Comparison IFRS VAS

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  • 8/12/2019 Comparison IFRS VAS


    Summary of differences between International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and the Vietnamese Accounting System (VAS)

    This brief comparison is based on IFRS and VAS as at 24 May 2004. IFRS and VAS are both subject to chanes.


    Framework Framework for the preparation and presentation of financialstatements

    The Framework deals with:

    (a) The objective of financial statements;

    to provide information about the financial position,

    performance and changes in financial position of an

    enterprise that is useful to a wide range of users in

    making economic decisions;

    to show the results of the stewardship of management, or

    the accountability of management for the resources

    entrusted to it

    (b) The underlying assumptions: accrual basis, going concern

    (c) The !ualitative characteristics that determine the usefulness

    of information in financial statements The " principal

    !ualitative characteristics are: understandability, relevance,

    reliability and comparability

    (d) The definition, recognition and measurement of the elements

    from which financial statements are constructed # assets,

    liabilities, e!uity, income and e$penses

    (e) %oncepts of capital and capital maintenance

    The &inistry of Finance ('&oF) issued a standard *+ %hartof *ccounts in ecision --"- (dated - .ovember -//0) This

    has been amended by various %irculars since The most recent

    guidance is contained in %ircular 00 for Foreign1invested

    enterprises (dated 23 4une 2552), %ircular 6/ (dated / 7ctober

    2552) and %ircular -50 (dated " .ovember 2558)

    -3 new ietnamese *ccounting +tandards have been issued

    since 8- ecember 255- These are based on 9F+, with certainamendments, as described in the relevant sections below

    *+5- 1Frame!or"(issued on 8- ecember 2552) is based on

    the 9*+:Frame!or" for the preparation and presentation of

    financia# statements. *+5- is shorter and more simple that the

    9*+ Framework, however all the key areas and concepts are

    covered, including:

    asic accounting principles # accruals, going concern,

    matching, prudence, consistency

    e!uirements of *ccounting 9nformation # integrity,

    objectivity, completeness, timeliness, comparability

  • 8/12/2019 Comparison IFRS VAS


    Summary of differences between International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and the Vietnamese Accounting System (VAS)


    9*+ - Presentation of financial statements

    9*+ - is designed to improve the !uality of financial statementspresented using 9nternational *ccounting +tandards by:

    ensuring that financial statements that state compliance

    with 9*+ comply with each applicable +tandard,

    including all disclosure re!uirements;

    ensuring that departures from 9*+ re!uirements are

    restricted to e$tremely rare cases;

    providing guidance on the structure of financial

    statements including minimum re!uirements for each

    primary statement, accounting policies and notes, and anillustrative appendi$; and

    establishing practical re!uirements on issues such as

    materiality, going concern, the selection of accounting

    policies when no +tandard e$ists, consistency and the

    presentation of comparative information

    Financial statements comprise a balance sheet, income

    statement, cash flow statement, statement of changes in e!uity,and notes to the financial statements

    !ote"9*+ - was revised in ecember 2558, with the changes

    effective for accounting periods beginning on or after - 4anuary

    2550 The changes include:

    =uidance on the meaning of 'present fairly

    =ives a definition of 'material

    *+2- #$resentation of financia# statements(issued on 85ecember 2558) is based on 9*+ - #$resentation of financia#

    statements 9t is very similar to the previous version of 9*+ -,

    especially the sections onRe%uirements in $reparation and$resentation of Financia# Statements, including:

    =oing concern

    *ccrual basis

    %onsistency of presentation

    %omparative information

    The sections in *+2- onInformation to be presented on theface of the ba#ance sheet and income statementapply the

    headings given in the standard *+ Financial +tatements

    Format, and *+2- also notes that the format for presenting

    these financial statements is prescribed in the applicable

    regulations This is a more prescriptive approach than 9*+ -

    There are no illustrative financial statements in *+2-

    eference needs to be made to the relevant %irculars, such as

    %ircular 00, for the re!uired format of financial statements

    The implementing guidance for *+2- has not yet been issued,

    but is not e$pected to have a significant impact on the current*+ format for financial statements

    .ote that *+2- includes an analysis of changes in e!uity in the

    notes to the financial statements The statement of changes in

    e!uity is not a re!uired primary statement as in 9*+ -


  • 8/12/2019 Comparison IFRS VAS


    Summary of differences between International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and the Vietnamese Accounting System (VAS)


    9*+ -



    The evised +tandard re!uires a financial liability that is due

    within twelve months after the balance sheet date, or for which

    the entity does not have an unconditional right to defer itssettlement for at least twelve months after the balance sheet date,

    to be classified as a current liability This classification is

    re!uired even if an agreement to refinance, or to reschedulepayments, on a long1term basis is completed after the balance

    sheet date and before the financial statements are authorised for


    The evised +tandard re!uires the following disclosures:

    (a) the judgements management has made in the process of

    applying the entity>s accounting policies that have the mostsignificant effect on the amounts recognised in the financial

    statements; and

    (b) the key assumptions concerning the future, and other key

    sources of estimation uncertainty at the balance sheet date,

    that have a significant risk of causing a material adjustment

    to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities within the

    ne$t financial year

    The following disclosures re!uired by the previous version of

    the +tandard have been omitted:

    (a) the results of operating activities, and e$traordinary items, as

    line items on the face of the income statement The revised

    +tandard prohibits disclosure of ?e$traordinary items> in

    financial statements;

    (b) the number of an entity>s employees


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    Summary of differences between International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and the Vietnamese Accounting System (VAS)


    9*+ 2 Inventories

    9nventories should be valued at lower of historical cost and netrealisable value The benchmark cost formula is either F9F7 or

    weighted average methods @9F7 is allowed as a permitted

    alternative method Ahen @9F7 is used, difference between@9F7 method and benchmark treatment must be !uantified and


    !ote"9*+ 2 revised in ecember 2558 prohibits the use of the

    @9F7 method This is effective for accounting periods

    beginning on or after - 4anuary 2550

    *+52 #In&entorieswas issued on 8- ecember 255-

    9nventories should be valued at lower of historical cost and net

    realisable value

    F9F7, @9F7, specific identification and weighted average

    methods are accepted @9F7 is treated e!ually to other methods

    but it re!uires disclosure of the effect of using @9F7 in

    comparison to F9F7 or weighted average

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    Summary of differences between International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and the Vietnamese Accounting System (VAS)


