COMPUTATIONAL MODELS FOR PERCEIVED MELODIC SIMILARITY IN A CAPPELLA FLAMENCO SINGING N. Kroher, E. G´ omez Universitat Pompeu Fabra emilia.gomez @upf.edu, nadine.kroher @upf.edu C. Guastavino McGill University & CIRMMT catherine.guastavino @mcgill.ca F. G´ omez Technical University of Madrid fmartin @eui.upm.es J. Bonada Universitat Pompeu Fabra jordi.bonada @upf.edu ABSTRACT The present study investigates the mechanisms involved in the perception of melodic similarity in the context of a cappella flamenco singing performances. Flamenco songs belonging to the same style are characterized by a com- mon melodic skeleton, which is subject to spontaneous im- provisation containing strong prolongations and ornamen- tations. For our research we collected human similarity judgements from na¨ ıve and expert listeners who listened to audio recordings of a cappella flamenco performances as well as synthesized versions of the same songs. We further- more calculated distances from manually extracted high- level descriptors defined by flamenco experts. The suitabi- lity of a set of computational melodic similarity measures was evaluated by analyzing the correlation between com- puted similarity and human ratings. We observed signifi- cant differences between listener groups and stimuli types. Furthermore, we observed a high correlation between hu- man ratings and similarities computed from features from flamenco experts. We also observed that computational models based on temporal deviation, dynamics and orna- mentation are better suited to model perceived similarity for this material than models based on chroma distance. 1. INTRODUCTION The task of modeling perceived melodic similarity among music pieces is a multi-dimensional task whose complex- ity increases when human judgements are influenced by implicit knowledge about genre-specific musicological as- pects and contextual information. Nevertheless, such com- putational models are of utmost importance for automatic similarity retrieval and recommendation systems in large music databases. Furthermore, analysis of melodic sim- c N. Kroher, E. G´ omez, C. Guastavino, F. G´ omez, J. Bonada. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Li- cense (CC BY 4.0). Attribution: N. Kroher, E. G´ omez, C. Guastavino, F. G´ omez, J. Bonada. “Computational Models for Perceived Melodic Similarity in A Cappella Flamenco Singing”, 15th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, 2014. ilarity among large amounts of data can provide impor- tant clues for musicological studies regarding style clas- sification, similarity and evolution. In the past, numer- ous approaches have focused on melodic similarity mea- sures, mainly computed from automatically aligned score- like representations. For a complete review of symbolic note similarity measures we refer the reader to [1]. Sev- eral previous studies have related computational measures to human ratings. In an extensive study in [14], expert ratings of similarity between western pop songs and gen- erated variants were compared to 34 computational mea- sures. The best correlation was observed for a hybrid method combining various weighted distance measures, which is successfully used to automatically retrieve variants of a given melody from a folk song database. In similar studies, human similarity ratings were compared to transportation distances [16] and statistical descriptors related to tone, in- terval and note duration distribution [17]. In order to gain a deeper insight into the perception process of melodic sim- ilarity, Volk and van Kranenburg studied the relationship between musical features and human similarity-based cate- gorization, where a large collection of folk songs was man- ually categorized into tune families [15]. Furthermore, hu- man similarity judgement based on various musical facets were gathered. Results indicate that songs perceived as similar tend to show strong similarities in rhythm, pitch contour and contained melodic motifs, whereas the indi- vidual importance of these criteria varies among the data. When dealing with audio recordings for which no score is available, it seems natural to focus on the alignment and comparison of the time-frequency representation of the melodic contour. In the context of singing voice assess- ment, Molina et al. used dynamic time warping to align fundamental frequency contours and calculate melodic and rhythmic deviations between them [2]. Despite the growing interest in non-Western music tra- ditions, most algorithms are designed and evaluated on West- ern commercial music. In a first genre-specific approach to melodic similarity in flamenco music, Cabrera et al. com- puted melodic similarity among a cappella singing perfor- mances from automatic descriptions [3]. The two stan- dard distance measures implemented, the edit distance and 15th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2014) 65


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N. Kroher, E. GomezUniversitat Pompeu

