Competitive Solutions for Joining Technology

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  • 8/2/2019 Competitive Solutions for Joining Technology


    Competitivesolutions or

    joining technology



    DVS-up to date: Arc Welding

  • 8/2/2019 Competitive Solutions for Joining Technology


    Competitive solutions or joining technology

    Arc Welding

    Overview 3EWM Award - Physics o Welding

    ABICOR Innovation Award 2010

    Research 7Research Association on Welding and

    Allied Processes o DVS

    Expert Committee 3 Arc Welding

    DFG/IGF Research Cluster

    Arc welding - Physics and Tools

    Technology 13Technical Committee

    Working Group V 2 Arc Welding

    IIW-International Institute o WeldingCommission II

    Arc Welding and Filler Metals

    Commission IXBehaviour o metals subjected to welding

    Commission XII

    Arc welding processes and production systems

    Education 18Education Committee

    Expert Group 2 Practical Training

    Expert Group 3 Theoretical Training


    ContactDipl.-Eng. Wolgang Queren

    Phone.: 0211 - 1591-116 Fax: -200

    Email: [email protected]

    PublisherDVS German Welding SocietyAachener Str. 172

    40223 Dsseldor

    Credits or illustations

    IOT, TU Dresden

    ISF, RWTH Aachen

    IWF FBT, TU Berlin


  • 8/2/2019 Competitive Solutions for Joining Technology



    Arc welding over Time

    Fusion welding with an arc was already developed by the end o

    the 19th Century but, due to the quality hampering oxidation

    processes that went along with, it was only in connection with

    the covered electrode and/or gas-shielded that it was able to

    rise to its current and signicant stance o technology.

    During manual arc

    welding, the elect-

    rode is melted and

    unctions as llermetal. The volatile

    fux o the metal

    electrode secures

    the protection o

    the molten bath,

    infuences alloy

    composition o the

    weld metal and

    also seam shape. Nowadays, this process is primarily used or

    low inrastructure construction operations.

    Flux-cored arc welding (FCAW) is now rmly established at

    a high perormance process or instance in heavy machinery

    construction, in the shipbuilding industry or in large tube pro-

    duction. Protection and infuencing o weld seam characteris-

    tics is via a mineral-based power that is used up beore the


    In modern industrial nations, welding production without MIG/

    MAG shielded gas welding processing would be unthinkable

    nowadays. Die ersten Schweimaschinen dieser Art kamen in

    den nziger Jahren au den Markt. During metal inert gas-and

    metal active gas welding, the wire electrode and the moltenbath are shielded by inert or active protective gas. The advan-

    tages o this process lie in its comparatively easy handling,

    its suitability or all welding positions as well as the process

    variants and pro-

    tective gases that

    have in the mean-

    time been develo-

    ped to optimally

    suit both welding

    tasks and materi-


    Welding with nonconsumable tungsten electrodes, on the

    other hand, is used or those specialist tasks and or mate-

    rials that place high demands on weld seam quality. Typical

    application areas or these TIG and plasma procedures are the

    aerospace industry and chemical plant construction. But even

    high-quality bicycle rames are nowadays welded with the TIG

    method. A success story in this eld is the automation o TIG

    processes with orbit units, which is oten used or the ma-

    nuacture o large heat exchangers or when laying premium

    piping systems.

    For specic requirements, urther welding procedures have

    been developed, such as impulse-driven processes or syste-

    matic melting o the wire electrode, low-energy procedures or

    processing thin or coated metal sheets, or laser hybrid welding

    that uses both processes in combination or its advantage.

    There is an increasing tendency in arc welding towards au-

    tomation. Nowadays, automation tends towards so-called

    production cells where handling and joining tasks can be

    achieved without outside intererence. To this end, there is

    a constant development process concerning sensors or blow-

    torch guidance, process stabilisation and weld seam quality


    Growing environmental and occupational saety requirements

    place ever-higher demands on arc welding processes. The same

    applies to duplicability o production quality despite clear im-

    provements over the last ew years. This is where research and

    development, in Germany, takes both a timely and intensive

    approach: Fundamental plasma welding research is one essen-

    tial requirement or this; advances in modelling and process

    simulation with an eect on deeper understanding o the va-rious processes can already be recognized. Further, research is

    going on into the development o welding energy sources with

    innate, documentation-suited sensors or stable, low-emission

    and even auto-adjusting processes.

    Dr.-Ing. Wolgang Scheller

    Chairman Expert Committee 3 Arc welding

    Salzgitter Mannesmann Forschungsinstitut

    (Research Institute) GmbH, Duisburg 3

    Welding Arc Materials Transfer

    Rotating high-performance arc

  • 8/2/2019 Competitive Solutions for Joining Technology


    EWM Award - Physics o Welding

    On occasion o its 50th anniversary on October 17th, 2008,

    the EWM HIGHTEC WELDING GmbH company launched a new

    advancement award. This advancement award is intended to

    nancially support up-and-coming scientists in research and

    development undertakings that will result in a considerably

    increased understanding o welding technology processes.

    This research and development work can be based on arc

    welding processes and combination welding processes (hyb-

    rid welding processes).

    The EWM Award Physics o Welding is presented bi-annu-


    For each application, one up-and-coming scientist will re-

    ceive nancial support o the sum o30.000 or their

    research and development work.


    Awards in the Area o Arc Welding

    ApplicationInterested parties can apply or the advancement award in

    writing. This written application should include a logical

    and compelling concept o the planned research and de-

    velopment undertaking, outlining content, objectives and

    timerame. Submitted applications will be evaluated by an

    independent panel o judges.

