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Holy Cross of Davao College Inc.,Sta. Ana Avenue, Davao City

Factors Influencing Consumer Buying Behavior Towards Online Shopping

A proposal Studies

In partial Requirements of the subject in MM 3 (Marketing Research)

Submitted By:

Jean Shannen SilvanoJanah Sue NarandanIzra May SanguenzaMavel YapAcknowledgement

The researcher would like to acknowledge the following people who have given much of their time and effort in helping the researcher to conduct the study.

To the following panel of examiners: Mrs. Luzviminda N. Ates, PhD,

To the research instructor, adviser, and editor Mrs. Luzviminda N. Ates, PhD for the recommendation and support in conducting the study.

To the respondents, for answering the questionnaire patiently and with all honesty.

To our families, and friends, who provided the advice, and especially to our parents who showed moral and financial support throughout the study.

To the almighty God, who made all this possible through His divine, providence, guidance and knowledge that the researches needed to make this study possible.


Internet makes life simple and innovative. People are doing business online and trade has become more easy and fast due to this. According to Barry Silvestre, 2002,(p.3), Internet provides new ways to promote business. Website becomes the essence of online business as to show their services and products. This study entitles Factors Influencing Consumer Buying Behavior towards Online Shopping aims to determine the frequency purchased items through online shopping of students of Holy Cross of Davao College and which among the frequency influence them to buy and purchased product online. In getting the right data, the researchers used the quantitative method particularly the descriptive research method to draw the factors that influence consumers to shop online. Using stratified sampling technique, 100 students of different courses were chosen to participate in the survey. After which data will be carefully examined by using the mean and Pearson-r.

Keywords: Frequency purchased items, Factors Influencing Consumer Buying Behavior.Table of Contents


Title Page iApproval Sheet iiAcknowledgement iiiAbstract ivTable of Contents vList of Tables viList of Figures vii

CHAPTER1 The Problem and its Setting Rationale of the Study 1 Review of Related Literature 2 Theoretical/Conceptual Framework 3 Statement of the Problem 4 Hypothesis 5 2 Method Research Design 6 Research Environment 7 Respondents of the Study 8 Research Instrument 9 References 10CHAPTER 1The Problem and its Setting

Online shopping is considered to be very helpful way of buying products through the internet especially during holidays and clearance seasons. It allows customers to enjoy a wide variety of products and items not only from a specific store but from a diverse storage that includes all kinds of items. Online shopping also provides customers with a good customer service that also occurs online.Many people around the world prefer to shop online and buy product from several brands and companies that they cannot find or are not available for purchase in their home countries. Nowadays, and with the help of the new technology and the support of the internet, people from around the world started to purchase items online by simply sitting in their homes.The online shopping trend around the world spread very fast. "The Neilson Company conducted a survey in 2010 and polled over 27,000 internet users in 55 market from Asia Pacific, Europe, Middle East, North America and South America to look at how consumers shop online." (Neilson, 2010). Globally Online Shopping is made on books and clothes as pen survey data. Most people are interested to purchase and bought usually books and clothes. Airline ticket, books, tours, and hotel reservations are also commonly bought through internet which indicates the progress and stability of economy.Online Shopping trend started in Pakistan by sending flowers, gifts, cakes on valentines days, new years and in birthday occasion is now in the mature stage. The people of Pakistan do avoid putting their financial information such as bank information and credit card information to avoid frauds and stealing identity. Therefore, in order to avoid thus and hesitate to send money online before physical inspection. One more reason is that the bank support and other convenient system like PayPal that is not available. Due to this, entrepreneur are losing 20% to 25% business (Pakistan Today, 2011).More and more Filipinos are beginning to shop online, according to the results of MasterCards Online Shopping Behavior study (2012) in Asia Pacific countries. The survey also shows that the country's e-commerce potential is expected to grow even more with the emergence on enabling technologies.In general, the Filipino shoppers are cautious in making online purchase with most of the respondents (89%) citing security as a top concern, closely followed by speed of transaction (88.5%) convenience of payment method (88.5%) in their transactions. Other factors considered important by 80% of the respondents are price/values, return or exchange policy, website reputation, online review, customer service, low delivery change, and use on various payment methods.

