Computer Software System Software Basic Application Software Specialized Application Software Chapter 3, 4, & 5 McGraw-Hill Copyright © 2011 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Computer Software System Software Basic Application Software Specialized Application Software Chapter 3, 4, & 5 McGraw-HillCopyright © 2011 by The McGraw-Hill

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Computer Software•System Software•Basic Application Software•Specialized Application Software

Chapter 3, 4, & 5

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System Software

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Computers and computer applications are ubiquitous in our lives so much so that we expect them to “be there when we need them”.

We often give little thought to the processes and programs running behind the scenes to keep our computers functioning effectively.

These kinds of programs and processes (i.e. operating systems, utility programs, device drivers, etc…) fall under the topic of system software and are covered in this chapter.


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• Handles technical details

• Works with end users, application software, and computer hardware

• Four types of programs– Operating system– Utilities– Device drivers– Language translators

System Software

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• Manage computer resources• Provide an interface between the users and

computer• Runs applications• A collection of programs that handle technical

tasks• Every computer has an operating


Operating Systems

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• Performs three types of functions– Manages computer resources

• Coordinate memory, processing storage, and printers• Monitor system performance• Provide security• Start-up the computer

– Provides user interface • Character-based interface• Graphical user interface (GUI)

– Runs applications• Multitasking• Foreground & background applications

Functions of an Operating System

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• Booting • Features in common with application software

– Icons– Pointers– Windows– Menus – Dialog boxes– Help

Features of an Operating System

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• Hundreds of operating systems• Three basic categories

– Embedded operating systems – hand-held

– Network operating systems – linked computers

– Stand-alone operating systems – desktop

Categories of Operating Systems

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• OS often called software environment or platform

• Operating systems commonly used by individuals– Windows – most widely used– Mac OS – powerful and easy to use– UNIX – network; originally designed for Web– LINUX – non proprietary; free from the Web

More on Operating Systems

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• The most popular microcomputer operating system – over 90 percent of the market

• Comes in a variety of different versions• Windows 7

provides several improvements

over Windows Vista


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• An operating system designed to run on Apple computers

• Not used as widely as Windows• One of the most innovative operating systems

• Mac OS X is one of the latest versions • Mac OS (Boot Camp)

allows the running of both

the Mac OS and Windows

Mac OS

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• UNIX operating system– Originally designed to run on minicomputers on a

network– Used by powerful microcomputers

• LINUX is a version of UNIX– Not proprietary– Open source


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• Ability to support multiple operating systems on a single physical machine

• Virtualization software– Physical machine can be logically separated

into separate and independent virtual computers called virtual machines

– Host operating system– Guest operating system


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• Specialized programs to make computing easier • Most essential utilities

– Troubleshooting or diagnostic programs– Antivirus programs– Uninstall programs– Backup programs– File compression programs


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• Backup and Restore

• Disk Cleanup

• Disk Defragmenter

Windows Utilities


Accessing Windows Vista utilities:

Click Start, Select All Programs, Select Accessories, Choose System Tools

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• Utility program includedwith many Windowsversions

• Makes a copy of all files or

selected files that have been

saved on a disk• Helps prevent against

disk failure

Backup and Restore


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• Identifies and eliminatesnonessential files

• Frees up valuable space

and improves system


Disk Cleanup



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Disk Defragmenter


• Identifies and eliminates unnecessary fragments

• Rearranges files and

unused disk space to

optimize operations• Speeds up file access

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• A group of several utility programs bundled for sale

• Buying the package is economical • Popular suites

– Norton System Works – McAfee Office– V Communications


Utility Suites

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• Specialized programs that allow communication between a device and the computer

• Loaded into memory eachtime a computer is started

• When a new device is added, new device drivers must be installed

Device Drivers

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Virus Protection and Internet Security

• Internet Security Suite– Runs a number of programs– Continually monitors your

computer• VirusScan

– Controls the frequency of searches for viruses

– Quarantines or deletes infected files

• PrivacyService– Helps protect your privacy

online– Block websites, cookies, and


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Basic Application Software

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• Not long ago, trained specialists were required to perform many of the operations you can now do with a microcomputer.

