Competitive Cable & Video Services Act Minority Owned Business Participation Plan Report for 2013 Tennessee Regulatory Authority

Competitive Cable & Video Services Act - TN.gov · 2017-12-14 · certificate of franchise authority shall not be issued by the department to any applicant that fails to include a

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Page 1: Competitive Cable & Video Services Act - TN.gov · 2017-12-14 · certificate of franchise authority shall not be issued by the department to any applicant that fails to include a

Competitive Cable & Video Services Act

Minority Owned Business Participation Plan


for 2013

Tennessee Regulatory Authority

Page 2: Competitive Cable & Video Services Act - TN.gov · 2017-12-14 · certificate of franchise authority shall not be issued by the department to any applicant that fails to include a


tLp6om6r.74ll@,b .fuIjmJvw6ffiidhhna

IE Holonble Bill ll8lm

Chi€f Cldt ofthe Hoe

Chief Cldk oflhe Sena&

TNid€d hercwitb is lne mual rclon required by lhe ceneal Asdbty co.€di.g MinorityOm€d Buies rdticipadon Ples set fonh itr th. Cmpeiitire Cable erd Video Setuic6 Act('CCvsA') codined a TeD. Code Am. g 7-59-301 0Nugh S 7-59-318. Th€ Epon h be€d orinfonEtioD provid.d by conpa.i.s rhrl @eiv€d st te,isu.d @rlificat s of n"mhis elhorityud€. lhc CCVSA fton 2008 through 2013. Pl@s fel fiE to @nract u ifwe @ Nist you,


Page 3: Competitive Cable & Video Services Act - TN.gov · 2017-12-14 · certificate of franchise authority shall not be issued by the department to any applicant that fails to include a

Table of Contents

Background 2 Annual Review 3


Appendix 1: AT&T Appendix 2: Charter Communications Appendix 3: Knology Appendix 4: Cable One Appendix 5: Highland Telephone Cooperative, Inc. Appendix 6: Comcast Appendix 7: Electric Power Board of Chattanooga Appendix 8: Twin Lakes Communications, Inc. Appendix 9: North Central Telephone Cooperative Appendix 10: TDS Telecom Service Corporation Appendix 11: Spring City Cable TV, Inc. Appendix 12: United Communications Appendix 13: West Kentucky Rural Telephone Cooperative Appendix 14: Millington CATV Appendix 15: Community Television Company

Page 4: Competitive Cable & Video Services Act - TN.gov · 2017-12-14 · certificate of franchise authority shall not be issued by the department to any applicant that fails to include a


Background Public Chapter 932 of 2008, known as the Competitive Cable and Video Services Act, (“CCSVA”), became law on July 1, 2008 and is codified as Tenn. Code Ann. § 7-59-102 through § 7-59-318. The CCSVA opened markets for cable and video services to competition by allowing providers to receive state-issued certificates of franchise authority. Applicants must provide a plan to facilitate the participation of minority owned businesses when establishing, providing or expanding cable or video services and related support facilities pursuant to § 7-59-313(c).1 Tenn. Code Ann. § 7-59-313(a)(1) defines a minority owned business as:

…a business that is solely owned, or at least fifty-one percent (51%) of the assets or outstanding stock of which is owned, by an individual who personally manages and controls the daily operations of the business and who is impeded from normal entry into the economic mainstream because of:

(A) Past practices of discrimination based on race, religion, ethnic background or sex, including, but not limited to, women;

(B) A disability as defined in § 4-26-102, including, but not limited to, disabled veterans; or

(C) Past practices of racial discrimination against African-Americans.

Tenn. Code Ann. § 7-59-313(a)(2) defines a minority owned business plan as:

…a business plan for actively soliciting bids from minority owned businesses and letting contracts to such businesses when establishing, providing or expanding cable or video services and related support facilities. The plan shall include the following information:

(A) A proposal for purchasing goods and services from minority owned businesses;

(B) Information on programs to provide technical assistance to such businesses; and

(C) A statement of intent to follow its minority owned business participation plan.

The goals of a minority owned business participation plan are “…to maximize participation of minority owned businesses through both prime and second tier business contracting opportunities and shall strive to achieve a level of minority owned business participation representative of the population demographics of this state.”2

1 Tenn. Code Ann. § 7-59-313(c) states, “Notwithstanding any provision of this part to the contrary, a state-issued

certificate of franchise authority shall not be issued by the department to any applicant that fails to include a minority owned business participation plan in the applicant’s application. The department shall review each application to confirm that the minority owned business participation plan includes all information required pursuant to this section.”

2 Tenn. Code Ann. § 7-59-313(b).

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Annual Review Tenn. Code Ann. § 7-59-313(d) requires the Tennessee Regulatory Authority to conduct an annual review of the plans:

Notwithstanding any provision of this part to the contrary, the department shall annually review each holder of a state-issued certificate of franchise authority to determine compliance with the holder's minority owned business participation plan. In conjunction with the review, by January 31 of each year, each holder of a state-issued certificate of franchise authority shall prepare and submit an annual report to the department concerning the holder's minority owned business participation plan and compliance with the plan. The department shall annually prepare a compliance report to be delivered to the governor and the clerks of the senate and the house of representatives. The compliance report shall also be posted on the web site of the department.3

By the end of 2013, the Tennessee Regulatory Authority had granted fifteen state-issued certificates of franchise authority. Each franchise holder has submitted its report certifying compliance with its small and minority owned business participation plan. Below are some highlights. 1. BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc. d/b/a AT&T Tennessee certifies that it continues to

comply with the Minority Owned Business Plan that it submitted with its franchise application.

2. Charter Communications submitted a copy of its Minority Vendor outreach program, which includes a qualifying form sent to 498 vendors, 92 of which met Minority status. Charter also supplied a letter that it is sending to certified Minority vendors that was supplied by the Tennessee Department of Economic & Community Development.

3. Knology spent approximately $16,000 during 2013 with six minority-owned Tennessee vendors.

4. Cable One spent a total of $7575 with three minority-owned vendors in Tennessee and also submitted a list of minority-owned and female vendors that are used company-wide by its Phoenix, AZ headquarters.

5. Highland Telephone Cooperative indicates that its plan continues in force and effect as a policy of the Cooperative.

6. Comcast indicates that it continues to comply with its plan and notes that it spent 8.3% of its total supplier expenditures with diverse vendors.

7. The Electric Power Board of Chattanooga (“EPB”) indicated that it had on-going contracts with two minority-owned Tennessee companies and will continue to find ways to increase opportunities for minority and women-owned businesses..

8. Twin Lakes Communications, Inc. attests that it continues to comply with its Minority-Owned Telecommunications Business Participation Plan, a copy of which it submitted with its response.

3 Tenn. Code Ann. § 7-59-313(d).

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9. North Central Telephone Cooperative states that it continues to adhere to the Minority-Owned Business Participation Plan that it filed with its franchise application.

10. TDS Telecom Service Corporation submitted a copy of the Minority-Owned Business Participation Plan.

11. Spring City Cable TV, Inc. submitted a copy of the Minority-Owned Business Participation Plan that it filed with its initial application.