    The written application or the advancement award should

    be submitted to the DVS.

    The submission deadline or 2008 entries is May 31st, 2009.

    The award recipient will be announced in September 2009

    at the international trade show SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN

    in Essen.


    Dr.-Ing. Klaus Middeldor

    DVS e.V.

    Aachener Strae 172

    40223 Dsseldor

    Email: [email protected]


  • 8/2/2019 Competitive Solutions for Joining Technology



    ABICOR Innovation Award 2010

    For the lasting support o research and development in

    the area o arc welding and cutting, the Alexander Binzel

    Schweisstechnik GmbH & Co. KG company, in 1995 on ac-

    count o its 50th anniversary, decided to initiate an award

    o excellence or this area. The ABICOR Innovation Award, as

    it is called or on a bi-annual basis, which happened the last

    time on May 7th 2008, and will next be presented in 2010.

    The award includes prize money o 10.000 .

    Especially considered here are research and development

    works related to arc welding and cutting processes, particu-

    larly those o undamental signicance that can be expected

    to lead to the urthering o automation and mechanisation;

    this includes process-relevant control and manuacturing

    techniques as well as suitable knowledge transer strate-


    Application ProcedureWorks by junior researchers rom the areas o economy and

    science will be primarily considered. Important criteria are

    as ollows: scientic advance, technical progress, economic

    viability, as well as considerations concerning quality, envi-

    ronmental protection and occupational saety. The chances o

    eventual implementation and expected end-use are also to be

    considered during evaluation

    Applications and proposals may be submitted by either indivi-

    duals or groups. An independent jury will decide the winners.

    Announcement o the award recipients and presentation o the

    award will take during the DVS event titled DIE VERBINDUNGSSPEZIALISTEN: Groe Schweitechnische Tagung (The Joining

    Specialists Major Welding Technology Conerence)

    Contact:Dipl.-Ing. Wolgang Queren-Lieth

    DVS e.V.

    Aachener Strae 172

    40223 Dsseldor

    Email: [email protected]


    Award Recipients1st Place o the ABICOR Innovation Award 2008 went to

    Dipl.-Eng. Michael Schnick, Dresden University o Applied

    Sciences, or his work titled: Current Simulation as a De-

    velopment Tool or Arc and Plasma Torches


    In order to meet the ever-increasing demands o welding

    technology, welding tools and arc processes must be urther

    developed to ensure sae application in extreme physical

    situations. Conventional methods o process and torch de-

    velopment, which are based on parameter studies and cost-

    intensive prototype construction, are not suitable or this

    process as the physically active principles acting on the arc,

    the electrode and the molten mass are observed in a simp-

    lied Black Box manner, which means that the laboriously

    obtained results are ew and ar between and cannot be

    generalised. For both timely and localised high-prole de-

    scription o the complex physical processes behind process

    gas eed, inert gas coverage and in the arc and the electro-

    des, a simulation tool or plasma-and arc processes has been

    developed, which is based on the base numeric model in thebasic physics equation.

  • 8/2/2019 Competitive Solutions for Joining Technology


    MethodikThe simulation was systematically applied as a development

    tool in order to identiy weaknesses in existing torch con-

    cepts and to work out improvements. To this end, certain

    eects were visualised that are normally hidden inside the

    torch and, due to high radiation and temperature load, are

    either not accessible or only with diculty. For the rst

    time, numeric sensitive analyses are used to gain a deeper

    understanding o physical cause and eect connections bet-


    ween the arc, the workpiece, the torch and the process para-

    meters and also to draw conclusions as to process potentials

    and restrictions.

    This numeric model is suitable or use in PC workstations.

    ResultsIn comparison to conventional development methods or

    welding and cutting torches, the simulation allows or a

    decrease o energy requirement caused by prototype const-

    ruction and also o development time while simultaneously

    increasing insight. The new process understanding gainedrom modelling leads to new deign and development ap-

    proaches or torches. Physically based simulation results

    are excellently suited or depicting development results in

    a plausible manner. At the same time, they can be used or

    knowledge transer, e. g. or actual application or or trai-

    ning o expert welding engineers and welders. 3

    Optimised Valve for Plasma Arc Welding

    Models of the plasma arc

    Cathode Sheath

    Magneto Hydrodynamics (MHD)

    Fluid MechanicsHydrodynamics


    Maxwell EquationsNavier-Stokes


    InteracesOhms Law

    Lorentz Force

    Ohmic Heating

    Anode Sheath


  • 8/2/2019 Competitive Solutions for Joining Technology



    The core activity o the Research Association on Welding and

    Allied Processes o DVS is the cooperative industrial research

    (IGF) in which companies, corporate bodies and research

    institutes rom the various elds o joining technology ac-

    tively take part. The Research Association is divided into 13

    expert committees (FAs) with specic subject-related main

    ocal points. The companies agree upon the need or coope-

    rative research and dene main ocal points or pioneering

    research which the research institutes involved convert into

    concrete research projects without delay. The cooperative

    industrial research achieves optimum closeness to the ap-

    plication and permits the direct utilisation and implemen-

    tation o the results. The collaboration o industry means

    that know-how is transerred at an early stage and that the

    research work and the utilisation o the results are paral-

    lelised. IGF research projects may be promoted rom unds

    o the Federal Ministry o Economic Aairs and Technology

    (BMWi) via theOtto von Guericke Federation o Industrial

    Research Associations (AiF). 3

    The Research Association on Welding and Allied Processes o DVS

    Further inormation at:

    As a new service, DVS is oering its members and all the

    interested people bundled technical inormation about va-

    rious subject areas in joining technology with the portolio

    o services rom DVS. The inormation brochures prepared

    in two languages (German/English) include not only de-tailed explanations about the respective main ocal points

    including a description o the development potential but

    also valuable explanations about the activities and availa-

    ble work results o DVS in the elds o research, technology

    and education.

