The Magazine of Compaion Over Killing Winter 2010 • Ie 23 C ompassio nate Act ion COK Celebrates 15 Years of Animal Advocacy! Rescued: Birds Impounded after COK Investigation Campa ign Victory: BOCA Goes Egg-Free Pro-Vegetarian Ads Air Nationwide on T V Interview with Paul Shapiro And much more…   L  uc  k  y  D  uc  k! o  ne o  f  ma  n    w  ho  we  re  re  s  ed d  e  to a cO  k e  x  po  sé

Compassionate Action - Issue 23

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The Magazine of Compaion Over Killing Winter 2010 • I

C ompassionate Actio

COK Celebrates 15 of Animal Advo


COK Investig

Campaign ViBOCA Goes Egg

Pro-Vegetarian ANationwide

InterviewPaul Sh

And much m


 L uc k y  D uc k! 

…o ne o f  ma n   w ho 

 we re  re s ed d e 

 to a cO k e x po sé

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2 | cOmpassiOnate actiOn • WINTER 2010 • IssuE 23 • Compassion over Killing • CoK.net

Winter 2010 • Issue 23

coo Ovr kllg (COK) is a

national non-prot 501(c)(3) animaladvocacy organization based in

Washington, D.C. Working to end

animal abe ince 1995, COK expoe

crelty to farmed animal and promote

vegetarian eating a a way to bilder a

kinder world.

COK i a powerfl voice for farmed

animals relying on a wide range o

trategie—inclding ndercover

invetigation, pblic advocacy

campaign, corporate otreach, andlitigation—to edcate and empower

other to tand p for animal every

 time they sit down to eat.

Join or effort. Viit cOk. now to:

• Get pdate on or campaign

• Make a ecre online donation

• sign p for COK’ eNewletter

• Find recipe, event, and more

Graphic Design, Lara [email protected]

Cover photo credit: Farm Sanctuary/ Connie Pugh

P.O. Box 9773 • Wahington, DC 20016 

cok.net • [email protected] • 301-891-2458

• cOk.

• trVg.o

• eggidur.o

• chidur.o

• Vgau.o

• VgBlor.o

• VgDc.o

• Vgporld.o

• Ducrul.o

• WLovsubw.o

Visit us online!

your uor od hlu buld dr oorrow

COK’ 2009 Exene:

Programs: 89%

Fundraising: 3%

Management: 8%

Dear riend,

Since 1995, Compassion Over Killing has served as an unwaveorce bringing about positive changes or animals. We’ve made our mission to give a voice to the billions o individuals who suersilently each year behind the closed doors o animal agribusiness anempower others to stand up or animals every time they sit down to

That’s why, as we celebrate 15 years o advocacy—rom 1995to 2010—we’re so proud to look back at all you’ve helped usaccomplish on behal o armed animals. It’s the generosity oever-growing number o supporters that has enabled us to comesuch a long way in our short history: Starting out as an all-volunhigh school club and evolving into a national orce or animals.

This issue o Compassionate Action oers areection o our widespread strategic actionor animals—rom our undercover inves-tigation inside a hatchery that led to therescue o dozens o birds (including theadorable duckling eatured on the cover) to

our pro-vegetarian commercials airing onthree stations nationwide to our VegWeekcelebrations garnering the support o ederal, state, and local representatives onboth the East and West Coast.

Every day, Compassion Over Killing stands up or animals—and we’re honored have to you standing with us. With your continued support, we’ll keep buildingbetter world or animals in the years to come.

Thank you or joining us in celebrating our 15th year anniversary, and I lookorward to working together with you throughout our next 15 years o eectiveanimal advocacy.

 With gratitude,

Erica MeierExecutive Director

Erica and friendat Poplar springAnimal sanctary

Every dy, Cosso

Over K stds u

for s—d we’

hoored to hve to yo

d w u.

