1 19 October 20 2 December 2019, Madrid, Spain Concept Note on "Responsible Management of Tropical Peatland" Lead Authors: Mitsuru Osaki (President of JPS, and Leader of JICA-JSP-BRG Program, Japan) Tsuyoshi Kato (PT. Wana Subur Lestari/PT. Mayangkara Tanaman Industri) Agus Justianto (FOERDIA-MoEF, Indonesia) Nazir Foead (BRG, Indonesia)

Concept Note on Responsible Management of Tropical Peatland...2019/12/02  · 2 December 2019, Madrid, Spain Concept Note on "Responsible Management of Tropical Peatland" Lead Authors:

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Page 1: Concept Note on Responsible Management of Tropical Peatland...2019/12/02  · 2 December 2019, Madrid, Spain Concept Note on "Responsible Management of Tropical Peatland" Lead Authors:


19 October 20

2 December 2019, Madrid, Spain

Concept Note on

"Responsible Management of Tropical


Lead Authors:

Mitsuru Osaki (President of JPS, and Leader of JICA-JSP-BRG Program, Japan)

Tsuyoshi Kato (PT. Wana Subur Lestari/PT. Mayangkara Tanaman Industri)

Agus Justianto (FOERDIA-MoEF, Indonesia)

Nazir Foead (BRG, Indonesia)

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Tropical peatland is a high-carbon and water reservoir ecosystem, closely related to global warming and

climate change. This is due to huge amount of carbon emitted by fire and oxidation of peat during El Niño

season which contribute to the acceleration of global warming.

Tropical peatlands found in the Indonesia and Malaysia, the Amazon lowlands, and the Central African

lowlands are amount to around 42 Mha and are thought to store approximately 148 Gt of carbon. Tropical

peatland comprises more than 12% of land in Indonesia (Miles et al., 2017).

Japan and Indonesia have been collaborating in key the study of the ecosystem of tropical peatland in

Indonesia for more than 30 years. The concept Note on "Responsible Tropical Peatland Management" is

based mainly on Japan-Indonesia Research Projects listed in Collaborator.

Besides the Japan-Indonesia projects, many other projects have been done and are still in progress.

However, only very few succeeded in managing tropical peatland. The key points are water management

and water supply during dry season. This is because, in dry season, the peatland is devoid of water supply.

As water is stored in the peatland, instead of in ponds or canal, to manage water supply during dry season

requires a large-scale peatland management design, which focuses on comprehensive Water Reservoir

system as proposed in this Concept Note on Responsible Management of Tropical Peatland.

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Albertus Sulaiman (BPPT, Indonesia)

Asep Andi Yusup (WSL/MTI, Indonesia)

Ayako Oide (Kyoto University, Japan)

Bambang Subiyanto (LIPI, Indonesia)

Didiek Hadjar Goenadi (IRIBB, Indonesia)

Hidenori Takahashi (Hokkaido Institute of Hydro-climate, Japan)

Hiroshi Ehara (Nagoya University, Japan)

Hiroyuki Hasegawa (GeoNet Inc., Japan)

Kayo Matsui (Kyoto University, Japan)

Kazuyo Hirose (JSS, Japan)

Kosuke Mizuno (University of Indonesia)

Lutfiah Surayah (BRG, Indonesia)

Maman Turjaman (MoEF, Indonesia)

Mamoru Kanzaki (Kyoto University, Japan)

Manabu D. Yamanaka (RIHN, Japan)

Muhammad Arif Rahman (BMKG, Indonesia)

Natalia Desi Piana Soeka (WSL/MTI, Indonesia)

Nobuyuki Tsuji (Free, Japan)

Orbita Roswintiarti (LAPAN, Indonesia)

Osamu Kozan (Kyoto University, Japan)

Rahmawati Ihsani Wetadewi (BRG, Indonesia)

Rifkie Aziz Agustian (BRG, Indonesia)

Sarjiya Antonius (LIPI, Indonesia)

Sisva Silsigia (WSL/MTI, Indonesia)

Takashi Hirano (Hokkaido University, Japan)

Takashi Inoue (Hokkaido University, Japan)

Takashi Kohyama (Hokkaido University, Japan)

Yohei Hamada (Midori Engineering Laboratory Co., Ltd, Japan)

Yukihiro Takahashi (Hokkaido University, Japan)

Yukihisa Shigenaga (Midori Engineering Laboratory Co., Ltd, Japan)


JICA-JPS & BRG Program

Kyoto University-Hokkaido University-RINH & BRG Program




JST Project (JASTIP)

PT. WSL/PT. MTI-JPS Collaboration Program

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Faizal Parish (Global Environment Centre, Malaysia)

Michael Brady (CIFOR)

Nyoman Suryadiputra (Wetlands International)


BMKG Meteorological, Climatological, and Geophysical Agency, Indonesia

BPPT Agency for the Assessment and Application, Technology, Indonesia

BRG Peatland Restoration Agency, Indonesia

DOC Dissolved Organic Carbon

ESG Earth Resilience Goals

GOSAT Greenhouse Gases Observing Satellite

GWT Groundwater Table

GWL Groundwater Level

ICALRRD Indonesian Center for Agricultural Land Resources Research and Development

