Comparison/Contrast Essays Comparison/Contrast Essays

Comparison/Contrast Essays

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Comparison/Contrast Essays. What is a Comparison/Contrast Essays?. A. A. B. B. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Comparison/Contrast  Essays

Comparison/Contrast EssaysComparison/Contrast Essays

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What is a Comparison/Contrast Essays?What is a Comparison/Contrast Essays? Comparison and Contrast write about how things are either similar or

different. When you compare two things, places, machines, or people, you show the reader how they are similar. When you contrast, you show how things are different.

Always choose two equal items — two cars, two vacations, two sports stars— not two unequal items, like a car and an umbrella. In both, you must identify topics (e.g. hometown and college town) and their points of comparison (e.g., size, location) that can be compared or contrasted.



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Sharks The great white shark lives in the

deep, cold seas. It will attack large animals such as sea lions. The bull shark lives mostly in shallow waters. It is sometimes found in rivers. These sharks are both very good swimmers and hunters. Both kinds of sharks have lots of teeth.

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This paragraph compares The great white shark and the bull shark

Comparing:What kind of swimmer are both sharks? very good

How many teeth do these sharks have? lots of teeth

ContrastingWhere does the great white shark live? deep, cold seas

Where does the bull shark live? shallow waters




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Very good swimmers

Lots of teeth

Great white shark

Deep, cold seas

Bull shark

Shallow water

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Key words commonly used to expresscomparison include:

like same toosimilar In the same


most important

have in common

the same as

similarly alike as well asboth

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Contrasting Key PhrasesContrasting Key Phrases

although yet whereas

however but while

differ instead unless

unlike on the contrary contrary to

in contrast even though on the other hand

the reverse Dissimilar to

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similar toSpring weather in Gaza is similar to spring weather in Sydney.

BothBoth Gaza and Sydney have rain in winter.

AlsoSydney also has a rainy winter season.

TooGaza has a rainy spring season, too.

SimilarlySimilarly, Sydney is very hot in summer.

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DIFFERENCESOn the other handOn the other hand, winter is much colder in Sydney.

HoweverHowever, winter is much colder in Sydney.

ButGaza has a mild winter, but Sydney has a cold one.

In contrast toIn contrast to Gaza, Sydney has a cold winter.

Differs from Sydney differs from Gaza by having a cold winter.

WhileWhile Gaza has a mild winter, Sydney has a cold winter.

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Short Conjunctions Longer Expressions

 Similarly, Likewise, ...the same... ...the same as... ...also... ..., too. BothHowever,Nevertheless, Conversely,In contrast,

 In the same way, …X is similar to Y in that (they)... X is different from Y in that (they)... X and Y are similar/different in that (they)... Like X, Y [verb]...Unlike X, Y [verb] … In like manner, One way in which X is similar to Y is (that)... One way in which X is different from Y is (that)...

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Activity 1: Join the following Sentences1. Hani is bachelor. His sister is bachelor2. The River Jordan is long. The Nile River is long.3. Amal's grades are high. Huda's grades are rather low. 4. Ahmed is very busy. Ali is busy. 5. I think Ahmed is a very hard working student. Everyone else thinks so.6. John admits he had a lot of money. He claims he has lost everything. 7. My father usually goes to work by car. I also go to work by car. 8. I believe that physical exercise is good. I believe that nutritious food is also good. 9. Teaching beginners requires simple techniques. Teaching advanced students requires sophisticated techniques.

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Activity 2: Complete the following1.1. Amman differs from Cairo in __________________________Amman differs from Cairo in __________________________

2. Taking care of children requires a lot of patience. Similarly, _________________________________________________

3. Universities spend a lot of money on research. In contrast, schools___________________________________________

4. My two friends study similar things at university. However, they _____________________________________________

5. The more you study, _______________________________

6. Gaza is as crowded as ______________________________

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Paragraph Organization 1: (Point by Point)

Topic sentence: introduction of two topics to be compared/contrasted

Body: examination of topics – first point and then the other point: Point A

Topic 1 Topic 2

Point B Topic 1 Topic 2

Point C Topic 1 Topic 2

Conclusion: evaluation of topics compared

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My Hometown and My College Town