12. United Communications indicated that its Minority-Owned Business Participation Plan remains unchanged from the previous year.

13. West Kentucky Rural Telephone Cooperative Corporation stated that there were no changes to its Small and Minority-Owned Telecommunications Business Participation Plan.

14. Millington CATV indicates that it will continue to comply with its Minority-Owned Business Participation Plan and look for ways to increase its contacts with Minority-Owned suppliers.

15. Community Television Company (“CTC”) states that it implemented the Minority-Owned Business Participation Plan included in its application for a state issued certificate of franchise authority. CTC states that it is in compliance with the plan.

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2013 Minority Owned Business Participation Plan Report

Appendix 1 AT&T

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Chlet Cmplianc. Olvlslo.Tenne$ee Reootatory Althortty500 Deadrlck Street, Fourth Floor

RE: lillnonty Owned Bushs Plan Ahhuat Report

In 6c.ordance wlth the competltive cable .nd video servlc Act At&T pdrdes thrsannual €port @n@mlng AT&]"s Mlnonry Ouned Bushes Plane and @mpltance withrhar PIan. aT&Tl Plan, whrch 6 prwrded .s tart of AT&ft vtdeo irncht*

Ar&T @nUnus to @mpry wnh the attach€d Mhorlty owned Bushe* Plan,

Page 9: Competitive Cable & Video Services Act - TN.gov · 2017-12-14 · certificate of franchise authority shall not be issued by the department to any applicant that fails to include a

AT&T Tenn€s.€'sMrnony owned susrne$ P.diciparlon P .n

AT&I Tenne$ee her€by s.B fonh ir5 buiiie55 plan fo. actiwly 5okiring bids lbmnino.it.own.d b6j..ser and l€nins @ntra.ti ro such hunn6*s Bh€. B$blhhlns,providintorerpandingcable orvideo serylces and relared suppodf.cilities.

. D.linirions

a. ForrheDuooresotth s p1ai. uilessrhe conlext otheruGe requtr.r:

1 "Ma.d y oMed blri.eeJ m..ns. butine5s (h is br€ly owned, or arbrn rtty-one p€rcent (51%tofuhe as.G or oursra^dins 3rock orwhi.hit M€d, by .n individual rfio p.6on,lly m.nas.s and .onrmr5 th€ dailyoperttione ol ruch busines.nd who isimped€d lrom no.malentrvlntorhe eronomic mri.nrcam b€.rus.of:

r Past pradi.er ot dGcrinination based on ra.€, rclgion, ethnicbackgound, or ier includin!, but.or tinited to, won.nj

b. A dGrbility as d.fned in T.cA. E 4.26.201linrt€d ro, dierbr€d wt.ra.si or

c. Past pr.di.es ot bci.ldBrrimrnaraon 4ai.( Aftican'ah€.icans;

2 "Minonty owned busin.ss panadp.rion pl.n" m.anr a b6inss pl.n fo..ctively solicitine bids from mlnoriiy owned busi^e$es a^d l.lring.o.trads ro ruch bu5ines.5 wh€n eerabrishi4, provid,ng or elpandinS.!ble or vid€o eedices and r€lal.d llpporl tlc'liti.r su.h plai shalindude th€ followi.S rnfomarion:

tor purcharhg soods and seruices lrod miioritv

b nforhatbn on prog.rms lo provide t€chnical a$istance to 5uch

ol int.nt to follow

Page 10: Competitive Cable & Video Services Act - TN.gov · 2017-12-14 · certificate of franchise authority shall not be issued by the department to any applicant that fails to include a

It is the poli.y ol AT&I to prodore, in*ea5e ..d improve rh€ quality ot the owbllpadicipalion ol hinolnv, @m€n and s.dicedkabl.d vderan owned bunn€$ enteori!4 inn3 pur.hs6 ot o3l€.iak and setoices.

Maximum praclicabl. opportunLly shaLl be given to minontv, wom.n ..d djsabl€dvereran.owned busines e eDri54 io pani.itate ,s euppliec ot ma6n.b and 5€ryi@3 io

AT&T also encouhses subcoheading oppodunrties lor inody, wom.n ,id disabredvel€hn.owi.d bus n€55e5 by .equiring supplier Diwany Pani.jp.tio. Plans f.om its pdne

AT&I'r Supoli.r OiveBitv Policv Sr.tem€nt

AT&T'S Prcoosal For Pu(hasine Goods And S.di(s Frm Mi.o v owned Busin.$.s

AT&Ioonotes the purchann8 ofloodr and €tuic.5 n.h mino.iry ow.ed bu3ine$esrhroush its exr.nsive AT&T Supplier Orv€uny P.o36m. Supplaer Diwrsny ProE.am natf atAT&T a$isr cudenr and potenrial dteEiry suppri€E i. id€.rif'nt .nd d4lopinA b6iner5

AT&I supplLer Dive6ity Pmsr,ms are deeisned lo promole, intrea3e .nd imp.ow thequaliiy of rhe overall padiciptiion ot small, 6ino.ilv, smen and disabled v.l€... busin€sienrsprire3 in AT&T! supp! .n.i.. AT&T looks fo. opporiunltr.s to work whh dlverrityeopDlie4 ii all aspeds ol its busanes - from adv.dilinB to centnl ofire .ngiieeine,computed, oucide planr construcuon rnd netwo* pbvisidnins. P.ohotins rhe padi.ip.tonofa div€6e 3upplier b.se not o.ly p.ovides bet€r 6usines $lurionr it also cuhivat s Seater.uioder lovaltr biddi.s .dv:nta8es, ,nd poblic policy suppon i. the .ofrmuiiti€s AT&T

AI&l'i dp.6ny program has thr€e nain compone^a - a [email protected] to encolr.g€mino.ity euppli.6, a pbarn ro .ncour.le minonty hirris bv AT&r5 p m€ supp eur andparti. panoh ln dive6ityor3anlz ions.

Sp€cifi.rny, Ar&I has . sp..irt €ts ro hne div€^es!ppli€^. A5 pa.l of the pr6grah, AT&l plovrdes porentiaL supp ieu wlth tnromation andcontacls ro askt rhose fihs se.kin8 ro do businere wtrh AJ&T AT&r,s Suppti€r D.ve6irvManaseE :nd starqi. Sourciry M.nag€d M* .ls.ly witn mi.ority slppli€u ro findoppon!^aties to do busin€s with aT&'I aT&r provider.orchinc.nd m..rorj.8 to irs nratectcdiversiry flrmr to ensure they .onrinue to med AT&T! supptie. rcquir€ments. AT&T.ncouGg4 diveulty supplie6 ro gaii qualiv ce licationr 5u.h as r5o 9000 and rtgooo ro

Page 11: Competitive Cable & Video Services Act - TN.gov · 2017-12-14 · certificate of franchise authority shall not be issued by the department to any applicant that fails to include a

Anorher olth. esse.iialello.ts wllhin the AT&Tsuppli€r Dlve6itv ProSr.ms is AT&T!

