COMPATIBILITY REPORT for LIZ TAYLOR & RICHARD BURTON Solar Fire Synastry Interpretations (c) 2004, Esoteric Technologies Pty Ltd This report has been written to introduce you to the concepts of astrology and how to get started in relationship astrology. Astrology is a com- plex and meaningful science which takes years to study and apply successfully; however, we would like to whet your appetite with this report, and encourage you to deepen your understanding through other means. Astrology is a study of the connection between planets and life on Earth. It is based on a concept that energy patterns form between other plan-

COMPATIBILITY REPORT Solar Fire Synastry Interpretations ... · PDF fileets and Earth and that these energies affect our lives as individuals and communities. An astrological chart,

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Solar Fire Synastry Interpretations

(c) 2004, Esoteric Technologies Pty Ltd

This report has been written to introduce you to the concepts of astrology and how to get started in relationship astrology. Astrology is a com-

plex and meaningful science which takes years to study and apply successfully; however, we would like to whet your appetite with this report,

and encourage you to deepen your understanding through other means.

Astrology is a study of the connection between planets and life on Earth. It is based on a concept that energy patterns form between other plan-

Page 2: COMPATIBILITY REPORT Solar Fire Synastry Interpretations ... · PDF fileets and Earth and that these energies affect our lives as individuals and communities. An astrological chart,

ets and Earth and that these energies affect our lives as individuals and communities.

An astrological chart, also known as a horoscope, natal chart, or birth chart, records the relationship between the planets and the signs of the

Zodiac. Charts can be calculated for the birth of a person, a community, an event or anything that seems momentous. The horoscope is as indi-

vidual and unique as a fingerprint.

When using these interpretations, please bear in mind that, inevitably, every chart will contain some contradictory influences, and as a result

certain interpretations of different items in the same chart may seem difficult to reconcile. However, this may still be an accurate reflection your

chart, as it is likely that you do experience conflicting desires, events and circumstances in your life. Usually it is the responsibility of an astrolo-

ger to synthesise these apparent contradictions in order to present a cohesive and realistic interpretation of the dilemmas of the chart.

Please also be aware of the fact that each person has positive and negative influences in the chart, and therefore in their lives. The challenge is to

accept and overcome the negative influences, so that we can successfully focus on the positive traits. This report outlines the influence of both

people's charts on each other. This is called relationship synastry meaning the comparison of two horoscopes and the correlations discovered. It

is likely that the report will show both the strengths and weaknesses of the relationship synastry. Any advice given is meant to be an aid to a

person taking responsibility for their own lives and their own choices within a relationship. The ultimate decision rests with each individual. The

author and publisher accept no liability for any adverse affects of this report.

Australian astrologer Stephanie Johnson has written the text in this report. Stephanie holds a Bachelor of Arts (Journalism) and was a journal-

ist in Australia, England and the USA for 15 years before becoming a professional astrologer. She is currently a consulting astrologer, is Com-

pany Director of Esoteric Technologies Pty Ltd in Adelaide, Australia and Editor of the Australian Data Collection. She holds the FAA Prac-

titioners' qualification and was a former editor of the Journal of the Federation of Australian Astrologers. Stephanie has also completed the

Robert Zoller Certificate in Medieval Astrology. In 2000 she was awarded an FAA Diploma for her share in the development of the Solar Fire

Elizabeth Taylor - Female Chart

27 Feb 1932, 2:00 am, UT +0:00

Golders Green England, 51°N34', 000°W12'

Geocentric Tropical Zodiac

Placidus Houses, Mean Node

Richard Burton - Natal Chart

10 Nov 1925, 3:00 pm, UT +0:00

Briton Ferry United Kingdom, 51°N38', 003°W49'

Geocentric Tropical Zodiac

Placidus Houses, Mean Node

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Elizabeth's Moon Conjunction Richard's Sun

Orb 2°15' Applying

This is an ideal combination for a close, personal relationship whether it be a close friendship or love relationship. Elizabeth and Richard enjoy

each other's company and feel that the other person is giving something special to the relationship. They have a lot in common and the ability

to share enjoyable times together. Richard is likely to be the more dominant person in the relationship believing his identity and individuality

are likely to be enhanced by the association. Perhaps Richard receives emotional support from Elizabeth which contributes to a greater sense of

being alive and an ability to achieve his personal goals. Richard may appreciate Elizabeth's emotional insights. On the other hand Elizabeth

feels comforted by the relationship, perhaps playing a supportive role and offering emotional insights and comfort. Alternatively Elizabeth may

simply feel secure within the relationship, experiencing a sense of well-being. This relationship provides Elizabeth with a supportive base from

which to explore life. Both Elizabeth and Richard understand each other and enjoy an easy rapport which augurs well for their association.

Elizabeth's Moon Sextile Richard's Jupiter

Orb 2°54' Applying

This is a positive combination for any relationship enabling Elizabeth and Richard to overcome any obstacles in life and embrace the happiness

of the present moment. Elizabeth and Richard enjoy each other's company and feel a certain zest for life when together. They share a need for

fun-filled adventures and the capability of achieving their goals. Elizabeth and Richard feel that the world is their oyster that is ready to ex-

plore together. This can include holidays in far-away places, adventure travel and also encompasses any activity that expands their minds and

views of life. This is a meeting of higher-minds. Elizabeth feels that Richard expands her horizons. Elizabeth feels safe and appreciated in this

relationship. Richard knows that Elizabeth is a comrade in arms when it comes to fun and adventure. Richard feels that he is truly appreciated

for his generosity and optimism. Together Elizabeth and Richard can conquer the world. Nothing seems too far-fetched. This combination au-

gurs well for a long lasting and happy relationship.

