VOL IX. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 1879. BENJ. H. VOOT. KDIT0KA5DPB0IIIETU1I. Hot on Morris Street mar Blaokwall, TKBMS OP BDBMKIPTMH T H B "l R o N E R A| We ]j ave j us t received 50 0 paii of Mens', Boys and Youths' HEAVY WINTEE BOOTS, made by Isaac Prouty & Sons, Spencer, Mass,, and Durland, Torrey & Co,, .Honesdale, Pa. 2,000 pairs of I Women's, Misses' and Children's Shoes, made by the celebrated Bay State Shoe and Leather Co., ; and 50 doz. Women's, Misses' and i Children's extra fine Shoes, made : in all widths by H. W. Mercian, Newton, N. J. The above goods were all made expressly for us of the best material that money could purchase, and any one finding any SHODDY or any composition in them HOT-LEATHER NO. 41 POETIC. UUP Y six M I'nrou tsar, - - jiitha, - months, - IK ADVAHOE. S.DVERTISING BATES SPACE. 1 Inc ? " A " r " h boii i :: 1 1U| * ,, i " r> " 1 Coli i " 1 " T1OEH 1 Vf b !* nn. 1 1 2 a 4 fi 10 h. r, 1! 8 11 If IB M 1BUF.KTH1 K. | 'I WKIJ. 7f-I$ 1 W 75 Tn r>» fio on ™: r,o 00 5G 00 .iu fit) nn •I (10 3 fi() 4an r. sr c m t) <>< 15 .'" 'a MOH. % 4 f>0 * o no 9 Of 1100 i:s (i( Hi •>: in »f •_•» do no 41 oi) * 1 Jl 4 B 7 H 10 Ii. <r; M $ <s in l! fi( fit) f>{ £1 r.i 0' 01 00 01 iu 1H 0( 'i\ 'ill :17 EHLIMR (.i r,o S2.00 1 00 6C 1 MO. * l vr ;j IA 4 M r> r.< i; ;.r 8 f-' 10 O( la r.i 17 0( liii 0( 270' i!(l <H I!:" 0' " Z ""ESTTBIISIED IN'18DX."' Diiuaa a JAM134 A t. .,f I)n**r aln rjf M>( ml HB1J1CINEH lirttrllldf. 1'lTfli GOODALli, tl Rtoroopouon oluiis only (run ?rOn,lto5P.M, I'AINTH, nery, 4c, in"" <j i NDAlb o 10 A.. •ly Counsellor at Law AND MA8TKU IN CIIANCKItV, EOOKAWAXN. .T. jTTI»iioiriioUHBT~ r ~ Comer of Mackwell and BIIBBOI HtB. DOVKR, N. J. I. B. JOLLEY, Proprietor. nor., i ami CurriniicH to I.t-t. L. C. B1ERWIRTH, ANALYTICAL CHEMIST DOVEIt, N. J. Aintyi ml AMBfiyB c rehillY r OreiDouRhi Ii Mineral* bought, goia» mle. Ould «nd mliqimiilitioa- :xfhaiiK lid - »rr T. LRPOIIT, Counsellor at Law, AND MASTER IN CHANOEKY, onion in Iho National Union Hank Buildinc 3I.ACP» .1,1. ST. , POVF.R, N. J. Berkshire Valley"!ofeHT A HOAD HO08E noar liimllnR nnd finh ing grounds; a provty spot with lar^e airy IMODIH, good Btablos, ebcdu, Ac. Tliiw haunt) has uuQergone thorough repairs, in duly licensed,. Bltuatod. on n Qroet-roade, 4mile* from Dover. Sportlrg m|a,> pedlars, Bud ottiara looking for a' good plaoo to etop BhDqld hear In mind thin hotel 1H Inn olitnp- e«t place in the Stnte with good beds boun- tifu! table, BAB well stocked witb the lut of LIQUOBS in the market. Also POHtEB on draft. " DOO." DODGKIBS. Berkshire Valloy, Nov. 7th, 1878. 4B-1 j JOHN DUITMMBIi'p SHAVING AND HAIR CUTTING SA.LOO:N\ SUSSEX STREET; f betwuun tho MANBlONHOUSEiimlDepot,) DOVER, N. J. "TW jilaeo ban been M manor. IiAI'Iutt' UUTTIKO A BFECIJ can get their money refunded. Our reputa- tion in the past for selling GOOD GOODS CHEAP is a sufficient guarantee that our prices hi the future will be satisfactory to our customers. RODERER &HEAGAN, Cor. Warren and Dickerson Sts., Opposite Depot, Dover, N. J. PASSAGE TICKETS ORAM, HANCE & Co.'s STORE, PORT ORAM, N. J. 17 OH all tins iirlucipal .iuuis F from New {oik Iu LWurii-i HLTZH. AUo DUAFJCS OK Gil X"NDIItfetAND. W00BP0HT UOUSE. THOMAS BRIGHT, Proprietor. WOODPORf, MORRIS Co., N. J. (TIliU old oiUWlBhml Hnial !• open for tUo «"H°n i ...d i. p»rno. «:;," »™:;.d':i'M';t»! m i' SMITH, &TTORNEIS,* OOTOJBELXORB AT . ;:..• !-IAWj. ' •'.: Cor. Blnckwnll anil S e x ^ t n D.OTBB, N- *• n. UBiansocit. J. L W. THURBER, BDPEUINTENDBNT f)V PUIILIC BCnOO OP MOIUtIS COUNTY. n. A. BENNETT, M. O , HOMCEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, COP. Blackwell 4 Warren Sts., IHceHaan: 18-SOpd DOVER, N.J., I7omi>u uul Oliililron, Slid or tl jo .ml Ear upeclaltlDH. '? to 9 A. M., 1 to 8 and7 to e P . } •WHITLOCK'S HALL Con. ILACKWELI. .VMOnlllS Bin., 1)0VKB, K. -3., In nrdar lor tl» ivlll bo T*t l o t ' OMce ver ORO. RICH AUDI! A Co.'s STORE, , DOVEft, N. J. Concerts, Lectures, Exhibitions nl Enturuinn Hill i>l»rR«, Apply to 41tf M 0 S E 8 BLANCHAED, a D MASTER IS ODANOF.BV, DOVER, N. J. MARY C. FORD, M. D., . Homoaopathlo Physician, SPRING PATTERNS *:»BABSITT' Btorristown, N. J. ROOMS TO LBT PPLY TO M. 41. SEARING. DAY'S ICE CREAM, STILL TEE BEST INTHE MAKKET. PICNICS and FESTIVALS BUrrLIED AT BITORT NOTIOE. "VV. DAY. THE ROXBUBY HOTEL! (FOHMEBLY AIXIE'S HOTEL,) SUCOASUNNA. N. J FEED. MAST, - - - Proprietor. Tbe nbova house inIucutod In one of tin hrFiltliiL'Ht nuit mo t cLftruiing places m tin U* W. IWlrorfoith*. «wn,M»d |b«Cra ovnry co pliod nt i _...j.foi o nnd coiufort will be e REUBEN ROWE, DENTISTRY IH i l X ITSBBANODESAT S. B. JOHNSTON'S HOPE'S SURE CUBE FOB FEVER and AGUE ^alsrluQH DtotKi. Containaneithei JUR ES EVERY TIME. tortbBBy8(ein.' PRICE 40 CENTS. INSERTING, EXTRACTING, FILLING, *o riFTEN DOLLARS. AM/: WOBK WABKAWTED. Dover, Be|»t«inV 01 ' ^ th ' 187> ' H. P. SANDERSON ..l.r li VIOOK "»> CAIIIUAOE WOOD W THE OLD STAND; UNION HALL BUILDING, DUckwell Btroet, Doier, Hot Air Furnaces, WHAT BECOMES OF EDITORS 7 What bt.Miies c' tbr 'dkir? Tlia.I'* wltt we'a ID.e to t'toir, lijt (ID a keap of KOOU on enrlli, Ami toHoavun uuj,'lit to fio. j;ut somcOis'f,- sooniH to tell uu, Tlit7 aru a peculiar sot, And ID tliu fjru.il, Heiuaiter Vi'M l)ti "lu't out IDilio wut." Wf'vc lurn iliinfcfng the (JUOHHU-. o»et, Ami it Irunbk-H mo a heap, TIJK tU'iijicr it ^foiHtotut. Ami l>. : .)f,H UB to llio conc'nb'on : Thnyil bo "!olt out In lliewot." | An.I Rliubbj lOJ to pot? TliHi Hii 1,2 world t'CTer do np ilicro— They JI uu I: li] uut in tlio wot." IL'H vorj neil to HHiile, Blr, And uiivjour lioaJaiu't level, Ti-atiifiiuotlLUcpaPfnibf Yon fii>u't mipposQ fur A motuont T.c. Ijtin tliuro could rat Aid be alwHj-H yolliDfi Owl They'!! bo "le't out iu tlio wot." Tliirt'i" <>no mompoint w«' rooitlou— \Yu liijpf you wuu't get oSi.'Uiiod— . ]lut iff) currently rejiortej' Tl-al tin: ,'ree JiBtfa 8tH;it<»'1cd, L08TONTKEPLA1SH. TEMPOSi^t UBiKITI U8OAWJT IKDUCE BT THB OOKSCOOeKKSB07 B^KO LUK1. An experienced ll d cud prnirio ii l A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN, a !iU)owLitu lionxe, on t hUUlda greon, LBa boftu.ru) woman ai eror wai Been ] In! ttiiiy-avo yoars tli»t sfae'i livdd, I may 's been fivowlug more lioautllul oTory da;, do not believe it? Ask Hv*\t 'v tbo very flint pure an that ev i id iTabe'd not naraed lior bynighl HDU by <uy, Hue would havo bcua in a vtrj bnrl w lmngotljorwilaciscs wliom yun to*' wilt loll you tlio name—iney we'.e ia tlte snmu case, i H «)iolorora ?" Von, iaro1y 1 No leas thnn ulciv«ii I ia-r 1B BOboarti/a 1 - k<loU aad thio ; (i arubeautiful wrluliles, f.-um f'n-cboad ami oliin. ?7onftre au claerniinn as charmiiiKcan be, j Bho luuln o'er her (jiiBeoa BU fond;y at id I Luow by her lire, wliloh hai beaat ; fiil biicn,' • '. ,o Ulike "tho MOB'S daiiRhter-ail Kloriona wltliln," i, you've, guosioi} trho it ia I It conid be no ollic:', - . mil;, thaa-'mj- btfadtirui, darl^s good LAD AIID LASS. Wben you and I wpre lad ihd Inn A'iCBbcrbuo WSBOU tlio grass, _ , And Btara were Iwlutttlt-? ii tbo sly, Jlecauso you hil mo. in the eye; We ipiai filled ihea fVom fl:nt to last, When yon and 1 were lad tJd liu. Wlion lad and lass wet* you and I ' ' Yon itolo and nto ma'i cuntard pie, l TLeu luinj- ooat tbfl ommlsdid tbrow,' And low they licked yon well know j Booh vere .the UJIUK» that ca<no to pan! When you ah'l I wore lad and Jsss. \ ' OjiO. vDiHEii Viben jonand she were lad and 1MB You lllllo knew ur bmua-mado gas ; And vben ibe btt yon ia tlia e;o TWBB no doubt for Tonr "inlting sly." Tbe quarrel BOOQawn; did pans, When yoa anil HUB wero lati a*id laea. Wben lail and lass wo e yon pml BIIO No doubt yon were abig uoo-lieo 1 And oft onjoyod t'jo old inin'n gad, When hho and yno ncie lam and lad. Wore likely seen tldngs camo topw, $1100 yoa and Hho wore hd and h»*. B. B, Catinifini SRA-D1ATI0IIS. Iteui'jof intereat—coupons. Do good with what thoa hint, or It ill do tboe ao good. -> For mM or rent—A Bpread of canvas i n VPKSOI. A floatiuR dol)t la oertatn in time to ink any enterprise. ' i i Did yon ever know it civil engineer to ) - lilty of a rudeness? i Doea nman nlnays fefl! rojallj 8<">d hoQ liia bead is a-king? .,;,,,., In n certain Mi^iasippI town avory- rody ainga Natobez of nongs. ; 7, ; • No "atumi>"8paeoue8iire ullowed at ie Tobttcoo Board ot Trade. • •• Tbe dentist makw almoat as mnoh noney per acueres tbe brmvr.^ I'B Blwttya tb# d o *topaj ^ aa a niao.beloijigs te^'lodge.'' 1 Too mnoh of tha pood wlag/IW jib9 p traveller expressed tbe opiniou to tlin writer that there was a much larger number of people annually loat npnti Iho Western prairlus tban was generally snppoted. "I mean by loiCeaid be, "people who wonder away from well- k l d k d y known landmarks and are never he of n&aln ; who die of starvation b'ow OTer, they dug boles iu the stacks j Weuver, an' Bill is a goin' to stand end crept in. But the stcrui raged for | tin'slins; Gospel to the bovs QS well nearly thro dnyis without abating a jot of its fury, Cn the morning otter their departure tbe twoojun were discovered Ktuuiling in tbe baruyard with their har- ness on, but without tho nled. During the day an effort wus made to visit tho lucks, bnttli") relic* party became lost hemBtilveB, und louud their way baok with difficulty. It was bulievcd, more- ll kitten Buid. when it fell ji loan WDatd>tbepHvS>Uhfc( ,JfJd womiui than a orbsB-^outliea .-Can TonSupport Me, Darling ris\ JO aamo of a new aong. rHow.ia,Doll|a -PB weigh, love? - £;: •. .•; ; Neatly 0)0,000 penoiM-hMo been «- led from Bosnia to Sibera sinoe the icginning of tbe present oentnr^. A law has been pawed in Illinois pro-4 libiUng Uiewle of oleomargwidj eheeae ind battetWtnBi genuine article. I AtOhaileston, South CftioUw Inde- nenaenco day was celebrated (MB tor tbo fi«t time in nineteen yeai Mrs WashtjurnY the fiut miBoionary ient to the Indians west ol the Miws- ippi, has recently; 'died at th. agejof 88. Envy and malice are devfls tb'st ^rive poEiuua BQuU into M>!» ^"^Jvjj^- -tboa- tbnt t?rend inBnnity whic'i, genoially ipeuking, overtnkea the lost Of course we read now audthen uf sucb ac.-BB but there nre many wL.'di DCFOI- reaeii the public prints Itis ono of the easiest things in the* world for au perionccd traveller to shay away from 1 camp, but a very difficu't mat-tor for him to find bis wny buck ngarn. Oneo of eight of the wngoiis and tents, the whole plain is alike to him. He "a always in a depression, with tlio g.ound rising gli^htly on ull bides. It optical illusion, of course, but it i& very like walking in the centre of irame;.'.u t,'.: t wi'i i's four corons Jliglit., r*i^ . i-j uirtb moola boriaoo on evjry side, and presents same unvarying view of wariDg gross irown soil. There is not a mark by which one may be guided, take tbe sun for a f, lide, even ou a per- fectly clear day, is with moxt only toiotsDBi!; tbe difficulty. Unless one is an BSpert intun guidecee, lie may follow Uiot luminary, aud jet con- tinually go ronnd in a circle to tho left. The truth of this is proven every year by tbe recovery of people who are found to have only traced a large circle ID their efforts to eeeope, invariably coming round again and again to the point Trom which they started. The possession of a compass, moreover, seldom proves of any advantage to the person on the pn riea. He probably never thinks of until he discovers that be is lost, and then he bos no landmark from whichto tfttio hiB bepiings. I have known repeat- ed instances where persons Lave been lost on tbe plains, and after found lying dead with a compass in their bands, "As an illustration, I recall an ii stance which occurred some years since on ths Bed river trail, A Mr. McKenzia clerk iu the toadtog post at Qeorge- m n , BtHfted": early in the month of Apr'!, 'in'o&a.go of & email party for Fort OasJf.: Tho Bnow etill In; dead •the pUiii^ but the season being ao : *; irogons were used to trans- part their effects, Unfortunately tbe enow did not melt BO rapidly as tlojpatecl, and the party were detained a long time on tbe road. About thirty mtles oa this Bide of Pembina they ran out of provibiona. McEetzie, who was itoat able-bodied mm, accustomed to prairie travel, YoIuDteoied to go abead and obtda aealatanoe, He set out ii BQOW shoes, iind 1 expected to leacbtbe fort at Pembinft witbiu twen^-four hoort. Meanwhile his comrades went on as best they ooald, and a'.tot two days of Buffering reached the fort without see- ing anything of McKetiate. Nothing bad been heard of him thera Aparty waw at oacu urg&mzed, and a tborojgh inBiiluted fox tbe miisiug On tbe second day lio was found some :a miles l'-om the post, nnd a lotig distance from tbe trail, lyiog be fiHe a clamp of buBhcs frozen to death. He bad taken of bis coot and vest and hang them oa tbobashes, most probft- b:y to attract thoattention of any pow- er, and lay on his baolt in the HUOW, rith his coEQpasa in bis band. Now, here was a man experienced in'prairie travel, an adept in the nse of tbo com- pass, and yet wbo was hopelessly lost in country which lie had repeatedly trav- ersed. Tbee^poriejced plain men who found b.'m knew at once that, having jnoonscioufily wandered away Iromtbe trail, end benumbed with the cold, ho lindlo fb - "lity *- 1 bis cc-npw"-, nil so :ay daw a to d'.e. Under ordinary _ jcumstancat. the man could have gone anywhere over tbe praiiie by the aid of Ms cdmpaBs nloiie. mental condition of B person loBt f on tbe plains 3B nearly always doe of hopeless coafasion. Not one man ia 1 hundred retains sufficient control ol hia mental faenlties to help himself oat of bis BH.II.UOD. And tbe and'oomiilateneBS too, with which many IPMB give way, form one ptftemoat wtioiil pnases of liieip oond'.ilon, Somr jurs.sgo I was gaide to a bunta\ n-L; on the soutbefa plains. Amoo; iu Dnmbw^was an Eogli^man, ai lo- rilgeat"Jeupff"fellorf• (rf™aieihnps 25 9»IBotajs*. He waB an excellent Bbot, it nniciiaainted with tbe-jprairia, and warned him repaatedl.ycf tbe^dange: "'slntfiogfcwftjlroatjiei'arty; iFor a "'"""•*•• obsetired .tbe 1 ,caution, ond n time vet, iliat tho man miu iu tho ntncksa ud boy would re- be can. This explanation, given in tbe mr: earnest tones, Blurted mo inetanter ft the bigtent. It was used at night for variety tbo.itre, where artists (?) of quci tionable obnrncier performed acta of stil more questionable decency, and WP I rented for religious servicos erory San- day morning. I found the toutfilledt< its utmost caducity. Muuy bad, g y ^ imed. In tbu foreuoou tbe body' at tho 'ioy was funurl lying nni?*ir tho Hm>w at 1 "iti .aca of n*. it c'ghty ..arJa from ;bo etiok, He was, of course frozen alia 1 . At a distance of half a mile thi au'ft coat WUHpicked up, bat days o) finrcli revealed no trooos of his bndy, t WHH apparent that they bad left thi 1tack a in an effort to find their way home. Bat the position of the boy and at the coat were directly opposite to the route whiob they should have kp In the latter part of April some half- breeds, wandering over the .prairie, found tberemains of the man sitting at the foot of a tree on tbe baok of & B<na11 stream, about BISmiles c*.Jtaut from the studs. The body was entirely destitute at clothing, save a pair of .t Tbe man, without doubt, had become inane, and had caBt off bis carmoais an a wandered on. Bis fiboes, hat, and shirt were a^tciward found between tbe :rec and tbe blacks. Throwing' away ieir clothing tB a common act with the loat and always betrays insanity. 'A man may easily become lost on a irairie trail, or even a broad highway m the plains, if he has no other land- mark to go by. In the old days of over- land travel to California it frequently tppened that patties who hsi cimped iver ni<;ht at a short distance, irom tbe oad took theback track in the morn- iug, under the firm belief that it was ;Ue right ooe. 'It is astonishing bow quick men will ;et loBt on a prairie. They seem hard- ly to have time to get out of sight Borne times, too, they are not found iguin. Twoyonng Canadians vent up he Led Eiver Valley, a fewaummern ince, bouud for Fori CJarry. A liiey hid lined in ibapurehsBflbf a pony and a rickety old cart at Forgo, and^ionnieyod iogether. - One evenlDg ntoiltduak tbey ' " t h t A b b b f Goose nthtpcamponAbe baDbft, : Kiver: ' AftoV aripper one' of them lld ff ^h ti' t lkK wh ^ooic olow io camp. ( trt Dentistry is n^t -new Bfhi Mr-otd inoiunl h redwitb« f •bill m bi» gre olow io camp. Banne w more ventnrtronie, and, Memed O e htoOwri course. l Jay, when we were T . .. ollowea OQ after tbe herd iastead ol ro- ian,iDgtocan)p, «. we bad suppcfed. rnon our return H WOB missed *a& uarohiuiUUted. In not more, O.w , 0 houia after he wra missed I ,ilghted ,is bone fartingVoae on the Wine. few minutes after, H— wa« discover^ •dBitting on the ^rownd about ha^f a #) l e nwpy. As won M we advanced toward him, he started up ond ran off nt the top of blB speed. I knew wbat was tbe matter with him aasoon as he jump. ,i bat the rest aWt B^ing along- iida 0/ him, I junpea to the ground and •ooksJfterhimon fcot After a abarp rtiiiloaaguthUii.- He was olewi daft The diseoTery that he was lost, and poB- ibiy wooM not be found agnln, had up- at his intalleot oomplelely. He Btrug- -I6d likeftmadman to free himself, \>« beld : pn to him,' Wetook him back to camp and tied him fast Towi ' light lie began to recover, And bj morn- ng WRR quite bimsall apaln, After tbat e^pedence be kept oluae to camp. f J leoall another instance.whish ipaw tfntea tbifl pbiwe of tber lost, but had a mote trasio endinjr. A of mine; Uvlng in a &BW prairli oat and stacked bia hay on tn^ eboak tttoimiles in tberear of l'i--< 1 It was hiB-oustomtovisit thefltaoksan(l: faaul the bay to his farm as hi it. He started'$BQ aOevnoon winter with bonft) loads, bor'a bojr a '• Tbej reaohed the etacks, ile'Jii. and, it is supposed, were 1 retani when a violent sturm CftL . what WB in thalWttt'wU bl ^ lfl _-_, • J ed, which was hourly expected. 'On the following dny tbe storm abated somewhat, aud in Ibe afternoon n larger and more determined part, >ut for tho slicks. Tliey wera reached ritb much difficulty, but tho mun uud lioy could not be found. Tb> boles ivliicb they Iind muuc iu tlio straw, and into wbiisli they bnd crept, plainly visible, but all ti-aoeu o .heir departuro wure biddeu under thi drifting suow, Search was .made 'imti night closed in, when it was dieco^pu fl. On Hie following day it y j , u oeas-1 doubt, come tbroo^li curiosity to set ' 'how iiill would deport hiusdC in thii "iis inilipl Eer.Don. Upon tbu stiigoBQ! a bu r lv, veij-fiiced imt3, wilti uiuis fuldeiJ in u curu.us inuuner, who looked over ;be Jurcc audieuoy with au air of thi iOHt duulJcd iadepea.leuco. This wiu nrolJiil, the speukor of tbe accusion. VVbcu he arose he ff'^ucod around tbe cut for u mo-Dont. evMeotly calleotiug iis tli'Migbla, aud begun : " FoMow citizeas: Toe proaober bein 1 .bscut, it fulls on me to take bis band und play it fur nil it's worth. You all know that- I'm juui a lavniu' tbe gam< [ I 'eotiatp camponAhe j y ,of Goose pp lud off on ^ho pmtrio' to look , whicb had l*jen hoppiud Hfoildtot nd ^iirnijd loose,, Hefoiledtoreturn. Tue rKrny Wme In'aH rfght in 'the' b'orning,' &U thi mt tbe InaH rfght in n has not been g, this !aj. It is probable, tbut_ w^enf he left be camp be wentjju.a. welitailv direo- ,t)on. 'Ii he djd ^0 be might walk tn the Book; MutiiilaVnft>witbout aeeiog a hu- man being. ,fa*:fn •-•vhy.r. " eaid,, pepple^disappear .Buddenly >ii ibfeilraiWas/ondnrij iJeVeVTieard of uy inoie'.ifBut UqocAiiibnolly bopp ihatpeople,are found, ^IBO.-OT,' rat'i their remaiDB are. '.'Tbe. mpBt singular md of tbie sort coming to my 1 inowledge WDB (hat o! two half-breccia 'ho ba3 been banting buffalo's in the Inter. Tbe; hadwandered far out ipon tbe plnipe in search of game, and being ]nden ,heavily with meat an-1 ides, night overtook them before tbey ereablB to regain the shelter of tbe mber. To protect themselves from tbo ild, they lay down intboBnow Bide by ide. alia wrapped & fresh bulfulo bide igbtly abont them, with the green or Hesby side out. While tbey slept, tbo iverlapping sides andends of the bide Voze fast, and imprisoned them like a TitUtly wrapped, as tlicy wore, tbey oould not extricate theowelvos, and died of Btar/ation. When/onnd, tho '3 sbelotooB, Gl.rouded i»:(be' eliffouod td half d*^»yed pnrobmeqt, showed e mnnner. at their death,'! ;\-, LVADT1LLB PIEl*f. T OF TH 1 ) QOFPtt 1!' T«TH3jbH .** courae I went to^Laad^lW that monbroom oj-y, wnlch oaa hl ble« wondtrfjl moo jy, [roast of the moat rashly, gamble«, iiardest drinkers, cheekiest bamme-s and ,be viles: prosiltntes in creation. Ones Irst impulse upon Mriving In tbe town ^h lltt to start out and Blglits—to i hll gate in upon tbe many gambling holla, »here money is ever .changing hmds ipon tho tarn ol a m8. Above tbe .harp olickipg ol the ivorj cbeokBoaa be beard the voices of the deelera calling ipon ih'o pliy*™ to •• make your bete, jentleanw,"'while cotea 0^ cxnltatlon ind cur.ing come Torlh ^a stniflge obo- rus, ottered by tbo-e wl(p losa and Ibbae rtci(irin;rflirt(l*|"». mt duplicates. nl-JOm J l 1 *™ 11 ''/^ jwryptonBBT in the'earlir JajB of ihe Union Pecifle nJIroait^: ^ j. ! I was standing in froufj 9! tbe fcolol ,ban my altention wag attracted b> a dilapiiiflted, antiqJateAtlooliins spfoi' men 0; s saloon ba ttmerW) wsi paatna along the street ringing » bell? At {In- IB he would cease ringing andflhuut "Beligious i big tent 1 Poll 1 fct. . Taking : io a dapper "Utttf^nblw wbo atood near, I asked! 1 tkji Faro Bill *" , 'I J Well W>*. it that ajn't for blsK : ':Tf0O T Mn break _.j if I'tuQugbt there wa« a iS%u'o mines' tbat didn't know L,to he.onD.oLtheboys, ^LonUisUy'gameby mat two w- _ i alibis pid'SetB. an' don't^atand in *itl DOthin 1 now that don't ahow up * Bibli or pwn boob iutb.9 lay-out. BillaFc to be tho boss gambler ot tlft camr, am wasn't,uJcord tosit in a gnme wilb tin flvost liwrts that ever slung a card ; hfl'B .cloak'gone' on thepions lay r ond seems to b a n lost all tbegood t 1 Thaboas montupieoo 1 down in* here he got eo bard-tip ,hat be piped off the swine i ' h i au' u[ couree, I may beerpeotod to wak: wild ' mks, bit I d^.a'l belt I'.r* aroo rfutbco upve.::: en. o ta.ii! a<lTn::itage uu' eultl-ilesk me n't. on tbe first deal. I'm eineere in this now departure, an' I belieFo IVe strucl thai I can piuy clear tbrouflh without coppenV a bet, fur whuu a mat tackles sucb a layout as this, he playf every card to win, an' if he goes through tha deal as he otter do, when be lays down to die, an 1 the last cose is ready 'o slide from the hoi, lie cau te'l the turn every time." " I wflo.readin' in tbo Bible to-Say ttat nn about ibe Prodigal Son. an" I want to tell yer the story. Tue book don't ive DOdajjs, but hbnppeued IODEJ, long ago,, Tbis Prod.3i?lSoa bad an old tbat pat up the coin 1 every time the kid :ock him far a stake, aa' never kicked it tbe bize ot the pile w'tber. I reckon tbe old n)?n was party weltfixed,an 1 'hen he died intended to give all bis wealth to tbis kid a*' h<s brother. Prod give the old man a little game o' talk day, aa' inji'doed him to whpnk up in advance 0' the diath rocket. He'd 10 sooner got his divy in his fist than he shook the old man an' elrook out to take ia some o' tbe- otba; camps. He bed a wnj-up time far awb<)e, an* Btung iis cash to the front like be owned the lestpavin' lead on airth, but hard luck lit h-tn a lick at lust an' left him flat. I'he book don't atate wbat he went broke on, bat I reckon he got BteereJ up agin some breoe game. But, nnybow, he got left without a ohip, or a four-Lit piece to go an' eat on. An old granger then tuk him home an'set him to'berdin'hogs, 1' hungry rinle tbey were feedin' an' he stood in with 'em on husk luueb. He noon weakened on lucb plain provender, an' eajs to hf mself, says he: 'Even the old man's hired •andB ar&livin' on cguaro grub while irrying atong here on corn huski Btr.vgliL I'll jist tako a grand tamblo ,0 myself an' chop on Ibis racket at mee. I'll skip back to the governor an' try tofixthings up, an' call for a new leal,' eo off be sturteXl.' " Tlio old tnon seed the kid a eomiu', rlmt iln yn.i r..ikc.a hednnp? Did ho mil bis gun and luy fur him, intandi to wipe him out a? soou us lie &>t ii je ? Did bo call tbe dogs to clu off tbe i-.inoh ? DMbe rustle nruitnd 'or nclubood givo h'm a slunil offnt tbo back gate ? En ? Not U> miy sitent be didn't. No, sir. Tno sovijituro took sa./n bo waltzotl out to meet him, ind froze to him on tlio spot, un 1 kissed im, nud I lieu mikiclicil b ; iu off to a otbiuKaid-ofiQtl fitted liiai nut in tbo obbiest rig tn ho bad fur coin. Then ie old gent invited QIJ the tiled a fat o.\% and give tie biggest low out tho enmphad ever scon." At the conoluuion of this narrative tbq ieuk'r pauo-^, evidently franin*riu h(e ind proper application of the story, lefois he conld resjmo, a tall-blear-eyed imbler. with a flerco mouBtaobe, arose i,l Gaid: "Tniut me as wcnld try ter break np meot'iig, or do anything disreligions, b, sir, I atq not that Bort ot a, citizen, utia all public hoodooa H Ina parli- aentary rate for anybody as wants to as igosiionato rise upand fire them off. lo not want ter fool nway tine a quea- ioniug tbe workings of religion ; ub, no. lung BB it ia kept in proper bounds ind does not interfere with tbe boys in their games I do not see us it can do p. I just want to ax tho honorable .ker if be bos not given himself dead w«y.?" Does it stand to reaion tbat a loko would feed npou eorn hanks when lore was hash factories in the camp ? fouM anybody hev refuHBd him the irioe of a square meal if betod& sttuok it? V°uld any of Ihe dealers that ^ttim out of his coin see Win nUrveT »Bitamarkea^ afore, I do not want( to aake any tUswapeclable brenkB, but! I _ j i t aoy that I have ! gSt it pnt' up that b t speaker has been a tryioj ter f«d s o n cnBBedfintaffy, and no one but a illywonld takeiUn." Bill glared npou thettpeakat and fairly iesed; Js - : ... , : .:.., "Do jou meat) to My that I ama Hat!" '•'.Wai, you can take it just as jou loofB. Some folks woold avaller it in tbatahape." , L'Bill pullel bis revolver, and in an in- nt the bright barrels of nomertas ...apons flashed in the air as the two beligeranta prepared for aollva duly. Tbe brevet preoouer was the first to fire, id tho rash donbtet of spiritual trntba fell dead nn the fe.Ymn.1' Bhot followed .jot in quick BOCoesEiob, andwhen qijiet w^a again restored a score or more; of! 3ead and wounded men were canted om the tent. Having secured attention Bill said: - 4( Fnrtber proceedings is adjourned for the day. Yon will reoelvethedoiology." Tbe audlenee arose. "May itntoo, mercy and peaoe be witli you now and forever, ameu ;and I^want distinctly understood tbat I am a going to maintain a properrespectfor Ibe gospel if I hive ter oroak every dirty son-of-a-gun of a sinner in tbe mines. MoeUn'iuouU" 10 crowd filtd from thetentasoooliy as if noUitngcztraordinarrhitdoeanTted and as I gained the sidewalk I heard man remark: ': ' "Bill bos got the sand to tnnVfi a bnnj ,ip prcacUor, and I would not wonder be made a big mark; iu the world yet." No matter bow bad and desrroeKye boy may be, be never beoomes' ao dn graded Or loses hia self-rcspmt soffi- olon'ly tothrow xaaA on Adrool pt TirE ARTWTH RUSE. A rich mercbnnt led Uaritlu, tbe illi tr;oaa painter, one day to the marki piece of Seville, ana, pointing oat him a young girl of sixteen, of tbe gyp race, naked hint to do her portrail The gypsie girl was BObeautiful, am looked so picturesque iu the midst < tbebitskuta of fruit she was offering f( mle, tbat tbe p.iint«r did nut bnsitntuk accept tbe commision. 'If you can pi>im the picture in month's time,' said the merchant, 'y< muy mtmo yoiir own prioB for it.' Muriilo promised tbe portrait for the pud o* tlio month, and u hundred gold Philips, wliiuh tho mcrcbimt agrood to, Murillo gluuce-1 once mom at tho tea- Lurcaandft.m of hia faoimtilul mode', nd thon wont to HBO her relations, to uk their jiermibBion for tbo young girl o Bit to bim. The gitana's relations coosistaJ of cry bad-looting man, wbo was ber u 1I0, and of a very good-looking man, iu ivery sense of tlie word, who was her n. The artist talked with them 'or some time, and, on tnkin ; len , biiook bauds oovcliall^ fit., tbo ::>usin. 'xo tbe uncle ho was a-mewfcRl older, for he had discovered that he cm selfish and avaricious. Murillo had a sitting tbo verr Best lay, and tbe first stroke of his brush al- ready announced a masterpiece, when " ie merchant entered his studio, "The bead will be admirable,' said tbi irehaser, in a bilf-patronialng tone. 'I am glad it pleases TOO,' replied arillo ; 'particularly as I have mads ip my mind to aak you rather more in the sum originally named.' 'But I told you to mention vonr own irice,' expostulated tbe merchant. 'Yon said a hundred FhHIpi aud I agreed to them to you. I do not think yoi mghtto demand more than tbat now.' 'lam very soriy,'eaid Murillo, "bet I id it imposaib.e to let yon have the licture for leis tban hix hundred, J! on do not like to give so munh ibero las not been tnno^i time lost yot, and yoa will be able to get some otb p r ai- 1st to eiecate the commassion ; but I illy shall be obliged to give it np un. lias yon can atforcl to renumerate me "or my trouble.' 'As 'or affording it/ returned ths mer- ibant, 'you know tbat I em not ut the BJQI is a large ono. Alter oil, I HI uot dUpute with yoa about five inndredFbJUpB. I t i s a great deal of money for yon to receive, bat it is not much for me to £,>e.' Tiew tbe matter as yoa please,' said Mnrillo, philosophically, 'only let me ave the money. 'You stall have the B!X hundred,' caid ;he merchant, wltb something like a "gb, Iwill sign an. ajweeuent with on for tbat amount tbis evering.' 'Why not at once,' suggested Marillo. 'WhofcnowB, 1 apswercd the merchant; 'perbapB tbis evening yoa wUl be more •eaaonable in your demands.' 'Oli yon are not decided the a V &aid be painter. 'Yes, Inm decided,'replied tbo par- mser; 'but I prefer cot to sign any jroement until this evening. Tn the evening Mnrillo informed the icrchnut, gravely vai coldly, tbat he mid not accept H : I liuidretl Puilips, at that be must have a thousand. Of eourao the merchant refused, point lituk, in tlio frat instanca. Tben be Stated, offured seven, eighi, niue bun- rod, and ah hst agreed to givo tbo full oasj>Tid. This time a formal ogrce- At tbeend of the month the portrait aefinibbod. When tbe merchant eamo to take it my, he found tbe original standing be- jre it in fnll'dress, ns if on the point of larting for Bome/efe. By^ hwB'JO were incle and coasin, also in holiday oostume •and especially the cousin, who bad -idently «ot himself ap tor some very •t>?r f .-.nt icoasion. 1 The merohant paid the thoosaad Fbil- s, As noon as Mnrillo had reoefral tie mey and put it away carefully in 1 port/olio, be opened a Bide door iu is ateiier, and from tbe adjoining cham- ber entered a guest and two witnesses. Sir," aaid Murillo at length, "while were tr-rga'alig with me about tbe iwrirait 61 this yonng girl, you were bar- joiuinj with her relations for theyonng tl kewalf, whom you had already aold a piraLe to be errand into slavery. Yoa need uoi deny it ; yoar protestationB Id ba in wain, for I heard all that usgoiug on tromtbedoaB : n. Tbeuncls >OU(tbt at last tbat be had better accept ly offet t l iun yours, id an the young iple we« alreod; botrothed to one .aother, I thought it would be a good dea to marry tbem and make yon pay 16 Sower. Youknowwbatlamgolbgto with ths thousand Phillipi. The lo would not hoar ot tbi matoh being iranged for a hundred, and wanted sis. yon bad a-jneclithe agreement for the E hnm*rod whan I propose! it at flrit< •ou might still h»v» gaiued.tha dkj, ml Proviileice was oil one aide, and lafojoii blinJ. Yoa went to thenn- e, and finding,' as- yon thonght, th»t ioh: \ recettsd spme higher" b'd fotf HD; cbM. who WfB'^Hflcwl tliroogb -ou to a p",raU\ iud tliroli^h tail pirate oaTqit^hPflflbo, Touinore««d yonr iffec to th,o^ afar.oio4s gnacdian, who is vetw coolly at the preaent moment, und who basgif onus hia word bejboa the possiliility of recall. . • •A*the anole had now a possibility of getilng a larga- Bum than he had oribinaly expected from you, he explained to me ,hat it wo aid not answer his parposa to wbavo like an h&n^it man nnlen I, in my tnra, ino^^wd mj offer, TUla, through' rour liheralt/,I was enabled lo do; and at lost,without telling yoa of his intention, he roBolved to rejfet yonr proposition and to Bccopt mine. Herd is tbe priest, tare are thB witnesses ; imagine, if you nan. that you represent the friend, and all will be complete. I have deprived rou ot tbe model, bat 70a wIUstilt have ie portrait, dood it to the Fosba.il rod thiub he wJuld like it," Toe maniage was celabratect withoi farther delay, but not In the credence o the mercbant, who, myatifled and morti a na he v u. lost no timo ID effeoiini s. escape. The Jay afterward the proprietor ol the picture sold it Cor half its original price. It he had lived in (be presW century be could hava gained a hundred by Ibe speculation i ,, ,__ xi.-_!-. upposii -„ jnpro _ tbatHe iiatl prd'fortbepiotureii portion to tu»ariiatio>lenWt,dty with rcferenoo to the greatnMa ol evinced by the painter, which renders ltinri!1o-B "Young R a i t Oirl" r'**oaf "I'LL TAKE HARRY BASSETT." HOWIBS UiK FB0U 'bKBOO SWAMPED TUB BOXa ATB31QETQH lEAOfl. How rnnnh for first choice ?" shouted the palo-faeod pool seller at Brighton Benuh lost Wednesday. Six hundred," was thn prompt and ooa] bid -"rom the owner of some of the fleetest and atrongesfc race-horses in this mntry. t "Which ono, airf" inquired the post seller. "WarfielJ." "How much for second choice ?" con- iiiuud tbe pool aulLor. "We've aold Warfield for six liuudred." "Ono hundred and forty," was the ighrBt bid. "Whicliouc, sir ?" "lkoBoniiam." "Sovfiu Imudred andforty dollars in tho pool; wa'vo sold Warfleld and Ika lonhain. XIow muchforthird choieo ?" 'Oue hundred and forty," came again the lost cull from another sanguine turfman. "Which one, sir P" "HattioF." Just then two mem came out of the lour ut tlie vest end of tba saloon under iia email stand, close to tbe auction t. Oua ot tbe mou was a sleek, me- im-cized, yellow-faced, pafly-cheeked, -ather innocBnt-lookmg customer; still here was an oblique ray ia h.B eye which said : "Old boy, count rourbelf in first ivery time." He held a programme of ;he races, and Beamed to bs studying tlio itries. Hiaeompanioa was a tail, tough' ooking man, of rural aspect, with aglit- ir in his Bteel blae eyes that betokened xjluess and conroge. Tbe man with ie programme brushed against tbe aua. ion box as be faced the group of old [Kirts, moat of whom were eager to get on Wurilctd. They looked unon him aure to win tho race. No attention is paid to the new comma. "Eight hundred and eighty dollars in ie pool," shouted tbe auctioneer in tbo is. "We've sold Warflsld, Ike Bon- itn and Hattie F. How much fur fourth oioo ?" "One hundred dollars," drawled tbo mffj-laeed man on the last call, Which one, sir ?" inqaired the pool liter. 'I'll take Harry Baasett," replied tbo lutTy-Iaced man, tbis timo in a clear voice. The Doys all heard him. Muuy uf lem laagbed, one old sport near tbo itrongers remarking. "Bassett's been a long time." "Here he is on the programme," mid iffv-faoe, pointing to a line and pko- 12 tbo card before tbe old sport's evea. Tve heerd he's a good one, eo I guess '11 ROa hanOred oa him." "That's the pedigree, man," replied t old sport, looking at the stranger half in sympathy with bis ignoiiuiQ?. 'You'll find the horses what's goia' lo in la this race ontbe le'i sitie, thar, bfg letteis." "Much obliged," said tho stranger, loo sea I'mfrom 'Swego ; we duu't ive no racing there," , sir, wkieU one ?" inquired tho icticneer, agaio, impatient at the delny. Qaicbly glancing at the programme ie man from 'Swego drawled out, "Mol- Mcainlcy." 'Nitiu buudred and eighty dollars iu lie pool, and we've sold Warfleld, Iko nharn, Hattie F. and Mullic McGiu- , How rnuoh for fifth choice f" 'Ona hundred," came as tho last bid am the old Bport whu had enligbtcnod 1 stranger, "Which one, sir?" ".Tenet M i r n y . " "Ten huDilred andeighty dollaru \u lie pool," yelled tbe seller. How much or the field? We have Little Jim and Tipper left." ' Tue field was knooked down at $45. 'Eleven hundred andtwenty-five dol- u-s in tbat pool; how much tostart the ;fc V" Bloated the aaotioneor. This andhalf a dosen other pools sold it the same rates, tbe man from Iwego baying Mollie McGialey every inte. Finally tbo second bell rang for the irsea to form for the start. Fool sell- ig ntoppad, and the boys all rushed to fence on the quarter stretch to see tie race. .'Which ia Mollie McGinloy ?" inao- raUy inquired ths manfrom 'Swego of ihe old sport. "Ye see tliat jockey with a green cap ?" "Yes." "Well, he'e oa Mollie McOinley." "Jim," said paffy-fuce tohis compan- m, "keep watch of tbat grebu cap." The green aap came in ahead. Tho Dearest tbat Warfield oould get toit was half a length at thq finish. Tlio mau im 'Swego walked off with a satchel Fall ol monej. Th« question that pnzelea the red-faced •porUnow is "How tbe mau from 'Swego 6 to light on Mollie McOiuley ?" '. A Mir Cnuntrj, We Immngine that there arc but very [aw people who realize theextent of our utional domain. We were not a little startledtotba the assertion la the Fhila- lelphia HBOOOD, that the finglis'iman's proud boast that the sun never sets on is Briiiah Empire is just as'true of the Tnited Slates. Our country oituads irongh.197 degrees of longitude, or 17 degrees more thantbalf way round tbo [lobe. SanFrancisco,, instead of being mr westmost point, is only midway be- :weea Eastport, Maine, and tbe furthest oar Alaska'Islands. Just read what tbat enthusiastic Presbyterian bishop, Her. Dr. Sheldon Jaaksou, says of bis 'Rocky Mountain Presbyterian," and feel yonr patriotism expand: "When tbe Sun ii giving ita good-night kins to jpr westermost isle, ou tbe confines of Bebring's sea, it is alreadyfloodingtbe ields and forasta of Maine with its morn* ing ll'jbt, and in the eastern part of that Itatfl is more tb&n a hour high. At tlie :rr tnfment wbeu the Aleutian fisher- an, warned by tlio approaching uhados / 1! oiglit.ia pultiDgbta canoe towards tbo / ihow, tbs wi.od;cbopper of Maine iff : beginning to make tbe forest echo witj the atinng miu-ic of his axe," / A pair of aoifflors was lost, and / ttle one luggested tbat a pra£ or bo f howaiat a larking cunwioui Ibftt there oaght lo be a enmbinati prajBr aurt work, so tbo youthfii' OBonbf"-""»'!:" "BS*. mother. I'D er anil »ork. s J tier saiil i* "Now, motlior, 1'ij pray wbile you hnnl." Tfaet« nre. throe bimarod ami' Mstgjmm In dood •tadHnttoOV flTrtwd liTorw kwynw. /