IRIBB Indonesian Research Institute for Biotechnology and Bioindustry

JASTIP Japan-ASEAN Science, Technology and Innovation Platform

JAXA Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency

JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency, Japan

JPS Japan Peatland Society, Japan

JSS Japan Space Systems

LAPAN National Institute of Aeronautics and Space, Indonesia

LCTF Liquid Crystal Tunable Filter

LIPI Indonesian Institute of Sciences

LULUCF Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry

MoEF Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Indonesia

MRV Monitoring, Reporting, Verifying

MTI PT Mayangkara Tanaman Industri

NEE Net Ecosystem Exchange

PHU Peatland Hydrological Unit

RIHN Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Japan

REDD+ Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation

SATREPS Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development

SDG Sustainable Development Goals

SRI Socially Responsible Investment

UF Un-drained Forest

WSL PT Wana Subur Lestari

Contact us: Mitsuru Osaki <[email protected]>

Tsuyoshi Kato <[email protected]>

Rahmawati Ihsani Wetadewi <[email protected]>

Unauthorized use is prohibited

Page 5: Concept Note on Responsible Management of Tropical Peatland...2019/12/02  · 2 December 2019, Madrid, Spain Concept Note on "Responsible Management of Tropical Peatland" Lead Authors:


I. Summary of Key Concept

Key Concept on "Responsible Management of Tropical Peatland" focuses on

large scale (more than 10,000 ha) peatland ecosystem with high

groundwater table (GWT) and cheapest investment, maintaining high

Water/Carbon Reservoir Ecosystem

I-1. Model for Large Scale Water Management System

Tropical peatland ecosystems consider as a key role not only in the storage of carbon in forest and peat,

but also controlling water resources and preserving bio-resources and biodiversity (Osaki et al., 2016).

This can only be managed effectively with a landscape approach with considering its zone determination

from the upper area (peat dome) until the local community’s area on the in the lower area (peat dome

edges). The zonation for model of large-scale water management system are as follows:

Water Reservoir Zone: natural forest/primary forest zone in upstream area, maintaining 0~20 cm

groundwater table (GWT) [Plant species: native/endemic trees species]

Buffer Zone: the zone has a role in maintaining high GWT in the water reservoir zone and prevent

ecological impacts of plantation activities on the water reservoir zone, maintaining 0~20 cm GWT [Plant

species: local tree species with high GWT tolerance]

Plantation Zone: acacia, oil palm and other plants, maintaining 20~40 cm GWT [Plant species: acacia, oil

palm, rubber, local tree species for wood processing]

Satoyama (Human-nature coexistence) Zone: mix-cropping and agroforestry system including animal

husbandry and fishing, maintaining 0~40 cm GWT [Plant species: vegetable, fruits, charcoal trees,

economic plants (coffee, cacao, etc.)]

Coastal Zone: Conservation and part of Satoyama Zone, depending on sea water level [Plant species:

mangrove trees, coconuts palm, sago palm, nipa palm]

Key Points:

1. Water in peatland is supplied mainly by rain, indicating water from precipitation must be absorbed by

the peatland itself (Fig.1 and Fig.2).

2. Peatland is a high-water reservoir [weak water retention function in peatland by "Intermolecular Force

(van der Waals force)"]

3. Thoughtless canals and pond accelerate water flow from peatland [strong water drainage function

from peatland by "Gravity Force” and "Cohesive Force"]

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Therefore, it requires 1) " Water Reservoir" in upstream area and on top of the peat dome, and 2) "Water

Pool" in big canal in downstream area to prevent water leakage, 3) "Canal Blocking" to keep high water

table, and 4) “Infrastructures” for adjusting optimal water level and supplying water throughout the area

during the dry period.

In "Responsible Management of Tropical Peatland", high "Groundwater Table (GWT)" should be

maintained at less than 40 cm (0-40 cm) below ground surface to prevent forest/peat fire, for which

"AeroHydro Culture" methodology, supplying nutrients and oxygen to peatland surface, should be applied

(Fig. 17).

In the plantation and Satoyama (Human-nature coexistence) zones, AeroHydro culture methodology by

which "nutrients" and "oxygen", most limiting elements in high water table peatland, are applied from

land surface.

I-2. Large-scale MRV System

The term "Measurement, Reporting and Verifying (MRV)" first appeared in the Bali Action Plan at COP13

in 2007. It introduced the principle of action for developed countries and developing countries in the

context of improving climate change mitigation actions at the national level and international.

Measurement to monitor, calculate and track development; Reporting to record and disclose

developments publicly to communicate and give transparency; and Verification to confirm progress and

test its accuracy impartial.

Fig. 2. Water balance in tropical peatland

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The Government of Indonesia is committed to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. To achieve that

goal, a monitoring system to measure GHG emissions needs to be developed continuously and needs to

be supported by various parties. Deforestation, degradation and forest fires contribute to greenhouse gas

emissions. An accurate monitoring system is needed to form the basis of the Measurement, Reporting

and Verifying (MRV) system. This needs to be accompanied by actions of nature conservation and forest

protection initiatives.

To achieve that goals, an integrated MRV system should be established in a big scale. There are three

components (minimum) consists of monitoring system on the ground, using drone or microsatellite, and

satellite. By combining all measurement using GOSAT, Flux Tower, Hisui, MODIS Landsat, PALSAR, and

GPM (Global Precipitation Measurement), monitoring system to calculate parameters such as CO2

concentration and haze; CO2 and CH4; forest degradation and deforestation (species mapping and

biomass); peat fire and peat loss; topography; Groundwater Level; peat subsidence; water soluble organic

carbon; and animal species can be measured.