Elizabeth's Moon Conjunction Richard's Saturn

Orb 1°38' Applying

A connection between the planet Saturn and the Moon is important. Saturn is the planet of commitment and stability and is often found in

relationships that are long lasting. In other words a serious planet such as Saturn is needed for a serious, meaningful union. Elizabeth and

Richard are satisfied with the relationship and are willing to persist through troubled times realising that the rewards are great. A satisfying

long-term relationship results from their patience and persistence. Together Elizabeth and Richard are somewhat reserved, perhaps even with-

drawing a little from society to enjoy the benefits of their relationship. They are aware that their relationship is one of the most important

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building blocks in their lives. There is a certain maturity in this relationship. Perhaps Elizabeth and Richard have formed this relationship later

in life when they can truly appreciate each other and the life that they are building together. Elizabeth feels that Richard is offering security and

maturity, enabling her to mature in her emotional and home life. Richard grows in self-esteem through this relationship, believing that Elizabeth

respects his integrity. On the whole this is a positive combination for an enduring, long-term relationship such as marriage.

Elizabeth's Moon Trine Richard's Uranus

Orb 6°17' Applying

The saying 'expect the unexpected' could be applied to this combination of Elizabeth and Richard's planets. There is an element of excitement

and adventure when Elizabeth and Richard get together. They both enjoy the thrill of being in each other's company exploring new territories

together. Many relationships start with the thrill and ardour of romance only to have it fade with the routine of daily life. However, Elizabeth

and Richard know how to keep the exhilaration for the long term. In particular Elizabeth is very attracted to Richard, acknowledging that Rich-

ard adds a lot of spice to her life. She feels life is more joyful since she has met Richard. Elizabeth may be the one to nurture some of Richard's

more adventurous plans or she may simply enjoy going along for the ride. Richard feels that Elizabeth gives him companionship and comfort

prompting him to new heights of innovative ideas and activities. It's possible that both Elizabeth and Richard enjoy an unusual and innovative

hobby or work project. This is a fun combination for a personal union, but will need other connections between two people's planets to cement a

long-term intimate relationship. This combination is also ideal for less personal relationships such as friendships or a working project that re-

quires creative and innovative ideas.

Elizabeth's Moon Trine Richard's Pluto

Orb 0°49' Separating

This is an intense and powerful relationship. Elizabeth and Richard feel a strong attraction to each other, one that seems to constantly draw

them together. Sexual attraction may be powerful. Elizabeth's and Richard's deep feelings for each other need to be nurtured in a loving manner

in order for the union to be long lasting. This relationship can be a positive or a negative experience, depending on how Elizabeth and Richard

handle intense feelings. Some individuals thrive on intensity, while others feel threatened and powerless. Elizabeth is likely to feel that Richard

has transformed her life in some way. It's possible that Richard has changed the way that Elizabeth feels about the world, making her conscious

of things that have been bubbling under the surface for a long time. Life is not the same for Elizabeth once she encounters Richard. Elizabeth is

able to see through the explosive behaviour to the true heart of Richard and to nurture Richard's goodness in ways that he has not previously en-

countered. As a result Richard deeply appreciates the emotional support offered by Elizabeth. This is indeed a passionate union.

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Elizabeth's Sun Opposition Richard's Moon

Orb 2°11' Applying

'Opposites attract' could the theme for this combination of personal planets. There is an instant spark when Richard and Elizabeth meet,

whether they choose to enjoy a friendship or a more intimate relationship. The world seems more exciting when they are together. When together

Richard and Elizabeth are able to broaden their horizons in ways they had not thought possible. Each one seems to fill a void deep inside the

other. In astrology it is considered important to have a combination of personal planets in order to enjoy a deep relationship, but this can be a dif-

ficult combination once the initial excitement has worn off. Friction easily arises and what was once attractive becomes irritating. The success of

this relationship largely depends on each person's ability to accept the other person's differences. Elizabeth may eventually have difficulty under-

standing Richard's emotional nature. Elizabeth may feel impatient and frustrated by the limitations placed on her by Richard. Richard may feel

overwhelmed by Elizabeth's personality. The initial excitement of the association with someone so opposing in nature may be replaced by feel-

ings of insecurity. It's important for both Richard and Elizabeth to continue to appreciate each other's differences at all times and to realise that

this relationship is potentially very rewarding if the difficulties can be faced and resolutions found.

Elizabeth's Sun Square Richard's Mercury

Orb 0°26' Separating

The importance of communication in relationships cannot be emphasised enough. Without understanding of another person's point of view and

the ability to communicate one's own thoughts and feelings a relationship can easily breakdown. This is a difficult combination for communica-

tions in a relationship. Elizabeth and Richard have difficulty understanding each other's point of view. They cannot communicate their thoughts

and feelings easily. Consequently Elizabeth and Richard have trouble being together and a certain tension exists in the relationship. Elizabeth

needs to be wary of having too much pride, of trying to override Richard's views through sheer force of personality. Elizabeth takes a superior at-

titude to Richard, which proves detrimental in the long run. Richard feels misunderstood, knowing that his ideas are so different to Elizabeth's.

There is a danger that Richard starts keeping his thoughts to himself thereby blocking any chance of communications improving. As long as

both Elizabeth and Richard continue to try to overcome these obstacles then their union has a chance for success. They may find it of benefit to

take time out and write down their thoughts and feelings during times of stress rather than speaking on the spur of the moment.

Elizabeth's Sun Trine Richard's Pluto

Orb 7°20' Applying

This combination of planets indicates a relationship, which is life changing, whether it be a friendship, love union or work association. Both

Elizabeth and Richard feel a powerful attraction for each other. It is as if they are both compelled to relate. The nature of the relationship de-

pends on other aspects of their relationship. It is possible that this relationship is a positive one for both Elizabeth and Richard bringing rewards

and challenges that lead to greater fulfilment in both their lives. Power and wealth may result from this relationship. Both Elizabeth and Richard

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are ardent in their pursuits enjoying intense and fulfilling pastimes, which are ultimately life changing. However, it is also possible that both

Elizabeth and Richard experience the less attractive aspects of this relationship. They may become embroiled in a struggle for dominance, their

relationship resembling a battleground from which neither emerges triumphant. They can be either intensely loyal friends or formidable oppo-

nents. Elizabeth feels empowered by this union, learning to rise to the challenges set by Richard. She feels that life is more exciting and intense,

thanks to her union with Richard. Richard is a powerful force in this union.

