Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Lee

Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

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Page 1: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

Complexity, State, and ConcurrencyCS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Lee

Page 2: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

Q: What makes programming hard?

Page 3: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

- Language (so many!)

- Code volume (e.g., millions of lines of code)

- Huge libraries (platforms/APIs)

- Algorithmic complexity

- Backwards compatibility / Standards / Compliance

- Performance/Efficiency concerns

- Scaling requirements

Page 4: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

§ Complexity

Page 5: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

Complexity is the root cause of the vast majority of problems with software today. Unreliability, late delivery, lack of security — often even poor performance in large-scale systems can all be seen as deriving ultimately from unmanageable complexity.

Ben Moseley and Peter Marks, Out of the Tar Pit

Page 6: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee
Page 7: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

But is all complexity the same?

Page 8: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

E.g., building an unbeatable chess AI

Page 9: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

First steps:

- illustrate the chess board layout

- explain the rules of the game

- describe the desired outcome (e.g., checkmate)

Page 10: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

To build a computer AI, we would also typically:

- define domain-specific types - create a game tree (for searching ahead / weighing options)

- build supporting algorithms and tools (e.g., neural network for deep-learning, feedback mechanisms, UI)

Page 11: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

Lots of choices and issues along the way:

- language/framework/other prior work

- performance (how long is AI allowed to “think”?)

- brute force vs. expert system vs. self-learning vs. ?

- how to best accommodate updates and improvements?

Page 12: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

Lots of complexity!

Which steps are truly necessary, and which steps are due to limitations of / problems with a particular approach?

Page 13: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

In an ideal world, we can simply feed the critical specifications into a machine, and out pops a working solution

Chess rules Perfect AI

Magic Solution Machine ™

Page 14: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

In the real world, we should be careful to distinguish between necessary complexity and accidental complexity I.e., which problems are intrinsic to the problem, and which are simply a product of our imperfect tools?

Page 15: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

Seek to minimize accidental complexity.

Don’t make programming harder than it needs to be!

Page 16: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

§ Managing Complexity

Page 17: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

Q: You’re a project manager on a software team. The next deliverable is in a month and you’re way behind schedule.

You currently have 5 programmers on the job, and they’re already churning out code as fast as they can.

What do you do? (You have plenty of cash.)

Page 18: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

Add more programmers!

Page 19: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

… our estimating techniques fallaciously confuse effort with progress, hiding the assumption that men and months are interchangeable.

Adding manpower to a late software project makes it later.

Frederick P. Brooks, The Mythical Man-Month

Page 20: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

Techniques for managing complexity:

- planning and reasoning

- abstraction and modularization

- testing, testing, and more testing

Page 21: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

Planning and reasoning

- white board / pen-and-paper design

- high-level software architecture decisions

- be conservative and pessimistic: things will go wrong!

Page 22: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

Abstraction and modularization

- break software into pieces to be designed, implemented, and tested separately

- build to API specifications instead of implementations

- “black box” integration

Page 23: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

Testing, testing, and more testing

- even before development begins, specify the expected output for every combination of input for every module

- ensure all tests pass during the development phase! (known as continuous integration)

Page 24: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

After fully testing modules in isolation we can piece them together to build bigger systems (that work predictably with little further testing)

Principle of composability

Page 25: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee


Page 26: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

def quadratic_roots(a,b,c): d = discriminant(a,b,c) if d == 0: return -b / (2*a) elif d > 0: sqrt_d = math.sqrt(d) return ((-b+sqrt_d)/(2*a), (-b-sqrt_d)/(2*a)) else: return "No real roots!"

def discriminant(a,b,c): return b*b - 4*a*c

quadratic_roots(1,4,4) => -2

quadratic_roots(1,-1,-2) => (2.0, -1.0)

quadratic_roots(1,3,8) => “No real roots!”

(� = b2 � 4ac

x = �b±p�


Page 27: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

Civilization advances by extending the number of important operations which we can perform without thinking.

Alfred North Whitehouse

Page 28: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

What are some barriers to composability?

Page 29: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

§ State

Page 30: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

state | stāt | noun 1 the particular condition that someone or something is in at a specific time

Page 31: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

To determine what is going on in our programs, we ask:

- what line of code is being executed?

