Ginestrelle A.I.R. Artists in Residence 2010-2011 Collective art exhibition by international artists Assisi “Sala Pinacoteca” Piazza del Comune 25 November - 2 December 2010 CON IL SOSTEGNO E IL PATROCINIO DEL Un ringraziamento particolare: COMUNE DI ASSISI Ufficio Turismo - Ufficio Cultura Ing. CLAUDIO RICCI Sindaco di Assisi Prof. GIOVANNI ZAVARELLA critico d’arte Arch. TIZIANA LEOPIZZI Ellequadro Events S.r.l. - Artour-o CESVOL Centro Servizi per il Volontariato - Perugia marina merli director Santa Maria di Lignano, 11 cell. +39.338.8134078 06081 Assisi (Pg) - Italy [email protected] tel/fax +39.075.802336 www.artestudioginestrelle.com

CON IL SOSTEGNO E IL PATROCINIO DEL …...C Ginestrelle A.I.R. Artists in Residence 2010-2011 Collective art exhibition by international artists Assisi “Sala Pinacoteca” Piazza

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Ginestrelle A.I.R. Artists in Residence 2010-2011

Collective art exhibition by international artists

Assisi “Sala Pinacoteca” Piazza del Comune

25 November - 2 December 2010


Un ringraziamento particolare: COMUNE DI ASSISI

Ufficio Turismo - Ufficio Cultura Ing. CLAUDIO RICCI Sindaco di Assisi

Prof. GIOVANNI ZAVARELLA critico d’arte Arch. TIZIANA LEOPIZZI Ellequadro Events S.r.l. - Artour-o

CESVOL Centro Servizi per il Volontariato - Perugia

marina merli director Santa Maria di Lignano, 11 cell. +39.338.8134078 06081 Assisi (Pg) - Italy [email protected] tel/fax +39.075.802336 www.artestudioginestrelle.com

Warwick Allsopp

Actor and writer Warwick graduated from the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts in 2001.

Warwick is one half of the surreal comedy duo Allsopp and Henderson and, with co-writer Tamlyn Henderson, has written and performed shows around Australia and the UK.

Their first show, A Porthole Into The Minds Of The Vanquished, received a Best Newcomer Nomination at the 2006 Melbourne

Comedy Festival, and enjoyed successful seasons in 2007 at the Sydney Opera House, the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and the Soho Theatre in London’s West End. Their second show, The Jinglists (Winner of the 2008 Moosehead Award), toured Australia in 2008, and played at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and the Soho Theatre in 2010 to critical acclaim.

The work in this exhibition marks the first collaborative effort with partner and artist Katherine Uren.

The atmosphere of Mount Subasio and the Ginestrelle Arte Studio inspired work focusing on the natural environment of Umbria. Combining their skills of painting and poetry, this work allowed Warwick and Katherine to find a new voice as an artistic team.

[email protected]

Seunghyun Woo In my studio practice I mostly present sculptures and paintings. Sculptures I make contains shape of animal figures and natures in first stage, and I overspread with marbling colour and mixture of plaster and paint. Sometimes I use pre-exist objects that refer inflated the notion of beauty. I do same process with it. Paintings are on the extended line of sculpture, which I do not try to draw something but try physical approaching to the colour and fluidity as a material. I call this generation process “marbling isness” which only happen unconsciousness erase myself. My fundamental intention is questioning

what is the beauty which activating today’s life. Forms, shapes and structures which have been produced by one’s or all’s aspiration comply with aesthetic perception, function as a delivering desire. We cannot judge this as a right or wrong but there is a pinpoint moment we feel that is our taste or not. How can we reach the decision, how can we tell that is your own decision. In Buddhism they say when the mind escape a state of nothingness, and get to divide what you like and dislike then it starts to judge right or wrong which related to your taste. That intellectual point of view means your nothingness of mind has been contaminated subtly, as it contaminated subtly we do not realize our contamination. This story is very similar with original sin story in Christianity. Both of them describe same fundamental theory differently. What I intend to create is the beauty implies goodness or no will. This is only achieved after rigorous physical and sums of spontaneous selection. Before the actual making process, I do many of drawings until I got to far away from various images, which later allows me work automatically.


