Buchanan and St Ambrose Timeline of Events Compiled from information provided by North Lanarkshire Council, NHS Lanarkshire, and Scottish Government Communications team. Category: Blue Water Concerns Organisation Date Source Description Action Taken/Response North Lanarkshire Council 07/10/2013 Blue Water Concerns Balfour Beatty tracker report- concerns were logged that a 'blue sedimate' was visible in water pipe. Water samples were taken for testing. North Lanarkshire Council 23/10/2013 Blue Water Concerns Balfour Beatty tracker report- The water analysis results from the samples taken, confirmed that there were no issues with the water samples. North Lanarkshire Council 22/10/2014 Blue Water Concerns Reports of discoloured water from site in isolated area Maintenance Officer attended site with contractor and works instructed 12/11/2014 to sample water North Lanarkshire Council 12/11/2014 Blue Water Concerns Reports of blue water from site in isolated area Carry out chemical samples at Home economics and areas where blue water occurs North Lanarkshire Council 26/11/2014 Blue Water Concerns Reports of blue water from site in isolated area Clean & chlorinate cold water storage tank chemically clean pipework

Compiled from information provided by North Lanarkshire ... · new St Ambrose school and to note that the contractor intends to undertake probe drilling works on specific areas of

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Page 1: Compiled from information provided by North Lanarkshire ... · new St Ambrose school and to note that the contractor intends to undertake probe drilling works on specific areas of

Buchanan and St Ambrose Timeline of Events Compiled from information provided by North Lanarkshire Council, NHS Lanarkshire, and Scottish Government Communications team. Category: Blue Water Concerns

Organisation Date Source Description Action Taken/Response

North Lanarkshire Council

07/10/2013 Blue Water Concerns

Balfour Beatty tracker report- concerns were logged that a 'blue sedimate' was visible in water pipe.

Water samples were taken for testing.

North Lanarkshire Council

23/10/2013 Blue Water Concerns

Balfour Beatty tracker report- The water analysis results from the samples taken, confirmed that there were no issues with the water samples.

North Lanarkshire Council

22/10/2014 Blue Water Concerns

Reports of discoloured water from site in isolated area

Maintenance Officer attended site with contractor and works instructed 12/11/2014 to sample water

North Lanarkshire Council

12/11/2014 Blue Water Concerns

Reports of blue water from site in isolated area

Carry out chemical samples at Home economics and areas where blue water occurs

North Lanarkshire Council

26/11/2014 Blue Water Concerns

Reports of blue water from site in isolated area

Clean & chlorinate cold water storage tank chemically clean pipework

Page 2: Compiled from information provided by North Lanarkshire ... · new St Ambrose school and to note that the contractor intends to undertake probe drilling works on specific areas of

North Lanarkshire Council

15/05/2015 Blue Water Concerns

Reports of blue water from site in isolated area

Clean & chlorinate cold water storage tank, chemically clean pipework

North Lanarkshire Council

07/10/2015 Blue Water Concerns

Reports of blue water from site in isolated area

Advice given to facility support staff to run water until clear in line with water regulators guidance

North Lanarkshire Council

01/12/2015 Blue Water Concerns

Reports of blue water from site in isolated area

Clean & chlorinate cold water storage tank, chemically clean pipework

North Lanarkshire Council

28/11/2016 Blue Water Concerns

Reports of blue water from site in isolated area

Trace out pipework supplying Home Economics, remove & replace sections of pipework to identify cause of discoloured water

North Lanarkshire Council

28/11/2016 Blue Water Concerns

Reports of blue water from site in isolated area

Replaced pipework in Home Economics

North Lanarkshire Council

19/04/2017 Blue Water Concerns

Reports of blue water from site in isolated area

Renew supply pipework to Home economics room

North Lanarkshire Council

23/02/2018 Blue Water Concerns

System chlorinated after replaced pipe works

Works complete and certification in file

North Lanarkshire Council

29/03/2018 Blue Water Concerns

Reports of black water from site in isolated area

Contractor attended site and provided a report, advice given to facility support staff to run water until clear

Page 3: Compiled from information provided by North Lanarkshire ... · new St Ambrose school and to note that the contractor intends to undertake probe drilling works on specific areas of

North Lanarkshire Council

16/10/2018 Blue Water Concerns

Reports of discoloured water from site in isolated area

Install filters at various locations and trace / identify pipework. Alter pipework to supply toilets from mains, Clean & chlorinate cold water storage tank, chemically clean pipework

North Lanarkshire Council

16/10/2018 Blue Water Concerns

Reports of blue water from site in isolated area

Replace pipework in Home Economics area

North Lanarkshire Council

16/10/2018 Blue Water Concerns

Request to chemically sample water by Maintenance Team

Await results

North Lanarkshire Council

31/10/2018 Blue Water Concerns

Chemical water samples received Results received 13/11 and reviewed, no copper analysis included in results, results included in Oct 2018 file

North Lanarkshire Council

19/11/2018 Blue Water Concerns

Maintenance team requested Environmental Services to arrange chemical water and bacterial water sample checks

Await results

North Lanarkshire Council

23/11/2018 Blue Water Concerns

Results received from Environmental Services

Water samples results indicated variance in copper levels at different locations

North Lanarkshire Council

26/11/2018 Blue Water Concerns

Education & Families raised issues with 'Blue Water 'on site

Water delivered to site 26/11/2018

North Lanarkshire Council

28/11/2018 Blue Water Concerns

Decision taken by maintenance manager to replace all further pipework and continue to flush system daily

Works issued to contractor to replace 1800m of pipework

Page 4: Compiled from information provided by North Lanarkshire ... · new St Ambrose school and to note that the contractor intends to undertake probe drilling works on specific areas of

North Lanarkshire Council

03/12/2018 Blue Water Concerns

Daily chemical water sample results taken over 15 days to establish pattern

All water sample results included Dec 2018 file

North Lanarkshire Council

04/12/2018 Blue Water Concerns

Scottish water attended site to check main supply to school and undertook water samples

Scottish Water to provide recommendations

North Lanarkshire Council

05/12/2018 Blue Water Concerns

Scottish water provided report, no bye laws breached, recommended to change internal pipes

Comments noted, works previously instructed 28/11/2018

NHS Lanarkshire

06/12/2018 NHS Contact re blue water concerns

Contacted Scottish Water to make initial enquiries if aware of the concerns; same day response confirming awareness of concerns and summary of facts that no issues identified with water coming into the school from SW distribution. Confirmed problem likely to be within school’s pipes, outside SW area of responsibility.

NHS Lanarkshire

06/12/2018 NHS contact re blue water concerns

Contacted education officer in N Lanarkshire Council to confirm awareness with situation about blue water issue within internal pipes and ask about previous land use.

North Lanarkshire Council

12/12/2018 Blue Water Concerns

Sections of internal copper pipe cut from the water supply system

Analysis of copper pipe to be arranged

NHS Lanarkshire

17/12/2018 NHS correspondence re blue water concerns

Email from SW providing water testing results for the school – showing only two reported instances of copper exceeding threshold level.

Page 5: Compiled from information provided by North Lanarkshire ... · new St Ambrose school and to note that the contractor intends to undertake probe drilling works on specific areas of

NHS Lanarkshire

19/12/2018 NHS correspondence re blue water concerns

Email from SW providing water testing results for the school – showing only two reported instances of copper exceeding threshold level.

North Lanarkshire Council

20/12/2018 Blue Water Concerns

Head teacher provided copy of previous Balfour Beatty snagging repairs tracker report dating 2013

Information noted, Balfour Beatty unable to provide results due to timescale lapsed

North Lanarkshire Council

21/12/2018 Blue Water Concerns

Sections of internal copper pipe passed to Environmental Services to test copper content in pipe

Environmental Services passed to laboratory to analyse copper pipe

North Lanarkshire Council

03/01/2019 Blue Water Concerns

Works issued 24/12/18 to chlorinate system 3, 4, 5 & 6 January to flush out all new pipework

Works complete 6/1/19,

North Lanarkshire Council

06/01/2019 Blue Water Concerns

Water samples taken after holiday period to establish impact of works undertaken

All water sample results included in Jan 2019 file

North Lanarkshire Council

18/01/2019 Blue Water Concerns

Chemical sample of site at initial problem areas, office, home economics, kitchen, water cooler

All water sample results included in Jan 2019 file validating copper levels within tolerance in areas where pipework has been replaced

North Lanarkshire Council

01/02/2019 Blue Water Concerns

Chemical sampling complete validating works are addressing the problem

All sample results included Jan 2019 file validating copper levels within tolerance in areas where pipework has been replaced

North Lanarkshire Council

17/02/2019 Blue Water Concerns

Works complete to replace 1800m of copper pipe

Works complete and further chemical samples to be undertaken

Page 6: Compiled from information provided by North Lanarkshire ... · new St Ambrose school and to note that the contractor intends to undertake probe drilling works on specific areas of

North Lanarkshire Council

19/02/2019 Blue Water Concerns

Works issued to chlorinate system after pipe replacement

Works complete

North Lanarkshire Council

21/02/2019 Blue Water Concerns

Verbal report of blue water in cleaners cupboards

Works order varied to replace pipe works in cleaners cupboards

North Lanarkshire Council

02/03/2019 Blue Water Concerns

Sample full site to validate works have addressed the issues

Await results

North Lanarkshire Council

07/03/2019 Blue Water Concerns

Installed free standing water coolers More practical for staff and pupils to access water

North Lanarkshire Council

11/03/2019 Blue Water Concerns

Sample results received confirming all water drinking outlets are within the required tolerance

All sample results included in Mar 2019 files

North Lanarkshire Council

20/03/2019 Blue Water Concerns

Further sample results identified areas that had been missed on the re-pipe, cleaners cupboards

Works to replace further pipework complete 23/3/19

North Lanarkshire Council

29/04/2019 Blue Water Concerns

Further sample results undertaken All samples results included in Apr 2019 files

Page 7: Compiled from information provided by North Lanarkshire ... · new St Ambrose school and to note that the contractor intends to undertake probe drilling works on specific areas of

Category: Planning of New School Campus Timeline Organisation Date Source Description Action Taken/Response

North Lanarkshire Council

01/01/1945 Site History Active Landfill site End- 01/01/1975

North Lanarkshire Council

01/01/1990 Site History Site Landscaped and utilised as sports pitches

End -01/12/2002

North Lanarkshire Council

01/06/2002 Development of School Proposal

Schools and centres 21 was the council’s initiative to upgrade the school estate which comprised of a number of phases. North Lanarkshire Council (NLC) with Scottish Executive support, agreed a phase 1 project.

Phase 1 was a public private partnership (ppp) in liaison with transform schools in North Lanarkshire covering 24 new build schools.