    The brochures which have been published until now are

    available to you or downloading.

    Printed copies can be requested by e-mail

    ([email protected]). 3

    DVS inormation brochures

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    Expert Committee 3 Arc Welding

    Fundamental principles

    The general goal behind the research works is the urther ad-

    vancement o eciency and protability o arc welding pro-

    cesses or joining in industrial settings. Under consideration,

    especially, are the requirements o small and medium-size


    These research undertakings are to take into account such

    aspects as boundary and environment conditions like pre-

    treatment and ollow-up treatment, tolerance levels, warpage,

    emissions, impurities and typical practice quality criteria. The

    processes must become clearly understandable.

    Economic considerations and estimations also orm part o the

    research scope. These are deduced, among others, rom the

    technological boundary conditions o the processes.

    In the course o the research undertakings, solutions are to be

    worked out and documented. Desirable here would be parame-

    ter inormation concerning welding tasks that allow or com-

    parison to the results o other research projects and practical


    As an overall target, arc welding is to become capable o beingsimulated, as low-emission as possible, easy to monitor, qua-

    lity dened and present with production reliability.

    Research elds:Optimised arc microstructure and coating processing must be

    ound or contemporary materials and combination materials,

    or corrosion and acid proo steels, nickel-aluminium-and ma-

    gnesium alloys, high-strength steels and or bonding.

    The design o process variants (heat-controlled arc processes,

    arc soldering, high perormance processes) and hybrid proces-

    ses (laser hybrid welding, plasma-MSG welding) must continue

    in the direction o operational instrument engineering.

    In the eld o instrument engineering and installation engi-

    neering, one needs to work on marked improvements in the

    areas o torch and tube package technique, suction techno-

    logy and especially also torch and energy-source integrated


    For quality control and easy operation, sensors and sensor sys-

    tems or seam detection and tracking as well as or adaptive

    welding are to be designed, as well as sensors or process mo-

    nitoring, guidance and control; sensor system reliability needs

    to be improved.

    A new research ocus is on diagnosis, modelling, simulation,

    calculation and visualisation o arc welding processes: No-

    vel approaches relating to plasma physics and diagnosis, or

    modelling and depiction o actual arc welding processes, can

    be used in order to obtain a comprehensive and undamental

    evaluation and control o eects and infuences o the arc

    fash, or visualisation and better understanding o welding

    arc process mechanisms. This applies especially also to the

    training setting. Direct calculation-based processing o sig-

    nals thus generated rom diagnostic methods and modelling

    results needs to be integrated, or the purpose o parameter

    assessment and denition as well as or process stabilisation

    in systems and arc welding equipment. 3

    FA 3

    Arc Welding

    Chairman:Dr.-Ing. Wolgang Scheller

    Salzgitter Mannesmann Forschung

    GmbH, Duisburg


    Dr.-Ing. Sven-Frithjo Goecke



    Secretary:Dipl.-Ing. Wolgang Queren-Lieth

    Phone: 0211 / 2591-116 Fax:-200

    Email: [email protected]


    Inert Gas Flow


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    Ongoing research projects

    Development o an event-driven control mechanism onthe basis o inverse modelling or robust process opera-tions in complex MSG impulse welding proceduresDVS-Nr.: 03.091 / IGF-Nr.: 15.872 BStart: 01.11.2008 End: 31.10.2011Participating institutes: Pro. Dr. rer. nat. J. Kruscha,FH Lausitz, Sentenberg und Cottbus, IEM Department

    Pro. Dr.-Eng. U. Reisgen, RWTH Aachen,Institute o Welding-and Joining Technology

    Fluid dynamic design o torch systems or economicaland low-emission arc weldingDVS-Nr.: 03.090 / IGF-Nr.: 15.871 BStart: 01.11.2008 End: 31.10.2011Participating institutes: Pro. Dr.-Eng. habil. U. Fssel,Dresden University o Applied Sciences, Institute oProduction Engineering and Joining Technology

    Fully automated welding system or root welding o V- andX joint preparations, with contemporary regulated arc pro-

    cedure and digital short circuit resolutionDVS-Nr.: 03.088 / IGF-Nr.: 15.916 NStart: 01.12.2008 End: 30.11.2010Participating institutes: Pro. Dr.-Ing. U. Reisgen,RWTH Aachen, Institute o Welding-and-Joining Technology

    Use o novel non-copper materials or weld wire bondingduring MSG welding and soldering processes, especiallyor aluminium and low melting additive materialsDVS-Nr.: 03.087 / IGF-Nr.: 15.914 BStart: 01.12.2008 End: 30.11.2010Participating institutes: Pro. Dr.-Ing. habil. K.-J. Matthes,Chemnitz University o Applied Sciences,

    Institute o Production Engineering and Welding TechnologyDeposition welding o nanocrystalline solidiying er-rous-based materials to aluminium substrate via regula-ted short arc techniqueDVS-Nr.: 03.085 / IGF-Nr.: 15.859 NStart: 01.11.2008 End: 31.10.2010Participating institutes: Pro. Dr.-Eng. habil. J. Wilden,Berlin University o Applied Sciences, Institute o MachineTools and Factory Operation, Department o Joining- andCoating Technology

    Cause and evaluation o imperections in arc soldered jointsDVS-Nr.: 03.083 / IGF-Nr.: 15.745 B