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Compassion over Killing • CoK.net • WINTER 2010 • IssuE 23 • cOmpassiOnate act

Compassion Over Killing teamed up with Mercy For Animals and the Animal Protec

tion & Rescue League as well as thousands o compassionate consumers in 2009 to

urge BOCA Foods to stop using eggs in its products. BOCA has long been a leader i

supplying meatless oods to a growing market, though many o its products were m

with eggs.

 Within weeks o launching our campaign website, BOCAEggFacts.com, the

company contacted Compassion Over Killing to announce its plan to remove all egg

rom its products in 2010. The company stated:

“I am pleased to let you know the BOCA brand will be eliminating eggs in all

of its products by the end of this year. We anticipate all BOCA products will b

egg free in 2010.”

Thank you to BOCA, and to everyone who joined in our campaign to help brin

about this victory or animals!n

New COK Campaign:

Ask subwAy to Add

VegAn options!Do you enjoy Subway's Veggie Delight sandwich but wish you could east on a "

animal-riendly meal? We do, too! That's why ater successully working with ma

corporations like Morningstar Farms, Lightlie Foods, and BOCA to add vegan o

COK is now reaching out to the world's largest sandwich chain encouraging thecompany to expand its menu by adding a vegan meat option.

 Visit COK’s website WeLoveSubway.com today to learn more about this ca

and post your comment letting Subway know how much you'd like to see veggie

on its menu!

Thank you or being a voice or animals.n

Campaign Victory:

boCA stops using eggs!

 V I C T O R Y !


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 CO K I n ves

tIgatIO n: 

   H  a  t  c  h  e  r  y    C  r  u  e  l  t  y    E  x 

 p  o  s  e  d  ,   

   B  a  b  y    B  i  r  d  s    R  e  s  c  u  e  d 

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Compassion over Killing • CoK.net • WINTER 2010 • IssuE 23 • cOmpassiOnate act

 While employed as a maintenance

worker at Caliornia-based Cal-Cruz

Hatcheries Inc. or nearly a month,

COK’s investigator used a hidden

camera to painstakingly document themiserable conditions endured by chicks

and ducklings on their frst day o lie



liquid waste


dead bodies mangled, decapitated, or

missing limbs

• Sickorseverelyinjuredbirdsleftto

suer or hours

•Unwantedhatchlingsdumpeddownthe egg shell disposal chute, then

sprayed with a high-pressure hose


room into buckets where they oten

languished or hours

The video evidence was immediately

turned over to the Santa Cruz County

 Animal Services Authority and the

District Attorney’s Ofce. In response,

a ollow-up investigation conducted

by humane law enorcement not onlycorroborated our evidence o abuse

and neglect but also resulted in the

impoundment o 88 ducklings.

Despite this additional documen-

tation by authorities, the District

 Attorney’s ofce held the case or several

months beore

ofcially declining to prosecute the

hatchery or violations o state anima

protection laws. Visit COK.net toda

watch our undercover video—and y

the judge.

Sadly, this documented case o aabuse is not an isolated incident. Rath

animal cruelty is standard in the mea

egg-, and dairy industries, and the m

eective step each o us can take to h

stop it is to simply leave animals o o

plates. Start choosing compassion tod

visit TryVeg.com.n 


After reviewing COK’s video evidence,

local humane law enforcement conducted

its own follow-up investigation and

impounded 88 ducklings in urgent need

of care. While several of these newly-

hatched birds were too sick or injured

to survive, more than two dozen were

given a new chance at life at Farm

Sanctuary and are now leading happy,

healthy lives.


“Every day that chicks are hatched, I see buckets andbuckets of sick and injured birds piling up. Some aredead, having been severely mangled or disemboweled butmost are alive—barely alive, and suffering from obviouinjuries. Their pain is unimaginable; ... it’s soheartbreaking...”

– COK’s Investig

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COK Cam paign:

Urge DUnkin’

DonUts to offer  Vegan options! 

unkin’ Donuts is the world’s largest coee and baked goods chain oering m

than 52 varieties o donuts—each one made with egg and dairy products.

