Computational challenges Sean Eddy HHMI Janelia Farm Research Campus

Computational challenges Sean Eddy HHMI Janelia Farm Research Campus

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Computational challenges

Sean Eddy

HHMI Janelia Farm Research Campus

My charge

2008: 2 Tb 2009: 32 Tb 2010: 150 Tb 2011: 165 Tb

How will we keep up with this?

• maintaining/annotating quality • storage• communication (network bandwidth)• analysis (including software and databases)• integration

Ewan BirneyMichael BrentJeremy BuhlerGoran CericBarak CohenRichard DurbinJonathan EisenRob FinnPaul GardnerIan HolmesScott Hunicke-SmithRob KnightDavid KonerdingSaul KravitzAnthony LeonardoRob MitraRyan RichtJason StajichLincoln SteinGranger Sutton George WeinstockRick Wilson

Dan Meiron Dept. of Applied & Computational Mathematics and Aeronautics, Caltech

Steven Brenner UC Berkeley

David Dooling WashU Genome Center

Vivien Bonazzi and Adam Felsenfeld NIH NHGRI


FY09 NHGRI: $488M about 40M databases

about 60M informatics

FY09 NIH: $29,000M

HHMI: $760MJanelia Farm alone: $120M

• Informatics challenges affect all biomedical research

• NHGRI lacks resources to solve these problems alone

• First planning priority is dealing with NHGRI’s own data well

At the same time:

• lead and catalyze -- show others how to do it; best practices

• work together -- NCBI, EBI, NCI, others share our problems.

CERN: $1000MSLAC: $300MLSST: $45M (start 2015)

Data volume per se is not the problem.

250 TB12 TB

GIG Data Capacity (Services, Transport & Storage)




a Vo


e2000 Today 2010 2015 & Beyond



Future Sensor XFuture Sensor X

Future Sensor YFuture Sensor Y


e Data JC


Future Sensor ZFuture Sensor Z

Theater Data Stream (2006):~270 TB of NTM data / year

Example: One Theater’s Storage Capacity:

2006 2010












Capability Gap

Bob Gourleyhttp://ctovision.typepad.com/InfoSharingTechnologyFutures.ppt

Moore’s law: CPU power doubles in ~18-24 mo.

Hard drive capacity doubles in ~12 mo.

Network bandwidth doubles in ~20 mo.

Fundamental computing capabilities should increase:7-10x in 5 years

50-100x in 10 years

We project in 3-5 years:100x increase in sequencing volume

Therefore: yes, next-gen sequencing tech bumps us up;

and we can’t just sit on our hands; but we only have to be a little more clever

Fortunately, we are not alone.

For example: Microsoft is constructing a new $500M data center in Chicago. Four new electrical substations totalling 168 MW power.

About 200 40’ truckable containers, each containing ~1000-2000 servers.Estimated 200K-400K servers total.

Comparisons to Google, Microsoft, etc. aren’t entirely appropriate;scale of their budgets vs. ours aren’t comparable.

Google FY2007: 11.5B; ~ $1B to computing hardware

Though they do give us early warning of coming trends:(container data centers; cloud computing)

Private sector datasets and computing capacity are already huge.

Google, Yahoo!, Microsoft: probably ~100 PB or soEbay, Facebook, Walmart: probably ~10 PB or so

CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC)

~10 PB/year at start~1000 PB in ~10 years

2500 physicists collaborating


Pan-STARRS (Haleakala, Hawaii)US Air Forcenow: 800 TB/year soon: 4 PB/year

Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST)NSF, DOE, and private donors

~5-10 PB/year at start in 2012~100 PB by 2025

http://www.lsst.org; http://pan-starrs.ifa.hawaii.edu/public/

1. Petabyte data volumes are manageable using commodity tech

Pan STARRS: 80 “data bricks”, RAID-6; 3 PB for ~$1M

2. Just because you can store raw data doesn’t mean you should

data filtering at the sourceand at every stop along the way

using strategy appropriate to a particular experiment/analysis

CERN LHC Atlas detector generates 105 more data than is stored

(40 million events/sec 200/sec stored)

3. Distributed, hierarchical, redundant data archives and analysis(CERN LHC’s four tiers of data centers: 10 Tier 1 sites, 30 Tier 2 sites)

4. Computational infrastructure is integral to experimental design

Hardware technology is important, but is not where we are stressed.

Our single most important problem is

the democratization of sequence analysis.

Biology has become an informatics- and data-heavy science,but we lack a culture that supports pervasive computational analysis

Our weak links are computational infrastructure and the training and expertise of bench scientists.

one genome

cloning, mapping, sequencing







international DNA databases

The good old days:

PI’s lab

genome centers


departmentalcore sequencers

international databases

genome browsers

model organismdatabases

boutique databases

supplementary material

referencegenome assemblies

comparative sequence

transcript sequence

ChIP-seq, CLIP-seq

resequencing(mutants, variants)

phenotype data

1. Evolving toward a tiered structure (like physics/astronomy)

2. Must integrate lots of different data (unlike physics/astronomy)

A return to a paper as a unit of advance, not a genome

The output of genome sequencing and assembly is simple, modular, and well-understood, including the associated quality metrics

This meant we could shoot pre-publication data into the databasesand it was useful

Now that next-gen sequencing is a multipurposed digital assay tool:Details of methods, experimental design, and analysis all matter again

we’ve been calling this information “metadata”,as if it were merely a db format issue to solve with XML;it is not. it’s the information in a properly written paper.