Elizabeth's Mercury Opposition Richard's Moon

Orb 2°02' Applying

Arguments can cause upset feelings in a relationship with this combination of planets. All types of associations can suffer some setbacks under

this influence, but personal relationships are particularly fraught with difficulties. Friction seems to result no matter how Richard and Elizabeth

try to approach each other on intimate matters. Richard and Elizabeth's relationship suffers because of unspoken problems, or perhaps either

Richard or Elizabeth speaks their mind too often. Either way the problem is communication. No matter how hard both Richard and Elizabeth try

they cannot seem to understand each other's way of seeing things and how each other feels. Richard communicates on an intuitive or feeling

level whereas Elizabeth is the more rational thinker. As a result Richard and Elizabeth alternate between passion and rationality, having diffi-

culty understanding the other person. Richard and Elizabeth's behaviour seems at odds with their needs, and they do not seem to be able to com-

fortably settle down in the relationship. On a more positive note Richard and Elizabeth may not mind a little friction in their intimate relation-

ship. However, it's more likely that Richard and Elizabeth would both do well to work on their communication skills. As a result Richard and

Elizabeth can develop skills which help to overcome the problems enabling them to better understand each other.

Elizabeth's Mercury Square Richard's Mercury

Orb 0°36' Separating

Communication plays a central role in the success of any relationship whether it be a love union, friendship or work association. This combina-

tion indicates a difficult liaison. It is a particularly tricky combination for personal relationships, which can thrive or fail on the basis of harmony

or disharmony in communications. The combination can also create tension in friendships and work associations. The difficulties arise when

Elizabeth and Richard try to communicate their thoughts and opinions. Either Elizabeth and Richard disagree on many subjects or they fail to

communicate exactly what is on their minds. Either way the end result is tension and arguments. Criticism plays too prominent a role in this

relationship. Both Elizabeth and Richard feel irritable when together, but don't really understand the true cause of the friction. They feel com-

pelled to communicate with each other; perhaps they have to work together on a joint project. However, harmony seems to elude this relation-

ship. Elizabeth and Richard need to find methods of communicating clearly and calmly in order for this association to succeed. Perhaps written

communication could help take the heat out of communications, or involving a third person as an advocate could prove beneficial.

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Elizabeth's Venus Quincunx Richard's Sun

Orb 0°33' Applying

This combination of the Sun and the personal planet Venus in relationship astrology is a difficult one. It indicates that the two people have con-

flicting values when it comes to personal relationships, which creates problems for any long-term association. Richard and Elizabeth feel a

strong attraction to each other, but they cannot seem to communicate in a harmonious manner. Joint decisions about relationships are difficult.

Richard and Elizabeth argue about subjects such as the future of their relationship, family associations, money matters and creative pastimes.

They just can't seem to agree. Richard feels frustrated. On the one hand Richard is drawn to Elizabeth. On the other hand Richard knows that

he is losing his identity in this relationship, and is often floundering to express himself. Elizabeth is also frustrated. She feels overwhelmed by

Richard's powerful personality and is unable to get on with her creative pursuits. Neither Richard nor Elizabeth really feels that they are benefit-

ing from this union, and yet they feel drawn to try to resolve the problems. Depending on other connections in this relationship Richard and

Elizabeth may finally decide to end their association or they could resolve their differences. They may need to seek counsel on how to resolve

their differences.

Elizabeth's Venus Square Richard's Jupiter

Orb 1°12' Applying

Love and excitement are strong themes of this relationship. Both Elizabeth and Richard feel a strong attraction and enjoy many pleasurable ac-

tivities. Together Elizabeth and Richard enjoy good fortune, exploring the realms of higher learning, culture, religion or metaphysics. They may

delight in travelling to foreign lands, meeting new people and discovering different ways of life. Alternatively they may take delight in joining a

study group closer to home. Initially this union expands their horizons and the attraction is strong. It is difficult for Elizabeth and Richard to

remain committed to each other, unless there are other indications of commitment in their association. The trouble is that Richard cannot seem

to settle down, always looking for new horizons. He wants romance and excitement on a grand scale and expects Elizabeth to join in. Elizabeth

also wants romance, but needs the security of commitment. Richard does not want to make a commitment. Richard enjoys his freedom and can-

not understand why Elizabeth is so insecure about their relationship. As the relationship progresses Richard becomes more impatient which in

turn increases Elizabeth's insecurities. Unless there are other aspects of the relationship, which indicate commitment and stability, this union, is

likely to falter on rocky ground.

Elizabeth's Venus Quincunx Richard's Saturn

Orb 0°02' Separating

The planet Saturn is an important ingredient in any committed relationship. On a positive note this planet indicates the commitment and secu-

rity needed for a long-term association. However, in this case the path to love is rocky and there are likely to be obstacles which require hard

work if this relationship is to be lasting. On the one hand both Elizabeth and Richard love each other and want to form a successful and loving

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bond. However, on the other hand they have to strive hard to overcome their misunderstandings of each other. Elizabeth wants fun and pleasure.