In my art I

both aesth

find a pla

I would lik

which can

Glass is an


fragile, yet

easy to de



Project “To

city of Tor

justyna.woglass: http

am always insp

hetical and carry

ce in my artwor

ke to create an a

n "speak".

n excellent mate

ing the languag

t hard and sharp

estroy, but also c

s and it is the m

s when it is brok

ower of Babel” is


[email protected]://www.artcete











has b



pired by the lang

ying a problem

k for language -


rial for

e: it is

p; it is

can be



s realised thanks

om era.pl/art/jgruszc

tyna Woltm

in 1982 in Wod

s with painting, g

llations of scents

ter of Fine Arts in

s art from Nicola

ersity in Toruń, i

w she is a PhD stu

ersity and art tea

ndary School in

been presented

eries and art festi

ks in Toruń, Polan

guage. It is a very

of understandin

its structures an

s to the scholars



dzisław Śląski,

glass art and

s. She received

n painting and

us Copernicus

n June 2007.

udent of this

acher in IX

Toruń. Her wor

in many Polish

ivals. Lives and


y rich structure -

ng. I am trying to

nd problems.

hip of the








Audronė Ba

1956-2010) - Direeduva secondaryithuanian State C

Vilnius. She acquitage direction ofnstitute. The tutohe staged perforn Lithuanian statnconventional t

ogether with act

With the monopend "Oedipus theithuania, Egypt,

Germany, Austriaideofilm "Letters repared photo e

Views of ritual plowland part of Lght"(2003, whichf "Oedipus the m

Ministry of Culturtipend of the hig

AUDRONE BAGAn Lithuania in Sia



ector. Was borny school. In 197Conservatoire (pired the specialitf drama theatre or of the course wrmances in differte TV. Since the eheatre studio "etor and husband

erformances stage man" studio too Belorus, Denmaa, Russia and else for the moveme

exhibitions, "Fixalaces"(from EgypLithuania she creh first show is pl

man". The directoe of Lithuania in

ghest degree in 2

ATYRYTE died aftauliai town on th

[email protected]

in 1956 in Obe4-1979 she stud

present Academyty of TV directorin the Moscow (was professor Mrent theatres in Lend of 1991 shedmundo studija

d Edmundas Leo

ged by her "Deaok part in variouark, Tunisia, Finlaewhere. She alsoent" dedicated foations"(about thept and Senegal). eated a photo cyanning in Assisi,

or was awardedn 1990,she was g2000-2001.

ter a hard and lohe 1st March 20

liai. In 1974 she died and graduaty of music and t. In 1980-1985 s(Russia) GITIS the

M.O.Knebel. In 19Lithuania and Ru

e has been the d 3"(Studio was c


d alive Hamlet", us festivals and eand, Czech Repuo created in the or the Senegal's e studio's activity In an old farmstycle "Sacrifice for, Italy) and a vid with the prize ogranted the stat

ong disease at h10.


finished ted the theatre) in she studied eatrical 984-1991 ussia and irector of


"Another" events in ublic, studio the dances, y) and tead in r eo version

of the e art

er home

in Dance a

During theUnited StaYork UnivePinacotecaseen in CaArt GalleryInternatioScotiaban

His creativMillenniumScholarshiFoundatioHuman ResourcesSkills DevelopmCanada, thLeon & ThKoerner FoundatioMiller ThoFoundatioVancouveFoundatioalso been and Litera www.skyf

and BA in Cultur

e past fifteen yeaates, England, anersity, Gallery 13a, and Winnipeg

anada, the Unitey of Ontario, Branal Festival of Pek Nuit Blanche,

ve and scholarly m ip


s &

ment he


on, the mson

on, the er on, York Universi featured by Bor

ature, Mobius, No


ral Studies from

ars he has creatend Italy, with cre313, the Lab Cabg Nuit Blanche. Hed States, and Meavo!, the Canadiaerformance Art, and the Toronto

work has receiv

ity, and the Royarder Crossings, C

Now Magazine, th


Sky Fairchi

is a performancliving and workOriginally fromColumbia, Sky aProfessional Bathe National BaCanada before