[email protected],

[email protected]

C. GuastavinoMcGill University

& CIRMMTcatherine.guastavino


F. GomezTechnical University

of Madridfmartin


J. BonadaUniversitat Pompeu




The present study investigates the mechanisms involvedin the perception of melodic similarity in the context of acappella flamenco singing performances. Flamenco songsbelonging to the same style are characterized by a com-mon melodic skeleton, which is subject to spontaneous im-provisation containing strong prolongations and ornamen-tations. For our research we collected human similarityjudgements from naıve and expert listeners who listenedto audio recordings of a cappella flamenco performances aswell as synthesized versions of the same songs. We further-more calculated distances from manually extracted high-level descriptors defined by flamenco experts. The suitabi-lity of a set of computational melodic similarity measureswas evaluated by analyzing the correlation between com-puted similarity and human ratings. We observed signifi-cant differences between listener groups and stimuli types.Furthermore, we observed a high correlation between hu-man ratings and similarities computed from features fromflamenco experts. We also observed that computationalmodels based on temporal deviation, dynamics and orna-mentation are better suited to model perceived similarityfor this material than models based on chroma distance.


The task of modeling perceived melodic similarity amongmusic pieces is a multi-dimensional task whose complex-ity increases when human judgements are influenced byimplicit knowledge about genre-specific musicological as-pects and contextual information. Nevertheless, such com-putational models are of utmost importance for automaticsimilarity retrieval and recommendation systems in largemusic databases. Furthermore, analysis of melodic sim-

c© N. Kroher, E. Gomez, C. Guastavino, F. Gomez, J.Bonada.Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Li-cense (CC BY 4.0). Attribution: N. Kroher, E. Gomez, C. Guastavino,F. Gomez, J. Bonada. “Computational Models for Perceived MelodicSimilarity in A Cappella Flamenco Singing”, 15th International Societyfor Music Information Retrieval Conference, 2014.

ilarity among large amounts of data can provide impor-tant clues for musicological studies regarding style clas-sification, similarity and evolution. In the past, numer-ous approaches have focused on melodic similarity mea-sures, mainly computed from automatically aligned score-like representations. For a complete review of symbolicnote similarity measures we refer the reader to [1]. Sev-eral previous studies have related computational measuresto human ratings. In an extensive study in [14], expertratings of similarity between western pop songs and gen-erated variants were compared to 34 computational mea-sures. The best correlation was observed for a hybrid methodcombining various weighted distance measures, which issuccessfully used to automatically retrieve variants of agiven melody from a folk song database. In similar studies,human similarity ratings were compared to transportationdistances [16] and statistical descriptors related to tone, in-terval and note duration distribution [17]. In order to gain adeeper insight into the perception process of melodic sim-ilarity, Volk and van Kranenburg studied the relationshipbetween musical features and human similarity-based cate-gorization, where a large collection of folk songs was man-ually categorized into tune families [15]. Furthermore, hu-man similarity judgement based on various musical facetswere gathered. Results indicate that songs perceived assimilar tend to show strong similarities in rhythm, pitchcontour and contained melodic motifs, whereas the indi-vidual importance of these criteria varies among the data.When dealing with audio recordings for which no scoreis available, it seems natural to focus on the alignmentand comparison of the time-frequency representation of themelodic contour. In the context of singing voice assess-ment, Molina et al. used dynamic time warping to alignfundamental frequency contours and calculate melodic andrhythmic deviations between them [2].

Despite the growing interest in non-Western music tra-ditions, most algorithms are designed and evaluated on West-ern commercial music. In a first genre-specific approach tomelodic similarity in flamenco music, Cabrera et al. com-puted melodic similarity among a cappella singing perfor-mances from automatic descriptions [3]. The two stan-dard distance measures implemented, the edit distance and

15th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2014)



the correlation between pitch and interval histograms, ob-tained rather poor results when compared to expert judge-ments. As proposed by Mora et al., better results for intra-and inter-style similarity can be obtained for a similaritymeasure based on manually extracted high-level features(i.e., the direction of melodic movement in a specific partof the performance) [4]. Such studies elucidate the needfor exploration of particular characteristics of non-Westernmusic genres and the adaptation of existing music infor-mation retrieval systems to such styles.