She has a lot of love to give, but has difficulty finding avenues through which to communicate her feelings to Richard. Elizabeth believes that

Richard may be blocking any progress in their relationship, inadvertently spoiling the fun. At times Elizabeth fears that she will be stifled as the

relationship continues. Richard does take this relationship seriously, perhaps a little too seriously. He has difficulty overcoming his concerns

about how the relationship should progress. Richard may be a little too rigid in his beliefs, fearing true intimacy. The challenge for both Eliza-

beth and Richard is to face their fears and find a path forward. With hard work and determination they can build a secure partnership based on

mutual respect and love. While this combination of planets can indicate a serious personal relationship, it can also depict a partnership formed

for the purpose of an artistic or creative project requiring both inspiration and hard work.

Elizabeth's Venus Conjunction Richard's Chiron

Orb 7°55' Applying

Together Elizabeth and Richard have opportunities to heal the painful experiences of previous relationships and forge a strong and loving bond.

This is an important union. When an intimate bond is formed, the love can soothe emotional pain and bring a sense of freedom and joy. On the

other hand it can also reinforce a person's wounds, sending them into emotional turmoil and forming negative relationship patterns. In this case

Elizabeth and Richard have a chance to overcome their old relationing habits through their love for each other. They may even help each other

view their childhood experiences in a different light. This is true whether they are lovers or friends. Elizabeth's love is particularly soothing for

Richard, encouraging him to discover new talents. In return Richard teaches Elizabeth the benefits of a warm and loving relationship.

Elizabeth's Venus Square Richard's Pluto

Orb 2°31' Separating

This is a powerful combination of planets indicating a strong bond, whether in a friendship, love union or work association. Elizabeth and Rich-

ard experience a compelling attraction to each other, one that easily becomes passionate and intense. Depending on the nature of the relation-

ship, Elizabeth and Richard could easily end up in bed together. Positively they are transformed by this relationship, becoming more influential

and powerful in their own lives, even if initially they have to overcome moments of feeling powerless. However, they also experience intense

emotional battles as the passionate nature of the union becomes difficult to control. If Elizabeth and Richard are in a romantic liaison, these

emotional struggles can overflow into the bedroom adversely affecting sexual relations. It is also possible that this combination of planets indi-

cates a love affair that is intense and fraught with emotional problems. While both Elizabeth and Richard experience the tension, Elizabeth feels

more overwhelmed. She may even feel bullied by the strong personality of Richard. Elizabeth finds it difficult to live her life effectively while in

this relationship. Richard struggles to understand Elizabeth and becomes impatient, wanting her to be more assertive. Richard doesn't realise

how domineering he appears to be. The challenge for both Elizabeth and Richard is to direct their passion in a positive direction, possibly a

shared artistic or creative pursuit.

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Elizabeth's Mars Opposition Richard's Moon

Orb 7°54' Applying

In astrology Mars is the planet of drive and determination whereas the Moon is the planet of feelings. When these two planets form certain pat-

terns the combination can be volatile. In this case there is a lot of friction in the relationship. Richard is likely to feel overpowered by Elizabeth.

Richard often wonders why he is so easily upset by Elizabeth. No matter how hard he tries to calm his emotions Elizabeth just seems to trigger

heated feelings. Richard feels a strong attraction to Elizabeth, but he is also aware that this is a troubled association. It is likely that Richard

believes that Elizabeth lacks sensitivity to his feelings. Elizabeth also senses the friction, but is perhaps not so bothered by it. Elizabeth is more

concerned because at times Richard seems like a wet blanket. Elizabeth's patience is tested because she feels that she has to console Richard's

feelings before she can achieve her goals in life. Elizabeth also feels a certain excitement in this association, but is aware that the tension can be

an obstacle to fulfilment. If both Richard and Elizabeth are aware of the problems and face them with honesty then an understanding can be

reached and a rewarding relationship result. When this occurs both Richard and Elizabeth begin to feel that their lives have become more effer-

vescent with the advent of this relationship. This combination is most difficult for a deeply personal relationship such as marriage or a close per-

sonal friendship. It can be advantageous for a working relationship that requires a lot of hard work and energy. For instance, building a house to-

gether may be a good way of using the energy of this combination.

Elizabeth's Mars Square Richard's Mercury

Orb 5°16' Applying

A feisty relationship is the result of this combination of the planets Mercury and Mars. When Richard and Elizabeth are together the sparks fly.

The nature of these sparks depends on other aspects of the relationship. On the one hand Richard and Elizabeth may be positively stimulated by

each other's company, enjoying lively conversations and energetic activities. Both Richard and Elizabeth learn much from each other and may

enjoy facing challenges together which in turn help them to move forward in their own lives. However, it is more likely that this combination in-

dicates a combustive reaction when Richard and Elizabeth are together. The relationship is likely to be fraught with misunderstandings and an-

gry reactions. In particular Elizabeth is aggressive, perhaps even trying to bully Richard to do things her way. Elizabeth honestly believes that

she knows what is right for Richard and energetically sets about trying to achieve her goals. However, Richard resents these tactics and be-

comes critical of everything that Elizabeth does. There seems to be no middle ground and tempers are frayed. Richard is usually able to have the

last word, but Elizabeth knows how to act in a way that is guaranteed to escalate any argument. Of course there is always the possibility that

both Richard and Elizabeth enjoy the drama of this relationship. However, if this is not the case then the lesson is to learn to respect each other's

differences and to channel all of the energy created by this partnership into positive activities and lively discussions.

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Elizabeth's Mars Sextile Richard's Venus

Orb 2°30' Applying

This is the ideal combination for a love union because it creates a strong sexual attraction and compatibility. Richard and Elizabeth are likely to

fall in love at first sight enjoying a passionate union, the type of love affair featured in romance novels. The durability of the relationship de-

pends on other connections between Richard and Elizabeth. However, if the love union is long term, both Richard and Elizabeth can rely on the

sexual attraction to help them through troubled times. Richard and Elizabeth enjoy spending time together, in particular welcoming pleasure

trips, romantic outings and artistic activities. They may also find pleasure in a joint creative project. Elizabeth is likely to be the more assertive

partner, both in bed and out of bed. Elizabeth enjoys taking the lead and Richard is happy to acquiesce. While this combination is ideal for mar-

riage or love affairs, it can also be a creative connection for friendships or work associations that involve working on an artistic project. However,

it is important that both individuals remain focused on the creative project at hand unless a sexual flirtation is welcomed and appropriate.

