key issue as a threat to

floral diversity of the Banni region especially to loss of palatable species. Prosopis

juliflora is a tree species but due to heavy pressure of cutting maximum number of

individuals was reported as the bush which acquires more area. Within the village

boundary of Shervo, Dhordo, Misriyado, and Hodko, density was high of the Prosopis

juliflora under different categories of girth size and height. The average girth size is

17.7 cm and Height was 1.8 m. Dense Prosopis habitat supports maximum invasion

while grassland with Prosopis and Prosopis with other vegetation represents least

invasion intensity. Present study also highlights the increase the density of Prosopis

juliflora in the good habitats with rich floral diversity.

1.2 Conservation Recommendations

During the investigation from 2007 to 2010, various aspects of floral diversity,

ecology of various dominant vegetation communities and ethno-medicinal plants

status, found that the various areas for the declaration under various further more in-

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depth researches and some of them should be embedded with legal protection. Over

grazing by immigrant livestock, invasion of exotic species and other anthropogenic

pressure are found as the major threats and leads to habitat fragmentation and

degradation and which ultimately turn in to loss of plant species diversity.

1.2.1 Area of conservation significance with high floral diversity

Certain areas in the vicinity of Mithadi, Dhordo, Dumado, Hodko, Shervo, Sargu,

Dadhdhar and Bhirandiyara were found with high floral richness including some

Threatened species hence identified as the ecologically sensitive as well as hotspot for

natural seed bank. Sargu and Vagura village represent the unique small path of the

grassland with the species composition of indigenous floral species. These both small

patches are under the private protection and management.

With the clear understanding of environmental, ecological and social component with

respect to the vegetation formation in the study area and widely available

management options the following strategies are suggested as conservation measures

for Threatened plants and Ecological Sensitive Areas (ESAs).

In view of high floral diversity and increasing biotic pressures on vegetation, few

important management strategies for Banni region are suggested for the conservation

of threatened floral species. As these are already cover under the legal protection but

such species specific conservation will be enforced by declaring area for the

conservation priorities with enforcement of strict protection measure.

The primary occupation of local community is animal husbandry since immemorial

times which are highly dependants on the various natural resources of Banni region.

There are 42 villages with the livestock population of 97000 and human population of

16500 residing in the Banni region are depend for grass, fire wood, fodder and other

non timber forest produce. Based on the dependency level, all the villages of Banni

region should be considered for eco-development.

Area in the vicinity of Mithadi, Dhordo, Dumado, Hodko, Shervo, Sargu, Dadhdhar

and Bhirandiyara should be re-surveyed for the complete status assessment of

threatened plants. The identified stretches should be protected by providing natural

green fence by planting Zizyphus nimmularia and Acacia nilotica. Apart from the

protection measures, the concerned forest staff should be use for monitoring these

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protected sites to assess and understand the productive potential of the threatened

species. These protected sites in study areas should be resorted with the threatened

plants and it can act as natural seed banks for the threatened species.

1.2.2 Involvement of Local Stakeholders

A debate on the sustainable development had gained momentum on the role of locals

in the conservation of species and habitat, have been put them in the consideration of

various environmental policy makers. Hence to identify conservation priorities, needs

public consultation as well as their active participation in the implementation of

certain measure to check the loss of habitat and species (130). Thus to eliminate various

livelihood based problems, it is needed to have proper integration among government,

private stakeholders and nongovernment organization in regards of sustainable

utilization of plant resources.

In addition, local villagers i.e. pastoralists and others should be aware about the

ecological value of grassland and other significant plants species in terms of

conservation. Such community should be trained in identification and species specific

threats with their preventive measure. Certain medicinal plants have good market

value hence traditional healers (Locally called “Bhagiya”) should be encourage for

naturopathy under the eco-tourism. Apart from these, following are the certain people

participatory conservation and management measure:

� Considering the high floral diversity of certain village like Mithadi,

Dhordo, Dumado, Hodko, Shervo, Sargu, Dadhdhar and Bhirandiyara ,

it has been suggested that these micro-habitats should be declared as

ecologically Sensitive Areas (ESA)

� Villagers dependency on the identified hot spots for their natural

resources (NR) like fodder and fuel wood collection should be

identified and introduce optional resources to reduce on the said areas

� Various government department, Non Government organizations (such

as Sahjeevan, Shroff Foundation, VIKSAT, and KMVS) and research

institutes (Gujarat Institute of Desert Ecology, Gujarat Ecology

Commission etc.) are currently working on the restoration of grassland

with the people participatory approach that approach should be more

strengthen by active involvement of local villages.