    9*+ 6 Net profit or loss for the period, fundamental errors and

    changes in accounting policies

    %hanges in accounting policies or corrections of material errors

    should lead to a restatement of comparatives and prior year

    opening retained earnings The effect to current year income ofchanges in accounting policies should be disclosed fully

    *llowed alternative treatments:

    correction of a fundamental error can be made to the current

    period CD@;

    a change in accounting policy can be applied prospectively

    when the effect of the change on prior periods cannot be

    reasonably determined

    !ote"9*+ 6 has been revised in ecember 2558 to: 9*+ 6,

    Accountin po#icies( chanes in accountin estimates and errors

    which is effective for accounting periods beginning on or after -

    4anuary 2550 *mong other changes, the evised +tandard:

    eliminates the use of the above allowed alternative


    eliminates the concept of a fundamental error; defines material omissions or misstatements, and

    describes how to apply the concept of materiality when

    applying accounting policies and correcting errors; and

    re!uires, rather than encourages, disclosure of an

    impending change in accounting policy (and its impact)

    when an entity has yet to implement a new +tandard that

    has been issued but not yet come into effect

    * *+ based on 9*+ 6 has not yet been issued, so prior year

    adjustments are currently not permitted

    %hanges in accounting polices resulting from the adoption of a

    *+ or &oF regulations should be accounted for in the current

    year with detailed disclosures made in a note to the financial


    %orrection of material or fundamental errors is recorded in the

    income statement of the current year


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    Summary of differences between International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and the Vietnamese Accounting System (VAS)


    9*+ -5 Events after the balance sheet date

    %lear definition of adjusting and non1adjusting events *djustingevents are events where a circumstance has arisen prior to the

    balance sheet date and the likelihood of a material financial

    impact is high &aterial non1adjusting events or contingentliabilities should be disclosed

    !ote"9*+ -5 has been revised in ecember 2558 to clarify that

    if an entity declares a dividend after the balance sheet date, the

    dividend is not a liability at the balance sheet date This is

    effective for accounting periods beginning on or after - 4anuary


    .o specific +tandard or regulation on post balance sheet events

    9*+ -- Construction contracts

    evenue and e$penses on construction contracts should be

    recognised using the percentage of completion method %ontract

    costs should be recognised as e$penses as incurred

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    Summary of differences between International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and the Vietnamese Accounting System (VAS)


    9*+ -" Segmental reporting

    eporting formats are classified into business segments andgeographical segments The dominant source and nature of the

    entity>s risks and returns should be used to determine whether

    the business or geographical segmental analysis is the ?primaryreporting format> The other basis of segmentation is the

    ?secondary reporting format> * segment is reportable if its

    revenue, its result or assets are E-5 of the total base criteria

    The reported segments should present at least B0 of the total

    consolidated revenue

    .o specific +tandard or regulation on segmental reporting

    9*+ -0 Information reflecting the effects of changing prices

    %ompliance to 9*+ -0 is optional and this standard will be

    withdrawn with effect from - 4anuary 2550


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    Summary of differences between International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and the Vietnamese Accounting System (VAS)


    9*+ -3 Propert, Plant and E!uipment

    enchmark treatment is to carry fi$ed assets at historical costless depreciation and less any impairment losses

    *lso an allowed alternative treatment of carrying fi$ed assets ata revalued amount (less depreciation and any subse!uent


    !ote"9*+ -3 has been revised in 2558 with effect for

    accounting periods beginning on or after - 4anuary 2550

    *mong other changes, the revised +tandard specifies that:

    epreciation on CC< must be started as soon as the itemis available for use and to continue to depreciate even if

    the item is idle

    The cost of an item of CC< includes the costs of its

    dismantlement, removal or restoration, the obligation for

    which an entity incurs as a conse!uence of installing the


    *n entity is re!uired to determine the depreciation

    charge separately for each significant part of an item of

    property, plant and e!uipment

    *n entity is re!uired to derecognise the carrying amount

    of a part of an item of CC< if that part has been replaced

    and the entity has included the cost of the replacement in

    the carrying amount of the item

    *+58 # Tanib#e fi)ed assetswas issued on 8- ecember255-

    Fi$ed assets should be carried at cost less depreciation

    evaluation or write down for impairment is not allowed, unless

    a specific approval is received from =overnment authorities

    Gnder *+, fi$ed assets may be overstated in the balance sheet,

    even when it is known that an impairment has occurred and the

    current valuation is less than the carrying amount in the


    epreciation is based on management>s assessment of e$pected

    useful life, as per 9*+ -3

    !ote"for Ta$ation purposes, depreciation on fi$ed assets isgenerally based on predetermined rates regulated by the &oF


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    Summary of differences between International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and the Vietnamese Accounting System (VAS)


    9*+ -B "eases

    @eases are classified into finance leases and operating leasesdepending on the substance of the transaction rather than the

    form of the contract

    * finance lease is where risks and rewards are substantially

    transferred to the lessee 7ther leases are operating leases

    !ote"9*+ -B has been revised in 2558 with effect foraccounting periods beginning on or after - 4anuary 2550

    *mong other changes, it clarifies that when classifying a lease of

    land and buildings, an entity normally considers the land and

    buildings elements separately:

    the minimum lease payments are allocated between the

    land and buildings elements in proportion to the relative fairvalues of the leasehold interests in the land and buildings

    elements of the lease;

    the land element is normally classified as an operating

    lease unless title passes to the lessee at the end of the lease


    the buildings element is classified as an operating or

    finance lease by applying the classification criteria in the


    *+53 #*easeswas issued on 8- ecember 2552

    This +tandard is very similar to previous 9*+ -B

    The section from 9*+ -B on recognition of revenue by

    manufacture or dealer lessors has been omitted from *+53

    * lease of @and Gse ights is usually classified as an operating

    lease, with the lease payment amortised over the lease term

    9*+ -6 #evenue

    %onditions for recognition of revenues for sale of goods,

    services interest, royalties and dividends are clearly defined For

    sales, recognition is generally upon goods and services being

    *+-" #Re&enue and other incomewas issued on 8- ecember



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    Summary of differences between International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and the Vietnamese Accounting System (VAS)


    rendered to customers This +tandard is very similar to 9*+ -6

    9*+ -/ Emploee benefits

    9*+ -/ re!uires an enterprise to recognise contributions to a

    defined contribution plan when an employee has rendered

    service in e$change for those contributions

    For defined benefit schemes, 9*+ -/ re!uires an enterprise to:

    determine the present value of defined benefit obligations

    and the fair value of any plan assets with sufficient

    regularity that the amounts recognised in the financial

    statements do not differ materially from the amounts that

    would be determined at the balance sheet date;

    use the Crojected Gnit %redit &ethod to measure its

    obligations and costs;

    use unbiased and mutually compatible actuarial

    assumptions about demographic variables and financial


    determine the discount rate by reference to market yields at

    the balance sheet date on high !uality corporate bonds

    Termination benefits are employee benefits payable as a result ofan enterprise>s decision to terminate an employee>s employment

    before the normal retirement date The event which gives rise to

    an obligation is the termination rather than employee service

    Therefore, an enterprise should recognise termination benefits

    when, and only when, the enterprise is demonstrably committed

    to terminate the employment of an employee

    %ircular 00 re!uires a provision to be made for employees>

    entitlement to severance payments, in accordance with the

    current regulations of the +tate and the commitments in the

    employment contract

    9n practice, companies make a provision of one half month>s

    current salary for each year of service for each employee # based

    on the ietnam @abour %ode re!uirement for severance

    payments in the event of an employee leaving the company

    voluntarily or on the cessation of the company 9f the employeeleaves involuntarilyHdue to redundancy, the re!uirement is for a

    full month>s current salary for each year of service

    .o other specific re!uirement for disclosure of employee

    benefits as a separate item in the financial statements

    For +tate17wned

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    Summary of differences between International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and the Vietnamese Accounting System (VAS)


    9*+ 25 $ccounting for government grants and disclosure ofgovernment assistance

    =overnment grant may be of e!uity nature or of revenue nature

    9n the income statement, government grants should be

    recognised in order to match revenue to related costs provided

    that the entity complies with covenants of the grant

    9n the balance sheet, grants relating to fi$ed assets should be

    recognised as deferred income or deducted from the related


    =overnment grants are normally accounted for into the entity>s

    e!uity account

    .o specific regulations on disclosure of government grants and


    9*+ 2- %he effects of changes in foreign exchange rates

    * transaction in a foreign currency is recorded in the reporting

    currency using e$change rate ruling at the date of the


    istinction is made between 'foreign operation that is integral to

    the operations of the reporting enterprise or 'foreign entities

    For a foreign operation that is integral to the operations of

    the reporting enterprise, the transactions are translated as if

    the transactions were those of the reporting enterprise itself;

    For a foreign entity, the assets and liabilities are translated at

    balance sheet date rate and fore$ differences are carried in

    *+-5 # The effects of chanes in forein e)chane rateswas

    issued on 8- ecember 2552

    This +tandard is substantially similar to previous 9*+ 2-

    .ote: during the construction phase of a new %ompany,

    e$change differences arising are retained in an e!uity account,

    until the time when the fi$ed assets are put into use Then they

    are amortised to the income statement over a ma$imum period of

    five years from the start of operations


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    Summary of differences between International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and the Vietnamese Accounting System (VAS)


    9*+ 2-evised


    !ote"9*+ 2- has been revised in ecember 2558 with effect foraccounting periods beginning on or after - 4anuary 2550 There

    are significant changes The focus is on determining the

    'functional currency, which is the currency of the primaryeconomic environment in which the entity operates The entity

    must determine its functional currency and measure its results

    and financial position in that currency

    The re!uirements in the previous version of 9*+ 2- for

    distinguishing between foreign operations that are integral to the

    operations of the reporting entity (referred to below as 'integral

    foreign operations) and foreign entities are revised There!uirements are now among the indicators of an entity>s

    functional currency *s a result:

    there is no distinction between integral foreign operations

    and foreign entities ather, an entity that was previously

    classified as an integral foreign operation will have the same

    functional currency as the reporting entity;

    only one translation method is used for foreign operations 1

    namely that described in the previous version of 9*+ 2- as

    applying to foreign entities Gnder this method, assets and

    liabilities are translated at the closing rate, and income and

    e$penses are translated at the e$change rates at the dates ofthe transactions (or an average rate may be acceptable)

    Ahere an entity chooses to use a 'presentation currency that isdifferent from its functional currency, the entity is re!uired to

    translate its results and financial position from its functional

    currency into the presentation currency using the same method


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    Summary of differences between International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and the Vietnamese Accounting System (VAS)


    re!uired for translating a foreign operation for inclusion in the

    reporting entity>s financial statements

    9*+ 22replaced by

    IFRS #


    8- &arch 255"

    &usiness combinations

    +ee comments on 9F+ 8 later in this document

    9*+ 28 &orrowing Costs

    enchmark treatment is that borrowing costs should be e$pensed

    in the period in which they are incurred

    *llowed alternative treatment is the capitalisation of borrowing

    costs if they are directly attributable to the ac!uisition,

    construction or production of a !ualifying asset

    *+-3 #+orro!in costswas issued on 8- ecember 2552

    *+-3 applies the 9*+ 28 alternative treatment as its re!uiredtreatment

    orrowing costs should be capitalised if they are directly

    attributable to the ac!uisition, construction or production of a

    !ualifying asset, and if it is probable that the costs will result in

    future economic benefits to the enterprise and the costs can be

    measured reliably 7ther borrowing costs should be recognised

    as an e$pense when incurred

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    Summary of differences between International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and the Vietnamese Accounting System (VAS)


    9*+ 2" #elated part disclosures

    elated parties are determined by the level of direct or indirect

    control or significant influence of one party over another, or the

    common control of two parties

    For relationships of control, disclosure is re!uired regardless of

    whether transactions occur

    !ote"9*+ 2" has been revised in 2558 with effect for

    accounting periods beginning on or after - 4anuary 2550

    *mong other changes:

    disclosure is re!uired of compensation of key

    management personnel;

    definition of related parties has been


    more e$tensive disclosure of related party


    Creviously under *+, there had been no concept of related

    parties Then in 2552, %ircular 00 re!uired some disclosures for

    related party transactions, but did not give a definition of a

    related party

    *+23 #Re#ated party disc#osures was issued on 85 ecember

    2558 This is very similar to the previous version of 9*+ 2"

    9*+ 23 $ccounting and reporting b retirement benefit plans

    eport on retirement benefit plans includes a statement of

    changes in net assets available for benefits; summary of

    significant accounting policies; a description of the plan and the

    effect of any changes in the plans during the period

    .ot mentioned in *+


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    Summary of differences between International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and the Vietnamese Accounting System (VAS)


    efer to 9*+ -/ for appropriate accounting for cost of defined

    benefit pension plan

    9*+ 2B Consolidated financial statements and accounting for

    investments in subsidiaries

    efinition of subsidiary is based on voting control or dominant

    influence over the entity

    9nvestments in subsidiaries in the parent>s separate financial

    statements should be accounted for using e!uity method or

    recorded at cost or revalued amount under the parent>s

    accounting policy for long term investment For consolidatedfinancial statements, see 9F+ 8 usiness %ombinations