Elizabeth's Mars Trine Richard's Mars

Orb 3°31' Separating

This is a feisty relationship full of healthy competition and possibly sexual frisson. In this association both Elizabeth and Richard are challenged

to produce their best efforts. They feel the sparks fly when they are together, bringing out an ambitious side to both their natures. As friends or

work colleagues they enjoy the rivalry, and it is always possible that their shared drive and energy could become sexual, tipping their relationship

into a love affair. Elizabeth and Richard enjoy energetic activities such as sports and outdoor games. Together they feel able to conquer the

world and overcome all obstacles in their path. Depending on other aspects of their relationship Elizabeth and Richard may be lovers or friends,

but this strong influence of the planet Mars can also indicate a work partnership that requires plenty of drive and initiative.

Elizabeth's Jupiter Square Richard's Sun

Orb 2°31' Separating

The Sun and the favourable planet Jupiter are combining, suggesting that this relationship is blessed with good fortune and a happiness in the

short term; however, a long-term relationship may be fraught with insecurities. Initially Richard and Elizabeth feel a strong sense of together-

ness, sharing many new and varied activities. Both Richard and Elizabeth feel that the other person is contributing positively to their lives. They

feel more alive within this union. Gradually the excitement wears off and they become aware that they have very different philosophies on life.

Whereas once Richard felt that her life purpose was expanded by the forward moving energy of Elizabeth, now he feels that Elizabeth doesn't

know when to stop. He becomes aware that Elizabeth's values are very different and that this is hindering his ability to express his full poten-

tial. Elizabeth was once excited by the strength of Richard's purpose in life. However, now Elizabeth feels that her path is being blocked by

Richard's stubborn personality. This combination brings benefits to the couple in the first throes of the relationship, but it is going to take work

to maintain the relationship. The long-term success of this association depends on other connections between Richard and Elizabeth.

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Elizabeth's Jupiter Square Richard's Saturn

Orb 1°54' Separating

A strong bond is formed as a result of this combination of the planets Jupiter and Saturn, but not necessarily an easy one. Elizabeth and Richard

have difficulty find the right balance between boldness and caution. On the one hand Elizabeth is the risk-taker in this relationship, the person

wanting to explore new territories and activities. She is excited by the many possibilities available as a result of this partnership's resources and

feels constrained by Richard. This is because Richard errs on the side of discretion. He believes that a slow but sure approach is a sure sign of

success. Richard believes in the edict "moderation in all things", whereas Elizabeth espouses the adage "nothing ventured, nothing gained". Nei-

ther Elizabeth nor Richard listen to each other. Both have trouble seeing things from the other person's point of view. This is true of friendships,

marriage and work associations. It is possible that Elizabeth and Richard have met in order to learn something from each other in order to be-

come stronger and wiser for future relationships.

Elizabeth's Saturn Square Richard's Mars

Orb 2°16' Separating

This combination of the planets Mars and Saturn suggests a strong commitment in which Richard and Elizabeth struggle to understand each

other. On the one hand both Richard and Elizabeth are committed to making this partnership work. On the other hand they face almost insur-

mountable difficulties along the way. Ancient astrologers consider the planets Mars and Saturn to have a harmful effect on humanity. Therefore

this relationship is in grave danger of causing emotional or physical damage to both Richard and Elizabeth. The trouble is that they are both de-

termined to force their own egos on to each other, and can be quite brutal in their efforts to get the other person to do as they wish. They lack un-

derstanding and respect for each other. Richard tries to force his methods on to Elizabeth, only to meet Elizabeth's stubborn refusal to budge on

certain matters. The challenge is a big one in this union. Both Richard and Elizabeth need to carefully consider the future of this relationship,

knowing that only mutual respect and caring communication can shine a light on their difficulties.

Elizabeth's Saturn Sextile Richard's Ascendant

Orb 0°44' Applying

The planet Saturn is a vital ingredient in relationship astrology. It is the planet that represents stability and commitment and is seen by astrolo-

gers as the necessary glue that holds a relationship together on a long-term basis. Of course not everyone is seeking long-term commitment, but

for those who are Saturn is a welcome sign. This is particularly true of connections between one person's Saturn and another person's Sun,

Moon, Ascendant or Nodes. In this case Elizabeth's Saturn is combining with Richard's Ascendant indicating that this is a significant relation-

ship. Elizabeth and Richard feel strongly drawn to each other, perhaps experiencing a sense that their relationship was written in the stars. In

other words they may feel as though they were destined to meet and form a union. This is a significant relationship.

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Elizabeth's Saturn Opposition Richard's North Node

Orb 1°17' Separating

The planet Saturn is a vital ingredient in relationship astrology. It is the planet that represents stability and commitment and is seen by astrolo-

gers as the necessary glue that holds a relationship together on a long-term basis. Of course not everyone is seeking long-term commitment, but

for those who are Saturn is a welcome sign. This is particularly true of connections between one person's Saturn and another person's Sun,

Moon, Ascendant or Nodes. In this case Elizabeth's Saturn is combining with Richard's Node indicating that this is a significant relationship.

Elizabeth and Richard feel strongly drawn to each other, perhaps experiencing a sense that their relationship was written in the stars. In other

words they may feel as though they were destined to meet and form a union. This is a significant relationship.