- what are the values of different variables?

- what is stored in global/local/dynamic data regions?

The prevailing model of computation is a stateful one

Page 32: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee



program counter


The prevailing model of computation is a stateful one

Page 33: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

Infinite Runner FSM

running jumping stopped dead


hit ground



run off ground/fall

miss ground/fall

no obstacle /move forward



off screen

Page 34: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

running jumping stopped dead


hit ground tap/jump


def process_game_event(event): if player_state == 'running': if event == 'tap': player_state = 'jumping' elif player_state == 'jumping': if event == 'hit-ground': player_state = 'running' elif player_state == 'stopped': if event == 'tap': player_state = 'jumping' elif player_state == 'dead': if event == 'tap': player_state = 'running' restart = True ...




*** state mutations

Page 35: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

Imperative programming languages reinforce the stateful model by making the standard unit of execution the statement. Statements alter state.

Page 36: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

How do we test a stateful program?

(Is the input/output specification method sufficient?)

Page 37: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

To properly test a stateful program, we must specify its expected behavior for all combinations of input and starting state

Page 38: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee
Page 39: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

What happens when a stateful system gets itself into an unexpected state?

Its behavior is, by definition, unpredictable!

Page 40: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

Anyone who has ever telephoned a support desk for a software system and been told to “try it again”, or “reload the document”, or “restart the program”, or “reboot your computer” or “re-install the program” or even “re-install the operating system and then the program” has direct experience of the problems that state causes for writing reliable, understandable software.

Ben Moseley and Peter Marks, Out of the Tar Pit

Page 41: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

num_times = 0

def foo(): num_times += 1 if num_times < 100: return 10 else: return "I'm too old for this!"

# => “I’m too old for this!”

# => 10foo()

for _ in range(99): foo()


# assume we don't know what went before ... foo() + foo() # => ?

we say foo is a stateful function, or that it has side effects

Page 42: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

N.B.: Not all systems/computations are stateful!

E.g., mathematical functions are stateless.Z 2

0x dx

<latexit sha1_base64="wzKw6Op/k0VER1Q0/K5ZG+uoHwk=">AAAB9XicbVBNS8NAEJ34WetX1aOXxSJ4kJJUQY8FLz1WsB/QpGWz2bRLN5uwu9GW0P/hxYMiXv0v3vw3btsctPXBwOO9GWbm+QlnStv2t7W2vrG5tV3YKe7u7R8clo6OWypOJaFNEvNYdnysKGeCNjXTnHYSSXHkc9r2R3czv/1IpWKxeNCThHoRHggWMoK1kXouE7pX7dto7F4G436pbFfsOdAqcXJShhyNfunLDWKSRlRowrFSXcdOtJdhqRnhdFp0U0UTTEZ4QLuGChxR5WXzq6fo3CgBCmNpSmg0V39PZDhSahL5pjPCeqiWvZn4n9dNdXjrZUwkqaaCLBaFKUc6RrMIUMAkJZpPDMFEMnMrIkMsMdEmqKIJwVl+eZW0qhXnqlK9vy7X6nkcBTiFM7gAB26gBnVoQBMISHiGV3iznqwX6936WLSuWfnMCfyB9fkDafWR0g==</latexit>

Z 2

0x dx ·

✓Z 2

0x dx+ 5 ·

Z 2

0x dx

◆= ?

<latexit sha1_base64="1ce22fFzqxTAuU+6LN1sJD0IFec=">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</latexit>




0<latexit sha1_base64="6CGXTst7W2CG/OuB0w83SQrDF5c=">AAACC3icbVDLSsNAFJ3UV62vqks3Q4vgqiRR0I1QcNNlBfuAJg2T6aQdOnkwcyOWkL0bf8WNC0Xc+gPu/Bunj4W2HrhwOOde7r3HTwRXYJrfRmFtfWNzq7hd2tnd2z8oHx61VZxKylo0FrHs+kQxwSPWAg6CdRPJSOgL1vHHN1O/c8+k4nF0B5OEuSEZRjzglICWvHLlGjuCBVDDTiAJzR76dp7ZOXYkH47A7due6ZWrZs2cAa8Sa0GqaIGmV/5yBjFNQxYBFUSpnmUm4GZEAqeC5SUnVSwhdEyGrKdpREKm3Gz2S45PtTLAQSx1RYBn6u+JjIRKTUJfd4YERmrZm4r/eb0Ugis341GSAovofFGQCgwxngaDB1wyCmKiCaGS61sxHRGdCej4SjoEa/nlVdK2a9Z5zb69qNYbiziK6ARV0Bmy0CWqowZqohai6BE9o1f0ZjwZL8a78TFvLRiLmWP0B8bnD0UWmfM=</latexit>