 Ater successully working with Morningstar Farms, Lightlie Foods, and BOto begin removing eggs rom their products and add vegan options, COK reached

to Dunkin’ Donuts about this important issue. The company has not yet demonst

that it’s taking this matter seriously—that’s why we need you to take action today

visit DunkinCruelty.com to get started.

COK Invetiation: Dnkin’ E-oed

Michael Foods is one o the nation’s largest egg producers supplying eggs to seve

national restaurant chains—including Dunkin’ Donuts. A COK investigator got a

inside a Michael Foods’ egg actory arm in Minnesota in order to capture on flm

the day-to-day miseries o lie endured by egg-laying hens crammed inside tiny w

cages. COK’s undercover video shows:



• AMichaelFoods’employeedecapitatingahen

• Birdssufferingfromovercrowding,severefeatherloss,anduntreatedinjuries

Take Action: Viit DnkinCety.com


in its donuts and oer vegan options to meet the growing demand or more com

sionate oods.n

 Want to et moe invoved? Hd out COK’s

Duk’ exd u fd d f.

Request free coes tody: vst DnkinCety.com or

u kc 14. 

“In summary, this video

shows laying hens being

kept under very bad

conditions in which they 

are suffering enormously.”

– Excerpt from an expert statement

by Ian Duncan, PhD, Chair of Animal

Welfare in the Dept. of Animal and

Poultry Science at the Univ. of Guelph

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Fall 2010:

Cok’s pro-Veg

Campaign expanDs!

Our 30-Second Ads Blanketed the Airwaves Nationwideon MTV, Animal Planet and Comedy Central

n the all o 2010, two o our eye-opening ads—"Exploring Your Food"

and "A Side o Truth"—were viewed millions o times rom coast to coast

shining a bright light on the routine abuses kept hidden behind the closed

doors o actory arms while urther encouraging viewers to visit COK’s website,

TryVeg.com, or more inormation.

These commercials aired nationwide on MTV, Animal Planet, and

Comedy Central or our straights weeks, and the response rom viewers was

tremendous, including this note (see the back cover o this magazine or moreviewer eedback):

“I just saw your commercial on Animal Planet and had no idea that animals

on arms were treated so terribly… I can’t stomach the idea o eating animals

anymore. Starting today, I’m a vegetarian! I just wish I knew about this

sooner. Thank you or putting that ad on TV.”

COK's award-winning* Pro-Vegetarian Commercial Campaign has

proven to be one o the most successul and cost-eective ways to reach

out to today's youth with an empowering message o compassion.This

strategic outreach eort averages a cost o just one penny per view—that’s right,

 just one single penny to inspire someone to help animals every time they sit

down to eat.

This powerul campaign is only possible because o the generosity o our

supporters. Please consider making a donation today to help us continue

airing these ads on televisions:

• Your$500donationwillhelpusreach50,000TVviewers

• Your$250donationwillhelpusprintandmail350Vegetarian Starter

Guides to visitors o TryVeg.com who request more inormation

• Your$100donationwillhelpusreach10,000TVviewers

• Your$50donationwillhelpusprintandmail110Vegetarian Starter

Guides to visitors o TryVeg.com

 Visit COK.net to watch our commercials and make a donationusing our secure online orm.n 

* COK is thrilled and honored that our Pro-Vegetarian Commercial Campaignreceived the "Most Eective Vegan Campaign" award at the 2009 National

 Animal Rights Conerence in Los Angeles, and our 30-second ad "A Side o Truth" won a 2009 DoGooderTV Video Award!

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Toscana Grill in

Arlington, VA: This

popular Italian restaurant

hosted Vegan Weekend

celebrations during the

entire month o April in honor o Earth Day

and COK. Every Saturday and Sunday

throughout the month, Toscana Grill’s

menu was 100% vegan—options, such as

“chicken”marsala,vegancheesepizza,andeven vegan waes or brunch were so

popular that these items have been

permanently added to the regular menu!