Elizabeth's Saturn Conjunction Richard's South Node

Orb 1°17' Separating

The planet Saturn is a vital ingredient in relationship astrology. It is the planet that represents stability and commitment and is seen by astrolo-

gers as the necessary glue that holds a relationship together on a long-term basis. Of course not everyone is seeking long-term commitment, but

for those who are Saturn is a welcome sign. This is particularly true of connections between one person's Saturn and another person's Sun,

Moon, Ascendant or Nodes. In this case Elizabeth's Saturn is combining with Richard's Node indicating that this is a significant relationship.

Elizabeth and Richard feel strongly drawn to each other, perhaps experiencing a sense that their relationship was written in the stars. In other

words they may feel as though they were destined to meet and form a union. This is a significant relationship.

Elizabeth's Chiron Opposition Richard's Sun

Orb 1°24' Separating

This combination of the Sun and the asteroid Chiron is a difficult one, presenting both Richard and Elizabeth with the challenge of reassessing

their life goals in order that they may head in new directions. This relationship is a significant one enabling both Richard and Elizabeth to grow

and change, but only after some soul searching. As a result of this union Richard may discover new talents and a new sense of self and Elizabeth

may find a new role as a teacher or healer. However, initially they have to overcome old hurts which stand in the way of honest communication.

The path to greater self-understanding is not always smooth and this relationship is one of the lessons on the journey. Through delving into past

hurts, this union can be a healing one and through each other Richard and Elizabeth can learn valuable lessons. It is important that Richard and

Elizabeth develop compassion and understanding for each other. Otherwise they may unwittingly contribute to further emotional pain.

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Elizabeth's Chiron Sesquisquare Richard's Venus

Orb 0°02' Separating

This combination of the planet Venus and the asteroid Chiron indicates a significant but difficult relationship. Richard and Elizabeth love each

other, either as friends or lovers, but have difficulty avoiding misunderstandings and upsets. The problem is that their union is strongly influ-

enced by childhood traumas. Present-day situations bring memories of previous painful experiences to the surface. Inadvertently Elizabeth seems

to upset Richard's feelings. There is also a tendency for Elizabeth to blame Richard for all of his problems. Richard needs to develop a strong

sense of self-understanding in order that he can make a clear commitment to this relationship. Once committed, Richard would be wise to ensure

that his needs are met. In return Elizabeth needs to develop a sensitive awareness of Richard's emotional wounds. This sensitivity will serve her

well in other situations. If the difficulties can be overcome, this union can bring a sense of freedom and joy.

Elizabeth's Chiron Trine Richard's Jupiter

Orb 0°45' Separating

A beneficial and joyful relationship is the result of this combination of the planet Jupiter and Chiron. Richard and Elizabeth are able to close the

door on problems and hurts from previous relationship and enter into this liaison with a sense of joy. Together they heal each other's emotional

pain, gaining understanding and insights into relating. Richard and Elizabeth have common values and teach each other the joy and comfort

that comes with a responsive and understanding union. Together Richard and Elizabeth enjoy exploring new territory, perhaps in the healing,

spiritual or teaching faculties. Richard is a positive influence on this union, bringing an optimism and enthusiasm that is attractive and bounti-


Elizabeth's Chiron Opposition Richard's Saturn

Orb 2°00' Separating

This union is fraught with difficulties, mainly because of Richard and Elizabeth's past experiences in relationships. Hurtful experiences from

previous important relationships have a negative impact hampering both Richard and Elizabeth's ability to build a secure and loving relation-

ship. Rightly or wrongly, Elizabeth often perceives Richard to be stern and critical. She has trouble allowing herself to be vulnerable. As a result

past hurts are compounded rather than healed by this union. In turn Richard fears emotional intimacy, putting up barriers that hinder the growth

of this union. On a more positive note other aspects of this relationship may strengthen the bond between Richard and Elizabeth enabling them

to overcome their difficulties and establish a secure and loving association.

Elizabeth's Chiron Sextile Richard's Uranus

Orb 2°37' Applying

Healing and growth are possible in this relationship. Richard and Elizabeth are able to leave behind painful memories of previous associations

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and pave new paths of understanding. Together they enjoy exploring new ways of communicating and learning about each other and their own

personal lives. They are an inspiration to each other. Richard challenges Elizabeth to enter new territory. Richard motivates radical changes in

Elizabeth's life, which are healing in certain ways. Elizabeth offers new insights which inspire Richard to new creative heights. Together Richard

and Elizabeth may undertake an inspirational teaching project or explore unorthodox methods of healing.

Elizabeth's Chiron Square Richard's Neptune

Orb 5°36' Applying

Richard and Elizabeth cannot fully enjoy this relationship because of fears and insecurities. They both have difficulty letting go of past hurts,

which adversely affect this current union. As a result Richard and Elizabeth are both pre-occupied nursing their own hurts and cannot see the

other person's point of view. Any joint projects in the arts, spiritual matters or medicine are particularly prone to misunderstandings and difficul-

ties. Richard often feels confused, wondering why Elizabeth reacts so negatively to his actions. In turn Elizabeth believes that Richard fails to

fully understand and appreciate her talents. Together they need to take time to listen to each other and gently discuss areas of contention.

Elizabeth's Uranus Quincunx Richard's Sun

Orb 0°38' Applying

This is a relationship full of verve and romance, particularly in the first throes of love. Richard and Elizabeth are attracted to each other from the

moment that they first meet and continue to experience excitement and joy in each other's company. Despite this sense of adventure, Richard

and Elizabeth may have trouble maintaining a committed, long-term relationship. This combination of the Sun and the planet Uranus suggest

more an erratic and thrilling relationship, rather than a stable one. The initial enthusiasm can fade as Richard and Elizabeth begin to experience

the need to accommodate each other's needs and desires in this union. Richard and Elizabeth are each determined to maintain their individuality,

which can present problems for any union that requires compromise. Richard and Elizabeth both want to do things their own way and become

rebellious if the other person presents any obstacles. This is particularly true for Elizabeth, who stresses her individuality and can be unwilling

to adjust to the demands of a serious relationship. Elizabeth does not want to be overridden by what she perceives as Richard's strong personal-

ity and may have problems showing a long-term commitment. Likewise Richard believes that Elizabeth stands in the way of him expressing his

true nature. On a more positive note this association brings something new and original into Richard and Elizabeth's lives and they both feel

enlivened as a result. The long-term success of this union may depend on other connections between Richard and Elizabeth's astrology charts.

