compuclientportal.osas.com/downloads/traverse-ascente-booklet.pdf · compu source History Founded in 1971, Compusource has evolved into a leading developer and marketer of application

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Page 1: compuclientportal.osas.com/downloads/traverse-ascente-booklet.pdf · compu source History Founded in 1971, Compusource has evolved into a leading developer and marketer of application
Page 2: compuclientportal.osas.com/downloads/traverse-ascente-booklet.pdf · compu source History Founded in 1971, Compusource has evolved into a leading developer and marketer of application

Compusource VisionTo be a recognized leader in the business of enhancing our customers’ ability to manage their business.

Compusource MissionWe supply computer systems and support services for selected industries. Our systems and services are based primarily on internally developed software and in-depth industry knowledge. We are dedicated to prompt and responsible service, and we seek to provide the best value products and services available.

Compusource ProductsCompusource successfully sells business management products and services within three specifi c vertical markets:

Ascente is a Microsoft standard “Windows” based business and service management system for Air Conditioning, Plumbing, Heating , and Electrical Service Contractors

Metal Center Management System (MCMS), is a leading software product for the metal service center industry.

VanS is the most widely used business management software in the moving and storage industry, handling all phases of an agent’s business.

Our design philosophy is to gather input from our customers, technical staff and sales staff to defi ne the very best improvements that can be made to our software to keep it timely and responsive to today’s business needs. Our products are being used by hundreds of clients throughout the U.S. and Canada.


Compusource Corporation is a leader in providing business software solutions for the HVAC, plumbing

and electrical industries.

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Founded in 1971, Compusource has evolved into a leading developer and marketer of application software, computer equipment, and training/support programs for the markets it serves. We have achieved success through professional partnerships with our customers where the central focus is on long-term mutually benefi cial relationships. Headquartered in La Palma, CA, with an Eastern Regional Offi ce in Norcross, GA and a branch offi ce in the San Francisco bay area, Compusource employs trained professionals that provide prompt and comprehensive support to clients throughout North America.

To address the needs of each industry, Compusource dedicates sales, marketing, product development and customer support professionals to each vertical market. The staff is committed to helping customers get the maximum benefi t from their systems, while providing a superior level of support.

Compusource has built its reputation by providing high-performance, multi-user business systems that run on multiple hardware platforms and leading operating systems.

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Designed to take your business higher.

Ascente is the integrated solution for service contractors from Compusource.

Ascente is the most effi cient way to manage and grow your business.

Effi ciency — it’s one of the keys to running a profi table business. And now, with Ascente from Compusource, effi ciency has never been easier to attain.

Created specifi cally for Air Conditioning, Plumbing and Electrical service contractors, Ascente is an integrated suite of applications that manages virtually every aspect of your business.

Ascente runs on Microsoft® Windows®

Although Ascente is extremely powerful, it’s also extremely simple to use. That’s because it was developed with Microsoft® Visual Basic® to run on the latest Microsoft Windows operating system using Microsoft MSDE or SQL databases.

Ascente works seamlessly with TRAVERSE® accounting software.

Ascente is much more than a call-taking and dispatch system. It’s a fully functioning offi ce manager that handles a multitude of service functions. And it works seamlessly with TRAVERSE, to manage a full range of accounting duties including payroll, purchasing, accounts receivable, accounts payable and more.

intelligent ield servicemanagement or Windows


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Ascente is a graphical and fully-integrated suite

of Windows-based applications designed to

increase the effi ciency and productivity of

today’s Air Conditioning, Plumbing and

Electrical Service Contractor.

Ascente was created to fi ll the demand for a

graphic interface product for use on Microsoft

Windows. Ascente was developed completely

in Visual Basic using MSDE orMicrosoft SQL

databases. This results in a100% Microsoft

standard product.

Ascente operates under the latest Microsoft Windows operating system

Ascente’s suite of Windows-based

applications include:

• Service Management

• Maintenance Contract Management

• Maintenance Tasking

• Quick Purchase Orders

• Construction Job Cost

• Flat Rate Pricing Interface

• Digital Paging

• GPS Inter Face

• Moble Computing

Ascente integrates seamlessly with

TRAVERSE accounting.

Hotline Support - Our customer servicepersonnel are available 12 hours a day, fi vedays a week to answer questions and solveproblems. Diagnostics can be performedthrough a Internet Connection hookup that is included on every system.