Fig. 3. Semi real-time monitoring system - Minimum components for integrated MRV (Measuring,

Reporting, Verifying) System, composing three layers; 1) Monitoring on ground, 2) Drone or

Microsatellite, and 3) Satellite

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Key Points:

Integrated MRV (Measuring, Reporting, Verifying) System provided in semi-real time for 1) water table

mapping, 2) soil moisture mapping, 3) carbon emission mapping, 4) land subsidence mapping, 5) wild fire

mapping (surface fire and peatland fire, separating), 6) peatland loss mapping by fire, 7) peat fire

prediction mapping, 8) fire scar mapping, 9) accumulative hotspot mapping (against peat areas) 10)

vegetation and plant diversity mapping, 11) animal nest and behavior mapping (Fig. 3 and Fig. 4).

I-3. Observation and Training Station

Collecting data obtained from remote sensing monitoring equipment that will provide information that

corresponds to the use of specific tools (Gosat, Modis, Hisui, PALSAR and GPM). All monitoring

integrations are estimates, due to low resolution, and errors in detection. Hence, to determine each

appropriate monitoring, such as hydrological monitoring, measurements are carried out on the spot with

real-time transmissions, using data loggers sent to the server via a mobile network, such as groundwater

level measurements, rainfall as a validation measurement that has accurate data high.

Peatland monitoring stations have been installed in six provinces in Indonesia, with the aim of mapping

peatland protection and management plans (water control, fire control, vegetation management, carbon

accounting and so on). To support operational activities in several observation stations, local training

needs to be carried out with the support of local governments, international partners and civil society

groups. For smoothness including the selection of measurement point procedures, measuring and

frequency tools, carrying out measurements, reporting and verification as well as technical guidance on

management/utilization and maintenance of monitoring equipment, equipment installed will be

managed by the local government and the community.

Fig. 4. Real-time monitoring system – Using some sensors (water level, water quality, soil moisture,

ground surface elevation, dendrometer, and total weather station) in several points every 10 minutes,

and could be monitored from a website

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Key Points:

Key Points:

As several models should be validated by actual monitoring and sensing data, observation station network

covering elements in Fig. 5 should be established. These observation stations provide capacity building

especially for training for the application of several models (mapping) into local/regional peatland

management (water control, fire control, vegetation management, carbon accounting, so on).

I-4. Real Time Observation Networks by Microsatellite

Key points:

1. Sensors Composition in Equator Microsatellite such as:

a) LCTF (Liquid Crystal Tunable Filter) Hyperspectral Sensor

b) Infrared Sensor

c) Two angle sensors for 3D-Photogrametry

Fig. 5. Observation Station Networks. The observation stations to be established in 1) Riau, 2) Jambi,

3) West Kalimantan, 4) Central Kalimantan, 5) Sulawesi, and 6) Papua

Fig. 6. Equator Orbiter Micro-Satellite Network. As microsatellite in Equator Orbiter observe several

times a day, spots scene in cloud free space can synthesize as one belt scene even in optical sensor

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d) High resolution in all, 50cm x 50cm

2. Real time information necessary in tropics for:

a) Dynamics of "High Carbon/Water Reservoir Ecosystem"

b) El Nino and La Nina effect

c) High Biomass Productivity

d) High resolution for Fire Spots

e) Animal distribution

f) Deforestation monitoring

3. Cost performance:

a) Extremely cheap (less than 10 Million US dollar/ one micro-satellite) comparing with such as

LiDAR (several 10 Million US dollar for only peat dome survey for only once a time: impossible

real-time monitoring)

b) Extremely Cheap because of covering all ecosystem and geography in Indonesia

c) Increase information volume in more than 10~100 times

d) Protect disaster (fire, land sliding, illegal logging, so on)

e) Increase Agriculture/Planation Income by checking i) nutrients disorder or unbalance, ii) disease,

iii) water management, iv) GHGs emission, v) subsidence

4. LCTF-Hyperspectral Sensor Function:

a) Biodiversity Mapping (one tree mapping)

b) Forest Degradation Mapping

c) Biomass Mapping

d) Leaf Water Potential Mapping

e) Land Cover and Land Cover Changing

f) Fishery and Coastal Ecosystem

g) Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) Mapping

h) Peat Depth Mapping applied by Plant Phenology

i) Rice Growth Stage Mapping

j) Crop Yield Mapping

k) Leaf Protein Content of Rice at Flowering Stage

l) Disease Mapping (Early detection of rice blast)

Information on real time management, natural resources, environmental and weather are as follows: (1)

Agriculture, monitoring of agricultural land and production estimates; (2) Forestry, including forest

inventory and monitoring; (3) Land Use; (4) Disaster including mitigation needs; (5) Geology/Volcanology;

(6) Environment; (7) Marine and Coastal; (8) Weather and Climate. Microsatellite is considered the most

efficient, effective and very well operated. Satellite-based monitoring systems are the primary tools for

providing near real-time (NRT) information on newly deforested areas in vast and inaccessible tropical

forest (Reiche, 2017). Global imperative to address deforestation to achieve international forest,

biodiversity, and climate goals. Near real-time monitoring can now play a large role in those efforts.