Elizabeth's Uranus Square Richard's Jupiter

Orb 1°17' Applying

This combination of the two planets Jupiter and Uranus indicates a meeting of two individual minds. In some associations it can be a case of

"opposites attract". At the beginning of their relationship Richard and Elizabeth are attracted by the novelty of each other, but this quickly

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wears off. However, differences between Richard and Elizabeth are difficult to overcome. What follows is a discordant union. Their individual

natures clash. What was once attractive becomes irritating and a cause of friction. Both Richard and Elizabeth find it awkward to allow each

other the independence needed to pursue their individual interests. The end result for an intimate bond depends on other aspects of the relation-

ship. However, this combination is a formidable one and could result in a love relationship breaking down unless Richard and Elizabeth find a

way of following their independent paths within their association. A friendship or work association also needs to provide plenty of scope for indi-

vidual expression.

Elizabeth's Uranus Quincunx Richard's Saturn

Orb 0°02' Applying

This is a difficult combination of planets in relationship astrology indicating an imbalance between commitment and freedom. On the one hand

Richard and Elizabeth feel drawn to each other, seeing qualities in each other that they feel they lack themselves. Richard and Elizabeth believe

that they will learn from being together. On the other hand; however, tension soon results as they fail to reconcile their differences. Richard is

likely to take a more serious approach to this union, feeling the need for a strong bond. However, Elizabeth is hard to pin down, preferring the

freedom of non-commitment. Elizabeth wants to initiate change and growth even though Richard is likely to resist. It is possible that Richard

becomes frustrated and tries to control Elizabeth's behaviour. Richard may even resort to criticism which ultimately only undermines Elizabeth's

creative impulses and self-confidence. If this happens Elizabeth is likely to rebel and leave the relationship. Both Richard and Elizabeth need to

strive for a balance between commitment to each other and independence.

Elizabeth's Uranus Conjunction Richard's Chiron

Orb 8°00' Applying

Healing and growth are possible in this relationship. Elizabeth and Richard are able to leave behind painful memories of previous associations

and pave new paths of understanding. Together they enjoy exploring new ways of communicating and learning about each other and their own

personal lives. They are an inspiration to each other. Elizabeth challenges Richard to enter new territory. Elizabeth motivates radical changes in

Richard's life, which are healing in certain ways. Richard offers new insights which inspire Elizabeth to new creative heights. Together Elizabeth

and Richard may undertake an inspirational teaching project or explore unorthodox methods of healing.

Elizabeth's Uranus Square Richard's Pluto

Orb 2°26' Separating

Although not a major contributor to this relationship, the combination of the planets Uranus and Pluto indicates a conflict in values. Elizabeth's

need for intellectual stimulation is often met with opposition from Richard, who prefers to delve into underlying meanings. Elizabeth is more

likely to experiment with various innovative methods of tackling problems in order to reach a new solution; however, Richard prefers to rake over

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old ground delving deeper and deeper in an effort to reach a sound understanding. They clash and find it hard to form a basis of understanding.

Elizabeth's Neptune Conjunction Richard's Moon

Orb 2°52' Separating

Romance is a major theme in a union which involves the Moon and the planet Neptune. With this combination of planets Richard and Eliza-

beth both feel that they are meant to be together. Perhaps they believe that it is a union of their souls. This is the height of romantic love. Rich-

ard and Elizabeth intuitively understand each other and as a result their relationship proceeds from the start in a gentle and loving manner. They

may simply enjoy relaxing in each other's company or together Richard and Elizabeth may enjoy creative and harmonious pastimes which en-

hance their union bringing joy and fulfilment. They could work jointly on an artistic, musical or spiritual project, or simply share an inspirational

hobby. Either way, they are drawn to each other in a way that is not logical. At times they may even feel as though they have a psychic connec-

tion. Richard feels inspired by Elizabeth to the point of longing to be in Elizabeth's company. Elizabeth intuitively understands Richard's emo-

tional needs and relates to Richard in a caring manner. This is a harmonious relationship. Problems can occur if Richard becomes overly depend-

ent on Elizabeth. However, on the whole it augurs well for a personal relationship which thrives on mutual love and understanding.

Elizabeth's Neptune Square Richard's Mercury

Orb 0°14' Separating

This is an inspirational relationship whether it be a romance, friendship or a creative working partnership. Both Richard and Elizabeth feel ex-

cited by this union. Their imaginations are enlivened. However, it is also a difficult combination of the planets Mercury and Neptune. Richard

and Elizabeth need to ensure that they face this relationship honestly. Otherwise they may both be caught in a web of deceit. This could mean

viewing each other with rose-coloured glasses, failing to realistically assess the merits of their association. However, it could also be possible

that the relationship has an element of deceit or abuse, in particular drug abuse. Both Richard and Elizabeth could feel disillusioned by their as-

sociation. It is important that they ensure that the creative, rather than the destructive, elements of their union are emphasised. Perhaps working

on an artistic, spiritual or philanthropic project would be beneficial. However, they need to ensure that this project is a positive and appropriate


Elizabeth's Neptune Trine Richard's Venus

Orb 2°32' Applying

Romance is the key theme of this combination of planets. Richard and Elizabeth feel that they have met their one true love under the influence of

the planets Venus and Neptune. They meet, fall in love and create a union brimming with romance, joy and idyllic love. Whether or not this

idyll lasts depends on other aspects of the association. During the course of their union they are able to interact in a loving and creative manner.