    Start: 01.08.2008 End: 31.07.2010Participating institutes: Pro. Dr.-Ing. habil. K.-J. Matthes,Chemnitz University o Applied Sciences, Institute o Produc-tion Engineering and Welding Technology

    Research projects (selection)

    Numeric and experimental investigations or systematicinfuencing o arc and molten bath during gas-shieldedwelding through protective gas characteristics and pro-tective gas compositionDVS-Nr.: 03.082 / IGF-Nr.: 15.774 BStart: 01.09.2008 End: 31.08.2010Participating institutes: Pro. Dr.-Eng. habil. U. Fssel,Dresden University o Applied Sciences, Institute o Pro-duction Engineering and Welding Technology

    Increase o process saety with simultaneous decreaseo production costs through the use o gaseous fux du-ring arc weldingDVS-Nr.: 03.081 / IGF-Nr.: 15.635 NStart: 01.08.2008 End: 31.07.2010Participating institutes: Pro. Dr.-Eng. W. H. Mller, BerlinUniversity o Applied Sciences, Department o ContinuumMechanics and Materials Theory

    Pro. Dr.-Eng. habil. J. Wilden, Berlin University o AppliedSciences, Institute o Machine Tools and Factory Operation,Department o Joining- and Coating Technology

    Design o characteristics-and evaluation proles or wel-ding technical use o tungsten electrodesDVS-Nr.: 03.080 / IGF-Nr.: 15.231 NStart: 01.06.2007 End: 31.05.2009Participating institutes:Dr.-Eng. St. Keitel, SLV Duisburg, Section o the GSI mbH

    Coecient denition or contemporary gas-shieldedwelding proceduresDVS-Nr.: 03.078 / IGF-Nr.: 15.562 BStart: 01.07.2008 End: 30.06.2010Participating institutes:Pro. Dr.-Eng. habil. K.-J. Matthes, Chemnitz University o

    Applied Sciences, Institute o Production Engineering andWelding Technology

    Development o a weld head guiding system or automa-ted MSG welding o steel and aluminium alloysDVS-Nr.: 03.076 / IGF-Nr.: 15.296 NStart: 01.08.2007 End: 31.07.2009Participating institutes:Pro. Dr.-Eng. U. Reisgen, RWTH College Aachen, Instituteo Welding-and Joining Technology

    Pro. Dr.-Eng. K. Dilger, Braunschweig University o Applied

    Sciences, Institute o Welding-and Joining Technology

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    Investigation into MSG impulse arc welding with interimimpulse or AC and DC current applicationVorhaben: DVS-Nr.: 03.061 / IGF-Nr.: 13.484 N

    Participating institutes: Dipl.-Eng. F. Zech, SLV Munich,Section o the GSI mbH

    Investigations into MSG deposition welding with fatwire electrodesVorhaben: DVS-Nr.: 03.057 / IGF-Nr.: 13.408 BParticipating institutes: Dipl.-Eng. F. Zech, SLV Munich,

    Section o the GSI mbHDr.-Eng. M. Strer, SLV Halle GmbH

    Qualication and use o hybrid synergy eects or highperormance welding o light metalsDVS-Nr.: 03.056 / IGF-Nr.: 13.783 NParticipating institutes: Pro. Dr.-Eng. U. Reisgen, RWTH

    Aachen, Institute o Welding-and Joining Technology 3

    Concluded research projects

    Classication o health hazard levels through the emis-sion o welding umes during modern gas-shielded wel-ding proceduresDVS-Nr.: 03.071 / IGF-Nr.: 14.459 BParticipating institutes: Pro. Dr.-Eng. habil. K.-J. Mat-thes, Chemnitz University o Applied Sciences, Institute oProduction Engineering and Welding Technology

    Gas hose infuence on humidity-hydrogen-and oxygenproblematic during gas-shielded weldingDVS-Nr.: 03.068 / IGF-Nr.: 14.426 NParticipating institutes: Pro. Dr.-Eng. U. Reisgen, RWTHAachen, Institute o Welding-and Joining Technology

    Investigation into MSG soldering o zinc-coated steelsheet, with impulse arc and or use with impulse-drivingAC and DC current in the base current phaseDVS-Nr.: 03.066 / IGF-Nr.: 14.425 NParticipating institutes: Dipl.-Eng. . Zech, SLV Munich,Section o the GSI mbH

    Virtually internal sensor or MIG welding applicationsDVS-Nr.: 03.065 / IGF-Nr.: 13.863 BParticipating institutes: Pro. Dr.-Eng. habil. K.-J. Mat-thes, Chemnitz University o Applied Sciences, Institute oProduction Engineering and Welding Technology

    Plasma-MIG technology application during joining ocoated steel materialsDVS-Nr.: 03.064 / IGF-Nr.: 13.862 B

    Participating institutes: Pro. Dr.-Eng. habil. K.-J. Matthes,Chemnitz University o Applied Sciences, Institute o Produc-tion Engineering and Welding Technology

    Use o fat wire electrodes during ully automated MSGwelding o ne-grained steel with higher yield strengthDVS-Nr.: 03.059 / IGF-Nr.: 13.784 N

    Participating institutes: Dr.-Eng. St. Keitel, SLV Duisburg,Section o the GSI mbH

    Process-sae MSG welding o high-alloy specialist materi-als with low requency pulsed wire eedDVS-Nr.: 03.062 / IGF-Nr.: 13.787 BParticipating institutes: Pro. Dr.-Eng. I. Martinek,Otto-von-Guericke University at Magdeburg, Faculty oMechanical Engineering, Institute o Joining-and BeamTechnology


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    this applies especially to the interdisciplinary cooperation

    between engineers, physicists, mathematicians/computer

    scientists and metallurgists (table 1). The targets are as

    outlined in the paragraphs to ollow.

