Concentration Part 1: The man that reaches the top is the greedy, plucky and the hardworker and never the slow, tardy one. The man that is chosen is the one who has produced results and who has learned that results can only be produced by untiring concentrated efforts. Miracles in Business do not happen. With a right kind of training everyone can be successful. Weakened will is the reason for failure. Don’t expect anyone to help you. Make firm resolutions and resolve to conquer your weaknesses. No one can do this for you. You have to do it yourself. They can encourage you and that is all. To overcome a handicap is to use more determination and grit. The man with great determination may be poor today but wealthy in few years. The bigger the man’s will the smaller the obstacle appears. It is impossible to concentrate when you are in any of these exited states: Hatred, passion, anger, excitement, strong impulses, Impulsive and Emotional Mind. It is a good practise to associate with people who are steady, calm, controlled and conservative. Those are in this negative state of mind cannot concentrate, they can only meditate. Their concentration power becomes weaker; they develop instead abstraction of the mind or absence of mind. They find it difficult to concentrate on anything. Love those most who hate you. The mind that cannot stay on a special subject is weak. A person who

Concentration Part 1

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Concentration is the essence of success.This document may guide you towards reaching higher powers of concentration.

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Page 1: Concentration Part 1

Concentration Part 1:

The man that reaches the top is the greedy, plucky and the hardworker and never the slow, tardy one. The man that is chosen is the one who has produced results and who has learned that results can only be produced by untiring concentrated efforts. Miracles in Business do not happen. With a right kind of training everyone can be successful.

Weakened will is the reason for failure. Don’t expect anyone to help you. Make firm resolutions and resolve to conquer your weaknesses. No one can do this for you. You have to do it yourself. They can encourage you and that is all. To overcome a handicap is to use more determination and grit.

The man with great determination may be poor today but wealthy in few years. The bigger the man’s will the smaller the obstacle appears.

It is impossible to concentrate when you are in any of these exited states: Hatred, passion, anger, excitement, strong impulses, Impulsive and Emotional Mind. It is a good practise to associate with people who are steady, calm, controlled and conservative. Those are in this negative state of mind cannot concentrate, they can only meditate. Their concentration power becomes weaker; they develop instead abstraction of the mind or absence of mind. They find it difficult to concentrate on anything.

Love those most who hate you. The mind that cannot stay on a special subject is weak. A person who allows his mind to roam at will will never accomplish a great deal in the world. He wastes his energies. Concentration by first last means - only about the strength of mind. If you work, think, talk and act aimlessly and allow you brain to wander at will, you will not be able to concentrate.

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