North Lanarkshire Council

19/04/2006 Development of School Proposal

NLC- Education Committee Meeting to discuss the proposals of schools who could be eligible for the 2010 Schools upgrade programme

It was decided during this meeting that the rebuild of St Ambrose would be approved as the first priority of the 2010 upgrade programme

Page 8: Compiled from information provided by North Lanarkshire ... · new St Ambrose school and to note that the contractor intends to undertake probe drilling works on specific areas of

North Lanarkshire Council

28/09/2007 Development of School Proposal

NLC- Committee meeting to propose the principles and criteria for the selection of school upgrade projects

It was decided that three new site options for St Ambrose school rebuild should be selected for formal consultation

North Lanarkshire Council

23/10/2007 Development of School Proposal

NLC Learning and Leisure Services committee meeting

Proposed new school plans approved by committee and the committee were to consult with the communities who would be affected by the proposals to get their opinions on the three proposed site options by 12 December 2007

North Lanarkshire Council

07/12/2007 Development of School Proposal

NLC- Learning and Leisure Services committee meeting report which details changes affecting educational provision for Drumpark ASN school

It was proposed that Drumpark ASN primary would be discontinued and replacement school will be provided in Coatbridge for existing pupils, Drumpark ASN high school would co locate with St Ambrose high on same site.

North Lanarkshire Council

17/12/2007 Development of School Proposal

NLC- committee meeting to discuss the results of the consultation about the site replacement of St Ambrose/drumpark secondary campus

After reviewing the consultation results re the 3 proposed new site options, it was recommended that the Townhead road site be used and that Townhead community centre would be incorporated into the site.

Page 9: Compiled from information provided by North Lanarkshire ... · new St Ambrose school and to note that the contractor intends to undertake probe drilling works on specific areas of

North Lanarkshire Council

26/01/2008 Development of School Proposal

Report from NLC to Coatbridge Local Area Partnership (LAP)- on the full intrusive ground investigation on the proposed new site

The full ground investigation indicated more favourable ground conditions than initially thought and the appointed contractor confirmed that the site could be developed for the provision of a new school. Environmental services were also consulted during the investigation.

North Lanarkshire Council

21/11/2008 Development of School Proposal

NLC committee report meeting to inform committee on results of the full intrusive ground investigation of proposed (townhead) site

Following this report the committee were asked to endorse the selection of the townhead site for new St Ambrose school and to note that the contractor intends to undertake probe drilling works on specific areas of the site during the pre-construction phase.

North Lanarkshire Council

16/04/2009 Development of School Proposal

NLC committee report to provide a summary of the progress to-date on the ten Phase A projects in the schools and centres 21 programme

Two key principles for design solution were established: building footprint to be on southern area of townhead site and the building will be three storey instead of two.

North Lanarkshire Council

21/06/2010 Planning Planning permission confirmation NLC was granted planning permission to build a new school on the townhead site

North Lanarkshire Council

02/07/2010 Planning NLC committee meeting to provide details of the service plan performance April 2009-March-2010

Report confirms that the planning permission has been granted for the re-build of St Ambrose and Drumpark Secondary

North Lanarkshire Council

20/08/2010 Planning NLC Committee meeting to advise that the building contract for the rebuild had been awarded

Building contract for new re-build was awarded to Balfour Beatty under the schools & centre 21

Page 10: Compiled from information provided by North Lanarkshire ... · new St Ambrose school and to note that the contractor intends to undertake probe drilling works on specific areas of

framework agreement on 02/08/2010

North Lanarkshire Council

01/09/2010 Planning Formal acceptance letter from NL Council to Balfour Beatty regarding proposed St Ambrose School build.

North Lanarkshire Council

31/08/2019 Planning Form of Tender sent from Balfour Beatty to NL council.

Category: Site Investigation and Build Organisation Date Source Description Action Taken/Response

North Lanarkshire Council

01/11/2006 Site investigation URS Preliminary Ground investigation report of St Ambrose High School

Commissioned by North Lanarkshire Council, to determine overall ground conditions across the preferred site in relation to foundation design, earth works, mineral stability and soil and ground water contamination.

North Lanarkshire Council

02/02/2007 Site investigation Report/results on the testing of oxygen, methane and carbon dioxide of the site.

North Lanarkshire Council

02/10/2008 Site investigation URS Ground Investigation Report Second and final report of the ground conditions of the site by URS.

North Lanarkshire Council

17/11/2008 Site investigation WSP peer review of URS ground Investigation report of October 2008 titled: Proposed St. Ambrose High School – Ground Investigation Report.

Page 11: Compiled from information provided by North Lanarkshire ... · new St Ambrose school and to note that the contractor intends to undertake probe drilling works on specific areas of

North Lanarkshire Council

18/11/2008 Site Investigation Report review summary (by NL Council) and recommendations from pollution control following report review by WSP of initial URS site investigation report.

North Lanarkshire Council

18/11/2008 Site investigation URS gas monitoring of the proposed site- results sheet

North Lanarkshire Council

26/11/2008 Site investigation Letter from Balfour Beatty construction to NL Council, detailing scope of works and costs of additional gas monitoring at proposed school development

North Lanarkshire Council

03/12/2008 Site investigation URS gas monitoring of the proposed site- results sheet

North Lanarkshire Council

12/12/2008 Site investigation WSP Peer Review (Geotechnical) for Proposed St Ambrose High School. This review focuses on the geotechnical and mineral stability aspects of the above-referenced report.

North Lanarkshire Council

14/12/2008 Site investigation URS gas monitoring of the proposed site- results sheet

North Lanarkshire Council

29/12/2008 Site investigation URS gas monitoring of the proposed site- results sheet

North Lanarkshire Council

14/01/2009 Site investigation URS gas monitoring of the proposed site- results sheet

Page 12: Compiled from information provided by North Lanarkshire ... · new St Ambrose school and to note that the contractor intends to undertake probe drilling works on specific areas of

North Lanarkshire Council

28/01/2009 Site investigation URS gas monitoring of the proposed site- results sheet

North Lanarkshire Council

17/02/2009 Site investigation URS gas monitoring of the proposed site- results sheet

North Lanarkshire Council

03/03/2009 Site investigation URS gas monitoring of the proposed site- results sheet

North Lanarkshire Council

18/03/2009 Site investigation URS gas monitoring of the proposed site- results sheet

North Lanarkshire Council

01/04/2009 Site investigation URS gas monitoring of the proposed site- results sheet

North Lanarkshire Council

15/04/2009 Site investigation URS gas monitoring of the proposed site- results sheet

North Lanarkshire Council

29/04/2009 Site investigation URS gas monitoring of the proposed site- results sheet

North Lanarkshire Council

05/05/2009 Site investigation Letter dated from URS to Design Services North Lanarkshire Council.

Results of additional gas monitoring and assessment. Comments on the results including recommendations for level of gas mitigation/protection to be installed on site for new development.

Page 13: Compiled from information provided by North Lanarkshire ... · new St Ambrose school and to note that the contractor intends to undertake probe drilling works on specific areas of

North Lanarkshire Council

19/06/2009 Site investigation Letter from Ramboll to Pollution Control to give technical update on erroneous result during monitoring undertaken on 29 December 2008.

North Lanarkshire Council

31/08/2009 Site investigation WSP peer review follow up- “Proposed St. Ambrose High School, Townhead – Report Review – Summary and Recommendations.” This appears to be URS comments inserted into Environmental Service’s review letter dated 18th November 2008.

North Lanarkshire Council

13/10/2009 Site investigation 13th and 14th August 2009 Email correspondence; Technical advice from, WSP (Technical Consultants to the council) and Contaminated land officer re additional gas monitoring suggestion by Ramboll.

North Lanarkshire Council

26/11/2009 Site investigation Ground contamination risk assessment report prepared by ramboll at the request of Balfour Beatty

North Lanarkshire Council

01/12/2009 Site investigation December 2009 Ramboll Report commissioned by Balfour Beatty- St Ambrose Ground Contamination Detailed Quantitative Risk Assessment

Detailed Quantitative Risk Assessment to assess the risks to human health from benzo(a)pyrene and benzo(a)anthracene contamination identified at the proposed St Ambrose School. Following on from the Ground Contamination Generic Quantitative Risk Assessment

Page 14: Compiled from information provided by North Lanarkshire ... · new St Ambrose school and to note that the contractor intends to undertake probe drilling works on specific areas of

report and should be read in conjunction with.

North Lanarkshire Council

14/12/2009 Site investigation WSP Peer Review for Proposed St Ambrose High School. St. Ambrose – Ground Contamination Risk Assessment Report for Balfour Beatty. Ramboll UK Ltd, November 2009. The Ramboll report was prepared for the purposes of providing a supplementary site investigation and risk assessment to determine potential risks for the proposed school development of the site. A drawing of proposed development layout was also included in the report.

North Lanarkshire Council

18/01/2010 Site investigation Letter from SEPA to pollution control team SEPA provided the pollution team with advice regarding the potential pollution of the water environment.

North Lanarkshire Council

01/02/2010 Site investigation February 2010 Report Produced by Ramboll for Belfour Beatty. Report on the Detailed Quantitate Risk Assessment (DQRA) of the Ground Contamination on proposed school site. The report follows on from the Generic Quantitative Risk Assessment (GQRA).

The aim of the report is to assess further potential risks to human health from benzo-a-pyrene and benzo-anthracene, both of which were identified as potential contaminants of concern from the GQRA. And to provide recommendations regarding the suitability of the site for a proposed school development with respect to

Page 15: Compiled from information provided by North Lanarkshire ... · new St Ambrose school and to note that the contractor intends to undertake probe drilling works on specific areas of

these two contaminants.

North Lanarkshire Council

15/02/2010 Site investigation Letter from SEPA to pollution control team SEPA provided the pollution team with further advice regarding the potential pollution of the water environment.

North Lanarkshire Council

05/03/2010 Site investigation Letter from Ramboll to SEPA in response to the SEPA letter of 15 February 2010.

This letter addressed issues raised by SEPA and requested for a meeting with SEPA to discuss.

North Lanarkshire Council

05/07/2010 Construction Period

Balfour Beatty Gate 4 contract programme sent for approval

30/07/2010- Gate 4 contract was approved

North Lanarkshire Council

02/08/2010 Construction Period

Mobilisation - 3 weeks duration Mobilisation of construction staff 20/08/2010

North Lanarkshire Council

23/08/2010 Construction Period

Site start Building works begin

North Lanarkshire Council

23/08/2010 Construction Period

Perimeter Fencing- 4 weeks duration End- 17/09/2010

North Lanarkshire Council

30/08/2010 Construction Period

Site Clearance End 24/09/2010

North Lanarkshire Council

06/09/2010 Construction Period

Form Temporary Works access & haul records

End- 01/10/2010

Page 16: Compiled from information provided by North Lanarkshire ... · new St Ambrose school and to note that the contractor intends to undertake probe drilling works on specific areas of

North Lanarkshire Council

13/09/2010 Construction Period

Bulk Excavation and upfill - 17 weeks duration

End- 21/01/2011

North Lanarkshire Council

20/09/2010 Site investigation Ramboll Risk assessment of the water environment report sent to Balfour Beatty

Following comments by SEPA and the CLO, Ramboll UK Ltd (RUK) was instructed by Balfour Beatty to undertake additional groundwater monitoring and provide further interpretation, generic quantitative risk assessment (GQRA) and, if required a detailed quantitative risk assessment (DQRA) of the potential risks to the Water Environment at the proposed St. Ambrose School site in Coatbridge.