It's also possible that Richard and Elizabeth participate in a joint creative and imaginative pursuit, inspiring each other to stretch their artistic

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talents. Perhaps Richard and Elizabeth follow a spiritual path together. Richard is particularly attracted to Elizabeth's artistic and altruistic na-

ture. He appreciates all of the qualities that Elizabeth brings to their relationship. In response Elizabeth feels that Richard's support enables her

talents to blossom. While this attraction is more likely to involve the love and devotion associated with a strong bond such as marriage, it can

also depict a creative, artistic or spiritual working partnership.

Elizabeth's Pluto Trine Richard's Sun

Orb 2°30' Applying

This combination of planets indicates a relationship, which is life changing, whether it be a friendship, love union or work association. Both

Richard and Elizabeth feel a powerful attraction for each other. It is as if they are both compelled to relate. The nature of the relationship de-

pends on other aspects of their relationship. It is possible that this relationship is a positive one for both Richard and Elizabeth bringing rewards

and challenges that lead to greater fulfilment in both their lives. Power and wealth may result from this relationship. Both Richard and Elizabeth

are ardent in their pursuits enjoying intense and fulfilling pastimes, which are ultimately life changing. However, it is also possible that both

Richard and Elizabeth experience the less attractive aspects of this relationship. They may become embroiled in a struggle for dominance, their

relationship resembling a battleground from which neither emerges triumphant. They can be either intensely loyal friends or formidable oppo-

nents. Richard feels empowered by this union, learning to rise to the challenges set by Elizabeth. He feels that life is more exciting and intense,

thanks to his union with Elizabeth. Elizabeth is a powerful force in this union.

Elizabeth's Pluto Opposition Richard's Jupiter

Orb 1°51' Applying

Obstacles are strewn along the path of this relationship because of the difficult combination of the planets Jupiter and Pluto. On the one hand

Richard and Elizabeth feel a compelling need to relate to each other. On the other hand they find their opposing values a formidable hurdle. The

problem is that they fail to understand each other at a deep level and yet this is an important component in their relationship. Richard believes

that he attempts to take an honest approach to his partnership, but is undermined by Elizabeth's insistence on delving beneath the surface.

Elizabeth is frustrated in her efforts to get to the bottom of matters. She is particularly angry when she perceives that Richard contradicts him-

self. Their challenge is to find personal meaning in their own lives, while respecting the other person's values and beliefs.

Elizabeth's Pluto Trine Richard's Saturn

Orb 3°06' Applying

The combination of the planets Saturn and Pluto indicates that this is an important relationship, although not necessarily a personal one. Rich-

ard and Elizabeth combine their talents in a way that enhances their lives. Richard provides structure and security so that Elizabeth can safely

make any changes necessary in her life. In return Elizabeth helps Richard break through any barriers created by her fears. For these reasons this

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can be a dynamic and satisfying union.

Elizabeth's Pluto Square Richard's Chiron

Orb 4°51' Separating

Personal growth is one theme in this relationship, but the path to greater understanding is not smooth. Both Elizabeth and Richard have diffi-

culty coping with the intensity of this relationship, which challenges them at a deeply personal level. Memories of emotionally painful moments

in previous relationships are brought to the surface and need to be resolved so that this relationship can succeed. At times Elizabeth and Richard

fear the demands of this union may be too much. The challenge is for them both to forgive and forget the past and embrace the present and the

future. They need to be willing to live life to the fullest, breaking free of habits or anything that blocks their progress in life. There may be a

strong sense of destiny attached to this union, and Elizabeth and Richard may be at the centre of organisations involved with spiritual matters,

personal growth, medicine and medical breakthroughs.

Elizabeth's Pluto Trine Richard's Uranus

Orb 1°31' Separating

Although not a major contributor to this relationship, the combination of the planets Uranus and Pluto indicates common values. A drive for

growth and change is at the basis of this relationship. Richard and Elizabeth complement each other whenever they join forces. Richard is likely

to be the one who seeks answers and innovative ways of approaching tasks while Elizabeth provides the answers after delving into her own per-

sonal resources.

Elizabeth's Pluto Conjunction Richard's Pluto

Orb 5°35' Applying

This planetary combination of Pluto is not a significant one in relationship astrology. It indicates common values, which can help form a basis

for a relationship. However, many other combinations of planets will make a more significant contribution to this union between Elizabeth and


Elizabeth's Ascendant Conjunction Richard's Mercury

Orb 0°36' Separating

It is significant in relationship astrology when one person's planet makes contact with the Ascendant in another person's chart. In this case

Richard's Mercury is combining with Elizabeth's Ascendant indicating that communication plays a key role in this relationship. Whether it is a

love union, a friendship, relative or work association, this partnership thrives on honest and open communication. Richard places more emphasis

on keeping spoken and written exchanges flowing. However, Elizabeth also appreciates the manner in which this relationship enables her to

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share information and learn through interaction. This is a positive and lively relationship in which both Richard and Elizabeth enjoy each other's


Elizabeth's North Node Quincunx Richard's Mars

Orb 0°46' Separating

The fiery planet Mars and the fateful North Node provides a powerful combination of forces. Richard and Elizabeth are dynamite together.

This can be positive in that together they can achieve their goals. However this union can also be a threat to their life goals if they allow their

desires to take over. In some cases this union could threaten either Richard or Elizabeth's safety. Violence, and violent situations, need to be

avoided at all times. Passion may be a driving force in this liaison. Both Richard and Elizabeth feel a strong attraction. A personal relationship

may be fraught with difficulties. This combination may be better used in a partnership that works on an energetic, demanding or physically pow-

erful project - one that involves plenty of hard work and challenges.