Prime Sup prier pa ni.ip:lio i Pogram. AT& I-s Prim€ Soppli€' P'ogra m h.lDe its ptim€ su pplie6

iitre.3.rhe unlization ofminoritv, wom.n and disab ed vet€En ow.ed busine$.3 in irs supDlY

.hain rhrcu€h rubconradi.g and v.lue.dd.d r.t€ller.mngd€nc. Th. pd€..h spdciticallv

helps prime ,opplieB (a) enabllsh or enhanc. thef ow. iuppli.r diveEitv prcsradr; (b)

ddelop an .nnual plan wtlh AT&I ourli.ing how th. supplier c.n p.ovld€ b€lter busine$

solurions by workins with div€6e compa.ie5; and (clr€pod quan€nv reults to AT&I3howin3prosr.sr rowa rdr rh e tupp lle'/s dlve6ilY 3oa li

AT&T .ho 15 an .cuve .orpor.l. member ii impodant organizarion! such t5 rh'Natioi.l Manoity Suppli.r D*lopme.l Council, th. woF.n! Buiin*s CntelDri* il.rionalCounciland lhe Asso.iation for setuice Olsabl€d Vererans AT&T ako holds nembeEhips wtrh

num€rousninoriwch.mb.6ofco ppli€. divetillv AT&Tako

orcvides lundlnr to 5uppo^ sev.ral ere.utiv. man:Semenr rainins P.o36m! lor ninoitvown.d busine$e5. Th€ p.og6ns tu.ded .'e .hons lhe moet hiShlY{egard€d,3hdoal€'level

€tecurive tiamins proc.ans in rhe counrry, p dviding valu?b lG coa.hingand tingibl.busan€s

aI&I provid.s inlormrlion lor ninoity owned bu5nr55es on ils webrire al

€ncourrse mhorlty owned busii.$ei to b€cohe supplrers of AT&T

ad. T€chni.rlAsnst ne To

v sbr€ment ct rd€nr To Follow rl3 Minbnb own€d Burif,€s p:di.iotriod Plan

Po6uant lo thit pl.n, AT&T I€n..see€ ehal nnve to maxim r€ g.rticipalion ot minorirv

owned busine*6th.oush borh p.im...d 3..ond r.. busi..$ .onr6cti4 oppodunitiee and

'h.llnrve ro achleve a l€velol minorny owned busness pani.'prhon t.presentative or rhe

popobrion denochphi.rotth€ 3lrr€otlenne$ee.

Bv l.nu'ry 3l of e.ch ye., aI&T T€nn.$.. till prepad.nd subhn an &no.l rcpon

to th€ lenne$ee Resulalory Aurhonty.oncernins A'I&T Te.nesee! minoitv owned busine$p.rticipation plr. and complianc€ wnh such pl. n.

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2013 Minority Owned Business Participation Plan Report

Appendix 2 Charter Communications

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Tetrtre$ee Regulatory Authority460 Dmes Fobertsn Pa*way

Edcrosed 6chadercommuni. ionsMhorrtyveidorourea.h prochmfor2014.

t ExhibitArepresentsthedocumentwefnttoerhtingvendotrtoidentiryMino tyvendo6.Todate,493 veddo6 received thedocument,265 have responded, and 92 of those met the

' Exhibit B rcpresentsthe letterwe are *nding to ceftifred Minortyvendo15suppliedtd us bythe Tenne5see Departmenl olEconomicand Community Development. ourhopeisihaywillrespond and be.ome patofour hld proce$.

shouldyouhave any quenlonsdo not hesitatero.ontad m. @273'2712.

,'t/''U'E-ADirector of Government Relatidnsrenn6e./rouisiana opentioB

Page 14: Competitive Cable & Video Services Act - TN.gov · 2017-12-14 · certificate of franchise authority shall not be issued by the department to any applicant that fails to include a

;."$.h^e.rlerCharter Commlrnicattons10417 Wallaco Alley St

Kinqspora T}{ 37663


Oo you hav..n lnr.ngr w.brrre

Limrred rr.brrr.y comprny (Lrcl

sor€ Pbp .e6hip (rndlvrdu.rl

Page 15: Competitive Cable & Video Services Act - TN.gov · 2017-12-14 · certificate of franchise authority shall not be issued by the department to any applicant that fails to include a

Exhibit B

chadercommuni@tionsw ues doln8 busineswilhvendorsboth large and small. we are asconmittedtodoingbusine$witha5manYvendoBaspo$lble o.atedinrenn€see withtheasistance otthe Depatment of E.onomic and communft y Dawlopment we rcceived vour name as a

vendorthatchanercoudpoieniialyutii:eforfuturesetoi.es. fyouhave nlercst in becoming an

approved vendo' then please.omplete the tolLowinc documenb and ruhmit to:

DiredorofGovehment Re al ons

rfyour.omp3niescredentiah march ourquallficationswewill.ontacryouto pai.icipare ln ourbid

proces as your leruicer are needed.

Thankvou in advanc€foryoorinterest and weldokfoMard to vourrcsponseand doinsbuiineswith

Director of 60vernment Relalioisrennesea/Loui5 ana opeGtions

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2013 Minority Owned Business Participation Plan Report

Appendix 3 Knology

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2013 Minority Owned Business Participation Plan Report

Appendix 4 Cable One

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'l eme<d Resulah Aurhoirr

.160 lames Robenson Pilk\d]

Re: ,\nnul Repon .n Cmpli.a. \l irl Mi'Fnt] Busin.sr Panic iFar ion I'latr

Prnur ro ic nar issLrd cunificare ol t mnchis Auihorir,r. cabr. one_ lnc hcNb! suboiG rlFloftN iit tspon on ..npliatr* \ irl irsM rorilv-Owncd BusiEs P(nicitdrion Plin Dui'rg.h! l0ll cllendrr)$r. Cabl. o'! did busirc$$trh I h. lbllotr ine ninorh) -oN n?d bosin*s ii

Yd'4qj bpeldiuE1l)Dallighr Donns 5550

O\Ni Riu Plcsrlrcirrlc)

rrnr./ 9.r) Dctrtris llur.lc)

lrivnreclclrir{ scnlces 56,600O\i.r:'l crD tx{gl$ (fu m.le)

ln addnloi ro lo.d purul,6i,-{.ifon\, nro$ Clble Omturchasiry Bcerrmll} manued liom rh.cdpan_\'s Phcnis. l hcadqd€B A lkrofninonrl rnd fonrlc \.trdoB us.id .oDtrtr) {r ids

Erssoi Yk@o<ncsGor d:

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is llso a(ach.d. Pld donot hsirr'c roconbcr c.r (60:) 164 6ro5

Page 24: Competitive Cable & Video Services Act - TN.gov · 2017-12-14 · certificate of franchise authority shall not be issued by the department to any applicant that fails to include a

HispanicAs oCoo Respon.ibi ry

ed or Mas commi€totoic rJaasiry Prdr. Ms2750c,p. Gtradeau Mo 6370r



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Page 25: Competitive Cable & Video Services Act - TN.gov · 2017-12-14 · certificate of franchise authority shall not be issued by the department to any applicant that fails to include a

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2013 Minority Owned Business Participation Plan Report

Appendix 5 Highland Telephone Cooperative

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2013 Minority Owned Business Participation Plan Report

Appendix 6 Comcast

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2013 Minority Owned Business Participation Plan Report

Appendix 7 Electric Power Board of Chattanooga

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2013 Minority Owned Business Participation Plan Report

Appendix 8 Twin Lakes Communications, Inc.