= 2<latexit sha1_base64="ngHoGWtSajXpH6d7QCtzySPvM4E=">AAAB6nicbVBNS8NAEJ34WetX1aOXxSJ4KkkV9CIUvPRY0X5AG8pmu2mXbjZhdyKU0J/gxYMiXv1F3vw3btsctPXBwOO9GWbmBYkUBl3321lb39jc2i7sFHf39g8OS0fHLROnmvEmi2WsOwE1XArFmyhQ8k6iOY0CydvB+G7mt5+4NiJWjzhJuB/RoRKhYBSt9HBLqv1S2a24c5BV4uWkDDka/dJXbxCzNOIKmaTGdD03QT+jGgWTfFrspYYnlI3pkHctVTTixs/mp07JuVUGJIy1LYVkrv6eyGhkzCQKbGdEcWSWvZn4n9dNMbzxM6GSFLlii0VhKgnGZPY3GQjNGcqJJZRpYW8lbEQ1ZWjTKdoQvOWXV0mrWvEuK9X7q3KtnsdRgFM4gwvw4BpqUIcGNIHBEJ7hFd4c6bw4787HonXNyWdO4A+czx9WpI0x</latexit>

Regardless of context, they are evaluated the same way.

Useful property known as referential transparency.

Page 43: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

Stateful functions are harder to test in isolation, but when different stateful functions share state, it gets even worse (why?)

And if an otherwise stateless function calls a stateful function, the first one becomes stateful too. I.e., statefulness is contagious! How can we make this even more complicated?

Page 44: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

§ Concurrency

Page 45: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

The free lunch is over. We have grown used to the idea that our programs will go faster when we buy a next-generation processor, but that time has passed. While that next-generation chip will have more CPUs, each individual CPU will be no faster than the previous year’s model. If we want our programs to run faster, we must learn to write parallel programs.

Simon Peyton Jones, Beautiful Concurrency

Page 46: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

The most common form of parallelism is carried out via multiple threads of execution that run concurrently within a program.

These threads may access shared data.

They progress through the program at different, unpredictable rates — i.e., which thread does what first is non-deterministic.

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Page 48: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

def t1(): for _ in range(times): count = count + 1

def t2(): for _ in range(times):

=> 692171

=> 1000

=> 10000

=> 81443





test(50) => 100

count = count + 1

def test(n): count = 0 times = n thread1 = Thread(target=t1) thread2 = Thread(target=t2) thread1.start() thread2.start() thread1.join() thread2.join() print(shared)

Page 49: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

count = count + 1

%reg = count %reg = %reg + 1 count = %reg

Page 50: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

def t2():

for _ in range(times):

regB = count

regB = regB + 1

count = regB

def t1():

for _ in range(times):

regA = count

regA = regA + 1

count = regA


-regA -regB

Page 51: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

def t2():

for _ in range(times):

regB = count

regB = regB + 1

count = regB

def t1():

for _ in range(times):

regA = count

regA = regA + 1

count = regA


-regA -regB

Page 52: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

def t2():

for _ in range(times):

regB = count

regB = regB + 1

count = regB

def t1():

for _ in range(times):

regA = count

regA = regA + 1

count = regA


1regA -regB

Page 53: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

def t2():

for _ in range(times):

regB = count

regB = regB + 1

count = regB

def t1():

for _ in range(times):

regA = count

regA = regA + 1

count = regA


1regA -regB

Page 54: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

def t2():

for _ in range(times):

regB = count

regB = regB + 1

count = regB

def t1():

for _ in range(times):

regA = count

regA = regA + 1

count = regA


2regA -regB

Page 55: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

def t2():