North Lanarkshire Council

20/09/2010 Construction Period

Establish Project Base- 3 weeks duration End- 08/10/2010

North Lanarkshire Council

20/09/2010 Construction Period

Dilapidation & site survey- 3 weeks duration

End- 08/10/2010

North Lanarkshire Council

20/09/2010 Construction Period

Grout- up mine workings- 18 weeks duration

End- 04/02/2011

Page 17: Compiled from information provided by North Lanarkshire ... · new St Ambrose school and to note that the contractor intends to undertake probe drilling works on specific areas of

North Lanarkshire Council

01/10/2010 Site investigation Balfour Beatty asked Ramboll to conduct an environmental and remediation validation report.

For the purpose of verifying that development of the site has been carried out in accordance with the requirements of the planning conditions in relation to potential risks to Human Health, measures proposed in the Ground Contamination Risk Assessment Report, Detailed Quantitative Risk Assessment Report (Human Health) and Environmental Specification (all Ramboll, 2010) to assist them in evaluating any potential residual Human Health risks arising from ground contamination.

North Lanarkshire Council

01/11/2010 Construction Period

All weather- 31 weeks duration End- 20/07/2012

North Lanarkshire Council

04/11/2010 Site investigation Report updated on 4 November 2010, following comments from Contaminated Land Officer. Produced by Ramboll for Balfour Beatty. Supplementary site investigation and Interpretive Ground Contamination Report on proposed school site, following on from the initial URS investigation.

The report provides a factual summary of the supplementary investigation and an assessment of ground contamination risks based on all available data. Along with recommendations for suitable remediation to make the site suitable for proposed new use.

North Lanarkshire Council

15/11/2010 Construction Period

Piling- 16 weeks duration End- 18/03/2011

Page 18: Compiled from information provided by North Lanarkshire ... · new St Ambrose school and to note that the contractor intends to undertake probe drilling works on specific areas of

North Lanarkshire Council

22/11/2010 Construction Period

Car park, drainage and attenuation- 33 weeks duration

End- 29/07/2011

North Lanarkshire Council

22/11/2010 Construction Period

Road and car parks- 58 weeks duration End- 31/08/2012

North Lanarkshire Council

06/12/2010 Construction Period

Underground drainage- 31 weeks duration End- 29/07/2011

North Lanarkshire Council

13/12/2010 Construction Period

Cap mine shafts- 9 weeks duration End- 25/02/2011

North Lanarkshire Council

13/12/2010 Construction Period

Pile caps, Lift pit and Ground beams prep- 13 weeks duration


North Lanarkshire Council

13/12/2010 Construction Period

Fencing and sports pitches- 23 weeks duration

End- 15/06/2012

North Lanarkshire Council

17/01/2011 Construction Period

Services Diversion- 7 Weeks duration End- 15/04/2011

North Lanarkshire Council

24/01/2011 Construction Period

Construct Townhead Roundabout- 7 weeks duration

End- 22/04/2011

North Lanarkshire Council

30/01/2011 Construction Period

Ceiling tiles- 22 weeks duration End- 06/07/2012

North Lanarkshire Council

31/01/2011 Construction Period

Time Risk Allowance- 3 weeks End- 18/02/2011

Page 19: Compiled from information provided by North Lanarkshire ... · new St Ambrose school and to note that the contractor intends to undertake probe drilling works on specific areas of

North Lanarkshire Council

07/02/2011 Construction Period

Concrete Encasures- Under building- 12 weeks duration

End- 06/05/2011

North Lanarkshire Council

21/02/2011 Construction Period

Structural Stell Frame& Secondary Steel (inc pre cast stairs)- 15 weeks duration

End- 10/06/2011

North Lanarkshire Council

14/03/2011 Construction Period

Utilities- 13 weeks duration End- 09/09/2011

North Lanarkshire Council

28/03/2011 Construction Period

Upper floor- composite slab- 16 weeks duration


North Lanarkshire Council

04/04/2011 Construction Period

Gas membrane- 15 weeks duration End- 22/07/2011

North Lanarkshire Council

04/04/2011 Construction Period

Fire protect- steelwork 15 weeks duration End- 22/07/2011

North Lanarkshire Council

02/05/2011 Construction Period

Swimming pool structure- 14 weeks duration

End- 05/08/2011

North Lanarkshire Council

02/05/2011 Construction Period

Roof- 31 Weeks End- 02/12/2011

North Lanarkshire Council

09/05/2011 Construction Period

Ground floor slab- 16 weeks duration End-26/08/2011

North Lanarkshire Council

09/05/2011 Construction Period

Commence fit out works End- 09/05/2011

Page 20: Compiled from information provided by North Lanarkshire ... · new St Ambrose school and to note that the contractor intends to undertake probe drilling works on specific areas of

North Lanarkshire Council

09/05/2011 Construction Period

Time risk Allowance- 3 weeks duration End-27/05/2011

North Lanarkshire Council

16/05/2011 Construction Period

SFS System and board- 25 weeks End- 04/11/2011

North Lanarkshire Council

16/05/2011 Construction Period

Grass- 27 weeks duration End- 18/11/2011

North Lanarkshire Council

23/05/2011 Construction Period

Cavity wall construction/block inner leaf- 23 weeks duration

End- 28/10/2011

North Lanarkshire Council

30/05/2011 Construction Period

Stud partitions/plasterboard linings- 31 weeks duration

End- 13/01/2012

North Lanarkshire Council

06/06/2011 Construction Period

Windows, curtain walling and timber cladding- 23 weeks duration

End- 11/11/2011

North Lanarkshire Council

13/06/2011 Construction Period

Electrical 1st Fix- (Trunking, Tray, Conduit, Dist Boards)- 30 weeks duration

End- 13/01/2012

North Lanarkshire Council

13/06/2011 Construction Period

Mechanical & Sprinklers- 1st Fix (heating, DHW Pipes, ducting, drainage)- 29 weeks duration

End- 13/01/2012

North Lanarkshire Council

27/06/2011 Construction Period

Cladding- 17 weeks duration End- 21/10/2011

North Lanarkshire Council

11/07/2011 Construction Period

Sto Render- 21 Weeks duration End- 02/12/2011

Page 21: Compiled from information provided by North Lanarkshire ... · new St Ambrose school and to note that the contractor intends to undertake probe drilling works on specific areas of

North Lanarkshire Council

11/07/2011 Construction Period

Stud partitions 2nd sheet- 29 weeks duration

End- 10/02/2012

North Lanarkshire Council

11/07/2011 Construction Period

Mechanical 2nd fix- 29 weeks duration End- 10/02/2012

North Lanarkshire Council

11/07/2011 Construction Period

Electrical 2nd Fix and wiring- 28 weeks duration

End- 03/02/2012

North Lanarkshire Council

25/07/2011 Construction Period

Ames Tape/spray plaster- 31 weeks duration

End- 09/03/2012

North Lanarkshire Council

29/08/2011 Construction Period

Suspended Ceilings grid + service tiles- 30 weeks duration

End- 06/04/2012

North Lanarkshire Council

19/09/2011 Construction Period

Decoration first coats- 30 weeks duration End- 04/05/2012

North Lanarkshire Council

26/09/2011 Construction Period

External doors and screens- 6 weeks duration

End- 04/11/2011

North Lanarkshire Council

07/11/2011 Construction Period

Joiner Finishes- Doors, skirting's etc- 26 weeks duration

End- 25/05/2012

North Lanarkshire Council

14/11/2011 Construction Period

Flexible flooring- 29 weeks duration End- 22/06/2012

North Lanarkshire Council

21/11/2011 Construction Period

Substantially wind & watertight End- 21/11/2011

Page 22: Compiled from information provided by North Lanarkshire ... · new St Ambrose school and to note that the contractor intends to undertake probe drilling works on specific areas of

North Lanarkshire Council

28/11/2011 Construction Period

Test and commission- 34 weeks duration End- 04/05/2012

North Lanarkshire Council

28/11/2011 Construction Period

Landscaping- 19 weeks duration End- 20/07/2012

North Lanarkshire Council

05/12/2011 Construction Period

Electrical Final fix- 28 weeks duration End- 06/07/2012

North Lanarkshire Council

05/12/2011 Construction Period

Mechanical final fix- 29 weeks duration End- 13/07/2012

North Lanarkshire Council

06/02/2012 Construction Period

Shower/ WC cubicles + IPS panels 1st fix- 16 weeks duration

End- 01/06/2012

North Lanarkshire Council

19/03/2012 Construction Period

Fitted Furniture and signage- 20 weeks duration

End- 10/08/2012

North Lanarkshire Council

23/04/2012 Construction Period

Loose FF&E & Curriculum Equipment- 13 weeks duration

End- 20/07/2012

North Lanarkshire Council

30/04/2012 Construction Period

Final Clean, Snag and Handover- 16 weeks duration

End- 17/08/2012

North Lanarkshire Council

21/05/2012 Construction Period

Validation- 14 weeks duration- End- 24/08/2012

North Lanarkshire Council

06/08/2012 Construction Period

Air tightness test- 2 weeks duration End- 31/08/2012

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North Lanarkshire Council

01/09/2012 Site investigation Ramboll's environmental and remediation report is completed and sent to Balfour Beatty with their findings.

North Lanarkshire Council

03/09/2012 Construction Period

Time risk Allowance- 3 weeks duration End- 21/09/2012

North Lanarkshire Council

24/09/2012 Construction Period

Completion/Hand-over End- 24/09/2012

North Lanarkshire Council

31/10/2012 Construction Period

Certificate of takeover no1 Certificate to show the extent of works taken over by Balfour Beatty

North Lanarkshire Council

05/11/2012 Construction Period

Schools official opening

North Lanarkshire Council

01/12/2012 Construction Period

Certificate of takeover no2 Certificate to show the extent of works taken over by Balfour Beatty

North Lanarkshire Council

06/12/2012 Site investigation Report review and comments from WSP of the Ramboll validation report.

North Lanarkshire Council

20/03/2013 Construction Period

Certificate of takeover no3 Certificate to show the extent of works taken over by Balfour Beatty

North Lanarkshire Council

01/05/2013 Construction Period

Certificate of takeover no4 Certificate to show the extent of works taken over by Balfour Beatty

North Lanarkshire Council

10/09/2013 Construction Period

Letter to Balfour Beatty from NLC enclosing all 4 certificates of take over

All 4 certificates sent to Balfour Beatty as proof of takeover

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North Lanarkshire Council

04/05/2017 Site investigation Gas detection test report- passed

North Lanarkshire Council

11/09/2017 Site investigation Gas detection test report- passed

North Lanarkshire Council

23/05/2018 Site investigation Gas detection test report- passed

North Lanarkshire Council

10/10/2018 Site investigation Gas detection test report- part pass but requires remedial test in November 2018- a 5% range CO2 sensor to be fitted.