Page 42: Competitive Cable & Video Services Act - TN.gov · 2017-12-14 · certificate of franchise authority shall not be issued by the department to any applicant that fails to include a

fllltx mficlPo Bdx 69€

Gainesboo. TN 33562 06s6Ielephone s31/476 2151

In Re: Minorily OMed Business Pld Annurl Report

As required in the Competiive Cable & Video Senices Acl. Twin Lal€s

Conduicalions, Inc., prcvides thh anual repot conc€mins Twin Lakes Conmuicatiohs'Minorny Owned Business Ua. and Twin Lales Comnu.icalions' compliance with thai plan The

Plan, which was prcided 6 part of Twin Lates Connuicarios' franchhe application is

Twin Lakes Connuicalions cohtinues lo conply {i$ the Minorily OMed


If you have ey queslions or concens, ple6e do not hesilat€ lo conlact me.


l//"qz/d^ 't<

Page 43: Competitive Cable & Video Services Act - TN.gov · 2017-12-14 · certificate of franchise authority shall not be issued by the department to any applicant that fails to include a


AFl,lCAToN oF lVW L^ToJ CoMMIJNICAIoNS,INc rcRrsf lFlsuED cEmrn.^r or rMNcus[ Auao'w

MNof,w-OwnD BtsNm PUN

PlNart to T.C.A. $$ h9-305(c)(11) aM ?-59-313, liin lsls Co]muicarim, lnc,

(.TIrl1 subnil' dis ninoity.owd Telecomunioations lusinss letioipaiio! llan (oie

"Plen') .lds wlrh is Applicalio. for a Siat€'I$ued cenifidie ofFmoniso Atho!i9,

r llrxlosEIhe lupoe of $ 7 59-313 tu 10 povidd opponeidd fd MaU md nirctty-owd

busine$es to providc soods sd seraios to vid@ sesice pdas-'II-CI is oomit0sd to the

Eoals of $ 7-59-313 md to tatins rlcp6 to sppofi lne ldticirsti@ of dldly-oMod blsimss

in th. vide.{able iDduay. IlcI will endew to povide oppdtuiti4 fd ninonty oned

bEins*s to omlete for @ltocte ed sborlmcrs for goodr dd sdioos. Ar palt of its

lrocu€ndt gocdsi TLCI will nakc ctrois to idedjly dd id@ ni$dty-owd butiMs6

rhst m quliffed ed spabld of prolidirs soods md sdajces lo TrcI of ch oplortuitier.

!LCI\ rcpEsenlaiiv* nave at€ady omlacrcd l!€ DellrtrErft of Edonio 8d Co@ity

Derelolndt to obtajr a list of qualifien lddos, \4oEovd, TLCI vill s@k ro in@ase

ewdd* of suo! opbornuin* so th.t cobpdies nor oth@ise iddlii.d virt nlve $r6ci41

infomalion 10 prdicllate in th. pl@wndt pmccs.


As d.fn d in $ 7-59-313:

Minoily4v?n tuthess. IdDlity-ovaed brsis$ ndt a buin€ss liat is $lc]y

[email protected], or a! l..s 6ny-mc lmdl (51%) ofrnc 6;ts or odsraldins stock of wlicl is owned,

by e in&vidual wlo ?6so!aly nmscE ed oonjlols lh€ dlily opeado4 oftne busiMs ed

Page 44: Competitive Cable & Video Services Act - TN.gov · 2017-12-14 · certificate of franchise authority shall not be issued by the department to any applicant that fails to include a

who is lnpcded fton mrnai dtry jnio the eoomnric nainsrte hedusc of pst !nc(i@s of

dbdimimlion bascl on a.e, r€ligiol! edoic b&kBound or ss, incbd s, hnt mt liniied ro,

ftnenr a diMbility as de!tud in $ 4-26i 02, imbding, blt not liniten to, disobted veiam; or

pat p@liB ofncial dkdinination asaist Afdcm-AddicaN.


TlCl\ ltan wilt be oyer@n md idminisbed by rhe jndividuai jMed below,

ndejnatd Eletcd io as dE Adninistalor, {lo s b€ rwoNible lor carryjns oul ;nil

llonodnc TtCIk firll eforis to pBide equal oplorbrnin* foi nimriq4frFn h$in6ss. The

Adninkhalor dft'he PIm will ne

Twin lik* Comuioalio6, Irro,

GaiGbob, Tmssee 33562T.lellonei (931)268-2151Iacsinile: (931)263-2734

The Adninislrato!'s Gpotuibiiti€s vil inchd.l

(l) Mdntainin3 e uldared Pld i! ffll oonptim@ witL 6 7-59-l 13 dd the tule! ed odqs


oftn€ Temsse R.guldtory Adnority;

Estnblishing ed dmloping poliois ed piooedrm n*sdy lor t]1e sueesnrl

imdmenlalio! of the Pls;

PEp€rbs and sbnitting so[ foms ^ nay bc Equned by rhe TeMsee Regulatory

A honry, inobdins the fflirc ofrcqnncd mtral !!da&sj

Sdilg a the piDdy liaison to od @olerali4 with tle Tm6s.e R€gurabry

Aurhoity, otlE as$ojB ol $e Slde of T@s€., ed bjnority-orned trsin€s 10

looab ml use qtralined minoriry-oMed hsin;s* s d€nrcd in g 7,513I3;



Page 45: Competitive Cable & Video Services Act - TN.gov · 2017-12-14 · certificate of franchise authority shall not be issued by the department to any applicant that fails to include a





Seaahing for &d dwelolins oFportuaine ro us ninont-ownql busindss md

doussins sct! buine$* b p{1icipare in and bid on ooftaors !d suboont@t5i

llwiding Mords and Eporls md coopmling in tuy a noriad swcys as Eqli!€d by

rhe TmBse nlsdator, AuL\orilyl

Esldblishidg . reoord-telins systen lo tr".k qualined niuiry-opned 6usiD*es md

ertutrg b @ Mh bunss. rd

Prcvidins i.lo1mlion ed eduoadoml activitis to p6ors within II-CI md

lLaining $oh pesd 1o sk oLq en@nLqe, and penob ilre Dse of sall dd ninority-

!! pqio@ce of th6e duti€s, dE Adninislrator {ill !n[z a rumbq of EsoLls, jtuludincl

Cnanbss of colmeeeThc Tm*sc DepdlnEnt of E@nonio hd Cotuity D4elopi.ntThe United siares Dep&rlmt of CommeSnell Blsiness AdEini6lhtioa Omoe ofMinority aD6i!6sfte Natimal Minoity SWFlcr D*€lotlrnl Con$elft eNstim3l AsRociari.i of w.n'$e Narioml Associatid ofMirclit cdtd.fosHi$oncary Bhok Coll.ca, Unire6ilis, dd Mloily ldtilutids.