     My hometown and my college town have several things in common. First, both are small rural communities. For example, my hometown, Gridlock, has a population of only about 10,000 people. Similarly, my college town, Subnormal, consists of about 11,000 local residents. This population becomes to 15,000 people when the college students are attending classes. A second way in which these two towns are similar is that they are both located in rural areas. Gridlock is surrounded by many acres of farmland which is devoted mainly to growing corn and soybeans. In the same way, Subnormal lies in the center of farmland which is used to raise cattle. In short, the similarities between my hometown and my college town make people enjoy living in both places.

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Essay Organization: Point by Point Essay Organization: Point by Point


All about All about Point XPoint X

All about All about Point YPoint Y

All about All about Point ZPoint Z


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Point-by-Point or Alternating Arrangement (five-paragraph essay)

I. Introduction in which you state your purpose which is to discuss differences between vacationing in the mountains or at the beach

II. First difference between mountains and beaches is climateA. MountainsB.  Beach

III. Second difference between mountains and beaches are types of activitiesA.MountainsB.  Beach

IV. Third difference between mountains and beaches is the locationA.  MountainsB.  Beach

V. Conclusion

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TOPIC SENTENCE My (a) hometown and (b) college town are similar.

POINT #1 Both are small rural communities.

Gridlock Gridlock has about 10,000 people.

  Subnormal Subnormal has about 11,000 local residents. It has about 4000 college students.

POINT #2 Both are located in rural areas.


Gridlock is surrounded by many acres of farmland.

This farmland is devoted to growing corn and soybeans.

 Subnormal Subnormal is in the center of land used for

raising cattle.

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Organization 2: Block Style

Topic sentence: introduction of two topics to be compared/contrastedBody: examination of topics – first Topic and then the other

Topic 1:Point APoint BPoint C

Topic 2Point APoint BPoint C

Conclusion: evaluation of topics compared

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Istanbul and GazaWhile Istanbul and Gaza are both lively cities, they

differ from each other in many ways. To start with, İstanbul is filled with industries, buildings, roads, and lots of people. The time it takes you to get from one place to another shows us how big it has become. Moreover, İstanbul has become a city in which its people are usually in a hurry and have a lot of things to do throughout the day. On the other hand, Gaza still looks like a small town in which most of its people know each other although the city has grown a lot in the last years. What is more, Gaza still remains quite a calm city where most people walk and take their time. To conclude, while Istanbul and Gaza are different cities in many ways, it is always good to spend time in them.

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TOPIC SENTENCE While Istanbul and Gaza are both lively cities, they differ from each other in many ways

TOPIC #1 Istanbul

Point 1 İstanbul is filled with industries, buildings,

roads, and lots of people

  Point 2 İstanbul has become a city in which its people

are usually in a hurry and have a lot of things to do throughout the day

TOPIC #2 Gaza

Point 1 Gaza still looks like a small town in which

most of its people know each other although the city has grown a lot in the last years.

  Point 2 What is more, Gaza still remains quite a calm

city where most people walk and take their time.

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All about All about Subject ASubject A

All about All about Subject BSubject B


Essay Organization: Block arrangementEssay Organization: Block arrangement

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Block Arrangement (four paragraphs)

I. Introduction in which you state your purpose which is to discuss the differences between vacationing in the mountains or at the beach

II. MountainA.  ClimateB.  Types of Activities 

C.  Location  

III. BeachA.  ClimateB.  Types of Activities 

C.  Location  

IV. Conclusion

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There are three main differences between eating fresh food and canned food. The most notable difference between these two kinds of foods is their flavor. Fresh food has great flavor and taste because it keeps all their natural conditions. Canned food, however, lacks a lot of its flavor characteristics because there are some other chemical products added to the natural foods. Secondly, there is a health factor that affects both of them. Canned food is unhealthy because in order to keep the shelf life for longer times it is filled with many conservatives and chemical factors. On the other hand, fresh food does not include any chemicals, so it is healtier. Another difference between these two types of foods is the cost. Canned food is much more expensive than fresh food. In conclusion, before eating, choose the best type of food for your convenience and lifestyle.