York University.

ed works seen inedits including thb Festival, PublicHe has also perfexico, with credan Opera Comp the National Bao International F

ved support from

al Bank of CanadCBC, the Existerehe Toronto Star,


ce-based artist king in Toronto.

m Victoria, Britishattended the

allet Program at allet School of receiving a BFA

n Canada, the he Art Gallery of Office, Sala

formed in worksits including the

pany, the 7a*11dallet of Canada, Film Festival.

m the Canada

da. His work hase Journal of Arts and USA Today



e d

s s y.

amtethpo EX






m also trying to ext, design, and his opportunity bositive attitude t


009 “That Feel Gndeavor Arts analgary AB (Solo

The Ledge”, the Ehe Performing ArArtist residency axhibition, startin0th)

The Battle: LegaUniversity of Calggroup exhibitionlack History Mon

008 “TAKING Ientral, Calgary A

esidency and So


Ad  I agraDeMypregaiima At conwhBeito urefl

change perceptnaturally found because I know to an already cre


Good Night”, nd Events Space,


EPCOR CENTRE frts, Calgary AB and solo g June 1st- Augu

acies 2009”, gary, Calgary AB n, in celebration nth)

T BLACK”, Art AB (artist olo exhibition)


drianne Wi

m a Calgary basaduate of Albertasign’s Fine Art p

y educational baepared me to emined in school toaginative ideas w

Residency at AIRntinuing my serihich centers on ting of Caribbeanurban society, mlected throughotions of the 2 an objects. I was veI have what it ta

eative environme





sed artist, and I aa College of Art

program as of Mackground has m

mploy the skills I o contribute newwithin this reside

R - Ginestrelle I es titled “That Th

themes of culturan decent, ideas p

music, and race aout my work. In tnd 3 dimensionaery excited to coakes to contributent.

am a and ay 2007.

more than have

w and ency.

would be hing” al identity. pertaining are themes this series I l, through

ome across te a

The grouphas long-t2004 he whired by thparticipatewriting at

MEMBERSLyytikäineSuonpää -

PUBLICAT2009 Shor of So2009 Shor2007 Minu2007 Poem2005 Mää2005 Shor of So2004 Shor

(Eno2004 Sileä2003 Shor2003 Poem2002 Poem1997 Lyhy  http://wwhttp://nih

p is led by poet aterm experience worked as the exhe state in the aed to the develo the department

S: Tommi Parkko en - Reijo Nurme- Päivi Syrjäkari

TIONS rt stories in Reviiouth-West Finlanrt stories and poulle olet jätti, chims in Gummeru

ä sain töitä, shortrt stories in Reviiouth-West Finlanrt stories in Aurinostone) äksi puhuttu, poert stories in Karums in Rakkaudesms in Fenix 5 anyt muisti, meri, p


V wTpowmpFea

and creative writ of teaching fictixpert of writing area of South-We

opment and exect of comparative

- Elsa Ervasti - Cla - Virpi Pöyhön

ri anthology (Rend)

oems in several mildren's book (Avus anthology (Gut stories (Kustannri anthology (Rend) ngon viikset ja m

ems (Tammi) usellikyytiä IV antsta lintuihin anth

nthology (Sanatapoems (Tammi)

g/ ess.com/

Volter - gro

was founded in Turku, Finland. Itprose writers andof the group havwork in several amagazines. Sompublished individFurthermore, weexperience of woa group.

ting teacher, Tomion writing. Duriand literature (Rest Finland. Morecution of the sube literature, Univ