North Lanarkshire Council

23/11/2018 Site investigation Gas detection test report- passed

North Lanarkshire Council

25/02/2019 Site investigation Copper mains water supply test report- pass

North Lanarkshire Council

23/03/2019 Site investigation Methane monitoring report.

North Lanarkshire Council

24/04/2019 Site investigation Methane monitoring report.

North Lanarkshire Council

01/05/2019 Site investigation Methane monitoring report.

North Lanarkshire Council

08/05/2019 Site investigation Gas detection test report- passed

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North Lanarkshire Council

21/06/2019 Site investigation June 2019 WSP Peer review follow up of the outstanding issues from review on 6 December 2012.

Category: Health Concerns and Investigation Organisation Date Source Description Action Taken/Response

NHS Lanarkshire

14/11/2018 NHS Enquiry GP called NHSL public health department advising that a patient had informed him that 4 of their colleagues within a school in Coatbridge had developed cancer and that the tap water in school was blue-tinged.

Following this, the Consultant in Public Health Medicine (CPHM) contacted the patient to discuss their concerns about blue water and that the school was built on reclaimed land.

NHS Lanarkshire

26/11/2018 NHS Contact Return phone call with GP providing more details, including permission to directly contact the patient.

NHS Lanarkshire

01/12/2018 NHS Contact CPHM requested that patient ask all of their colleagues to contact the public health department around their cancer diagnosis.

Three of the colleagues did contact the NHS throughout December, regarding their diagnosis.

NHS Lanarkshire

01/01/2019 NHS File note Information on the 3 bladder cancer cases sought via NHSL clinical systems which identified diagnoses between Nov 2015 and Sept 2018.

NHS Lanarkshire

22/01/2019 Review of literature Conducted literature review of associated health effects of copper toxicity, acute and chronic. Findings

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re-assuring concerning cancer or indeed any significant health effects.

NHS Lanarkshire

24/01/2019 NHS Meeting Several key members of the Public Health department met to discuss and agree an approach based on 'Dealing with Assertions of Human Health Risks on Effects from Environmental Exposures: a Systematic Approach: A Guidance Document for Scotland (2002) guidance.

The Group agreed next actions based on the view that the situation being investigated was one of the following scenarios: Scenario 1a A belief that ill health exists in the community and that this is linked to exposure to an environmental agent(s) and the potential source of exposure is identified (e.g. from a specific factory site or installation). Scenario 1b As in 1a except no specific environmental source is under suspicion.

NHS Lanarkshire

28/01/2019 Discussion/investigation

Extensive discussion around: case finding, defining the at-risk population (thus geographical area), case definition, methodology: expected output type(s) of statistical (and other) analyses, transparency and demonstrating it throughout the process, how to publish output/outcome, etc. Key actions: 1. Contact NHSL Comms 2. Contact Cancer Registry 3. Contact NSS 4. Contact HPS 5. Convene Problem Assessment Group Meeting.

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NHS Lanarkshire

29/01/2019 Email discussion Email discussion with Director for Cancer Registry.

NHS Lanarkshire

29/01/2019 NHS Contact Contact with NSS on continued investigation of the situation which included allegations linking it to the concerns raised regarding the cluster of bladder cancer cases.

NHS Lanarkshire

08/02/2019 NHS request Request to NSS to check their own clinical systems for further information and possible links between the 3 bladder cancer cases.

NHS Lanarkshire

12/02/2019 Response to NHS request

NSS passed request to Cancer Registry Team.

NHS Lanarkshire

15/02/2019 NHS Investigation Preliminary work was undertaken on review of the data on bladder cancer in the general population.

Prelimary work ended at the end of February 2019.

NHS Lanarkshire

25/02/2019 NHS Contact phone call to teacher advising no evidence of cancer-causing or indeed any harmful contaminants in the school’s water and NLC had confirmed commitment to change all internal pipes in school, therefore blue water investigation would end but separated from alleged cancer cluster and potential links to reclaimed school land, which will continue. Informed them that a colleague, with extensive experience

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investigating cancer clusters will be taking this forward/

NHS Lanarkshire

01/03/2019 Two child cases investigation

Assessment has been undertaken by NHS Lanarkshire Department of Public Health in relation to two children - one attends Buchanan High School and one attends St Ambrose High School. Each child had a single elevated urine arsenic level followed by a normal urine arsenic level.

NHS Lanarkshire

01/03/2019 Review of evidence Review of the data on bladder cancer incidence in the general population was carried out.

The review of the data was completed by mid-April 2019.

NHS Lanarkshire

04/03/2019 NHS request There was a request that the original consultant contact patients to ask for their consent for a second consultant to contact them individually.

NHS Lanarkshire

08/03/2019 Call to NHSLanarkshire from GP

Call enquiry was received from a local GP who was requesting assistance on actions required for a case of arsenic poisoning reported to

An on call CPHM from NHSLAN handled the enquiry and provided the following advice: repeat urine specimen to be taken and will

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him from a worried patient regarding her son

follow up with appropriate advice after speaking with colleagues

NHS Lanarkshire

20/03/2019 Interview Discussion with cases

Individual meetings with cases to discuss diagnoses and case history. Meetings were held in location convenient to cases and were approximately 1.5 hours. Questionnaire was sent to cases in advance of meeting. Considerable preparation prior to meetings to enable meetings to focus on case’s concerns and fears, establish any occupational risk factors in case’s past, smoking history and past medical history, discuss risk factors and latency period of bladder cancer.

These interviews were completed on 22/03/2019.

NHS Lanarkshire

01/04/2019 Two child cases investigation

Investigation begins.

NHS Lanarkshire

05/04/2019 Meeting Problem Assessment Group Meeting (PAG) met for the first time.

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NHS Lanarkshire

11/04/2019 Investigation Broad base literature search by Epidemiologist HPS.

NHS Lanarkshire

17/04/2019 Email correspondence

Email circulated by Health Protection Scotland including details on a preliminary OVID search for evidence of relationship between landfill site and cancers. Conclusion – at best mixed evidence/ inconclusive evidence on whether there is an association between landfill sites and cancer.

NHS Lanarkshire

17/04/2019 Problem Assessment Group(PAG) was convened

The PAG met to review all the information collated so far which included the conclusion noted by the CPHM.

In conclusion, the group agreed that the investigation did not find any evidence suggesting a health risk associated with attending Buchanan High School that would have led to the development of cancer. Cases to be contacted individually by letter notifying of the group’s decision.

NHS Lanarkshire

01/05/2019 NHS communication Further to the actions of the PAG, the CPHM who met with each individual sent a letter dated 1 May 2019 summarising the review process, the evidence considered and the conclusions drawn.

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NHS Lanarkshire

01/06/2019 Two child cases investigation

Investigation concludes. The current assessment is that the elevated urine arsenic level for each child was due to consumption of relatively non-toxic organic arsenic compounds which are sometimes found in foods such as seafood and poultry.

NHS Lanarkshire

13/06/2019 NHS Enquiry There was a 5th case staff member advised by union to speak with PH. They were interviewed by telephone on 13 June 2019 using the same framework as for other cases. Advised about the reasons for the overall assessment at the school and that they would be happy to speak with patient if patient wished.

No further contact to date as at 30 July 2019.

NHS Lanarkshire

25/06/2019 NHS File note Consultant Public Health Medicine met with Dr Margaret Hannah, Co-chair of the Buchanan and St Ambrose High School Campus Independent Review.

Dr Hannah reviewed documents and records in relation to two cases of children who had had elevated urine arsenic levels. Dr Hannah agreed these documents and records review were sufficient for the needs of the review team at this time.

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Category: North Lanarkshire Council Responses to Concerns/Media Enquiries

Organisation Date Source Description Action Taken/Response

NL Council Comms

14/11/2018 Media Enquiry

Sunday Post: Allegations of blue water coming from taps at the HE dept. Staff at the school have contacted the Sunday Post

Statement provided-“Tests have already been carried out and the results show that occasional instances of ‘blue water’ is due to a potential corrosion in the pipework which creates a copper solution. This has little impact on the quality of the water, although there is discoloration, which understandably, can appear alarming. “However, the taps affected are for handwashing only and pupils and staff have been advised of this. There are separate water fountains for drinking, which have a filter system in place. “We have quickly taken a number of measures to resolve the situation, including: replacement filters, flushing the system until the taps run clear and replacing piping with plastic pipes in parts of the section. “We regularly monitor water quality in all our school buildings and the most recent analysis of water samples carried out this week, did not raise any concerns.”

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NL Council Comms

22/11/2018 Email correspondence

Email from NASUWT to NL council regarding issues staff members had raised with water.

Asked for historic water testing results which evidence the water being safe for staff and pupils to drink.

NL Council Comms

29/11/2018 Media Enquiry

Sunday Post: 1) Our information is that four teachers based in the same corridor at Buchanan High School in Coatbridge have contracted bladder cancer in the six years since the school was built. The interest in this is because at the time the school was built concerns were raised about it being on a former landfill site. Is the council aware of these cases and have any investigations been carried out into possible links between the cases? Or possible environment-related causes? If so, what were the findings? 2) There have been reports of water in the school ‘running blue’. Can you confirm if investigations have been carried out into this and what the results of any tests are? Has there been any change to water supplies in the school as a result of this? Are you able to rule out any link between this and the cases noted above?

Statement Provided- “The occasional instances of ‘blue water’ from a small number of taps at Buchanan High School are due to potential corrosion in the pipework creating a copper solution. This has little impact on the quality of the water, although there is discoloration, which understandably, can appear alarming. “Since this has been reported we have been proactive in identifying the problem. We have replaced filters and are flushing the system twice a day which will help lower the concentration of copper in the taps concerned. We are carrying out daily tests to see what impact that is having and we are actively investigating a longer-term solution which could include replacing up to 300 metres of pipework. “However, the taps affected are for handwashing only and pupils and staff have been advised of this. There are separate water fountains for drinking, which have a filter system in place. In addition, to reassure staff and pupils, we have also made bottled water available.”

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NL Council Comms

30/11/2018 Media Enquiry

Sunday post (follow up question): 1) Can you confirm when the blue water issue was first reported and when testing/investigations began? 2) Is there any indication of what is causing the potential corrosion in the pipework? 3) Are there any similar ‘blue water’ issues or investigations at St Ambrose High School or Townhead Community Centre? Or is it just affecting Buchanan High? 4) Finally have any soil tests been undertaken at the site, as well as testing of the water?

1) Blue water is common on any new-build site and we have dealing with it on this site on and off over the last three years. The industry-standard way to deal with this is to flush the system, which is what we have been doing when we get occurrences. This has been successful. However, given the claims being made about cancer, which were reported to us on September 26, we commissioned a full suite of intensified testing from independent experts. They first attended the site on October 15, which was the start of the school October week. This allowed the contractor unrestricted access to the site over a number of days, the first available opportunity to do that. 2) No. It is not particularly uncommon in new, large buildings. 3) Testing has also been carried out in St Ambrose. We have recorded a higher-than-normal (NOTE: not dangerous) incidence of copper in some of those tests. We have also carried out testing in the community centre but those readings are normal. 4) No. Based on what we talked about earlier, there is no reason to do so. The site is capped according to the building regulations.

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NL Council Comms

30/11/2018 Letter communication

Q&A letter issued to parents and staff from NL council.

Provided them with update on the staff reported incidents of blue water coming from a tap in Buchanan High school.

NL Council Comms

03/12/2018 Media Enquiry

Airdrie and Coatbridge Advertiser: Can you send me line on this article? https://www.sundaypost.com/fp/dont-drink-the-blue-water-taps-ban-for-children-at-schools-built-on-toxic-dump/?utm_source=facebook&fbclid=IwAR2mUPWN9HE42GIsiBfsUzY-mZa5hgRRpZxV7At4ezwDrvD8Z9rMcST47ZI

“The occasional instances of ‘blue water’ from a small number of taps at Buchanan High School are due to potential corrosion in the pipework creating a copper solution. This has little impact on the quality of the water, although there is discoloration, which understandably, can appear alarming. “Since this has been reported we have been proactive in identifying the problem. We have replaced filters and are flushing the system twice a day which will help lower the concentration of copper in the taps concerned. We are carrying out daily tests to see what impact that is having and we are actively investigating a longer-term solution which could include replacing up to 300 metres of pipework. “However, the taps affected are for handwashing only and pupils and staff have been advised of this. There are separate water fountains for

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drinking, which have a filter system in place. In addition, to reassure staff and pupils, we have also made bottled water available.”

NL Council Comms

04/12/2018 Email correspondence

Email from NASUWT to NL council to advise that members are contesting the contents of the Q&A.

NL Council Comms

04/12/2018 Email correspondence

Email from NASUWT to NL Council in response to Q&A that was released in 30 November 2018.

Asked to see the original scientific results and reports rather than the conclusions the employer has drawn from the testing.

NL Council Comms

12/12/2018 Email correspondence

Email from NL council to St Ambrose High school staff to invite them to a proposed awareness session on 20/12/2018.

NL Council Comms

17/12/2018 Email correspondence

Email invite to trade unions from NL Council to an awareness session with the staff of both schools on 20/12/2019.

NL Council Comms

19/12/2018 Email correspondence

Email from NL Council to Trade unions informing them that the meeting scheduled between them on 20/12/2018.

Meeting to be rescheduled for after the new year.

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NL Council Comms

14/01/2019 Email correspondence

Email from NASUWT to NL council highlighting news articles they wish to discuss in the next trade union meeting.

NL Council Comms

17/01/2019 Media Enquiry

Herald Times: Asked about a meeting held between staff at the schools on 15 January.

Statement provided-“We held a meeting with staff at both schools on Tuesday 15 January to update them on the progress we are making in tackling instances of ‘blue water’ at the St Ambrose/Buchanan High Schools campus in Coatbridge. “This copper solution is caused due to corrosion in the pipework; this has minimal impact on the quality of the water, but can appear alarming. “To date we have replaced filters, are flushing the system twice a day which helps prevent a build-up of copper solution in the tap concerned and we are in the process of replacing all the copper pipework with plastic pipes."

NL Council Comms

25/01/2019 Media Enquiry

Daily Record: Looking for a comment on letter sent anonymously by staff to Fulton MacGregor MSP

Statement provided- “We have engaged with unions and staff, and held meetings at both schools to update them on the progress we are making in tackling instances of ‘blue water’ at the St Ambrose/Buchanan High Schools campus in Coatbridge. “This copper solution is caused due to corrosion in the pipework; this has minimal impact on the quality of the water, but can

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appear alarming. “To date we have replaced filters, are flushing the system twice a day which helps prevent a build-up of copper solution in the taps concerned and we are in the process of replacing all the copper pipework with plastic pipes. “We will continue to keep staff and parents updated throughout.”

NL Council Comms

27/01/2019 Media Enquiry

BBC Scotland: Looking for a statement.

Blue water statement provided.

NL Council Comms

28/01/2019 Media Enquiry

The Glasgow Standard - Glasgow Caledonians University's newspaper- requesting a statement from council re blue water concerns in St Ambrose and Buchanan High schools.

Provided blue water statement response as seen in above entry.

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NL Council Comms

30/01/2019 Letter Communication

Q&A letter issued to parents and staff from NL council.

As promised in previous Q&A in November 2018 a second updated Q&A was issued which included the council’s plans to replace the copper pipes.

NL Council Comms

01/02/2019 Responses to concerns

Expert advice Settlement report by Civil Engineering specialist was completed

NLC requested a specialist to undertake a review of the settlement and drainage issues. Report made suggested recommendations.

NL Council Comms

01/02/2019 Media Enquiry

Sunday Post: 1) The test results from 19/11/18 show the copper level in the home economics area was 7.489 – more than three times the prescribed maximum concentration. -The results from 19/11/18 also show the copper level in the school kitchen was above the prescribed maximum concentration level at 3.680. Could you advise what action


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was taken following these results? When were the last tests taken and are copper levels now within prescribed maximum concentrations at these sites? 2) The results from 21/11/18 on coliform levels conclude that the samples from the school kitchen and staff room did not comply with a requirement of the Public Water Supplies (Scotland) Act. I have spoken to one expert who said this suggests there is a problem with the drinking water and coliforms (which can indicate contamination from faecal waste) should not be present. Could you advise what caused this problem and has it been resolved? Has further testing has been carried out to confirm it is now resolved – and if so, when? 3) A report from Enviroliance on 29/3/18 released under FOI stated the problem of blue/black water at St Ambrose is “all throughout the school as well as Buchanan High in the snack area/home economics and science classrooms. This is also happening in the main office sink of St Ambrose” Do you have any comment on this as it suggests the problem of blue water has been

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extensive at the schools? 4) Finally the test results specify St Ambrose High as the location – but presume this would also cover Buchanan High as it’s a shared campus?

NL Council Comms

04/02/2019 Email correspondence

Email from NASUWT to NL Council regarding their disappointment of not being kept up to date with councils investigations into staff members concerns.

NL Council Comms

06/02/2019 Media Enquiry

Daily Record: Recommendation about replacing pipes in March 2018 -Can the council explain why the pipes weren't replaced for months after the March recommendation that this be done?

Link to newspaper article with NL Council response - 09/02/19 https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/council-bosses-warned-schools-blue-13973243

NL Council Comms

07/02/2019 Email correspondence

Email invite to trade unions from NL Council to a meeting on 8th February to update them on the results of the recent tests that have been undertaken.

NL Council Comms

22/02/2019 Media Enquiry

Sunday Post: Journalist has requested comment from NL council re comments from parents who are angry that their children have had to pay for bottled water during replacement of water pipes (60-80p depending on size). They say there has never been any announcements about provision of any free water

Link to article with NL Council statement-24/02/2019 -https://www.sundaypost.com/fp/health-alert-school-now-charging-pupils-for-bottles-of-still-water/

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and their children have had to purchase bottled water from the canteen over this time and that the drinking water fountains have not been in use.

NL Council Comms

27/02/2019 Letter communication

Letter issued to school staff to provide them with update on testing to water from CEO of Education in NL Council.

NL Council Comms

27/02/2019 Letter communication

Letter issued to Parents to provide them with update on testing to water from CEO of Education in NL Council.

NL Council Comms

28/02/2019 Email correspondence

Email from NL Council to Trade unions informing them that a formal update has been issued to parents and staff.

Email also contained an invite to a meeting on 1/03/2019.

NL Council Comms

28/02/2019 Media Enquiry

Airdrie & Coatbridge Advertiser: Radio Clyde ran a story today saying parents at the St Ambrose campus saying they want pupils tested for long-term health impact from ingesting blue water.

Link to article with NL council response 05/03/2019- https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/local-news/parents-pupils-affected-schools-blue-14090682

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NL Council Comms

01/03/2019 Responses to concerns

Draft response from Balfour Beatty to the Expert report

Response from Balfour Beatty on some of the points noted in expert report. Also details their next steps in improving the building.

NL Council Comms

01/03/2019 Meeting Meeting held with trade unions and NL Council to provide update.

NL Council Comms

01/03/2019 Media Enquiry

Sunday Post: parents have raised concerns over their children at Buchanan High/St Ambrose suffering similar symptoms of headaches, sickness, fatigue – and are raising concerns whether there is any link to the issue of “blue water” which has been present at the school -Seeking a response to this, including whether the council will be looking into these concerns at all?

Link to article with NL council response - 03/03/2019 https://www.sundaypost.com/fp/concerns-over-blue-water-from-school-taps/

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NL Council Comms

22/05/2019 Media Enquiry

Sunday Post: 1) Can you tell me how many pupils have reported suffering sickness or illness relating to the consumption of water at the school 2) How many staff have reported illness or sickness 3) How many staff /teachers at the school have developed cancer since the school was built. 4) How many staff/ teachers have developed kidney or any urinary cancers /or associated cancers or illness since the school was built. 5) Has there been any interaction with trade unions over the above, and what were they. 6) Has there been any parent complaints about the above, and if so how many?

Link to article with NL council response- 26/05/2019 https://www.sundaypost.com/fp/the-teachersthree-teachers-in-one-corridor-get-rare-cancer-at-school-built-on-site-of-toxic-industrial-landfill-site/

NL Council Comms

26/05/2019 Media Enquiry

Daily record: Statement requested about Blue water

Link to article with NL Council response- 28/05/2019 https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/local-news/teachers-coatbridge-school-built-toxic-16213563

NL Council Comms

27/05/2019 Media Enquiry

BBC: 1) What do you say to parents and teachers who are concerned by these reports? 2) Can you confirm how many teachers or former teachers at this school have had bladder cancer and the specific type of cancer it is? 3) Can you confirm whether there is any connection to the school environment they

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work/have worked in? 4) What kind of checks have you made to establish that there is no connection to cancer) There is also a report in the Sunday Post that suggests a pupil has gone blind, and that it’s connected to arsenic that’s present in the environment when he’s at school – what is your response? 6) What kind of checks have you made to establish that there is no connection to the blindness reported? 7) What checks did you make to establish the safety of the site before the school was built? 8) You previously said you were “investigating the source of the contamination” – has the source been found yet? 9) When was the work completed to replace the copper piping?

NL Council Comms

27/05/2019 Letter communication

Q&A letter issued to parents and staff from NL council.

Provided them with update to council's investigation of their concerns.

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NL Council Comms

27/05/2019 Media Enquiry

Mail Online: called re the blue water story in Buchanan High School and is looking for a copy of our latest statement.

Link to article with NL Council response- 27/05/2019 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7074337/Four-teachers-high-school-built-landfill-dump-water-turned-blue-develop-bladder-cancer.html

NL Council Comms

30/05/2019 Media Enquiry

Daily Record: contacted by an irate mum who is upset with the situation at Buchanan High. See below. Just looking for a comment.

Link to article with NL council response- 01/06/2019 https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/mum-threatens-pull-son-out-16234107

NL Council Comms

31/05/2019 Media Enquiry

Sunday Post: 1) Any updates on Buchanan/ Ambrose? 2) We’ve been looking at the council’s website and there appears to be no access online to the planning applications and studies/ tests and any investigations carried in connection with the school campus. There appears not to even be access to the committee reports and how councillors voted etc. At that time. Is there a reason for that?

Responded to with statements that have been previously been provided to Sunday post. No article link available.

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Normally we’d expect that these public documents would be readily accessible- do we need an FOI to get access to them? 3) Has NLC carried out any tests and monitoring at the site over the last three years / what were the results and can you make these available to us please. 4) Have you had any further reports of ill health and concerns from teachers/ staff/ or pupils since last week and if so what numbers were they and what were the concerns. 5) Is the council planning full health monitoring and tests for everyone at the school now? 6) Last week you gave a categoric assurance that all the SEPA and other planning concerns had been acted upon- can you provide documents to back that up.

NL Council Comms

01/06/2019 Stakeholder enquiries

During the month of June, NL Council received 27 stakeholder enquiries (mostly by telephone) from members of the public. Which were all responded to. (Specific dates of when these enquiries came in were not recorded)

End- 30/06/2019

NL Council Comms

03/06/2019 Media Enquiry

The Sun: response to parent taking child out of school at Buchanan High School

A spokesman for North Lanarkshire Council said: "Public health experts at NHS Lanarkshire have confirmed that there is no link between the site of Buchanan and St Ambrose High Schools and

Page 48: Compiled from information provided by North Lanarkshire ... · new St Ambrose school and to note that the contractor intends to undertake probe drilling works on specific areas of

cases of cancer following an investigation and assessment which the council fully cooperated with. "In addition, those experts have found no link to date with any other illnesses. The council will continue to provide any information required by NHS Lanarkshire. "The safety of pupils and staff is the council’s primary concern in any circumstances. There is no credible evidence to suggest that any serious illness has been caused by environmental factors associated with the school site or copper previously being present in the drinking water supply. “The council has again written to parents and is, of course, happy to discuss these with staff and trade unions at any time

NL Council Comms

04/06/2019 Media Enquiry

BBC News: Requested info regarding building plans and construction of the schools

Provided the bbc with a link to the 2010 planning report and quantitative risk assessment.

NL Council Comms

05/06/2019 Web communication

Dedicated web page set up on council website

To provide updates to staff, parents, pupils and wider community

NL Council Comms

05/06/2019 Media Enquiry

BBC Scotland: Looking for a representative from North Lanarkshire Council on Blue Water to be interview for BBC Scotland the next day

There was no one available at short notice to be interview however answers were provided to BBC's interview questions.

NL Council Comms

06/06/2019 Meeting Meeting held with the council and the staff, parents and community regarding blue water/health concerns.

Provided update to the community and what next steps would be. Presentations were provided from Andrew McPherson, Head of Regulatory

Page 49: Compiled from information provided by North Lanarkshire ... · new St Ambrose school and to note that the contractor intends to undertake probe drilling works on specific areas of

services and Waste Solutions and Dr David Cromie, NHS Lanarkshire.

NL Council Comms

06/06/2019 Media Enquiry

Sunday Post: Looking for an update. Link to article with NL Council response- https://www.sundaypost.com/fp/anger-and-betrayal-teachers-who-got-rare-cancer-while-working-at-school-built-on-toxic-landfill-call-for-public-inquirythe-teachers/

NL Council Comms

07/06/2019 Media Enquiry

The Times: statement re public meeting at St Ambrose and Buchanan schools

NL Council Provided link to their latest statement https://www.northlanarkshire.gov.uk/BuchananStAmbrose

NL Council Comms

07/06/2019 Media Enquiry

BBC: Can you please confirm how many, if any, parents have formally told the above high schools they are withdrawing their children in the last three and six months?

Link to article with NL Council's statement- 07/06/2019 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-48554811

NL Council Comms

08/06/2019 Media Enquiry

Sunday Post: Looking for a comment on the teachers who are set to go on strike from June 20 over their concerns about working in a safe environment.

Link to article with NL Council's statement- 09/06/2019 https://www.sundaypost.com/fp/anger-and-betrayal-teachers-who-got-rare-cancer-while-working-at-school-built-on-toxic-landfill-call-for-public-inquirythe-teachers/

NL Council Comms

09/06/2019 Media Enquiry

Daily Mail: looking for a statement in relation to the Sunday Post story stating that teachers are proposing to go on strike

Link to article with NL Councils statement- 10/06/2019 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/pa/article-7125051/Teachers-strike-blue-water-school.html

NL Council Comms

09/06/2019 Media Enquiry

GMS (BBC): Looking for statement in response to the news that teachers at St Ambrose/Buchanan are set to go on strike.

Link to article with NL Statement as used previously- 10/06/2019 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-48582593

Page 50: Compiled from information provided by North Lanarkshire ... · new St Ambrose school and to note that the contractor intends to undertake probe drilling works on specific areas of

NL Council Comms

10/06/2019 Media Enquiry

Airdrie & Coatbridge Advertiser: asking for a statement following Thursday's meeting and the news that teachers at St Ambrose/Buchanan are taking strike action.

NL Council Spokesperson- 10/06/2019 "The council will liaise directly with trade unions on matters of concern to staff. All the facts demonstrate that the schools and the site on which they are built is safe."

NL Council Comms

10/06/2019 Email correspondence

Email from UNITE to NL Council, requesting for a meeting to be arranged with the trade unions and council so that they can be kept up to date on what's happening.

NL Council emailed UNITE back to confirm that an invite has been sent to trade unions inviting them to a meeting to confirm the same info that was provided at public meeting on 6th June.

NL Council Comms

10/06/2019 Media Enquiry

The Herald: What have we done to date to identify there are no health issues? Anything further in the pipeline?

Provided latest NL Council statement on the matter- article published on 20/06/2019 https://www.heraldscotland.com/news/17720296.pupils-at-blue-water-buchanan-high-should-be-tested-for-toxins/

NL Council Comms

10/06/2019 Media Enquiry

The Herald: called re teacher strike and requested our statement.

Link to article with NL Council statement- 12/06/2019 https://www.heraldscotland.com/news/17701944.scottish-government-launches-independent-review-into-toxic-schools/

NL Council Comms

10/06/2019 Media Enquiry

Radio Clyde: Phone call re up to date position

NL Council statement- "Specialist doctors from the public health department of NHS Lanarkshire have confirmed that no incidence of cancer is linked to the schools. They have also confirmed that no other serious illness is connected to the schools or the site on which they are built. "The council will liaise directly with trade unions on matters of concern to staff. All the facts

Page 51: Compiled from information provided by North Lanarkshire ... · new St Ambrose school and to note that the contractor intends to undertake probe drilling works on specific areas of

demonstrate that the schools and the site on which they are built is safe."

NL Council Comms

10/06/2019 Media Enquiry

Press Association: called for statement re strike action.

Link to article with statement -10/06/2019 https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/teachers-to-strike-at-%E2%80%98blue-water%E2%80%99-school/ar-AACFt0r

NL Council Comms

10/06/2019 Media Enquiry

BBC: How many staff and pupils will this 7-day strike affect? Will the school be closed on these days? And the union says it has removed its members from Buchanan High – how many staff have been removed? Secondly – Can you tell me how many pupils have been withdrawn from Buchanan High and St Ambrose over health fears?

NL Council statement: The strike action affects 11 teachers. The school will not be closed during the strike. No members of staff have been removed from Buchanan High. Parents have withdrawn six pupils from St Ambrose and two from Buchanan High Schools. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-48582593

NL Council Comms

10/06/2019 Media Enquiry

BBC: We have been informed parents are pulling their kids out of the above schools following the public meeting on Thursday. Can I get the absence numbers separately for both schools for Friday and today? Also, what is the council’s response to the petition calling for all children to be medically tested?

Link to article with NL Council statement- 10/06/2019 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-48582593?intlink_from_url=https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/localnews/2652696-coatbridge/5&link_location=live-reporting-story

Page 52: Compiled from information provided by North Lanarkshire ... · new St Ambrose school and to note that the contractor intends to undertake probe drilling works on specific areas of

NL Council Comms

10/06/2019 Media Enquiry

The Herald: I am writing up a story about parents from Buchanan High in Coatbridge pulling their kids out of school in response to what they see as lack of clarity over health fears. Looking for a comment on this.

Provided with up to date statement and told that six pupils from St Ambrose and two from Buchanan have formally requested to remove pupils- 11/06/2019 https://www.heraldscotland.com/news/17697055.parents-take-children-out-of-toxic-land-schools-over-health-fears/

NL Council Comms

11/06/2019 Media Enquiry

STV: called re the undernoted news release issued by the EIS, to health concerns at St Ambrose/Buchanan High. STV looking for a comment.

Link to article with NL Council statement- 16/06/2019 https://stv.tv/news/west-central/1438467-cancer-scare-schools-independent-inquiry-ordered/

NL Council Comms

11/06/2019 Email correspondence

Email from FFS who were concerned that that the janitorial, cleaning staff etc would not be at the meeting, as these employees also have a duty of care.

NL Council Comms

11/06/2019 Meeting Meeting with trade union reps and council staff to update them on council's investigation.

Page 53: Compiled from information provided by North Lanarkshire ... · new St Ambrose school and to note that the contractor intends to undertake probe drilling works on specific areas of

NL Council Comms

11/06/2019 Media Enquiry

BBC: Looking for our response to the EIS news release outlining safety concerns at St Ambrose/Buchanan High.

Link to article with NL Council statement- 11/06/2019 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-48600019?intlink_from_url=https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/localnews/2652696-coatbridge/5&link_location=live-reporting-story

NL Council Comms

11/06/2019 Media Enquiry

Daily Record: Comment re EIS press release re Buchanan/St Ambrose

A spokesman for North Lanarkshire Council said: "Specialist doctors from the public health department of NHS Lanarkshire have confirmed that no incidence of cancer is linked to the schools. They have also confirmed that no other serious illness is connected to the schools or the site on which they are built. "The council will continue to liaise directly with trade unions on matters of concern to staff. All the facts demonstrate that the schools and the site on which they are built is safe."