    Purpose o the Research

    The research cluster strives to signicantly expand both pro-

    cess and application boundaries or arc welding procedures.

    In the end, we are looking or higher productivity, increased

    operational saety and less environmental stress. Further,materials or material combinations that hitherto were consi-

    dered dicult to usion weld are to be used with a novel

    are welding technology. This technology will be capable o

    adapting to changed environmental conditions like higher

    tolerance levels and thus lead to a competitive advantage

    in the overriding process chain through signicantly aster

    laser beam welding process speed.

    MethodThe methods supporting the cluster concept are arranged in

    such a manner as to allow or examination, via diagnostic

    procedures in any basis-oriented project area, o the proces-

    ses concerning welding arc or anode and cathode. Material

    transer is also under investigation. The purpose here is to

    obtain a undamental improvement o knowledge and to make

    available or modelling the experimentally obtained data. Mo-

    delling then strives or comprehensive denition o the MIG

    process, leading to both process behaviour and process va-

    riable becoming predictable. In the area o modelling, there

    are two undamentally dierent approaches: or one, there is

    modelling on the basis o physical undamentals and on the

    other, inverse modelling is to serve or obtaining inormation


    DFG/IGF Research Cluster

    Arc welding - Physics and Tools

    SummaryIn this research cluster, based on diagnostic welding arc re-

    search, a undamental physical understanding is obtained in

    close correlation with modelling applications, so that pro-

    cess behaviour can be predicted or estimated via simulation.

    Parallel to these works, there are user-oriented projects or

    the implementation under technological aspects. Special

    emphasis here is placed on a signicant improvement in

    process saety. The torch and control concepts to be deve-

    loped, synergy-based, also lead to novel metallurgical pos-sibilities (Image 1).

    MotivationManuacture o products or all trades, rom tank and con-

    tainer to chemical apparatus production, steel-boat-and

    railway vehicle construction, and also including vehicle and

    aerospace applications, not to mention the manuacture o

    athletic devices, urniture or household appliances. All this,

    independent o individual usage, calls or technologies that

    allow or material-and application riendly joining o semi-

    nished products, components or building groups. Among

    the rmly bonded joining procedures, welding on account

    o its procedure-inherent characteristics has now obtained

    a prime position.

    Recent developments in arc welding technique, partially

    supported by public unds, show completely novel possi-

    bilities or energy yield control and open up new elds in

    arc technology regarding operational saety, environmental

    riendliness and expansion o application elds. A quantum

    leap o industrial market relevance, however, can only be

    achieved i it becomes possible to both understand and de-

    pict via model the undamental physics o welding arcs intheir complexity that is infuenced by process gas fow with

    its partial addition o surrounding gases rom the environ-

    ment, materials transer o the consumable electrode, me-

    tal vapour ormation, emission occurrence etc. This insight

    then allows or new metallurgy control possibilities during

    solidication that, in turn, leads to control o problematic

    hot crack ormation or many materials and their combina-


    Due to the economic signicance and the possibilities ope-

    ning up with high innovation potential, there is a big need

    or research both undamental and application-oriented

    especially in the area o MIG/MAG joining processes and

    Image 1: Research Concept Systematic



    Experimental analysis oand insight into

    process connections

    Transer i processunderstanding into


    depiction o processconnections

    Zero Deect (Process Capability)

    Sensor-less Process ControlMetallurgical Eects


    Process capabilityApplication

  • 8/2/2019 Competitive Solutions for Joining Technology



    Image 2: Comparison of Simulation and Experiment; Source: Fssel,

    Schnick, Hrtel, Hler, Dresden University of Applies Sciences

    about process connections directly rom the process itsel

    that are then implemented in a physics-based model. Ater

    only 6 o 36 months o project running time, initial results

    already showed - through a match o simulation and experi-

    ment (Image 2) both the high scientic level and excellent

    success chances or actual application signicance.

    The undamental works are closely interconnected and si-

    multaneously infuence the application-oriented projects.

    The arc is to be controlled in such a manner that, on onehand, metallurgy and solidication o molten bath can be

    systematically infuenced in order to, or instance, become

    better able to handle the problem o hot crack ormation

    via a new process-oriented approach. Further, the process-

    oriented project area is concerned with working out new

    methods by means o which it will become possible to use

    the power source itsel as a process sensor and, through

    this, nally achieve signicant progress in respect to pro-

    cess capability.

    Hence, the cluster research allows or an innovation leap in

    arc welding technology in respect to both process control

    and process capability.