Christian Lenandnen - Mia Rönkä

egional Arts Cou

magazines vain) ummerus) nus HD)

egional Arts Cou

muita kertomuks

thology (Savukehology (Tammi) aiteen ry)


the fall 2004 in t consists of bothd poets. Membeve published theanthologies ande of us have alsodual books. e have prior orking abroad a

mmi Parkko, whing years 2001- egional Artist) eover, he has bject of creative ersity of Turku.

er - Marjo - Karoliina



ia anthology


h ers eir o




I ainpaPeininextupecohawmim



hotography andhey invite the vie

mprovisational sised to question nowledge. My a

nto a space of sp

am intrigued as nterested in the warticularly his wrerception, here h

nformation alonndividual empiricxperience and hurn conspires to erception and omprehension. Have informed my

with regard to themind and what exmplies.


d text, they reflecewer to finish thtes in which theour making of thrrangements are

peculation. They

to how we storework of the Frenriting on Cézannhe considers thegside the

cal how this in influence

His ideas y practice e embodied xactly this


ct upon the worhe sequence as se constructed anhe world througe schematic, inv rely on our desi

e and process innch Philosopher ne in Merleau-Poe manner in whi


I think of mywork (see imincluded) asunfinished bof inventionseduction usobjects, drawpaintings,

rld in an obscuresuch. They are nd the ready-madgh language anditing the viewer re for beauty.

nformation, and Maurice Merlea

onty, Phenomenich we receive

gh B. gan

y recent mages s bricolages and sing wings,

e fashion.

de are d to move

I'm really au-Ponty, nology of

Sue Hu

is a freelanTwice winSociety's fipoems as She was aLondon's writer-in-reweek. Her first coEnitharmo2000 pubpublishedDepth of Fa "remarkaSue HubbStatesmanarticles ... In 2006 shRead abouof short stSue Hubbcollection May 2010Sue HubbThe Idea oRead a Reextracted postmodecontempoculture' wGaughan. www.sueh


nce art critic, novnner of the Londirst-ever Public Apart of a visual also commissionebiggest art poemesidence at the

ollection, Everython in 1994 and alished by Carcan by Salt PublishinField, her first noable first novel." ard is a regular c

n where she writ he was awardedut Rothko's Red tories. Read moreard's new book of her essays, is

0. ard and Donald

of Islands, will beview of Sue Hubfrom the MA dis

ern British-Jewishorary Jewish wom

with acknowledge.


velist and poet. don Writers compArt Poet and crearts project in Bied by the Arts Com that leads fromDe La Warr Pavi

hing Begins witha number of hernet. Her latest cong in 2004. ovel, was publish contributor to Thtes on contempo

d a major Arts Coand Other Storiee... Adventures in A published on 19

d Teskey's new be published in 20bbard's poetry, ssertation: 'Towah identity: men’s poetry in ements to Lucy

petition she waseated a number ormingham's jewouncil and the B

m Waterloo to thilion, Bexhill dur

h the Skin, was pr poems appeareollection Ghost S

hed in 2000. Joh

he Independentorary art. See he

ouncil Literary Awes, Sue Hubbard

Art, a 9th

ook, 010.

ards a


s the Poetry of site-specific

wellery quarter. BFI to create he IMAX and waing ArchiTEXT

published by ed in Oxford PoeStation was

hn Berger called

t and The New er New Statesma

ward. d's latest collectio






fr InSc






om the Universin 2008 she compchool, Darlinghu

atherine is the reWilliam Fletcher F2008), The Frien2007) and drawind the Universityydney Award fo

Outstanding Illusttudent (2004).

he work in this emarks the first col

ffort with partne

he atmosphere owork focusing on

Combining their nd Katherine to






ty of Western Sypleted her B.F.Aurst.

ecipient of numeFoundation Grands of the Nationing (2008), y of Western r Most tration

exhibition llaborative er and writer Wa

of Mount Subasin the natural env

skills of painting find a new voice


Katherine U

Katherine Uren'sdesigns have feaacademic institu

Most recently sh2010 Portia GeaNational Trust's SSydney.