'Ihe ctroris to pionole bd mw equol oDlonuiries 6r mitunf{wd blsir€$q @

plimily spelle<l out iD the Adninilhatdt duli* abova Addinonat eFons b p$vide

o@ortDiiies ro nircriry-oMed h6ine$es wjll inclde otraing, wnao alplopnste md fe6ibl€,

biMity-own d businsss ssislmce vilh tolEical, idurm@, bondins, liomins, prcdtrction,

dd deadlilo Equimats.


I'-CI w @intaia tw!& of qlalin.d Dinoity-omed buils drd etrons to w dE

goods dd sdio.s of suc! busimseE, In qddirio4 TLl ei]l nainlain Ecud! of edudtioat

dd aainilg eliviti* conducled or attmded ed dl dr. inllmal prooll@@t pbcedu.s adopt€d

Page 46: Competitive Cable & Video Services Act - TN.gov · 2017-12-14 · certificate of franchise authority shall not be issued by the department to any applicant that fails to include a

10 srllon $i! de, Tf,q ril stnit udde dnd rprte rqdr.i! ty lh. Tdffi Rleulr{ort

Aurndhy om@ils ih. UaL lvlmos, TlCt vjl coopalie fitlly vi6 any sweys dd

studies F4uiEd bylh6 Tme3s6 Rdgdridy Aldodly,

Twin Lrl6 Comicalimf, lno


Page 47: Competitive Cable & Video Services Act - TN.gov · 2017-12-14 · certificate of franchise authority shall not be issued by the department to any applicant that fails to include a

2013 Minority Owned Business Participation Plan Report

Appendix 9 North Central Telephone Cooperative

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(!ATFFI.\'.- -v-_f s

Tdf e$e. Resuhrory Allhorit)

460 .Ldca RobEnso' Ptrk*a,

R. Annral rpon on onrliane s irh ninoriry od busift$ Pdicipdion plan

Plcae rcept drB lcn$ as a repofr ofNonn ccnhl confrunicarions, Inc , ("NCC') conpliance *1rh i6minori8 oMed busines pdiciparid tlsn ftqnn d $d!. T CA, $7 s9 ] l3

NcC*r cianed is.dili€r. ofpublic m'venieico rnd nsesiq on Normber 23, ?010. A copt ofrhe compan!'s mindit 8d busiie$ Fticipadon plm *6 nkd 6 p,n ol that aPplicatid dh

NcC conriiuo! & rnhert b Il1. pls sd rn'ia co(frdeit dd onr plai hcds ihe e4.crations ofT,C A


Should yor have any qlstiois. pl..se coirrct Johnny Mccltnahan d 615.665.2151.

Page 49: Competitive Cable & Video Services Act - TN.gov · 2017-12-14 · certificate of franchise authority shall not be issued by the department to any applicant that fails to include a

lGmr to T.C.A. S? 59-113, s eDdqL No.ot CcntBl TdcploE C.opa e (NCTC")subniB rbis einqitys*d busi!6 poniciF i6 ple (lne "Ple ) alors with iB ApplicadoiofNonh Col6t Tel.pion. C@Falivc fm a Sur.lscd C.rlific.t df aMchi( A hdilv in


The pr.p6. of $7 59.j13 ir b p.Gid. opFrtunnid for mituriry{w.l bGines rorrevide goods dd $ryi06 ro vid€o &'j c.b'. siq. provids. NCTC is cotuitt-<l rorhe Coals af 97.59-3I3 and ro laking slqp! io snFpon lhc pdicipdrio. of hif,orily"omodbu!in.$.s in tlre vid6 ed eble induirry. NCIC Nill .nd.Evor io provid. opDotunitiesfoi njrorilt-o.mcd bsiB$ io conp.tc for conrsb ed slbco@cr. lor goods eds'c.s. As pan of il3 p@tlmor [email protected] ]_CTC *ill tut€ .ffofls to identig !.dinlod DinoriD$!.d bBinss $at a qulifi.d ed et bte of prcviding goods ddsenic6 ro NCTC otsuch opporlairid ro do 30. NCTC sill seek ro inftd. al@r$of such @portudtiet so lnar compdics ior othsviw id.nincd Nill have sdlici.ntinfodalion 10 pdicipdlc in rhe picw.n.nr proccss

Jh ortt!-ONned Eutitus Minoliry-owcd businc$ shall n.an. busin*s Bnich hslely oqcd, o. .r l*t lirrq o& p.rcql {JI%) of $c ss.te or ountdding stoct of*hich is osEd. bt o individul *ho p.Mll, Dan!8* ed conrots dritt op€ratioBot tuh busincss- and *ho n iBp€d.d foh nom'l.nky inlo $e donomic naitucre@b€cau6. ofEc., religion, Fx. hatioDd odgin.ordlsbilily.

NCTC'5 Pl& ,ill tc @.r*en md adDinkrded by $. i.dividu.t rhcd b€to$,hdeiMn4 rfened ro a lbc Adrninisralor, wto witt b. espotrible for cetins orn adplohoing \cICt flu cnons b providc eqlal olporuniri* for snotl lnd ninorily"oued bsindses The Adhinisr.stor oflhe Plo witt t.l



Mr. (din Drir.d, Hl,'@ R6l)ll@ Nfq.g.rNd! Cenral T.tephon. [email protected]?2 gighMy 52 By psss Es( pO Box 70Laeydtc, Tli 37083Telephon.: 615-666-2151r ra: 615-66G6244

The Atlnini,hloas 6po ibitiria qil irclrd.:

Mtnraih ne dn L Ddokd P & rn tullconptJn.€ s.rh {?-t9-llr dd tir a e. drdod.!s of $c T.nn.$ee Ree'i.rory Aurhonr!


Page 50: Competitive Cable & Video Services Act - TN.gov · 2017-12-14 · certificate of franchise authority shall not be issued by the department to any applicant that fails to include a

lIl. AdninLlEtior (conlinued)

2. E 6blit'i4 &d d(.lopios polici.s ard proeduEs [email protected] for th. $Bstulintlmcntadd ofrhc Plo.


6. PEvidin! Bdr& and repor| and €op.6dne ib sy slthorized Bwcys drcquned by $e lennc*ec Resulabry Aurborjt'.

7. Est blishing a Ecdd.tepine systen lo elct qrdifi.d nirc tdndbusincsss and erlotu ro trso such bdsin.sss

lepdilg &d subhinine sh lotu as rnsy be requirad by lhc Temcs4Rcgllatory An1nority, induding $s filing ofupdat€s 6 hat be E{!iEd.

Scei.e a3 lhe prid.ry liai$n 10 ed coolctlr. ei$ $. Temess. Regularor,vArlhority, orhc! .g.ncics ol lhc Sut of T.tr.see, ed small and minorityoM€d busincs to l@e dd N qualif.d smll md niioiq-orncdbules I d.fincd in $?-59'l I L

Seehing loi md d.veloping opponuniris !o use njnoriq-oecd busircs* edcncouraging such bGin sss io pdicip.tc in ud bid on corhctr ed

8. Paddine info@tion .nd cdelional s.iviii€s to pc@ns \idin NCTC anduairirs $ci p6ons ro sr out, dco@eq od tonol. rhe e of sn:lt edbiroriry.o$Ied bLdn.sses.

ln perfmue of d* dune, rnc AdminisE ror wiil uriliz! r numtd ot kN*.