Bread & Brew in

Washington, DC: For the

2nd year in a row this Green

Certifed Restaurant

celebrated Earth Day with a 100% Vegan

Day menu on April 22! In 2010, Bread &

Brew decided to take it one step urther by

taking meat o its menu every Monday.

My Little Bistro in

Washington, DC: This

amily-owned restaurant

specializing in Peruvian-

style chicken now oers a vegan version o 

nearly every sandwich on its menu such as

the Vegan Tuscan Chicken, My Little Bistro

 Vegan Club and Vegan Grilled Chicken

with Roasted Red Peppers.

Bakeshop in Arlington, VA:

 Ater adding a ew vegan

options on weekends, this

bakery saw how popular

these items were and decided to host a

 Vegan Day celebration to highlight its

expanding menu. Vegan Day proved to be

such a success that vegan options,

including root beer oat cupcakes and

chocolate peanut butter rice crispy

treats—are now available daily.

Pizzazz Tuscan

Grille in Baltimore,

MD: This Italian

restaurant added vegan versions o some o 


Parmesan, and vegan Bolognese, as well aspizza. To celebrate this new menu, Pizzazz

hosted a COK beneft in April with COK’s

Campaigns Director Christina Tacoronti as

the evening’s special guest bartender!

Van Gough Caé in

Baltimore, MD: A

quaint, amily-owned

coee shop, Van Gough

Caé expanded its menu

by dishing out delicious vegan quesadillas,

grilled cheese sandwiches and nachos.

Tonic in Washington,

DC: This popular bar and

restaurant created an

entirely new vegan menu

eaturing a roasted and stued poblano

pepper, creamy broccoli risotto, ratatouille,

watermelon steak salad and more!

Mayorga in

Washington, DC: When

this coee shop chainopened a new store just a ew blocks rom

COK’s ofce, it quickly became the frst

Mayorga in town oering a wide variety o 

vegan baked goods such as mufns,

banana bread, and brownies, plus vegan

grab-and-go sandwiches!

Capital City

Cheesecake in

Takoma Park, M

Beore even opening its doors, Capital

Cheesecake worked with COK to deve

vegan versions o its popular cheeseca

Other items such as vegan sandwiches

mufns are also now available.

Eatonville in Washing

DC: Specializing in tradtional Louisiana Creole cuisine, this

restaurant now serves some unique op

such as vegan pan-ried chicken with

Hoppin’ John, braised collard greens,

spicy Creole sauce.

Founding Farmers in

Washington, DC: This

award-winning Certifed

Green Restaurant introdu

a new VegDC.com co-branded vegan


Chocolate Stout Farmhouse Waes.

Savour Restaurant in

Washington, DC:

This Asian-inspired bar and lounge

oers mouth-watering vegan option

including Jerkiyaki tou bites, soy

"chicken" cutlet, and chickpea ritte

with red pepper coulis.

Che Tony’s in BethesdMD: This tapas restaura

 jumped at the opportun

add a number o new vegan dishes, w

are all made resh and change daily ba

seasonally available oods rom local

armers market!n

Compaion Over Killing’ Restaurant Outre

Campaign has worked closely with dozens

retarant to create or expand their meat-

men. Or goal i to help make vegan eatin

eay a poible by enring that animal-fri

option are widely available. Here are a few

ccee in 2010:

Changing MENuS Changing MINdS

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Compassion over Killing • CoK.net • WINTER 2010 • IssuE 23 • cOmpassiOnate act

Compassion Over Killing frst launched

Takoma VegWeek in 2009 in our

hometown o Takoma Park, Maryland.

This week-long celebration was ofcially

declared by our city through a Mayoral

Proclamation that encouraged residents

to choose vegetarian oods as a way to

help protect their health, the planet, and

animals. Maryland’s Sen. Jamie Raskin,

who inspired COK to organize VegWeek,

signed a pledge to go veg or one

week—a pledge that he’s kept to this day!

Energized by his new vegetarian diet,

Sen. Raskin helped COK to expand our

 VegWeek campaign in 2010 to include

the entire state o Maryland. Seven elected

ofcials, including Congresswoman

Donna Edwards, State Delegates

Tom Hucker and Jim Gilchrist, and

Montgomery County Council Vice-

President Valerie Ervin, participated in

Maryland VegWeek and publicly pledged

to go vegetarian or the week. This eort

was supported by the state capital city

o Annapolis, the Montgomery County

Council, and the city o Takoma Park,

which all signed proclamations ofcially

declaring Maryland VegWeek and encour-

aging residents to choose vegetarian oods.

Maryland’s campaign was such a

resounding success, we brought this

celebration to the West Coast and ho

our frst-ever Los Angeles VegWeek

Congressman Brad Sherman and C

Assemblymembers Pedro Nava and

Lieu led the way, each pledging to ch

vegetarian oods or the week. Asm. L

awarded COK with a Caliornia Assem

Certifcate o Recognition or our

promotion o vegetarian eating, and L

 Angeles Supervisor Don Knabe presen

COK with a Los Angeles VegWeek Sc

in support o our week-long celebrati

that encouraged residents to choose

healthier and more humane oods.n 

2010: COK Celebrates VegWeein Maryland and Los Angeles!

“Going vegetarian has helped me eel a lot better physically as well as

 politically—I fnally lined up my menu with my morals.”– Maryland Senator Jamie R

“ I believe that we have to model the behavior that we want to promote, especia

when we are dealing with issues related to healthy liestyles, animal welare, an

environmental stewardship. VegWeek helps to put the ocus on respect and ju

or animals and helps promote good nutrition.”

– Montgomery County Council Vice President Valerie

“ During my tenure in the Legislature, I have worked very hard to raise the stand

or the humane treatment o animals. [Los Angeles VegWeek] will help to raise

 awareness and encourage a more compassionate diet and liestyle.”

– California Assemblymember Pedro

For more information and photos, please visit MarylandVegWeek.com and LAVegWeek


Photos (top to bottom): COK’s Erica Meier, Congresswoman Donna Edwards, and COK’s Christina

Tacoronti at MD VegWeek; COK’s Jaya Bhumitra and Asm. Lieu at LA VegWeek.

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10 | cOmpassiOnate actiOn • WINTER 2010 • IssuE 23 • Compassion over Killing • CoK.net

In 1995, Compassion Over Killing was

ounded as an extra-curricular high

school club with a handul o volunteers

and no unding. Despite those limited

resources, rom day one, COK was deter-

mined to stand up or animals and help

make the world a kinder place. While

much has changed since our humble

beginnings, fteen years later that

determination to stop animal sueringremains steadast.

 As a powerul voice or armed

animals, COK is continually evolving and

improving upon our strategies in order to

maximize our abilities to expose the cruel

underbelly o animal agribusiness and

empower others to make compassionate

choices. As you’ll see in the highlights

below, rom 1995 to 2010, we took on

the egg industry’s misleading advertising

scheme and won, we’ve changed the wayscores o corporations do business, we’ve

reached out to millions o TV viewer

with our pro-veg commercials, and s

much more.