Rationale of the study

The online shopping is getting popular among the young generation as they feel it more comfortable, time saving and convenient. Online shopping is the consumers shopping behavior to shop online. The people find it easy to use, useful and enjoyable can accept online shopping. Online shopping has experienced a rapid growth during the recent years due to its unique advantages for both consumers and retailers, such as shopping at round the clock facilities, decreasing dependence to store visits, travel cost, increasing market area, decreasing overhead expenses and offering a wide range of products. Online shopping has been shown to provide more satisfaction to modern consumers seeking convenience and speed. On the other hand, some consumers still feel uncomfortable to buy online. Also, consumers may have a need to and feel the products and to meet friends and get some more comments about the product before purchasing. Such factors have negative influence on consumer decision to shop online.The Objective of the researcher of this study was to be able to know the frequency purchased items of the students of Holy Cross of Davao College Inc., and their shopping behavior through online shopping. Through this the researcher would like to have an output to measure the Factors Influencing Consumer Buying Behavior of online shoppers and its frequency purchased items. The beneficiary of this research will be those people who are planning to shop online and for those people who have gone shopping online and keep on buying items online.Review of Related Literature

Online shopping is a process in which to buy goods or services through the internet. With large of consumer using internet for online shopping, it is not clear what drives them to shop online and the statics regarding consumer behavior towards online shopping in the Malaysian environment is still limited number. So we need to know what the factors that influence of the consumer behavior through online shopping. Nowadays, online stores grow up so fast through social media such as, face book, Instagram, blog, website and other social media. The seller can sell or promote their product or services that they need to offer to consumers via online. Malaysian consumer believe, with online shopping, is not time consuming and online shopping would make their life easier. They are also concerned about privacy, trust and disclosing personal information when dealing with online shopping (Fadilah and Ahmed 2015).According to (George Belch and Michael Bech) Marketing to consumers via the internet has many advantages for marketers. It allows products services to be offered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, it allows products and services to be offered globally in an efficient manners, it is cost efficient in that it saves the need for stores, paper, catalogs and salespeople. It provides a month for developing one-on-one relationship with consumers and establishing consumer databases for conducting online research. Online business to consumer marketing requires marketers to understand consumer and deliver the products and services consumer wants and need, just as traditional marketing does. In 2009, marketers proved their ability to serve consumers continue to grow faster than any other form of retailing. Although the e-commerce shakeout in the early 2000s led many analyst to declare that the internet was overhype as a marketing tool, it is now firmly established as a critical element of overall marketing strategy. One major criticism of online marketing is that it reaches only a small segment of the population. However, research shows shoppers reflected similar gender relations and income levels as the population as a whole in the United States. ACNielsen research found more than 143 million U.S household to be action home internet users, along with 32 million in Germany and 23 million in the United Kingdom. Thus, internet marketers would seem to be able to reach a broad market, if they are use appropriate strategies to do so (page 7).A second major criticism of online marketing is that consumers shop on the way to collect information about products and services but do not buy. Analyst thought that consumer preference to shop in person at stores and did not want to risk giving hackers access to credit card or personal information sent online. However, recent researchers found that two-thirds of shoppers with internet access actually made a purchase online. Apparently, improved security or the web has assured the fears of many online shoppers (page 10).Online shopping is more accessible than it has ever been in the digital era with the introduction of Tablets, smartphones, easy checked systems and more secure systems. As a result, the e-commerce industry is generating higher sales volume. According to Forrester research the online retail sales volume for the US in 2012 is 232 billion dollar. This figure is predicted to grow continually to 370 billion dollar in 2018. Forrester also reports that 53% of people in the U.S shopped online in 2011 and it is predicted to grow to 58% in 2016. Assuming the online shoppers are above 15 years old, the majority of the U.S population above 15 years, 66% shopped online in 2011. According to Experian Simmons, drawing from a pool of 4,887 online shoppers, the 25 to 50 year-old age bracket make us 65.7% of online shopper, of which 59.1% are female, 57.3% of online shoppers have an annual household income above 50,000 and 77.9% have education level are some college or higher. According to cons core, the top-performing online categories are digital contract and subscription, consumer Electronic, Flowers, Greetings and gifts, computer hardware and apparel and accessories.The internet has played a significant role in our daily life in that people can talk through the internet to one who is actually on the other side of the Earth, can send email around the clock, can search information, can pay game with others, and even can buy thing online. Meanwhile, internet shopping has been widely accepted as a way of purchasing products and services. It has become a more popular means in the internet world (Bouyr lakis et al., 2008). Online shopping has been shown to provide more information and choices to compare product and prices, more choice. Convenience, easier to find anything online.