Comparison Each product was made in order to entertain, in other words the story and the whole basis of the film is a fictional story so therefore it has been made to show many cliché aspects such as good conquering evil. The main purpose of the film is to entertain as seen as though the film is Fiction and this is normally used to make sure the audience is intrigued by what is shown. You know this as the film includes some comical elements this which are often used to entertain audiences, for example when they are captured into the prison and they are stood in a row and Star Lord lifts his middle finger. One other purpose the director uses in the Film is to highlight social issues which go on in many lives such as; people may not care in society which could be referenced to the themes like where the film is based, also with the messages which are given in the film for example when they are in the ship you can see this was intended as Groot lets off these fire flies into the room they are in this could be a message about friendship and the colour of the fire flies could represent a message towards the audience and the colour yellow itself is very important to the director of the film, one other example of social issues in the film is the values of the film, this could educate the audience about the values of the film, this is because in the film it does teach you many values such as friendship, look after others and protect others. One other aspect of this which the film looks upon is the celebration of social diversity; this teaches that everyone’s different and they should be treated equally and this also reflects on how society views people. You can see this from the prison scene in the film where they meet Drax the destroyer, he is a complete stranger but then they become friends as the film goes on. The film itself is also used in order to promote new audiences to the franchise, for example someone who has never seen a Marvel film then they might be influenced by the film and may want to see more films of the Marvel franchise. With regards to the films comical influences on the marvel franchise it would automatically create assumptions that people will enjoy the comical side of the films. If the Film does well in the franchise then comic sales would increase. The magazine was created in order to promote the film so it gains popularity and it is used to give extra behind the scenes information about the film. The purpose of this product is to inform to its


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Comparison Each product was made in order to entertain, in other words the story and the whole basis of the film is a fictional story so therefore it has been made to show many cliché aspects such as good conquering evil. The main purpose of the film is to entertain as seen as though the film is Fiction and this is normally used to make sure the audience is intrigued by what is shown. You know this as the film includes some comical elements this which are often used to entertain audiences, for example when they are captured into the prison and they are stood in a row and Star Lord lifts his middle finger. One other purpose the director uses in the Film is to highlight social issues which go on in many lives such as; people may not care in society which could be referenced to the themes like where the film is based, also with the messages which are given in the film for example when they are in the ship you can see this was intended as Groot lets off these fire flies into the room they are in this could be a message about friendship and the colour of the fire flies could represent a message towards the audience and the colour yellow itself is very important to the director of the film, one other example of social issues in the film is the values of the film, this could educate the audience about the values of the film, this is because in the film it does teach you many values such as friendship, look after others and protect others. One other aspect of this which the film looks upon is the celebration of social diversity; this teaches that everyone’s different and they should be treated equally and this also reflects on how society views people. You can see this from the prison scene in the film where they meet Drax the destroyer, he is a complete stranger but then they become friends as the film goes on.

The film itself is also used in order to promote new audiences to the franchise, for example someone who has never seen a Marvel film then they might be influenced by the film and may want to see more films of the Marvel franchise. With regards to the films comical influences on the marvel franchise it would automatically create assumptions that people will enjoy the comical side of the films. If the Film does well in the franchise then comic sales would increase.

The magazine was created in order to promote the film so it gains popularity and it is used to give extra behind the scenes information about the film. The purpose of this product is to inform to its audience about the product by advertising the film, this was the intended purpose of the film by the film’s producer as in order for the film to progress and sell you need to promote the film. One other purpose of the magazine is to provide an analysis about the product and other selected films and film theory, this used in order to educate others about the existence of other films. One other purpose of the magazine is to communicate to its audience with certain information about the film, this could include reviews and various opinions about the film this could be used in order to engage the audience and give them a reliable source that could possibly inform them in the future. This then leads to my next point about one of the purposes for the magazine is to entertain its audience, this could include things like providing an entertaining commentary with regards to selected films. One other purpose of a Magazine with regards to the guardians of the galaxy, the articles may persuade audiences to watch the films, with some use of biased views and other exaggerated quotes to grab the audience’s attention. In order to promote the films by including rumoured set visits and other exclusive news this would then be used in effect by traded promotion and positive review scores with film companies. Some of the aspects which were used in order to make the magazine were to make sure that the magazine delivers the best movie coverage on the planet and the magazine itself is underscored by some of the biggest directors who happen to be huge fans over the magazine.

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Both of the products present the film in various ways one of which is that the film itself has its own values and the messages which are presented in the film, the magazines purposes however are identical to those seen in the film for example these are to provide facts about the film franchise. Both of the purposes are the same as the film is used to entertain and so is the magazine. However they both do it differently, for example the film shows hidden purposes in order to entertain the audience and keep them guessing about what it meant in the film.