NL Council Comms

11/06/2019 Media Enquiry

Daily Mail: Looking for background information. Follow up Q- Any comment on the EIS release today? Also at St Ambrose I heard more than 300 pupils didn’t attend yesterday?

Provided them with link to all documents in relation to the schools.

NL Council Comms

11/06/2019 Media Enquiry

BBC: Follow up Q: With respect that doesn’t answer my question, I’m looking for the number of pupils who have been absent from the schools on Friday and Monday.

Spokesperson for NL Council: Please see below for St Ambrose High School. I don’t yet have details for Buchanan. In respect of absence yesterday, the total absence was 262. 147 was unauthorised. 104 was authorised (e.g. holidays etc). The remainder will be serial non-attenders etc.

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NL Council Comms

11/06/2019 Media Enquiry

Global Radio: Absence rates at St Ambrose / Buchanan High Schools

Spokesperson for NL Council: In respect of absence yesterday, the total absence was 262. 147 was unauthorised. 104 was authorised (e.g. holidays etc). The remainder will be serial non-attenders etc. Additional quote line in respect of absence if required: “We always expect lower attendance at secondary schools when exams have finished. However, we fully understand parental concern and will be sending a booklet containing all the facts to all parents and carers via Royal Mail this week which provides assurance that the schools are safe for their children to attend.

NL Council Comms

12/06/2019 Media Enquiry

BBC Radio Scotland: Looking for statement re Chemical contamination of both schools.

Provided most up to date NL Council statement on the matter and sent over link to all documents and reports the council holds.

NL Council Comms

12/06/2019 Media Enquiry

Sunday Post: Following our telephone conversation, can I check if Buchanan High School, St Ambrose High School and Townhead Community Centre, Coatbridge, is a PPP/PFI funded project, and if so if you can send me the details of the contract please?

Confirmed that the schools are not a PPP/PFI funded project and were funded by the council.

NL Council Comms

12/06/2019 Media Enquiry

Channel 4: Looking for an interview with the council re parents’ concerns.

12/06/2019 - NL council were unable to provide someone for interview but provided channel 4 with all documents and reports regarding the schools along with their latest statement.

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NL Council Comms

12/06/2019 Media Enquiry

BBC: Response to Scottish Government statement on review of St Ambrose and Buchanan Schools

Link to article with NL Council CEO statement- 12/06/2019 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-48615734

NL Council Comms

12/06/2019 Media Enquiry

Global FM: Attendance figures at St Ambrose High School

NL Council Spokesperson- I believe the percentage of unauthorised absences at St Ambrose on Tuesday was 14%. I don’t have figures for Buchanan.

NL Council Comms

12/06/2019 Media Enquiry

Radio Clyde: Scottish Government statement on review of St Ambrose and Buchanan Schools

12/06/2019 -Statement provided from CEO of NL Council

NL Council Comms

12/06/2019 Letter communication

Information booklet posted to all parents

Available online on 13/06/2019

NL Council Comms

12/06/2019 Media Enquiry

Press Association: Statement on Scottish Government review of St Ambrose and Buchanan

Link to article with NL Council statement- 12/06/2019 https://www.scotsman.com/health/review-ordered-into-scottish-school-with-blue-water-amid-cancer-fears-1-4946400

Page 56: Compiled from information provided by North Lanarkshire ... · new St Ambrose school and to note that the contractor intends to undertake probe drilling works on specific areas of

NL Council Comms

12/06/2019 Media Enquiry

Daily Mail: Statement on Scottish Government review of St Ambrose and Buchanan

12/06/2019- NL Council CEO statement provided

NL Council Comms

13/06/2019 Email correspondence

Email invite from Derek Brown's office to trade unions to attend a meeting on 17th June.

Andrew McPherson and Dr David Cromie to provide members with an overview of the presentation provided at the recent Public meeting.

NL Council Comms

13/06/2019 Media Enquiry

Sunday Post: 1) Can you send me the attendance levels for North Lanarkshire’s schools please? 2) The leaflet also said that “hundreds of sites across Scotland used for everything from business premises to schools and from retail parks to homes are remediated in this way every year”. Can you give examples of other schools that have been built on landfill sites please?

NL Council response- 14/06/2019 1) The average number of days lost per pupil at Buchanan High School is 13.86 compared to the average of all ASN schools in North Lanarkshire which is 19.08. These figures are from the start of term in August 2018 until 13 June 2019. It should be noted that both schools recorded the lowest ever absence rates this year compared to the last four years (2014). 2) The information in the leaflet refers to the process of remediation on brownfield sites if required – not just used for landfill. Many developments are built on brownfield sites in North Lanarkshire and in all council areas across Scotland and the UK, as the government actively encourages

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development on these sites so land is used more responsibly (and not on greenbelt). There have been some commercial developments, private housing and recycling facilities built on or near to former landfill sites. St Ambrose and Buchanan High Schools are the only schools built on former landfill sites but others have been built on brownfield site

NL Council Comms

13/06/2019 Media Post/press release

To further engage with parents/carers, NL Council promoted two posts in June to direct people to the information booklet online. Promoted post on Facebook to addresses in ML1-ML5 to direct viewers to website and information leaflet.

Promoted Post ended on 20/06/2019

NL Council Comms

13/06/2019 Email Correspondence

Email from Derek Brown (Head of Education)'s office inviting NASUWT members to meet with him on 18/06/2019 to discuss the trade dispute.

NL Council Comms

13/06/2019 Email correspondence

Email from NASUWT To NL council agreeing that the General Secretary of NASUWT would meet with Derek Brown (Head of Education) to discuss the trade dispute on 18/06/2019.

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NL Council Comms

13/06/2019 Media Enquiry

The Times: Repairs to hard surface and soil at St Ambrose/Buchanan schools

“At a staff meeting on Wednesday, it was highlighted that there were areas where repairs were needed to the hard-standing surface. We carried out interim repairs the next morning (Thursday) until the programme of works are carried out in the Summer.” Re the soil – think the digger was there on Wednesday.

NL Council Comms

14/06/2019 Media Enquiry

Daily Mail: What’s the council line on the uneven ground on the campus and reports of mounds springing up in the playgrounds etc?

NL Council Spokesperson- 'Re uneven ground, because the site has a lot of peat on it, we expect some site settlement which can cause unevenness in paved areas and on playing fields. It doesn’t affect the building because it is built on a concrete platform supported by piled driven deep into the ground. As the gas membrane is underneath the concrete platform, it is not affected by the settlement. Contractors will be at the school campus over the summer holidays to deal with the areas of settlement.'

NL Council Comms

14/06/2019 Media Enquiry

Sunday Post: requesting further information over the timeline of the blue water concerns

Link to NL Council statement within article- 16/06/2019 https://www.sundaypost.com/fp/investigation-campaigners-say-health-and-safety-fears-over-building-schools-on-toxic-dump-were-ignored-by-ruling-council-group/

NL Council Comms

15/06/2019 Media Enquiry

Sunday Post: Looking for a statement regarding specific pupil's health concerns.

Link to NL Council Statement-23/06/2019 https://www.sundaypost.com/fp/parents-anger-as-health-board-tells-gps-there-is-no-need-to-test-pupils-at-blue-water-school/

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NL Council Comms

17/06/2019 Media Enquiry

BBC: called re the schools and is looking for our latest statement.

Link to NL Council statement- 17/06/2019 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-48665253

NL Council Comms

17/06/2019 Media Enquiry

Global Radio: The call to close the school campus has come from councillors, … backed up by Fulton MacGregor. Fulton is also calling for emergency testing to be set up for pupils whose parents want it. A parent has told us about further leukaemia diagnoses.

NL council provided link to latest statement regarding arsenic concerns.

NL Council Comms

17/06/2019 Media Enquiry

Global Radio: re official line following the announcement that councillors have lodged an emergency motion to shut the school.

A council spokesperson said, “An emergency motion has not been lodged for the council meeting.”

NL Council Comms

17/06/2019 Media Enquiry

Daily Mirror: Called regarding a family’s concerns over their sons health and if there was a link to the school.

Link to NL Council statement- 17/06/2019 https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/boy-going-school-blue-water-16529705

NL Council Comms

17/06/2019 Media Enquiry

Scottish Sun: Same as above Link to NL Council statement- 17/06/2019 https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/news/4375003/blind-arsenic-mum-josie-morgan-tommi-contamination/

NL Council Comms

17/06/2019 Media Enquiry

STV: would like to ask NL Council for its response to calls made last night by two councillors … to close down St Ambrose/Buchanan High. They say that if this does not happen they will seek an emergency

Link to NL Council updated statement- 12/06/2019 https://stv.tv/news/west-central/1438467-cancer-scare-schools-independent-inquiry-ordered/

Page 60: Compiled from information provided by North Lanarkshire ... · new St Ambrose school and to note that the contractor intends to undertake probe drilling works on specific areas of

motion to do so at a full council meeting on Thursday.

NL Council Comms

17/06/2019 Media Enquiry

STV Scotland tonight: requesting someone from NL Council comes on the show to talk about the ongoing issues at St. Ambrose.

Advised that they would be unable to facilitate this interview.

NL Council Comms

17/06/2019 Media Enquiry

Daily Record: Councillors and MSP asking for St Ambrose/Buchanan schools to be shut due to issues. Line issued in response.

A council spokesperson said, “An emergency motion has not been lodged for the council meeting.”

NL Council Comms

17/06/2019 Media Enquiry

The Times: Can you confirm that a pupil has high levels of arsenic and has been withdrawn

Link to article with NL Council statement- 19/06/2019 https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/absences-soar-at-schools-on-toxic-waste-dump-site-7hrlxv0xt

NL Council Comms

18/06/2019 Media Enquiry

The Herald: The Daily Record has reposted that around 300 pupils were kept off yesterday and I’m looking for confirmation of numbers if possible, and a statement from the council.

Link to article with NL Council statement- 20/06/2019 https://www.heraldscotland.com/news/17718541.teachers-at-coatbridge-schools-to-take-strike-action-over-blue-water/

NL Council Comms

18/06/2019 Meeting Meeting held with council (Derek Brown) and NASUWT union to discuss the trade dispute.

Page 61: Compiled from information provided by North Lanarkshire ... · new St Ambrose school and to note that the contractor intends to undertake probe drilling works on specific areas of

NL Council Comms

18/06/2019 Media Enquiry

ITN: Requesting is someone is available to be interviewed by ITV news and if the most up to date statement could be sent to them.

Link to article with NL council statement- 20/06/2019 https://www.itv.com/news/2019-06-20/teachers-to-strike-at-blue-water-school/

NL Council Comms

18/06/2019 Media Enquiry

Channel 5: if the council has a specific statement on the public health concerns around the Buchanan and St Ambrose schools site?

Updated NL Council statement provided to channel 5.

NL Council Comms

18/06/2019 Media Enquiry

BBC: 1) Could you possibly give us an update on the number of absences at the two schools? We are trying to establish how many parents are keeping their children off school this week 2) Absences at schools’) What are the arrangements for the NASUWT strike action? Will the schools close? 4) There have been calls for the schools to close early for summer – is this a possibility?