(Butler and Peppard,1998). Online shopping has been shown to provide more satisfaction to modern consumers seeking convenience and speed (Yu and Wu, 2007). On the other hand, some consumers still feel uncomfortable to buy online. Lack of trust, for instance, seems to be the major reason that impedes consumer to buy online. Also, consumers may have a need to examine and feel the products and to meet friends and get some comments about the products before purchasing. Such factors may have negative influence consumer decision to shop online. Buyers behavior when making a purchase- their attention is drawn to a problem which then sparks their interest, creates a desire and they take action to meet their desire. According to (Mcgovern, 20020, suggests that there are four types of user that that might arrive on a website. Mcgovern presents his list of users in the context of Web designer needing to cater for each- and it reflects his commercial outlook9rather than Barbes wore academic appraisal) that he considers all but one of the groups to be potential customers/prospects. The first are the perfect prospects people who know what they want, and so many well take an action that help meet its objection(a purchase, for example). The second group of prospect is sort of know what they want anything, but are not sure. Third are the prospects that arent even sure if they want anything, but would but buy something if the right product came along. The fourth group is the only one not male up of prospects and that is because its members have arrival on your website by mistake. It is the;latest that is the only group that can be ignored when developing a website.Online shopping behavior (also called online buying behavior and internet shopping/ buying behavior) refers to the process of purchasing products or services via the internet. The process consists of five similar to those associated with traditional shopping behavior (Liang and Lai 2000). In the typical online shopping process when potential consumers recognize need for some merchandise or service, they go to the internet and search for need-related information. However, rather than searching activity, at time potential consumers are attracted by information about products associated with the felt need. They evaluate alternatives and choose the one that best fit their criteria for meeting the felt need. Finally, a transaction conducted post-sales services provided. Online shopping attitude refers to consumers psychological state in terms of making purchase on the internet.On an average day, around 144 million adult Americans go online (Pew Internet & American Life Project, 2011). Marketers would like to know who these people are, what are they are interested in, and what they buy. The more precise the information, the more complete the information and the more valuable it is as a predictive and marketing tool. Armed with this information marketers can make their ad campaigns more efficient by targeting specific ads at specific groups or individuals, and they can even adjust the ads specific group.Many websites allow third parties including online advertising networks such as Microsoft Advertising, DoubleClick, and others to place third-party cookies and web tracking software on a visitors computer in order to engage in profiling the users behavior across thousands of websites. A third-party cookie is used to track users across hundreds or thousands of other websites who are members of advertising network. Profiling is the creation of digital images that characterize online individual and group behavior. Anonymous Profile identify people as belonging to highly specific and targeted groups. Personal profiles add a personal e mail address, postal address and or phone number to behavioral data. Increasingly, online firms are linking their online profiles too personal offline consumer data collected bay database firms tracking credit cards purchases, as well as established retail and catalog firms. In the, past individuals stores collected data on customer movement through a single store accordingly. Also, purchases and expenditure data was gathered on consumers purchasing from multiple stores-usually long after the purchases were made and the data was used to target direct mail and in store campaigns, in addition to mass-media advertising.The online advertising networks such as DoubleClick and 24/7 Real Media have added several new dimension to established offline marketing techniques. First, they have the ability to precisely track not just consumer purchases, but all browsing behavior on the web at thousands of the most popular member sites, including browsing book lists, filling out preference forms, and viewing content pages. Second, they can dynamically adjust what the shopper sees on screen including prices. Third, they can build and continually refresh high resolution data images or behavioral profiles of consumers. Other advertising firms have credited spyware software that, when placed on a consumers computer, can report back to the advertisers server on all consumer internet use and is also used to display advertising on the consumers computer.Attitudes towards online shopping consumers attitudes toward online shopping have gained a great deal attention in the empirical literature with 22 out of 35 papers focusing on it. Consistent with the literature and models of change and behavior (e.g, Fishbein and Ajzen 1975) it is believed that consumer attitudes will effect intention to shop online and eventually whether a transaction is made this is a multidimensional construct that has been conceptualized in several different ways in the existing literature. First, it refers to the consumers acceptance of the internet as a shopping channel (Jahng et al.2001). Secondly, it refers to consumer attitudes toward a specific internet store (i.e , to what extent consumers think that shopping at this store is appealing) these first two dimensions are negatively associated with the third, consumers perceived risk. According to Lee and colleagues (2001) two main categories of perceived risk emerge in the process of online shopping. The first is the perceived risk associated with product/ service and includes functional loss, financial loss , time loss, opportunity less , and product risk. The second is the perceived risk associated with context of online transactions and includes risk of privacy, security is significant (Senekal 2000, Bochers2001, Bhavnagar et. Al 2002). However, the fourth dimension of attitudes, consumers trust in the stores, can reduce perceived risk. In additional, perceived control/ users empowerment, enjoyment/playfulness and perceived real added value from membership have also been shown to important dimensions of consumers .The owner of the business should be responsible for protective the customers. You can prevent your customers from being victim of identity theft & fraud and stay in business yourself being vigilant about the credit card payment you accept & keeping your customers information as private as possible.There are several activities included in the consumer behavior. Obtaining refers to the activities leading up to and including the purchase/receipt as a product. Some of the activities include searching for information regarding consumer buying behavior analysis examine these types of behavior, including how store alternatives, and how brands influence their product choices. Consumer refers to how where, when and under what circumstances consumers use products. Disposing includes how consumers get rid of product and packaging consumer analysis night examine consumer behavioral from an ecological standpoint.Li and Zhang (2008) have defined online buying behavior or internet shopping/ buying behavior as the process of purchasing products of services via the internet which according to Liang (2000) as a similar to the traditional fine steps process of consumer buying behavior ( as cited by li and Zang 2000). They have also defined online shopping attitude as the psychological state of the consumers in terms of internet shopping li and Zhang analyzed 35 empirical studies on online shopping attitudes and behavior conducted during the period of January 1998 to February 2002 and have online identified 10 interrelated factors for which the reviewed studies have significantly empirical evidence. These 10 factors (environment, demographic, external, environment, personal characteristics, vendor/service/ product characteristics and website quality). According to them online purchase intention and adoption has been extensively studied and there ara lots of empirical evidences available, but research on continuance or consumer online repurchase is in its infancy.Ballantine (2005), a web base experiment was conducted where respondents were exposed to a simulated online retail store. Findings indicate that these two factors had a significant effect on the consumers satisfaction. The study also reads that retailer disclosures are sufficient to impact buying intention of online consumers the web assurance beyond their retail disclosure. They have further emphasized that comfort with the internet, general intent to buy online, and website design played significant role influencing purchase intention. Although security is a major concern of online buyers, their study indicates that information risk generally did not significantly influence purchase intention.Hoffman and Novak(1996) indicated that interactivity is the key distinguishing feature between marketing communication on the internet and traditional mass media. Online customers have more control and bargaining power than the consumers and physical stores because the internet offered more interactivities between consumers and product/service providers as well as greater availability of information about product and services. The higher the perceived experience risk the consumers may shift to brick and mortal retailer for the purchase of the product. Whereas, the lower the perceived risk the higher the prosperity for online shopping.Electronic commerce has become one of the essential characteristics in the internet era. According to CELA (Center for communication policy 2001), online shopping has become the third most popular Internet activity, immediately following email using internet messaging and Web browsing. It is ever more popular than seeking out entertainment information and news, commonly thought of activities when considering what internet users do when online. Of internet users, 48.9 made online purchase in 2001, with three-quarters of purchases indicating that they make 1-10 purchase per year. When segmented into very versus less experienced internet users, the very experienced users average 20 online purchases per year, as compared to four annual purchase for new users.In the Philippines, e-commerce is mostly being implemented by major retailers and multinational corporations for bank-to-bank exchange. A number of Business-to-consumer transactions have emerged through the years such as auctions, online shopping, and online banking (Lacson, Pasadilla, 2006). This just shows that Filipino businesses welcome this new opportunity in selling goods since 16% of the population is using Internet. This new marketing strategy will not only benefit those big companies but also the small businesses who cannot afford to advertise their products. Just by creating a website in a very affordable cost would make the business grow in terms of sales and enhance the company image as well.