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Fig. 7. Hyperspectral Sensor Function (partly from Hirose et al., 2016)

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II. Background

Tropical peatland is amount to 170 Mha (Gumbricht et al., 2017), which is more than threefold the current

estimates (Page et al., 2011). The world’s three major regions of lowland tropical peat are the Cuvette

Centrale (Congo Basin), Western Amazonia (Amazon Basin) and the tropical island of Asia (mostly

Indonesia). Latest published research estimates that the area of peat in Cuvette Centrale to be

approximately 14.55 Mha, making the Cuvette Centrale the most extensive peatland complex in the

tropics with store approximately 30.6 Gt of carbon belowground (Dargie et al., 2017). Meanwhile, latest

study in model for tropical wetlands and peatlands mapping reveals that South America has the largest

tropical peatland with Brazil amasses 31.23 Mha (Gumbricht et al., 2017). The peatlands of Southest Asia

lie within inter-tropical convergence zone that experiences a wet tropical climate with annual rainfall

generally in excees of 2,500 mm (Riley and Page 2005). Indonesia is a major tropical peatland area in this

region with estimated area up to 14.91 Mha, spreads across the islands of Sumatera (6.44 Mha),

Kalimantan (4.78 Mha), and Papua (3.69 Mha) (Wahyunto et al., 2014).

Peatland degradation has long been a problem before the 2014-2015 fires occurred. Approximate 3.74

million ha or 25.1% of the total area of peat in Indonesia, has been heavily degraded and has become very

critical land issue (Wahyunto et al., 2014). Hereof, the Indonesian government enacted Government

Regulation Number 71 of 2014, which was later revised in Number 57 of 2016 for the Protection and

Management of Peat Ecosystem. To define peat ecosystem, the areas are defined as that spatially formed

into Peatland Hydrology Units (PHUs). Peatland hydrological unit as mentioned in Article 1 Section (4) of

the Government Regulation number 57 of 2016, is a peat ecosystem located between 2 (two) rivers,

between a river and a sea, and/or at a swamp. PHU is a unit that can be used as a peatland ecosystem

management unit. In 2017, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MoEF) issued a Ministerial Decree

number SK.129/MenLHK/Setjen/PKL.0/2/2017 concerning Determination of National Peat Hydrology

Units Map. The decree states that there was 865 PHU in total throughout Indonesia, with the following

details: 207 PHU in Sumatra; 190 PHU in Kalimantan; 3 PHU in Sulawesi; 465 PHU in Papua (Fig.8).

Afterwards, the procedure for determining the peat ecosystem function as mentioned in Article 9 section

(2) of the Ministerial Regulation Number P.14/2017 includes the Peat Ecosystem Protection and the Peat

Ecosystem Cultivation Function. Article 9 section (2) explains that the Peat Ecosystem area with a

protected function that covers at least 30% of all PHU, located in one or more peat domes. Protected area

of peat dome is established to maintain the function of peatland ecosystem protection.

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8. N









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Peat domes are an important part of peat ecosystems. The convex land that is higher than the surrounding

area functions as a water balance regulator. Based on the data from MoEF and ICRAD (2011) the total

extent of peat dome in Indonesia is approximated 8.9 million hectares. Conservation of native peatland

should be implemented. The Government Regulation Number 57 of 2016 (Article 9; Section 4) states that

“Peat ecosystem located in a protected area, protected forest area, and conservation forest area as

defined in the spatial plan, the Minister shall be determined it as functions of the peat ecosystem”. Lesson

learned from peatland management of past decades, is that most of the canal-built were cut through the

peat domes, which lead to over drained conditions and fire haze. The most important part of the

Responsible Management of tropical Peatland is water management, monitoring system, nutrient cycle

and value chain. Water management is an important aspect for hydrological restoration in tropical

peatland because available water to be distributed in dry and rainy seasons. According to the Government

Regulation Number 57 of 2016 (Article 23; Section 3), “A peat ecosystem with cultivation functions shall

be declared damaged if it meets the damage criteria as follows: The groundwater level at the peatland is

more than 0.4 (zero point four) meters beneath the peat surface at the compliance point.”

Key Points:

Based on the regulation for "Responsible Management of Tropical Peatland" design:

1. 0.4 m Groundwater Level (The Government Regulation Number 57 of 2016; Article 23; Section 3)

2. 30% Top Dome Conservation (The Government Regulation Number 57 of 2016; Article 9; Section 3)

3. Conservation of Native Peatland (The Government Regulation Number 57 of 2016; Article 9; Section


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III. Water Management

In general, peat dome has a function of keeping ecosystem sustainability and substantial water reserves

for the entire area even though during the dry season. Peatland management with the correct water

management system can store an exceptional amount of water reserved in the peat dome. Most

importantly, the groundwater table and soil humidity balance should be kept in the entire area

throughout the year. This proper water management can increase plantation productivity at the same


WSL-MTI Model:

WSL and MTI have utilized peat dome in the conservation area as water reservoirs. To support this,

WSL/MTI has determined the hydro-buffer area as a buffer between conservation and planting areas to

minimize water flow from conservation to the planting area. The water reservoirs in the conservation area

help balance and stable of the groundwater level in the entire area during the dry season. The buffer area

serves as a barrier between conservation and planting areas to prevent the negative effects on the

ecosystem of the conservation area. Several local species, such as dipterocarp species dominated in the

conservation area, have been planted in the hydro-buffer area.