' ChmhcB of Comctc.' TbeTe@$€Dcp$nenrof Eco.onjcedComuirlDcr€lopo.nt' fi'eUnn d SrEs Depfinenr of Com.rc., Snall Buim$ Adninistralion' Oflice oi M inodly B usincss '. rhe Nadonrl Mimriry Slpplier Dcvclopnenr Comel' Th. NrsoDl Asociaron of \rbm.n B6tr6 0*6' Th. Narional Asoci.tio. ot Minqitv cofteros' Hbrori.oLly Blacl coucg.s, Unilesiries_ and Vinorily lnsrirurio.s

ft. .faor$ b Fobor and eBW .quat opponuiliB ad .E ll ud hiMis-om&tt{.irc*s ar pnnEilr <p.tr.d our in rh. adaininrab,5 duri6 abo\.. A;d,bonlt.ffoni ro pro\id. onponbirc ro rnrtt dd ainorirl o\ned burness \qlt bclud.offsrns {h. E rppropria.c .ld feEibtc. smrltrd ninon.y.osn.d bu$ne$.sLsistrc.*iln L.hniol, insl@e bo&tins, riqsine, pmdEio, ;d d.adlinc rqui;Jr.

Page 51: Competitive Cable & Video Services Act - TN.gov · 2017-12-14 · certificate of franchise authority shall not be issued by the department to any applicant that fails to include a

ry. R@rdr .!d CoedL@ R.Frt

ICrc wil mid,in Modr of iElif.d [email protected] bsj'4 !d.frorlr io M 0Dgood! .rd sics ot !!ch bEine$.r, ld .ddition, NCTC *iU naifi.ln @ordJ ofeduc.tional&d trtnlnS etivitics coiducr.d or atqd.d &d oftha ificral phcuemcnlptucedwr dopbd ro sppdt lli! plr

NCTC siu $boil Ecdi! Dd r.pqt! Eg'tu by lb. Tdll.ss R.gd.tory A'i!qi9coIlcoilr lbe ns *tl.n Eqcne{t Mo.o!tr, NcrC vil @opqrt tully tith w.rsmd ltudlB EquiEd by rh. T.oEs.. R.Bul.iory Aurhoriry,


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2013 Minority Owned Business Participation Plan Report

Appendix 10 TDS Telecom Service Corporation

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TDS Telecom Service Corporation – Tennessee


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1.0 PLAN

1.1 This Minority –Owned Business Participation Plan (“Plan”) is submitted by TDS Telecom (“TDS” as required by the Competitive Cable & Video Service Act of 2008, codified as T.C.A 7-59-313

1.2 The Administration of this Plan is the responsibility of TDS. It is the policy of

TDS to provide an opportunity for Minority Owned Businesses to compete for subcontracts awarded by TDS on a fair and equitable basis with certified suppliers and contractors.

1.3 This plan is a state of objectives and is not intended to create any legal obligation

of TDS of any person or organization. 2.0 DEFINITIONS

2.1 Minority Business – For the purpose of this Plan, “minority business” means a business that is solely owned, or at least fifty-one (51%) of the assets or outstanding stock of which is owned by an individual who personally manages and controls the daily operations of such business, and who is impeded from non entry into the economic mainstream per T.C.A 7-59-313(1)(A-C)


3.1 It is the policy of TDS to afford Minority –Owned Businesses an opportunity to participate in the performance of contracts in accordance with T.C.A 7-59-313(b). 3.2 As a purchaser of goods and services, it is TDS – responsibility to: - Identify and maintain a pool of qualified suppliers - Provide opportunities for Minority Owned Businesses to bid in those solicitations for

products or services which they are capable of providing, and which meet RUS (Rural Utility Service) standards.

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4.1 TDS is committed to providing affirmative access to contracting opportunities for Minority-Owned Businesses. TDS is proactive and will move toward inclusion of such firms in the supplier base. This plan represents an on-going commitment by the Company, and has no fixed time period for effectiveness.


5.1 TDS Plan Administrator is: Mr. Jon Finseth

Manager – Procurement 525 Junction Road Madison, WI 53717 Telephone: 608-664-4067 FAX: 608-664-4519

5.2 The Administrator manages the Plan as described below.

5.3 The Administrator’s specific job duties, as they related to this Plan are as follows: (a) Develops and maintains policies and procedures to ensure that Minority-Owned

Businesses have an equitable opportunity to be awarded contracts. (b) Establishes and maintains policies and procedures to ensure that Minority-Owned

Businesses have an equitable opportunity to be awarded contracts. (c) Ensures inclusion of Minority – Owned Businesses in those solicitations for products

or services which they are capable of providing, and which meet Unites States Department of Agriculture Rural Utility Service (RUS) standards.

(d) Maintains Minority – Owned Businesses related correspondence and record keeping. (e) Coordinates activities during the conduct of any compliance review by the Tennessee

state agencies. (f) Attends or arranges for attendance by appropriate members of management at,

Minority Business Enterprise Seminars, Trade Fairs, and Conventions.

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6.0 PLAN TO ASSURE EQUITABLE OPPORTUNITY 6.1 The Administrator shall ensure that appropriate source listings and services are

properly utilized in support of the Plan. Sources / listings include, but are not limited to the following:

(a) The TDS approved Master Supplier list.

(b) Information received from the Small Business Administration Procurement

Automated Source System (PASS).

(c) Information sources received from the TN Department of Economic Development’s Office of Minority Business Enterprise and Small Business Office.

(d) Information received from the local Chamber of Commerce.

6.2 Outreach efforts will be made as follows:

(a) The Administrator shall cultivate and maintain relationships with Small Business

trade associations and business development organizations in an effort to locate and qualify capable Minority – Owned Businesses for participation in contracting opportunities.

(b) The Administrator shall ensure that TDS assists Minority – Owned Businesses by

arranging solicitations, time for the preparation of bids, quantities, specifications, and delivery schedules so as to facilitate the participation by such concerns.

(c) The Administrator shall ensure that TDS provides adequate and timely

consideration of the potentialities of Minority – Owned Businesses in “make or buy” decisions.

(d) Appropriate members of management will attend seminars and trade fairs in order

to develop sources.

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7.1 TDS will submit such periodic reports and cooperate in those studies or surveys as may be required to determine the extent of compliance with this Plan.

7.2 TDS will maintain, if required, the following types of records:

(a) Source lists, guides, and other data that identify Minority-Owned Businesses.

(b) Lists of organizations contacted in an attempt to locate sources that are Minority -

Owned Businesses.

(c) Records of any outreach efforts to contact trade associations, business development organizations, and conferences and trade fairs attended.

7.3 TDS’s Supplier Master List identifies Minority-Owned Businesses. The Supplier List shall be utilized in identifying potential contractors. A Summary Sheet shall be maintained in each suppliers file and shall be reviewed and evaluated by the Plan Administrator.

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TDS Telecom Supplier Information

TDS Telecom Supplier Qualification Requirements

TDS Telecom encourages and invites suppliers to participate in providing products and services to our business. Qualified Suppliers must meet or exceed our requirements. Requirements may vary by product and service type; however, the essential common elements are listed below:

• Suppliers must provide the highest quality value added products and services at fair and reasonable prices.

• Suppliers should be in business for at least one year and have references from delighted customers.

• Diversity Suppliers should be certified by a TDS Telecom recognized certification agency.

• Suppliers must provide a current, signed W9 form, including Federal tax ID number to TDS Telecom.

• Suppliers must be in good financial standing and maintain acceptable credit ratings. TDS Telecom will check references, review credit and financial reports, and complete due diligence during the qualification process.

• Suppliers must maintain full insurance coverage compatible with the risks of their business, and provide a copy of their certificate of insurance.

• Suppliers are expected to consistently deliver the highest quality products and services on-time as specified.

• Suppliers are expected to manage an active continuous improvement program, striving to consistently improve the quality of products and services. Suppliers must agree to maintain and report metrics and participate in our Supplier Scorecard Program.

• Suppliers must comply with order acknowledgement and invoicing procedures, and agree to TDS Telecom’s Terms and Conditions.

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Supplier Diversity

TDS Telecom is committed to Supplier Diversity. Creating access and promoting opportunities to Minority Owned Business Enterprises (MBE), Woman Owned Business Enterprises (WBE), Disabled Veteran Owned Business Enterprises (DVBE) and Veteran Owned Businesses Enterprises (VBE) within our supply chain is important to us.

Our teams will work together to review each purchasing need to identify opportunities for diversity participation. Together we will make a difference.


In order to standardize our processes and insure quality within the certification process for minority, woman or disabled veteran owned businesses, TDS Telecom will accept certifications from recognized certification agencies.

2nd Tier Program

TDS Telecom strongly encourages all current and prospective suppliers to participate in our Prime Supplier/2nd Tier Program. Prospective supplier responses to our RFQ must contain a diversity supplier plan. Every contract awarded over $100K is recommended to include a diversity component. This strategy will:

Allow TDS Telecom to further expand opportunities into the communities we serve Allow our strategic partners the opportunity to play a major role in TDS Telecom's

diversity goal attainment Allow your strategic partners the opportunity to create a competitive advantage within

their own supply chain through subcontract and or value added reseller opportunities

Qualified suppliers are required to submit quarterly results measuring progress toward your diversity goal. These results will be reviewed during your supplier performance/quality reviews. Annual plans and quarterly results should be submitted to our Centralized Procurement Department.

Vendor Registration

TDS Telecom understands that solid vendor relationships representative of the markets and customers we serve are critical to our business success. We welcome the opportunity to purchase from additional MWDVBE certified vendors. Suppliers that are interested in doing business with us are encouraged to register with TDS. register

Contact Us

Any Supplier with questions about our program is encouraged to contact our Centralized Procurement Services group at [email protected].

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Supplier Diversity Certification Agencies

In order to standardize requirements, ensure a uniform quality for certification as a minority, woman, or disabled veteran owned business, and to create greater efficiency in the verification and access to certifications, U.S Cellular® will accept certifications from the agencies specified below:

National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC) (and all of its affiliated regional councils) 1040 Avenue of Americas, 2nd Floor New York, NY 10018 

Type of Certification:

Minority-owned business certifications - regional/national

Supplier Processing Fee:

Fee to vendor

Validation Period:

Valid for 1 year

Telephone: 212-944-2430

Web Address: www.nmsdcus.org

Women's Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC) (and all of its partner organizations) 1120 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 950 Washington, D.C. 20036 

Type of Certification:

Women-owned business certifications

Supplier Processing Fee:

Fee to vendor

Validation Period: Valid for 1 year Telephone: 202-872-5515

Web Address: www.wbenc.org

Association for Service Disabled Veterans (ASDV) ASDV Washington 110 Maryland Ave., NE, Suite 100 Washington, DC 20002 

Type of Certification:

Disabled veteran business certifications

Supplier Processing Fee:

$138, site visit, if required, would have additional cost

Validation Period:

Valid for 1 year

Telephone: 202-543-1942 Fax: 202-543-5398




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2013 Minority Owned Business Participation Plan Report

Appendix 11 Spring City Cable TV, Inc.

Page 63: Competitive Cable & Video Services Act - TN.gov · 2017-12-14 · certificate of franchise authority shall not be issued by the department to any applicant that fails to include a

SPRING CITY CABLEmak ng connectiDrs>


Tem6se Regrdalory Auilorit

502 ilr€ad;ck Sl. 4'i FloorNashviue, TN 37243

In acco.dece riih lC,A, Section 7-59-3 ! 3 which rcquircs holdeB of starei$ued Cenincates of Fruchise Au&oily ro subnil o mnul €port scn y.tr lo rheTeress€ R€gulatory Authority, ple6e find the ninoriry busine$ parricipatio. ptn forSpring City Cable TV, Inc. an&hed treEio.

Ilyou shond have dv questio0!. p qe do nol hesilate rocon.d me.

vr (423) 3s 7233 f | (423) 365.40es

tv-'7".d-Spring City Cabk ry.Inc.

Page 64: Competitive Cable & Video Services Act - TN.gov · 2017-12-14 · certificate of franchise authority shall not be issued by the department to any applicant that fails to include a

Thi, Md!4{d 3tri85 rr

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|rsD sIn !orohicd$I'dn 'd f! dlr o!Nr(divk$'LoFrsirilr i

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2013 Minority Owned Business Participation Plan Report

Appendix 12 United Communications

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2013 Minority Owned Business Participation Plan Report

Appendix 13 West Kentucky Rural Telephone


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January 16, 2014 Jerry Kettles Chief, Economic Analysis and Policy Division Tennessee Regulatory Authority 502 Deaderick St. Nashville, Tennessee 37243 Subject: Cable TV - Small and Minority-Owned Telecommunications Business Participation Plan; §7-59-313

Dear Mr. Kettles,

WK&T previously submitted a Small and Minority-Owned Telecommunications Business Participation Plan, labeled West Kentucky Networks, Inc., attached hereto. West Kentucky Networks, Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of West Kentucky Rural Telephone Cooperative Corporation, Inc. d/b/a “WK&T. There are no changes to that plan.

If you have any further questions, please contact me at 270-856-1883.


Martin Clift Regulatory Manager West Kentucky Rural Telephone Cooperative Corporation, Inc.

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Page 78: Competitive Cable & Video Services Act - TN.gov · 2017-12-14 · certificate of franchise authority shall not be issued by the department to any applicant that fails to include a

Pursuant to T.C.A. 65-5-212, as amended, West Kentucky Networks, Inc. submits this small and minority-owned Telecommunications business participation plan (the “Plan”).