Our greatest strength, however,

is you: our dedicated members. These

advancements or animals are only po

because o the generosity o our suppo

Thank you or allowing us to

celebrate this anniversary—and we lo

orward to working together with youduring our next 15 years o advocacy

Compassion Over Killing 







1. COK’ yearbook photo, 1995

2. Fanaviion , 2001; 3. End of

indtry’ “Animal Care Certi

logo, 2005; 4. Egg recall demo

5. MTV campaign lanched, 2

6. Trkey hatchery abe expo

2006; 7. COK rge FDA to req

egg prodction labeling on ca



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Compassion over Killing • CoK.net • WINTER 2010 • IssuE 23 • cOmpassiOnate actiO

8. BOCA top ing egg, 2010; 9. The New

Times fll-page tory on COK’ third open re

2002; 10. undercover video lead to crelty

charge, 2006; 11. Invetigation and docm

expoing creltie at action, 2001; 12. Chi

and dck hatchery abe, 2010; 13. Expoé

lead to rece of bird, 2010; 14. Invetigatdocmentary expoing chicken indtry, 20

Morningtar agree to redcing egg ag

1 million, 2007; 16. COK’ rt open rece, 2

17. Invetigation help perade usDA to c

 tranport rle, 2005; 18. Washington Post f

tory on COK, 2003; 19. Pro-Veg ad air natio

on MTV, Animal Planet & Com. Central, 2010

 V I C T O R Y !



13 V I C T O R Y !








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12 | cOmpassiOnate actiOn • WINTER 2010 • IssuE 23 • Compassion over Killing • CoK.net


CoK tk w pu sPal shapiro fonded Compaion Over Killing in 1995 and worked for

 the organization ntil Janary 2005, when he accepted a poition a the

enior director of the Hmane society of the united state’ factory farm

campaign, where he still serves.

While at COK, Pal acted both a the grop’ campaign director and a

ndercover invetigator at factory farm, livetock action, and lagh

plants. His work has played an integral role in ending misleading advert

on egg carton, paing law in everal tate to criminalize vario

factory farming practice, and helping contle individal make bette

eating choices.

Q: How was Compassion Over Killing


A: Seeing that there was little animal

advocacy in my high school in

 Washington, DC, I originally intended or

COK just to be a school club. (Amusingly,

I’d actually ounded other high school

clubs with similarly noble goals such as

the Chips and Salsa Club and the Bread

Club…) Pretty soon though, COK started

hosting events, and very quickly therewere ar more adults than high school

kids involved. From there it just really

took o, especially once we started doing

undercover exposés at actory arms.

Q: What prompted COK to shit its

ocus primarily on animals raised

or ood?

A: The organization rom the start had a

strong ocus on arm animal issues, but

we also spent signifcant time combating

cruelty in other industries. It wasn’t until

about a decade ago that I started reading

essays rom riends o mine like Matt

Ball and Jack Norris about the need or a

greater movement emphasis on arm ani-

mals that we shited to a nearly exclusive

ocus on them.

I o course think the animal

movement should seek protection

or all animals, but considering the

overwhelming number o arm animals

who are abused and the relative

lack o movement resources that go

toward aiding them, I thought it was

an important role or COK to fll. I’m

heartened that more national groups

are now adding some emphasis on arm

animals, but there’s still much work tobe done.

Q: How has vegan eating changed

since you became vegan?


it’s amazing how much has changed

since then. I remember that no regular

grocery stores carried soymilk at the

time, whereas now even Wal-Mart has

an extensive selection that’s so good

even my 91-year-old grandather buys

it. The prolieration o vegan eating into

the mainstream has been really impres-


the word meant. Now we’ve got cultural

icons like Bill Clinton, Ellen, and Oprah

talking glowingly about vegan eating,

while other inuential fgures are arguing

in avor o signifcant reductions in

consumption o animals. It seems li

society is moving in the right direct

although certainly not ast enough.

Q: How do you think our society

relationship with armed animals

change in the next 15 years?