    Research Partners

    Univ.-Pro. Dr.-Ing. habil. Uwe FsselDepartment o Joining Technology and Assembly

    Institute o Surace and Manuacturing Technology

    Dresden University o Applied Sciences

    Pro. Dr .rer. nat. habil. Johannes KruschaDepartment o Inormation Technology/Electronics/Mecha-

    nical Engineering

    Lausitz University o Applied Sciences

    Pro. Dr.-Ing. Uwe ReisgenInstitute o Welding-and Joining Technology

    RWTH Aachen

    Pro. Dr.-Ing. Jochen Schein

    Institute o Plasma Science and Mathematics (LPT)

    University o the German Federal Armed Forces, Munich

    Dr. rer. nat. Dirk Uhrlandt

    Leibniz Institute or Plasma Science and

    Technology e.V. (INP)


    Pro. Dr. rer. nat. Klaus-Dieter Weltmann

    Leibniz Institute or Plasma Science and

    Technology e.V. (INP)


    Univ.-Pro. Dr.-Ing. habil. Johannes Wilden


    Fachgebiet Fge- und Beschichtungstechnik

    Institute o Machine Tools and Factory OperationBerlin University o Applies Sciences 3Preamble

    Arc Cluster

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    Secretary and Contact Person or all working groups:

    Dipl.-Ing. Wolgang Queren-Lieth

    Phone: 0211 - 1591-116 Fax: -200

    Email: [email protected]

    Working group V 2 Arc welding

    Chairman:Pro. Dr.-Ing. Rol Felleisen

    Schweitechnische Lehr- und

    Versuchsanstalt Mannheim GmbH


    Dr.-Ing. Reinhard Winkler

    SLV Duisburg, Section o the GSI mbH


    Working groups o the AT

    In this central area o welding technology, over 400 ex-

    perts are at work, with special and as a rule process-orien-

    ted expert ocus, divided into 7 dierent sub-groups and

    38 dierent task orces.

    Working groups (Selection)

    WG V 2.1 Metal arc welding

    WG V 2.3 Arc welding with non-consumableelectrode

    WG V 2.3.5 Plasma MSG welding

    WG V 2.4 Welding with consumable electrode


    WG V 2.4.6 MSG high perormance processes

    WG V 2.4.8 /

    WG V 6.8 Arc soldering

    WG V 2.5 Submerged arc welding and electro slag


    WG V 2.6 Mechanization, automatization and

    robotingWG V 2.7 Welding with ller wire

    Joint undertakings, contribution to standard DKE 361

    Electric Arc Welding Equipment and setting up o the an-

    nual arc colloquium together with the Expert Committee 3

    Arc Welding are all tasks that are generally coordinated

    on an annual basis through the circle o representatives.

    The WG V 2 is in correspondence with the ollowing wor-

    king units o the International Institute o Welding (IIW)

    Commission II Arc Welding and Filler Metals

    Commission IX Behaviour o metals subjectedto welding

    Commission XII Arc welding processes and production

    systems 3Metal arc vertical up seam

    Technical Committee (AT) o DVS

    The technical-scientic cooperative work o DVS is predo-

    minantly determined by the activities o its Technical Com-

    mittee (AT) with its working bodies oriented to specic

    subjects. Specialists rom the economic and scientic elds,

    rom authorities and rom other areas collaborate in them.

    The Technical Committee promotes the active exchange o

    experience amongst experts, describes the state o the art

    by elaborating and contributing to the preparation o a set

    o technical rules (DVS technical bulletins, technical codes,

    guidelines and standards) and is actively involved in the

    technical development o welding and the allied processes

    such as brazing/soldering, thermal spraying, adhesive bon-

    ding, mechanical joining and plastics joining. Joint commit-

    tees with the Standards Committee or Welding Technology

    o DIN also exist or this purpose. 3

    Further inormation at:

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    Process and Materials Classication:A Metal arc welding

    B TIG plasma welding and process variants

    C MIG/MAG welding and process variants

    D SAW and ESW welding

    E Welding with ller wire

    F Instrument engineering, automation, equipment

    G Welding o steels

    H Welding o NF and light metals

    Essential work results

    DVS technical bulletins and technical codes (Selection)

    DVS technical bulletins and technical codes A B C D E F G H

    DVS 0966-1 Plasma-MSG welding Instrument engineering x x x

    DVS 0964 Submerged arc double wire welding x x

    DVS 0958 Covered electrodes - eciency, metal recovery and

    deposition coecient work sheets and calculation aids


    DVS 0957 Handling o covered electrodes - Transport, storage and



    DVS 0955 Welding-based processing o nickel-alloyed steels or

    low temperature applications

    x x x x x x

    DVS 0951 Specialist steel with elevated wear-resistance x x x x x x

    DVS 2710 Additional equipment or mechanical TIG and plasma

    welding; characteristics and requirements

    x x

    DVS 0949 Tubular-cored electrodes or MAG- and SAW welding o

    erritic steel castings creep resistant at elevated temperatures

    x x x

    DVS 0948 Submerged arcs welding and its procedure variants x x

    DVS 0946 Recommendations or welding o stainless austenitic-

    erritic duplex- and super duplex steels

    x x x x x

    DVS 0945-1 Verication o welded and wearresistant depositions

    Abrasive wear

    x x

    DVS 0943 High-alloy electrodes x x

    DVS 0942 Welding with covered electrodes Pore ormation and



    DVS 0941-2 Tubular-cored electrodes or MAG- joint welding

    characteristics and application areas

    x x x

    DVS 0941-1 Tubular-cored electrodes or joint- and deposition

    welding principles and terminology

    x x x

    DVS 0940 Submerged arc deposition welding with strip electrode x x

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    DVS technical bulletins and technical codes A B C D E F G H