Link to article with NL Council statement- 20/06/2019 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-48694871

NL Council Comms

18/06/2019 Media Enquiry

Radio Clyde: We’ve been hearing from parents today that some St Ambrose kids have been growing and then cooking and eating in Home Ec. vegetables grown in the contaminated soil. Obviously concerns they’ve digested toxins

Journalist was telephoned by NL council and reminded about the 56000 tonnes of fresh clean soil which was brought on to the site and that arsenic is non-toxic.

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NL Council Comms

19/06/2019 Media Enquiry

ITN: Please can you advise if the council is providing a statement, or putting anyone forward for interview regarding planned strike action by teachers at Buchanan High School in Coatbridge tomorrow. This is in relation to health concerns about blue water coming from taps at the school campus.

Link to article with NL Council statement- 20/06/2019 https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/school-strikes-coatbridge-teachers-cancer-bladder-blue-water-north-lanarkshire-a8966891.html

NL Council Comms

19/06/2019 Media Enquiry

Global Radio: Motion at council re St Ambrose/Buchanan and industrial action.

NL Council spokesperson provided statement re the proposed motion.

NL Council Comms

20/06/2019 Media Enquiry

Channel 5 news: Request for updated statement re the strike action going on today at Buchanan.

Gerald McLaughlin Head of Education at NL Council provided updated statement to channel 5 news.

NL Council Comms

20/06/2019 Media Post/Press release

Promoted post on Facebook to addresses in ML1-ML5 including interviews with Andrew McPherson and Dr David Cromie.

Promoted post ended on 28/06/2019

NL Council Comms

20/06/2019 Media Enquiry

Daily Record: Info on strike action. Link to article with NL Council statement- 20/06/2019- https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/teachers-hold-strike-outside-blue-16546862

Page 63: Compiled from information provided by North Lanarkshire ... · new St Ambrose school and to note that the contractor intends to undertake probe drilling works on specific areas of

NL Council Comms

24/06/2019 Media Enquiry

Russia Today: requesting statement on teacher strikes over blue water concerns

24/06/2019: Provided RT with Head of Education's recent statement

NL Council Comms

24/06/2019 Media Enquiry

BBC: Can you confirm how many parents have officially/unofficially informed St Ambrose and Buchanan Highs that they are removing their children? We’ve been speaking to teachers at other schools who have told us of placing requests coming from St Ambrose/Buchanan parents and pupils. How many pupils are off today?

NL Council spokesperson stated: '12 formal requests to remove their children from St. Ambrose 11 formal requests to remove their children from Buchanan HS In terms of placing requests - only one formal one made relating to a pupil at Buchanan HS.Around a dozen enquiries re changing schools - but nothing formal. No daily absence figures recorded. Buchanan HS closed.'

NL Council Comms

25/06/2019 Media Enquiry

Glasgow Live: called looking for clarification on the number of formal requests received to remove children from St Ambrose and Buchanan High Schools.

Link to article with NL Council statement- 25/06/2019 https://www.glasgowlive.co.uk/news/glasgow-news/23-pupils-formally-removed-buchanan-16481319

NL Council Comms

25/06/2019 Media Enquiry

I News/Scotsman: The BBC were reporting this morning on GMS that 23 pupils have now been formally withdrawn from the two schools. There's also the below release from the NASUWT about the ongoing strike. Would the council like to issue an updated comment or shall I use the previous one?

Link to article with NL Council statement- 26/06/2019 https://www.scotsman.com/health/pupils-taken-out-of-schools-built-on-landfill-amid-health-fears-1-4954187

NL Council Comms

25/06/2019 Media Enquiry

Morning Star called requesting our latest statement.

Link to article with NL Council statement- 25/06/2019 https://morningstaronline.co.uk/article/b/teachers

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NL Council Comms

25/06/2019 Media Enquiry

Daily Mail: Requesting information on the release from the NASUWT about the ongoing strike. FOLLOW UP QUESTION - Any idea of how many staff in total are on strike?

Link to article with NL Council Statement- 26/06/2019 https://www.pressreader.com/uk/scottish-daily-mail/20190626/281603832002783

NL Council Comms

26/06/2019 Media Enquiry

BBC: Confirm that summer camps at the school have been cancelled? Follow up question- Has the head teacher received death threats and there have been reports of a brick having been chucked through a window at the school.

Link to twitter with interview - 26/06/2019 https://twitter.com/BBCScotNine/status/1143981141042458624

NL Council Comms

28/06/2019 Media Enquiry

Daily Mail: Death threats to head teacher being spoken about on social media.

NL Council confirmed that there has been no reports of this.

NL Council Comms

29/06/2019 Media Enquiry

Daily Mail: Wondering if you could with a comment on a story we are putting together about a 17-year-old girl who has been withdrawn from Buchanan High School because she has headaches, fatigue etc. but she also had a brain scan which showed abnormalities. Further tests are being carried out. Would you have any comment on this for tomorrow’s paper?

No statement or comment provided by NL Council.

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NL Council Comms

30/06/2019 Media Enquiry

Radio Clyde: Call re interviewing Andrew McPherson at Buchanan High School, taking a walk round and filming work undertaken.

NL Council response: 'Given the review is ongoing, it wouldn't be appropriate.'

NL Council Comms

01/07/2019 Media Enquiry

STV: the BBC has tweeted that the review is expected to announce testing at the school campus. Do you have a statement?

Link to article with NL council statement- 04/07/2019 https://stv.tv/news/west-central/1439018-water-and-soil-tests-to-be-undertaken-at-blue-water-schools/

NL Council Comms

02/07/2019 Media Enquiry

BBC: 1) Checking in to get updated numbers on the number of pupils who have been formally removed from St Ambrose and 2) How many parents have initiated conversations about a possible move to another school?

1) The number of requests for removal has not changed since the last time you enquired: 12 for St Ambrose, 11 for Buchanan HS. 2) We don’t record informal ‘conversations’.

NL Council Comms

03/07/2019 Media Enquiry

BBC: As discussed, parents have sent us a video showing eight trucks of soil entering the school grounds in recent weeks. I appreciate the council is dealing with settlement issues (dealing with cracks in the playground/building etc) but that doesn’t explain the soil imports. Any helpful guidance on this would be great.

In response to the request: A spokesman for North Lanarkshire Council said: “The ongoing and planned works to deal with the settlement issues surrounding the school buildings require fill material to ensure the restored areas are level.”

Page 66: Compiled from information provided by North Lanarkshire ... · new St Ambrose school and to note that the contractor intends to undertake probe drilling works on specific areas of

NL Council Comms

04/07/2019 Media Enquiry

ENDS report: 1) Why has there been no ongoing monitoring of soil, water and air since the school was built? 2) The testing covers soil, water and the membrane. Why won’t the air be part of the testing? Please could you provide a response by the end of today.

Link to article with NL Council statement- 18/06/2019 https://www.endsreport.com/article/1591473/building-school-former-industrial-landfill-site-led-health-problems

NL Council Comms

05/07/2019 Media Enquiry

BBC: 1) Is the council working on or has the council drawn up any contingency plans if the independent review comes back and suggests the school campus should remain closed (permanently or temporarily)? If that scenario presents itself, what is the plan for pupils and staff? 2) Also, do you have updated numbers on the number of pupils who have now been formally removed from the schools? How many placing requests do you have for other schools?

1) A spokesperson said, “The council always has contingency plans in place should pupils, teachers or indeed any staff members require to be moved to a different premises or building. Should this be required, then the plans will be activated. “As previously stated, specialists from NHS Lanarkshire’s public health department have confirmed that there is no evidence to link serious illness to the schools and the site and we welcome the independent review to provide further reassurance to families, staff and the local community.” 2) The number of requests for removal has not changed since the last time you enquired: 12 for St Ambrose, 11 for Buchanan HS.

Page 67: Compiled from information provided by North Lanarkshire ... · new St Ambrose school and to note that the contractor intends to undertake probe drilling works on specific areas of

Category: Scottish Government Responses to the Media Organisation Date Source Description Action Taken/Response

SG Comms 08/06/2019 Media Enquiry

Sunday Post Newspaper: Looking for a response to calls for an SG inquiry into the health concerns at Buchanan and St Ambrose High School following the public meeting on Thursday.

Responded: 08/06/19- SG spokesperson confirmed that the Public Health Minister fully supports the call for a thorough investigation into what can be done to mitigate any potential risks and for the local council/health board to listen to concerns from families and staff.

SG Comms 08/06/2019 Media Enquiry

Common Space: Asked for a comment on the announcement of industrial action by teachers at Buchanan HS (does the SG believe that industrial action is justified?)

Responded: 08/06/19- SG spokesperson confirmed that the Public Health Minister fully supports the call for a thorough investigation into what can be done to mitigate any potential risks and for the local council/health board to listen to concerns from families and staff.

SG Comms 13/06/2019 Media Enquiry

Global Radio: Further to DFM’s interview on GMS this morning (where he offered to meet with parents of pupils at Buchanan and St Ambrose High), Global have asked if SG can confirm this is the case and if DFM is open to meeting with concerned parents.

Responded: 13/06/19- SG confirmed that DFM was happy to meet parents.

Page 68: Compiled from information provided by North Lanarkshire ... · new St Ambrose school and to note that the contractor intends to undertake probe drilling works on specific areas of

SG Comms 24/06/2019 Media Enquiry

Sunday Post Newspaper: They are aware that NHS Lanarkshire have sent a letter to all GPs saying they are not sanctioning tests asked for by the parents of pupils at Buchanan and St Ambrose High as they are not needed. They are asking if SG is happy with the instruction from NHS Lanarkshire and what guidance we’ve provided on pupils being tested if they are showing signs of illness?

Responded: 24/06/2019- SG spokesperson advised “There is no prohibition of testing of patients where it is deemed clinically necessary and that “It’s important to note that NHS Lanarkshire’s letter pre-dates our announcement that an independent team will review staff, parent and pupil concerns at the campus.”

SG Comms 25/06/2019 Media Enquiry

The I newspaper - Looking for an update comment from SG re review and teacher strike

Responded 25/06/2019:- 'We appreciate that parents, pupils and staff are concerned. The independent review team has already begun its work to investigate the health and safety concerns at the school campus and will rigorously examine the evidence to ensure the local community concerns are investigated and addressed.”

SG Comms 27/06/2019 Media Enquiry

Daily Record: Asking for a comment on parents not being able to get their children tested privately because the NHS are blocking them by refusing to sign referral letters. NHS have refused to do the tests but some parents want to pay to get them done privately.

Responded: 27/06/2019- SG spokesperson advised that “There is no prohibition of testing of patients where it is deemed clinically necessary. “We appreciate that parents, pupils and staff are concerned, and the independent Review team has already begun its work to investigate the health and safety concerns at the school campus.”