Software Subscription Services - Periodicsoftware releases and updates are a part ofCompusource’s commitment to keep yourapplication software current with industrytrends and changes.

Training - Full-time training personnel areavailable with a variety of programs, includingon-site and classroom instruction, to insurethat your employees are knowledgeable in theday-to-day operation of the software.

Consultation - Customer Service Engineerscan assist you with decisions concerningoperational procedures, software setup, andequipment purchases.

Hardware Maintenance - Our technical staff can help you setup, implement and care for allhardware devices integrated with your system.One phone call to Hotline will immediatelydispatch personnel to solve hardware relatedproblems. Quick response maintenanceagreements are available throughout the U.S.

Systems Integration - Support withintegrating networks, e-mail and internetsolutions is available from the SystemsIntegration Group.

Compusource Support Services

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Ascente works to increase your bottom line by managing the many income-generating facets

of your business including service billing, inventory control and profi tability of

maintenance agreements.

Ascente works like you do.

Just like your business, Ascente is built on a solid foundation of service management and

begins when a customer calls for service. Customer information and service history are

automatically displayed and easily updated with an intuitive, easy-to-navigate interface.

Even the most complex service request is quickly recorded.

Ascente doesn’t stop there. Service calls can then be sent directly to the technician using the

available Digital Paging function. In moments, technicians receive the full detail of the service

call without cumbersome radio communication.

Ascente and TRAVERSE integrate all these varied functions, creating one of the most powerful business tools available to today’s service contractor.

intelligent ield servicemanagement or Windows


Increased effi ciency = Increased profi tability

Service Dispatch




Flat Rate Book




Quick PO Entry




Job Cost

Integrated GPS

MobIle Computing

Digital DashboardInfo-Alert






Enhanced Tax









Bill of Material

General Ledger






Enhanced Tax









Bill of Material

General Ledger

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The Service Management system tracks

service calls from the moment the customer

calls until the job is complete. The call-taking

screen provides immediate access to customer

information, service history, and technician

activity. It allows for the printing of dispatch

tickets, paging technicians, updating mechanic

schedules, and posts labor to work orders and

payroll simultaneously.

Complete Service Management • Increase technician productivity and dispatch effi ciency. • Handle T&M, fl at rate, fi xed price, and “not to exceed” work. • Analyze productivity with standard and customized reporting capabilities. • Interface with the optional Digital Paging package. • Track the source of all calls to determine advertising and marketing eff ectiveness. • Reduce billing cycles and improve cashfl ow. • Defi ne priority and service call status with full-color scheduling screens. • “Drag and Drop” call scheduling and assignment.

Service Contract/Call History • Instant access to information such as service call dates, technician name, problem description, type of call, the billing cycle amount, invoice line item detai l , and description of work performed.

Quick Turn-In • Allows the technician to update the dispatcher on work performed and materials used to automatically relieve truck stock and update the work order.

Technician Scheduling • Increase technician productivity and dispatcher effi ciency with multiple scheduling boards to assist the dispatcher in responding to emergency calls while facilitating the rescheduling of others. • Schedule maintenance service calls on contracts in advance so customers are serviced on time.

Commissions • Calculate technician commissions (or bonuses) based on user-defi ned percentage rates for indvidual billing types. • Labor commissions can be calculated for the primary technician as well as a second man.


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Construction Job Cost tracks estimates and actual

expenses for construction jobs. This fl exible system

is great for both large and small jobs. Job costs can

be broken down into groups, and further divided into

cost codes. The comprehensive reporting draws from

other accounting modules to present estimates from

job cost, committed costs from purchase orders, and

actual costs from payroll, accounts payable

and inventory.

Jobs can be posted to work-in-process accounts,

and expensed to the income statements using the

percent completion method to transfer costs.

Contract and change orders can be posted to a job

at any time. An unlimited number of cost groups

can be established with an unlimited number of

cost codes associated with these groups. The inquiry

and reporting programs will show actual costs as

compared to the estimates.

Contract billing is available with Job Cost. It allows

for retention billing, percent completion billing

and fl exible invoice formats such as the popular

AIA format.

