Computer Organisation, Generations & Current Trend Prof. Sujata Rao Session 3

Computer Organisation, Generations & Current Trend

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Computer Organisation, Generations & Current Trend. Prof. Sujata Rao Session 3. The C P U. Control Unit. Main Memory. Input. Arithmetic & Logic Unit. Output. Auxiliary & Backup Store. Store. Storage Device. Retrive. Display. Output. Central Processing Unit - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Computer  Organisation, Generations  &  Current Trend

Computer Organisation,Generations & Current Trend

Prof. Sujata RaoSession 3

Page 2: Computer  Organisation, Generations  &  Current Trend

19 July 2006 2CPU , Gen & Current trends

The C P U





Storage Device

Auxiliary & Backup Store


Main Memory

Control Unit

Arithmetic & Logic Unit


Central Processing Unit

( C P U )

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Main Memory

Main Memory

Control Unit

Arithmetic & Logic Unit

Random Access Memory ( R A M ) for Read & Write

Read Only Memory (R O M )

O/S Appln Prgm

Exec Prgm


Supervisory Memory

User memory

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Control Unit

Arithmetic & Logic Unit

Main Memory

Random Access Memory ( R A M ) for Read & Write

(R O M )

O/S Appln Prgm

Exec Prgm


Supervisory Memory

User memory

1. Masked ROM 2. P R O M 3. E P R O M 4. E E P R O M


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4 Type of R O M Masked R O M –

A bit pattern is permanently recorded. Specialised Manufacturing Process. Very Expensive

P R O M - Programmable Read Only Memory Can be programmed by User Using PROM Prgm can burn the fuses according to the bit

pattern - “Burning the PROM”

E P R O M – Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory. Info stored is Semi-Permanent. Can be erased by exposing the memory to Ultra Violet Rays. Can be programmed again Most commonly used

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E E P R O M – Electricity Erasable -

Programmable Read Only Memory Similar to EPROM Info can be altered using electrical signals Manufacturing process is quite complex Not commonly Used Very Expensive

E A P R O M - Electricity Alterable -

Programmable Read Only Memory

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Types of Computer

Analog Digital Hybrid

Analog - Solves Problem by operating on contineous Variables.

Digital - performs arithmetic, logical & comparative functions on info in digital form

Combines features of Analog & Digital

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Generation of Computers

1st - Tubes & Vales, large in size, Slow operating Speed, Limited Programming

Capacity, Short Life Span, Generated lot heat

2nd - Transistors , smaller in size, faster speed, lesser in cost & High reliability

3rd - Semiconductors, CHIP made of IC’s in mid 60’s, increased ALU capability,

ability to perform parallel operation, improvement of instructions, much smaller ,

reduction in cost drastically

4th - silicon chips, high resolution monitors, graphics improved,speed improved, size

& cost reduced.

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The C P U

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Super Grids

Made by universities and the military (Virginia Tech with 1100 Apple G5 dual processors, for example) and other clusters of less powerful machines with Linux special OSs for parallel processing.

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Types Of Hardware & Software

Prof. Sujata RaoSession 4

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Types of Computer Grid Computer

Super Computer


Mini Computer


Terminal Embedded Computer

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Super Grids

Made by universities and the military (Virginia Tech with 1100 Apple G5 dual processors, for example) and other clusters of less powerful machines with Linux special OSs for parallel processing.

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Super Computer

CDC 6600 designed by Seymour Cray (First commercially successful supercomputer-speed of 9 megaflops)

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Cray 1 - 1976 (courtesy Cray Inc.)

Cray Research-CRAY I vector architecture (designed by Seymour Cray, shaped the computer industry for years to come),

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Thinking Machines, The Connection Machine, as this model is called, contains 64,000 CPUs

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Players in the supercomputing arena

In 40 years (2004) there are but a few players left in the supercomputing arena:

Cray Dell HP (absorbed: Amdahl, Compaq who ate

Digital) IBM NEC SGI Sun

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Companies IBM 3090 VPF.Evans Sutherland ES-1, Fujitsu VP-400E, NSFnet established Apollo, Ardent, and Stellar

Graphics Supercomputers, Hitachi S-820/80, Hypercube simulation on a

LAN at ORNL,CRAY Y-MP, Tim Berners-Lee: World Wide Web project at

CERN Seymour Cray: Founds Cray Computer Corp.-

Begins CRAY 3 using gallium arsenide chips Bell Labs - Optical Processors Intell - Paralell Processors

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Mark I mainframe (1950's)

Eniac (1946) BINAC(1960's)

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Mainframe is an industry term for a large computer. The name comes from the way the machine is build up: all units (processing, communication etc.) were hung into a frame. Thus the main computer is build into a frame, therefore: Mainframe

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Amdahl, Burroughs, CDC Cray, Fujitsu, Hitachi, Hewlett Packard, IBM, Intel, NEC, SGI, Sun, Texas Instruments, Thinking Machines Univac

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A mainframe has 1 to 16 CPU's (modern machines more)

Memory ranges from 128 Mb over 8 Gigabyte on line RAM

Its processing power ranges from 80 over 550 Mips

It has often different cabinets for Storage I/O RAM

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Separate processes (program) for task management program management job management serialization catalogs inter address space communication

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centralized computing opposite from distributed computing. Meaning all computing takes (physically) place on the mainframe itself: the processor section .

main purpose is to run commercial applications of Fortune 1000 businesses and other large-scale computing purposes.

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IBM 4381 mainframe processor from 1985