The water zones used for canal network design, where the main canals are aligned across the contour and

secondary canals, are aligned along the contours. Water control structures such as peat dams and

spillways have been built between the water zone to avoid excessive drainage and maintain high

groundwater levels (during low rainfall periods and dry seasons).

WSL/MTI also have been developing some innovative technologies to maintain commercial economics

and dynamic regulatory, one of which is flap gate. It is made by simple design, low cost, and easy to

maintain. The technology is not only can be used by the company but also widely used, especially by the

community and other companies around the concession.



Fig. 9. Peat dam with ‘’comb bypass’’ design: Spillways structure (a) and Peat dam (b)

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By implementing proper water management, WSL/MTI maintained a high groundwater level at 20-40 cm

across the landscape during El Niño dry period in 2015, as a result there was no peat fires in our planting



Fig. 10. Flap gates: MTI plantation area (a) and community own land (b)

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For peat fire and peat degradation (Oxidation) protection, two strategies are essential that are: 1) high

groundwater table and 2) high soil (peat) moisture. Thus, the proposed Water Management system is

based on WSL-MTI Model (Yusup et al., 2016).

Key points:

1. Water reservoir: keeping a high Groundwater Table (0-20 cm) throughout the year in Water Reservoir

Zone and Buffer zone.

2. Canal Blocking: keeping a high Groundwater Table.

3. Infrastructures: adjust targeted Groundwater Table and maintain it at a constant level throughout the


4. Canopy Coverage: keeping High Soil (Peat) Moisture.

Infrastructures should be “Simple, low cost, and easy to maintain”. It is not because only one company

needs to achieve proper peat management, but it is meaningless if these technologies are not widely used

by national, local governments, and communities.

Fig. 12. Monitoring, Sensing and Modeling of Water in Peatland

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IV. Carbon Management

Carbon emission model from peat decomposition uses Eddy Covariance flux tower to estimate Net

Ecosystem Exchange/NEE. Data recorded from Eddy Covariance flux tower are used to calculate physical

parameters such as wind velocity, air/soil temperature and CO2.

Carbon emission model from peat decomposition is based on the assumption that there is a linear

relationship between NEE and GWL. Based on this relationship, the model allows us to estimate an annual

NEE by using the lowest monthly average GWL. NEE means the difference between CO2 amount which is

emitted by ecosystem respiration and absorbed by photosynthesis (gross primary production/GPP).

Ecosystem respiration is found to increase with soil temperature and decrease as GWL or soil moisture

rises. In forest ecosystems, CO2 exchange between atmosphere usually occupies most of the carbon flow.

If other carbon is negligible, the carbon balance of forest ecosystems can be determined by NEE.

The net ecosystem exchange (NEE) is negatively correlated with groundwater table; however, its

correlation coefficient varies among the ecosystems, such as undrained forest peatland (native forest; UF),

drained forest peatland, and drained and burned peatland. Real-time carbon emission map was

developed from water table map and the coefficients of NEE-groundwater level (GWL) regression.

Fig. 13. Carbon Emission Modeling in Peatland (Hirano et al., 2013)

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Key Points:

Carbon Emission is estimated through several models. Now it is possible to cross check models on CO2

emission (Fig 14). Carbon Emission Models are as follows:

1. CO2 emission by microorganism’s degradation; NEE-Groundwater Table Model and Peat Subsidence-

Water Table Model.

2. CO2 emission by Peat fire: Peat Loss-Water Table Model and Peat Loss by iSAR.

3. Carbon Balance Simulator: SimCycle-Visit for East Asia.

4. Atmosphere CO2 by Satellite GOSAT “IBUKI” Senescing: Inversion Model.

Fig. 14. Cross Check Diagram of CO2 emission models in peatland (from Honma T, 2016 and Ito A,

2002, partially)

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V. Landscape Management and Conservation Network

WSL/MTI has developed the concept of conservation network to make a balance between tree production

and ecosystem conservation. The network consists of core areas with high conservation valued forest and

green corridors for providing natural habitat and movement of animals.

To prevent the habitat from being left behind in the form of islands, WSL/MTI has also been consulting

with neighboring companies to build a conservation network that sets the green corridor in a mesh

pattern. Although management at the landscape level is attracting attention worldwide, these efforts will

be a rare case.

Protection Forest: Forest designated for protecting soil and hydrology, and nationally managed.

Conservation Forest: Forest designated primally for conservation of biological diversity, and natural and

associated cultural resources. In general, the concept of High Conservation Value Forest (HCVF) has been

applied for the delineation of the Conservation Forest.

Conservation Network: Consisting of core conservation area (Conservation Forest) and riparian zones to

provide natural habitat and green corridors for movement of animals.

Case study

The boundaries of concession area set by the government do not match the edges of ecosystems.

Therefore, the scope of WSL/MTI’s survey should be expanded to outside of the concession area in order

to study landscape process as an end management. As a result, in addition to the concession area of

115,000 ha, the nationally managed protection forest of 20,000 ha is also covered. The national protection

Fig. 15. Conservation Network for biodiversity corridor

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forest forms a large elevated dome of water in damaged peat and plays an important role in the region.