    9nvestment in subsidiaries in non1consolidated financial

    statements should be accounted for as if they are investments

    !ote"9*+ 2B has been revised in 2558: 9*+ 2B, 'onso#idated

    and separate financia# statementsis effective for accounting

    periods beginning on or after - 4anuary 2550

    The evised +tandard modifies the e$emption from preparing

    consolidated financial statements * parent need not presentconsolidated financial statements if:

    the parent is itself a wholly1owned subsidiary, or the parent

    is a partially1owned subsidiary of another entity and its other

    owners, including those not otherwise entitled to vote, have

    been informed about, and do not object to, the parent not

    preparing consolidated financial statements;

    *+20 1 'onso#idated financia# statements and accountin for

    in&estment in subsidiaries was issued on 85 ecember 2558

    This is similar to the previous version of 9*+ 2B The main

    difference is that investments in subsidiaries in the parent>s

    separate financial statements can only be carried at cost The

    e!uity accounting method is not permitted


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    Summary of differences between International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and the Vietnamese Accounting System (VAS)


    9*+ 2B


    the parent>s debt or e!uity instruments are not traded in a

    public market;

    the parent did not file, nor is it in the process of filing, its

    financial statements with a securities commission or other

    regulatory organisation for the purpose of issuing any class

    of instruments in a public market; and

    the ultimate or any intermediate parent of the parent

    produces consolidated financial statements available for

    public use that comply with 9nternational Financial

    eporting +tandards

    The +tandard does not re!uire consolidation of a subsidiary

    ac!uired when there is evidence that control is intended to betemporary Iowever there must be evidence that the subsidiary

    is ac!uired with the intention to dispose of it within -2 months

    *n entity is not permitted to e$clude from consolidation an

    entity it continues to control simply because that entity is

    operating under severe long1term restrictions that significantly

    impair its ability to transfer funds to the parent %ontrol must be

    lost for e$clusion to occur


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    Summary of differences between International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and the Vietnamese Accounting System (VAS)


    9*+ 26 $ccounting for investments in associates

    efinition of associates is based on significant influence over the


    9nvestment in associates in consolidated financial statements

    should be accounted for by the e!uity method, e$cept when it is

    ac!uired with the intention to resell or it operates under long1

    term restrictions 9n these cases the investment is accounted for

    in accordance with 9*+ 8/

    9nvestment in associates in non1consolidated financial

    statements should be accounted for either:

    at cost;

    using the e!uity method; or

    under 9*+ 8/

    !ote"9*+ 26 has been revised in 2558: 9*+ 26, In&estments in

    associatesis effective for accounting periods beginning on or

    after - 4anuary 2550 *mong the changes are:

    the +tandard clarifies that investments in associates over which

    the investor has significant influence must be accounted for

    using the e!uity method whether or not the investor also has

    investments in subsidiaries and prepares consolidated

    financial statements Iowever, the investor does not applythe e!uity method when presenting separate financial

    *+5B 1 Accountin for in&estments in associates was issued

    on 85 ecember 2558

    This is similar to the previous version of 9*+ 26 The main

    difference is that investments in associates in the investor>s

    separate financial statements can only be carried at cost The

    e!uity accounting method is not permitted in the investor>s own

    financial statements


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    Summary of differences between International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and the Vietnamese Accounting System (VAS)


    statements prepared in accordance with 9*+ 2B

    clarifications on the e$emptions from applying the e!uity

    method are as per 9*+ 2B revised

    9*+ 2/ Financial reporting in hperinflationar economies

    eports in the currency of a hyperinflationary economy should

    be restated in terms of measuring unit current at the balancesheet date =ainHloss on net monetary position should be

    included in the profit and loss and separately disclosed

    .ot mentioned in *+

    9*+ 85 'isclosures in the financial statements of banks and similarfinancial institution

    This +tandard sets up detailed classification and disclosurere!uirements for banks and similar financial institutions

    The +tate ank of ietnam ('+) is the regulator andsupervisor of the banking industry in ietnam The + has

    issued a specific accounting system for banks and financial

    institutions &any differences from 9*+ 85

    9*+ 8- Financial reporting of interests in (oint ventures

    4oint ventures can be structured as jointly controlled operations,jointly controlled assets or jointly controlled entities

    For jointly controlled operationsHassets: venturer records its

    share of the assets, liabilities, income and e$penses

    For jointly controlled entities: in consolidated financial

    *+56 1Financia# reportin of interests in joint &entureswasissued on 85 ecember 2558 This is similar to the previous

    version of 9*+ 8- in respect of jointly controlled

    operationsHassets 9t includes ietnam1specific references such

    as %%s

    The treatment of jointly controlled entities is different from 9*+


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    Summary of differences between International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and the Vietnamese Accounting System (VAS)


    9*+ 8-evised

    statements of the venturer, proportionate consolidation is the

    benchmark treatment and e!uity method is an allowed

    alternative treatment There is no specific guidance on

    accounting treatment in the venturer>s separate (non1consolidated) financial statements

    !ote"9*+ 8- has been revised in 2558: 9*+ 8-, Interests injoint &enturesis effective for accounting periods beginning on or

    after - 4anuary 2550 The changes include the same

    clarifications on e$emptions from applying proportionate

    consolidation or the e!uity method as per 9*+ 2B and 9*+ 26 9t

    also specifies that the re!uirements for the preparation of the

    investor>s separate financial statements are as per 9*+ 2B

    8- Ahen a venturer prepares consolidated financial statements,

    it accounts for its interest in the joint venture using the e!uity

    method # not proportionate consolidation The venturer

    accounts for its interest in the joint venture in its separatefinancial statements at cost