A: For years, the animal movement

been right about the actory arming

sue. But now, we fnd ourselves not on the right side, we fnd ourselves

the winning side. More and more st

are banning standard actory armin

practices; an increasing number o i

uentials are encouraging a reductio

our animal consumption; the movem

is becoming more mainstream, pro

sional, and most importantly, eecti

That said, this tremendous pro

is hardly sel-executing. It’s happen

because a lot o people are working

to make it so. I can’t predict where

movement will be 15 years rom no

but i we do make urther progress,

it will only be because o the tireles

united, and organized eorts o the

thousands o wonderul people who

make up this great social movemen


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Compassion over Killing • CoK.net • WINTER 2010 • IssuE 23 • cOmpassiOnate actiO

in the kitch

Cossote Cusef Cf t r

• 1cuppinenuts,toasted

• 1cupunbleachedall-purposeour

• 5largebasilleaves,cutintochiffonade

• 4Gardeinbreasts,thawed

• Seasaltandfreshlygroundblackpepper

• 4tablespoonscanolaoil

1. Preheat the oven to 200°F. In a ood

processor, pulse the pine nuts, our,

and basil. Transer to a shallow bowl

or plate.

2.Flattenthe“chicken”breastswithyourhand to ½ inch thick. Season each

side with salt and pepper to taste, then

press each side into the blended pine

nut mixture.

3. In a large sauté pan over medium heat,

sprinkle the bottom with a pinch o 

salt and heat or 1 minute. Add the oil


not to let it smoke (this will create a

nonstick eect.)

4. Place the breasts in the pan and cook

until golden brown, about 2 minutes

on each side.

5. Serve hot with recommended side

dishes rom The Conscious Cook:

braised kale and fngerling potatoes.

* This dish uses Gardein “chicken,” a delicioushigh-protein plant-based product with a meatytexture. You can fnd Gardein in the rerigeratedand rozen sections o your local grocery store.

Chef Tal Ronnen i one of the mot celebrated vegan chef working today. He rt enter

 the national potlight in 2008 preparing meal for Oprah dring her 21-day vegan cleane

A gradate of the Natral Gormet Intitte, Tal ha worked with everal of the top vega

retarant nationwide and prepared gormet vegan meal for contle celebritie. He

hoted a cooking demo at the 2010 DC VegFet, an event co-organized by COK.

His rst cookbook, The Conscious Cook: Delicious Meatless Recipes That Will Chan

the Way You Eat , wa releaed in late 2009 and qickly cataplted to the New York Time

best-sellers list.

Thank to Tal, gormet vegan cooking ha never been more pectaclar or more eareplicated at home. The Conscious Cook aims to please the palates o vegans and meat-e

alike—and it cceed! Tempt yor tate bd with moth-watering dihe ch a Caj

Portobello Fillet, Old Bay Tof Cake, or Pine Nt and Bail seared Chicken (recipe below

Viit COK’ marketplace today (go to page 14 or cOk.) to order a copy—signed b

Chef Tal—for yorelf or a friend.

p nu d Bl srd Grd* “ch”From The Conscious Cook • Makes 4 servings • Prep time: 30 minutes

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COK marketplace

VEg OuTrEAChBulk discounted rates are available. Contact us for details.

Vgr srr GudOur24-pageguidetovegetarianeating

includes actory arming and its environ-

mental toll, health benefts, grocery lists, meal

ideas, recipes and more. Firt copy i free. $1shipping and handling or each additional copy.

e Vg R A tempting collection o our avorite recipes or

breakast, lunch, dinner, dessert, and even snacks!

Firt copy free. $1 hipping and handling for each

additional copy.

eg sublThis ull-color triold brochure lets readers know

that animal agriculture is one o the leading causes

o pollution and resource depletion today. We can

fght global warming—and animal abuse—with

ourforks.UpdatedApril2010.$2 hipping and

handling per pack o 25 fyers.

egg cro FlrThis yer exposes the routine abuses



wire battery cages. Flyer are free and are

ent ot in pack of 25.

trVg.o Bur srSpread a message o compassion with

COK’s TryVeg.com bumper sticker! Firt

ticker i free. $1 hipping and handling

or each additional sticker.

s Hr mor th mlEncourage people to choose compassion at

every meal, by displaying this poster on a

bulletin board in your community, at your college,

or in your high school.$1 each.