The present study addresses perceived melodic similar-ity in a cappella flamenco singing from different stand-points: with the aim of gaining insight into the mecha-nisms involved in perceiving melodies as more or less sim-ilar, we gathered similarity ratings among performances ofthe same style from naıve listeners as well as flamencoexperts and analyzed them in terms of intra-subject andintra-group agreement. In order to isolate the melody fromother variables such as lyrics, expression and dynamics,we gathered the same ratings for synthesized melodic con-tours. We furthermore evaluated three computational mod-els for melodic similarity by analyzing the correlation be-tween computed similarity and human ratings. We com-pared the results to distances computed from manually ex-tracted high-level features defined by experts in the field.The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Sec-tion 2 we provide background information on flamencomusic and the martinete style, which is the focus of thisstudy. We give a detailed description of the database usedin the present experiment in Section 3. Section 4 sum-marizes the methodology of the listening experiments, theextracted high-level features and the implemented compu-tational similarity models. We give the results of the cor-relation analysis in Section 5 and conclude our study inSection 6.


Flamenco is an oral tradition whose roots are as diverse asthe cultural influences of its area of origin, Andalusia, aregion in southern Spain. Its characteristics are influen-ced by music traditions of a variety of immigrants andcolonizations that settled in the area throughout the pastcenturies, among them Visigoths, Arabs, Jews and to alarge extend gipsies, who decisively contributed to shapethe genre as we know it today. For a comprehensive andcomplete study on history and style, we refer to [5–7]. Fla-menco germinated and nourished mainly from the singingtradition and until now the singing voice represents its cen-tral element, usually accompanied by the guitar and rhyth-mic hand-clapping. In the flamenco jargon, songs, but alsostyles, are referred to as cantes.

2.1 The flamenco singing voice

Flamenco singing performances are usually spontaneousand highly improvisational. Songs are passed from gen-eration to generation and only rarely manually transcribed.Even though there is no distinct ideal for timbre and several

(a) Performance by Antonio Mairena

(b) Performance by Chano Lobato

Figure 1. Manual transcriptions of performances a debla“En el barrio de Triana”; Transcription: Joaquin Mora

voice types can be identified, the flamenco singing voicecan be generally characterized as matt, breathy, and con-taining few high frequency harmonics. Moreover, singersusually lack the singer’s formant [13]. Melodic movementsappear mainly in conjunct degrees within a small pitchrange ( tessitura) of a major sixth interval and are char-acterized by insistence on recitative notes. Furthermore,singers use a large amount melisma, microtonal ornamen-tation and pitch glides during note attacks [4].

2.2 The flamenco martinete

Martinete is considered one of the oldest styles and formspart of the sub-genre of the tonas, a group of unaccompa-nied singing styles, or cantes. As in other cantes, songsbelonging to martinete style are characterized by a com-mon melodic skeleton, which is subject to strong sponta-neous ornamentation and expressive prolongations. Theuntrained listener might perceive two performances of thesame cante as very different and the fact that they belong tothe same style is not obvious at all. To illustrate this prin-ciple, Figure 1 shows the transcription of two a cappellaperformances in Western music notation, both belongingto the same style (debla) [4].

Furthermore, the martinete is characterized by a solemnperformance in slow tempo with free rhythmic interpreta-tion. Traditionally, the voice is accompanied by hammerstrokes on an anvil. The tonality corresponds mainly to themajor mode, whereas the third scale degree may be low-ered occasionally, converting the scale to the minor mode.


In consultation with flamenco experts, we gathered 12 re-cordings of martinete performances, covering the most re-presentative singers of this style. This dataset represents

15th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2014)



Singer PercussionAntonio Mairena NoChano Lobato NoChocolate YesJacinto Almaden NoJesus Heredia NoManuel Simon YesMiguel Vargas NoNaranjito NoPaco de Lucia NoTalegon de Cordoba YesTomas Pavon NoTurronero No

Table 1. Dataset containing 12 martinete performances.

a subset of the tonas 1 dataset, which contains a total of56 martinete recordings. The average duration of the ex-tracted excerpts containing the first verse is approximately20 seconds. We limited our study to such a small set,mainly due to the duration of the listening experiment. Asan additional stimuli for the listening experiments, we fur-thermore created synthesized versions of all excerpts. Weused the method described in [8] to extract fundamentalfrequency and energy envelopes and re-synthesize with asinusoid.

We selected the first verse of each recording, containingthe characteristic exposition of the melodic skeleton. Al-though some martinete recordings contain additional ac-companiment (guitar, bowing string or wind instruments),we limited our selection to a cappella recordings withoutrhythmic accompaniment or with very sparse one, as it isfound traditionally. We intentionally incorporated a widerange of interpretation characteristics, regarding richnessin ornamentation, tempo, articulation and lyrics. Amongthe singers listed in Table 1, Tomas Pavon is to be men-tioned as the most influential artist in the a cappella singingstyles, performing the martinete in an exemplar way. Fur-thermore, Antonio Mairena and Chocolate are thought tobe the main references for their singing abilities and knowl-edge of the singing styles. Chano Lobato omits some of thebasic notes during the melodic exposition and the perfor-mance has been included as an example of strong deviationin the melodic interpretation.


4.1 Human similarity ratings

In order to obtain a ground truth for perceived melodicsimilarity among the selected excerpts, we conduct a lis-tening experiment in Montreal (Canada) with 24 naıve lis-teners with little or no previous exposure to flamenco andin Sevilla (Spain) with 3 experts, as described in [9]. Afterevaluating various experiment designs (i.e. pair-wise com-parison), we decided to collect the similarity ratings in a

1 http://mtg.upf.edu/download/datasets/tonas

free sorting task [19]. Using the sonic mapper 2 software,subjects were asked to create groups of similar interpre-tations, leaving the number of groups open. The partic-ipants were explicitly instructed to focus on the melodyonly, neglecting differences in voice timbre, lyrics, percus-sion accompaniment and sound quality. Nevertheless, inorder to isolate the melodic line as a similarity criterion, theexperiment had also been conducted with the synthesizedversions of the excerpts described above. For each ex-cerpt we extracted the fundamental frequency as describedin [8] with a window length of 33 ms and a hop size of0.72 ms. The pitch contour was synthesized with a sin-gle sine wave. A similarity matrix was computed basedon the number of times a pair of performances had beengrouped together. We compared individual participants’similarity matrices using Mantel tests. The Mantel test canbe considered as the most widely used method to accountfor distance correlations [12]. We used zt, a simple tool forMantel test, developed by Bonnet and Vande Peer [18].,and measured the correlation between participant matri-ces. We observed that the average correlation for novicesis µ = 0.0824, with a σ = 0.2109 and the average p-value:µ = 0.3391, σ = 0.2139 (min=0.002). This indicatesa very low agreement among them, and indicates differ-ences in perception of melodic similarity depending on thelistener’s background. Although we should take these re-sults with caution given the small number of experts, wefound higher correlation values among them, with an av-erage correlation µ = 0.1891, and σ = 0.1170. For adetailed description of the procedure and the analysis, werefer to [9].

4.2 Manually extracted high-level features

We manually extracted six high-level features defined byexperts in the field. As illustrated above, two cantes hav-ing the same main notes and different ornamentation wouldbe perceived as the same cante by a flamenco aficionado.This fact makes the automatic computation of the featuresunfeasible. Because of that, we had to rely on manual ex-traction.

The high-level features were the following.

1. Repetition of the first hemistich. A hemistich is half-line of a verse; the presence of this repetition is im-portant in these cantes.

2. Clivis/flexa at the end of the first hemistich. A clivisis a descending melodic movement. Here it refers toa descending melodic contour between main notes.Again, the ornamentation is not taken into accountwhen detecting the presence of the clivis.

3. Highest scale degree in the two first hemistichs. Thehighest scale degree reached during the cante is animportant feature.

4. Frequency of the highest degree in the second hemistich.How many times that highest degree is reached isalso significant.

2 http://www.music.mcgill.ca/ gary/mapper/

15th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2014)



5. Final note of the second hemistich.

6. Duration (fast / regular / slow).

A distance matrix was obtained by calculating the Eu-clidean distance among the feature vectors. The featurevectors were mostly composed of categorical data and weused a standardized Euclidean distance. For a detailed ex-planation of the descriptors and their musicological back-ground, the reader is referred to [4].

4.3 Computational similarity measures

We implemented three computational measures based onfundamental frequency envelopes and automatic transcrip-tions and evaluated their suitability for modeling the per-ceived melodic similarity by analyzing the correlation be-tween computed distance matrices and human judgements.The fundamental frequency contours as well as the au-tomatically generated symbolic note representations wereobtained using the system described in [8].

4.3.1 Dynamic time warping alignment

Similar to [2] we used a dynamic time warping algorithmto align melodies and estimate their rhythmic and pitchsimilarity. Since vocal vibrato and microtonal ornamen-tations strongly influence the cost matrix, we instead aligncontinuous contours of quantized pitch values obtained withthe automatic transcription described in [8]. The cost ma-trix M describes the squared frequency deviation betweenall possible combinations of time frames between the twoanalyzed contours f01 and f02, where α is a constraintlimiting the maximum cost:

Mi,j = min((f01[i] − f02[j])2, α) (1)

The dynamic time warping algorithm determines theoptimal path among the matrix M from first to last frame.The deviation of the slope of the path pwith lengthN fromthe diagonal path gives a measure for temporal deviation(DTWtemporal),

∆temp =

∑Ni=1(p[i] − pdiag[i])2


while the average over its elements defines the pitch devi-ation (DTWpitch):

∆pitch =

∑Ni=1 p[i]

N. (3)

We used a MATLAB implementation 3 , which extendsthe algorithm with several restrictions in order to obtain amusically meaningful temporal alignment. Figure 2 showsthe cost matrix and Figure 3 the unaligned and aligned pitchsequences.

3 http://www.ee.columbia.edu/ dpwe/resources/matlab/dtw/

time song1 [samples]



Dynamic timewarping

500 1000 1500 2000 2500






Figure 2. Dynamic time warping: Cost matrix and optimalpath.

Figure 3. Unaligned (top) and aligned (bottom) melodiccontours.

4.3.2 Global performance descriptors

As described in [10], we extracted a total of 13 globaldescriptors from automatic transcriptions and computed asimilarity matrix based on the Euclidean distance amongfeature vectors. In order to determine the most suitable de-scriptors for this task, we analyzed the phylogenetric tree(Figure 4) computed from the distance matrix of expertsimilarity ratings. Here, we identify two main clusters, atlarge distance from each other.

Using these two clusters as classes in a classificationtask, we perform a support vector machine (SVM) subsetselection in order to identify the descriptors that are bestsuited to distinguish the two clusters. We accordingly ex-tracted the six best ranked descriptors for all songs andcomputed the similarity matrix from the Euclidean dis-tances among feature vectors. The extracted descriptorsare summarized below:

1. Amount of silence: Percentage of silent frames.

Cluster 1

Cluster 2

Figure 4. Phylogenetic tree generated from expert similar-ity judgements.

15th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2014)



Figure 5. Harmonic pitch class profile for a sung phrasewith a resolution of 12 bins per semitone.

2. Average note duration in seconds.

3. Note duration fluctuation: Standard deviation ofthe note duration in seconds.

4. Average volume of the notes relative to the normal-ized maximum.

5. Volume fluctuation: standard deviation of the notevolume relative to normalized maximum.

6. Amount of ornamentation: Average per-frame dis-tance in [Hz] between the quantized note value andthe fundamental frequency contour.

4.3.3 Chroma similarity

We implemented a similarity measure presented in [11]in the context of cover identification: First, the harmonicpitch class profiles (HPCP) are extracted on a global and aframe basis. The resulting pitch class histogram describesthe relative strength of the 12 pitch classes of the equal-tempered scale. HPCPs are robust to detuning as well asvariation in timbre and dynamics. After adjusting the keyof one sequence to the other, a binary similarity matrixis computed based on the frame-wise extracted HPCPs.Again, dynamic time warping was used to find the bestpossible path among the similarity matrix. For a detaileddescription of the algorithm, we refer the reader to [11].

4.4 Evaluation

We evaluated the suitability of the computational modelsfor this task by analyzing the correlation between com-puted similarity and human ratings. A common methodto evaluate a possible relation between two distance ma-trices is the Mantel test [12]: first, the linear correlationbetween two matrices is measured with the Pearson corre-lation, which gives a value r between -1 and 1. A strongcorrelation is indicated by a value significantly differentfrom zero. To verify that a relation exists, the value is com-pared to correlations to permuted versions of the matri-ces. Here, 10000 random permutations are performed. Theconfidence value p corresponds to the proportion of permu-tations giving a higher correlation than the original matrix.

Consequently, a confidence value close to zero confirms anexisting correlation.


Figure 6 shows the comparison of the computed similaritymeasures by means of correlation r and confidence valuep for the different participant groups and stimuli types. Wefirst note that the distance measure obtained from manu-ally extracted high-level descriptors seems to reflect bestthe perceived melodic similarity for both, expert and naıvelisteners. Even though the computed similarity correlatesstrongly with the expert ratings, the also strong relationwith the non-expert similarity judgments is still surpris-ing, given the fact that the descriptors are based on ratherabstract musicological concepts. We furthermore find aweaker, but still significant correlation between human rat-ings and the temporal deviation measure of the dynamictime warping algorithm as well as the vector distance amongperformance descriptors. On the other hand, we find no re-lation between human ratings and the pitch deviation fromthe dynamically aligned sequences, nor the chroma sim-ilarity measure. Given the fact that the selected perfor-mance descriptors are related to dynamic and temporal be-havior and ornamentation and the temporal deviation mea-sure does not consider the absolute pitch difference of thealigned sequences, we can speculate that for the given ma-terial these factors influence perceived similarity strongerthan differences in the pitch progression. Martinete presentsa particularly interesting case, since the skeleton of themelodic contour and at least its outer envelope is preservedthroughout the performances. Notice also that in all casesthe found correlation with the similarity ratings of real record-ings is stronger than for the synthesized versions. Sincenone of the computational methods take voice timbre orlyrics into account, we can preclude that these factors in-fluenced human judgement. It is however possible that itwas more difficult for the listener to internalize these syn-thesized sequences compared to real recordings given theirartificial nature and consequently judging similarity wasmore difficult and less precise.


The present study investigates the mechanisms involvedin the perception of melodic similarity for the particularcase of a cappella flamenco singing. We compared hu-man judgements from experts and naıve listeners for au-dio recordings and synthesized melodic contours. Com-putational models are furthermore used to create distancematrices and evaluated based on their correlation with hu-man ratings. We observed a significantly higher agreementamong experts and a stronger correlation among compu-tational models and the ratings based on real recordingsthan when comparing to ratings for synthesized melodies.Furthermore, we discover that models based on descriptorsrelated to rhythm, dynamics and ornamentation are bettersuited to recreate similarity judgements than models basedon absolute pitch distance. We obtained the highest corre-

15th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2014)



Figure 6. Correlation between computed similarity andhuman ratings. Statistically significant results are markedgrey.

lation for both expert and non-expert ratings for a similar-ity measure computed from manually extracted high-levelfeatures. The problem of how to compute the high-levelfeatures automatically is still open. This problem is equiv-alent to that of automatically detecting ornamentation andmain notes in a flamenco cante.

AcknowledgementsThe authors would like to thank Joaquin Mora for pro-viding the manual transcriptions and Joan Serra for com-puting the chroma similarity measures. This research ispartly funded by the COFLA (Proyectos de Excelencia dela Junta de Andalucia, P12-TIC-1362) and SIGMUS (Span-ish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, TIN2012-36650) research projects as well as the PhD fellowship pro-gram of the Department of Information and Communica-tion Technologies, Universitat Pompeu Fabra.


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15th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2014)