    9*+ 82 Financial instruments) 'isclosure and presentation

    Crescribes certain re!uirements for presentation of on1balance1

    sheet financial instruments and identifies the information that

    should be disclosed about both on1balance1sheet (recognised)

    and off1balance1sheet (unrecognised) financial instruments

    The presentation standards deal with the classification of

    financial instruments between liabilities and e!uity, the

    classification of related interest, dividends, losses and gains, and

    the circumstances in which financial assets and financialliabilities should be offset

    The disclosure standards deal with information about factors that

    affect the amount, timing and certainty of an enterprise>s future

    cash flows relating to financial instruments and the accounting

    policies applied to the instruments

    For foreign1invested enterprises, %ircular 00 of the &oF states

    that disclosure of financial instruments is re!uired Iowever,

    there are no details of the disclosure re!uirements


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    9*+ 82evised

    9n addition, the +tandard encourages disclosure of information

    about the nature and e$tent of an enterprise>s use of financial

    instruments, the business purposes that they serve, the risks

    associated with them and management>s policies for controllingthose risks

    !ote"9*+ 82 was revised in ecember 2558, the changes areeffective for accounting periods beginning on or after - 4anuary

    2550 and include the following:

    Ahen an issuer determines whether a financial instrument is a

    financial liability or an e!uity instrument, the instrument is an

    e!uity instrument if, and only if, both conditions (a) and (b) are


    (a) The instrument includes no contractual obligation to

    deliver cash or another financial asset to another entity; or

    to e$change financial assets or financial liabilities with

    another entity under conditions that are potentially

    unfavourable to the issuer

    (b) 9f the instrument will or may be settled in the issuer>s own

    e!uity instruments, it is:

    (i) a non1derivative that includes no contractual obligation

    for the issuer to deliver a variable number of its own

    e!uity instruments; or(ii) a derivative that will be settled by the issuer

    e$changing a fi$ed amount of cash or another financialasset for a fi$ed number of its own e!uity instruments

    The definitions of a financial asset and a financial liability, and

    the description of an e!uity instrument, are amended consistently


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    with this principle

    The re!uirements for separating the liability and e!uity

    components of a compound financial instrument are conformedto both the definition of an e!uity instrument as a residual and

    the measurement re!uirements in 9*+ 8/

    9*+ 88 Earnings per share

    .umerator in basic earnings per share ('

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    Summary of differences between International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and the Vietnamese Accounting System (VAS)


    ne$t annual financial statements .o re!uirement to publish

    interim financial report

    financial reports, should follow *+ in these reports

    9*+ 80 'iscontinued operations

    +pecific disclosure is re!uired for sale or abandonment that

    represents a separate, major line of business of an entity and of

    which the assets, net profit or loss and activities can be

    distinguished physically or operationally

    !ote"9F+ 0,,on-current assets he#d for sa#e and discontinuedoperationswas issued on 8- &arch 255" and is effective for

    accounting periods beginning on or after - 4anuary 2550

    9F+ 0 supersedes 9*+ 80 +ee comments on 9F+ 0 later in

    this document

    .ot specifically mentioned under *+

    9n practice, the &oF re!uires disclosure on the closing down of

    an entity>s operations For companies that are being wound up,

    financial statements are prepared under the same accounting

    basis as they were when fully operational Therefore, thehistorical cost convention is still applied to companies which are

    being wound up, which may lead to assets being stated at the

    report>s date in e$cess of the amount at which they are

    subse!uently realised

    9*+ 83evised

    8- &arch 255"

    Impairment of assets

    The revised 9*+ 83 applies to goodwill or intangible assets

    ac!uired in an ac!uisition after 8- &arch 255", and for all other

    assets for accounting periods beginning on or after 8- &arch


    9*+ 83 has been revised as part of the project on usiness

    %ombinations that has seen the release of 9F+ 8

    *+ does recognise diminution in value of certain current


    =enerally, impairment of tangibleHintangible fi$ed assets is not



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    9*+ 83



    The previous version of 9*+ 83 re!uired the recoverable amount

    of an asset to be measured whenever there is an indication that

    the asset may be impaired This re!uirement is included in the

    evised +tandard Iowever, the evised +tandard also re!uires:

    the recoverable amount of an intangible asset with an

    indefinite useful life to be measured annually, irrespective

    of whether there is any indication that it may be impaired

    The most recent detailed calculation of recoverable amount

    made in a preceding period may be used in the impairment

    test for that asset in the current period, provided specified

    criteria are met

    the recoverable amount of an intangible asset not yet

    available for use to be measured annually, irrespective of

    whether there is any indication that it may be impaired

    goodwill ac!uired in a business combination to be tested

    for impairment annually

    The evised +tandard gives guidance on calculation of an

    asset>s value in use and guidance on using reasonable cash flow

    projections for this calculation

    .ew guidance is given on allocating goodwill to cash1generating

    units as part of impairment testing the cash1generating unit(s) to

    which it relates

    *lso new guidance on timing of the annual impairment tests for



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    The evised +tandard prohibits the recognition of reversals of

    impairment losses for goodwill

    9*+ 8B Provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent assets

    9*+ 8B defines provisions as liabilities of uncertain timing or

    amount * provision should be recognised when, and only


    an enterprise has a present obligation (legal or

    constructive) as a result of a past event;

    it is probable (ie more likely than not) that an outflow of

    resources embodying economic benefits will be re!uired to

    settle the obligation; and

    a reliable estimate can be made of the amount of the

    obligation The +tandard notes that it is only in e$tremelyrare cases that a reliable estimate will not be possible

    The amount recognised as a provision should be the bestestimate of the e$penditure re!uired to settle the present

    obligation at the balance sheet date

    9*+ 8B e$plains how the general recognition and measurement

    re!uirements for provisions should be applied in three specific

    cases: future operating losses; onerous contracts; and


    Crovisions should not be recognised for future operating

    .o +tandard has been issued on provisions and contingencies

    The re!uirement to make provisions is described in certain

    regulations, for e$ample: %ircular 00 mentions provision for

    accrued retirement benefits

    %ontingencies are mentioned in *+2-,$resentation of

    financia# statements, but no specific accounting guidance has

    been issued


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    9*+ 8B



    9f an enterprise has a contract that is onerous, the present

    obligation under the contract should be recognised and

    measured as a provision

    * provision for restructuring costs is recognised only when

    the general criteria for provisions are met

    * contingent liability is defined as:

    a possible obligation that arises from past events and whose

    e$istence will be confirmed only by the occurrence or non1

    occurrence of one or more uncertain future events not wholly

    within the control of the enterprise; or

    a present obligation that arises from past events but is not

    recognised because:

    (i) it is not probable that an outflow of resources embodying

    economic benefits will be re!uired to settle theobligation; or

    (ii) the amount of the obligation cannot be measured with

    sufficient reliability

    *n enterprise should not recognise a contingent liability *nenterprise should disclose a contingent liability, unless thepossibility of an outflow of resources embodying economic

    benefits is remote

    * contingent asset is defined as a possible asset that arises from

    past events and whose e$istence will be confirmed only by the

    occurrence or non1occurrence of one or more uncertain future


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    events not wholly within the control of the enterprise

    *n enterprise should not recognise a contingent asset *

    contingent asset should be disclosed where an inflow of

    economic benefits is probable

    9*+ 86


    8- &arch 255"

    Intangible assets

    The revised 9*+ 86 applies to intangible assets ac!uired in an

    ac!uisition after 8- &arch 255", and for all other assets for

    accounting periods beginning on or after 8- &arch 255"

    The previous version of 9*+ 86 defined an intangible asset as an

    identifiable non1monetary asset without physical substance held

    for use in the production or supply of goods or services, for

    rental to others, or for administrative purposes The re!uirementfor the asset to be held for use in the production or supply of

    goods or services, for rental to others, or for administrative

    purposes has now been removed from the definition of an

    intangible asset

    The previous version of 9*+ 86 did not define 'identifiability,

    but stated that an intangible asset could be distinguished clearlyfrom goodwill if the asset was separable, but that separability

    was not a necessary condition for identifiability The evised

    +tandard states that an asset meets the identifiability criterion in

    the definition of an intangible asset when it:

    (a) is separable, ie capable of being separated or divided from

    the entity and sold, transferred, licensed, rented or

    *+5" #Intanib#e fi)ed assetswas issued on 8- ecember


    This +tandard is substantially similar to the previous version of9*+ 86, so there are now significant differences between the

    revised 9*+ 86 and *+5"

    9f the definition of an asset met, intangible assets must beamortised over useful life, which should be no longer than 25

    years, unless there is persuasive evidence that a life over 25

    years is appropriate

    evaluation or write down for impairment is not allowed Gnder

    *+, intangible fi$ed assets may be overstated in the balance

    sheet, even when it is known that an impairment has occurredand the current valuation is less than the carrying amount in the


    %ertain pre1operating costs, in relation to an entity>s

    establishment, training, advertisement activities, research andrelocation of a business are allowed to be deferred and charged


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    9*+ 86



    e$changed, either individually or together with a related

    contract, asset or liability; or

    (b) arises from contractual or other legal rights, regardless of

    whether those rights are transferable or separable from the

    entity or from other rights and obligations

    The previous version of 9*+ 86 re!uired an intangible asset to be

    recognised if, and only if, it was probable that the e$pectedfuture economic benefits attributable to the asset would flow to

    the entity, and its cost could be measured reliably These

    recognition criteria have been included in the evised +tandard

    Iowever, additional guidance has been included to clarify that:(a) the probability recognition criterion is always considered to

    be satisfied for intangible assets that are ac!uired separately

    or in a business combination

    (b) the fair value of an intangible asset ac!uired in a business

    combination can normally be measured with sufficient

    reliability to be recognised separately from goodwill 9f an

    intangible asset ac!uired in a business combination has a

    finite useful life, there is a rebuttable presumption that its fair

    value can be measured reliably

    The previous version of 9*+ 86 was based on the assumption

    that the useful life of an intangible asset is always finite, andincluded a rebuttable presumption that the useful life cannot

    e$ceed twenty years from the date the asset is available for use

    That rebuttable presumption has been removed The evised

    +tandard re!uires an intangible asset to be regarded as having an

    indefinite useful life when, based on an analysis of all of the

    over 8 years


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    9*+ 86



    relevant factors, there is no foreseeable limit to the period over

    which the asset is e$pected to generate net cash inflows for the


    The evised +tandard re!uires that:

    (a) an intangible asset with an indefinite useful life should not

    be amortised

    (b) the useful life of such an asset should be reviewed each

    reporting period to determine whether events and

    circumstances continue to support an indefinite useful lifeassessment for that asset 9f they do not, the change in the

    useful life assessment from indefinite to finite should be

    accounted for as a change in an accounting estimate

    The previous version of 9*+ 86 re!uired the recoverable amount

    of an intangible asset that was amortised over a period e$ceeding

    twenty years from the date it was available for use to be

    estimated at least at each financial year1end, even if there was noindication that the asset was impaired This re!uirement has

    been removed Therefore, an entity needs to determine the

    recoverable amount of an intangible asset with a finite useful lifethat is amortised over a period e$ceeding twenty years from the

    date it is available for use only when, in accordance with 9*+

    83, there is an indication that the asset may be impaired


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    9*+ 8/ Financial instruments) recognition and measurement

    @iabilities versus e!uity: the classification between liabilities

    and e!uity depends on whether the issuer has a contractual

    obligation to deliver cash or another financial asset to the holder

    of the instrument, regardless of its legal form

    erivatives: all derivatives must be carried at fair value =ains

    or losses on all derivatives are recorded in income unless they

    !ualify for cash flow hedge accounting when such gains or

    losses are deferred in e!uity

    Financial assets: should be initially measured at cost, being the

    fair value of the consideration given, including transaction costs

    There are only four categories of financial assets under 9*+ 8/:

    held for trading, held to maturity, originated by the enterprise

    and available for sale

    Financial liabilities: should be initially measured at cost, beingthe fair value of the consideration received, including transaction

    costs *ll financial liabilities e$cept for held for trading and

    derivatives that are liabilities should be carried at amortised cost

    @iabilities held for trading and derivatives that are liabilities

    should be measured at fair value

    .o specific rules on financial instruments

    *+-5 # The effects of chanes in forein e)chane ratesand

    %ircular 00 both include a statement that where financial

    instruments are used to hedge against foreign e$change risk,the foreign currency loanHliability should not be retranslated