Katherine receivCommunication ydney. , majoring in Pa

erous awards annt for the advan

nal Art School (FO

arwick Allsopp.

io and the Ginesvironment of Um

g and poetry, thie as an artistic te


s paintings, drawatured in exhibit

utions across Aus

he was a finalist ch Portrait PrizeSH Ervin Gallery

ved her B.A in V with Honours in

inting, at the Na

nd honours incluncement of younONAS) prize for

strelle Arte Studimbria.

is work allowed eam.

wings and tions and stralia.

in the e at the y in

Visual n 2004

ational Art

uding the ng artists painting

io inspired


create my

“El trabajopartir de sy prodigiobarro (y enmás de estravés de lbronce y dalianza dearmonía, odiferentestransmite lenguaje sotras vidasaquellas tiañoradas o las curasmermado también, lo seres qubienaventlugar, tamverdaderoErnesto Lu www.mar

y work. I always

o artístico de Mau exposición Esp

oso “viaje a la semn madera) en gre emblemático ylas tramas del tiedel barro una geel reino animal, vora sutil y medita formatos y mat“chamanicamen

secreto y sagrads que suceden eierras incógnitaslluvias que cortas de enfermedad fatalmente a la a anunciación d

ue traerán cataclturanza al lugar.

mbién, viene la beo”. umbreras



In my sculparchetypal traditional pin the dialoinstallation my love of tlike use nalooking in nature. My observing, Is all the ennot a specithat gets ar

think that we c

ribel Portela (Méspiral (1995), se hmilla”. Su trabajoran formato quey perturbador reempo mítico, ha eografía del ser yvegetal y mineraabundo, ora deseriales, cada pie

nte” −vía un o− historias de

en otros lugares;s vienen las an años de sequdes que han comunidad o, de acontecimienismos o De aquel otro elleza y lo


ptures are influenform in nature, tpaper in Mexico

og on contempo art. My work I ithe nature and taturals material my hiking, explo soul is collector seeds, sticks, leanvironment, all tific form of life, bround into day ban build our par

éxico, D.F., 1960ha definido como reciente, estas e aquí se presentegreso anterior a explorado en lay del estar en el

al entronizan un sbordado y sens





nced by the the work explor

o the Amate paporary art and s an outgrowth the materials, I paper , fiber andoring in the and enjoy ves.

the things I see, but all existence by day , that radise.

0), por lo menos o un permanentflores y tallos deta, es una estacióa todo lenguaje.a alquimia del mundo donde la tratado de ual. En sus

e er




a te

e ón A


in Miami. She California, Flo

Her work is inNorth Miami, York, The Inteprivate and coSal enjoys collceramic platesexhibition wathe Deruta famof Umberto anGoretti. WhileSal also won 3the 2010 annplein air paintcompetition.

Her most rececommision wajuried Gator G


has exhibited inorida, USA and In

n the collection o Florida, the Mus

ernational Roericorporate collectilaborating with s for this

as made in mily factory nd Vania

e in Deruta, 3rd place in ual La Valle


ent as the

Glam sculpture fo


Sal Sidn

“My work idrawings othings I seeapolitical, ispiritual, fecontemplainclined towharmony. Iand person

Sal Sidner i

n France, Venicendia.

of the Museum oseum of the Socich Trust Foundatons. skilled artisans, a

or Sawgrass Mill


s based on of people and live, personal and nclined to the

eminine or ative aspects of liward peace andInspired by journnal explorations.

is a figurative art

e, Italy, New York

of Contemporaryiety of Illustratortion, and numer

and her project

ls Mall, Florida.


ife, d neys .”