For an individual PI’s lab to generate reliable/reusable datasets, integrate them with other datasets, conduct large-scale computational analyses, and write great papers, with results that can in turn be integrated with others;

Those individual labs need good software for mapping/assembling sequenceaccess to reliable, modular, well-annotated datasets good software for integrated data analysisefficient means of sharing/distributing their datasets

Democratization means:

Availability of good software.

Availability of other datasets in a form that can be most readily integrated into analysis workflows.

Computing infrastructure to do the work.

Bottlenecks (challenges, opportunities):

Software and database infrastructure requiresengineering discipline and science

Our culture values science, not engineering

Commercialization path largely hasn’t worked: why? market too small? too dynamic? poisoned by open source?

The main challenge with software:

The result: a software literature full ofgood ideas that don’t get fully baked;

tools that work in one place but aren’t portable

Commercialization isn’t a complete answer anyway:tools themselves are research, require open publication

Suggested approach to better software:

There is currently little support niche forthe engineering of robust research software inbiology (exceptions include NCI caBIG; NCBI)

“Centers of excellence” in software engineeringcould be established to harden/productize research

tools while they’re still in R&D phase:reward engineering for its own sake

(compare Tech D funding at genome centers)

Encourage commercialization of stable tools oncethey’ve left R&D phase: SBIR mechanisms

compare Road Map NCBCs: http://www.ncbcs.org

One desired outcome:earlier, more widespread adoption

of analysis best practices

(no more using BLAST to map short reads)

more efficient use of time and computational resources;

less big iron and less global warming required.

The main challenges with datasets:

overly reliant on monolithic, overly centralized international databases

versioning: instability of coordinate systemsinterferes with data integration

poor ability to improve annotation and qualityof archived data

An aggregated monolithic database makes senseif you’re going to search it all at once

Historically, we think in terms of the sequence databases and homology searches

Literature, text search also makes sense (Google)

But does a monolithic archive make sense for all data?

For example: is the Short Read Archive useful?

An approach for better datasets: modularity

Do one thing well; define standards for input/output so tools can be chained

together in powerful combinations.

Akin to CERN/LHC tiered structure, where each tier digests data from previous tier, addingnew information while compressing the previous.

Example: I really don’t want the raw short reads from your ChIP-seq experiment; I want the histogramof them mapped to a reference genome, with defined

methods and reliability measures

modularity rather than tiers because our data isn’ta hierarchical single experiment like the LHC

The lowest level of modularity is supplementary material

Supplementary material should be electronicdatasets in standard exchange formatssuitable for integration with other data

(not an unreviewed, wordy alternative version of the same paper to circumvent page limits)

Not an NHGRI problem; a community problem requiring consciousness-raising and commitment at journals

R. Gentleman, Reproducible research: a case study. Stat Appl Genet Mol Biol 4:Article2 (2005)


International DNA databases

International protein databases

Model organism databases

consider the fate of a coding gene annotation

integration-ready data fromsupplementary material

Model organism databases

International protein databases

International DNA databases

main challenge with computing infrastructure:

Efficient large-scale analysis and data requires data centers

Data centers exhibit strong economies of scale,due to load balancing, space, cooling, power, staffing

Most individual labs cannot justify cost of anefficient data center, nor can they keep it loaded

NIH traditionally funds at individual lab level

Individual labs are wasting money on subscaled computing

Example: the Janelia Farm data center

circa 2006:528 nodes (1056 cores): 480 w/ 4 GB RAM,

40 w/ 8 GB RAM, 8 w/ 64 GB RAM

1 gigabit to each node; 10 gigabit between racks

EMC DMX-3 + 8 EMC Celerra file servers;MPFSi (parallel NFS)

200 TB disk; 1 PB offline backup

crucially: entire datacenter is accessibleon our desktops (no transfer lag in/out)

2 full time staff (including one demigod); $3M capital expense, recurring every 3 years;

serves ~40 labs with widely mixed needs

Approaches to computational infrastructure:

• Enable department- or institute-level data centers (NCRR? however, requires plan for the 3-year technology refresh rate; more a consumable than a capital expense)

• Web services (“SOA”, “service-oriented architecture”) For certain well-defined computational tasks, a remote server can process a query and return a formatted answer. includes annotation/integration problems: DAS, for example.

• Cloud computing For arbitrary computational tasks, you can create a virtual machine image, send it to a remote server, and have it execute there. “move the compute to the data”: large datasets can be hosted


1. Develop “centers of excellence” for software engineering.

2. Modularize the organization of databases for key genomic resources, reduce reliance on monolithic centralized archives: think tiers, except not in a hierarchy.

3. Strengthen that modularity all the way down to the level of supplementary material in publications: reproducible methods, integration-ready results

4. Plan for hardware infrastructure at department, institute level

5. Catalyze development of web services and cloud computing resources, especially on hosted large datasets

6. Engage resources outside traditional biology: create “grand challenges” attractive to high-performance computing community