I. PURPOSE The purpose of 65-5-212 is to provide opportunities for small and minority-owned businesses to provide goods and services to Telecommunications service providers. West Kentucky Networks, Inc. is committed to the goals of 65-5-212 and to taking steps to support the participation of small and minority-owned Telecommunications businesses in the Telecommunications industry. West Kentucky Networks, Inc. will endeavor to provide opportunities for small and minority-owned Telecommunications businesses to compete for contracts and subcontracts for goods and services. As part of its procurement process, West Kentucky Networks, Inc. will make efforts to identify and inform minority-owned and small businesses that are qualified and capable of providing goods and services to West Kentucky Networks, Inc. West Kentucky Networks, Inc. will seek to increase awareness of such opportunities so that companies will have sufficient information to participate in the procurement process. II. DEFINITIONS As defined in 65-5-212. Minority-Owned Business. Minority-owned business shall mean a business which is solely owned, or at least fifty-one percent (51%) of the assets or outstanding stock of which is owned, by an individual who personally manages and controls daily operations of such business, and who is impeded from the normal entry into the economic mainstream because of race, religion, sex or national origin and such business has annual gross receipts of less than four million dollars ($4,000,000). Small Business. Small Business shall mean a business with annual gross receipts of less than four million dollars ($4,000,000).

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III. ADMINISTRATION West Kentucky Network’s Plan will be overseen and administered by the individual named below, hereinafter referred to as the Administrator, who will be responsible for carrying out and promoting full efforts to provide equal opportunities for small and minority-owned businesses. The Administrator of the Plan will be: Trevor Bonnstetter, CEO West Kentucky Networks, Inc. 237 North 8th

Mayfield, Kentucky 42066 Street

Telephone: 270-674-1000 Facisimile: 270-856-3035 The Administrator’s responsibilities will include: (1) Maintaining an updated Plan in full compliance with 65-5-212 and the rules and

orders of the Tennessee Regulatory Authority. (2) Establishing and developing policies and procedures necessary for the successful

implementation of the Plan. (3) Preparing and submitting such forms as may be required by the Tennessee

Regulatory authority, including the filing of required annual updates. (4) Serving as the primary liaison to and cooperate with the Tennessee Regulatory

Authority, other agencies of the State of Tennessee, and small and minority-owned businesses to locate and use qualified small and minority-owned businesses as defined in 65-5-212.

(5) Searching for and developing opportunities to use small and minority-owned businesses and encouraging such businesses to participate in and bid on contracts and subcontracts.

(6) Providing records and reports and cooperate in any authorized surveys as required by the Tennessee Regulatory Authority.

(7) Establishing a record-keeping system to track qualified small and minority-owned businesses and efforts to use such businesses.

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In performance of these duties, the Administrator will utilize a number of resources, including, Chambers of Commerce The Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development The United States Department of Commerce Small Business Administration Office of Minority Business The National Minority Supplier Development Counsel The National Association of Women Business Owners The National Association of Minority Contractors Historically Black Colleges, Universities and Minority Institutions The efforts to promote and ensure equal opportunities for small and minority-owned businesses are primarily spelled out in the Administrator’s duties above. Additional efforts to provide opportunities to small and minority-owned businesses will include offering, where appropriate and feasible, small and minority-owned businesses assistance with technical, insurance, bonding, licensing, production, and deadline requirements.

IV. RECORDS AND COMPLIANCE REPORTS West Kentucky Networks, Inc. will maintain records of qualified small and minority-owned business and efforts to use the goods and services of such businesses. In addition, West Kentucky Networks, Inc. will submit records and reports required by the Tennessee Regulatory Authority concerning the plan. Moreover, West Kentucky Networks, Inc. will cooperate fully with any surveys and studies required by the Tennessee Regulatory authority. West Kentucky Networks, Inc. By: ________________________________________________ Trevor Bonnstetter CEO May 30, 2007

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2013 Minority Owned Business Participation Plan Report

Appendix 14 Millington CATV

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2013 Minority Owned Business Participation Plan Report

Appendix 15 Community Television Company

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• Ellijay Telephone Company

• Community Television Company

• ETC Communications, LLC

VIA Federal Express Tracking No.: 797652073045

Tennessee Regulatory Authority Economic Analysis and Policy Division Attn: Jerry Kettles 460 James Robertson Parkway Nashville, TN 37243-0505

P. O. Box 0

224 Dalton Street Ellijay, Georgia 30540

706-27 6-2271 Fax. 706-276-9888

800-660-6826 www.northganow.com

Januai)' 13 , 2014

JM~ 112014

RE: Community Television Company (CTC) 2013 Annual Report on Minority-Owned Business Participation Plan as Required by the Competitive Cable and Video Services Act, Tenn. Code Ann.§ 7-59-301, ct seq. (Act)

Dear Mr. Kettles:

In accordance with Section 7-59-313(d) of the Competitive Cable and Video Services Act. we submit this annual report concerning CTC's Minority-Owned Business Participation Plan and compliance with that plan.

CTC received its state-issued certificate of franchise authority in August, 2013 . See In Re: Application c~l Community Television Company for a State-Issued Certificate of Franchise Authority. Certilicate of Franchise Authority, Docket No. 13-00 I 0 I (Aug. 2, 2013). As required by the Act, CTCs application contained its Minority-Owned Business Participation Plan. Tenn. Code Ann.§ 7-59-305(c)(ll).

Community Television Company implemented that plan and is in compliance with it. for your records. we enc lose a copy of the plan, which has not changed since we submitted it.

~~ n 1~(1_ "fk!L Darrell J. Harped Vice President of Finance & Administration


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Community Television Company (CTC) Minority-Owned Business Participation Plan

Pursuant to Section 7-59-313 of the Competitive Cable and Video Services Act, this Minority­Owned Business Participation Plan (Plan) sets forth CTC's plan to actively solicit bids from, and let contracts to, minority-owned businesses when establishing, providing, or expanding cable services and related support facilities.

1) Minority-Owned Business. "Minority-Owned Business" means a business that is solely owned, or at least 51% of the assets or outstanding stock of which is owned, by an individual who personally manages and controls the daily operations of the business and who is impeded from normal entry into the economic mainstream because of: (a) Past practices of discrimination based on race, religion, ethnic background, or

sex, including, but not limited to, women; (b) A disability as defined in T.C.A. § 4-26-102, including, but not limited to, disabled

veterans; or (c) Past practices of racial discrimination against African-Americans.

2) CTC Supplier Diversity Policy Statement. It is the policy of CTC to promote the purchase of goods and services from Minority-Owned Businesses. Maximum practicable opportunity shall be given to Minority-Owned Businesses to participate as suppliers of material and services to CTC. CTC also encourages subcontracting opportunities for Minority-Owned Businesses.

3) CTC's Promotion of Opportunities for Minority-Owned Businesses. CTC's management, procurement, and human resources personnel work to identify goods and services that may be supplied by Minority-Owned Businesses. When possible, CTC seeks proposals, and makes purchases, from qualified Minority-Owned Businesses. CTC also seeks to foster relationships within Minority-Owned Business communities.

4) Information on Programs to Provide Technical Assistance to Minority-Owned Businesses. CTC provides information for Minority-Owned Businesses upon request.

5) Statement of Intent to Follow this Plan. Under the plan, CTC shall: (i) endeavor to maximize participation of Minority-Owned Businesses and (ii) aim to achieve a level of Minority-Owned Business participation representative of the population of the demographics of the state of Tennessee.

By January 31 of each year, CTC will prepare and submit an annual report to the TRA concerning CTC's Minority-Owned Business Participation Plan and compliance with the Plan.