composition in them HOT-LEATHER...$1100 yoa and Hho wore hd and h»*. B. B, Catinifini SRA-D1ATI0IIS. Iteui'jof intereat—coupons. Do good with what thoa hint, or It ill do tboe ao

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Page 1: composition in them HOT-LEATHER...$1100 yoa and Hho wore hd and h»*. B. B, Catinifini SRA-D1ATI0IIS. Iteui'jof intereat—coupons. Do good with what thoa hint, or It ill do tboe ao



Hot on Morris Street mar Blaokwall,TKBMS OP BDBMKIPTMH

T H B "l R o N E R A| We ] j a v e j u s t received 50 0 paiiof Mens', Boys and Youths'HEAVY WINTEE BOOTS, madeby Isaac Prouty & Sons, Spencer,Mass,, and Durland, Torrey & Co,,

.Honesdale, Pa. 2,000 pairs ofI Women's, Misses' and Children'sShoes, made by the celebratedBay State Shoe and Leather Co.,

; and 50 doz. Women's, Misses' andi Children's extra fine Shoes, made: in all widths by H. W. Mercian,Newton, N. J. The above goodswere all made expressly for usof the best material that moneycould purchase, and any onefinding any SHODDY or anycomposition in them HOT-LEATHER


UUP Ysix MI'nrou

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I'AINTH,nery, 4c,

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NDAlbo 10 A..• ly

Counsellor at LawAND


jTTI»iioiriioUHBT~r~Comer of Mackwell and BIIBBOI HtB.

DOVKR, N. J.I. B. JOLLEY, Proprietor.

nor., i ami CurriniicH to I.t-t.


DOVEIt, N. J.Aintyi ml AMBfiyB c rehillY

r Ore iDouRhi IiMineral* bought , goia»

mle. Ould «ndmliqimiil i t ioa-:xfhaiiKlid-

» r r T. LRPOIIT,


onion in Iho National Union Hank Buildinc3 I . A C P » .1,1. ST. , POVF.R, N. J .

Berkshire Valley"!ofeHTA HOAD HO08E noar liimllnR nnd finh

ing grounds; a provty spot with lar^e airyIMODIH, good Btablos, ebcdu, Ac. Tliiw haunt)has uuQergone thorough repairs, in dulylicensed,. Bltuatod. on n Qroet-roade, 4 mile*from Dover. Sportlrg m|a,> pedlars, Budottiara looking for a' good plaoo to etopBhDqld hear In mind thin hotel 1H Inn olitnp-e«t place in the Stnte with good beds boun-tifu! table, BAB well stocked witb the l u tof LIQUOBS in the market. Also POHtEBon draft. " DOO." DODGKIBS.

Berkshire Valloy, Nov. 7th, 1878. 4B-1 j




SUSSEX STREET;f betwuun tho MANBlONHOUSEiimlDepot,)

DOVER, N. J."TW jilaeo ban been


can get their money refunded. Our reputa-tion in the past for selling GOOD GOODSCHEAP is a sufficient guarantee that ourprices hi the future will be satisfactory toour customers. RODERER & HEAGAN, Cor.Warren and Dickerson Sts., Opposite Depot,Dover, N. J.



1 7 OH all tins iirlucipal .iuuisF from New {oik Iu LWurii-iHLTZH. AUo DUAFJCS OK GilX"NDIItfetAND.


WOODPORf, MORRIS Co., N. J .(TIliU old oiUWlBhml Hnial !• open for tUo «"H°n

i ...d i. p»rno. ™ «:;," »™:;.d':i'M';t»!


. ;:..• ! - I A W j . ' • ' . :

C o r . B l n c k w n l l a n i l S e x ^ t n

D.OTBB, N-*• n . UBiansocit.

J .




COP. Blackwell 4 Warren Sts.,


DOVER, N.J.,I7omi>u uul Oliililron, Slid or tljo .ml Ear upeclaltlDH.'? to 9 A. M., 1 to 8 and 7 to e P .}


1)0VKB, K. -3.,In nrdar lor t l»ivlll bo T*t lo t '


, DOVEft, N. J.

Concerts, Lectures, Exhibitionsnl Enturuinn

Hill i> l»rR«,

Apply to41tf



MARY C. FORD, M. D.,. Homoaopathlo Physician,



Btorristown, N. J.


M. 4 1 . SEARING.






SUCOASUNNA. N. JFEED. MAST, - - - Proprietor.

Tbe nbova house in Iucutod In one of tinhrFiltliiL'Ht nuit mo t cLftruiing places m tin

U * W. IWlrorfoi th*. «wn,M»d | b«Cra

• ovnry copliod nt i

_ . . . j . f o io nnd coiufort will be e





FEVER and AGUE^alsrluQH DtotKi. Containaneithei






Dover, Be|»t«inV01' t h ' 1 8 7 > '



UNION HALL BUILDING,DUckwell Btroet, Doier,

Hot Air Furnaces,

WHAT BECOMES OF EDITORS 7What bt.Miies c ' tbr ' d k i r ?

Tlia.I'* w l t t we'a ID.e to t'toir,l i j t • (ID a keap of KOOU on enrlli,

Ami to Hoavun uuj,'lit to fio.j;ut somcOis'f,- sooniH to tell uu,

Tlit7 aru a peculiar sot,And ID tliu fjru.il, Heiuaiter

Vi'M l)ti "lu't out ID ilio wut."

Wf'vc lurn iliinfcfng the (JUOHHU-. o»et,Ami it Irunbk-H mo a heap,

TIJK tU'iijicr it ^foiHtotut .Ami l>.:.)f,H UB to llio conc'nb'on :

Thnyil bo "!olt out In lliewot."

|An.I R liubbj lOJ to pot?

TliHi Hii 1,2 world t'CTer do np ilicro—They JI uu I:li] • uut in tlio wot."

IL'H vorj neil to HHiile, Blr,And uiivjour lioaJaiu't level,

Ti-atiifiiuotlLUcpaPfnibfYon fii>u't mipposQ fur A motuont

T . c . Ijtin tliuro could ratAid be alwHj-H yolliDfi Owl

They'!! bo "le't out iu tlio wot."

Tliirt'i" <>no mom point w«' • rooitlou—\Yu liijpf you wuu't get oSi.'Uiiod— .

]lut iff) currently rejiortej'Tl-al tin: ,'ree JiBtfa 8tH;it<»'1cd,




An experiencedll d

cud prnirioii l

A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN,a !iU)o wLitu lionxe, on t hUUlda greon,LB a boftu.ru) woman ai eror wai Been ]In! ttiiiy-avo yoars tli»t sfae'i livdd, I may

's been fivowlug more lioautllul oTory da;,do not believe it? Ask Hv*\t

'v tbo very flint pure an that ev i

id iTabe'd not naraed lior bynighl HDU by<uy, •

Hue would havo bcua in a vt r j bnrl wlmngotljorwilaciscs wliom yun to*'wilt loll you tlio name—iney we'.e ia tltesnmu case, i

H «)io lorora ?" Von, iaro1y 1 No leas thnnulciv«ii I

ia-r 1B BO boarti/a1- k<loU aad thio ;(i aru beautiful wrluliles, f.-um f'n-cboadami oliin.

?7on ft re au claerniinn as charmiiiKcan be,j Bho luuln o'er her (jiiBeoa BU fond;y at

id I Luow by her lire, wliloh hai beaat;fiilbiicn,' • '.

,o U like "tho MOB'S daiiRhter-ail Klorionawltliln,"

i, you've, guosioi} trho it ia I I t conid be noollic:', - . •mil;, thaa-'mj- btfadtirui, darl^s good

LAD AIID LASS.Wben you and I wpre lad ihd InnA'iCBbcrbuo WSBOU tlio grass, _ ,And Btara were Iwlutttlt-? i i tbo sly,Jlecauso you hil mo. in the eye;We ipiai filled ihea fVom fl:nt to last,When yon and 1 were lad t Jd l i u .

Wlion lad and lass wet* you and I ' 'Yon itolo and nto ma'i cuntard pie, lTLeu luinj- ooat tbfl ommlsdid tbrow,'And low they licked n« yon well know jBooh vere .the UJIUK» that ca<no to pan!When you ah'l I wore lad and Jsss. \

' OjiO. vDiHEii

Viben jon and she were lad and 1MBYou lllllo knew ur bmua-mado gas ;And vben ibe btt yon ia tlia e;oTWBB no doubt for Tonr "inlting sly."Tbe quarrel BOOQ awn; did pans,When yoa anil HUB we ro lati a*id laea.Wben lail and lass wo e yon pml BIIONo doubt yon were a big uoo-lieo 1And oft onjoyod t'jo old inin'n gad,When hho and yno ncie lam and lad.Wore likely seen tldngs camo to pw,$1100 yoa and Hho wore hd and h»*.

B. B, Catinifini

SRA-D1ATI0IIS.Iteui'jof intereat—coupons.

Do good with what thoa hint, or Itill do tboe ao good. ->For mM or rent—A Bpread of canvasi n VPKSOI.

A floatiuR dol)t la oertatn in time toink any enterprise. ' i iDid yon ever know it civil engineer to) - lilty of a rudeness? iDoea nman nlnays fefl! rojallj 8<">dhoQ liia bead is a-king? . , ; , , , . ,In n certain Mi^iasippI town avory-

rody ainga Natobez of nongs. ; 7, ; •No "atumi>"8paeoue8iire ullowed atie Tobttcoo Board ot Trade. • ••Tbe dentist makw almoat as mnoh

noney per acueres tbe brmvr.^ •I'B Blwttya tb# d o * to paj a a aniao.beloijigs te^'lodge.'' 1

Too mnoh of tha pood wlag/IW jib9

ptraveller expressed tbe opiniou to tlinwriter that there was a much largernumber of people annually loat npntiIho Western prairlus tban was generallysnppoted. " I mean by loiCeaid be,"people who wonder away from well-k l d k d

yknown landmarks and are never heof n&aln ; who die of starvation

b'ow OTer, they dug boles iu the stacks j Weuver, an' Bill is a goin' to standend crept in. But the stcrui raged for | tin'slins; Gospel to the bovs QS wellnearly t h r o dnyis without abating a jotof its fury, Cn the morning otter theirdeparture tbe two ojun were discoveredKtuuiling in tbe baruyard with their har-ness on, but without tho nled. Duringthe day an effort wus made to visit tholucks, bnttli") relic* party became losthemBtilveB, und louud their way baok

with difficulty. It was bulievcd, more-


kitten Buid. when it fell ji

l o a n WDatd>tbepHvS>Uhfc(,JfJd womiui than a orbsB-^outliea

.-Can Ton Support Me, Darling r i s \JO aamo of a new aong.rHow.ia,Doll|a-PB weigh, love? - £;: •. .•; ;

Neatly 0)0,000 penoiM-hMo been « -led from Bosnia to Sibera sinoe theicginning of tbe present oentnr^.

A law has been pawed in Illinois pro-4libiUng Uiewle of oleomargwidj eheeaeind battetWtnBi genuine article. I

AtOhaileston, South CftioUw Inde-nenaenco day was celebrated (MBtor tbo fi«t time in nineteen yeai

Mrs WashtjurnY the fiut miBoionaryient to the Indians west ol the M i w s -ippi, has recently; 'died at t h . agejof 88.

Envy and malice are devfls tb'st ^rive

poEiuua BQuU into M>!» ^ " ^ J v j j ^ -


tbnt t?rend inBnnity whic'i, genoiallyipeuking, overtnkea the lostOf course we read now aud then uf sucbac.-BB but there nre many wL.'di DCFOI-reaeii the public prints Itis ono of theeasiest things in the* world for auperionccd traveller to shay away from

1 camp, but a very difficu't mat-tor for himto find bis wny buck ngarn. Oneoof eight of the wngoiis and tents,the whole plain is alike to him. He

"a always in a depression, with tliog.ound rising gli^htly on ull bides. It

optical illusion, of course, but it i&very like walking in the centre ofirame;.'.u t,'.: t wi'i i's four coronsJliglit., r*i^ . i - j uirtb moolaboriaoo on evjry side, and presentssame unvarying view of wariDg gross

irown soil. There is not amark by which one may be guided,take tbe sun for a f, lide, even ou a per-fectly clear day, is with moxtonly to iotsDBi!; tbe difficulty. Unlessone is an BSpert in tun guidecee, liemay follow Uiot luminary, aud jet con-tinually go ronnd in a circle to tho left.The truth of this is proven every yearby tbe recovery of people who are foundto have only traced a large circle ID theirefforts to eeeope, invariably cominground again and again to the point Tromwhich they started. The possession ofa compass, moreover, seldom proves ofany advantage to the person on the pnriea. He probably never thinks ofuntil he discovers that be is lost, andthen he bos no landmark from which totfttio hiB bepiings. I have known repeat-ed instances where persons Lave beenlost on tbe plains, and after found lyingdead with a compass in their bands,

"As an illustration, I recall an iistance which occurred some years sinceon ths Bed river trail, A Mr. McKenzia

clerk iu the toadtog post at Qeorge-mn, BtHfted": early in the month of

Apr'!, 'in'o&a.go of & email party forFort OasJf.: Tho Bnow etill In; dead•the pUiii^ but the season being ao :

*; irogons were used to trans-part their effects, Unfortunately tbeenow did not melt BO rapidly astlojpatecl, and the party were detained along time on tbe road. About thirtymtles oa this Bide of Pembina they ranout of provibiona. McEetzie, who was

itoat able-bodied mm, accustomed toprairie travel, YoIuDteoied to go abeadand obtda aealatanoe, He set out iiBQOW shoes, iind1 expected to leacb tbefort at Pembinft witbiu twen^-fourhoort. Meanwhile his comrades went onas best they ooald, and a'.tot two days ofBuffering reached the fort without see-ing anything of McKetiate. Nothingbad been heard of him thera A partywaw at oacu urg&mzed, and a tborojgh

inBiiluted fox tbe miisiugOn tbe second day lio was found some

:a miles l'-om the post, nnd alotig distance from tbe trail, lyiog befiHe a clamp of buBhcs frozen to death.He bad taken of bis coot and vest andhang them oa tbo bashes, most probft-b:y to attract tho attention of any pow-er, and lay on his baolt in the HUOW,rith his coEQpasa in bis band. Now,

here was a man experienced in'prairietravel, an adept in the nse of tbo com-pass, and yet wbo was hopelessly lost in

country which lie had repeatedly trav-ersed. Tbe e^poriejced plain men whofound b.'m knew at once that, havingjnoonscioufily wandered away Irom tbetrail, end benumbed with the cold, holindlo • fb - "lity *- 1 bis cc-npw"-,nil so :ay daw a to d'.e. Under ordinary

_ jcumstancat. the man could have goneanywhere over tbe praiiie by the aid ofMs cdmpaBs nloiie.

mental condition of B personloBtfon tbe plains 3B nearly always doeof hopeless coafasion. Not one man ia1 hundred retains sufficient control olhia mental faenlties to help himself oatof bis BH.II.UOD. And tbeand'oomiilateneBS too, with which manyI P M B give way, form one pt fte moatwtioiil pnases of liieip oond'.ilon, Somr

jurs.sgo I was gaide to a bunta\n-L; on the soutbefa plains. Amoo;iu Dnmbw^was an Eogli^man, a i lo-rilgeat"Jeupff"fellorf• (rf™aieihnps 259»IBotajs*. He waB an excellent Bbot,i t nniciiaainted with tbe-jprairia, andwarned him repaatedl.ycf tbe^dange:"'slntfiogfcwftjlroatjiei'arty; iFor a"'"""•*•• obsetired .tbe1,caution, ond

n time

vet, iliat tho manmiu iu tho ntncksa

ud boy would re-

be can.This explanation, given in tbe mr:

earnest tones, Blurted mo inetanter ftthe big tent. I t was used at night forvariety tbo.itre, where artists (?) of qucitionable obnrncier performed acta of stilmore questionable decency, and WPI

rented for religious servicos erory San-day morning. I found the tout filled t<its utmost caducity. Muuy bad,

g y ^imed. In tbu foreuoou tbe body' at

tho 'ioy was funurl lying nni?*ir tho Hm>wat 1 "iti .aca of n*. it c'ghty ..arJa from;bo etiok, He was, of course frozenalia1. At a distance of half a mile thi

au'ft coat WUH picked up, bat days o)finrcli revealed no trooos of his bndy,t WHH apparent that they bad left thi1 tack a in an effort to find their wayhome. Bat the position of the boy andat the coat were directly opposite to theroute whiob they should have k pIn the latter part of April some half-breeds, wandering over the .prairie,found tbe remains of the man sitting atthe foot of a tree on tbe baok of & B<na11stream, about BIS miles c*.Jtaut from thestuds. The body was entirely destituteat clothing, save a pair of .tTbe man, without doubt, had become

inane, and had caBt off bis carmoais ana wandered on. Bis fiboes, hat, and

shirt were a^tciward found between tbe:rec and tbe blacks. Throwing' away

ieir clothing tB a common act with theloat and always betrays insanity.

'A man may easily become lost on airairie trail, or even a broad highwaym the plains, if he has no other land-

mark to go by. In the old days of over-land travel to California it frequently

tppened that patties who hsi cimpediver ni<;ht at a short distance, irom tbeoad took the back track in the morn-

iug, under the firm belief that it was;Ue right ooe.

'It is astonishing bow quick men will;et loBt on a prairie. They seem hard-ly to have time to get out of sightBorne times, too, they are not foundiguin. Twoyonng Canadians vent uphe Led Eiver Valley, a few aummernince, bouud for Fori CJarry. A liiey hidlined in ibapurehsBflbf a pony and a

rickety old cart at Forgo, and^ionnieyodiogether. - One evenlDg ntoiltduak tbey

' " t h t A b b b f GoosenthtpcamponAbe baDbft,:Kiver: ' AftoV aripper one ' of theml l d ff ^ h t i ' t l k K

wh^ooic olow io camp.( trt

Dentistry is n^t -newBfhi Mr-otd inoiunl h

redwitb« f

•bill m bi»


olow io camp. B a n n ew more ventnrtronie, and, Memed

Oe htoOwri course.lJay, when we were T . ..

ollowea OQ after tbe herd iastead ol ro-ian,iDgtocan)p, « . we bad suppcfed.rnon our return H WOB missed *a&uarohiuiUUted. In not more, O.w

, 0 houia after he wra missed I ,ilghted,is bone fartingVoae on the W i n e .

few minutes after, H — wa« discover^•d Bitting on the rownd about ha f a

# ) l e nwpy. As won M we advancedtoward him, he started up ond ran off ntthe top of blB speed. I knew wbat wastbe matter with him aa soon as he jump.,i bat the rest a W t B^ing along-iida 0/ him, I junpea to the ground and•ooksJfterhimon fcot After a abarprtiiiloaaguthUii.- He was olewi daftThe diseoTery that he was lost, and poB-ibiy wooM not be found agnln, had up-at his intalleot oomplelely. He Btrug--I6d like ft madman to free himself, \>«• beld:pn to him,' We took him back

to camp and tied him fast Towi' light lie began to recover, And b j morn-

n g WRR quite bimsall apaln, After tbate^pedence be kept oluae to camp.

fJ leoall another instance.whish ipawtfntea tbifl pbiwe of tber lost, buthad a mote trasio endinjr. Aof mine; Uvlng in a &BW prairlioat and stacked bia hay on tn^eboak tttoimiles in tbe rear of l'i--< 1It was hiB-oustom to visit the fltaoks an(l:faaul the bay to his farm as hiit. He started'$BQ aOevnoonwinter withbonft) loads,bor'a bojr a '•Tbej reaohed the etacks,ile'Jii. and, it is supposed, were 1retani when a violent sturm CftL .what WB in thalWttt'wU • bl^lfl_-_, • J

ed, which was hourly expected.'On the following dny tbe storm

abated somewhat, aud in Ibe afternoonn larger and more determined part,>ut for tho slicks. Tliey wera reachedritb much difficulty, but tho mun uud

lioy could not be found. Tb>boles ivliicb they Iind muuc iu tliostraw, and into wbiisli they bnd crept,

plainly visible, but all ti-aoeu o.heir departuro wure biddeu under thidrifting suow, Search was .made 'imtinight closed in, when it was dieco^pu

fl. On Hie following day it

y j , uoeas-1 doubt, come tbroo^li curiosity to set

' 'how iiill would deport hiusdC in thii"iis inilipl Eer.Don. Upon tbu stiigo BQ!a burlv, veij-fiiced imt3, wilti uiuis fuldeiJin u curu.us inuuner, who looked over;be Jurcc audieuoy with au air of thiiOHt duulJcd iadepea.leuco. This wiunrolJiil, the speukor of tbe accusion.

VVbcu he arose he ff'^ucod around tbecut for u mo-Dont. evMeotly calleotiugiis tli'Migbla, aud begun :

" FoMow citizeas: Toe proaober bein1

.bscut, it fulls on me to take bis bandund play it fur nil it's worth. You allknow that- I'm juui a lavniu' tbe gam<

[ I

'eotiatp camponAhe jy

,of Goosepp

lud off on ^ ho pmtrio' to look, whicb had l*jen hoppiud

H foild to tnd

iirnijd loose,, He foiled to return. TuerKrny Wme In'aH rfght in 'the' b'orning,'

& U thimt tbeInaH rfght in

n has not beeng,

this!aj. It is probable, tbut_ w^enf he leftbe camp be wentjju.a. welitailv direo-,t)on. • 'Ii he djd 0 be might walk tn theBook; MutiiilaVnft>witbout aeeiog a hu-man being. ,fa*:fn •-•v hy.r.

" eaid,, pepple^disappear .Buddenly>ii ibfeilraiWas/ondnrij iJeVeVTieard ofuy inoie'.ifBut U qocAiiibnolly bopp

ihatpeople,are found, ^IBO.-OT,' rat'itheir remaiDB are. '.'Tbe. mpBt singularmd of tbie sort coming to my 1inowledge WDB (hat o! two half-breccia'ho ba3 been banting buffalo's in theInter. Tbe; had wandered far out

ipon tbe plnipe in search of game, andbeing ]nden ,heavily with meat an-1

ides, night overtook them before tbeyereablB to regain the shelter of tbember. To protect themselves from tboild, they lay down in tbo Bnow Bide by

ide. alia wrapped & fresh bulfulo bideigbtly abont them, with the green or

Hesby side out. While tbey slept, tboiverlapping sides and ends of the bideVoze fast, and imprisoned them like a

TitUtly wrapped, as tlicy wore,tbey oould not extricate theowelvos, and

died of Btar/ation. When/onnd, tho'3 sbelotooB, Gl.rouded i»:(be' eliffouodtd half d*^»yed pnrobmeqt, showede mnnner. at their death,'! ;\-,


T OF TH1) QOFPtt 1!' T«TH3jbH .**

courae I went to^Laad^lW thatmonbroom oj-y, wnlch oaa

h l ble«wondtrfjl m o o j y ,[roast of the moat r a sh ly , gamble«,iiardest drinkers, cheekiest bamme-s and,be viles: prosiltntes in creation. OnesIrst impulse upon Mriving In tbe town

^h l l t tto start out and Blglits—toi h l lgate in upon tbe many gambling holla,

»here money is ever .changing hmdsipon tho tarn ol a m8. Above tbe.harp olickipg ol the ivorj cbeokB oaabe beard the voices of the deelera callingipon ih'o pliy*™ to •• make your bete,jentleanw,"'while cotea 0^ cxnltatlonind cur.ing come Torlh ^a stniflge obo-rus, ottered by tbo-e wl(p losa and Ibbae


mt duplicates. nl-JOm J l 1 * ™ 1 1 ' ' / ^jwryptonBBT in the'earlir Ja jB of iheUnion Pecifle nJIroait^: j . !

I was standing in froufj 9! tbe fcolol,ban my altention wag attracted b> a

dilapiiiflted, antiqJateAtlooliins spfoi'men 0; s saloon ba ttmerW) wsi paatnaalong the street ringing » bell? At {In-

IB he would cease ringing and flhuut"Beligious i

big tent 1 Poll 1

fct. .

Taking:io a dapper "Utttf^nblwwbo atood near, I asked!1

tkji Faro Bill *" , 'IJ Well W>*. it that ajn'tfor blsK:':Tf0OTMn break

_.j if I'tuQugbt there wa« aiS%u'o mines' tbat didn't know

L,to he.onD.oLtheboys,^LonUisUy'gameby

mat twow - _ i alibisp i d ' S e t B . an' don't^atand in *itlDOthin1 now that don't ahow up * Biblior p w n boob iutb.9 lay-out. BillaFcto be tho boss gambler ot tlft camr, amwasn't,uJcord to sit in a gnme wilb tinflvost liwrts that ever slung a card ;hfl'B .cloak'gone' on the pions lay rond seems to b a n lost all tbe good t

1 Tha boas montupieoo1 down

in* here he got eo bard-tip,hat be piped off the swine

i ' h i

au' u[ couree, I may be erpeotod towak: wild ' mks, bi t I d^.a'l beltI'.r* aroo rfutbco upve.::: en.o ta.ii! a<lTn::itage uu' eultl-ilesk me n't.

on tbe first deal. I'm eineere in thisnow departure, an' I belieFo IVe strucl

thai I can piuy clear tbrouflhwithout coppenV a bet, fur whuu a mattackles sucb a layout as this, he playfevery card to win, an' if he goes throughtha deal as he otter do, when be laysdown to die, an1 the last cose is ready'o slide from the hoi, lie cau te'l theturn every time."

" I wflo.readin' in tbo Bible to-Say ttatnn about ibe Prodigal Son. an" I want

to tell yer the story. Tue book don'tive DO dajjs, but h bnppeued IODEJ, long

ago,, Tbis Prod.3i?lSoa bad an oldtbat pat up the coin1 every time the kid

:ock him far a stake, aa' never kickedit tbe bize ot the pile w'tber. I reckon

tbe old n)?n was party welt fixed, an1

'hen he died intended to give all biswealth to tbis kid a*' h<s brother. Prodgive the old man a little game o' talk

day, aa' inji'doed him to whpnk upin advance 0' the diath rocket. He'd10 sooner got his divy in his fist than he

shook the old man an' elrook out totake ia some o' tbe- otba; camps. Hebed a wnj-up time far awb<)e, an* Btungiis cash to the front like be owned thelestpavin' lead on airth, but hard lucklit h-tn a lick at lust an' left him flat.I'he book don't atate wbat he went broke

on, bat I reckon he got BteereJ up aginsome breoe game. But, nnybow, he gotleft without a ohip, or a four-Lit piece togo an' eat on. An old granger then tukhim home an'set him to'berdin'hogs,

1' hungryrinle tbey

were feedin' an' he stood in with 'em onhusk luueb. He noon weakened on

lucb plain provender, an' eajs to hf mself,says he : 'Even the old man's hired•andB ar& livin' on cguaro grub while

irrying atong here on corn huskiBtr.vgliL I'll jist tako a grand tamblo,0 myself an' chop on Ibis racket atmee. I'll skip back to the governor an'

try to fix things up, an' call for a newleal,' eo off be sturteXl.' "

Tlio old tnon seed the kid a eomiu',rlmt iln yn.i r..ikc.a hednnp? Did homil bis gun and luy fur him, intandi

to wipe him out a? soou us lie &>t iije ? Did bo call tbe dogs to cluoff tbe i-.inoh ? DM be rustle nruitnd

'or nclubood givo h'm a slunil offnt tboback gate ? En ? Not U> miysitent be didn't. No, sir. Tno sovijiturotook sa./n bo waltzotl out to meet him,ind froze to him on tlio spot, un1 kissedim, nud I lieu mikiclicil b;iu off to aotbiuKaid-ofiQtl fitted liiai nut in tboobbiest rig tn ho bad fur coin. Thenie old gent invited QIJ thetiled a fat o.\% and give tie biggestlow out tho enmphad ever scon."At the conoluuion of this narrative tbq

ieuk'r pauo-^, evidently franin*riu h(eind proper application of the story,lefois he conld resjmo, a tall-blear-eyedimbler. with a flerco mouBtaobe, arosei,l Gaid:"Tniut me as wcnld try ter break npmeot'iig, or do anything disreligions,

b, sir, I atq not that Bort ot a, citizen,utia all public hoodooa H In a parli-

aentary rate for anybody as wants to asigosiionato rise up and fire them off.

lo not want ter fool nway tine a quea-ioniug tbe workings of religion ; ub, no.

lung BB it ia kept in proper boundsind does not interfere with tbe boys in

their games I do not see us it can dop. I just want to ax tho honorable.ker if be bos not given himself dead

w«y.?" Does it stand to reaion tbat aloko would feed npou eorn hanks whenlore was hash factories in the camp ?fouM anybody hev refuHBd him the

irioe of a square meal if be tod & sttuokit? V°uld any of Ihe dealers that

^ t t i m out of his coin see Win nUrve T»B itamarkea^ afore, I do not want( toaake any tUswapeclable brenkB, but! I_ jit aoy that I have! gSt it pnt' up thatbt speaker has been a tryioj ter f«dson cnBBed fin taffy, and no one but aillywonld takeiUn."Bill glared npou thettpeakat and fairlyiesed; Js - : ... , : .:..,"Do jou meat) to My that I am a Hat!"

'•'.Wai, you can take it just as jouloofB. Some folks woold avaller it in

tbatahape." • • ,L'Bill pullel bis revolver, and in an in-

nt the bright barrels of nomertas...apons flashed in the air as the twobeligeranta prepared for aollva duly.Tbe brevet preoouer was the first to fire,

id tho rash donbtet of spiritual trntbafell dead nn the fe.Ymn.1' Bhot followed.jot in quick BOCoesEiob, and when qijietw^a again restored a score or more; of!3ead and wounded men were canted

om the tent. Having secured attentionBill said:- 4(Fnrtber proceedings is adjourned forthe day. Yon will reoelvethedoiology."

Tbe audlenee arose."May itntoo, mercy and peaoe be witli

you now and forever, ameu ;and I^wantdistinctly understood tbat I am a

going to maintain a proper respect forIbe gospel if I hive ter oroak every dirtyson-of-a-gun of a sinner in tbe mines.MoeUn'iuouU"

10 crowd filtd from thetentasoooliyas if noUitngcztraordinarrhitdoeanTtedand as I gained the sidewalk I heardman remark: ': '

"Bill bos got the sand to tnnVfi a bnnj,ip prcacUor, and I would not wonderbe made a big mark; iu the world yet."

No matter bow bad and desrroeKyeboy may be, be never beoomes' ao dngraded Or loses hia self-rcspmt soffi-olon'ly to throw xaaA on A drool p t

TirE ARTWTH RUSE.A rich mercbnnt led Uaritlu, tbe illi

tr;oaa painter, one day to the markipiece of Seville, ana, pointing oathim a young girl of sixteen, of tbe gyp

race, naked hint to do her portrailThe gypsie girl was BO beautiful, amlooked so picturesque iu the midst <tbebitskuta of fruit she was offering f(mle, tbat tbe p.iint«r did nut bnsitntu kaccept tbe commision.

'If you can pi>im the picture inmonth's time,' said the merchant, 'y<muy mtmo yoiir own prioB for it.'

Muriilo promised tbe portrait for thepud o* tlio month, and u hundred goldPhilips, wliiuh tho mcrcbimt agrood to,

Murillo gluuce-1 once mom at tho tea-Lurcaandft.m of hia faoimtilul mode',nd thon wont to HBO her relations, touk their jiermibBion for tbo young girlo Bit to bim.The gitana's relations coosistaJ of

cry bad-looting man, wbo was ber u1I0, and of a very good-looking man, iuivery sense of tlie word, who was her

n. The artist talked with them'or some time, and, on tnkin ; len

, biiook bauds oovcliall fit., tbo::>usin. 'xo tbe uncle ho was a-mewfcRlolder, for he had discovered that hecm selfish and avaricious.Murillo had a sitting tbo verr Best

lay, and tbe first stroke of his brush al-ready announced a masterpiece, when" ie merchant entered his studio,

"The bead will be admirable,' said tbiirehaser, in a bilf-patronialng tone.'I am glad it pleases TOO,' repliedarillo ; 'particularly as I have mads

ip my mind to aak you rather morein the sum originally named.''But I told you to mention vonr own

irice,' expostulated tbe merchant. 'Yonsaid a hundred FhHIpi aud I agreed to

them to you. I do not think yoimghtto demand more than tbat now.'

' lam very soriy,'eaid Murillo, "bet Iid it imposaib.e to let yon have the

licture for leis tban hix hundred, J!on do not like to give so munh iberolas not been tnno i time lost yot, and

yoa will be able to get some otbpr ai-1st to eiecate the commassion ; but I

illy shall be obliged to give it np un.lias yon can atforcl to renumerate me"or my trouble.'

'As 'or affording it/ returned ths mer-ibant, 'you know tbat I em notut the BJQI is a large ono. Alter oil, IHI uot dUpute with yoa about five

inndredFbJUpB. I t i s a great deal ofmoney for yon to receive, bat it is notmuch for me to £,>e.'

Tiew tbe matter as yoa please,' saidMnrillo, philosophically, 'only let me

ave the money.'You stall have the B!X hundred,' caid

;he merchant, wltb something like a"gb, Iwill sign an. ajweeuent withon for tbat amount tbis evering.''Why not at once,' suggested Marillo.'Who fcnowB,1 apswercd the merchant;

'perbapB tbis evening yoa wUl be more•eaaonable in your demands.'

'Oli yon are not decided the a V &aidbe painter.

'Yes, Inm decided,'replied tbo par-mser; 'but I prefer cot to sign anyjroement until this evening.Tn the evening Mnrillo informed theicrchnut, gravely vai coldly, tbat hemid not accept H:I liuidretl Puilips,at that be must have a thousand.Of eourao the merchant refused, point

lituk, in tlio frat instanca. Tben beStated, offured seven, eighi, niue bun-rod, and ah hst agreed to givo tbo fulloasj>Tid. This time a formal ogrce-

At tbe end of the month the portraitaefinibbod.When tbe merchant eamo to take it

my, he found tbe original standing be-jre it in fnll'dress, ns if on the point oflarting for Bome/efe. By hw B'JO wereincle and coasin, also in holiday oostume•and especially the cousin, who bad-idently «ot himself ap tor some very•t>?rf.-.nt icoasion. 1The merohant paid the thoosaad Fbil-s,As noon as Mnrillo had reoefral t iemey and put it away carefully in1 port/olio, be opened a Bide door iu

is ateiier, and from tbe adjoining cham-ber entered a guest and two witnesses.

Sir," aaid Murillo at length, "whilewere tr-rga'alig with me about tbe

iwrirait 61 this yonng girl, you were bar-joiuinj with her relations for theyonng

tl kewalf, whom you had already aolda piraLe to be errand into slavery. Yoa

need uoi deny it ; yoar protestationBId ba in wain, for I heard all that

usgoiug on tromtbedoaB:n. Tbeuncls>OU(tbt at last tbat be had better acceptly offet tliun yours, • id an the young

iple we« alreod; botrothed to one.aother, I thought it would be a gooddea to marry tbem and make yon pay16 Sower. Youknowwbatlamgolbgto

with ths thousand Phillipi. Thelo would not hoar ot tbi matoh beingiranged for a hundred, and wanted sis.

yon bad a-jneclithe agreement for theE hnm*rod whan I propose! it at flrit<

•ou might still h»v» gaiued.tha dkj,ml Proviileice was oil one aide, andlafojoii blinJ. Yoa went to thenn-e, and finding,' as- yon thonght, th»t

ioh: \ recettsd spme higher" b'd fotfHD; cbM. who WfB'^Hflcwl tliroogb-ou to a p",raU\ iud tliroli^h tail pirateoaTqit^hPflflbo, Touinore««d yonriffec to th,o afar.oio4s gnacdian, who is

vetw coolly at the preaentmoment, und who basgif onus hia wordbejboa the possiliility of recall. . •

•A* the anole had now a possibility ofgetilng a larga- Bum than he had oribinalyexpected from you, he explained to me,hat it wo aid not answer his parposa towbavo like an h&n^it man nnlen I, in my

tnra, ino^^wd mj offer, TUla, through'rour liheralt/,I was enabled lo do; and atlost,without telling yoa of his intention,he roBolved to rejfet yonr propositionand to Bccopt mine. Herd is tbe priest,tare are thB witnesses ; imagine, if you

nan. that you represent the friend, andall will be complete. I have deprivedrou ot tbe model, bat 70a wIU stilt haveie portrait, dood it to the Fosba.il

rod thiub he wJuld like it,"Toe maniage was celabratect withoi

farther delay, but not In the credence othe mercbant, who, myatifled and morti

a na he v u . lost no timo ID effeoiinis. escape.The Jay afterward the proprietor ol

the picture sold it Cor half its originalprice. I t he had lived in (be presWcentury be could hava gained a hundred

by Ibe speculationi , , ,__ xi.-_!-. upposii

-„ jnpro_tbatHe iiatl prd'fortbepiotureiiportion to tu»ariiatio>lenWt,dtywith rcferenoo to the greatnMa olevinced by the painter, which rendersltinri!1o-B "Young R a i t Oirl" r'**oaf



How rnnnh for first choice ?" shoutedthe palo-faeod pool seller at BrightonBenuh lost Wednesday.

Six hundred," was thn prompt andooa] bid -"rom the owner of some of thefleetest and atrongesfc race-horses in this

mntry. t

"Which ono, airf" inquired the postseller.

"WarfielJ.""How much for second choice ?" con-

iiiuud tbe pool aulLor. "We've aoldWarfield for six liuudred."

"Ono hundred and forty," was theighrBt bid."Whicliouc, sir ?""lkoBoniiam.""Sovfiu Imudred and forty dollars in

tho pool; wa'vo sold Warfleld and Ikalonhain. XIow much for third choieo ?"

'Oue hundred and forty," came againthe lost cull from another sanguine

turfman."Which one, sir P""Hatt ioF."Just then two mem came out of the

lour ut tlie vest end of tba saloon underiia email stand, close to tbe auction

t. Oua ot tbe mou was a sleek, me-im-cized, yellow-faced, pafly-cheeked,

-ather innocBnt-lookmg customer; stillhere was an oblique ray ia h.B eye which

said : "Old boy, count rourbelf in firstivery time." He held a programme of;he races, and Beamed to bs studying tlio

itries. Hiaeompanioa was a tail, tough'ooking man, of rural aspect, with aglit-ir in his Bteel blae eyes that betokenedxjluess and conroge. Tbe man withie programme brushed against tbe aua.ion box as be faced the group of old[Kirts, moat of whom were eager to get

on Wurilctd. They looked unon himaure to win tho race. No attentionis paid to the new comma."Eight hundred and eighty dollars in

ie pool," shouted tbe auctioneer in tbois. "We've sold Warflsld, Ike Bon-itn and Hattie F. How much fur fourthoioo ?"

"One hundred dollars," drawled tbomffj-laeed man on the last call,

Which one, sir ?" inqaired the poolliter.

'I'll take Harry Baasett," replied tbolutTy-Iaced man, tbis timo in a clear voice.

The Doys all heard him. Muuy uflem laagbed, one old sport near tbo

itrongers remarking. "Bassett's beena long time."

"Here he is on the programme," midiffv-faoe, pointing to a line and pko-

12 tbo card before tbe old sport's evea.Tve heerd he's a good one, eo I guess'11 RO a hanOred oa him."

"That's the pedigree, man," repliedt old sport, looking at the stranger

half in sympathy with bis ignoiiuiQ?.'You'll find the horses what's goia' loin la this race on tbe le'i sitie, thar,bfg letteis.""Much obliged," said tho stranger,

l o o sea I'm from 'Swego ; we duu'tive no racing there,"

, sir, wkieU one ?" inquired thoicticneer, agaio, impatient at the delny.Qaicbly glancing at the programmeie man from 'Swego drawled out, "Mol-

Mcainlcy."'Nitiu buudred and eighty dollars iu

lie pool, and we've sold Warfleld, Ikonharn, Hattie F. and Mullic McGiu-, How rnuoh for fifth choice f"'Ona hundred," came as tho last bid

am the old Bport whu had enligbtcnod1 stranger,"Which one, sir?"".Tenet Mirny.""Ten huDilred and eighty dollaru \u

lie pool," yelled tbe seller. How muchor the field? We have Little Jim andTipper left." 'Tue field was knooked down at $45.'Eleven hundred and twenty-five dol-

u-s in tbat pool; how much to start the;fc V" Bloated the aaotioneor.

This and half a dosen other pools soldit the same rates, tbe man from

Iwego baying Mollie McGialey everyinte.Finally tbo second bell rang for theirsea to form for the start. Fool sell-

ig ntoppad, and the boys all rushed tofence on the quarter stretch to see

tie race..'Which ia Mollie McGinloy ?" inao-

raUy inquired ths man from 'Swego ofihe old sport.

"Ye see tliat jockey with a green cap?""Yes."

"Well, he'e oa Mollie McOinley.""Jim," said paffy-fuce to his compan-

m, "keep watch of tbat grebu cap."The green aap came in ahead. Tho

Dearest tbat Warfield oould get to it washalf a length at thq finish. Tlio mau

im 'Swego walked off with a satchelFall ol monej.

Th« question that pnzelea the red-faced•porUnow is "How tbe mau from 'Swego

6 to light on Mollie McOiuley ?"

'. A Mir Cnuntrj,We Immngine that there arc but very

[aw people who realize the extent of ourutional domain. We were not a little

startled to tba the assertion la the Fhila-lelphia HBOOOD, that the finglis'iman's

proud boast that the sun never sets onis Briiiah Empire is just as'true of theTnited Slates. Our country oituadsirongh.197 degrees of longitude, or 17

degrees more thantbalf way round tbo[lobe. San Francisco,, instead of beingmr westmost point, is only midway be-:weea Eastport, Maine, and tbe furthest

oar Alaska'Islands. Just read whattbat enthusiastic Presbyterian bishop,Her. Dr. Sheldon Jaaksou, says of bis'Rocky Mountain Presbyterian," and

feel yonr patriotism expand: "Whentbe Sun ii giving ita good-night kins tojpr westermost isle, ou tbe confines ofBebring's sea, it is already flooding tbeields and forasta of Maine with its morn*ing ll'jbt, and in the eastern part of thatItatfl is more tb&n a hour high. At tlie:rr tnfment wbeu the Aleutian fisher-an, warned by tlio approaching uhados /

1! oiglit.ia pultiDgbta canoe towards tbo /ihow, tbs wi.od;cbopper of Maine iff :beginning to make tbe forest echo witjthe atinng miu-ic of his axe," /

A pair of aoifflors was lost, and /ttle one luggested tbat a pra£ or bo f

howaiat a larking cunwiouiIbftt there oaght lo be a enmbinatiprajBr aurt work, so tbo youthfii'OBonbf"-""»'!:" "BS*. mother. I 'D

er anil »ork. s Jtier saiil i* "Now, motlior, 1'ij

pray wbile you hnnl."

Tfaet« nre. throe bimarod ami'Mstgjmm In dood •tadHnt to OVflTrtwd liTorw kwynw. /

Page 2: composition in them HOT-LEATHER...$1100 yoa and Hho wore hd and h»*. B. B, Catinifini SRA-D1ATI0IIS. Iteui'jof intereat—coupons. Do good with what thoa hint, or It ill do tboe ao



ct Vn.nt.y :;•'Fall FasMoaws.e Ai=bn |pp •!, aud win

' w o r i n w to be 8tnrt-<*t>- 1-1

gnu r.tirtt

ioclRt t ie |-Osw«»'" <iitt ibfiir«d. wity, til

e [lita again

v. bniiK oDwntfid liy Uie creditor »f *''f r"(» Point Iron Mining Oowpant

Work will be ree<ini«i n««i « e k '» tllL

V i d d » e l o i t l « i i t » B ' U£Or P o r t Otm

ht Pontuylviuiia parties who haw ««.«•«fee tose tbrongti A Elliott E*I

TU* rejwrt tint the furnace a t Hn.keUs«i»si iwiW bo pat in tilu*t tbe Ut oIOclol , r Itdeiiail to liteovrnenf, wbostate tlinlit will not ba i»ut iu qwmtum this >car

Oor-a mart the I*Uigh Valley 1)«K b« on.„ busy U « «f ludustrj All t ie furunuxire iuMlbU'-tt tutcliurB acept OIK thatin for MI)Q la th<- set tie m out of an t*tat«J

Tlieiivemgeur>iUr product oftbi. i™&

lin furnace, W» t o u e o f B i

c>f i-

\VJiuy heit llB

P.er jriVJUw*

aa. tho IH'Uwiwe,tu<i Wwttera Ksulrowl OhrLstluuni iu tlife jxwit iim-tfi li.w been

lifuit tbfl

ypom voeks ftfjo tie

tmu, which h tlw la r ia t w « mails by auyf urance, except one nt Pittaborg. tbftt is notnow ia operation.—Uagistar.

11,0 Kej-Btone Furnace, at Cliain Pmn, l*w\Kttn sulil by Henry Fuluer to S t « « . Dim-U>1 HunUe, Joint T. KnlgM, Samuel Thoumnntnl ''"1"> »• H*n*y. **•!• known "I"0111LleM'f o r» lM,«» . Mr. Fulmer U>ngUt the fur-nai-n »t fcbcriff'is »»Ie, two years an", fcrfcffi.noo." In tli. i « « " t « ' " . Mr" F l l l u : G r

r, aem-a an iron mine tafoed at $50,000. ItI* bDiieTrf that tho pnrcUafie i» in the inter-mt of (ho Thotnns Iron Compnuy,

Inft w e t the stockimW-rsof tho IbonmIron Company met at CatasauquB to electthe directors for the coming j ea r : T i e fol-lowing were ekotali David Thornm, Cain-n W ) W i ; Bwijmto G- Ctak. New t o r t iSaniiHlThorofls,Catai»uqnai J . T . Kniubt,Eiuton; \Ym. W. Mamh, Scliooley's ilotin-tninf Gtarlw Stewart, Eiiflion, nna DanielItnukla, Artwux, K«w Jemj. No furtherbusiness waa done.

CInrisou Bird, of IJoiuborg, Is now devel-oping on tha McCain property, letweon An-Oarer and EoBOTlllo.a vcmof iron ore wWrtipromises to be one of the largoat and richestID ihe county. It UOE already been uncov-ered to the extent ol 18 feet, and the p»i*poet is unujidly good, nehaaa lw fcund alargo vein of red oiide on the property ofSlillG Yunfcirk, near Sparta, which Prof.Cook pronounce* jntt tho thing to makeBessemer steel. -Susaex BegiaUr.

Political Notei.l i t e announced tail the Penajl,TnDift'and

New Jersey Central Railroad will mahe usevere fight this fell for tha control pf tUenext LegiBlntnre.

It is probable that Mr. C. Frank AxtellTrill be nominated for the Assembly by tlieRepublicans of the Firbt District incounty, althongh Home of the papers aretalking ol other candidates.

The latent M«J most brazen proposiliouinpolitical circles i* to nominate fix-SemtoiCorniHh for Congress In tha upper Sr^"after liis term in Slate Prison expires Andy r t i t U iid his friends ore serlonilyten !•.!. ^fmch action.

1 Notwithstanding tho dnmagB of findingStnte TriHon at tbe end of nn official term inWamn county there are iota of prtitatfcludiTidunlH np there who m n t to gat hold o!Ibe flesh pot* that contain the ptillic pap.Tn fact, yon conld warily fling n utono n boa-(IredyardBWithoutstrikingamftn-whoito *tno the dear public.

Two important political ronreiiHonB wilbeheld in Newton ntxt Monday-one HiereRnlnr Republican Cotmty Convention, mi.'Ihoothor a "Union Greenlack Labor amAnti-King Maw Convention." The call* brworded nearly alike and eipress the Isltation of nnlting all the voters ot Snaie:Connty whoaie opponea to the perpetuationof Democratic Ring rule in the conntyanrSlate tflbin, i« «» fnmallon or on TTnloiAntl-lting Ticket, npon vbich Anti-Iliu'DcmocrotB, Grecnbftok*Ul»iirKeronner«iuiiIlDpnlilicans may av.h be repreBented byauuHdnte." The offieeH to be fllUil artHlato Senfttor, County Cletk and AwemtilyBndftcominHteewillbe nppoinled by ciclconvention lo confer togetlier and of both.Tills promiees to make the poiillcal fighl ii

' Bnmciw olo«e nnJ bilter ns thnt of htfull-

nvangulist andAa to wliat lod to

ibis no fnrttif r oiplnnatioa wouW scom tohe necewstr)' tbnn mioh iw would l» iDdieit-o.l by the ii>rimr'B paititaut oliHmcter amihi* bom dibiiwlluatlou to bo kent Jn lead-tiigstriufp. lint liisCriwtildouil BapportfK*>>- that tlio nri^'iu of tho qanrtel was jcalon'isy ou the piirt cif ll« pastor anil pome 11!hk fiock. Tlmy mr tlisit Dr. Osraun's classuii'i.-iin2» its Pridftj- evenings MgularlyIirfin«iit toRether 150 persons, and thnt••oiiltl have /ittoniled them if the room lmdbtcn Inrgcr. They wow aeoomimniod b;urtiit entlinainMiis, mid were the uiflnns onmking many ooavenion*. Aft«inKt HIIH thi

nil filzc, ttntl ia u"t permitted tn become arevival reefing. The othets nflmit thin,but they » y that it wasn't espednlly a i»-

for tho strict obMrmnco of the ralesthat dictated the objections, and that anyway it wasn't pructiatble tn «bnl the dnnrsof the cla«a room whon just so many had got

Bide.-Whatever was tbfl MIMW, We rjiwwl itselfafl tlis, nccoriling to the etnry of ODD who

was present: Four weeks ngo, jiiat us Dr.Oxmnn bad concluded bis meeting In the

1, Tealry, Pr. Bowman entered. Dr.Bowman ia about 30 years of age, of middleheight, dtont, nmooth whaven, with blackhiiir.flnii wornm? fpe-taelea. He addrewe<lDr. OnmoD, snyinjj that he had been RuiHyofBcandaLaiKlthatitwashiB doty as pu-toitofemovohimfn>in;«l»nrge of his CIRBH

charged mfl that Dr. Osiiuinhad said to Jlia clvn that there was 110

forthe. pwr la Dr. Bownun'sohurch:that the rich were, orowdlog them onl.Dr. Oamun, the pMtor aaid, clearly had I

PORT MORRIS.Anil still they Hhake, aiicl rtill'tha do :tot»

give them quinine, vbicb breaks .np tb<fihukefi fora liWlo whilo bnl they -will comion again. Eten young John Clousewns bora and miBfld* here, and grew atrongnnd rugged cut a bear on Malaria got a rightgood eludiing up UHI week.

Howbeit that what will cure one man'fover and ague will not have the slifih'cst

acto. moth.

; •

an uponriment

Some men get HO full ofqnlnlne that feteithat—or.what aruggigig sell tor tionly Aggravate the disease. One ahnd taken every cure he conld hour tell] of—Ayere' Agno Care, Iiidian Cholagdiie,Hedges' Ferfii and Ague Annihilator ete.,without effect, mva to ivRgmvate tho diftaiM,finftlly took a enp full nf the ttipremod miof burdock leaves, n pint of Stanhope whikey aud n fow leavoa of yarrow, or whitetansy, mixed iu a bottle, and took a tablespoonful 3 tunes n day anil it cared hint HOthat lie has not bad a shake in B. year.

When onr folks get it a few doeea a t e pBora salts and Ayers' Agt"higher than a kite."

I benrd a story tlio otlior Any of a manwQom a certain doctor had been experimenting for some time, but still be had hi* r«Wtar freeze and shake and tnei wbon On dayrams »ronnd( finally the man got mad andthe doctor did too, and the man of pill* ftndpowders said to his patient. "I hare triedevery remedy I know < on you aspect oae.Now go home and get two littla twgi of sailmade and wear ona tmdar each a m pit for •week. If that don't cure yon I gi.e it ttp.*The patient did udlrected and v u cured,hnt I am inclined to think it was his f''thnt raado him whole.

I congratulate George Zeek.cn the arrivalof bin new girl baby. Pet«r Mbwery'a was ahny nnd *Wm, Cavnnatigh's was a cirl. 1

The day of the clam bake wan stormy ,l>nlI am told theboyahad* good time istanding.g

Olive Lodge I. 0. O. F. IUntmryr^ndga at Sttccftmwni Thanday eveninga voek ago, anil on Tacsilay oTtoing k ^they Tlalted Randolph Lodge at Dow, kndhod R right good time.

Thoy wiidi me to convey their tkanlx tothe bn th rea DI both Lodges for Uielr, coaf-teens reception, and tbe hope to bo atlo toreturn the kindneea a t nn distant dty.

There m * gentleman from somewhereIn Stanhope «n Tuesday looking for a BIUon which to build a • l l kn i l l . I nndentiindhe offered the Farmed company two thou-sand1 dollars for tho site on which tbe crum-bling n i l s of the old bnrnad down gristmillhnvo been crying to heaven for fifteen yearsfor nomebody to ooma along anil pall themdown—crying a t o I in Vain. Jt ia the Ifiwntalk that Iffr. Mbffiit asked Ave thonmnd Qoh

,lar* which tha gentleman refnted jo give.X glre It abb on authority/ that Mr^Abram L. Clark offered TO « m the genUe-man nine acraa of land along the nMrvotr

Hnn»l j ! fcr'Mr. Olarfc.D.-J: '

Tbe people of waahiagton are In noamiable moodfrUllBeatty, tbe piano nuo,wbo promiaed ty build extcoaive orgaaworki, bnt nowdQas not Intend to do i*.Even tbe local press ia going baokon Beatty,which I* bad for blia.

ithcr clfififl mootiiif them more th.r

iv's class on Sin

;n drew together no cneH linker's dnnou.Klityx, tbe dentist"v his ; Hrotber Taylor's on

Hdiiyx bad oiih»titi{! of the )fcj!-

nn rare weisioun rmljr nut up tKeveDteen-

On thi> contrary, Pr. Bowmaii.v iho .iiiam-l BTPW Bimi'ly nut 1on of discipline lty the W«*l

a mneiing is lituited to n TI


i.rutk a

t fo muu

i;*wr,'Eer. lji-.,Spxtr?l of t lantirf Ohnreii ofScisUng »H

; i*nn!t, Bflnernlly every otbi

sou.* tlw^»t a ragulard i

Sunf, tntil aept.*filh Ust, wlifiii Mr. Millbg-1 bwamc a member by letter, from thekilts .Street-Baptist Church of Patoiwn,J, While aBSMiatecl with ths PrateBtont

s,fur WUPUI he preached for a nnin-brrof ytnan, Jlr. SUUIugtou fonud that he

ilile to fiiliy ami heartily eubscribeto some of the fentnres of th^ir dootrfne.ind Biidius that of tbo Jtaptists were in har-nony with bis niidtnrtauding of scripture

tcachines ho left the former and became as-sociated with tho latter a year or BO ago.Though ho had for n considerable tliae beena regularly accented ami ordnined preauheror tho gospel yrt to tifvotoo a Baptistpn»ch<>r iuvoKtea with the proper authorityand dignity it was ueoensary to subniit ofnn raskuiiuution by it council of uiinUters

tvil intentCbarlw McOraekcu, th g

liolder luw been preflcnted with ft suit ofclotlie* liy

md other fochurch, btnet

Tilt iollowiIlted, iim! U

nil require nts of thattlio meeting of the Cou,

jg IB a list of obumhef) repre-iaas of delegates thereto.

6 Mouutfliu, liev. Samuel Sproulud Mr. J . V. Stephens. Morriirtown, Itev.

J. V. Stratum, John 0 . llill and George W.lkliiH. Sumait, I'd, Hev. William IAW-

WflDtage, 1st, Hev. G. Dyar,uingdalo, John Hopper. Newton, 11 ev.

E. Thompson. East Orange, Bev. "W. D..Heclden, Edwara L. Hwiwey. Patewon,j WilH- St., Iiov. M. C. Lookwood, GeorgnWerdcn. lUemou, Union Ave., Rev. Z.


'lOretwll. North Orange, Ki;o Oanlt. North O t »

•™ I Myli-r. DrnkeTiUe, A. D.

V. J, L. Davis,, 2d, Kcv. B.

pustification in making .


charge, andjustification i m a g geven if Uliao.beeD true, it would Btill be

iper to toaVo snob a renwrte beforelam meeting, 'lam meetig,

Tho dentist turned to thfl "Didany-oody hear me say anything of the«ort that IBin charged with?" he raid. "Many of yonwho are here now most have been present atmy olasa two weak* igo. Did anybody hearme wy that tho poor were being' crowdedont of this chnrch by tha rich ?"

"I heard joo," Dr. Bowman mitL"Yon were not inside, Dr, Bowman," said

ce mining a little, "and yet[' corn acquainted yon withr ' l i t h a t r

i hotter than yonr heart, sir,"

other, his vtvoa «iy thnt you'rhatl'said. ~

"My earn athe pastor replied, bin voice rifling toa

"YoaT«irn are bettor thnl yonr eyes. Dr.Hwman,'11 Dr. Omna retorted looking theiher Htnugbt in the gpectacleF, "I don'

thiuk yon enn look into my heart, but yoneem to'have been capable of playiog thiaYeadroprcr."

The piwtor tarned out one of tbe gnrfigljtBiiud ^Uresned himself to tho janitor. "Cloao

ia vestry," b wild mildly, as he picked upin ha tOu tbo Friday owning following Dr. Bow-

man himself look charge of the class meet-ing, bat it in mid (hat only six perrons weithere. The others were all at Dr. Osiuuu1

meeting, in a vacant mom acrom tbe square,ODCO a tlu hhnp. Ou an evening a little lnteiDr. llowmui. Brother Bonsall, and one or

o otbera wbo hod baen appointed a omittee by tho church, vailed npon Dr

inu at hia honsa. Dr. Bowman wax tbespokesman of Ibe eouituiUee, audhe eipos-tnlated trilh l ie fiery dentist.

"Dr. Osama, will you deeiat?" be said."DesUt from what, Dr. Bowman," ioquited

theothor, 'Trom serving Qod 7"'Ton fall under the discipline of the

church, Dr. Oemnn. and I am here to askyon to desist fronr your present course, notfrom the service of God."

•Before wo talk, Dr. Bowman, let on pray.I ask you to lead in prayer."

•No, no," Dr. Bowman replied. "We arehereto—" : -

'What I" *he other exclaimed. "Do yirefuse to t ray ? , I B It not3>iop« to prey atall times, andU it not y o u mission as

inlsteiof Ood'?"^. ^ " i - V - \ - •The CoinmiUee did not accomplish its es-

pecial mission. Dr, Bowman prayed, andafter he had'done the, Vulton Iminediatelywent ftwuy without a wo'ri fnrther.*'' I t is

ideratood1 that the Committee will doonire.port in fator of'St. Oimtin's erpulsibil froi« O h h B : : '""' J ! ' :

German Vallay. 1"in the line1 ktf

iliuglbftt hiiVG ocoomid, In Uiese partsbin lbs pant few montbn, has thoroughly

arqUKed t i e feelings of, tlie batter class; 0:il t ie feelins in this and nolghlwrhooda.itWns in this and nd^pininB nolghlwrhooda,

nil on J'fidnj afternoon of last woek a maet-IngWRBli'el.ltt.ttia batel'ln HUH place (oorganize a '".Tlgllant iodotj." ifr. 'ElIjJiDufford nllod'thB malting to1 order, alterwatchT&r. John 0. 'WebdiwaselMba Chair,man and F.'Bv Stephens BeoretAry of saidm*HiHC. Aftir dating ibar<aill the folloV-ing


were eteoltfcoW. HooV '

Prc.i^nt, Elijah DufforA

• "HobtPitney. T ,,'* MpirU Niwgbrlght..

F d ! D B t b; MpirU Niwgbrlg

' SccreUry, Fnd! D. Btepbeos,• i TTeasur B r i0Wekh ' 'TTeasurBr,i.0.Wekh. . ( , s,

It wMr(3ecidod':tbat the Boclety ibtjnld beknown ai tKer"WMblnglon Vlgllani p *cioty," and th»t tho officera eleoUd ahouHform an eieontive eonrniltlee1 to prepare t£ecomUtntton and liy-Uim to be prwonted attbe nest meeting. Jt wait tdjoartaed to meat tb*. aame place on 8-ttud»y SepL 18th,4 o'elocl sharp to adopt andtilgn tbo onti t t i F. D. STHPHBHS. Beo'y-'atitntion. ;

,: ASuffici

The action of the Somenet 'Praefcoldeni In tdeclining .'to prosecute Ihe snlfa agaiost|Cory; the DIctatortrT the Boi^,'remtno>; 'of a story: A'maa-wiui on trial for sleallnL

t, tbeevideiroe of his guilt iraaconclb:iii*a,i/evea faia; own eonotel urged him to

r._adnnilty. jBut when he had glancedov4r the Jury ttDpannetled he declined to doan, and entond the plea of "not >nlHy."No one oonld dndantand it, not even tb<

* for the oSdnder, anfll Ito UlU;leaned nrer and wbTupeiwd lo Ufa esr, "evenoneuf UietnfellenlUKlBailoeof'that1 hog.^

A luge naw vela of.vcry rich franklinlteoreihoB been disooverad < on land* of theY*ra'iiklin Iron Ooinpany, a isboit dWaMrrom the large farnmco', rnnnlxig parallelwith the old minea, al JtutkOn.;"feiF&nklinlie .««, whloh ti 'M exUmslfoljtallied at'the'ilUage nunea, ia said to bWtl»Bneit ore 6f the kind in the world, i n * [tindlBooverj of thi* i w Veia win odd mVnjtlnnmndi of dollam to tiaa ValOB oftheOom<paay'a lanJa. We noJenland that ihe' Dewvtdnwiirtmmediatelf bf'aDOOTSTed u dworked, wfclqh'wID aiv»/«mploy»ent((o a--Tiber W maii apd.',)!! ,™ny w»y» beuflt

[ anJ adjoining commotdtioi,-Decker.n Independent,

4id killw] by ft ]nUt at tbo Urnmd iu u hotel oi>.ellVL\ and the

vcre rtjuigttiiutl, uudA girl uamud 1

\r»ttr Gap, in lying veiy-01, i »S)u> saya she wan bratoUy

me man of tho


W. S. BABBITT.Catalianas frt:o on juptU' ion. 4^1

cittaentt of tbot bortWbo will'no* Bay that it doe* not pay *

lUfornter with a big B?Tlie Sawlon Frertijtery now has three

liaslouariea: Tho EOT. T. 1. ByiiijHalguria ;th« Ruv. O. 3, Ilvnlfti. at

rria ; and tbe Bev. W. H. BeldBn. «ho willHist in the work at Boignrfo.Hilpatricfc will soon bring nnt bis

lefitnro. "MislakeB of Uol) Ingnnoll." Ifihonld retort and Bbow up tho mistakes

of Kil. wlmt (liejMrilbat De^kcrluwntnuUfpnisl. him. to say uotli

iugftbout molttB, gflatogtoObili nu.laiohtikiThe Committee awarded the printing <

tbe Fourteen Year Beport !o tbe Washing-ton Star, their bid being one c*nt for pub-liBhfngjtlie report and printing 7,000 oxticopies. s I t 1« thought tlint it is an atlvertiiing ilodge, and that Bentty n-ill fool the bill.

Tnes4ay of last weeky

cptfined in the SUMO* juil f

iel Yauoruen,wifu rounlcr,

.Vilkiaon, Tbos. K. Wilkison.The ehumli was hand-wmcly decoratedith floors and rinoH. nnd was ornameiitedy neatly frauieil mottoca from o variety ofiriptnn tests, which werQ printed ia oolorsMug thn whole interior a pleasing effectIt was hinted that tho Bessiou of the coun-

il wn3 toboa priviite matter, but In an-iiwer to inquiry about it I w B informed by

of the members t int if such was ft footi 11 new Mea to tht-m as they had al-

way» •npponod tint all the buSineBs meat-Bsof tho Baptist* were open to publio•rnthiy. nail iiwitcd mo to n seat in themrcli' T ie Council was organized by theU-otina of Mr. Bproul as moderator undV. Thumpron w clerk.The nett ing opened ntthreb o'clock P. M.

wiih singing and prayer, after which theBH of tlio Council waa announced by

the moderator, whan the religloUB expeiice or the wudidate was required, then1 call to the ministry and flna)!y hia VIOWB jboripturu doctrine, all of which w

a necessarily brief, yet remarkablyrlear and full deolaration which elicitedcomplimentary expressions from tha Ooun.oil which closed its business aa far as thepreliminaries were concerned at half-pant

o'clock, after making a programme forthe evening's exercises.

The evening meeting commenced ftt Mvenand a half o'clock, and opened with singing,followed with prayer, and the reading of 1scripture leason by Bev. E. Thompson,when the preacher of tho evening, Kev. Mr,Lockwood, from tha test "Preach my word'delivered au eloquent dUoourso which waedirected mainly, to the preachers present,audodrispry in character, and constitutedtha ordination iermon, which is spoken ofIn high terms, Mr, Ctreneb. made tho or-din.iUon prayer. Bev. Mr. Dyer 011 bebaliof UIB church extended the hmtd of fellow.

I ship to Mr. MMin«toa,ind M w n . Davisftnd Hcdden dalivcred tbe chnrgei to the,iewly made pastor and tho people overrhom ho wan to have Bpiritnal snpervWon.

On the fdllowiog nrtrnlng—Tlrtiradaj—mothtr (wrvico waa held in tho churcbirhich waa introduoed by singing tho 707thhymn, " S U M up , stand u p for JesuB," read-ing fi7t"h r»alni by Mr. Lookwood. Prayer hjHr. neddan. "Wljea Mr. Grenell, who in84 years ojd, and baa heen over half atury ia the ministry, pruiohed a stirringsermon from Daniel, Sd chapter and 18thverse, I said to MTeral of my friendu thatI would give the principal featured of thatsermou for publication but after writingportion of it oat I found it was going to taksap toa much flpaco In connection with thisletter, which fact is my apology.

There has been a good deal of sickness InDTftkerille for several weeks past—malarialfever beinii the caase from wliiah Mn.

•e D. Blagbt died on Tuesday morning,v It, H. Gary ii now miffering from It

1 and ia very low i t is reported. C

profession of conversion, to llrs.>rice, of FlainfleH wflo has beenat the Crchmn those tor the pout

reeks, and baa frcqueully visited tfai'Kewtoo jail inBtrncting Crill nud Yuuerdeiin religions mutters, and fnrninbing thenwith papers nnd other docnmeiita. At Vanonlen1? request Mrs. Price sent fw lUv.David Waltars, i»»tor of tho M. E. charoh.to whom he manlfeatea fl spirit of conver-sion, aud said it was mainly throngh theinstrmentalityofJJrs.rrice"fl libon »t thejail. The solemn rite of btpthta vraa theiperfonned by Mr. -Wnlteni In tbe prisoner*.ooll in the presents of nnly three or fowMHOBA—Wewton Horald.

• TWO n01l5E3-OKE FOR $ir.;THE OrHER FOIt $ff»-





BUUGEH ST., D0VEII, N. J.Bept 6tb, 1679.


ANRBKUH PIG TBOIf.The Engineering and Mining Journal of

hut week Bays:We qnot - a sale by ft leading Lehigh com-

pany of 10,000 tons of Iron for next yearn'rcrj ht «22, »21. >20 for Nos. 1 and 2

I Foundry and Forge irons,; There have been other sales in a t,atfnll,'6pire«,andBoin8 even higher thanthe market for special brands and promptdelivery. There have besn name mien, olwhich we have been unable to learn pnrtiou<lara. .There ia, noquentipnably, a largo de-

: roand, not rcpronentini!, however, Ihe^aetn'ai reqnlrenientB of buyers, bat largely;jn-

I'tioipflted wanisViberfl Is alw> a .lemnrfl foifipcculfttitin. We look npon tho large enlequoted nliove m an Indention that thin compatty, at leMt,adHcir«tes nn over-production,and, eonsBonently, R oheck in Ihe advanoeof prices. We nntioo, m theelement of tha i n n trade, a s inoHnMion togo carefully,'rithongb. the BaqiRnine filarntill predlota a lurgo Hdmuoe iu price* aenntitinui pruainK demand. "Wo qaote Nn.lFonodrr o t»a3 iNo. 2 Foandry at «22 ;andForga.Btt^l . ForgeHvaryscarM, andvariable b ptioe, aocording to brand.

pJL cable mwfliga from^Tiondloii, mder ilah

of Seplember i0Ui,J ailn'onncea that an onlo:for 60,000 tons of MlildteArnngh' plg-iroh,Im-'ihipraent to toe Thlted Bt&iei, h u beaopUcedatMiddlesbrotisb.

Fanlagtbe llackclts^nwa 'w»ki, Yia.K. AlB. B. to Fenriijlnnl*; for threa woeki endingThond»yefeainR,Hopt.l8tu,lB79., m t i e m r o o n . ,, ..:•-. ,TOKI. o n

MonnUinVioir, . '... . 768 MRook«w«r.....'.,'.;'.....'. 4,068oa'Diwr.:.-..V..::r/:..v:.:..;.• '.'.-. 4117

t . ,f s , yaBitUkn<l Choi-

t e r l o o j ^ ; :

The Sussei murder trialfl will oome off i ta Bpeoial term beginning OcL Utb,, .

FoarortWflve Uvero'lianun were 10-fiuted in tbe Warren Oonrta tu t weak.

Th«. BhiehK of B.3nttyc6town, the «tU' ^ h o g s , huftpsirtheimlted weight 1

wbiah la over 1.900 Itn. .

, aei County.a n a s fbnner'wfill known botel keeper ofNtnrtotf a i d l a t S t u a y '

Tfaa new hose jacket of Chief Crook,' nfNewtert, will probably bo 'aocepUd for >by th^New York Firo Dopartrnont.' ^

Thi ptaeb orebttrdu of upper[ Soaeex' iavBt>orne remarlablj well thiiBeaaotil 'and ; tfob BMMge'prlM h»d been re4ii«d.'

ViAVIaxAnu. Cellar; of Warren; 'fciiptnr.id elvron Uol baxkabi in tho V^+ue be-

tweun Belvidare and 1'uiUlpaburg one(d»yI W week.. , , . . , , . , [ / • .

Tha bog dlaeua ia making fearful nvageii" ' Dn .dWifcM

FALL DEEBS GOODS this week otW. S. JJAHBITT'*, Mnrriitown.

-„ . , . . , + » •+ro't. at•#n, MorrittowE


TALL DRE8S OOOD8 this week atW. S, BAHBITT'B, SIorriBtoirn,

Ui DBE88 GOODS thin week &lW. S. BABBrrr'i, Moirlstown.


i week itrr's, Morrii

^OODa this week litVf. S. BABBITT'F, Morrittow

Don't beDisoonxaged

Those irho have takenalmost orerything andstill hare malaria in yoursjstem—there Is hops forron. Get


and get cared.50 for 50 ceiiU.-50.50.

See pamphlet"Dr: 0. 0. Vooro on Malaria,"

68 Cortltndt Street, S*w Y n k .T0UOIIT A KILLGORE.


AOENTB, DflTKB, N. J .Lt'tterB re iumni i iR u n c l a i m e d

lu t h e Post Office at D n v e r . N . J .BUT. 10th, 1870.

Bertie Carroll, James Csrr,John Omiman, Mm. Unry NugenLTo obtnin »nj of tho nbove loLtorB say "*&-

Tertiscd" and give date of this list. .A. BEEMEB, P . M.

DIED.HEDDEN-At Dninn Qvne, flcptember l « h t

RBODA, inTc <jt Win, M. Ht-ddon, kgea Bftyyears, oigbt men lbs and I we he diyr

CLAKK—At Summit, N. J., Aug. 1l.,*lt? or Tincent JB._Cl»rk, an


naM.B.Charittmbcr 17tb,

n W. Olovur •

REWARDFor tbe conviction of p t r am ' i Ii tlie Cnuilwrrj Manslun of th

O. M. H'nthmiin. Z. a r . I l N8o[>t Vilti, 1H71*.

erlhiij nf tU Hi .wl d Ij d ImprninDBttiin>i"*inv

the elcfiioo of flre 0irt,clnra of wiid Cm,muy, will bit held nt t>,Q office of Edward CLyon, InMjmtittnwn, N , J . , o n

MOWDAT, BEPTEMBEIl 22d, 1879,U ten o'eloekA. I I


• a E OLABKDirectors.

402DalwlBapUjmberfllh, 1879.



TmoDOR Tionpri ru ' '

Ciovoland, ':,Chicago, "{• , Nebraska;

.Kansas, Colorado, Dakota,0AL1FOKMA, TKt»B, u d

than fron New York aiy,BiOOAOB CHF.CESD 1» o r l l l k


trerj nnugs r feel i t bom*,


tis . n ' Rotmi Iti iirjn *. t >iup»nvA V * J i r e u , muit.limtnui mid ttiUl ..i.l nU, Jt-J uliiit ii t a . l o

BI urim iiltbtiflfi* *Hi"l " l i t i r i kli<ii. talne ilm.t •• ii<lm!lixi». <. i

l l l l o 1 KIIIBM« Hi.lil(iiL twi ult ^ tliiut ni.lix.kr n-

cul of Itj h dis

/jxiinry,....id MorriB. .inJHtrtOtJiBi-KUitdueaittblacki-o w. l<au!i »f tbu Mil•• \\u- Li. "iiming coriui' of tlit; wColt trucl;iin't n« ilosci ibixJ hi I Ut* I'.tMord at PfctU

Amlii.i- il j itJUth.furtV-llve ileKrew east seven1-lir.ius itiid fifty liuktt; tliciicr W nonli «i:.t|-

" trees Hwfe siEtcen Hni'ii aiiJ wveutytheneo 18) north tliirtv-flvo degK-iu

ciily clieiuRi tliHu-u M) north fourlieu1 vmt one bmidreit aiiJ flfty-Reveu: tbencc (5) west twenty uJiflitit»' thenceHi uftj-nioe dfcrt'uw »v#t twi-ntv-eigbi

(7) •utitli i-inhiw'tt JeKrip-tiaiufi atid ninctv links; tbeim-dtgreiH wsBl iwcrily chanw;

tliiriy-McVL-n oeurec^ *vca(



MORRISTOWN, N*. J.Dealer in Drugs and Medicines, Chemicals and Dye Stuff



' A'fulIsisorlmentofTOILKT ABTICLEdaiUorrmtuwn, July l«t, 1678.

<*i ilirlj-a^icimutb eightyflic «>.i -



, th&ni,o (11) =l*( tw

r chiiaat i i f l

ilH nl

p r W e tlififiv di-

cisbtv linfci;(H) Buth foit ^iit [Unr(ieii m i

:!iutii8iiiQ arty liiiU; thcuoe 1X9) northiLviim inui ikgrtcn i ,t due lioutired &HJ(VI D cbaiiia nnd forty ImLs lo tht bpRiiiniup.t:ontafnitnr»lwutlir«nt>'-iliree hundred «cr«

iT Innd, but within whwli brmmls lisve heri-fo-nrt- been ennveyedabont eighteen or uluatccnmini re J acici, leaving about four huDilredfires, mrn-o or less, h.r.bv luteuded to litntiviiTtii. J!eliig tlin aimn property convevfio Aiifiiislun W. BPII In- Andrew A. HmallaT.

l l Hated flppt. 4t!i, 1873, and record PI] Iumutv Cltrk'lOffice inltook LlSnf D«.ii*,

I'll.kr. ' JAUED IIAIKES,Mister in Cliaucerjof Now Jorw.T.

K. IIO1VELL, 8o)'r. tL^n

Morris Count/ Surrogate's OSes.SKPTEMBER 15ib. 1879.

i tliemstfpruf AugnduflC. Canllefd, Eico-utnr or Harriet Ware, iH«n«aed. Bum<-

* to limit crodilore.i aliovc-named Eice-by tbe Surrogate tint

iKntor pivo pnbifo notice .'o tbttl^BBtate^f sa!J rlccciicnt (0 bring

g A s o r r o limt c

OK apithcalinn.of ifintor It Ii oHerud

b id E '

r oitb, witbinv etting u

songln t

lamcuiidfr oitb,.bis dale, l..v setting up a mpy of tliwillun twfulr daj» bcrcnflar i fi

b l k l l fa O

it order1 of tbi

rr , , thoOoiintvofllnrria Imonth*, "ml also nittiiu tli-jaaid tweol

duj'Sljyof.v.TtiBir.fiittifiBampin tbe Inos Enoiiool Iba ucwupapere .)t thi.Ktale, for tliu oimBnftCfcoftiuKjdhdSnwfe'atsidJsiiKt M.y fiir-tlier notlrv film nnnctwKiry) ;*m1 if any ertdi-

" ' ;!cci (Oiixliibit lii« or ber »l'i>t, de-iiitn ivtlliinUieisid pci-ioj of nb<

montli". publw notlco Whip )>iven as afortuoiilHK<bnr^JlIor«lia!l he foi-urtr debtrrc-d of ];iin-liL-r nction tlii>rcfor HsuliiKt the anid Eicon.or. A trap cony from Hie tnlnnten,41-lOw OlUhLKK A. GILWJK. ittrronalo.

AGENTS WANTEDit once for the only richly ilio«tr»)cd,tnth«n.tie, anil low-pricod nork lull>- detoi-lbiug tbe

hy Hen. J. T. Hcadlv, th© prlnco of deseripllr.authori. Lose mi lime la thu demand is ulnt-

l i l lorrilorylielne rapidl/Uk«n.

"Ta3 SiDfinnVst., Pliiitdnlpliia, T*.


"Will Bagin This Week and Contimie


1 lUVJi fOJt Till;OF THE (JELniiKA'J El)

PELOUBET, PELTON & Co.,Standard Organ.



Ever Known Ii tlie Ainals of tlie C M I i i TraileMORltIS COUA'TV.

Those Desiring to Imvc their Garjneiils 31udo to Or-

der can do so at Correspondingly Low Prices. Do

not liny one dollar's worth of Clothing mi til you Imvc

visited the Cleniiu:; Out Snle of


1879. AUTUMN. 1879-


Hardware, IromAND

Steel Store,BLACKWETJ. Rr » WAV. MORHIR. HOVKU. N. J.. h»H now n m» v, full full ntmHAY CUTTERS. CORN SHEL.LEHS. COHN ('U'ri'];jt.S Al'l'I.K 1'A.RlliiM, OS E i r e S , COAL [JUiriTLKH. COAL KCOOPB, LANTKUNri. &o.

i>ni] »l»«y« in ntock n full lh,o of




Watclios, Jewelry, \

l»r<t«lv incn-taed Blnck of PltiR WATCH EHf.HD jEWELItY utpriucH uever bi fore llionnh-f fur fine goodd. In watchI'B civ stock curj-ri«t» over uuo bundrid (100)

AMERIGAN WATCH'ES,at til styles and qualities, rrmn 18 to (350'adi ts ' solid giilil walcbea, fnira t i5 io t l25

nt ofjewi'lrj in ending virlbt.v,r,un, 12.50 t ()W. Kings of alt kind«, rroin t'.,e flnB,t Di«-mod lo a plain gold weddir E Tinc of alt

,.eo\ chain, ia ataman Ool.-. g ^ t S iwltb lockets, pendanti BDI* crossei to matohtjpectaclei anil eje-glajse , tn atnt nit nact ind


rv. ii. WHITE,443 BUOAB St.,

T)PPOSITE 31. & B. DEPOT.owuk, N. J., Aui;. 29th, 187(J. ^ - l

T H E ONE-PRICE CLOTHIER, ™ now comfortuWy installed i:hia new plnco of business, tho MANSION HOUSE BLOCK, Susso:St., opposito Cain'H HIIOO store, where lin lms opened the fine fit ClothiniHouso eror seen in Dover, anil with first-olaaa "workmen ai id enlarge)facilities in prepared to do fl larger

CLOTHINGbusiness nt LOWEK PKICES than were over beforo known iri tMiend of the State. Call and Bee my new stock of SPRING and SUM-MEB SUITINGS, embracing everything tlmt ia new, Btylish ancserviceable for the Beason, including Fancy Cassimerua uaid Cheviots,Scotch Goods of all descriptions, Dueskine, Meltona aud TricOB, andeverything required in the line of Suitings, for men, yoivth and boysAlso ft handsome and entirely new liue of GENTS' FUHNISHDiGGOODS, which contains all tlio new imveltiun in Shirts, Tins, Collars,Cuffs nnd everything elso for gent's wear. I am nlao fioont for the•WHITNEY SEWING MACHINE, (he heat in tho world. I meanbusiness, and for stylo, durability nnd low prices, intctnd to plaoomynew clothing house beyond nil competitora, A call IB respectfully sol-icited. THOS. WALSH, tho ODE-PIUCE OLOTUIEB.

The New EmpireHrtt-Air, Gas & Base-burn-

ing Cooking Stove.


>r'cooluBg Htoros lt9i I ' l


Hardware, Cutlery,UMB, WooJcn, Copper. J'Jain and J-piunoi

,. 1 X1SWAHE.

Oil Clottn, O«j|Bt«, hampn. Paints and Oil*••••' " FjQ»t «M, prjiil> Aitml Ullinon

Adj:urned Sheriff Sale.1™ IIri 1" °""'-r-T1» ".1105111™ II

W, u. OoioW lino, 4*6.!«(,PITHEr*50i



uJ8 wimn tli ft jtticti of Lumber IB BO lo n ottdo profiUblo.


Bliftvo nisult

Hoy canftrrangeinontfl by whioh foioffer extrowd; low rates o

the HUMMER TRADE of 1879,i all kind* of Imnfcor, including


anil D R E S S K D LlTniBBR'oC every description. GawingPhrning oF ernrj kind uonu BH reasontthla i\n nt any mill. It ia wallknown that lho«« engagod in building, enn wve ono-third the coat bjlittTing tbeir luwbor work«(i to order ~ by machintrv, thus effcctiiHreat wiving ia re»ii«ll tabor. To t t is braooh of tha bo«mcw aptattention is given.

GSOEOS RioflAJaw, Freeidetit.JAB. IL SIMI-HON, Roa'y and Treaa.

Isiio B. Jomtr ,OotcifBua BXIOH,L *W. Btinnto, Ocn

Axes and Edge Tools,FOCKAWAY, N. J.

, ... ...."oHofonniiie; tli..pnbUo that inch Is cot tho cats, Wo are ni.il I

' "'lonss, ba*e DO eocnRoliouwitbinyothcrbiterer, and iluil cuoUnnB to make onr

_ _ Downcoui* mill freilcr.cire lb»n BTCT.onrRoouiare hiDd<nuds,ttaronil)onl and

w e a n lbs only firm In Bockirwtyninfnfi inchyoodO eotlrelr b j bind. Vf**z.l%jen for





STYLE 2, Oiut fiot of UM'.IIH, ftvo octavos, iivo utopn with uct. i-'omili-rml mechaiiicfil Hub-bnao ; prioo £120.

STYLE 5. Two BOIR of roons onii of fivti octavos and one of two and•no-lmlf octavos, Bcvcn atoj^sj price ?l">5.S I T U , 8. Two aetHof reeds of five octavos each, nine stojxs; price .;l?0.Wo do not enU'i" into cnmnr.iition in jiriooa. Evory Organ from I1N>

lowest to tlin highost price, is of tb« sumo quality, and nuulc in ilicbest postiiblo niannnr. It if* t)oyon«l coutrovorsiy tho BEST amiCHEAPEST OKOAN in the market.THE STANDAIID IS THE BJCKT ORGAN FOR ALL PEUSONS

AND USES! N O V O O R W U H K ! NO HIGK PKIUEH.SrriiE i), Two Rets of five octavo reoda, nine etopa ; pricci §1(10.STYIJE 10. Three sots of rondw, 01m of five octaves, one of tluv«

ctiives und 0110 of one octavo mib-bftse, with octave coupler, niiiutopn ; price $1110.

This Organ is produced for tho u^o of tlioso who wish ii low tuj'JhdjH'l Organ fit ti low price. Tho tone is loud and Full, nml tbo sti>p>unnu'ous aud well arrnn^od. The workmiinship in tlio very best.I iMiiinuilM1 to HL-1I tlio Htwiilanl Orgnu jmt a.n chraji «S they ran tin linrl in New V..-L nrtw»,k. Yno "ill «*o frtlghl ur.\n-n»-%wl If tliu inKlrmnonl Kli.tuM prt nut ofi.ni.-r iil.io

.''r'u-^rfl. " ' I"" r 1 ' Rr" 'R< l u r t J " ' IIJ c MW]^:uBKN!lm"wi:^^^'ioT!w-V,Nl.'.!th '"D.>v«r, N. J., A«R. 28tli, 1H79. MUSiC KTuliK ON MUSSKX ST.



D. MOLLER'S.Wines and Liquors of all Kinds.



amm os HAND AT



lion at s large expanse procured «q


at ih dabmtal iL.tro.

wtu located in tUtt



It in ot great power imd in Tolnme ol toneqiml to a BIUHS HAND OF SO PI£DE8.

It \viU be on exhibition ou and afbr the 4thof JULY. All m iniited to olUuiJ thl«ixUbitlon. Yours T«BpecUnlIj,



Groceries and Provisions,

C A N N E D G O O D S ,

Foreign and Domestic FRUITS,


3DSHfiltflt.,ai«ir t ie OOMIOT oE*8-flni p DOVEIt. N. J .


.ore,Sussex Rt, Sd Boor from Canal

BrMgo, DOVEB, N. J.Tbo park™ »ro thorough IT rqcipned with

.liioe of Qriffltb'i Netr T»Lle«, the Qn«t inMB eootlon, KTIII «T«rt kpnofnttn«nt '' **'ptiee ii or tha beat ardor. The B*r it i . r rwith Foicenopan'« Export LuRcr, tl,c boit inho *orlJ, flue drr Oh*mpiBOf 'nmonlio Liqaort mil Wlocs

, th, tor tga »

he britgthe



A. KBRSSIAW, - - ProprietorHftvlug ipKicd 'tho'jlUnilon ITotiiiD, ]nn

orcoWd »od mint topcrbij •nd'cnnVetiientt'farninljed hy Sir. 11. O. QnrritiW VrW>iUBtci•iroe^lIorrUUwn, I «ouldc*li tliu t t t t n l ^ ;

ntif. IDIIOI tho pul.Ii'j Reneiof'.it bdvanUgci it cfiuri lo So

perraio*Bt quells. Ii

llv, intram

. InSpent Hul

Tlin rktai »ro tunlimited n

i&irligrH arc offcrpil bj commndtnttt.*d7»Tdroom. . i , A.KEnai

t« PrDB.Hotof of,Ten Rjvk tlnum*ll!eN J c r r



mlMtvof hdt

Notice to The Delin-i lM-Mji^Pjjyers•ftf, ttie. Xp w n of Do-









insurance a Specialty.E.&G. H. Ross&Breese,


Insurance Agents,Office, Old Iron Bank BuildiuEi

Morristown, N. J.Hoprefenta the following flr«t-«li:ii" compmi*'ETNA FIRE INB. Co. or H.tlforri, 0". t»|-

iUltDdHnrplUBO*<ir JG,7i>0,()00.i iA i iTpnnnIKS OO.. AWUi*^rti'^-^AMERIOAJ? HDXOAL INB. Co., of Kttjrt,

K .J . As*et« over •1,400,000.FIItEMBN'S MUTUAL INH. Co., of Kc"rt>

N. J. Capital »n<l Hnrplns oiror II,0W,^a-MEnCHANTa1 MUTUAL INS. CO. or S i " £N. J . Oipitat ami Rtirplns »bonl f l.OOP.t-W'

QEHMANIA MUTUAL I M . Cr>. nf Ni!W*ri, S.. J . "OaplUl i.ti.1 Hnq.hu MOT WOW-

MUTUAL BElJE^lTLU'E'lHS. 0,U <rS(<f•rk, N. J. . AusttB uvtr »U3,000,OOu.

lnatironce cfferUuli

il dtacrijitiction of the Htotc,

ll t

s itproperty in y onlow mteH afl tlio risk will nIOKBPB I'AID VltOMl'TLV, endmimnR in v t U t

rfu w vMuae fttloiiti

nuMju ut a dinand roculvo

cutluii wuru iiiuilu in pcnioii.A. JUDSON COE,

l^ur»tyora»tl Collcotor, Dover, Vj





25 PER

Kli b«TO boon bought at DXSKB<OrT

K and I u a Vffvid U sell tliom


Call earlj for m


M OBBISTO WN-Horriitown, H. *., JOB* Mb. 1H79. ..

In ill widlM.

Page 3: composition in them HOT-LEATHER...$1100 yoa and Hho wore hd and h»*. B. B, Catinifini SRA-D1ATI0IIS. Iteui'jof intereat—coupons. Do good with what thoa hint, or It ill do tboe ao

THE IRON ERA.O I T V ' I U » A Y , SEPT. 2 0 t h . IBT1I.


I In I«R»ILoun Exhibition


Will bo held is the old SegiA\-dtu»div* Thursday, Friday atid Satoir.

da/ of next wet*.Con. fibclleTo « i > ft i f V

' W lc& at 111

Kuw Jci-eey liiiH lCor.l iKirttlcn nudKo«tl fi. 11. U.t.711

al J0V8B at Borry'HRuligious Notes.

Mr. * * » 1!'<*ler »l» '«'«' «•«

fti.nn, B11""- 6nnH> I,.„,!( ntH. H. Berry's.

it-house ami «to liia lnrgo rtoclf-nld nud silver wotclies.

Got your mo,

]'uy tbo "Empire"' overalls, for soleMelon's, warranted not to rip.

K !vcrnl iutcrostinK articles of a looftl na;tun! will bo found on our last pago.

The nanion nt BocWi I*** 1»*B bwn qiyMitinfftCtorr to tbo hotel -pAnirioww.},:

All Uio ffi?niiiDfe''pn'tci!t; Medidnia' toldj ,\. Gomhtlo'H lied Front Dmg HUiro.

(V<.f, J. C, Colo bM Kooe to KnoxvillI-rl.,vrh(TC he ii conduction n niuaiuiil cui

1 H,!Crip*imm'nm boiiiK reci-ivo.1 far1, i! fnr ihe new Spl in t Church nt NV

) k'-t

or 'Kiliott,ek, hut we s Rlml to noto

Mv.rnim- lli'i«m:ui(l l-ilt.'rn,' pfiprrp, rto.p ^ . . d Hiroutfi the MoriWmvn r w t Ollicwed; bo f i« Iwt.

Witimm n . ViinaVrWlf llw ff«4 r«i]r«<iii'i-iiiit-, Hpmit tbo livtti'r pnrt of 1«KI WUP!m M< rriH I'ltiiiiH.

Men=.ra. J i i f .H. NoJKlilrnr, fli>o. W Fnr,:vili. Aug. W. Boll, fttid Goo. W<!rt« arU'hnl of for PrOHeontOr.

Tlio trtiirinufttic. nAlleqtipn ftt Iho 1°™i-ifiif.ilion will contain Con'JiJonfftl iuonoy,f-in i^n coins, ancient coinfl, ^to.

J'ure Rround apices ; also iinihtaril, purslif,,,.Wr.:i.ry Mrd for'"nnvhriii,,', nt JftH. 1(.liH-iliili-'B lied Front Drug y t o r P -

'1 In' Koctawny foundry employ«PS IIIWmi.triwutwl RMimoufly to tli« relief of thtviMott- of tlie Jafo John llcnabi' .

Tin' best fit In B OIIBUHH randa boot cri,oe /on can got In ftt Heinle, OIL IHackwoUri'rcct. Lctivo your older and be uuuvincci!.

lU-iit-ilict Siiciiltii-ltPr, tbo KIIO- nmlLf-r, nfirin-nM l'n-eliyterinn Church, inyn Im don'tiiitnul Io bo b«:it(!ii in ii»w *" r k o r "l1 ''((((ilitfof stock uneii.

T'.rj lonu exhibition will bo niatlf nttvao-ii«> by a very fine ilimilny of oil I'timtin^,M.-..1 eiiKtiivingH, chrotmw, Rtnlnury, .i'.:i"uiesowun.' uml other works of mt.

Kiltiil'miy IIOHO Company nf Ni-wdm willbe the Rupritflnf ImloiiendriiiUIr»fin Companyhi tho coming jwnulo in MomHtown. Theywill i.robnbly take tho Huckuttstown Hnud

at ri'jiuon'H lotrtt Mmti lastyear's pricctj.

A large literary sedety Ut helug esteulifh.adMorjfiatowu.

Her. Or. Merritt; ofing Toronto, Cftna&u

Morria township lias 8 « dogs. No oneonon nwtm mom tbaa tlwfa

.W»ao» gloss, all Ou>a j nlso mirror plaualold at tho iied Front Prog Worn.

A mra .CQlloctiun ol,oldI,books sn<p a y Iw seen at tho loan exhibition.

FMhioo -decrees tbat tight pauUfigttin be wom by gentlomen t h b fall

Pennieitnreflo scoroo in ilorrintown Uin|UIQ National Iron Eiink biid to Bend to theMint (or $100 worth.

E. O. Egbert hne twtf bis plnca at Den-jiiq, oomprfsrue flftceu ftuftB, to Sir. J . M.

Uaddlok for n.COO uaali.If you want n g'^od toot nr flaoe to keep

vonr toet dry, idoors nbovo th<

Re BuluUi truck,uphyr tru.k, naefltn at tf*o

ill at JIniiil'a alioo fstoro, twol>OHt office.

if JlMriBtowu, bun invitedof Tlninfinld, to bo tbuir

Henry SiuiUi him op.ni(:>l at tbo Allen m i ua batbttr whop, wliinh will bo optn ever

ing nml Snndiiy ninrning.iB riflo with wbiL'li l'tttuftm kilted the

wolf will bo 0110 of tho (ittraotiotiB ftt thn

Tht> old PflQ.minnehtta

Kcbonli in tha WbiUibidl U, B. Chiuch

next Friday uventug.By changing the roadway a

lawn in being ntadu for tho FiratOhurob at MeadUam,

Bey. Mr. Jonwi, formerly pastor of theFree Methodist Ohurtih iu th|9 place, Lw.b d i bj h

H ]<>iin exbibition-C« ctpablo ofree rooius for

York, of Morrintow

ithOnn of the pri-lticfit tbiiifip in lowti iu tin

Mn.y of Htom oummentalinn in Ibo viiw'lbivlln'ttiitiflcH tlio Krorary estahlwhniDiit of J.Arndt on fluHBcx Rtrttt, ami attracts Ui'r.ttrution of all vlHitora.

Thiireday wns tlio beginniug of tbo Jew-ish yuar B640 and is callod Roeb Hn^hinimh.bciiiR tbe first d&y of Tisbri, tiio sovoulli

'»t ich>UUiB crdhiKy tmnsac-

luion Bank will close hero-ftftiT nt 4 o'clock, rfl-oponing ctt 5 o'clockfor a half bonr to &c coin modulo cnt ot towndepositom wbo nmy bn unablo to wncli tliobank during luisinewH Jionrs.

Tlin I»rgoKt ear of corn 'thus far i» tlieflpjisou conies frnm tbo placo of Mr. J. II.Jncknoii, nt Kockliway, anil was eliown iwby Mrs. Jiulge Wooil. It wiw fovrtoouiticbcHiu luii^I-ii r.iiil cn^rrT[toij(liti(/)y Inrgfiin every otbur wiiy.

I Mr, Wm. tfvheoi1, a t his jjopular, jilaco atDrulteTille, uffi>B,4 tola ,8dmiitrr about GHcity guQeU cniiufnntly stopping' at bis house,Whioli linniber him been increased on Satur-days by those coming out from tho city toSpend thu Hnubath with him.

A utono from Niunvah with cnuoiform in-BfiriptiotH, a liunp orer two tbounand yearsold, ftr.il n piece of Jewidb olinroli eonico inuso over four hundred yearn ago "will bnfiniong the tilings tbat will doliglit the IUIU-tjimriau at tbo loan exbibilton.

Mr. C. S. JCHHOII, tlio carpet weaver, hasremoved hiH place of buriine^ from tbobaaamtsnt pear tho pout office to Uio htorebuilding ob iho oorat* <rf Morris ami Jllaok-woll Klrcotfl, in the renr of Andiinsou A VanLiew'w undurtaking ostflUwbrnont.

The lollovring liavo been chosen to repre-Bcnt tho Dover Firo Dep&rtinont in theBlaU) Firemen's Convention ' nmt Wcdnes*dny. Chiof EiiRineer BcnutU, Porotnnn D,Molicr, of the uttiftmor, Foromnn Lambert,of tlia liose ftU(i cx-Forewan Gibson, of th&

Witliin'ft'iiiifp''(ind R hnK or tho \iharbyfohi in Jlndiflou reB'ulo twelve maletwelve frninlo ponionfi between tho n-gfid nud 01 yeiw—thoro being onn "BOX living ^ tlm lattur ago. Fom of till

fumulcB ft K to t

n bumno

'E ^inflBley, Esq., tmin this plMM for thn peat,ur yeimi, hoii ('"""K t h a l

j hw, built a rcputnti..n for burfneRi.

" in m.rUnlilo purwiita. May hi'•O.tl.emnnynndlu.^ortaabumlanU:

In tbo rnco for public tiLsmWiilllitim wntchfi" li«vo rebjpetiti»«t. foreign «ud nativeunrivnllcd na tiina-keeporu, a>durability An" tilegftnc.

the, fa.

•well as

wmn at tp| is! p.

iiiit BRnortment of theso watt-hen tatty beat tho aUractjvo jowrfry on' ibl Inbmenl! t llrptui-*Li»utt KeirarV,

with holes in them »ro in oirmutilation having donbUess be.for tlM sakG Of Uie triflinc quantity of aiwti

to th-*genBnuiy,"WMi"»- r— .

fraud. ,BDiOMABlon*, U» Wr work-, »«l

toP^eo^CUtk's.BlBckwollstr.otItill doing > lively bn«ncHB and now

wiatlog woihad boll " _hftvinc it bmiglod by inoxpeneOrden. -ont by mail will botended to.

Legislntuw wbtnh li «» lT M ,


mlK nielli j;ui

>!JtJJMl OfJIUJJO1, i,|;tl,, nnd «

diiy till 11,0 2 1

been wtorned ugain to

Ber. W. W. IlallowEy, Jr., will deliTor atemperance lootore io tha Uootiton Pro«b;terinn Obarull oeil Monday or. uing.

Rev. Qoo. Muller, of Bristol,ootod evangelist, will hold religions servfei

Morrifltown thougbout tbo coming wotkirn. U. P. Entiin, ot ^mkgtoci , wliver n lnctnre on " Temperanoe," ia tl

M. E. Churob of Psnpauk, onevening next, the 24th last.

o grading baa been done at the MiltonUnion Clinrou, and weight* put on tlio win.dowa. An organ has also been put Into thouburob for tlie use t>l iite choir.

In the Second M. E. flhurcu, Her. MiGUI will preaoa in tbe tnornlDg on "OarFlag," and In the evening on the "AutnmiDays of the Infidel and the Chriatian.

Revival Hervfoea were held at the Sfiltoncbnrob lost week by Bev. F. J. "Word thtpastor, Bev. J. H, liobertaon of B'oouiUig-date, nnd ltev. A. T. Fretz, of Hurdtovra.

The Epiucopftliaiw of Summit are rejoic-ing over tho payment of the debt on thedohuroti. The unoant was $7,000, and it

m boon pafd by ouo man, who•Itlibolds bis naino.

sA lady Of Chatham—Mrs. W(iii,JL'Mfid fc<;ro-on« to fcfmUb Ut tu«.And in ft fi-w u<oniiju^a WELA &U1CU

Harry BuUiv of Ht-cordtr Sullivuii,nhouldt^ brukou by

«f ]loulHanilRho(rif.irfiiUftHd

itoro on IJloiikwull etrett lowowt ratG'i,

iTHon'ii Ktorc, Dover, iaulurwrw, uml. rstiirtH f<.;

mil fiOc, tl»o buHt lor tho m1Da anywhrrtf.

llout n bivjido b:ind fo

id Jt K

which ho will noil


ed tuo fiuo truck

n in

ttod of ia-lien fmntily, buvo boflii

arch of ii Hilfc f

Trinity II

Any pfirftoiiB poKsi-intribtd.o to tbu i:in whibltlori next'inK Ilium iu by MAmong; oiil roll'™.11 ho old clii"-.,

CH thnttl.o grout

C(lllf.Htod tlda

ingiug to thRc, the

H Rftitor forO. Fo

roll'™ lit (bo Joim .iiiiitjitionclii"-., ^l'.;l:-;. of furnittiro,isilH, M\A othor hiri-'looms bi»-old fmuilioH of this HBrtiou.hoo uuilter, unit door to tlin

illing to order a fiuo fiilf

nrkui liijt nditotk Hiry <mirt 1will of tins widow of tho late H. 11.i, of Morriiilovrii, tluyirirB nbout f!t!i(-

i() to rcligimin ond charitable iiwtituticmrt.o interest of #1,000 ia rfveti to tholies' Emiiloymont, Srvnifity, ot Morria-ro.iVhtt ia thought of tho oxt of vnnilianafactured by J. A. GOOL?. I, at th.i liedmtDruR Rtoro, Ibo lorgrsst mHifnrstinncrthe Stfcto wriUiB - "Hand mo one gullon

nrti of your i-xtract of vanilla, it in thoTOiigeet, boet nnd purest"Sheriff HaDavit mada two wilea nn Mon-y: Administrators of John H. Smith, da-mod, VB. John Heun auil wifo, farm in.uovor, to eamttlithiant far ,?2,f)0f), Jobnince vs. AnpuBtuH H^rlzogb find otheffi,nperty in JofforBon, to coniplainnut, fnrIM. Tim inuuiiibrrtuco WM <i..:r ^13,««wvA liwly sisnt a claim to ono of our W y o r s

0 other (lay for ciilloption, nnd in Iier IH-it oxpreHBcd Uio hope tlftt Ond would helpim collect H. The only difilcnlly nbout

eombinntion wonld bo that tho two[dom Beom to work together, and if theyd ft woutd not bo long before the Iswycr

M qucfitlon the othor's jurisdioliiThe biff exennrion whioli went over theI*. & W. roiwl lout week wan andor tho

ipioes of KORH ftreot I t E. Church oflkcnbarro and tho Frovfttoiica ii. E.iireli Of Rcranton. On Tuesday tho par-vont to WPHI Point, on Wednesday toeg Branch, ou Thursday to Bridgeport,un,, nnd on Hatyrdny returned to their

MeBsrB. John fl. Gibsna, of Dover, JohncKicmau of Vatenon anil John Gauiuilu-In of Trenton, the committee nppointod b j

lato Firemen's Convention to draft Con-itution and By-Lawn for tho Ffromon's

,nBoeifttion of NawJewpy, mot ftt NflwnrkTwesclay and performed their dutioH nnd

ill preaent tho result of *beir labors to the. inuetinff ftt Trenton c s t t WodnnBtlfty.

Mr. J M . E. Main, of Plftlnfleld, nttemptodliclfle by liaaginR at tho rcsidinoe of hisj-fn.lsw, tor. F- C. Goiter, at Morristown,Sunday. Mr. Main, with fl<weral otherH,

camo Buruty several yearn ngo upon ftml given by tbo Oonprogfttional ChurchPWnfloW to thu Mutual Life II.IL CO., of

few Torfc, fnr $20,000. There bus of late•en diwentionii In the «hc«K Only two1 Iho RuretiPB bcsideB Mr. Mnin are, it in.id, worth anything, ami when tho Mutualicd for the penalty of tho bond, Mr. Main.come ftfrnid tint ho misht 1CM fill bisropcrty, and this preyed upon bin mind.Ooe of tho morjt roliftbio morcimiilo lionsnH

i thin end of HIM Htnto b *ho l.nol nnd nhopjtabliHliroDiit'of Itodorer A Hnagan, opp.jo 6-epot.m this pluo*. We <lfl l l o t condor

,t tho Micceu «bich attendB it, f<H there none on aucb bed rock Pt

•••• ! » •

T b . < BOOil« «t Uielr iht to •


b.for8th»y I

shoir inlercBUi will do BO

y ? «"><• • l o o k ' " '*"into. Sno tneir oo» odrcrtiicnunt

II Orel W «' "»» i""8-Tlutro ia ttlAW ghicb unpomtiiely roquireH

that tb« C»n.d» UiWq "t*" b . ™t do»n b«-l d 1» nbo »»U. Io

cTub" infor1 flna Of J

ntT trcmurj

ae.l Bgniuwt nnd maile ioW, ouo-bnlf going to thr,nd the other to the informif tho f»ot. And any one

» about to be eadan-

Stirto Conventjon of tho T. M. O. A, atMorriKlown.bPBlnninBOctoliprtHh ami c<HnuiiiR to tho iStb. A recoptioii willSivon in Lyceum Hull on tlio evening of 1flrhl diy.

A Bppfial convpntifm of tho J'Jptocoi3ioeorip of Nnrtliern Now Jersey linn liesall.'fl, to bo bi'ld in Trinity C'liuroh, Nnwnim Tiif«l.iy, Outobcr SSlh, at lim A. M., for.he iiurposn of electiriB n Binhop, Tho delSRMIPB to tho convention will bo tlioso chonenit tho KiiBttir oleutiona.

Itnv. Thnnifl B. Condit, brotlor of Dr. I.W. Coutlil, of Dover, in the oldest Hcttlml

>r ill tlio Vreebyttiry of Newton. 1h3L'f>u jmstor of tlio filillivntpr DlmrcliJuno, lKriO, with tbo oxoqition i>f iwe

i (1841 and 1M2), when he Inboml illhtown ami Kiiowlton, rrliirninR to

!(!Jhi- r hi

v. Dr. HIM

I'buroh, bus butll by hiH H

fty prribnlifin

'r, Howitinil's cci'ict ii

:> tin

fccivfd i.ito fullr,i revival .hiringtwtolln.-r«.—Drtn-

il hiui

An onOiiiRiflRtin minister mnt n friend ntm-ktiwny duriiiR tlio lull' suiinion of tliuswnrk Coufer«iico Camp Jileoting, ami nsk-

niij bear ft friend preaci; onciiuip ground Unit day, and incutionedfact Ibsit thopronohiT W»i rijjht from the

win of God. "Whprii did you. my hoi from," inquired tho friouil, "Itiglitni the tUrone »f God," replied (ho min-r cntbusiiifitieally. "Well," ropUed hismd, "he's very fooiiah to coiiio here, for

io stamlH a good ohaiioo of not gettingiolc again."The fall meeting of tho Fmbylory of

[a.-riri aud Orangn, wrii ht ld ifWliippnnyo Xiif'Klay and Wi-dnaidaj last, WBS largely[tended, tho uui'nl rnulino of bueiniirWi wasauduoted, and cousidembla time aud at ten-on given to tho missionary work, JfoasrB.ftiudny o»d McPheraon, recent grodaittos

tho Theological Bamianry fit jfiinoeton,who bavo ictcuived calls from oburchpB of

in ProBbytory, passed nutiBfactory uxiunin-ous, and thn Prenliyt.'ry ndjoiirneil to!*JI on Wednesday nei t for »hflir ortbnntion.1 iujtblincnt Mr, Mmvlay uaw to Stir-B i.nd Mr. MePhotriwi U. Ointi(j«. Tlio

next HtnU'd mcetinB of tho rrosbytery will. bold at Snceauumr. in Jtiirilnnxt.

Entertainments"Past and to Coma.Tlio fair and fuHtivnl of Iho Mt. TVocdora

M. E. Chui-cli last weak nuttod over $70.Tbe annual fair of Iho ladies of fit. Mnry'e

Jhuroh will begin on Monday, tho 20th tost.Tiio "Pinafore" entertainment At ISeaH-

am to-uiyht should attract a liirjju atteod-

Thn MnrriBtowu M. E. Raiilmth Schoolnjoyed a pio-nio lit Green Vilfogo ou Sfttor-ay, Beptembor 13th.Tbo procnods of (bo rouont peach fcnd IOD

ream festival at Newfotmdlnnd amountadIo $110, wbioh will bo expended in mating

wry impnivomwnU on the U. E.oburoh.luppor at New rroTiiiout^forilie lion-

iflt of Mrs. Buyre, whose houHe WM recent-y horned, notlnd $0S, which with nmonn ts[ireviouMly duuHcribed, makea about. *25o'

r her use.

Tho Husk family pio-nio camo 05 atorBoneok on the Eth. Thfl family r.um.rs two hundred nncl «ti;hlr-two. A pig

-oaeted at full length, head and tail, wasie ultrat'lion. The occasion wns ong ot•fir.t enjoyment.A dramatic aMMOcmtion is being re-organ-ed in to^n which will thin Winter lirlnj,'it a number of standard eomeniofl under1

in auspiceB of Protection Hook and Iii-.ldernmpany. Most of tlie member* of theiHoeiutiou of two ycara ngo nro enlisted in

of aiorrintuwu, bud bi(i fall from n hWin ',

S in . Ejully Ogduii, au aged latly of Mu4i->n, dmppdii doud from heart tlibttase whileoalstg DU Friday uJ" l&al week.A. valuable horeo belcwglug to Willlatn

JaoobuB, who live* a few miles below Boon-ton, WOK attacked with hydrophobia, and bad

be killed on Thursday.Honry iuaon, an aid man of Mt. Freedom

was thrown from hih wagon aud ruu overtaut week, sustaining MTCTO InjuHee to bishand wid brnitieg about hU body.

A. barn near Troy, flllod with hay andoat*, btdoDgiUfj to 0. It. I-aeallo, of OrangQ,wan dentj-oywl by & lira of inyeturious originon Friday ulLnruGOU of lsflt wuoJt.

John nowden, of Gold street, fell fromhis -wagon and wae ran over one day lostweek, and was so seriously Injured thnt ntone than bin life wu despaired of. lie In

jw improving.In tba darkness of lost Saturday night

George OcBted walked into the cannl baninat Rookawoy, and after exploring its depthssucceeded in reaching TKntu PIBI.I* withoutinjury, but the provisions he was carryinghome for his Bundny dinner were irrotrioy.ably loat.

During tbo heavy Khowpr of Bnmfty oven-ing, 7th infit., n bam at Middle Valley,occupied by Louis Afgar and belonging toMm U tonng, wiui fitiuok b

Fiin'jwavb&iuuw bru^bihi j ju n* 5pel bftslict.. 3. It l li'ytr, of Now V-nnjn, h;^ Lu.l JI 0bAHkclu of peaches stolen from bin oruluirdiithin Bcasau.

Tha peach CKIJJ ot John iXuJfcu, al Biugrldgc, will eunmut ihtu year to one

Htnphon Grass, of Now Vernon, oxp:cU aprofit of aboat *y,tKlO irwu liiu cmji vtpoaclics tbia ueoson.

Btowart Ayers, of Cmknstoni, in a eui>cmtni poECli grower nud has sbippftl thinyear about flftcaa hundred bunhote.

The Jersoyiiwa BOVB that Mr. Jolm C.•ffelah, of GormBn Valley, biw prohablj thefinest peach orchard in this part of thn

and hunted wl'b «!1 Us oontoiitx and twobnrrackB of grain adjoining, involving a loisof $2,000, Two boyR who wero aleoi-iugin tbo barn escaped.

While bathing in a pond nnar !"M 1eii'jo of Ilia, mother, a t Bernards villa, FrankFadal, a BOH of tha Into HOY. Dr. Kndai,'as seized with orampa and diowned, on'bnrnday aftemoon of la^t week. His bodyits recovered. Hia father visa, at tho CIOKO

if Iris life, Prcnirlnnt of Drew TJiaflfogwalinary, and one of bin brnthofnf is attnoh-

id to the United Btateu Legation in Lou-

An olderly womftti \olcck last Saturdnyid down tho platfo

n observed about 6

of tbo .Morris " 4 EH-tlepot In Ne*urlt, audito

attracted nltcntioii.Hlugtilnr utiivo*[A. litUo Inter

r imniyk'il body wiiH ta-cn nt thfl Hprtug•wl erotaiii^, wLcio it hat! ueea r mafroigbttniin, wl:'ch lmd nearly sorprcd

r bend from tho trunk. Iu her pocketn found 11 tifkf.t frnm Drakevjflti to Hobo-11, and a fL-w pontii.-K. It was at firstsod ftint «!it) hfid i:iiiium'lti.-il nuicidoi mnniim wfro takfii to a inorgno. Ouindiiy thn body VIM iJi-utifiod un that of•s. Ijmriiiin htunklioiiBP, of Wntorloo, byr f.011 ami Mr. Keywoiir 11. Smith, of thatiw. film rmf nbout flfty-tlirea yearn ul; firul lier lniud ln'iU|i affculcd lit limos,

iry iilierration aud wiw killed by ucoident.

Tt is In Somoriiet i'mwty, two miltfrom Toapack, aud compriscx euvuu tUomand traos, covering nbout titty nurcn. It i

full bearing, and tho fruit i* very tlno.

Sporting Gossip,Kpftodwell Late, tiL-ar Mom«town, vrti

stocked wjth Hook, hwn thin week.IJIaol: buss are Ijoeoming uumorouH am

largo in tbe Eden pond at Wliippnny.d o trainingstabh

and grounds upou a pnrt of the Gregoryfarm, at Morris Plains.

Specimens of black bn<w weighing OR ninnyas Sve and a half pounds bave recently beentaken from Budd'* Lake.

K number of onr eschaitgeH report thatqunil • nil rnbbitfl have not boon so numsrouBbefore In five years throughout tliia State.The hunters cay this Is on account of theinflrf weatbor. The Boaaon oommonces the1st of November.

Tho Fish OommisMoBPifi are baring alargo Dumber of black basa, nuicb nro holngcaught In tha tipper w ft torn of tho llelawuro,it the rato of from'fiOO to 700 per day,0 tho noTarnl counties of tlie State, and

plaood Ja poBds, Jnkos, £us.




A coU-,1 m,Obituary,

mod Henry Hopper, be.liovedto be over ono hundred years eld,did h M i Pl i A Mdied near the Morria Plaint; Aday.. ,

MrVilohn J). ]

i on Man.

1 old &nd

will pivo .fitTnesclay

who haren of their

The Bcd6»n Fumily10 Rocitway M. E. f'lircnlng, September 30th."iird'thcm Hlng write i

1 which thoy render tho most difficultmsJc. We bcBptalc for them a full houseid 11 delighted uudieuce,Tli« Young Tooplo'a Union of tUo I*reBby-

irlen Church of this place will give as Atreat next week that cannot fail |to interest

)nil the puoploapo

t tais ie«(ion. Tbeyj ' u^st nnd continao rneh

af ternoon and oTeuing throughout the weekin the Sogur residance » grand loan eihibi-

omprieing a displfty of oil pmntingt,, ehromew, etituiry an/I m»ny

A Jorseymnn •mre^iowtaA *w>rn ijBoa1u>way fiAy«: One day fcd yjejV a n a n fromTeraey City hlrfiH a borne Atiit~btlRgy bf Mr.Holler, lo go to MorrJntnwn. He d r o «

rough to JerseyOity, nodrotnrn«l on torSpringfield, whore the horsg WftR taVen

„„*. Ho left it tnere, come back and r«-ported tlmt the HDWm waHnSptlnfffleld, Ao.Ueu-aflaBomeoioniiotolHr. H., and skip-ped to J>»ver, disgnUM himself, and tookthe trtiin for home, hiding in pm watercloset of tho oar. In.the tnean^tae Mr. H.had procured * Vctoriuary Sarffatifl and wns

irotl to gu UUWB, when he received a tol-n that the horse' was' dead. Mr. H. at

,M,t»uofflMririliti«nit of thfl mnn,Tlie officer hired a detective in tha-City

of art, < 1 old china, furnitureBud artiolos of household utility »od orn>'

ent that are heirlooms in many of theold families of this section, antique relics ofether flgflfl, historic*] nomentoes of BUTOIH-

isry and other time*, nollootioni of milIK and many other thlnga modem of gtati

interest, tho whole including hundreds ofiga gathered from the ends of the oarth.

utawill b« wrvwl and-other 'ttd-oontrtbuhj to the general inter-

U , t e l p h » n t » p /,1 hi« mottur1. on IOTBJ Oily- H«ighl«.

- artcntecl nnd broogM him to Book»-4 touring»«« b«l b«tore Joitioe

tt. The m»tt«r WM AD.HJ- BettlpJ bjUit »••'« wn » ip,,nioi.tfor tb . bor.

RHIraUl MnaiMini. ITbo N. 9.

(carrion to Coney isUnd lasi Snadny, butat ralo metis I* » Wlora.Tho Danforth tooomoiiva

til hatfl delivwrf »t SentowfmthBD.I*.*W.wtUilB

111 Jlean, p^Ot;

tha United BtatwthnBhir ttu jptr, jigai

tail J0U-, 1,019 mlloa !» '»»>b l«78' 01* mttts In 187« »*Jtail J0U, ,b l«78,' 01* mttts In 187« »*J.W- »>Ue« ta1174. T tU >ho>a > b-lthlol grovtli in

travelers. • I t hasto fill tbeH pbow Iu, »ndnatad m th« raonnta'n* t wHaVfi jMt b * « U w l h * np. Th" » * d now1,M 11 solid Mrtb i m U t t a i i n t frira Mtd-dlelown, N; *.', to W«t4 Bnd, Jertay Olty..

Unlawful Doings.Frauk Madden, of Jioonton, dlsordorly, ia

comity juil for thirty (layn.Four bad boyo of Morrirtown huve been

irrosted for etcalinR fruit from the gnrdenEditor Stliea. ''.

Tho promisee of G. L. Boors, Morristown,-ero entered by rane&lfl the other night, wUn;atroyed over one hundred water molona.Tho Bhoa Hhop of George Morganrotb, at

^Colnaville, was entered by thieves during'ie night of Saturday last anal completelylad of its conUmie,

Philadelphia detectives have captured thuief OharlcH Moekor and eeoared tho har-.

IHS and wnRon recoutly atolen of Alex,ioCotlum, of Uorriitown.Eov. Sir. Mayhain, of Roftaway, BafiJ onmday evening tlmt ho had been acting as

in datcotivs nuil hjuJdiiKOvorercdsoT-vnt driokiug phiecs in thnt town.

Tho trial of Bacltoff 4, Uniher, on ft chftrgetiling to a minor, camo off on Thurmlay

iforo JUHIICQ t>&f!o, who fined them twunty•8. Th«y will nnpt'ftl to tlio Oouiniocil.

Iknj imin Sire, of Morris Plu'inH, hns CB]red tha thief who stole p. horRO from himt week, and ban recovnred biH property.(.I wero (utm& in Newttrk,aa4 tho culprit,

young man nffod ID yearn, g&vo the nnmnJohnDougherty.

Tn tho evidence in tho owe of naekoff Aiker tho oth«r day Polor M.-Ellionrn.TIK man of Hiae Hill, tertUfleU thntshe

H jiuroliiumd boor ftt tho naloon of John W.slick, wlioreupou tbo Corporation Counsel

dnred that a BUmmonn bo uorvud «p»n the•d to appear ond answer to a ohnrgo of

liiug to a minor,

Wm. Ilooth, B yormg nrnn of thiH phioehaa teen nmrried lint two uioiitH wan

!fendnnt In » unit brought by the townshipn tho flnpport of a ohild laid at bis door by

or flame, and being found guilty wn*mt to t ie county jail in default of bail.

xo emirt rnnm •William was finfforingan injurwl foot mid found locoraotlo n

iffioiilt. Ho waa plaerd IT tho care of con-ililo Smith, who nbout train time lelt himHollar's while ho ran over to thfl 'Rinire'Bco to got tho oommltmant ptpara Whqtioomabwk be ifound that William bndan ienvo by way of tuq'rbackdoor. , Ho

joce gave chaw) bot ^ ^ moved'.roryimbly for a lanifl mnn, and when the officer

a Bigt,t of the Booth reaidonoe over

,4 jih :.l, the latter >nn juHt omorglngrora tho Btnble on tha bnclijof a honn ,?hieh carried him no fur beyond the rennfaif tho law thftt h6 hna not aioco been beard

known resident of (hi) vicinity, aged sixty-eight yean, died et his home, near thisplace, on Monday.

Tho wife of Mr. W. M. Hoddan, of UnionGrove, ft lndy muoh esteemed In this nootion,and who has been anfforing from a conoer forsome tlmn print, died on Sabbath last.

Col. Ooo. F. Oreter, ot the Forost ffouso,Hudd'eLatce, known iu diffornnt parts of tboState on ftn old aud popular botol proprietor,died en Tuesday of Bright's dineftse of thekidnoya.

Dnniel Drew, tho great npooalutor, and thepatron through WIIOHO goneronity Drew Honi-!inary at Madison wan fomulod, died oftci

ily ou hour's illness on Thursday night,He was eighty-two years of ago and diedof heart diacoee.

, m i new bo»' tovjar is about flnUhod, fc^«))atHu)lbr In* A Cooperia enlarging * -

e do riot know of ft

(j,, ia ereotlng na flTSt dwelling

l bcanal al-

ia completed.$£B5.

Vbry h»«'fidaia' i» Mat a w and htad.

Educational.The new term began at Draw Seminary

OU Thursday.

New Jersey spaaiflfS, 000,000 a year OBpublic schools and $19,000,000 on strongdrink.

fefeears. Ed. and Arthur W. Condict, eonsof Dr. I, W. Oondict, leave homo next weak(o enter tbe Onivarsity of Michigan, atAnn Arbor in that State.

Seton Hall college, founded by the lateArt-hhlahop Baily at South Orange, nnd nowonder the obarge of Bev. J. H. Gorrlgan,brother of Bishop Oorrlgan, oponed its new j

laot wook. Tho Institution was tram-ed In honor of the famous Catholic lady,Mother Seton, who organized the Sintersof Oharitj in thin country, and who was 1aunt'erf Bishop Bailey. Tiio institution bus

fall corpi of liutractorB, and mnks amongthe Brut of ChtboUc institntionB in thin com

Our stock of Drugs and Med-icines, Elixirs, Pills and Chem-icals are bought of the mostreliable manufactures, and ouraim is to dispense those onlythat are made strictly in ac-cordance with pharmaceuticalrules, out of the best materials,•without any attempt to lessentheir strength, tor the purposeof greater gain, which wnot only be an injustice to thepatient, but also to the physi-cian who is disappointed in the'effect which the medicineshould have if of the regularstrength. Physician's prescrip-tions prepared with. care. Chil-dren receive the same attentionas their parents. Our stock islarge and varied and embraceseverything usually found in awell stocked drug store.

Eemember the place the Cor-ner Drug Store of

TOGHT & KILLGORE.Dover, August 8di, 1879. «.

Pensions Granted.Wm. Worman, of Boontoo, ban tooBivc

9l!0 fnr arrears of peufiinnH.Mrs. Catherino Stiimger, of Splitrock,wh

ha-1 two BOTH, in the army, him received .rtfitu (if poDrsioim to tho amount of tl,COO.

Tha following persona hiv»a recently hadBiwnra of nnnfliona, "under act of Jan. 20,1879," grunted to them, \ix: John O.Thompson. Ifcx&awny, about $400; 8ilanII. Olrostnad, Dover, $25.1.50) fiuortfuFrmlurickn, Itookawtty, $H2.





Stereoscopes, Views ,



BST C I G A R S , "®a

PL A TED-WARE|TEA SPOONS, 71>elff. p r i n t -

J.HAIRHOUSE,Watchmaker and Jeweler

Opp. National Onion Bani,


Sity y & ^' tibia galo will itwd veil In tab c

Watches! Watches!w one liandrad Gala »nil HUtef Watcliux I

loleot from.

ROCKFORD WATCHESgntoVed for their snneriewith nun«n»t Btrcnglh.BUtim they are unmrpaBxib h t U H i r A

•FALTHAI-m BWDfly&TCilKa from *T, 110 tml npnwd'i tli

beit watch for the money ever offered.


PLATED WAltE. Agrallurfto


.ml SIB O U n i S . BEPAiniNO A 8Pe-OIALTI »t ridncW Bt»'™ • • ' "•"»»'"d '



E. Lindsley & SonUAH JUST NO'.V A fll/PE/Vlf STOCK OF

including everything now antl fashionable in


KIBD0N8, HOR13, PABAKOLS, UMHKELLAfi, BUTTONS,HAUDKEUGlIIEi'S and nil othor u.-ivollios.

CARPETS!Bv tho aid of Iho oxhibitor rnn show tlio BEST STOCK anil



WINDOW SHADES AND FIXTURES.Some of tlio prettiest tleKigiiH in shutles anil greatest conveniences in

fixtures ever seen hen-.

Always a complete stock. A. splondiil parlor unit for $3i5; Bed RoomlaifcM from §18; n set of Chairs for SH 70; a fine Lounge with 12springs for $G. OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS nnd HUGS in groatvariuty at thu Dry Goods, l^uruituro, Grocery and Hurdwaro Houso of



"Brilliant" Safety Oil,ISO"



Salad, Machinery, Sperm, Whale, Castor,Sewing Mdchifie, Neats-foot and other Oils:


Turpentine, Oil Tanks; Lamp Chimneys, Fixtures, 4 c , , 4c .




UART, 100 or 1,000Parties, Suppers and Festivalsnishod fiB ohenp as <hoy can bo Bupplioi

in tho city.

lie finest refltflumnt ftnd l>GHt nocoromoda-ing nyatem in this sect.inn.very stylo, Fit IED, STEW ED,

SaiftyOilnto tba but fa

We take pinhewy nils,

OILS.e in Introducing to the inde oa Tarionn crodw or machinery and otber

- -• onr worhH, oonaoquently wa si™inteo them to give porfett •aUafto-nenvy nus. mono HUUU. « . o unwu.^.. .

them the benefit at onrperBonBlmiperridon, audguaranltion, both tn qoilily bnd price, or no sale.

^JleKIBGAN 4 Co., Wharf loot ofJHIHD AVENUE,

inlnnBTCrvtbins. AtBASTEliiCo.. I)i

17 WALL ST.IKIBltNiw Virk

Tin Conr.1? Onlleolor »lll ba 111 bll ofln,Olntblnt Hall. JlorHilown,In Itatiacl ooanljlin«linu.anM<illiil».'Iimil»r.W«lnoaaaT l a « f l ™ * ™ *llirriilowii, No TJM, U7».

PIERSOW, the People's "HATTERiand CLOTHIER," is now ready forthe Fall trade with the largest andbest assortment of Mens', Boys' and'Children's Ready-made CLOTHINQJthat has ever been on exhibition inDover. Also a very extensive stockof the new Fall Styles of HATS, CAI'KMEN'S' and BOYS' TJNDER'WEARHOSIERY, NECK-WEAR, GLOVtiK.SUSPENDERS, COLLARS, CDTFS:

UMBRELLAS, TRUNKS, VALISES,&e., &o. Having purchased in verylarge quantities, I am enabled to offermy customers greater inducementsthan ever. J. H. PIERSON,

Opposite the Post Office.I Dover, Sopt. lOUi, 1870. DOVER, N. J.













lore Dust, Guaao. Puu^rettc,LAND PLASTER, £c.

00D sawed in stove lengths.

rOVB, EGG, CHESTNUT.•mtn .Miwrir 40 tH . ; Miiio Hill 75 eti ,' r ikrs may Uo ulilicaBed throngl] tlio Poutcc r » c t Doi 28, or luft ai A. Boonwrt office

Illai^tvcll SI., n(!»r flnaMi, or >t ILc J t r d .JLACHSMITil'B COALconstantlvon hand.


Agonts for Fairbanks' Scales andTer-wiiliger's Safoe.



Lgrlcullnra! Implcmcnta, Seeds, Fertiliacrs,lUr. 1'aix.rn, Oils, Ohm, c(c.


OSOBOK X. VOOOBXIS. JAMES B. TO •r.ni'm.riatflgn, l)oo.lBtb,lB7H.



BERGEN St., Dover, N. j . ,iMbotm (tpiiiird bj Gc<i. Slrfirnrkon, nml inujrv* remit fur Lmainess. VirHl-cluHH L'OAL-•"*• mtilaod Bcruciipd will always1 • *

Bituminous or Blacksmith Coal

Cord Wood, t a p Wood andSawed Wood,

[IW, M. FARIUJCRB to inform thn pnbliogenerally t in t eho i> cnKagut iu tlio

liuory und DrcsB-intking LIJRIDGBE at

POUTOHAMilniiiK the drug store, on Front Btroot,TO n!io haa alffays on bind * full naarl-

ADIES1 FANCY GOODS,fg alii rendv M rcroiva sud execute til

ore in tlio Jrosin-niahinfl lino. AM. WOltKItllANTED. Mrs. Parr ia alen sol© egent'uri Oram for lliroo difffmut Uniii, Tit;tntcti Inlftiid Dyeitip mil ClminfOK F.mab-uinnt, of Niwurb ', tlie Itock CirnllL Optical



'ort Oram, Mij 23,1879.


ARMERS GARDENERS.iHE pulmcribor lifts erected » KEW PLAS-

TER MILL mt Hock»w»y for the conwn-• of farmrrn a lid gardeua,* ot MB eeeiiun

u IUTU Uercluforo b«en compcilod to obtilnir ulneter from a dUUnoo, npa will famishthe scannu ot 1B79 » supenor nrtielo ofGROUND PILASTERfcrtiliziDR purpoHei, at macb LOWEB

ICES tliEin litve eter l>efore been offewtl ini8Hctinn. 8otd tT tba ton, barrel ar biff,ibersl dlBcnuDi will bo offered to dealers or

inloring In Urge quanlltiea. Ttieblgh-kot price will be paid for

GOOD BONBB,neb wu manntactor© and Bell a nupo-tilircr. A great u'rins in freiRhtaoan-tnH by porBhaiiiiff a? tlio Bill. Toror an; imonm oltber eallit tlie mill

Rockawa, « a l l J . e » A R D S T K p H E H

Mt. Hope. UorHi Ootmtv. N. /•

Notice of Settlement.[otico ii hereby Ri»en thfct the uoonnti ot. inhBCribor, Eiecntor, or Alonio Bniieawil, wfll M audited sod «»«toaHorroRiHe, »nfl reponiM for •ettlornentuiOrphini' Oonrl o! tho Oonntj of Horrii,' •, ths #iith dny ot Ootober tieit.




)nr Own Manufacture

AT RETAIL.g them are many elegant

That CAuaai b* found •lunhere,WITH BOHDEBS TO MATOff,

3eiDR Itio piodndion of our o « fiotorle*, weLM troatilftu to offur tho raott fruirable newattcn'lwhentfieirroannrxKnrelsFlrttCwHtHd. ™ .-»--"->. t - « - -"J

iitier C»rpcti anil Rnui of onr own Import*Oil Cl«tfai», HoR».TB»ta, aefl otery aeacrip-

tlon of Boor entering, all at tho

Lowest Hates Ever Offered.


. & J. DOBBQN,

WOOL WANTEDn eiciiHiiRo for (;ood8 of our own make at

mtiU (In** NIfi!?OL8)

NEAR CHESTER, N.J.•Wool fcikun aud niado up to onipr in Ota*


.PiiMHBM, aiirt HTOCKING and KNITTING1 YAKNa ot n)l eizon nod colors. StockingYams at wlmlcfioJc, o Bpecialty. AlhO thobent plico to jjet


i uftlitT mrijiad or iilaiu warp. T l o bentf watjm fmbrl All Inquiries by mailmmritlj- uHijud«d to, and ul) woj-b jjunniH-wtl- HIM. 0. KUEPHEItU,

ChtUcr, Morris County, N. J./. T. SriKi'iii'Hii, 3fininger. -_-Um

CHAKLES A. GILLEN.OUlt MOTTO: Fair dealing; wu can amiill rurnisii e« IOWSB tliu lowest.Thn nuilcrnJKncd hnvtiiR rnirclmsoil the I'n-crtakinB HUSIUUEB otMr. CUUH. A. Qllluniulover, am iiow rowly to Tuniisli nny pemunsci-'diiiRiiiu BcrvicUB of a prnfewhinel nrrrlcr-«kor with over; tiling g.CTtatnmK t<> (In' 1»IH-ii-sa, and liivo ruoBtsDtly oa baud unity ioiruirili at the iborlost Duties, ii^t-utasw

DB, loo uosea, wnud acJ cli>tfiand coffins In bkefc or wMio

rot/ doHiaa. MetillO ooflluB IDII ez«M»,, u, sbroudi, !i»Ut«, pUtos, lunillrK, cute*,door crapes, kid, illk and cotton gIOVOB. AU.

Having hid an cxporMcn nriirenty yoorn.we real that we thnrangfaly nnilorntnud Uiobaslnett in #]1 ii* ttnnchw, ami thv pvhlh-may roly upon onr ohirEes being monerato iu•11 OUDI. We make * ipeoiatty of tsking npt>nooneWes ths ontireohargo or mallard pcruln-IDR to funerals when reqneatnl to da BO,tliorobj rolloving fanilies or much or tliu a:s-[ttv and nneiBtnois of mi nil, cnmi'qtifnt ujion' iTingtlie gerTtOOBOfintncxporloiiciil prnon

attend to them. LiytnRUQtlHn(icnaIt^inliiIa i ail uours of tho day ur Di^ut, ~ "userved witU ur witlionttci '

.jet"B»)Be»«wl)J be carriedif Ur. 0. A. Gillcn, on Blackweil St., D

Ur.Iieonar* GilW, «o lonfcconntsteuviiuMr. C. A. Q i n * , still coBtiuocs witn na.

lS-ly _


ROGKAWAY AXE!B B noted band-made »ie lies 1<»IK unj.jjcil

or r u i t a , m AX.E.HIAUWith new »j>plfnuciBf»re BOW tmlileati) niippl.vi evtdr before, and rffcr

AND ENDURANCE. Willillie mauantulare no are Btbe trade cheaper tlitn t

aaual dlscDDut Jor jiurchatmiq t i i i o * . Wliile our spcrmlty iotwftj «xe, *re are prei-trtJ M*U lt> ii» aim lac I nroihi. WeaJcni, SentnoVy. or HIT other rtjrloneeded. Par temw aad ftjrtbor MrtwnlBni,d d i a 3. 3. PEER A Co.

BnckanaT .Motrla Co.N. J.





, Iropartori »nJ relillen,'

tKeu Siltb ArennB KlaTaled IUiln»il SUIiQn

lohn Van Gaasbeek, Manager.

The' groat cure for DYSPEPSIA,MEETOUSNE88,WEAKNES9, KH-BILITV sod oil disorders or Ihostomach, towels, liver and kidneys.

HAXABIA, and (-HILLS ANDJCKVKK are finrely aroldcd t y using

this Tonic It never lUHs to iire-Tcut those diraded diseases.

OONSOXFTITES can rely on i tIbr strength to combat that con-sarulng malady. I t has given manythe best health of their lives.

It g i n s inlet relief in oveiy>!ek.ness, strengthens and sustains allthe Tltal energies, and mnstle triedto know the perfect health andshwigth its nse Insures.

Free from alcoholic dangers, II Isthe best strengthening tonic andt i e most popular remedy era- sold,

BruggbtowUlt.VAN UOomttK.lOo., MVwjrBt, X T.

I M l w •'<'

Page 4: composition in them HOT-LEATHER...$1100 yoa and Hho wore hd and h»*. B. B, Catinifini SRA-D1ATI0IIS. Iteui'jof intereat—coupons. Do good with what thoa hint, or It ill do tboe ao



In yom pappr ol Sept. 6;b iii.'Uitit, ia anarticle .1*0 <J«rtMB Jaw, trbiiili WMJUI7««nome remarks.

; 'Wbitta jnnttjtiidfi of nopsGasie;il &a-wHionn arc lionpfiii tog'^rier hi thoseftiw JiiicB, WUH it from met*1- iguunuiuc,

; »r innli^nity, iJiat tho aa(hir'n pen W«KV«I to write ujion a uiibji;et uMeb 1©liil iiofc nudtntanj ? Severn! reasons

> ratify me to conclude tbot tbo article ;s-.he rtaiilt oMwth ; the writor is QB ig-•lunint ou tbo tmbjcct as be is fuJt pn-ju-•licns. Evidently bo is of flint class of**ec>p!<j wbo consider aaj'tbio^,' Cal'ioliodangerous tu tlie coirnK)BWi':.It!tint tur his sako tliat I wish to cornxomu of his mistakes, but for tho *a!ynnr catholic readers.