Du’ crul exodThis colorul yer reveals the horrors inside a

Dunkin’ Donuts’ egg supplier and encourages

readers to join our eort urging the company to

oer vegan options. These fyers are ree and

come in pack of 25. Viit DnkinCrelty.com.

c-Wd Vgr GudFinding animal-riendly are rom coast to coast has never

been easier—especially with COK’s guides to vegetarian di

now available in our cities: Washington, DC; Baltimore, M

San Diego, CA; and Austin, TX. Yor rt copy of each gid

free, and can be reqeted online at VegDC.com, VegBaltimo

VegsanDiego.com or VegAtin.com. 

14 | cOmpassiOnate actiOn • WINTER 2010 • IssuE 23 • Compassion over Killing • CoK.net


th al av’ Hdboo

by Matt Ball and Brce Friedrich A concise collection o practical tips and

suggestions or anyone who wants to advocate

animals more eectively! $10.

th coou coo by Chef Tal RonnenThis New York Times best-selling cookbook

is flled with delicious, gourmet recipes or


and more. $25 – igned!

B a Gr nr by Tracye McQirter, M.P.H. Sharing her own inspiring journey rom

omnivore to vegan, Tracye empowers rea

to make lie-saving dietary changes with

recipes, sample menus, and advice.

$12 – igned!

 Mo re t ha n 3 5 0 l i s t i

 ng s !

 H A l so a va i la b le

o n l i ne a t

 V   D C. c o m

 T h e  V e g e Ta r

 ia n  g u i D e 

 t o W a s h i n g t o n, D

. C. a n d S u r r o u n d i n

 g A r e a s

Yo Donation he u he Anima!

All of our work for farmed

animals is only made possibthanks to the generosity of

our members. Your support

means so much to us and, m

importantly, to the animals.

Visit COK.net to learn more.

Thank you!

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Compassion over Killing • CoK.net • WINTER 2010 • IssuE 23 • cOmpassiOnate actiO

item description size qty  price




phone or email (to contact with order qetion)

PO Box 9773 • Wahington, DC 2001

Please make checks and mone

orders payable to:

All prices include shipping within the United States and applicable Maryland sales tax for items shipped in-state. Thank you! 

Dog o pl t-shr*Ourpopular“dogonaplate”design.




 Available in men’s S, M, L, X-L and

women’s S, M,L. $20.

cOk Logo t-shr* USA-made100%organiccotton.

 Available in light blue & navy in m

and women’s sizes S, M, L, X-L an

cement gray (pictured) in women

XL. (Note: women’s tees run sma


*Availablein men’s

& women’ssizes!

Please send payment and orders to: COK • P.O. Box 9773 • Washington, DC 20016

Qetion? Contact COK at [email protected] or 301-891-2458. Thanks for your support!

Wa rdr ? Visit our Marketplace at COK.net


45 D: th Lfd Dh of Brolr ch

 A gripping 12-minute

documentary flm on COK’s


broiler chicken industry. $5.

“L cll nuro” DVD,Volu 4 (2010)


groundbreaking nutrition

research published in

medical journals, the

renowned Dr. Michael

Greger explains that the

healthiest diet is also a

humane diet. $12.

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W h a t v i e W e r s a r e s a y i n g :

“My friends and I saw your ad on TV and were

in complete shock. Three of us went vegetarian

that night.”

“I’m a veterinary student and preach to my

family and friends how important it is to treat

animals kindly. But I eat meat. Well, I did until

I watched your ad on TV.”

Help us serve “A Side of Truth” by making a donatitoday to our Pro-Veg Commercial Campaign Fund!

 Your support enables us to continue reaching out to television

viewers rom coast to coast, encouraging them to stand up or

animals every time they sit down to eat. Visit COK.net to mak

secure online git or use the reply envelope ound in this maga

Thank you!

COK’ po-Ve Ad Aiin Nationwide

on MTV, Comedy Centa andAnima panet Diectin Viewe to






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