Computer Science Storage Systems and Sensor Storage Research Overview

Computer Science Storage Systems and Sensor Storage Research Overview

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Page 1: Computer Science Storage Systems and Sensor Storage Research Overview

Computer Science

Storage Systems andSensor Storage

Research Overview

Page 2: Computer Science Storage Systems and Sensor Storage Research Overview

Computer Science

Storage Research Overview

• Hyperion– High volume stream archival system

• Bandwidth efficient data migration in enterprise storage systems

• Use of flash-storage in data centers

Page 3: Computer Science Storage Systems and Sensor Storage Research Overview

Computer Science

Hyperion Stream Store

• Streaming data common in environments such as network monitoring, system monitoring, sensors, RFID– Archive data for retrospective querying, forensics

• Hyperion: high volume stream archival for distributed network monitoring– Gigabit link: 250K packets per second

– Archive and index in real-time, while supporting interactive querying

– Neither commodity rdbms nor general-purpose file systems suitable

[Usenix 2007]

Page 4: Computer Science Storage Systems and Sensor Storage Research Overview

Computer Science

Hyperion Design• Multiple monitor nodes, each monitoring multiple network links• StreamFS: high-performance stream file system• Local index: multi-level signature index based on bloom filters• Distributed index for querying multiple nodes• Can scale to million pkts/s with StreamFs and 200K pkts/s

indexing per core on a commodity multi-core PC



Signature index


Hyperion node

Page 5: Computer Science Storage Systems and Sensor Storage Research Overview

Computer Science

Online Data Migration

• Enterprise storage systems: multiple volumes mapped onto each array– Load imbalances and hotspots can occur

• Goal: automatically resolve hotspots on volumes in large storage systems

• Focus: minimize migration cost (bytes migrated to resolve hotspot)

• Bandwidth-to-space ratio algorithm– Displace and swap of volumes

– Implemented in Linux lvm

[ICAC 06]

Page 6: Computer Science Storage Systems and Sensor Storage Research Overview

Computer Science

Semantic-aware Replication

• Replication for disaster recovery: synchronous replication for tight recovery point objectives– Latency increases with geographic separation

– Use of intermediary does not improve consistency

– Too stringent for certain applications

• Semantic-aware replication: hybrid approach– Use synchronous replication for “important” writes

– Use asynchronous replication for other writes

– Automatically infer which mode to use for each request

– Transparent to applications

Page 7: Computer Science Storage Systems and Sensor Storage Research Overview

Computer Science

Flash-storage in Data Centers

• Flash-based storage becoming popular– Higher performance but also higher cost than disk drives

• How can flash storage be exploited in data centers?

• Use flash drives as an accelerator between disk storage and servers– Focus on video storage where performance is key

• Exploit flash disk as non-volatile storage in servers– Fast hibernate / resume => efficient power management in data


Page 8: Computer Science Storage Systems and Sensor Storage Research Overview

Computer Science

Sensor Storage Overview

• Flash memory becoming extremely energy-efficient

• Exploit flash memory trends to design more efficient in-network sensor storage and querying systems– Capsule: flash-based

object storage system

– STONES: storage-centric sensor networks




Atmel NOR



Micron NAND 128MB

Energy Cost (uJ/byte)

Generation of Sensor Platform

Page 9: Computer Science Storage Systems and Sensor Storage Research Overview

Computer Science

Capsule Overview

•Object-based storage abstraction

•Energy and memory optimized library of objects

•Checkpointing and rollback for failure recovery

•Storage reclamation to deal with finite storage capacity

•Portable to NAND/NOR flash memories and different sensor platforms

[SenSys 06]

Page 10: Computer Science Storage Systems and Sensor Storage Research Overview

Computer Science

StonesDB Overview

Query Engine

Partitioned Access Methods

• StonesDB: flash memory-optimized archival data management architecture that supports sensor data storage, indexing, and aging of data.

[CIDR 07]

Page 11: Computer Science Storage Systems and Sensor Storage Research Overview

Computer Science

Extra Slides

Page 12: Computer Science Storage Systems and Sensor Storage Research Overview

Computer Science

Mapping App Data Needs to Storage

Debug logsData Archival &


Processing PacketQueue

Map application data structures to Capsule objects that offer efficient

flash implementation


??Pages on Flash





Page 13: Computer Science Storage Systems and Sensor Storage Research Overview

Computer Science

Local Data Management Stack

Page 14: Computer Science Storage Systems and Sensor Storage Research Overview

Computer Science

Distributed Data Management Stack

Page 15: Computer Science Storage Systems and Sensor Storage Research Overview

Computer Science


• Design an archival data management architecture that:

– Supports energy-efficient sensor data storage, indexing, and aging by optimizing for flash memories.

– Supports energy-efficient processing of SQL-type queries, as well as data mining and search queries.

– Is configurable to heterogeneous sensor platforms with different memory and processing constraints.

Page 16: Computer Science Storage Systems and Sensor Storage Research Overview

Computer Science

Technology Trends in Storage

Generation of Sensor Platform




Atmel NOR



Micron NAND 128MB

Energy Cost