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� Creation of village or cluster level forest and resource management

committees under JFM programme and monitoring of the ESAs is


1.2.3 Involvement of Forest Department

As the overall control of forest resources in the hand of forest department and also

they have various legislative rights to protect such important resources. During the

strictness in regards of management of the forest natural resources, there will be

conflict between local dwellers and forest officials. Thus, to creation of natural

resources management awareness among the forest dwellers with simple and in

friendly way by organizing various village level or specific dweller level events.

Certain local communities are highly depended on the forest resources for their

livelihood, first target them. On the other side strictly enact the various legal bounding

for the protection and supervision of various natural wealth. Over exploitation of

grassland resources and indigenous tree species in the Banni region found as the

major cause to depletion the population of native flora. Besides of this, following

steps will be taken by forest department

� Identified potential habitats that supports the high floral diversity or the

support the flora conservation significance and carry under the strict

protection from illegal exploitation

� Massive plantation and eco-restoration programmes should be

undertaken for degraded habitat by indigenous plant species

� Various types of forest dwellers should be identified and organize them

in group with proper guidelines and training on the sustainable

harvesting of resources

� Forest official have to have regular monitoring on the area of

conservation significance as well as on the activities carried out by

various dwellers groups.

1.2.4 Involvement of Research Institutions

During the present study various locations of the high floral diversity have been

identified and also recommended for the conservation priorities. Apart from this

study, there are so many ecological and economical processes have been ongoing in

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terms of development and anthropogenic activities which lead to the change in the

species composition and plant community dynamics. Thus it is recommended to the

various research institutes to study the details on the ecological aspects of the area.

1.2.5 Research Priorities and Management

Despite having high conservation value by supporting unique ecosystem with high

biodiversity values, Banni region of the district is one of the least studied areas in

terms on ecology, taxonomy and ethno-biology. Few studied had been conducted for

grassland restoration and taxonomic study restricted to fauna. In this regards and to

fulfill the gaps in the overall biodiversity status, vegetation structure on the region this

study covered the floral status assessment, plant community ecology/ phytosociology

in various habitats, distribution and diversity of Threatened and ethno-medicinal flora

with the conservation recommendation and management. Approach of conservation of

have long debated but species, habitat or landscape levels are the most appropriate

conservation option.

Above statement and discussion keep in mind and various approaches for

conservation at species, sites and landscape level with innovative research priorities

are required in this region. In addition, due to erratic climatic condition, moderate

topography and geographical situation vast area still ecologically un-explored and

lack on the ecological information on vegetation dynamics, Threatened and Medicinal

plants and thus following research plan are recommended.

� As the study area supports unique ecosystems i.e. tropical grassland,

needs to establish complete information on ecological dynamics

� As India has no any grassland policy, it is needed to long term

ecological monitoring of grassland which will be useful for policy


� To collect adequate information on the ESAs, efforts should be made

to collect details information on the status, distribution and diversity of

important floral species.

� To understand the local’s dependency on the forest resources, it is

recommended to carry out some socio-ecological assessment and

identify the area with high interaction priorities among domestic and

wild life.

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� Besides ex-situ conservation of important floral species in the

botanical garden, in-situ conservation of all such species should be

attempted in wild. In addition need to integrate the in and ex situ

conservation approach for long term survival, maintenance and

restoration of natural plant diversity of Banni region.

� Few floral species have been reported with very least number of

individuals have higher priorities of conservation and thus species

specific conservation should be undertaken by conducting long term

ecological studies population dynamics, association, habitat

preference, influencing factors, growth and reproduction mechanism

and predation aspects. Population genetics studies would reveal much

about impediments to gene flow, degree of adaption and frequency of

long distance seed dispersal (27). In this regards, research projects

focusing on the threats factors and magnitude to prioritize the

conservation and management plan

� Ethno-botanical investigation needs to be under taken with the

qualitative and quantitative assessment of the resources availability in

the wild. In addition along with proper documentation of such unique

traditional knowledge, it recommended to know the resource

utilization patterns which gives better idea about the conservation as

well as people involved in such traditional system. National

Biodiversity Board started new approach which include the

conservation and management of such knowledge by establishing

People Biodiversity Register (PBR)

The information provided in the present study would greatly helpful to Gujarat State

Forest Department (GSFD) and other associated departments; research institutes; Non

Government organizations (NGOs); Pharmaceutical collages and companies; Local

people and students pursuing doctoral study.

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Plate 22: Some significant natural habitats conservation close to village area by Local people

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Plate 23: Some significant natural habitats conservation close to village area by Local people