Also, after thorough fauna and flora research, the areas to be protected were decided. Periodic surveys

of animals and plants are conducted in areas to be protected, and for orangutans and proboscis monkeys,

which are rare animals, not only monitoring the number of individuals but also investigating suitability of

habitats for its living including food source and resting area.

Key Points:

1. Achieve balance between tree production and ecosystem conservation.

2. Biodiversity Preservation by the concept of the Conservation Network.

3. Contribution on water reservoir, because Protection and Conservation Forest play an important

function in water stocking, and protection water leaking along canal or river side.

4. Collaboration with neighboring private sectors, local communities, and governments to ensure

connectivity of the forested area and high conservation value area for biodiversity conservation and


Fig. 16. Buceros rhinoceros (left) and Nasalis larvatus (right)

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VI. Land Surface Management

In recent decades, utilization of peatland is not well managed and leads to degradation. While, tropical

peatland is a huge ecosystem for carbon and water storage (Osaki and Tsuji 2016), many peatlands were

changed into cultivation areas and followed by drainage. According to The Government Regulation,

Number 57 of 2016 (Article 23; Section 3), “A peat ecosystem with cultivation functions shall be declared

damaged if it meets the damage criteria as follows: The groundwater level at the Peatland is more than

0.4 (zero point four) meters beneath the peat surface at the compliance point.” Many stakeholders

(mostly palm oil companies) couldn’t agree to keep water at high level. If the ecosystems are destroyed,

huge carbon emission changes the water balance and will give a serious negative impact on global

environments (Osaki and Tsuji 2016), such as increased GHG emissions, greater frequency of fires and loss

of biodiversity including endangered species (FAO 2016) and those actions will lead to climate change.

Peatland management is complex not only because of the presence of multiple stakeholders but also due

to the natural characteristics of peatland ecosystem.

There are multiple elements that should be considered in managing peatland, such as 1) groundwater

level; 2) nutrient status of peat soil and water, also 3) oxygen availability. Main reason of plant growth

restriction in high water table are lack of oxygen supply and nutrients. One of new innovated on plant

culture system called "AeroHydro Culture" is plant culture at high water table and oxygen/nutrient supply

from land surface. This action is an effort to convince many stakeholders to accept the regulation. If this

cultivation system come out well, it will have a huge impact in terms of responsible management of

tropical peatland. AeroHydro Culture can be applied on a different ecosystem also to many

food/cultivation crops.

VI-1. Aero-Hydro Culture

Fig. 17. Concept on AeroHydro culture, based on 1) native plant strategies under high water table;

aerial root formation and mound root formation, 2) good practice of oxygen and nutrients supplying

from land surface, and 3) hydroculture with aeration

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Key Points:

1. In water, O2 solubilization is very low, therefore O2 is a serious limiting factor in peatland.

2. In peat of pH less than 4.0, all essential nutrients are not absorbed by peat, and quickly leaks,

especially K+ nutrients.

3. AeroHydro Culture System is designed to a) keep High Water Table (higher than 40 cm, targeting 20~30

cm water table, b) keep High Soil Moisture, c) supply Oxygen/Nutrients from land surface, and d)

promote Plant/Root Growth by Microorganisms symbiosis and Hormone like natural compounds.

VI-2. HydroCycle Culture

Key Point:

1. Solar energy radiation to porous structure materials (cotton sheet in case)

2. Vaporization of water inside porous structure

3. Removing Vaporization heat

4. Cooling down at the bottom of porous structure materials (cotton sheet in case)

5. Making a dew at the bottom of porous structure materials, and keeping wetness of land surface

6. Growing root well on land surface even in dry condition

Fig. 18. Concept on HydroCycle Culture, based on removing vaporization heat (latent heat) from

porous material by solar energy, then cooling down the bottom of porous structure material

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VI-3. NutrientCycle Culture

Key Points:

1. Nutrients are limited in peatland because it’s not supplied by rain and no absorption of nutrients by

peat in low pH (less than 4.5).

2. Nutrients in sea water are condensed by solar energy, and remove only Na+.

Fig. 19. Concept on NutrientCycle Culture, based on sea water condensation and removal of Na+ by

solar energy in coastal area

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VII. Value Chains Construction

Peatland management needs innovation in every aspect of operations upstream to downstream.

Industrial forests on peatlands, especially in Kalimantan and Sumatra has come under domestic and

international spotlight because their negative effects on the environment, such as land subsidence, CO2

emissions, fires, floods, and loss of biodiversity. This is due to a relatively weak governance, which only

focuses on economic aspects without regard to sustainable social and environmental aspects. To meet

these challenges, the Indonesian government has recently undertaken efforts and invested billions of

dollars to improve management and conservation, eradicate fires, and restore degraded peatlands. This

effort has a large-scale positive impact on sustainable forest management and has advantages in every

business process activity that is reflected in a value chain, such as increased productivity, per-capita

income, and increased competitive advantage of industrial forests.

The value chain in the peatland industrial area is one of the efforts for sustainable peatland management

in determining the competitive advantage of companies/actors. Increase added value and efficiency of

processing raw materials for greater production capacity through innovation in Information Technology

(IT) and the Internet of Things (IoT), providing a balance between economic and social benefits for the

community. The smart value chain in Peatlands composed of two processes, i.e: (1) sequential process

upgrading into high quality (production-process-transportation-marketing); (2) efficient usage of by-

products and waste materials. There are 6 (six) parts of the value chain from various raw materials to be

processed into high-quality products (Fig. 20).