Philippine firms have yet to fully tap the potentials of e-commerce that will help them to compete in domestic and global markets. In the process of preparing themselves to conduct e-commerce, these firms will be changing the way they do business.These changes are expected to have an impact on the welfare of Philippine workers. Most efforts to measure the economic effects of e-commerceincluding those on workers welfarehave focused on the U.S. and Europe, who are considered to be the leaders in e-commerce. (Roberto, 2002) In general, it discuss the changes in the nature of work from the front to back office is likely within the sectors performing servicesEmployment demand for these industry, they may be focused away from agents and blue collared workers, toward higher management and executive staff.As Filipinos entered the 21stcentury, local e-commerce transaction reached Php 1 billion. It shows that theres at least one billion transaction sales growth annually. If this trend continues, figures can reach up to Php 20 billion as more businesses conduct online transactions. If significant economic growth takes place in the next 10 years, these estimates may even double or triple (Toral, 2004). One indisputable benefit of e-commerce is its ability to reduce transaction costs. For consumers or buyers, this is most likely to take the form of lower search costs and better information on products and prices. There could be drastic savings in production and delivery costs of electronic or digital goods as well. (Lee, 2006). Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has become and will continue to be an integral part of the day-to-day life of every Filipino across all levels of our society. The occurrence of communication technology around the world necessitates that government get on a cohesive and coordinated strategy on how to prepare its citizens to survive, live and thrive in a digital world. (The Philippine Digital Strategy Transformation 2.0: Digital Empowered Nation 2011) The main objective of the paper is to have a competitive society where everyone has a reliable, affordable and secure information access in the Philippines.According to (Bravo, 2013), Davao City is still a cash society, far from the global trend of card economy. Tjader P. Regis, marketing director of NCCC Group of Companies, revealed that Davao remains a cash economy with only around 20 percent of consumers engaged regularly in card transactions. The NCCC Group of Companies runs such retail chains as the NCCC Mall Davao, Choice Supermarket and HB1. Despite the trend in global commerce, Davao has not yet reached the level where it has accepted the use of cards and electronic transaction platforms according to Regis. Its still 80-20 (cash to card ratio), said Regis during the official announcement of the NCCC-EC Pay-GATE Distribution partnership on Thursday. Among the contributory factors for Davao economy being cash-based are largely due to the attitude of Dabawenyos to shop with cash and the limited accessibility to credit card subscription due to the stringent screening process Banks put premium on card approvals. The low penetration rate, however, still reflects the current low penetration rate of e-commerce in the Philippines which is presently at 3 percent. Market analysts, nevertheless, foresee things to change with the current tremendous growth of internet usage in the country. The increase in internet usage is felt more noticeably in electronic transactions. Regis said more Dabawenyos use electronic transactions in paying their bills. Utilities like electricity, telecommunications, and cable television are among the top transactions using electronic payments. Likewise, mobile phone e-loading top ups and e-wallet loading are also among top e-payment transactions which have found their way into the lifestyle of Dabawenyos. Raymund Jude Aguilar, president of Electronic Commerce Payments Inc. (ECPay), said 90 percent of the electronic transactions of ECPay in Davao City are power bill payments. ECPay, according to Aguilar, was designed to make payments and collections efficient and convenient to both merchants and customers alike. Developed in 2001, the ECPay multi-platform payment infrastructure operates as a secure e-warehouse and e-payments data center for prepaid products, bills payments, airline ticket payments, online shopping transaction payments, e-wallet, fund transfers, and domestic remittance. It enables merchants and retain outlets to offer accurate, secure and timely payment services to their customers while providing merchant clients with real time electronic reconciliation, web-based reporting and system management, Aguilar said. Despite the low acceptance for the revolutionary card economy, Regis said NCCC is still bent on venturing the untraveled waters. For starters, the NCCC Mall will be introducing online shopping on limited product lines We will be moving into online shopping but on selected products only.