    The meaning of this statement is not clear, and has not been

    tested in practice


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    9*+ 8/


    7ffsetting: the ability to offset financial assets and liabilities is

    severely restricted

    Iedge accounting: may be used only if the hedge relationship

    meets !ualifying criteria of documentation and hedge

    effectiveness There must be a one1on1one hedging relationship;

    hedge accounting may not be used for overall balance sheet

    positions =ains or losses on instruments !ualifying as cash flow

    hedges should be included in e!uity and recycled to the income

    statement when the hedged transaction or balance effects theincome statement, or is used to adjust the carrying amount of an

    asset or liability at ac!uisition

    erecognition: a financial asset should be derecognised whenthe enterprise realises the rights to benefits specified in the

    contract, the rights e$pire, or the enterprise loses control of the

    contractual rights * financial liability should only be removed

    from the balance sheet when the obligation specified in the

    contract is discharged, cancelled, e$pires, or the primary

    responsibility for the liability is transferred to another party

    !ote"9*+ 8/ was revised in ecember 2558, the changes are

    effective for accounting periods beginning on or after - 4anuary

    2550 and include the following:

    The definition of 'originated loans and receivables is amendedto become 'loans and receivables Gnder the revised definition,


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    9*+ 8/



    an entity is permitted to classify as loans and receivables

    purchased loans that are not !uoted in an active market

    The evised +tandard clarifies that the evaluation of the transfer

    of risks and rewards of ownership precedes the evaluation of thetransfer of control for all derecognition transactions &ore

    guidance is given on derecognition of financial assets

    The evised +tandard introduces the notion of a 'transfer of a

    financial asset and gives rules to define when a transfer has

    occurred 9t also provides guidance on how to apply the

    concepts of risks and rewards and of control

    The option previously contained in 9*+ 8/ to recognise in profit

    or loss gains and losses on available1for1sale financial assets hasbeen eliminated +uch an option is no longer necessary becauseunder the amendments to 9*+ 8/ an entity is now permitted by

    designation to measure any financial asset or financial liability at

    fair value with gains and losses recognised in profit or loss

    The evised +tandard provides additional guidance about how

    to evaluate impairment that is inherent in a group of loans,

    receivables or held1to1maturity investments, but cannot yet be

    identified with any individual financial asset in the group

    Iedges of firm commitments are now treated as fair value

    hedges rather than cash flow hedges Iowever, the evised+tandard clarifies that a hedge of the foreign currency risk of a

    firm commitment can be treated as either a cash flow hedge or a

    fair value hedge

    The evised +tandard re!uires that when a hedged forecast

    transaction occurs and results in the recognition of afinancia#

    asset or afinancia#liability, the gain or loss deferred in e!uity


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    9*+ 8/



    does not adjust the initial carrying amount of the asset or liability

    (ie basis adjustment is prohibited), but remains in e!uity and is

    recognised in profit or loss consistently with the recognition of

    gains and losses on the asset or liability

    For hedges of forecast transactions that result in the recognition

    of a non-financia#asset or a non-financia#liability, the entity has

    a choice of whether to apply basis adjustment or retain the

    hedging gain or loss in e!uity and report it in profit or loss when

    the asset or liability affects profit or loss

    The disclosure re!uirements previously in 9*+ 8/ have beenmoved to 9*+ 82

    9*+ "5 Investment propert

    9nvestment property is defined as property (land or a building 1

    or part of a building 1 or both) held (by the owner or by the

    lessee under a finance lease) to earn rentals or for capital

    appreciation or both, rather than for:

    (a) use in the production or supply of goods or services or for

    administrative purposes; or

    (b) sale in the ordinary course of business

    9*+ "5 permits enterprises to choose either:

    (a) a fair value model: investment property should be measured

    at fair value and changes in fair value should be recognised

    *+50 1In&estment property( was issued on 85 ecember 2558

    The +tandard is based on the structure of 9*+ "5, but has the

    fundamental difference that investment property can only be

    measured at depreciated historical cost

    &easurement at fair value is not permitted


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    9*+ "5


    in the income statement; or

    (b) a cost model The cost model is the benchmark treatment in

    9*+ -3$roperty( $#ant and %uipment: investment property

    should be measured at depreciated cost (less anyaccumulated impairment losses) *n enterprise that chooses

    the cost model should disclose the fair value of its

    investment property

    Gnder the fair value model, all changes in fair value are

    recognised in the income statement

    9f there is clear evidence when an enterprise first ac!uires an

    investment property that the fair value of the property will not be

    able to be reliably measured on a continuing basis, then that

    investment property is measured using the depreciated cost

    model under 9*+ -3 until it is disposed of

    !ote"9*+ "5 was revised in ecember 2558, the changes are

    effective for accounting periods beginning on or after - 4anuary

    2550 This is a limited revision that includes the following:

    * property interest that is held by a lessee under an operatinglease may be classified and accounted for as investment property

    provided that:

    (a) the rest of the definition of investment property is met;

    (b) the operating lease is accounted for as if it were a financelease in accordance with 9*+ -B*eases; and

    (c) the lessee uses the fair value model set out in 9*+ "5 for the

    asset recognised


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    9*+ "5



    The evised +tandard re!uires an entity to disclose:

    (a) whether it applies the fair value model or the cost model; and

    (b) if it applies the fair value model, whether, and in what

    circumstances, property interests held under operating leases

    are classified and accounted for as investment property

    Ahen a valuation obtained for investment property is adjusted

    significantly for the purpose of the financial statements, areconciliation is re!uired between the valuation obtained and the

    valuation included in the financial statements

    7ther changes have been incorporated into the evised 9*+ "5as a result of amendments to 9*+ -3:$roperty( $#ant and



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    9*+ "- $griculture

    9*+ "- deals with accounting for agricultural activity This isdefined as the managed biological transformation of biological

    assets (living animals and plants) for sale, into agricultural

    produce (harvested product of biological assets) or intoadditional biological assets

    *ll biological assets should be measured at fair value less

    estimated point1of1sale costs, with the change in the carrying

    amount reported as part of profit or loss from operating

    activities *gricultural produce harvested from an enterprise>s

    biological assets should be measured at fair value less estimated

    point1of1sale costs at the point of harvest The fair value is the!uoted price in any available market

    .ot specifically mentioned under *+

    9F+ -

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    9F+ -


    following in the opening 9F+ balance sheet that it prepares as a

    starting point for its accounting under 9F+s:

    (a) recognise all assets and liabilities whose recognition is

    re!uired by 9F+s;