IntegrationJob Cost is integrated with Ascente service and Traverse accounting. This allows the operator to perform data entry in one place, and the other modules can view the information. The following modules are integrated with Job Cost: • TRAVERSE Payroll • TRAVERSE Accounts Payable • TRAVERSE Purchase Order • TRAVERSE Accounts Receivable • TRAVERSE Inventory Control • TRAVERSE General Ledger • Ascente Service

ReportingAll reports have been implemented using the popular Crystal Reports software. These reports can be easily modifi ed using Crystal Reports without requiring any changes to the Ascente software. • Job Age Analysis • Job Backlog Report • Job Cost Report • Job Cost Detail Report • Work In Progress Report • Job Status Report • Contracts In Progress Report • Job Payment History

Features • Integrates directly with the accounting applications without requiring double entry. • Captures committed costs in purchasing so cost overruns can be spotted the minute a purchase order is charged to a job. • Unlimited cost groups and cost codes. • Easy and comprehensive inquiry programs to quickly scan a job in summary or detail form.• Assign diff erent G/L distributions to each job, phase, or cost code.• Revenue can be distributed to diff erent G/L numbers. • Job Cost reports can be printed by phase, or consolidated by master job. • Job close-outs can be performed on a percent completion method or completed contracts basis. • Prevailing wage capability.


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The Maintenance Management system

provides the user with a comprehensive

approach to managing planned maintenance

activities and/or detailed tasking, ensuring

that no detail is overlooked. Incorporating

the ease of “windows”, the system can

accomodate the needs of both residential

and commercial companies.

The Contract Management module easily

schedules returning maintenance calls to be

done by the day, week, month or year, or by

jobsite and allows you to maintain complete

service information.

Analyzing service agreements for profi tability

can be done by contract to date, fi scal year

to date and for preventative maintenance,

emergency maintenance and extras.

Maintenance tasking creates and prints service

agreements detailing the components and

tasks based on user defi ned schedules and

can be diff erentiated by technician skill level.

• Billing and service frequency • Maintenance budget • Starting and expiring dates

The Detailed Tasking module allows you to

create a detailed list of activities for technicians

servicing maintenance contract customers.

The Detailed Tasking module automatically

creates and prints service agreements detailing

the components and tasks based on user defi ned

schedules. Detailed Tasking can also:

• Log calls by components

• List tasks to be performed and the materials required • Technician skill level required to perform a particular task • Starting and expiring dates


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The Quick Purchase Order system increases

effi ciency and accuracy by enabling

technicians to call-in purchase orders from the

fi eld. The system automatically posts all items

to the corresponding work order and is fully

integrated with the Inventory and Accounts

Payable systems.

• Access the Quick Purchase Order procedure directly from the call-taking screen or the Purchase Order system. • Ensure that items/materials purchased in the fi eld are posted directly to customers work order.


The Flat Rate Book Interface system provides

an interface to industry standard fl at rate books

such as Maio, Collier, and Callahan Roach in

order to set up and maintain your inventory.

The system provides you with customized price

updates and current bill of material information

insuring that the data stored in your inventory fi le

is always up to date.

• Save time and increase effi ciency by eliminating time-consuming tasks such as identifying inventory items, writing descriptions, obtaining current pricing, and updating all of the above information in the system. • Produce critical information on-screen with the press of a key. • Update pricing and costing information automatically to the Inventory Control system.


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The Digital Paging Interface system transmits

service calls entered through the Ascente

Service Management system directly to the

technician’s digital pager or cellular device

device with the press of a button. This saves

a tremendous amount of time that would

normally be spent on the phone, radio or

typing a message into a paging terminal.

• Make it easy for technicians to receive their calls without having to contact the dispatcher each time. • Print a report of all of the paging activity to help audit the monthly paging bill with the Page Log report or the Page Log purge.

• Allow diff erent paging numbers to be used for diff erent technicians. A great feature for companies with multiple locations. • If the message is longer than the paging company allows, the message automaticaly splits into two or more consecutive pages. The system supports TAP dial up protocol, SNPP internet Protocol , and various methods of e-mail delivery. • Page non-technicians with a message. This allows the owners, managers and other staff to be set up in the paging person fi le for messaging access. The system allows the user to create groups and send a message to an entire group at one time.


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Ascente teamed with Fleet Director provides a

complete picture, detailing who follows and

who disobeys company rules on vehicle speed,

approved work zones, prohibited geographic

areas and approved time for vehicle operation.