for _ in range(times):

regB = count

regB = regB + 1

count = regB

def t1():

for _ in range(times):

regA = count

regA = regA + 1

count = regA


2regA -regB

Page 56: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

def t2():

for _ in range(times):

regB = count

regB = regB + 1

count = regB

def t1():

for _ in range(times):

regA = count

regA = regA + 1

count = regA


2regA 1regB

Page 57: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

def t2():

for _ in range(times):

regB = count

regB = regB + 1

count = regB

def t1():

for _ in range(times):

regA = count

regA = regA + 1

count = regA


2regA 1regB

Page 58: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

def t2():

for _ in range(times):

regB = count

regB = regB + 1

count = regB

def t1():

for _ in range(times):

regA = count

regA = regA + 1

count = regA


2regA 1regB

Page 59: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

def t2():

for _ in range(times):

regB = count

regB = regB + 1

count = regB

def t1():

for _ in range(times):

regA = count

regA = regA + 1

count = regA


2regA 1regB

Page 60: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

def t2():

for _ in range(times):

regB = count

regB = regB + 1

count = regB

def t1():

for _ in range(times):

regA = count

regA = regA + 1

count = regA


2regA 1regB

Page 61: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

def t2():

for _ in range(times):

regB = count

regB = regB + 1

count = regB

def t1():

for _ in range(times):

regA = count

regA = regA + 1

count = regA


3regA 1regB

Page 62: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

def t2():

for _ in range(times):

regB = count

regB = regB + 1

count = regB

def t1():

for _ in range(times):

regA = count

regA = regA + 1

count = regA


3regA 1regB

Page 63: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

def t2():

for _ in range(times):

regB = count

regB = regB + 1

count = regB

def t1():

for _ in range(times):

regA = count

regA = regA + 1

count = regA


3regA 1regB

Page 64: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

def t2():

for _ in range(times):

regB = count

regB = regB + 1

count = regB

def t1():

for _ in range(times):

regA = count

regA = regA + 1

count = regA


3regA 1regB

Page 65: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

def t2():

for _ in range(times):

regB = count

regB = regB + 1

count = regB

def t1():

for _ in range(times):

regA = count

regA = regA + 1

count = regA


3regA 2regB

Page 66: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

def t2():

for _ in range(times):

regB = count

regB = regB + 1

count = regB

def t1():

for _ in range(times):

regA = count

regA = regA + 1

count = regA


3regA 2regB

Page 67: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

def t2():

for _ in range(times):

regB = count

regB = regB + 1

count = regB

def t1():

for _ in range(times):

regA = count

regA = regA + 1

count = regA


3regA 2regB

Page 68: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

“Race conditions” in concurrent programs may lead to incorrect — and worse, unpredictable — results.

Page 69: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

Concurrency also affects testing, for in this case, we can no longer even be assured of result consistency when repeating tests on a system — even if we somehow ensure a consistent starting state. Running a test in the presence of concurrency with a known initial state and set of inputs tells you nothing at all about what will happen the next time you run that very same test with the very same inputs and the very same starting state. . . and things can’t really get any worse than that.

Ben Moseley and Peter Marks, Out of the Tar Pit

Page 70: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

Statefulness and concurrency can make testing near impossible, and destroy composability!

So how do we deal with this?

Page 71: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee


1. Outlaw modifications to shared data (i.e., no stateful code).

2. Limit concurrent execution by forcing critical shared data to be accessed in isolation, using software “locks”.

3. Delegate management of concurrency to someone else — mark which code blocks need special attention.

Page 72: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee

All these approaches have their pros/cons — concurrent programming is still very much an open research problem.

Many CS classes present different approaches to concurrency, along with problems they are intended to help solve.

Page 73: Complexity, State, and Concurrency · Complexity, State, and Concurrency CS 100: Introduction to the Profession Matthew Bauer & Michael Saelee


- Frederick P. Brooks, “No Silver Bullet.”

- Frederick P. Brooks, “The Mythical Man-Month.”

- Ben Moseley and Peter Marks, “Out of the Tar Pit.”

- Simon Peyton Jones, “Beautiful Concurrency.”

- John Backus, “Can Programming Be Liberated from the von Neumann Style?”