    (b) not recognise items as assets or liabilities if 9F+s do not

    permit such recognition;

    (c) reclassify items that it recognised under previous =**C as

    one type of asset, liability or component of e!uity, but are a

    different type of asset, liability or component of e!uity under

    9F+s; and

    (d) apply 9F+s in measuring all recognised assets and


    9F+ - grants limited e$emptions from these re!uirements inspecified areas where the cost of complying with them would be

    likely to e$ceed the benefits to users of financial statements;

    including e$emption from restating business combinations,

    taking fair value as deemed cost for fi$ed assets, and e$emption

    from calculating cumulative translation differences

    9F+ - also prohibits retrospective application of 9F+s in some

    areas; including where retrospective application would re!uirejudgements by management about past conditions after the

    outcome of a particular transaction is already known,derecognition of financial assets and financial liabilities, and

    hedge accounting

    9F+ - re!uires disclosures that e$plain how the transition from

    previous =**C to 9F+s affected the entity>s reported financial


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    position, financial performance and cash flows

    *n entity is re!uired to apply the 9F+ if its first 9F+ financial

    statements are for a period beginning on or after - 4anuary 255"

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    For e!uity1settled share1based payment transactions, an entity

    measures the goods or services received, and the corresponding

    increase in e!uity, directly, at the fair value of the goods or

    services received, unless that fair value cannot be estimated


    For cash1settled share1based payment transactions, an entity

    measures the goods or services ac!uired and the liability

    incurred at the fair value of the liability Gntil the liability is

    settled, the entity is re!uired to remeasure the fair value of theliability at each reporting date and at the date of settlement, with

    any changes in value recognised in profit or loss for the period

    For share1based payment transactions in which the terms of the

    arrangement provide either the entity or the supplier of goods or

    services with a choice of whether the entity settles thetransaction in cash or by issuing e!uity instruments, the entity is

    re!uired to account for that transaction, or the components of

    that transaction, as a cash1settled share1based payment

    transaction if, and to the e$tent that, the entity has incurred a

    liability to settle in cash (or other assets), or as an e!uity1settled

    share1based payment transaction if, and to the e$tent that, no

    such liability has been incurred

    9F+ 8

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    9F+ 8


    aggregate of: the fair values, at the date of e$change, of assets

    given, liabilities incurred or assumed, and e!uity instruments

    issued by the ac!uirer, in e$change for control of the ac!uiree;

    plus any costs directly attributable to the combination

    *c!uirer recognises separately, at the ac!uisition date, the

    ac!uiree>s identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities

    that satisfy the following recognition criteria at that date,

    regardless of whether they had been previously recognised in the

    ac!uiree>s financial statements:

    (i) in the case of an asset other than an intangible asset, it is

    probable that any associated future economic benefits will

    flow to the ac!uirer, and its fair value can be measured


    (ii) in the case of a liability other than a contingent liability, it is

    probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic

    benefits will be re!uired to settle the obligation, and its fair

    value can be measured reliably; and

    (iii) in the case of an intangible asset or a contingent liability, its

    fair value can be measured reliably

    The identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities that

    satisfy the above recognition criteria are measured initially bythe ac!uirer at their fair values at the ac!uisition date,

    irrespective of the e$tent of any minority interest

    =oodwill ac!uired in a business combination is recognised by

    the ac!uirer as an asset from the ac!uisition date, initially

    measured as the e$cess of the cost of the business combination

    over the ac!uirer>s interest in the net fair value of the ac!uiree>s

    recognised as a deferred revenue and amortised to the income

    statement over its useful life


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    identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities

    =oodwill is not amortised 9t is tested for impairment at least

    annually, or more fre!uently if events indicate that the asset

    might be impaired

    9F+ "

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    9F+ "


    *n insurer is permitted to change its accounting policies for

    insurance contracts only if, as a result, its financial statements

    present information that is more relevant and no less reliable, or

    more reliable and no less relevant 9n particular, an insurer

    cannot introduce any of the following practices, although it may

    continue using accounting policies that involve them:

    (a) measuring insurance liabilities on an undiscounted basis

    (b) measuring contractual rights to future investment

    management fees at an amount that e$ceeds their fair value

    as implied by a comparison with current fees charged byother market participants for similar services

    (c) using non1uniform accounting policies for the insuranceliabilities of subsidiaries

    9F+ " permits the introduction of an accounting policy that

    involves remeasuring designated insurance liabilities

    consistently in each period to reflect current market interest rates

    (and, if the insurer so elects, other current estimates and

    assumptions) Aithout this permission, an insurer would have

    been re!uired to apply the change in accounting policies

    consistently to all similar liabilities

    9F+ ":

    (a) clarifies that an insurer need not account for an embedded

    derivative separately at fair value if the embedded derivativemeets the definition of an insurance contract

    (b) re!uires an insurer to unbundle deposit components of some

    insurance contracts, to avoid the omission of assets and

    liabilities from its balance sheet


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    (c) clarifies the applicability of the practice sometimes known as

    'shadow accounting

    (d) permits an e$panded presentation for insurance contracts

    ac!uired in a business combination or portfolio transfer

    (e) addresses limited aspects of discretionary participation

    features contained in insurance contracts or financial


    9F+ " re!uires disclosure to help users understand:

    (a) the amounts in the insurer>s financial statements that arise

    from insurance contracts

    (b) the amount, timing and uncertainty of future cash flows from

    insurance contracts

    9F+ 0

  • 8/12/2019 Comparison IFRS VAS


    Summary of differences between International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and the Vietnamese Accounting System (VAS)


    *ssets or disposal groups that are classified as held for

    sale are carried at the lower of carrying amount and fair

    value less costs to sell

    *n asset classified as held for sale, or included within a

    disposal group that is classified as held for sale, is not


    *n asset classified as held for sale, and the assets and

    liabilities included within a disposal group classified as

    held for sale, are presented separately on the face of the

    balance sheet

    *n operation is classified as discontinued at the date the

    operation meets the criteria to be classified as held for sale or

    when the entity has disposed of the operation

    esults of discontinued operations are to be shown

    separately on the face of the income statement

    etroactive classification of an operation as discontinued

    is not permitted, when the criteria for that classification

    are not met until after the balance sheet date

    historical cost convention is still applied to companies which are

    being wound up, which may lead to assets being stated at the

    report>s date in e$cess of the amount at which they are

    subse!uently realised