tist, based


y Art, rs, New rous

of painted

critic Erma1989 GraBenincasa 1998 CouSector MenShe is part associationAbout: RosPasciuta, NNumerousSome pubSvobody/PGammm.omemory oCloveca, BOlomouc space for mNaple - WLuna Ed. PNuccio Lo PaleokastroThe works angels of Aare in PhiloAbba SchoWork SynteGrottaferraMaria ZamFoundationThe picturAntigone,are in Phil


nno Migliorini. ant: The art how f Institut, Naple Uurse of Improvemntal Ealth, Usl 6 Pa of UVUO - Unionn Vicolo Luvi; editssella Caruso, Pao

Noemi Troja. s collaborations

blications: ArabaPhenomen of Frorg - I racconti dof blood, Città ApBrno - Monitulipa- Segno 221, Palman? Clean Ed.,

Women and writinPalermo. A profile Castro appearedo N° 6 2001 Nove Stellario and Trac

Andrey Rublev Triosophical studies ool, Rome. esis in Mary Centata. The studies o

mbrano in Zambrann, Malaga. res Bandage for Pensamiento anosophy departm


Tomm she worwriting installatthe envShe borthe FinePhilosopstudied

fact of the chronicUniversity. ment: Psychiatry an

alermo. n visual artists Olotorial staff of the liola Catania, Ladisl

and solo, collecfelice.it - Casabereedom, Olomoui Luvi, Palermo - perta ed., Troinaare.blogspot.comlermo - Transpar, ng, La e by

d on ember. cks of inity Centre

tre, on no

nd work’s diary

ment of Barcelon


masina Squ

rking on a calligrathrough movemions and perform

vironment and thern in Palermo, stue Art Academy ofphy to Florence’s Aesthetics with C

cle, teacher Remo

nd art in the thea

omouc (Czechlaniterary magazinelav Danek, Costan

tive exhibition. ella, Milano - Fenuc - Forfest Cata Infinite Erranze,

a - Mezzocielo Issm - Q/Arto, UVUrence, Rimini, Ol

From side of thena University, Spa


aphy without ent, poetry,

mances that queriee people involveddied Sculpture tof Palermo and s University and Conceptual Art

o Guidieri, S.Orso

atre of the soul,

nd); cultural 's Stories Luvi nza Meli, Gaspare

omen log, Kromeriz - , Osimo - Medeasue n° 5 - Misto p

UO Almanach, lomouc - Wich

e scribe an the inain.

es d. o



a, pro


“TfasithimThththCredakehurebrcolawreA,thprpeen br

There is a certainade of light into nister for what it

he murkiness in gmperceptible, flehis body of workhis light and timehe context of lanertain places hav

esonance at this ay, a resonance eenly felt in the uman presence.

esonance can beriefly or in immeonnection with aandscape over timworks include plaecently.

At the end of onehere is a momenromise and foreeriphery, it is elunding. “


n quality to the lidark can be bott begins to hide.growing shadoweting and indefik explores e within ndscape. ve a time of which is absence of . This e found ersion and a particular me. These

aces of personal

e space of time ant of stillness andboding. This sen

usive and is prese


Bronw was borand worAustraliain the Ucurrent concern

ight of the last hh comforting in . Often there is aws, the last momnable.

significance and

and beginning od quiet that can nse is somethingent in all experie

wen Jones

rn in London U.Krks in Hobart, Taa. She studied Pr.K. and Australiapractice is mainl

ned with painting

hour of daylight. its regularity yeta clarity combine

ments of light alm

d those discover

of another, day in evoke both a se

g felt and seen oences of beginni

K and lives asmania, rintmaking a, her ly g.

The slow t slightly ed with



nto night ense of n the ing and

Seong Hwa Justine Lee my concern in making art is to emphasize the ancient times and the 20th century, the historical sight and our existence of these days. As I was very much impressed by thosre historic relics which have remained through the times, containing the traces of

human dreams, passion and also despair, I wanted to engrave my trace in my works. I believe that art is a method of confession for an artist, because the very reason why we make art is the need for personal expression, like a diary. And I am more interested in art making process rather than product. I wanted my works to be close to my own life as possible, because I think that genuine art is our lives and art is an illusion out of life. I also wanted to remove the distiction between the painting and sculture, art and liturature, and eventually, art an life. The installation is a vision of Paradise Lost. The materials consist of two parts: sculptamold, and the found objects such as the pages of daiary, drawings, newspapers and candles. The blocks of white pillars were done by sculptamold. All these are reminiscent of Greek Roman ruins from ancient times and it is a nostalgia for the Paradise. Through working on these, I constantly tried to ask what it is to have faith, hope and yearning as an imperfect being, in the imperfect world, in this Paradise Lost. [email protected]