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University or SchoolA university is very different from a

secondary school. First, in the university, the professors talk a great deal and give long homework assignments. School teachers depend on class discussion and short homework. Second, _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. In conclusion, despite these two main differences between university and school, each provides great learning opportunities to students.

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University or SchoolA university is very different from a secondary

school. First, in the university, the professors talk a great deal and give long homework assignments. School teachers depend on class discussion and short homework. Second, university final examinations are not uniform and each professor sets his/her own exams and often the dates of taking them. On the other hand, all secondary school final exams are all secondary school final exams are prepared centrally by the Ministry or Educational prepared centrally by the Ministry or Educational Authority and should be taken by all students Authority and should be taken by all students simultaneously.simultaneously. In conclusion, despite these two main differences between university and school, each provides great learning opportunities to students.

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Our Lifestyles and our Grandparents' Lifestyles

Our lifestyles are very different from our grandparents' lifestyles in three important ways. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Writing Problems 1. The internet has alot of benefit for college students. 2. First, It allow to you to search for an information. 3. Also, to communicate with university management. 4. First, it is help us to make a lot of ideas. about many subjects wich we

need. 5. using the internet in university study have two advantages. 6. to sum up using the internet university easy way and become common

to study. 7. when he was a child his father died then he work all the time to help

his family. 8. Then, he depend on him self in order to improvement the living

situation of his family. 9. Although, from the living difficulty; nevertheless he was one of a

famouse personalities. 10. In addition, his hair short. 11. I like his way in telling stories, he make me feel that I’m in the middle

of a story. 12. He prefer to tell me stories happened with him.

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However and Whereas can be used to join two different or opposite ideas:My friend prefers watching television. However, I find reading books more interesting. My friend prefers watching television, whereas I find reading books more interesting. Whereas my friend prefers watching television, I find reading books more interesting.

NOTE: Use whereas at the beginning of a sentence or in the middle. Use however at the beginning of a sentence.

Using However or Whereas

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1. Skiing is a popular sport. Many young people prefer snowboarding.

2. My literature class has over 200 students in it. My linguistics class has just twelve.

3. Dogs are more faithful. Cats are more independent. 4. DVDs are more common these days. I have a huge

video tape collection. 5. Whereas I like all types of fish, ________________.6. The winter season is quite mild in Gaza __________.7. My little brother likes to play __________________.8. Whereas you have lots of time to do your homework


Connect the following sentences using However or Whereas

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Even though Arizona and Rhode Island are both states of the U.S., they are different in many ways. For example, the physical size of each state is different. Arizona is large, having an area of 114,000 square miles, __________ Rhode Island is only about a tenth the size, having an area of only 1,214 square miles. ____________ is in the size of the population of each state. Arizona has about four million people living in it,    ___________    Rhode Island has less than one million. The two states _________ differ in the kinds of natural environments that each has. For example, Arizona is a very dry state, consisting of large desert areas that do not receive much rainfall every year.   ___________,  Rhode Island is located in a temperate zone and receives an average of 44 inches of rain per year. In addition,  ___________   Arizona is a landlocked state and thus has no seashore, Rhode Island lies on the Atlantic Ocean and does have a significant coastline.

However - another difference - similarly - whereas – also - on the other hand – but - while

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Even though we come from different cultures, my wife and I are __________ in several ways. For one thing, we are thirty-two years old. In fact, our birthdays are in the same month, hers on July 10 and mine on July 20. _________ is that we both grew up in large cities. Helene was born and raised in Paris and I come from London. Third, our hobbies are alike _________. My wife devotes a lot of her free time to playing jazz piano. _________, I like to spend time after work strumming my guitar. A more important ___________ concerns our values. For example, Helene has strong opinions about educating our children and raising them to know right from wrong. I feel _________. Our children should receive a good education and also have strong moral training.

in the same way – alike – another similarity – similarly – similarity – too – both