• A microcomputer can be an electric tool.• Competent end users need to understand the

capabilities of basic application software including:– Word processors– Spreadsheets– Database management systems– Presentation programs


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Application Software

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• Application software is end user software that is used to accomplish a variety of tasks

• Two categories– Basic applications

(focus of this chapter)

– Specialized applications

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• Graphical User Interface (GUI)• Icons• Windows• Menus• Toolbars

Common Features

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• Quick access to commonly used commands• Contain buttons that provide shortcuts• Examples

– Standard Toolbar– Speech Recognition




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• Newest version of Microsoft Office• New Interface

– Ribbons– Contextual Tabs– Galleries

Microsoft Office 2007

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• Allows your voice to control application software

• For best results, use your voice and mouse or keyboard– Train the software– Control a program– Dictate a document

Making IT Work for You Speech Recognition

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• Used to create text-based documents– Memos, letters, and faxes

– Newsletters, manuals, and brochures

• Word processing programs – Microsoft Word– Corel WordPerfect– Apple Pages

Word Processors

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Word Processor Features


• Word Wrap• Editing

– Thesaurus– Find and Replace– Spelling and grammar checkers

• Formatting– Font and font sizing– Character effects – Bulleted and numbered lists

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Word Processor Case


• Creating a Flyer

• Creating a Report

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Creating a Flyer


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Creating a Report

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• Programs that manipulate numeric data• Spreadsheet programs

– Microsoft Excel– Corel Quattro

Pro– Apple iWork's



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• Workbook files• Worksheet or spreadsheet or sheet• Formulas• Functions• Analytical

graphs or charts• What-if Analysis

Spreadsheet Features

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• Creating a Sales Forecast

• Creating a Chart

• Analyzing Your Data

Spreadsheet Case

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Creating a Sales Forecast



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Creating a Chart



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Analyzing Your Data

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• A collection of related data• Sets up a structure for data storage• Database programs

– Microsoft Access– Corel Paradox– Lotus Approach

Database Management Systems (DBMS)

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• Relational• Tables

– Records– Fields

• Record sorting• Queries• Forms• Reports

Database Features

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• Creating a Database

• Creating a Query

Database Case

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Creating a Database



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Creating a Query

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• Programs that create visually interesting presentations

• Presentation programs – Microsoft PowerPoint– Corel Presentations– Lotus Freelance


Presentation Graphics

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• Slides• AutoContent wizard• Design templates• Master slide

Presentation Graphics Features

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• Creating a Presentation

• Updating a Presentation

Presentation Graphics Case

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Creating a Presentation



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• A single program that provides the functionality of several widely used programs– Popular with many home users– Classified as personal or home software

• Advantages are cost and simplicity • Disadvantages are limited functions• The most widely used package is Microsoft


Integrated Packages

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• Collection of separate application programs sold as a group

• Four types of suites– Productivity suite or Office Software Suite– Alternative office suite– Specialized suite– Utility suite

Software Suites

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Specialized Application Software

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• Specialized applications make it possible to perform advanced tasks at home.

• Home users can create Webs sites, work with graphic images, and create music or art.

• Robots now provide security and assistance in homes.

• Competent end users need to be aware of specialized applications – Graphics programs– Audio and video editing software– Multimedia– Web authoring– Artificial intelligence


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• Graphics Programs• Audio and Video Software• Multimedia Programs• Web Authoring Programs• Artificial Intelligence

– Virtual Reality– Knowledge-based Systems– Robotics

Specialized Applications

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• Desktop publishing

• Image editors

• Illustration programs

• Image galleries

• Graphic suites


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Audio and Video

• Video editing software– Enhances digital video

footage– Apple's iMovie & Windows

Movie Maker

• Audio editing software– Creates and edits audio

clips– Can create your own MP3s– Apple’s Garage Band and

Sony’s ACID

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• Capture Video

• Edit a Movie

• Create a DVD

Digital Video Editing

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• The integration of a variety of media into one presentation – Video– Music– Voice– Graphics– Text

• Include user interactivity


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Links & Buttons

Links can be to…– Video– Sound – Graphics– Text Files

• Buttons are links and provide the ability to navigate through a presentation

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• Special programs used to create multimedia presentations

• Bring together all the video, audio, graphics, and text elements

• Popular programs– Adobe Director– Toolbook

Multimedia Authoring Programs

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• Corporations use the Web to reach new customers

• Many individuals create their own personal sites, called Web logs or blogs, to keep in touch with friends and family

• Web Site Design• Web Authoring


Web Authoring

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Web Site Design• Interactive multimedia

form of communication – Create a graphical

map of overall content – Add multimedia

elements like animation

• Macromedia's Flash


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• Known as Web page editors or HTML editors– Provide support for Web site design– Creates HTML coding

• Popular programs– Adobe Dreamweaver– NetObjects Fusion– Microsoft Expression

Web Authoring Programs

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Artificial Intelligence

• Attempts to simulate human senses, thought processes, and actions

• Designed to help people and organizations become more productive

• Three areas of AI– Virtual reality– Knowledge-based (expert)

systems– Robotics

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• Artificial or simulated reality – Generated in 3-D by a computer– Commonly known as VR, artificial reality, or virtual


Virtual Reality


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• Artificial intelligence that uses a database for assistance

• Database is known as a knowledge base• Many use "fuzzy logic"

Knowledge-Based (Expert) Systems



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• The field of study concerned with using robots• Robots are computer-controlled machines

– Mimic the motor activities of living things– Four types of robots

• Perception system robots• Industrial robots• Mobile robots • Household robots


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