Benefi ts • Ability to dispatch closest truck to the job • Driving directions • Unauthorized use and side jobs are immediately visible and easily prevented

Today, businesses that rely on the proven technology

and performance of Compusource’s Ascente software

teamed with Teletrac’s Fleet Director are lowering

operating costs, providing their customers with

better service, and reaping the benefi ts when it

comes to profi tability.

With real-time location and communications: • Technicians reach their destinations more quickly and safely. • Management is better able to measure technician performance and effi ciency. • Customer questions are easily resolved and dispatch is able to put drivers at customers’ doors in record time. • Unauthorized vehicle use is identifi ed as it is happening.

When companies know exactly where their drivers are

at any given moment they have the ability to respond

immediately to everything from customer calls to

vehicle emergencies and breakdowns.

GPS Interface

When a service call is scheduled for today it is transmitted

to the mapping software and located on the map and

plotted as a distinctive landmark that identifi es it as a open

scheduled call. On the rare occasion that a call location

cannot be found the dispatcher is notifi ed and has the

opportunity to correct the error that has caused the call

not to be mapped.

When a call is dispatched using Ascente this information

is sent to the mapping software and the landmark is

changed so that it is easy to see which calls are awaiting

for the technician to arrive. The vehicles that have been

dispatched are linked with the assigned calls and when

the technician gets a certain distance from the service

location the mapping software again changes the

landmark to indicate that the technician has arrived

and this information is transmitted back to Ascente and

updates the status of the call to Arrived. This eliminates the

challenging problem of getting technicians to accurately

report their arrival status on service calls. When the call is

completed it is automatically removed from the map.

These functions allow the user to lower fuel costs by

sending the closest available technician and by routing

the technicians in the most fuel effi cient manner.

If the user has installed the Teletrac Message Display

Terminals in their vehicles they can be used to receive

all information via the Wireless Dispatch module available

in Ascente.

The Teletrac GPS Interface works in conjunction with

TELETRAC’S INC. FleetDirector eclient vehicle locating

and mapping software by adding a direct interface

over the internet between Ascente and the FleetDi-

rector software.

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A profi tability breakthrough for HVAC & Plumbing contractors.

Effi ciency - it’s one of the keys to running a profi table business.

And now, with Ascente back offi ce from Compusource tied to the

Microsoft .NET mobile technology, effi ciency has never been easier

to attain.

Overview:So, how does it work? Service Calls are processed in Ascente’s Call

Taking screen at the back offi ce and the call is automatically placed

on the Dispatch Board. From there it is wirelessly dispatched to the

technician’s Mobile computer Truck Board PC. Each call sent in-

cludes equipment detail, service history, customer details, purchase

order information and much more.

Ascente’s Ultra Mobile Technician software features both time

and material and fl at rate, text messaging and complete jobsite/

customer/equipment and history fi les and much more. We also

have a complete Mobile computer Product Line that, when added

to the PC, will provide a true mobile fi eld service solution and give

each technician the ability to create, print (and/or e-mail) invoices

to your customers at the time of the call. Signature capture and

credit card acceptance is also available.

Ascente’s Mobile Technician software would not be complete

without a hardware system to match the power of our fi eld service

software. We give the users a choice of any equipment that uses

Microsoft’s powerful XP Tablet operating system. These Pen Based

systems utilize the latest in Microsoft .NET technology and are tied

into the Internet using the latest high speed wireless technology

from industry leaders Cingular and Verizon.

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Accounts Receivable

• time-saving batch processing capability• user-defi nable aging periods• full-featured tax reporting, including GST/PST• commissions payable on booked or paid invoices• two-way split commissions• ability to reapply payments and credits to specifi c invoices• user-defi ned invoice and dunning messages • quick lookup based on customer or transaction• invoice entry, editing, and viewing from a single screen• online invoicing (prints invoice after order verifi cation)• plain paper or preprinted invoice formats • fi nance charge tracking• multiple tax locations per tax group• post transactions to multiple years• reprint the last posting activity with comments• reprint invoices from history including lotted and serialized detail