Online shopping in the Philippines has been noted to begin to flourish. Among the noted online shopping gateway is Lazada Philippines which is now the countrys leading one-stop online shop after only a year of operations. We have studied the growth and acceptance of online shopping and we feel its time to venture into the market, said Regis. However, Regis cautioned some products are better off sold on the rack where customers are more at home with touch and feel shopping. For example, when buying furnitures or beds, people would prefer that they get a feel before buying, he explained. Online shopping may be good for some items, Regis said, but they still wish people would come to the mall to shop the old-school way.

NCCC Mall has an average daily foot traffic of 50,000 which is a mere one-third of the average unique visits Lazada has online. A market research revealed that five out of six consumers who use the internet to research a specific product they want actually buy the product offline. This means they are basically using the internet only as a research tool and do not complete the online experience, which is the actual sale.Its a matter of selling the idea to people, Regis said.


Theories and Concepts

The researchers identified two variables in the stud; The factors Influencing Consumer Buying Behavior towards Online Shopping such as Personal Factors, Psychological Factors, Social Factors and Cultural Factors. In which the Factors are respondents Independent Variables and among the Factors which Influence affect the buying behavior of online shoppers are the Dependent Variables.

Which among the Influence affect buying behavior of online shoppersFactors Influencing Consumer Buying Behavior

Independent Variables Dependent VariablesFigure. 1 Conceptual Framework showing the variables of the study.Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine the Factors Influencing Consumer Buying Behavior of the respondents towards Online Shopping.Specifically, it aimed to answer the following questions:1. What is the preference of the respondent buying online?2. What is the Influence of online purchase in fast food product by the respondents in terms of:a.) Personal Aspectsb.) Psychological Aspectsc.) Social Aspectsd.) Cultural Aspects

3. Which among the aspects that influence and affect the buying behavior of online shoppers?



Research Design This study will use quantitative method of research. Particularly the descriptive research method to draw the factors that influence consumers to shop online.

Data to begatheredRespondents

Tools to be gathered data

Techniques to analyzed data

Output of the study

Aspect of online shoppers on consumable products items of:a. Personal Aspectsb. Psychological Aspectsc. Social Aspectsd. Cultural Aspects

Respondent preference in buying online

40 respondents

Survey questionnaire

Research EnvironmentThe study was conducted at Holy Cross of Davao College, Sta. Ana Avenue, Davao City. It is a private and Research Catholic College founded by the Religious of the Virgin Mary sisters. It is presently supervised by the Roman Catholic Bishop of Davao (as a corporate sole). The school is governed by the board of trustees whose members do not receive any compensation.The reason why we select Holy Cross of Davao College is that the students is mostly belong to adolescent and teenage group which is more involve of the trends, fashion and peer. The students are likely fascinated on online shopping for they want to purchase items that is quality, fashionable at a reasonable price. They also seek convenience and easy access when purchasing online.

The Respondent of the StudyThe respondents of the study were the students if the Holy Cross of Davao College. By keeping in view the limitations of time, the researcher decided to choose stratified sampling. Stratified sampling is used when there is insufficient time of resources to conduct a census. The researchers implemented this method by grouping the population in different year level. And in each year level, 25 students were selected randomly which formed a total of 100 samples.

Research instrument The researcher used questionnaire as a tool to conduct a survey from respondents. It consist a series of questions as a way of gathering information for the Factors that Influence Consumer Buying Behavior towards Online Shopping. The questionnaire includes; Personal factors, Psychological factors, Social factors, Cultural factors that Influence Consumer Buying Behavior through Online Shopping. It also includes the frequency purchase items of the consumer through Online Shopping.

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Edge Davao: Cash vs Card: Why is Davao still a cash economy?