Without making any remark:"tlint form of religion," as lio calls tJiuEQun CatUolic Church, I assure t'writer (bet tie introduction of Cunon la'is not at all "«igoirlcaat of tba iuoroa•ig mitnerical strength" of tlie Outhoi

Chureli, If the writar bud ever beeen tha European continent, hiimrt' fouutl canon luw iu force in contr-iud where thorn are lets Calbolka tiniu tbe dioceao of Newark. Canon liwhenever it lias been introduced tmtinJ v, 1ms been established without cepntba number of Catholics, But y,hh canon law ? Canon litw jg so baunbiciineo it is nmde up o( rules or euroswhich the church establishes is onierdirect tlo faithful to eterunl hapninesCiiuoa law comprises those taws whitemanate trom an eivtes'mstiea lautburihaving supremo and universal jurisdiiHon over tbe members of tba cliurciAs HUOU it contains not only ecclesiastic.t! lows, made by tbo Supremo Ponlilnml, with his approval, by iuforior a\thoritius, but also divine lavs, natural iwell as positive. Now, lat mo slate rigiihere, whit civil law ia. Civil In* con-sists of positive laws, euaoted by tbcivil authorities for tbe temporal welfaiof the citizens of a commonwealth.

O !Olli, 18W,

1d tor t,

I t m in t

hop? of I


P t a M note the difference betwoon thesetwo laws. The and uf Canon low, es-tablished by ecclesiastical (authority,tbe spiritual eternal welfare, while'tbo end of civil law, made b;civil authority, is tiio temporal welfareof those for wbom and to whom »tgivon, Henco it follows that both ]a\are to bo respected by their respecti'subjects, and nlso, that tbere is tbns nola government within a governmont.Ton may call, if you like, canon law a(roverenjeat; bat then, it is a goreratnect besides a government, each omfor its particular end and parpose.Thiso hwB will never interfere with eachother, as long w they keep iu tbeiiprojier, natural l imits; on the contrary,T claim, imii can prove it by historicalfacts, that caaoaicol Jaw, wherever it iscarried out a td observed strictly, willgreatly contribute to a strict,ckmB observance of the civil la'

Tbe Protestants hnvo a canon law,too1, they may not everywhere use tbeBHIIIU term for the laws, bnt, as a relig.ioas society they have their lave, oirnlea, or canons, by which they are governcd in ecclesiastical affaire. Milifccly tlie writer of the artiele/loea notknow of such lawn; if be wnnb* to utiidjthem, I mil give hiza tbe titles of book!of proteslant canon law, wrfttao ia Gor-man. Bat the point I want to comeis tb is : that protestant canonical lawhas never to my knowledge interferedwith tbe civil law. And why could flnot ? Simply, because that canon ln<bns itfl own end and object. You might,perhaps, except such law, that as arengainst nature, framed by seats, tut, 1o\instance, the rule of polygamy and theresulting moral point in the religious be-Viat and moral teseb ing of theilarmoak

The law of nations, or the istenmtidnal law, U B law existing for itself and foa particular end ; though it stands hnear relation to tho civil lav, yet, ftsuch, it does not at all interfere withthe civil law.

The writer says further: "Canon lawJB the bind of law that runs parallel withaud shares the power and dignity of thecivil law in those countries when jRo-man Cutboliciem is the recogvizeoV re-ligion of the State." This ia right,' butit must not be misuntlerstood, where-fore I beg to make tbis disttaetioo .Canon law shares tbe power and dignityof civil lav only in aSairs or things thatpertain to canonical or ecclesiastical law.but not to civil law.

In tho remainder of tbe article tho notioDB of the writer am entirely mixed upon tbe subject. Bo speaks of a body"jvdica causarum ;" why did he nottranslate these two words ? did be per*bapB not bLow Latin enough ? No, hedoes n o t ; for if he knew it, ho wouldnot hare « H , that theaa jadga< (j'udit..,decide "all questions of church property;ohnrcb authority andohnroh disciplirje."

B«side0t it ie untrue that there arejtidicet camarun in catholic countries;even the teira fa not known in oanoi_law; uo judicesfiauaarum, nor any oth-er body of priests (foi tbe judiatt arepriests) have to decide questions ofchurch property, etc., independently offcbB civil law. Whenever and j wherevertbo catholic cbnrch came in contact witbthe civil Jaw, tor instance, wi(b regardto hulding property, receiving devisesby will or bequests and the like, thecbnrch hns always acted in accordanceWith tho civil Uw. "Give to |0dsar,what is Cesar's" ia coDBciencionaJy ob-served by the church. But when JCesar,that is, tLe State government,right to give laws which are foreign toits sphere and end, the church can-not submit; when for instance, thegovernment ol Bmreia enacts Uwi,' thatBorneo Catbolicpriwts thall be examin-ed, approved and appoints by tho civilgovernment, that a Bisliop sbntl notpuniob nor exoomtnunicate a memberfor jnBt reoBODB from the ohdeh atUosa-with the consent of tba government,tmcli lava arQ,anjnst,snoh laws cannot beobeyed. If, tor iujtaucey to moke itclearer,' Jfeernaeous or Oc'd Fellowgexpel a member, has the government* aright to interfere with this tlidr Kght ?

Bullet no tell the writer'Hint lrBJ.Lquite miBtofeen'Vith regard to tbja judioetoataar«ui. Before, however^.proceedto rectify his misidVe? notion's,! have tomake a few other ramarki, Oftnonlias not jet been Ictaoduoml JiiHie dio-cesea of tbe.(Jctliolio.Cliuroli an thisconn try j most/likely the,'im£er of thearticle'BM^ll^^'wiiV'^Uiaff to thedead when it uball biTntrOdaoril; tbere-tdxe the write?,b «rDng/n*saerttiig thatoanonlnwi^ eBjab^iiedjo.Uia iliocwie

Iio district .- for'tio' 'Mpport of'; h e r e tbe ei-

poriment I'B .gr^oall^ tftking ;fp/m 'sadshape. ..Bupi^ain'gyhatjuttfceatZiutai6 tho same «/'oftnoulRW,:niH*eina- tobe In the-impjriaktioD^-of [thfl; wH[Ar,;tUoa bo oagtjt to know top th^ Ha»W

snobiutf^tfto tiflfcikpTarlua in oth-er aioc«*M itwnWfori BurappbintmaQt•waimifla fr$f$fam$8^K Thepapers bttTp flfun frirfln the luinei of tbeflvBiwitoel o f i p uiWwM^™Ne T York,Oiiioinnati, CoVingtoD, utc. , / , :

Bat nor, w&ftt meuu jutticn caw,

imurl fR-tn Bowf to a'J tb.of *he United Slates <.t Amnr.-m«(k> iMTftodo ab Episcc^:'

jM>I>tt:utrionalis Americani)sct?udi** ct utiBnioKi* ''ibue el discipiuiaiilHH

11 that means : "on the mftu.is to be observed by ilio Jti«-t.fd States of A.raeri««, of in-nail Jci'tdetl erioaiJin! »&'!

•lil'ft).1 UiUfili1 ft .tJCCteJi. t'fMt/ t -""' TSx'obj'Otoftliia iat.trnetmnit~t»J5f-vfl iho Bishop, wbo n;«n« ta,«own power, from a part of bis hur;2t to stcure the rights ol priestst possible -iniirtaktM in his sua-

twice ; (3) to arrive at an (an for as poss-ible) absolutely just sentence, For thispurpose, a "CornmhMion nf Investiga-tion" ia to b» appointed by the l3ifiboiiat the Dioiiau Hynod of thfl priesta.The tuprobiira of tlm cotnmUsion arocailwl Judicea caiuarum. Tliey are mci e-ly eoiiuKt'llurs; they havo uo decisivevote; the} bact> to iDvaStignto tbe fm'tsuf the c:ii)o and to (jive their opinion.This and nothing else, is tho office oftbe flvcjWtet's Gtwtaruta, \7ith Uio-»itbere is just as innoli canonicnl law iu-troJaeed into the dioceses ot the Cni-tel States of America, as with tbo rev-

il judyea civil law was introducedI W . Mr. TalmaJge's cbureli, tit the

time of his trUI. ConBcquently tbere iseiperimcut of tbis law in tho Dfo-fo of Newark. Tbo writer ought to


OaTuesaay tlie_$$ fm!., the apdersigned hud the pleasure of acopmpanr-

r ii !»!irtj of J»oii^ .pw(^v 'in a' e»r<

. L-itf V:I ty-arfa, j• -.lid Stan'uopo. -rj;V <li-»-iii*ir>UuB af t l i e coun t ry , ; I&roiiirliic'j wo psH^P'l vo t i l t i I'O

it cvorybodr must have

Woodr fc

Sr li Al M"b0 tnniui iuj, MOM VI iti.1 J lii 487

H,\M>\Eft XI SKAt»«JOA J« Tlrngu ft Trull) OP

»s an«sidri4 lit rt tor A

0 L


l aA KID m> «1»

« i* il at ft AD i g>V»( r up 8 rt »b rj,


cm_u>s i

k 1 ca iuc a

over (he aun>u roato^ but, it I Bay (iiat gf^J iSS? 1" '^the o n atrj a.locgthoi'outoU very pretty Homer, Syracuse Buud jyieresLiup they will agree that snob ^is a fact. Everybody along the wayltionVseonjcd busy getting tboir winter graiiuotvod, aud iu abupe for taking caretho coru niiil buckwheat when the cropfrare vi\wued, 1'Iie vrvps looked flmfrom tberoad.particularlythohuckwbeaof wbich them scorns to have beeiliir 'c ii mount sown.

At Xewton Cuiirt wits in session.

t1 imi mi tl a witness under o^uin'amtiodariufr tbo feff moments I was iaCouit room occnsiouuil considerlaugbtcr in which Judge Dairytupl

to repress si emile. Tho silCourt brought n. largo number c

haw. 8 better kn^wledgo of catholic'^liiatatai*lwm~thTaaVroan'mthings, if be wants _to wnta on theoj | rolllltry w l w ioll)lfi0i] h l ftud n l ) o u t t b l

may ba DSBHIUCI that whenever canonshiill beiutjuihiced it will not be an

experiment, t'a;it bas to tn!ie graduallyfomr aucl shape. The irritcr fio«l!v near}

ub to be afntid uf tbe interference ofany eoelesiustical jtirisjicdnsj, wlieu ourcivil courts bavo tu secure nny tind of

rty for tho enjoyment of iU right-l ner.In oonclusioii, let mo say, that I. feel

Court liuuse and nemo of the hotelThe Tarious kinds of business conductedin the town Beemefl brisk, but tbe mosa.*tivo men Just tlicn were (Eie lawyerswith vrliom busiiio.es wa^ pressing. Al(fjo (>boe ianaufactory of E. W. Merrianwo ivero courteously received and show:

iroud of tbo ^ s of froiso of onr' Bt,iBev Bishop 'Corripotf; however, it

aeeiwjto me,Men e tbia praise,os comingT l ' w r i t e r , mtiBl bo taken cum

i»,; thvre is a bittcrneBs at tbntottotQ of this feelfug aud tlifo eipreas-on of praise. ,

Whenever nny one assumes to writei things which ho don't nnderfttand

disgrace must be hia paniabmeat,EtTEfllKO.

DKHVILX^, September 10th, '1879.

Board of Freeholders.

The Board of PreehoWora met pnrsu-jint. to adjournment, in tbo County Hallvm Wedneffday. Sept. 10th, at 10 o,o1ock4. if. All ^fe' members were jiresea:xcept Mr. Bndd, of Cbesler.

The • ininutes of- urovlons .. meatinjLTG rend anil approved.'Ibe Ooniinittee to prepare resolution

ortba'govarnm^nt of Committcs of tbo3oard, jiresentftl a series of resolutionHliiffh were tecehoi aod acted upoK3p«ratelr, sii<l afUsr alight amendiueut«

ere ^osjdij as follows:Tha Committee on Court House and

rjil shall bs charged with tbe generalnwervinion of tbo.Conrt HOQHO, nonutyifflcea and jail, aLd tho county property>ml grounds atofini the same, and ahaUiudi7all bifla in "connection therewith,!o supplies for the, jail or any of, tbe

.jUDty offices nbnll be procftiert.In casts of imjnedi&t» Becemity to whicbhe officer in whoso deparjtmeat it maiiccnr arinll attend, until a member of tinammttttie ean be rotifled, witboot tbeirder of ft rnajority of the Committee. '

The Commttti-a.ou Poor House shallwire general supervision of tho' Poorlouse nml farm;; shall audit and order.he payment by tbeir Treasurer of allJills iaenrred by them in odanectlon:herewitli; they BIICI) have aatbority to'raw upon the Comity Collector,irpttgh titeir.rreftearer.wiiofbflH girennAft In the siro bf two thoniand' uol-

i before entering upon hjs dutiea;the order of the committee, for

niea as they eh&U from time to timaeed, to defray tbe expenses of tho Poor(base and farm, not at any time to

exceed tie amount appropriated by. theBoard for that purpose J Ehall Wf jlowor to employ a puysician, atewara

" farmer for the same, and shall

er-a/nffaabraetoBud.WifcSrint to the^ard'ot their last' arfrSaTinBetinE inacb year.Tlie Committee no. Accidents ehall:aiaine into stl Ijills'rendered 'against;e county for damages by reason of ac\

Ideuts, and«reporb the result of tbeirivestigation to the Board.Tbe Committee to. settle twith the

Iberiff.Buall examine his accoanta withad against tbe «ounty, but shall have

the paymtwith his

. power to nuHi'orizB thfijy bills in connection wit— _. . _ _ „ ,!hey Bhall Battle! with the Sheriff aemi-inually and report to the Board.The Committee to settle with th<

Collector,iouaty " carefully„ ..ecior,camine tbe receipts, accounts anasuchers of the Collector, and report tobe Board upon tbs nma at its lastweal meeting. /"/•The Committee to settle with tbeimmittee on' Poor Rouse, shall osamJie tbe accounts and Touchers of the'reasoimol'tbe P*or^nd report J j '

_•£ ,tall examine \nU) and andi,^.. spolrloonnts and bills as shall,be. referred• tbem, and report not later than at thaext meeting of the Board. ••--•'•' jTbe Committee to aettle with tha

jnnty Clerk, ulialVninlit tbo.bills pw£mt«u agatnat the Bparrl by' tbe Cotintylerk, for services under ihe election.wa or otber bills .chargeable to theJDuty, and also andiVana adjuat bis ac-UDta iritH the comity, of saloon,' hotel; Iiwobroker aod pallor ticense fees re-!'red \ fees of the Ooar f stenograpber1 all otber m'oniei received by him'

. the oao ot ibe eoaatf, aod flball re-irt to tha Board at the last anntul

lie EJipsoffacnp of t-tm and a roll. Soir is this Englishman from being in-

clined to lope that be looks with astonish-ment upon tbe excessive quantities ofliquor that he BOOB consumed in tbe Con-tinentaf ca/e$, braucrei, and wine-shops.Tuo amount of hard drinking that goeson in those places is, indeed, iminenso ;but one can get a better idea of it in the ]

provlnoen than in tbe capitals. '•

AU over PranpB, Belgium, Switzer-land, Offlrmany the cafe on brauerei isthe oaHtomary plwjfliiitresort of men ineasy circumstance?, juts as the club isEngland. .Only, ^uglisbmen go to theolqb to .read ' the" papers, write tbeirlatter*, or <*bat; and as * rule drinkvery little. Abroad it is all the otherway; for men read very little, and drinka £?eat deal,. It would ha thought ano3a thing ini England that a eolictor.oxa '.inoiversity professor.should in tuecoarse ot an evening "swallow six pintsif beer whiloemokiugapipe, and should

wind up with a glass of gin before goin'gie to bed ; bat in Garmiiy suoh p(O'

oeedings are oaatomary, A party ofmen sit down to diecusn politics orscience ; sehoppe after schoppe is calledFor; otber men £rop in; the hobnob-bing goes on, and bv milnigbt tbewhole party have taken qaite as mash"iiqaor as they can carry without totter-ins* .It would be absurd to pretendthat tbis kind of boosing is not dele-terious, For one tiling, the tipplersgrow .exceedingly fat. Tbs number of

^ , .. at \b.B Board Hball r"attheir first meeting ib May in each year," i by resolution what per deim pay. the

httiS.thill i ^ i f f l /gfi lgoMtifog prisa-— - what^oyidpfiDMUOa.'lie ahsll be

1 pec year for,taking care ol and

tud (fro

pec year f°r<t*kiog caiin order tbe'pabHo


•'whit ••Ot

ids ;itnd whit jaxiyi ;snm;ball be allowed the Oouaty Clerk: andlumgate tor jtBttofe eemces ifi tbeireapectiv'e offfceB.. ; , • • _ , . , , . - , , . .

On motion of Mr , H u n t i t v u f

tbe C o u n t ? Col lectorC o n f n i f " " *^""* " ~ "

arrear to tbj uonaty for tales oflJJrnant so in arrears. nndthatimm«"ttlemont be required.

Tbis nctidn'ia deemed neeee-mry astl

p ^ ^ tie notices of tbe Coanty'Oollecttr.

for bridges, Freeiiolder's aerioeiipplfea, printing 4c,, ,Bmonntfng:"ito),SU.51, were preiented and ordered

Bill of A.B.Pmdenof ftll.D5 for eon-ible servidM, not, bejflg1^ made out in

proper forni^QBUiil'-dpontho table'.'Hurlon W.Conrtright falling to recoveran aitfoa for penaltici fa violation of

lie gome UWB, oalced tlia oounty to' pay,bill or 65.85 and it *nu referred bo tho

i Committee for, exaxni-

; • ' ! • ; • • . ; ; . . . . "

Ei-Bheriff VanBerroet preae&t&d bill' •489/iWng the T^wenty-fiv^j)er centi tha amount paid,bint for attending

lonrt dnring his term of offioa1 It

lie per cent&ga whan in office.

Pflndinft'iotiohontbuibill the Board


The bilPof

tlirough tho large establishment \rbeiwo wituesst-d tbe various prooowoa <manufacture of shoos from tbo plain leitlier or cloth to the hitadsomelyflrn'slieibootee or gaiter. This establishmentturrs oat from five to Bix hundred painiof slioP3per day of nil grades from cbildrens' to tbo eleftnnt misses nnd Ia3iesizes, and employs about ODO hundredand twenty-five hands composed of botlsez"1.*. At Stnnbape vo stopjjod a aborttimo to take in tho furnace, the ponder-3UH c iiriiic of -which cinisod much Bur-pris« KTUI woudermeut, as it was tholirst timo some of tbo party ever 83any tiling of the feind, QcsTO,


It is 3lill au article of faith wiih mostforfiiguors tliitt the English diink,prejudice stubbornly resists the evidenceof facts ; fur in tbe British colonies Bcat<(ered all ovtr theCoutineatdraubennessia certainly rare; nor does even Ibfordinary EnRlisli tourist wbcm onirnents visiting ..museums iu Paris, oiclimbing Swiss mountains, or "doing*tbe Continent, generally by contraclwith no csoursion ngent, inntiueuiahhimself by habits ol iatempemnce.

This kind of man rather goes in forathloticixm and diotic fmls.

•5 by eating largely at tabled'hole•vithonl ordering any wine; and in the

retting, after n day's marching aboutthat would knock up any Frenchman,

oorpalsnt men one meets in *bo beer-drJDkiog districts of tha Oq&tineat isotiggeativeof dismal reBectiona to thosewbp know jiow^ldom an abnqdanco ofadipbso t i4ae fflV^sociated with health,longevity, nr a clean vigorous intellect.

J |avB.heard a'jifreafc deal from'East-era;'travelers ,bf tbe wonderfnf attach-ment which exists between the borseatt'rt his master in Oriental lands, but wedonbt if anything more interesting bos

been Jolditbao the following storyQiWumitfajMaid: Eecently, Cliarfey

Ooalinne.'who'wosfor manj years Lcrfaithful groom, arrived from California,snA.wtsbing to see>tho grand old trottingl aw .wa ber eolt, called on Mr. Smith,'ier: owner; ffi obtaiD permissloB to visitF l Stcd'Farm in Nej; Jersey.

bw^mMDica.^pflhr^ft.totbe| tmiaijiviiig tbirtv'MtuaTked :

y^theMaials very jealona of lorcolt, is very cross, and will permit BOoB£toappDUach it* Coobrone omuig-fttha/boifhkitU Sfitld shotild hear hisvoice before'she'saw him, and, althoughthey bad not seon eaob otber for twojears, alond wbinney prgsently aasqred*kii^>itors;fhifc %*mu9 ha4' ncognii-

^ c B , - OoenralitnexiBfiow-ed himself, when a toaobing soone oo-enire3. Tbe o3d qneea of tbe turf, whofortoOBtha would nol allow anjona toapproach her, making nae,ot,botb heelsand teeth if U were attempted,; rashedwith a bound to ber old friend, forgat-jtiD^eyenbcrpc^f, and robbed her head

bb bboulder, her nose ID hlsMace,d with bis whisker*,- and showed

by her «y«?ry notion that her heart wasfull of joy to see''him. Directly the,CQltcapJ»,tip to tbem, and,tiia old ;n«r«was delighted when' Oliarley plapei Iiia'bot)d;on-tb,8 .fellow.- Wbea OoohraDBletrtbe place the mare Yollowect :Uim tothe gal«, whlnnjriagfbr him even, after^e'.nad poaiid out of her sight—Timet.

"Aa& how does Chnrfoy lika going toschool.?" kindly iDquirtid a good man ofa little six-year-old boyj who WM-W*^Ing, with a tin can, in bis band* theadvent of another dog. '•! like gbin'well enongb,'' reolidd the embryo gtafes-

iogoBnonslj,,.,"bat I don't like'aftoTl'get;tbere." ':? ' ! ' • •

^ e "relationship of ft'nua And'woman Inrainy fei£ftr;> »«On1(Dg to tfaa Albany•IdUrnfil. U rtrilj disooveied. If they treIOVMI t H WOBBn will hare

>BA. if. Oewego Exi»ri*M (»Jrmtttnctiwl) from Saw l o r * vl.il BoDntou, run« tbrouuh Iu . . .

~ burg , BDmotun, Great JK-mLiBlfl, MarilLoo, Cotth

^J^{7i JJefaware wi th ' JliairBtowiJI, »fth JJloomBburg DiviMim I»T n

tou, Kingston, lVilkeabarre, DamUlo, Norutuberlautl, &o., a t aiueiiamtou will) V\Dl?wiou tor Greene, Norwich. Lticu, i .Uiuiiflold SpringH. PaUBonecnt taiotift tiltmln from New iTork, I'ntpnou nnd J!o>enn eounMt »t Washinfjton with tradPhilllpBbuiff. Eaeton, iiatblulipm, Allont....Ho.rrlHburRtnilpointa ou tbo Jjclush Vallu;

i BDdSuBqoehftuna Hailnuuin;g with Bolvidoro DIVIKIOH "I P».


.forliimiliorUille.TrciiHmauAt 10JO K. M. Duvur AccointnAt tiiOO it. Etftton Eiproeu.At 1:00 P. M. OSWPIIO hiJIres8. Drawlt

Cars attaclitd rune tiin>ut;li \» W«tct uap,burg.Burantaa, llinuljoiiitoiiiSrrtcuitniiuicaunwtlng at 8cniin>m wtth Lack. \ 1)1'It. B. for littstua, W.v..mtu«, KinH«t<Uarra. Fameu^ra takluu title tn<Yort.ratenooiiDil Uuo.ituli c»a cimlagt


itWiigtoamUttrtlaSa.H,Louvc Kewark m 4.»3 V. M (Eait _ _.

preen) cuimcctinft at Wi\!orloo for Anjovcwfth Lffifnh Vafloy Rttitntt.il and LctttfHusqoehauna It. K. for Hcthk-hom, Altc-b,,,.,.ileadinjr aud Harrinlmrg. AIBO with Uwl. Dutallrciid for Bclviiloro.

Si*o p , M., Dover Exprosn for Snmmi(Dernirdfivllle, Biaklngrirtgo and all points -PBBBBIC and Dolnnuro Uailroad.) Cbail.aMadison, ilorriatnwa, Morns Plains, Deuvilltooksway and Dover. Connecting nt DenvLwitb train for Hoonton. nt Dover n-itli Clioit<Itdllroad tor Cboater ami rtuccaBtninn,ar,da"with Eipreis train for Wntertoo, Htckettfto-WaBliiDKton, UiuiiDka CUuuU, IVfiler QiStroiKlHljurR, Bcrantoa, ninglianmiu, TJtiiBielillulJ SpriDRB, S.TracuBu cad Oawcgo, «iiWpmfc cars atlftcbod.

At O;uu p. Ji, Oswtgo Eiprena from,rnrk(al6r ' • ' *• -'- " -*" -Baantaa iBoranton. BIDL

Od, Hotaer, UyiaonBB and OKWCJCO, M L .Waterloo with »\mex lUilroad for AUJL ..

id Newton ; »t Delaware wf111 UlafrBto*u R;At Biofibaujton n l t b triilo Tor Orucne, OtloiNorwich, Dtlca, ftc. This train runs tlirouito OBWOSO Saturday nlffhtB.

At 4(30 p , j r , (Hflckottgtown EiprPBS)ntcping et Milan™, Snmroit, Olmtlium, M»fl!Br_Morristowu and nil Btationn west to UackottS'

wa.conneoi tng a t Waterloo witfi (rain fondovcr and Ni-wion.

At J i*3 P. M. UarriBbnrg Special for t)hibam, Hometown, Doror, Uaeketiglowu,Vriu; Easlon. Bethlehem. Allenlnnn, l t d

, Uawtgo iiiprena iruiu niivivsattacbcd) via. Put or no u tito W«ierOap, Htroudsbargimton, lisle, Marathon, Corl

lo, IJasidiiarjilso, Lyomr.omcltG.&rki . ' Iey Helgti

PaBfaic and rii-liiware IIe Railroad) 'J;ia A. M.

nut) n|] stationH CH. ( N . J . WfHtLii1f6a i'. ar.

A. REASONED, SnporintcndoD.L.&W.E.E. TIME TABLE,

FROM DOVER OOIKO I\T.BT ;Through Hall, fl.25 A. SI.; Otmvpo Ext. -

).61 A. M.; Eanon Eii.resa, l.SG P. MtonandBincbsrown Ki.,2.2G p. SI.; BatEiproBB,5.2Ur. 31.; DOVIT Ks|irL-«K, 7.2:[ . ; (WEoExjm-H- ,7.32P.M.; lI ' "

PROM DOVttt OOtKO EAFT :OBWORO Eiprosa 5.20 A. M-; Do

row, 7.00 A. M.: H.iekptUtnnu j | a i i , 7.H2 A'..; EaBton E Hire as, XA1 A. M.; DinKliamptiaxpreBB. 107 P. M>; TlirnuRli Mail. 2.44 P. V.ovnr Aceom., 5:J5 P . M.; OWWHRO Exbrrao,

£a*con Acc<iotma<laUfin,B.2iP. u.CHESTER BRANCH :

10.35 P . l

i. Jf. P.Sf, A. St. i: sili.lM 8.D56.67 4.157.03 4.807.07 M 07.10 1.66

n 7.14 D.OH7.18 5.10


.45 4.00 New York,.80 3.30 Philadelphia,.M CIO High Bridge,.18 0.27 Califon,,33 6.30 Middle Valley,.47 0.47 German Yullcy,,«a B.52 Kauchriglit..03 6.B8 BMtley,.09 7.03 FUnderu,

9.50 B.S5•0.20 8.107.49 4,i07.27 4.107.1G 4.0C7.07 3.HB7.01 8.326.65 t.Ti6.48 8.136.B5R.9R

JULI 38m, IB7atha matter of MOBM P. Bailth, E « e « t -

>t Jaoiea Dovor, deceued. Barrogutu'e or-ler tu limit creditor8.

On application o i tbo above named eieciie (jrdured by tne BnrroRK« that thu „ . . .loculnrKivepublii. notice to tU« cri-diton, olif estate o~ ssild decedent to brt i l!hla. (lomaodaftnd clainin » a I u B l t h e senidur oath, witliinninfl month* from t l i ia jat3 '

-/BcttiDi; un a cupy ol tlila order, withiwenty du?s here alter, fn Svo of the raont pu1o places In tut> oouoty of Morrin fu r l t inouths, m d also witbiD the Bald twenty fla

dvertlalnjj t h e B»me iB tke " I B Q M £n«ol tbe ncwap([,ero of tbiB State, Tor tl

pseeof ti«ie(UiehurroBiit8luilBinti t b B y ) d I0 spseof ti«ie(

Farthernotico to be nnnBceRiuW»dllor shall necleot <u> exhibitiebt, demand and claim within thif nine raonthi, pnbHc ootiee bel

8lulBnK); and If

Ws o r ' k . .laid neriod

trna copy from the minntci..Executor'a address, Booth Oi


tforagftiimt tli

H, Surrogate.



FOR THE CUBE OFg , CoUi, Iaflumi, HOIIMBHI, DliloiH

BatOlag, ud ill Iffsctiwi of tin Thratt,Jitatfllal TBIJIH, ua Lunei, l«idlDir

U OaptioiuU OnnaptioiuTfcii afiJJible remedy is composed of tb

HoNIV of the plant Horehound. in cliemicaonion with TAR-BALM, extracted fram IhiLffl FKlNClFUt of tlie forest tree ABEISBALSAHUA, or Balm of Gilead.

The Honer of Horehound SOOTHES ANDICATTSRS all frriUtioni and inAammatiotis, am"the T«f-balm a.UMEES AND HEAij; thi thron.and air poiu|;et letdlnc to tlie lungs.: FIVFtddittauiinpedlenti keep the organs cool,

and m htdthful action. Let no prc-Jlidiee keep yon from trying O b peat medidne of« famoai doctor whs his saved thonKindf oThvej bwlt in Jiii Urge private pnakt.

K B T h W S o B A D T A

TUCK 59 cxim Awn $1 M I H I T U

"PDco> Toothncho Drops- <,o?' ia tBIfte






Cleveland, . rChicago, |

• Nebraska^Kansas, Colorado. Dakota.

'Ills. Of iV.ptiifflBirtlit' t.-«t i

I.0SD0S Mi| i lVElirO0L

OliOBE, Oip


y..; Cnj)iW S1O,COI),O!

uooiCapi ta l SIO.OOO.OO

1'HiSKLiNop PH:Carll»l 85,000,00

COUKTI,Calrital S300.0O


HIUEliSIA, . " 200,00


O Co , Slunclil

The Tondon Assnr.i'iLondon, tapittil JSO.r.'lO.o

primfloia F i r e LiMir.