Key points:

1. Materials for a) consumer products in markets, b) land conservation (Biochar and Fiber mulching,

organic farming), and c) Biomass Energy.

2. To increase local benefit, Bioenergy must process local materials.

3. IoT program should be introduced to high school and regional University, recommending 3D-CAD

(computer-aided design) program learning: Design, Caving, 3D-printing & DDM (Direct Digital

Manufacturing), and 3D-phoptogramatry.

4. Branding and Certification.

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VII-1. Case Study of Rice Husk Charcoal

Most peatlands established by the government for rice production in Kalimantan have been abandoned

because current low rice productivity. Unfortunately, it is problem because they become a source of CO2

emissions. At present, migrants or farmers conduct illegal logging and agricultural slash and burn in or

around the concession area. Meanwhile, WSL/MTI has developed peatland management techniques

based on best practices in science and low-tech efficient methods for industrial tree plantations. WSL/MTI

have been able to prevent peat fires during the long dry season in the planting areas by applying "simple,

inexpensive and easy maintenance" technology to manage the degraded peatlands.

Rice husk charcoal: improve soil conditions and enhance microorganism activities to absorb nitrogen from

the air.

Fig. 21. Local Economy Enhancement by Value Chain Mechanisms

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Based on WSL/MTI experience in managing peatlands, the water level management that has been

adopted for rice fields can increase rice production even in an abandoned area. WSL/MTI can provide

some technology for water management to expand the use of peatlands for farmers and also to prevent

further destruction of peatland forests.

In addition, WSL/MTI will share and teach farmers how to make charcoal from rice husk. WSL/MTI has

interest to supply rice husk charcoal to produce healthy acacia tree seeds for plantations.

This activity will benefit both parties because the company can easily get rice husk charcoal from the

farmers while high rice productivity that is transformed into rice husk charcoal creates income for the


Key points:

1. Simple, low cost, and easy maintenance technology transfer to the farmers.

2. Prevent slash and burn practices.

3. Rice husk charcoal production to increase farmer’s income.

4. Rice husk charcoal to produce healthy seedlings of acacia tree for plantations.

Fig. 22. Cyclic mechanisms on enhancement of Local Economy and Natural Capital by Value Chain


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VII-2. IT and IoT innovation for Supply Chain

Since peatland is a dynamic ecosystem with high carbon content and water reservoir, it must be managed

on a landscape scale and monitored regularly. One of the most important activities of peatland

management is the mapping of peat dome because it reserves water for the lower area. Irresponsible

management of peat dome can damage the ecosystem, making peatlands dry and flammable, which will

release a lot of carbon into the air.

At present, most of the peat mapping is done using LiDAR technology. Unfortunately, large-scale mapping

is very costly. However, peatland management must be carried out in a landscape, which makes the use

of LiDAR in peat dome mapping ineffective. In this case, Information Technology (IT) and Internet of Things

(IoT) can provide effective and efficient answer for peat dome areas mapping. The supply chain scheme,

an IT and IoT innovation in peat dome mapping, is a technology that combines 3D-Photogrammetry,

microsatellite, and 3D design programs. Because this system is applied to 3D-mapping, its use will be

significantly cheaper than LiDAR technology to map peat domes.

Fig. 23. Scheme of Local Supply Chain Innovation through IT and IoT (from Terayama M and

Hasegawa H privately)

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VIII. Agrarian Reform in Peatland

Majority of peatland are state forest. Many of them have been conceded to companies through HTI, or

HGU. (Once HGU is given on a designated location the status changes from state forest to state land). As

exploitation of peat swamp forest by companies commenced, people come into the area and start

working the land illegally. Local farmers from neighboring land with customary land rights expand their

cultivation land into the peatland, especially to establish palm oil plantation.

Here we find issues regarding confusion of land title, overlapping, contestation, conflicts, and unsecure

titles, with the companies’ concession, customary laws, land cultivated illegally by immigrants, on the

state forest/state land. These confusions become some of the reasons for the peatland degradations and


The government intends to promote the agrarian reform to bring about justice and legal security in

Indonesia. Recent regulations in the scheme of agrarian reform can extend the coverage to the peatland.

Those regulations include Presidential Regulation (Peraturan Presiden) Number 88, Year 2017 concerning

the Settlement of Land Control at the State Forest (Penyelesaian Penguasaan Tanah dalam Kawasan

Hutan) (“Perpres 88/2017”), and Legislation of the Minister of the Environment and Forestry of the

Republic of Indonesia No P.17/MENLHK/SETJEN/KUM.1/5/2018 concerning the change of legal status

from the State Forest and the Change of the Boundary between the State Forest to Become the Object of

the Agrarian Reform.

The agrarian reforms on peatland are to be implemented gradually. It would cover the entire peatland,

integrating the peatland restoration programs with the participatory mapping of land title on the peatland

area. This agrarian reform on peatland will bring justice and secured land title as well as an integrated

peatland restoration of all peatland in Indonesia.