• customer comments fi elds• referential integrity, preventing deletion of data used by other tables• easy to modify with capability to prevent modifi cation• drill down for greater detail• comprehensive online help• print to fi le with rich or normal text, or out put to Excel or HTML• optional report previewing before printing• “quick search” method for fi nding data or information

General Ledger

• divisional and departmental accounting with user-defi nable account masks• predefi ned statements and balance sheets that can be customized for company needs• a fi nancial report writer for user-designed fi nancial reports• customized keyboard tab stops with custom screen layout• easy creation of cash-fl ow statements• automatic reversing entries in all periods• password override to write out-of-balance journal entries• unlimited account allocations• posting logs that can be stored in a fi le as well as printed• budget creation based on percentages, dollar amounts, or allocations• copy from previous budgets• ability to archive journal entries in separate tables for performance improvement• multiple years open during transaction entry and posting functions• improved drill-down• improved GL journal with post run criteria• ability to run an audit trial balance• copy chart of accounts from department to department and from company to company• referential integrity, preventing deletion of data used by other tables• easy to modify with capability to prevent modifi cation• comprehensive online help• print to fi le with rich or normal text, or output to Excel or HTML• optional report previewing before printing•”quick search” method for fi nding data or information

Customize your GL accounts while tracking years of account balances.

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Accounts Payable

• time-saving batch processing capability• invoice entry in base or foreign currency; switch at will• printing of checks and reports in any installed language and currency• recurring entries setup• automatic reversal of checks voided in history • vendor setup including terms, pay-to name and address, 1099 indicator, distribution codes, and comments• 1099-MISC reporting with magnetic media• alternate vendor information• ability to select payables for check processing• referential integrity, preventing deletion of data used by other tables• post transactions to multiple years• reprint the last posting log• print checks to a specifi ed printer• easy to modify, with capability to prevent modifi cation• drill down for greater detail• comprehensive online help• print to fi le with rich or normal text; output to Excel or HTML • optional report previewing before printing• “quick search” method for fi nding data or information

During transaction entry, TRAVERSE lets you choose which fi elds you want to stop at.


• multiple states and localities for employee/employer taxes• automatic accrual of vacation and sick time hours with complete audit trail• formula-based tax routines• multiple checks per employee per payroll run• unlimited number of earnings codes including overtime rates and shift diff erentials• fl exible state unemployment reporting• employer deductions such as 401(k)• recurring time ticket entries• taxable and/or nontaxable earnings codes• option for fi xed federal, state, and local withholdings• process the new year’s payroll before printing W2’s for the old year• track four quarters of history on payroll checks• produce monthly and quarterly check registers• calculate scheduled deductions as a fi xed amount, a percentage of gross pay, an hourly rate, or a declining balance• produce W-2s-printed on forms or stored on magnetic media to meet federal requirements• Defi ne pay codes for regular, overtime, double-time, sick, vacation time, or any other payment method for hourly employees• Unlimited user-defi nable deductions are allowed per company• taxable and/or nontaxable earnings codes• option for fi xed federal, state, and local withholdings


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Bank Reconciliation

• unlimited number of bank accounts with the Bank Accounts screen• account balance automatically displayed from the general ledger account if Bank Reconciliation is interfaced with GL• last statement balance and statement date updated when reconciled• enter recurring adjustments only once• enter a transaction in any currency if the multicurrency option is on• void a check before it is sent or stop the payment of a check before it is cashed• void any check after it has been posted• defi ne your own default descriptions and references• interaccount transfers and manual adjustments• post transactions to multiple years• reprint the last posting log• stop the payment of any check, even if it was posted from an interfaced application

• purge a cleared transaction by bank account ID and by transaction date• review total debits and credits posted to GL for each period in the Post Transactions Log • ability to view account number, description, contact information, and statement through the Bank Accounts List • print journal to check for errors and omissions • maintain an accurate audit trail • reports that list the cleared transactions, out-standing transactions, and bank-to-book and book- to-bank reconciliation information

Direct Deposit

• employees choose whether or not to participate• choose to have a portion of pay deposited to an account and receive the remainder as a live check• split deposit amounts between six diff erent bank accounts in up to six diff erent banks• vouchers replace a “live” check, ensuring that a pay check cannot be lost or stolen • deposits may be created by dollar amounts or percentages, and the information can be changed at any time once a test run or “prenote” has been approved by the bank• process multiple checks per employee in one Direct Deposit run• print checks and then print Direct Deposit vouchers for the checks being deposited• the Edit Register shows how much of the net pay for each employee is on a check and how much is deposited• choose whether or not to use Direct Deposit when processing checks; if an employee is going on vacation and needs a check early, a normal paycheck can be prepared

• multiple batch processing allows you to post multiple payrolls within a single day; a fi le will be created for each payroll batch• the Check Register can be run and fi led after checks are printed for a fi nal audit trail• use the Direct Deposit File Creation Report to give you a breakdown of each employee’s account

The Direct Deposit File Creation Form is used to create the ACH fi le, which contains all the deposit information that is sent to the bank.


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• receipts posted online• quick access to detailed descriptions for each item• alternate item options• aliases for inventory item numbers• process by worksheet or tags• ability to select a group of items for cycle count• freeze quantities while processing continues• multiple tag numbers• exception-only entry• defaulting count quantity• unit & measure conversions• fl exible cost valuation feature• multiple warehouse capabilities• lot tracking• quantity breaks• user-defi ned fi elds• sort options• quick lookup on aliases, lot numbers, and serial numbers• material requisitions• user-defi ned color settings for reports and credit warnings

Bill of Materials/Kitting

• maintain accurate inventory quantities for your assemblies or raw materials• relieve materials and receive fi nished goods in one process• build non-serialized assemblies that contain either serialized or non-serialized materials and components• build serialized assemblies that contain either serialized or non-serialized components and materials• change components for a group of select items with the global replacement of items• set up your kits with unique inventory numbers and include an unlimited number of components, each with its own item number• separately track the costs of the components but assign the price to the kit• enter builds before, during or after the fact• easily develop kits for sale and, if necessary, adjust the content of each kit at order entry time• view a bill of materials in an explorer-style inquiry

Purchase Order

• return goods to vendors and change existing purchase orders• enter multiple receipts of goods and invoices for each line item until the order is fi lled• automatic requisition generation• create open orders• quick entry/defaults on headers• requested ship date for each line item/order• print purchase orders online• batch processing• reorder based on Min/Max, EOQ, and Forecast Based on Trends• enter multiple receipts of goods and invoices for each line item• post transactions to multiple years• reprint the last posting log• look up purchase order transactions of any status, including those posted to history

Enter transactions more effi ciently by setting custom tab stops on fi elds that are frequently used.


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DIGITAL DASHBOARDIncluded with System Manager, Digital Dashboard gives you an executive snapshot of key business indicators. You can personalize Digital Dashboard using over 35 pre-defi ned business metrics. Each user can choose which objects to view and whether to show data graphically, in text mode, or both. User settings also include the ability to set an automatic refresh interval to ensure timely, accurate information. Dashboard objects can show individual company or consolidated data in multi-company environments.

INFO-ALERTInfo-Alert is a powerful tool that monitors your business data and provides automated alerts when various business conditions are met. Info-Alert serves as a “virtual employee” that attaches to your TRAVERSE data and reviews it at scheduled intervals, reporting the information to the appropriate people.

With Info-Alert, you defi ne a specifi c set of parameters. When conditions occur that meet those parameters, an alert is sent—via email or report—to those individuals assigned to receive the notifi cation (employees, customers, vendors, etc.). There are many predefi ned alerts, including those in categories such as Accounts Receivable, Order Entry, Inventory and Purchasing. For each pre-defi ned alert, you can establish a set of criteria; for example, “Only review customers assigned to a specifi c sales rep.”

ENHANCED PAYROLL TAX REPORTINGBoost your productivity gain and eliminate hours of typing with TRAVERSE Enhanced Payroll Tax Reporting. Using this highly interactive reporting tool and your TRAVERSE payroll data, you’ll get over 300 certifi ed state and federal reports, which can be printed on plain paper or fi led electronically through a new optional service called eFile.

This example shows the true power of the dashboard to consolidate disparate information from many applications into a concise snapshot for quick analysis. Information on this dashboard comes from CRM (opportunity projections), AR (aging, balance, and cash fl ow), AP (balance, cash fl ow), GL (cash balance), IN (current value) and PA (time tickets).


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intelligent ield servicemanagement or Windows


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compusource OFFICE LOCATIONSCalifornia 714-522-8300Georgia 770-564-0060