Nwlioliifl F i r e IiisiirnncoK e * York, capi tal SIOfVKMt-

eiiioLeBter i'ii-o I ' lsumnco CompanyNew York, capi tal § 5 MI.IHtO.

New torh C i t j Fli^ I n w m n c e Compnof New yorjj , cupilal -i;aiio,(iuo.



Choice Lots in Dover)for aftlo cheap, t a d


Freeman 'Wood,oe of t!io Poaao ftaj Folfca Sfa lBtr.l


! ia a Standard Fnmily Bcwedy for'disenBDBof tlie Liver, Stommih ,

mgorntor 5~haa heen need 5

1 in my prsoticeSu i b j the public,

• /or more than 35 y«nra,rith •nnpi.wdGiitcd rcBulta.




DOVER, N. J.,rliuro lhe host imlucements anitVurort to buyers in low figures !o:

nil kinds of merchandise, for the"."vsoii Hint no eitrn murgins oniccpiisary to bo nindo to cover biliibta. Emii-miNa llEUintE.

Erieh ilcyartmont of tho store is"locked with tho latest and boat-OO<1H.

DRY CrOODSAll now designs inilocW fabrica

re kept, and a complete assort-nent of Coreets, Gtevesl HoBiery,

KlIibonR, Buttons, ItacbinKn. Tiesind nil athor artioloBjfot .utility.nd adornment.

Provisions.All kinds of houschoM supplies

[f thw ctornstra- nre kept, nnd thislepartmejat cinbraces every tl

BOOTS and SHOES.Tie line inoln3es all grades ol

:oodB, for light or heany wear, forU olaeses of people.

zA largo and good stout oonstanUy

in hand, and articles of all kinds

obTnaiiy for'nierinon, Sin'carefullyelected, reliable and ohoap.

M. V. B, 8EARPG,' R

SHERIFF'S SALE!Morri« Circait Ci a

dan lit ITF aft (1 liH. J> ftamable \o Uuy i

tonrTlI.lleekfr.Guar-> Iff. ttitfTiiVtitl 8, lt>Hi.i 'tu-r. i n cane. Be-


v Al lyI rhoof «

In c&ai

fw oraey 8nprenTnt U I T U K W Hifi. fa. do Iwu. et

.-ON 8 Snvi iFJ , Alt '?

. inr l -Alom* L'onuty.—'nerwtfoa H, AtTio »ml BIR.

. In caw. lteiuriablt)%.ih tsia,

. ,«ff . FUBBTTH, AM'V~-l'l»iNntioi>»!l"uitl!ii

e* d b. nliivTtni

Morrid Circuit Conri.—Tbo tin


tal IrmtliaiiAluu ani> ul»

llotnmnlilin. fa. _ .

Mnn>li'Oir£ttltaHrt'.'..TLe~KftLofMornBtOrTn vt . r,,i!rnoo-J H, Ainu «nil nliPI. fa. d e t o n . e t W . I n quite. Iteturbati'to l l i y Tt r tn , A. II. H70.

TiTHisv « Youvonuxw, A i t r* .Morris Circuit Court—Bantu h. HWU VH. febu.

woodB> AIOD pod »IB. TL f,i. dii Ijnti. tl teIn c u e . Uatnt-ntule to Jnur S! A.D. I ^ U .

Ravtuu C. I.ioK, Au'y.Morris Circuit Court—Tbe National Duin

Dank of Surer nt. Jtwb Atan ml nls. I'hfa.debt'n.et ter. In debt. lUtunmblo tuBopt.ad,4,D. 1WJ,

rrxni v A Yovvfwwon, Mly'tBy vir tue of (lie :.!>0TO*Utcd writaot fieri

f t c i u in my liandn. I ihtl l ci|ioi.e tor naif a',Public Veuduc, a t U . Court Houiie iu Slorrlitown, S . J., onMONDAY, Hie 23d v ( i f 8K1TEMBEB nextA .D . 1679.betneBi ...a bo i ina f 13 M . M U ) .o'clock I'.M., Hint i - . . . B»y. m % u'oluok In til-a r t emiono t gala a.y, all tliosu lutH, t r w t i oparce l io r i ac t l aud] . lulttn, situate JylugmnljpiD»ifJ tliu TIIWUBUIP uf iluukawaj, iu tltuCounty of MprriBBiidHir • « • — * - • -ouaiy of Morris

Tbu Jiret TracIowa; MciiiB p»rtJh Tt. Juvkma

i b

iluukawd H at of Nun lateoy !butt til BDJ bunudod a* fnl-

I l . - k d farmL'fciwH. *.. t 'U uad hiywnmg « t _

pomt iu tbooiidJli ' i>f liiuruad H d i n g fromtho canal Uridgo i" • • • • • • - '•ntane or tlio MmritVibieh point Igilif ttcomae uorlti llftj-(BnutbtiiiBt^rl.vc>iruiend JehaD.Jaehof avid, canal; thci

Uo font or tlie mcl•;iunl towards Beacb Glun,


yj tints mi iii=e« cast from tin

l i h o u s e o r tiiberm bao


" ''"n/lnaqT

tut atuotf-'tne links tot stake; thoueti

oigbt ilugmeB Lust !»•• cliuint apt! iWent.V-loluiks to a stubp; tlnucu {2) nortli twenty-liogreesi " - - - - ••-•- • -- -(J) nortlnud twenty-middle of Hftld road ; ihciico (i<<ro dugrocB west nliikty-oiorbnsinning.ooiilainiuitaiUnd, itriot iiiBngnn-. BH1LDterihedia a iletd /rum Steplion Kittle »na tritetoBftidJacob Atiu,iltled Mircii 20,lo(J9,lordedlu ihuMorri* " J -D Book F 6 Ol Deed-Th» SeoogdlHct

..dMd from Quo. T, Cobb and wire to JvsobAtno, ilftted AoRHit IB, IBM, will oh and deed itrteonled in the Morri. Counly lteoordof Deedais Liber Wu, pag*273, Ao.'aud therelr '-

tbe roso loadinK fr ._fimcli OJOD rota lat najd first named roaibefore ft wu latuh' widened \>j laid Cobb bytie addition of aevn feaV on tlie eauerl* nd«Uie»of)] tlieooe (1) along lot of said AtnoROUtli iixty-aU degivftf enai ono liandred *t *TlV-xlx feet to tin- norUjMBtorly corner

iia Alno'H barn ; tlionoe (91 along lundnlid Cobb nortli tvHity-four decrees and &..

minutes ebit sevemy fuel tu a etaku for a L'OI-; thence (3) still Along said Ct>bb'B landtit Blity-ajx degrouB went OLD liuutlrcd undF-nrrl-t /(f«( to tlio middlo o( tho road Brat

lid ; thence (1) along tlie Mid middle ofBfar«ni ; theuc ( ) along tbe s e d middle ofuniJ road auutb tweuty-two ducroca and a halfUCRI SL-votity f.nt to tbo plnco at bsfiinniug,•uiitaining 10,090 aqnaro U:nt of land, mom orvan. Tlie atrip 7 Kviiti width ruiinluK aloug:\iv usBtcrly Bldu ol Kafil first uampilioad ootbu

tof (bin J t L l l J b d d tt



bvfoni ._ .tfurd Tracticob Atno bv <leed o

A. II. Hmkun atui wfft- dnrecorded in the Horrid Com

Ubcrl lT. f tn lu^. f t i

wirei-l and IB tmt to be eniid MBO, UU beim and utburwine.

.'.ojmn•ved'io•> Ttnm


. July _ . . _ _ . . ,Eo«)rd of Duoditherein iloitQrlb-

* in tlioou tbe

direct one chain and ter-

ns follow*: lk^iuDinc ut a point ii(lerlyaidii nf tHe HiBornii r— J -•tlicrlysiaovtli:-

ju t l jaold to aC. Bower *«d ran m

Iy ttfdooffl;..il

n tbo utboait corner of »inol B. Hiftoy to Joaopb

Uieuoo (1 *1OQH lb«•treet toatb icrentj

nine degrees vf.Bt ono chain and ievlinks to laid cirner uf said Bower lot; tua3J along said Ilowtr linn bortb in degreesmat tbrw diuQB ami tblrty-nii linkn to a pvint- ibe towing path ot tlie Morrii canal; tlietjce_. i be towing path[3) along tlie s»tm

iJ thirty mutates

tblrtynii linkn to a pvinttlie Morrii canal; tlietjce

nid Hibernia road to lo tfr HO mooh of laid land I BH i O l d Dk

WILLIAM H. UcDATIT, Bboriff.iily 17, 1(179. 131 (0


Capital, - $100,000.ank'TiEtiourerroiiiU A . M . t o 4 r . K . Proinpt'iition given to tlie nurcbaae and sale oli<U anil nllicr Hccut i tW; the Collcctiiiu of

HUDSON EOAdliAKD, Pres'f.GEO. BICHABDS, Vice President

AY S. T11EAT, CoRbipr.

D I R E C T O R S .GEOHGB RioainuH,


H E N R I - M C F A K L A H , JOUIAD M E E K E B ,Btf.

The Miners' Savings BanOF DOVKK, N. J .

rs i»vm« « F TUK HATIONAL Uaiou HAN

rSf Open daily Irora fl


O* ACCB TAS ff LN'ilLE, DEO" O U I W I A N T to t n ur46r of t i c Orphan*1

1 L l nf tbo Count) of Mum", nnw OBtbo foartl itov.of Aupunt, JW9, (UP mib*orlbi.rA ml istrntur & c , will will sV I'uWii; Vimilite,

1 Ib bot 1 of 1 fan HlSKott, io tbo Vilta«ehi r Roci»wajV

eit bolwfeen tho bourn uf tnutre md L. .'clock In tbe afturaoou of laiil day, tlie foi-

loirivff dwuribed truta of J*ud, nimato iu tbeb r j t o h a w r , iusftid County of Moi|


orl KB Bag ia t b on U bl & »I JI. In fi e sonnf Ron}. Bcnrh'8

<!e(i(trtitvJ tohiia btrator nlWillmra Van

b U b

c of » hilt marked on fodr sides

desrooi westf t y t w o do•iglit d m t u t ; tiiouee i'i) nurlb furty-two ao

«IRtlt (urtb fortytwo dotbeaee W aortb


ot ititj-fli btmffUt <

foriy-two dygrncn east twctiinlduty-tbrci' links to n curimt'i}fbtv>fl»e rmc litmdrrdlb * AOK«tnm'l fl. lt<!ft.:b und wife; tb. . . .thlrrv-ono minutotwoit Svoctmini and UIHTIjlnko'tna poplo tn-e; thena- (S) nortli eigh-'A'fii Ht-uroea we*l Sve chains and fl/tv-nii linkit<> a comer by tho aids of tbo road t o B o mPond ; tliouco (6) atong *M road nortlicnty dcf;recB ea«t nye cbaim and dRbty-mlink* Jo a heap of atone* <w nuutu •ide udruftd ; tlieiiwj (7) nontn tnetty-Mvon and i _.hair desreoa oast tnolvo li«fen to an oak tr io ,M D i c r u f a J o t bought or Mirtlo Blmcbardtbonco t.8) nortb tf>oiily.Dinn dosroea eaflt omchain to a corner on trio north Btdo of sailrw\; thcQcs (0) aouth tircnty-alno dogrcmt dirty rainotfs onst etgktepti chalm tut} ninft.ilinkii; thence (ID) nouih tl)irly-»!i dofiriwtw * t three chJiUii and iwcntv-flvo links to tinfifth conmr uf iho William Van Win Me farmtlinnco ( I t ) eoulb aoron oli i lna; thence (13•oath seventy doRroo* weet geven chains anrfivo links to ab l iok asb troo in the uramtithonce (14) nitrth ton degnm east eijjiicliafDH to the plaoo of licginnins, contslninjnlmiit forty-five acre* or Imid.

Aod in caao the nroceedn of tbe n l a of aalcltlrtt (ot bujiKuffiufootfouay tbe debts o f n w

* ami (be ooiU of nettling h m c e U t o -W D - A I I tliat tract of l a n d td P l " d t J

D A* thoWi•Moridan Plaw." oonveved to J icob Vi^

kle by Andrew B. HI lor ami otbern, and iinald rfflpds doacribed a i follow!: EeginninR a.n black a ih BAplincr, n em nor of a tract of lamliielonning to Benkmin R-jwib, and from!!running (1) BOUIII thlr'y-tlvortfjtreMWPaeuteen ehains and tblrlv-tbreo links to ain Benjamin Ueuoh'H lini'; tbonce (2)forty-eight r . .along saidliolnK a eo[8)sbnff "

B liui i of B. . . jf Alesundpr RtEward'a I, ,ild Rtowaril'K line north fortr-onc

-lasrees oast aovantoon uhaina and. Ibirty-tbrceI S S H to a stsko ; fi) rlnrth forty-ctsht defcrooweit twentT-ioven chain* an t eighty Jinho ttbe ptsc? atbegitmlttg, aouttti-iag lorty-tii anahYifai •« oflai id, titrict n

gsfure.dfi day of naln.


PTB. fH. 112.60


oior((;ageil prfoiip1iaat,HnooialOuaFrank Mur

il iei tirdiauofA

tDt,rl4 Ol>-

E O i l t__._ iy Olv|.lmnt and Harriot i

ih&nt, !„ tutu pin in.int. and Iloberl D.CliAdaline IIM wile. Hnrali A. G I B C Coin.B. Gage Rtid John Ilancn, arc defcmlaReturnable to October Term, A. fJ. lttT'j.

H. H. LITTLE, HoCBy virtue of the above utated writ of fieri

raniaB in my Lauds I ahull expose for nalt! »"Public Vcndtis, a t the Cowl Home, fa Mormlowu.N. J . , on ,

MONDAY, tbo fllli day of 0 C T 0 B E B noxtA. D, IS7S, beiirtma ilio bouia at 12 AI. and 6o'cluck I1. M., that Is to nay at 2 o'clock In tbe•rtornoou of Bftld day, all those tracts or par*cell of land and premieeR, Uorelnaftor paittc-_....._ b 0 [ j B j , n s l e jying a i l j (, t,jni

Dover, iu the County of IU. . ._and y t i to ttf New Jcraey, buttod, bounded andd«Buril)i!(t HK roifOYa i

I H E FIHKT LOT, tyfnft on tbe west side ofBciuou strimtt in laid 'l'own, and is part of tbeland tbat was conveyed to Samuel COKB bydeed from Lonfw EDunt su<l Aletiuder Miot;her haabattd, dated JUDO 2 5 U I , 1B70, reoordec' - Uook 118, page 191, A c , and tbo part iieretij

invojed \itiiua at a enruor ou tbu west aiditif eai4 street , being the uoi tbeast comer ofIb* lot tbat ufd.CoM opnvuyod tb uno C liar ItsH. Eaetes, by de«d of Atifrnwt ft3d, 1873 and

let f

, by do«d of A a pd In BoUk- J 8, pmge mtcornor bninit ono hundred a

m lbs uorlhwent corner of Be!rccn midig BurnenHetdow itreota, and raua Uionce atuni

liroftt f l j nnrth ttireo decrees wtat Ldred feet; tbencu at right angle* (2) jumibtigblj-«eT(!n degrcuu wcat one bum!red feet tolu&Utird line o f tlie wtio]« lo t ; U,ene» ulr.ngtbe atmD (9) aonth tbree duurocs cast OMhondred fe«t to «aid Hagl*. lot ; thenco atright angltg along tbe «ame (i) nortli iMgbty-forcn degrees east one h a o d r r d f»wl tf. (liebtginnlnit, containing ten thousand miiiarofeat, being tlio same lot conveyed tu »*idCbaie bv iloed dated aepicnibur lUtb, lBia, re-corded ItookS 8. page 317, Ac.

THK BKCOKP L W , bouiimiug at ihe fourthouter ol a tract uf land Mint was conreved tolobu D. Hiciim I,T J a b r e MDID a Oil wi>D byIced dst t i l Untnli

jlorris County CIL ,Deeds, pant 35G, & c , and run» tboiiea (1)north (liirty-fuur ilegrcug west HUE! hundred

IToBI*ct s t ree t ; Tliunco 12) nurlh tlft.v-fii de-

.»t tidely.four.k-iLn K UnrQtai l) : Uimfifty fret IBVCtllOUKiinR UK! t

tfiliv U-»d rlil ; t l i- (3) south 1

IrtiLl M l , l nii

liVi-u liul<n cuu

ibiu-4 illlookZ j;,jiaK"'J77, At;.

.._.iMs. tin- n.;L-imd cun

ilemTibn!, nml runc uf ttw wHulv hit.


will 1>o paid on denomi* made; tlm l i n t .Uya uf JUflcH, JUHK,

M A N A G E R S :


[ENHY JIcPAR^iAN, President,EPHRAIM LQJD8LEX, View Prcal

M V a T f i E A T , lVoaauMr.Dover, Fob. 17,187a.

t 18791luilyW | We are

stocked with thenewest styles inDRESS GOODS,which we areable to sell muchcheaper than anyof our conteniporaries. Our CarpetRoom is filledwith the newestCARPETS,


OIL CLOTHS,which are soldexceedingly close.A look will con-vince anyi one.

W. S. BABBITT,•jj,.l 2 P A R R P L A G E ,



mrvtorJcM.Ilot; tln-ncoftlnsouth Ibrce illli'M, totblrd <

iff tho thin] Una of tre t t f

( ; re liandrcd feet to ,t

et, mure orL-n'iff.];rfUH

I UK- Ik-ingi-] l y f5p o u t v i i ] liy

u lOt i . a to lloliort I). Chaflo, bv'dcuil .OHO. 8tb, 1B74. reeurdrd V 8, tjaH;, 5C, Ac.

WILLUM H. SIfjDAVIT, bbwDaU-cIAiifj. 1«t, 1B79. »


Iturilien F. Woodhull, ' lwnMi)! l,™,n order of tlio Orphans' Court of tljnv, u u

.. .if Moms, made on tho 8th day Anirmt AIt.(1879, will sell at l'nblio Tcriduo, at tb

it, in lite VilJngo ot Chester, )n (do Cool

BTTIJHDAY, OCTOKEH isib, KITSI,o'clock in the nfti-inram of nsld day, a1

_ tract or parcel or lend ntiil prci '"

^and boinplntlLL. trnvushi]. orclu.*i

beginning at the; niirthni.st^oriier15^ KZJHIin tbn picket foncii on Hit Hoiitlipjiiil HirT.the Waahlngion Turnpike, »n,] rim«^ L n" • - i c e < l j aluiig <to iiictut fcucn Bout!, t

SHEBIPF'S SALE!« .!..«<•.» ttrNe«r Jeracy.—W. f». tot aale oi

tiramleei, wbereln Henry Bakei_ J«O(, «ad Heldea T. BonotoDi

. „. Berant*n, UAte 8. WatoraiiD, Ohu.'ea!, Tlie Bohldere Nttlotul Bank, andatnin O CUtke, are defendant*. Be*iblo to October Tortn A. O, In78.


CTen 0. BerarW. Vea!, TlieBenjamin G.turuabto to Oi

T>Y vlHue of thn iiwvo atsted « n t of flarlJ D fcrtwiii wJhands, labail eipo*e for «(«at publlo vendne, *t tbe OaorLBoose in Xar*rigiown.N. J., onItO^DAV, tlie fttttt d*jof>SBPI£MB£Il next,A. D. 1H"B, between Uio boun nr 12 o'olock M.and 6 o'clock I*. H., tb*t it to sty kt a o'clockin tbe afternoon of laid ii*J, til that mrUlnfarci, tract or parcel of land and premSaerthereinafter particularly dncrib«d. sf tuta, ly-ing and being in tlm towitabip of lUndjlpli, IDtbe Countv uf itarrli Bad State or Hew Jenny,butted u d boundod M follows ;

BBginulnR at tbe bogiuoiiig corn or of theAnt tract deaorlbed' in Ibe deed from tf laphanDeBirt »nd wite to n td Henry Biker and Wen.a. Baker, dated Augaitl 2Ub, 1B47, and re-corded In Morris Couuty llecord of i*utl», inBuck Id i, page* 11, Ac., fornmrl> a KliJte oakBtuiuPi a corner of JauicH MCL»QK1IIIII n w>*tbo Crane Iron Coranauj'* land, aud runuiaiitbonce (1) alooR Raid MuLuughhii'i line r.urtbaoTont^-two degree« west it'veu dialart* huke; tboQce (2) alone anothergiid UcLiugbiin'B (nr Crftae Iran Cotnorth oijfbtoun degrees east tuuruliaiaixly-two links to tlio fourth a '

yeu'oil rL

II li. JO]

ir thw.nt;1 ) g i e r fine of PSH! ftlit-lly (»

hains and Siiiy linkn t ormJ l

ftnge» 203, in.; tUol Bliully l t d U

«iplitj-»n lin14) afoiigAiiotlchains and Siiiy linkn tu a c o r m r iti the lintof J»t)ilB Jwmcrty of Jnlj]) Ilftncr; tlmnco (6)alooR tlio Bamu north Bcvun-v-twu dL'erot'v

A cornir of lamia of JUHBC Pell ; tli'-ncu (0)afOUff Bftld Utili'H tlUG 01}Uib fHUr£ <jfl (l

onk luphng ; thenco (7) in a conltttutho last litie, BB tho compass now beamU ft eon dosrveH and Hftuon minulcB wtuon cliaitm sud fifty linUa to & utakoornGr iu tiia )iva ot tUif Aw^Jrov JJatkforty chains and tliirly iinftn rrom iiitree, tha noted cornor of nf d id B t l t i * Bftteiiid Audi

__ ... _iid Deltlmnce (H) along tbf> ffiiAnfmud Andrarmdo.tli ee?eulj-iwo dfcroen mist twenty-ronr cliainH and twriity-eijjbi lirkB lo a corneroflliBHecond lot in said dfi-d Irom HtopliiDcIIart, ttOHCribrd ; ilicuci; {'•)) along n line

HuVtiTi fli'flrut'.ti otiut twoivi' vhftinn HTKI fc?i"ty—flUnhR to BQotliiir wittier tlu-wof; thtuee (U)

Kretta east twenty-live cliaina aud levuuly liii!,to a corner thereof; thence (l^alooganotliilinouf flaid Bjrara mine lot (and Iu acuuiinntlloti otttie nmtb UtUJltoreot,} anam VUTBUITinn degtceB eaet three cliaine and oloffm liuti

l Ut ( i i(ii'Krces natt oigfilocD cfiafto Uiu place of 1,ginning, containing ondruil and fifty-acron screi nf land, bo Itivmiu or IOBI. The eouraee and aiBtaDces,witlitlio uic([iti(j[i of tlio Hovciith lino, buiug takunfrom former convt'yanorg. £ i c u » t i n ? tliout tliu riglit, tit.'e and mloreit nr the CiIron Catnpeuy Iu a port ortnid fatid«, coontr> them \n the partlcB or tho first p i r t (sVidHctirv]u£or»nG William H.BoVor,) | jy ,lcertduff if Octotji>r21tit, 1873, and recorded ft) Mor-riit County Clork'a OfUae, in Book O 8, pagan170, Ac. of UtedB ; and the riftbt, title aud in-te rcs to r tho Kerro Mnn1» itallruad Companyin another part at said itntls under a dead to

ijoi ddtecf April 3811], Ib71, and rocaid.d inid Itccurd of Deeds, in Buuk D B. page 1H2,

acandcooveyiiiphtrowilb ariRhtorw»y fgrr. rnilroad oriUakur add Wilhani H. J t . i k ,on eithor niiic of a liiiii l»>Riiiniiig at a i>oiut iithe Bovonth ii"- ~* " ' - - ' '

of Deeds, in Buuk D B. page 1H2,oveyiiiphtrowilb a r iRhtorw»y fgrri'r adjoiniuK lnt,r?B of unit! ffiiiiry

ilhani H. Jt.ikur, two rods m widthi f li l i i i

mius iud ciglitT l in ts from lhe elputli c--•'-•- •' intli fot t j at'Ktco audand running tin

thirty miuuteH wfHt.to a pomt._ ^the eaid Andrew Untor farm ttttm-4j|cchalnaand fl ft? links from Uio said pin" t:

ia UoWon T. Hcronirtn wj'd'lsaae 8 %_... .1 by said Henry iStkf.t and wife nWilliam fl. Daker ami wire, l.y .Inminf 0 1datuwith salil mortgage, tho naiue being RSTtonecare part o/ tba couAdintion aoaoyoflaid coiivoyancp.

WILLIAM I I . MoDAVIT, Sheriff.Dated J u l j lBtli, 187'J. »1BW)

SHERIFF'S SALE!u Clmeerr of Keir Joraej-Pi . r». for tale ofniorlgftgi'd premmtB. whsroln Edmund t>.Hitiej md William H. Baker, liitcntora oftha laxt will and tumwent of William R.Baker, doccaaed. are complaimntn, and Da<»i<l KiLir. Hflnry itaker, Henry EHRIITlie National Iron Hank or Moniskiwcmm J)a»h, QeargB Hicjjard», BjQeorcp. James n . Hiropson, Vruacia 8. Fr»e-tuan, Martin VaudorboorTbo National TJnfB»nk or Dover, Lowla H. Fnemaa, Davi

rt O. Smith, George E. VoVuorbeuu, aro Ji-fnadan

Ui October Term. A.D. 1879.EDMUNO ». BALSEr, Svl'o

By virtue of tbe above stated writ of fieriiciaa in my banda. 1 aball cxpoio for ealo atulilie Veridoe, »t tho Oomt Uouaa, in Uorrlt-iwu, N, J., on

MONDAY, tlie 30th «lay of 8EPTEMDEB ncit,. D. 1(179, between tlie hour* of 13 U. and C

i»Ed Ji»,« torn able

1(179, betwefc P. M,, tlmt li ID u

n the Town ot Dovea atitl Stat* of Now J

r* of 13 II. a d Cat 3 o'clock ID Ibe

, in "the Uount'y'of

at tba nortliweatt d P *ack street, i

r of Mo.-l, i_

e {1) iiit of Voter, and uimiTly course, alnnt; Uio lino nfflrcct filty-pix feet; thence (VROiirsc and. parfcllel with Peqiliundrtd f«et; thence (.1) Inat' parallel with SIcI'nrlan Mrtu the went lino or requacti

ibcnuo U) in a itmllii*)j

M1"Fa!lwiq"t™,i 'S.r t t5a^ _. M V ( 1 .M . . .B , HU11.siitiilif.' fivi' th.msanil u i btiudrod Bquaro feet[tlaml lining the *kma lami and p r a m l m

Mtnvayoil to

Hi in IMcFor

Ian eatterKct flfty-aii

nck atnwt;up along tho Wc»t

e hundred feet tof I i b

iliit Jutfame the mmn A. Ooodiilo

Adjourned Master's Sale.IN CIIANOEItY OP NEW JEB8E

itweon Uorafitaa L.Hry«rir,cotnp(afnBnt,a.iid Oanfleld, The Ironia Land antf It

J " I'm be U. Vail, Tl

ono it, tho County of M .rri,. riln-n SUrn. Alb^rl Braitt, wik- of B»U1 / iljcrt MiuitQilbortJludd.MidMninniH Uu.ij .uru o i *•*!<:Gilbert Oaihl; Ira Tljitrp a».l M.fwr HThirp, AuminlBtraton of Patty C. Tl.arp


DOVEB, Morrises, ,I .j ,


Local l e w s Journal

North New Jersey,






north tblrlr-lrlr-HOTon

r l " ""

JA«I!fi V


Morria County Snrogata's Office,

AUGUST I8ln 1873.

• the waiter nf J n c n l , r . StTcVlo, Admlmitn

,«K»t* H unlisr to limit oredilorB.

V / JBtrator It In ordered bv lhe Hnrn iu tofit I laid AaminlitraUir give public notice to

lh» omll ton of Iboestato of »akl decodeni toj n r"" m tbLir il?:ns, doiDanda anil claim*

it t b . a*n;E. mtdur oath, wjt((l« jtfaoLB. (rU™ * ' « <1«^, fcj MttlBK Up » OOnj Ofrni^r,within twenty nay* deroartcr, in i^am<wt public P t , P « , f n W .-•-I!-Ulfil

m the minufOB,CHAH. A. QJLLEN,

In Chancery of New Jersey.'O UATTHETV BIOLEIl AHD MAJITHA JfiiQLEii'iiiBWiri:' ' ;

BYvlrtuitoTinoraerdflbB Oonrtof Ch,asrj (,f,Mow Jorter, tnade w Ib "

J«tc hereorLia a c^iua wuoroin ;

Oornun W. Dodge, Tc<i Uotlfte, Hocrv D. V t » . ,

I)ove^>ilanllk,ftL)inB>>aJt>cbDf; J r . r ' d U ^ f mKuteb . r John E . Piper, 'Iho l f a j o H ] UDJOOBank a t Dover, Frnneis a Frocman Jo!Hill MOIOI A. Brookfleld, Rdw- r f w!bnrd, GnoTge Hiobardi, Blchard O«Junto* u, BtmpaoB, WJKiam Smi t t , JiHcdEcs. Fredfiiok A. DoMott, Ma5iod_godd. lisura 0. Van Derveer and Peter H'.Vau l)orv<jor, uetontlaulH. n . la, rot »«!• ol?i"'t$?ged I'r«miBe»- BotnroablQ October3d,lB79. Hstoniiovn A BMTL* Bale on l.ebalf or tho abovt«, "lands sdjciurner) to [ake „,„„, mi

^.oiitdnor of tlioConrt Houio, In Monlalo

" 'iiOSDA-V.BEPTEUBERMthA. D. 1879. between the boura of twelve n"id flvo in the aftbrnoun, that in to Uy at

:luck in tlio afternoon of «ald dav.OSOBGE ff. FOiWITfl,

. t cd6 .p l . lat, 1879. " " ' " " " ' I ' " " " *

- - - . . Meips, Q«orfinNoatrand.uampio

" - i No»ittnd,|Tli

-n»raed pat-pKco at (I

liWho ind ju»t purubAHea * rako anya :

regret I did not aee tho

Thomas Hay Rakebefoc« purohMliiB,a« II la » to l l . i rela

OMtta IOBH Uwn I paid."



OIL STOVESm tin bust. Wo will famUk oil fo, ihrei

qmHon of • »n» . a ho»i l» „ „ ^

Freezers,Cherry Fitters,







•I Ui« STOVE fW 8T011ES ot



ft*jrars.Hew:Billiard; Parlor