Fig. 24. Model for Agrarian Reform on Peatland

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IX. Forest Functions as Natural Capital

Forest are simultaneously part of the biosphere, ecosystems of their own account, the source of material

essentials to human survival, and finally, the origin of deep human symbols and meanings. In tropical zone,

forest cover is still very high (63%) or 120.6 Mha (MoEF 2018) (Fig. 25), before forest biomass and biomass

productivity which are also high. Forest and trees have multiple functions for ecosystem and environment,

which contribute to carbon neutral and carbon negative. Indonesia’s forest capital wealth is one of the

most valuable in the world and yet the people living in and on the edges of forest are the poorest in

Indonesia. According to Indonesia’s share total wealth and natural capital composition in 2014, natural

capital composition from forest and protected areas are 18%. Restoring forest natural capital leads to an

improved economy and quality of life for all. Ecosystem goods and services in nature are closely

interrelated and focus on the socio-economic benefits derived from ecosystem functions and services

while maintaining their geographical dimensions.

Key Points:

1. Forest and trees have multiple functions defined as "Natural Capital". Forest and Trees "Natural

Capital" is evaluated by alternative methods of industrial and civil engineering cost such as:

Leaf: Solar Panel

Leaf: Cooling Machine by Latent Heat

Stem/Trunk: Energy Battery

Stem/Trunk: Biochar

Fig. 25. Tree Functions as Natural Capital

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Rhizosphere: N2 Fixing Factory

Soil sphere in forest: Water Dum and barrier against debris-slide and soil erosion

Water reservoir: Water Dum, small Hydro Power, and Water Cycle

Biodiversity: Zoological and Botanical Specimen Garden

2. In tropical zone, renewable energy should, therefore, focus on biomass energy and waterpower, not

solar cell and window, because:

Window energy: unstable wind speed (very week or very strong).

Solar Cell Energy: cloud (low efficiency), rainy (rotting, then waste disposition), rain (soil erosion

and water runoff, no water stock causing soil dryness), and only one panel (more than 10 leaf panel

because of more than 10 Leaf Area Index of tree).

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X. Earth Resilience Goals (ERGs)

Resilience is the capacity to deal with change and continue to develop. Deal with disturbances like a

financial crisis or climate change to spur renewal and innovative thinking. Resilience starts with humans

and nature relationship as one social-ecological system. Resilience is strengthening the capacity to deal

with the stresses caused by environmental change. It is about finding ways to deal with unexpected events

and crises and identifying sustainable ways for humans to live within the Earth’s boundaries.

Development is no longer only about the local perspective. Local development is linked to global change,

and local events have global consequences: biodiversity loss, climate change, etc. Without forests, air,

waterways and rich biodiversity, humanity will not survive, let alone thrive. Development must be good

for the Earth’s life support system, and help a growing population to weather future storms. Development

actions should support people to thrive within changing circumstances.

Survival rate depends on the services provided by nature. Nature has provided numerous goods and

services free of charge up to now. They also include biodiversity, a sufficient supply of food and a life-

sustaining climate. In many cases we do not understand how nature produces these ecosystem services.

However, we do know that our survival and well-being depend on these services.

IX-1. "Carbon Negative Society"

Fig. 26. Diagram of "Carbon Negative Society"

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Based on Forest (representative indicator of natural capital=Resilience Element) and Arable Land

(representative indicator of LULUCF= Vulnerability Element), 19, 20, and 21 Century are classified as

relationship (balance) between Resilience Element and Vulnerability Element (Fig.26).

Key Points:

1. From the 19th Century to the 20th Century, the society was transformed into a Carbon Positive

(carbon emission) Society, targeting increasing food and feed productions.

2. From the 20th Century to early 21st Century, the society was transformed into a Carbon Neutral

(carbon cycling) Society, targeting SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) by REDD+ and Natural

Capital Conservation.

3. From early the 21st Century to late 21st Century, the society should be transformed into a Carbon

Negative (carbon sequestration) Society, targeting ERGs (Earth Resilience Goals) by mainly Biochar

(carbon sequestration) Biomass Energy, Cooling and Wetting (potent heat) by Solar-Porous material,

Nutrients Cycling by Solar-Sea Water Evaporation.

IX-2. "Harvesting Sun Society"

The Social System Innovation is urgently required as the base of SDGs. In the past, the society mainly

depended on the harvested sun energy (fossil fuels such as oil, coal, and natural gases) and harvested

sun-energy materials (high carbon reservoirs ecosystem and peatland/costal ecosystem/permafrost),

together referred to as the “Harvested Sun Society” (Fig. 26). In the future, we desire that the society

depend mainly on “harvesting sun energy” (renewable energy sources such as wind, water, solar power,

and biomass and natural capital such as water cycle by solar energy), together referred to as the

“Harvesting Sun Society” (Fig. 27).

Fig. 27. Diagram of "Harvesting Sun Society"

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Therefore, it is proposed that a national concept be established about how the “Harvested Sun Society”

should transform into the “Harvesting Sun Society.” In the “Harvested Sun Society,” climate change

strategy mainly includes mitigation (conservation) to climate change, supported by credits such as clean

development mechanism, reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+), and

Ethics Investment, such as corporate social responsibility, in creating shared value such as social and

economic values. In addition, in the “Harvesting Sun Society,” climate change strategy mainly includes

adaptation (innovation) to climate change, supported by investment systems such as environment, social,

governance (ESG), socially responsible investment (SRI), and green bond (carbon bond and water bond).

“Harvesting Sun Society” in humid tropical regions should focus on Biomass Production and Usage

because of the abundance of solar energy (photosynthesis) and through water cycle powered by the solar

energy (one of the key elements of biosphere and human).

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