    DVS 0938-1 Arc soldering principles, processes, installation

    engineering requirements

    x x

    DVS 0937 Root protection during gas-shielded welding x x x x x

    DVS 0936 Submerged arc narrow-gap welding x x

    DVS 0935 Electroslag deposition welding with strip electrode x x

    DVS 0934 TIG welding; devices and equipment x x

    DVS 2714 Welding devices or manual and ully automated TIG

    welding Requirement determination (especially or aerospace


    x x

    DVS 0932 MAG set-up practice - Process- and component depen-

    dent infuences on seam geometry


    DVS 0931 MAG welding o non-corrosive, austenitic steels x x

    DVS 0928 Submerged arc welding o austenite-errite joints x x

    DVS 0926-2 Wire eed, tube package and torch requirements or

    gas shielded metal welding

    x x x

    DVS 0926-1 Energy source requirements or gas shielded metal


    x x

    DVS 0925 MAG welding o thick sheet metal x x

    DVS 0923-1 to -4 Testing o welding powders or weld-related

    characteristics in submerged arc welding applications


    DVS 0921 Load diagrams or rotary tables and rotary tilting



    DVS 0920 Tungsten inert gas welding (TIG) - principles x x x x

    DVS 0919 Tungsten plasma arc welding x x x x

    DVS 2707 Plasma arc welding process overview, gas selection

    and welding parameters

    x x

    DVS 0918 Submerged arc welding o ne-grained steels x x

    DVS 0917 Submerged arc welding o austenitic steels x x

    DVS 0916 Metal gas-shielded welding o ne-grained steels x x

    DVS 0915 Submerged arc multiple electrode welding x x

    DVS 0914 Processing and storage o welding powders or submer-

    ged arc welding


    DVS 0913-1 to 3 MIG welding o aluminium Material-related

    basics / devices, processes, auxiliary materials / application-ori-

    ented notes ----------

    x x

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    DVS technical bulletins and technical codes A B C D E F G H

    DVS 0912-1 to 2 Gas-shielded metal arc welding o steel; Guideli-

    nes or process execution Prevention o incomplete usion

    x x

    DVS 0911 Tungsten electrodes or tungsten insert gas welding

    Application-oriented notes

    x x

    DVS 2716 Tungsten electrodes or tungsten insert gas welding

    Requirements or aerospace applications

    x x

    DVS 0909-1 and -2 Principles o MSG high perormance welding

    with solid wire electrodes Denition and terminology / Appli-

    cation-oriented notes

    x x

    DVS 0907-1 to 3 Determination o heat input and burn-o or SAW

    fux heat input and burn-o lines / Flux diagram / Application

    o fux diagram


    DVS 1502-1 and 2 Manual arc welding o ductile cast iron pipes

    Principles o welding engineering / Welding o parts o ductile

    cast iron or steel

    x x

    DVS 0601 Welding o nickel and nickel alloys x x x x

    DVS 2713 Welding o titanium materials - Materials, processes,

    manuacture, inspection and evaluation o weld joints with sup-

    plementary sheet 1: Sample images o heat tinting

    x x

    Submerged arc welding

    ElectrodeContact PiecePowder Funnel

    Progress o Weld

    Cavern with implied arc



    Weld Seam

    Heat Aected Zone

    Basis Material

    Preerred Drop



    Molten Bath withFlow Direction

    Solid Slag

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    Standards (Selection)

    DIN EN ISO 9692-1Welding and allied processes Recommendations or joint


    Part 1: Manual metal-arc welding, gas-shielded metal arc

    welding, gas welding, TIG welding and beam welding o


    DIN EN ISO 9692-2Welding and allied processes - Joint preparation

    Part 2: Submerged arc welding o steel

    DIN EN ISO 9692-3Welding and allied processes Recommendations or junc-

    ture orms

    Part 3: Metal inert gas welding and tungsten insert gas

    welding o aluminium and aluminium alloys

    DIN EN ISO 15609-1

    Specication and qualication o welding procedures or

    metallic materials Welding procedure specication

    Part 1: Arc welding

    DIN EN ISO 15614

    Specication and qualication o welding procedures or

    metallic materials Welding procedure test

    - Part 1: Arc and gas welding o steels and arc welding o

    nickel and nickel alloys

    - Part 2: Arc welding o aluminium and its alloys

    - Part 3: Fusion welding o non-alloyed and low-alloyed

    cast irons

    - Part 4: Finishing welding o aluminium castings

    (with correction)

    - Part 5: Arc welding o titanium, zirconium andtheir alloys

    - Part 6: Arc and gas welding o copper and its alloys

    - Part 7: Overlay welding

    - Part 8: Welding o tubes to tube plate joints

    DIN EN 1011Welding Recommendations or welding o metallic


    - Part 1: General guidance or arc welding

    - Part 2: Arc welding o erritic steels

    - Part 3: Arc welding o stainless steels

    - Part 4: Arc welding o aluminium and aluminium alloys

    - Part 5: Welding o clad steel

    - Part 8: Welding o cast irons

    DIN EN 50504Validation o arc welding equipment

    DIN EN 60974 (IEC 60974)

    Arc welding equipment

    - Part 1: Welding power sources

    - Part 2: Liquid cooling systems

    - Part 3: Arc striking and stabilizing devices

    - Part 4: In-service inspection and testing

    - Part 5: Wire eeders

    - Part 6: Limited duty manual metal arc welding power


    - Part 7: Torches

    - Part 8: Gas consoles or welding and plasma cutting


    - Part 9: Installation and use

    - Part 10: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)


    - Part 11: Electrode holders

    - Part 12: Coupling devices or welding cables

    - Part 13: Return current clamp 3


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    Specialist Books (Selection in German only)

    Specialist Book Series Welding Techniques Volume 130J. Schuster: Schweien von Eisen-,

    Stahl- und Nickelwerkstoen

    Specialist Book Series Welding Techniques Volume 76/IR. Killing: Handbuch der Schweiverahren Teil I:


    Specialist Book Series Welding Techniques Volume 63

    P. Mller, L. Wol: Handbuch des Unterpulverschweiens

    Part I and Part II:Part I: Verahren, Einstellpraxis, Gerte, Wirtschatlichkeit,

    Part II: Schweizustze und Schweipulver

    Part III: Draht/Pulver-Kombinationen r Sthle - Schwei-

    ergebnisse - Schweiparameter

    Part IV: Schweien mit Strip electrode

    Part V: Berechnung und Gestaltung von Schweikonstrukti-

    onen - Schweitechnologie - Anwendungsbeispiele

    Specialist Book Series Welding Techniques Volume 141D. Radaj: Schweiprozesimulation, Grundlagen und


    Specialist Book Series Welding Techniques Volume 84M. Schellhase: Der Schweilichtbogen - ein

    technologisches Werkzeug

    Specialist Book Series Welding Techniques Volume 133Dipl.-Ing. R. Trillmich, W. Welz: Bolzenschweien -

    Grundlagen und Anwendung

    Practical Welding Techniques Volume 2

    W. Marels, L. Orth: Der Lichtbogenschweier Leitaden

    r Ausbildung und Praxis

    Practical Welding Techniques Volume 14

    Dipl.-Ing. G. Aichele: 140 Arbeitsregeln r das

    SchutzgasschweienPractical Welding Techniques Volume 34

    L. Baum, S. Pommer: Der Schutzgasschweier -

    Teil 1 WIG-/Plasmaschweien

    Practical Welding Techniques Volume 35L. Baum, S. Pommer: Der Schutzgasschweier -

    Teil 2 MIG/MAG-Schweien

    DVS Reports Volume 249

    J. Wilden, D. Bartout, F. Homann: Lichtbogengeprozesse

    - Stand der Technik und Zukuntspotenzial

    DVS Reports Volume 190

    C. Lorenz: WIG-Orbitalschweien von Rohr/Rohrverbindungen aus Aluminiumwerkstoen

    DVS Reports Volume 87

    Schutzgasschweien 3


    Education Committee (AB)

    Personnel qualication in DVS

    The Education Committee (AB) o DVS elaborates and struc-

    tures the range o training and urther education oered by

    DVS in the elds o joining, cutting and coating. It ollows

    tendencies and trends as well as concrete developments in

    the education sector and evaluates their eects on society

    in general and on the areas o joining, cutting and coatingin particular. AB is oriented to the latest state o the art

    and to the needs o the German economy. Due to the close

    network o DVS, the structures o the society are used opti-

    mally, the latest ndings are exchanged across bodies and

    there is eedback about the current needs. DVS thus oers

    the expert world o joining technology, members and inte-

    rested people a comprehensive range o competitive solu-tions or joining technology. 3

    Further inormation at:

    The specied publications can be purchased via DVS Media GmbH:

    DVS Media GmbH Aachener Strae 172 D-40223 Dsseldorf Tel.: 0211 / 1591-162 [email protected]

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    Practical Training (Selection)

    Coordination:K. Andre, SL Magdeburg


    Dipl.-Ing. Christoph Esser-Ayerty

    Phone: 0211 1591-178 Fax: -200

    Email: [email protected]

    DVS 1110 DVS Course: Expert vehicle body overhaul -

    Supplementary sheet 1: Expert vehicle body overhaul MAG

    welding and MSG soldering

    DVS/EWF/IIW 1111 International Welder (IW) General

    notes, requirements

    DVS 1112-2 DVS Course: DVS-FUE1/04 Joining via manual

    arc welding and thermal cutting

    DVS 1112-3 DVS Course: DVS-FUE2/04 Joining via gas-

    shielded welding

    DVS 1123 DVS Course: Manual arc welding

    DVS 1133 DVS Course: Thin sheet metal welding, MAG

    DVS 1133 DVS Course: Thin sheet metal welding, gas-

    shielded welding

    DVS 1148 Exams or welders, Manual arc welding o duc-

    tile cast iron pipes

    DVS 1149 DVS Course: Training and certication o cast

    iron welders

    DVS 1157 DVS Course: DVS Welding Master Specialist

    - Supplementary Sheet 3: Manual arc welding in practice

    - Supplementary Sheet 4: Tungsten inert gas welding in

    practice Steel

    - Supplementary Sheet 5: Tungsten inert gas welding in

    practice NF metals

    - Supplementary Sheet 6: Gas-shielded metal welding in

    practice Steel

    - Supplementary Sheet 7: Gas-shielded metal welding in

    practice NF metals

    DVS 1182 DVS Course: Manual arc brazing

    Theoretical Training (Selection)


    Dipl.-Ing. Ch. Ahrens, SLV-Duisburg


    Dipl.-Ing. Michael Metzger

    Phone: 0211 1591-177 Fax: -200

    Email: [email protected]

    DVS/EWF/IIW 1170 Welding Supervisor

    International Welding Engineer (SFI/EWE/IWE)

    International Welding Technician (ST/EWT/IWT)

    International Welding Expert (SFM/EWS/IWS)

    International Welding Practitioner (SP/EWP/IWP)

    DVS/EWF 1175 Welding Supervision Add-on training or

    reinorced steel welding

    DVS/EWF/IIW 1178 International Welding Quality Ins-

    pection Sta (IWIP)

    DVS 1109 Welding Supervisor Sta (WSS) Rail vehicle


    DVS 1179 Welding Supervision Add-on training or alu-

    minium welding

    DVS/EWF 1198 Specialist courses or training or urther

    training in laser beam welding or engineers. Technici-

    ans, specialists 3

    Arc welding is part o any undamental training in welding technology, whether or welders or as part o practice oriented

    training or training as a welding supervisor. From the wide range o DVS training courses available, the ollowing list pro-

    vides a selection with special arc welding elements: