Concept of Performance Mangement

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  • 8/17/2019 Concept of Performance Mangement


    Performance Managed Organizations are likely to have thefollowing characteristics

    - Measurable performance targets

    - Manage-learning linked with organizationalgoals on the one hand and with career

    development on the other-  Pre-eminence of intrinsic needs of manages

    without neglecting their extrinsic needs

    - Ownership of performance management by line

    management rather than the personnel function

  • 8/17/2019 Concept of Performance Mangement


    Parts of PerformanceManagement System


  • 8/17/2019 Concept of Performance Mangement


    Major Determinants of IndividualPerformance (Pocket)

    • !ndividual "kills and #nowledge

    • "ituational $onstraints

     %ob &it• $lear 'oals and (xpectations

    • $ompany $ulture


    • $ommitment

  • 8/17/2019 Concept of Performance Mangement


    Puroses of PerformanceManagement

    • ) "trategic Purpose - link employeeactivities with organization*s goalsthe results+ behavior+ employee

    characteristics developingmeasurement and feedbackmechanism

    • , dministrative Purpose -administrative decisions: salaryadministration+ promotions+

    retentions+ layo.s+ and recognition

  • 8/17/2019 Concept of Performance Mangement


    0evelopmental Purpose - develop employees who aree.ective - identi1es de1cient aspects of employees*performance and its causes

    •  2o enable the employees towards achievement of

    superior standards of work performance•  2o help the employees in identifying the knowledge and

    skills re3uired for performing the 4ob e5ciently as thiswould drive their focus towards performing the righttask in the right way

    • 6oosting the performance of the employees byencouraging employee empowerment+ motivation andimplementation of an e.ective reward mechanism

  • 8/17/2019 Concept of Performance Mangement


    • Promoting a two way system of communicationbetween the supervisors and the employees forclarifying expectations about the roles andaccountabilities+ communicating the functionaland organizational goals+ providing a regular anda transparent feedback for improving employeeperformance and continuous coaching

    • !dentifying the barriers to e.ective performance

    and resolving those barriers through constantmonitoring+ coaching and developmentinterventions

  • 8/17/2019 Concept of Performance Mangement


    • Promoting personal growth andadvancement in the career of theemployees by helping them in ac3uiring

    the desired knowledge and skills• to align individual and organizational


    to improve organizational performance• to develop a performance culture7

    • to inform contribution/performance pay


  • 8/17/2019 Concept of Performance Mangement


    !"# P$%&O%M'$ M''*$M$+S#S+$MS &'I,-

    !ndividual goals are not linked to strategy 2here are no conse3uences for non-performance by employees

    (mployees do not understand what is

    expected of them

    8ecessary 4ob competencies have not beendeveloped

    Managers do not use individual goals todrive performance

     2here are too many goals per employee

    $omplex forms and procedures are used

  • 8/17/2019 Concept of Performance Mangement


    !"# P$%&O%M'$ M''*$M$+S#S+$MS &'I,- (ontd.)

     2here is no link  between e.ectiveerformance and reward/ recognition

     2here are unidenti/ed o0stacles toperformance

    o feed0ack  is given on performance

    (mployees are not held accounta0le forresults

    Performance management is seen assearate from the day-to-day managementof people

    (mployees are treated oorly and

    therefore do not care about what they do

  • 8/17/2019 Concept of Performance Mangement


    &ive $riteria for (.ective

    Performance Management

    ) "trategic $ongruence - extent to which theperformance management system elicits 4obperformance that is consistent with theorganization*s strategy+ goals and culture

    - guide employees in contributing to theorganization*s success

    , 9alidity - assesses all the relevant and only therelevant aspects of 4ob performance

    eliability - consistency of a performance measure+free from random error

    ; inter rater reliability

    - internal consistency reliability

    - test - retest reliability: reliable over time

  • 8/17/2019 Concept of Performance Mangement


    "peci1city - detailed guidance to

    employees about what is expectedand how they can meet theseexpectation

  • 8/17/2019 Concept of Performance Mangement


    P$%&O%M'$ M''*$M$+ #,$


    S(Setting goals


    (nsure that the employee understands whatis expected of him/her

    "et performance ob4ectives and measures

    (nsure a two-way dialogue during this phase

  • 8/17/2019 Concept of Performance Mangement


    P$%&O%M'$ M''*$M$+ #,$

    P,' +O&'I,I+'+$


    !dentify any interventions necessary toimprove the subordinate*s performance

     2his can include resources+ delegation ofauthority+ additional human resources+ trainingand development+ etc

  • 8/17/2019 Concept of Performance Mangement


    P$%&O%M'$ M''*$M$+ #,$



    Management by wandering around

    Ongoing performance meetings

     2elephone calls

    ?ritten reports

  • 8/17/2019 Concept of Performance Mangement


    P$%&O%M'$ M''*$M$+ #,$


    Provide conse3uences for performance@praise/recognition or reprimandingA

    edirect e.orts of the subordinate ifnecessary

    5&$$D3'4 IS +"$ 3%$'4&'S+ O&"'MPIOS6

  • 8/17/2019 Concept of Performance Mangement


    P$%&O%M'$ M''*$M$+ #,$



    $oach the subordinate where a seriousperformance de1cit is revealed

    $ounsel the subordinate and solutions toovercome personal/interpersonal problems

    "upport subordinates and ensure that theyknow that you have con1dence in them

  • 8/17/2019 Concept of Performance Mangement


    P$%&O%M'$ M''*$M$+ #,$



    'ood performance should be followed bypositive conse3uences

     2here should be a clear link between goodperformance and reward in the organisation

    53$"'2IO8% IS ' &8+IO O& I+SOS$98$$S6 : Prof 6& "kinner