Collin Sekajugo

is on a mission to “use art to change lives.” Over the last two years, these words have become more than a credo for the self-taught artist, 28, who has dedicated himself to founding and directing Ivuka Arts Kigali: an ambitious arts project that aims to develop Rwanda’s contemporary cultural heritage by honing the skills of promising young artists and providing platforms for their exposure.

A painter by profession, Sekajugo’s own work explores how light, shadow, color and texture interacts to make his subject rise “off the canvas”. His artwork holds the distinction of being displayed in various public and corporate collections, and is featured both at Meredith Laing Studios (Bel Air, California) and the prestigious Gallery Watatu (Nairobi, Kenya). Sekajugo credits a large part of his success to the opportunities he has had to work alongside other professional artists; and now that he has successfully “come of age” in the art world, he is helping others do the same. But his vision doesn’t stop there. At the beginning of 2008, Sekajugo launched RwaMakondera (Rwandan Horns), a children’s traditional dance troupe affiliated with Ivuka Arts. RwaMakondera brings together children from disadvantaged backgrounds and places them in an artistic community that nurtures their talents and gives them a vehicle for self-expression. The initiative also subsidizes the children’s school fees and helps them transition from begging on the streets to being in school. In December, RwaMakondera was selected from amongst 11 other performance groups to represent Africa in Holland’s annual Via del Mondo Festival, to be held in Tilburg this May.  




Keith Wilson - R.U.A.

was born in Belfast, Northern Ireland in 1971. He studied at Methodist College, Belfast, the University of Ulster and at Edinburgh College of Art, Scotland, gaining an Honours Degree and a further Postgraduate Diploma in 1995.

He returned to Ireland in 1995. In 1999 he was invited by the Ballinglen

Arts Foundation in County Mayo to take up a six week painting residency and, having completed this, since 2000 he has been living in and working from a rural home studio in North Mayo. His most recent work has been inspired by the garden of his home and its immediate surroundings.

He has held numerous solo exhibitions throughout Ireland and has taken part in many group shows at home and in the United Kingdom as well as various exhibitions in Europe and the USA.

In 2005, he was the winner of the AXA Insurance Drawing prize at the Royal Hibernian Academy in Dublin and in 2006 was the recipient of the Hennessy-Craig Scholarship Award, also at the RHA, for the painting ‘Returning’.

In October 2006 he was elected an Associate Member of the Royal Ulster Academy, Belfast.

In March 2008 he was shortlisted for the Golden Fleece Award in Dublin. During 2009 he spent three months as artist in residence at the new R.H.A. studios in Dublin and also participated in 'Monoprint 09' at the University of Wisconsin at Stevens Point.

In 2010 he was awarded Mayo County Council's Bursary Award to take up a residency at the Tyrone Guthrie Centre in Co. Monaghan. He was also elected a full member of the Royal Ulster Academy. http://www.keithwilson.co.uk/

Noilin O’Kelly

Noilin graduated from the Crawford College

of Art and Design in Ireland with a first class

honours degree, majoring in Printmaking and

Textiles and later completed her MA Fine Art

at Central Saint Martin’s College of Art and


She uses a broad range of media from, digital

imagery, printmaking, drawing, textiles

through to installation.

Her work is held in many private and corporate collections, having more

recently been bought by the University of the Arts, London collection.

Her practice concentrates on roles and identity in life and examines the

effects of situation and background.

She is interested in portraying clichéd objects and environments in order to

present the viewer with a fresh viewpoint.