The film itself is a fiction you know this as the film contains some Jokes, for example when they are in the control tower and star lord calls Drax a walking thesaurus. This connects with the audience as humour and Jokes normally connect with the audience as it makes them laugh. The films purposes are as follows to entertain, as the film is fiction and it does contain many SCI-FI features including space, good conquering evil which is viewed as quite a cliché thing to do. One other purpose of the film is to highlight social issues such as people not caring in society and the themes of the films are used in relation to the social issues and the messages are also in relation to the social issues same with the values which are in the film such as arguments, friendships and relationships and the films purpose is also to show celebration of social diversity. One other purpose of the film is to promote new audiences to the marvel franchise and this also includes audiences who are already in the franchise but may not be into the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise. The film may also boost the sales and the popularity of the comics. The magazine is Non-fiction you can see this as it contains various facts, opinions and reviews. They connect with the audience as it informs the audience about the film. The purposes of the magazine are to communicate with the audience and provide a perspective on selected films, so the audience can relate to the product. One other purpose of the magazine is to educate the audience about the franchise of the film and the franchise of the Marvel Company in general. One other purpose of the magazine is to entertain the audience this includes providing an entertaining article or anything regarding selected films. If the article has any entertaining influence on the film with the content which is included in the film. One other purpose of the magazine is to persuade the audience to watch the film regarding the opinions of the selected films, in other words if the magazine was talking about the film guardians of the galaxy then there would be opinions and reviews in there to persuade the audiences. Finally, some of the other important aspects of the Magazine are to show rumoured set visits and other exclusive information which can be used to trade for promotion and look at reviews to possibly engage the audience with other film companies. One aspect of the two products which does it better is the Film, the reason that I feel it entertains the most is because the vast use of effects and the fact that it isn’t text based and it contains moving Images, this engages the audience more as you can show more on a film than you can in a film magazine which is mainly used in order to inform and to promote films and products etc., within a film if the audience finds it appealing then that allows the Film to already promote itself, seen as though Guardians of the Galaxy is already a pretty successful film and the merchandise which promotes the film franchise is already quite successful alone. This is exactly what a film can do rather than a magazine. Although the magazine does promote the film, there are other ways which the Film could be promoted which would mean that the Magazine could have no effect seen as though Empire magazine is the only popular Film magazine franchise out there.

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One thing in which they both have the same is they both want to entertain and they both propose the same purpose of being able to promote. In my opinion the best product which promotes Guardians of the galaxy is the film itself, as it shows moving images and all the cast which are in the film are also mentioned in the articles so you can want to see the film even if the film represents its self-more accurately. Although the magazine does give its research about how the film was made and what the figures were. It doesn’t include any moving Images of the film which the audience can manipulate in the film. They achieve these purposes in the same way as various audiences will get intrigued by what the contents are in the magazine and the film as they both show similar purposes which can then engage the audience and make the audience interact with the product.

Story- After stealing a mysterious orb in the far reaches of outer, Peter Quill from Earth, is now

the main target of a manhunt led by the villain known as Ronan the Accuser. To help fight Ronan, Quill creates a team of space heroes to save the galaxy. The story of the film represents many of the Marvel Films which are referenced. The Narrative structure of the story has a clear start, middle and end. However there are some non-linear elements which are put in place, as the film jumps from when star lord was a child and then it jumped to when he was an adult. The narrative devices which are put into place are Flashbacks, Contextualised flashbacks, vision of mother, caring for someone and about something as these are all linked in with the story.

Structure- The structure of the film is classed as a linear narrative as the film itself has a clear start, middle and end. However there are some non-linear elements in the film, this is where the narratives are all jumped around the story in the start, middle end etc. An example of this would be that in the beginning of the film he goes outside and then gets abducted, it then shows the future when he is an adult. This is a very good way of presenting the story and it gives the audience a good idea of what the film is about and it gives the story of the character star lord.

Narrative devices – The narrative devices which are in the film are the use of

flashbacks, these are used to show the characters passed so they know more about the character. To add to this one other narrative device which is used is contextualised flashback, this is where the flashback in the film is relevant to the film and the context of it for example, when Star Lord gets out of his pod he goes unconscious this is when you see his mother say “ take my hand. “ This is to represent caring for someone and it is also used in order to show that the character cares about someone.

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Genre characteristics – The Genre characteristics of the film are the use of sci-fi this includes Good vs Evil, the Antagonists in the film are the team of bandits/ outlaws in the film which are teaming up to fight evil, there are high stakes and the Galaxy and the saviour of Man kid is often at stake. However the film is also us super hero Film often involves Good vs Evil and the characters in the film are misfits teaming up in order to fight evil. These also include High stakes in order to save the world.

Characters- The characters in the film are all represented to make a connection with the audience, the main character star Lord is in the film to make a connection to the audience as he is Human the audience can relate to this. The Character star lord is represented as this rogue, selfish, thief who only cares about himself however as the film goes you start to learn more about the character and you learn that he has a soft side. This is the same about the character Rocket he is viewed as quite violent and ignorant but as you get to know him throughout the film, you can see he has a soft side especially towards Groot.

Themes, Messages and Values-The messages in the film in my opinion are

about togetherness and friendship; you can see this that throughout the film all the characters eventually develop a friendship, as from the start they don’t like each other but when they figure things out there friendship becomes strong. The film itself also represents caring about society as you can see the characters in the film are all from different backgrounds and they both have been through tough times, Gamora was a weapon built for destruction but she then develops attractions towards them. One other example of this would be Drax the destroyer, his personality is built on Anger and revenge but then throughout the film he learns more about the others then his soft side sort of emerges. The film represents that it’s okay to care about others and strangers.

Copy and Opinions- Empire Magazine includes copies such as Articles, information and reports and reviews these are used in order to report facts and other interesting aspects about the film. The Magazine itself provides opinions as well in order to give a voice to the audience. They also state facts about the film so the audience are informed about the film and other aspects. However the magazines main feature is the film reviews this is put into place in order to provide an opinion and it is also used to make the audience want to watch the film.

Facts- The facts which is given in the film are within the article which includes biased views and other important aspects about the film, this could include who directed the film

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and who was involved in the film. The article may also mention some aspects about the production of the film and the location of the film and how much money the film made. You can also learn about the characters in the film and other aspects like how many people went to see the film.

Bias- the Empire magazine uses Bias in order to attract the audience and make the film look good, the magazine uses captions and uses the tag lines to draw the audience in. If the magazine has biased information then the audience would immediately be intrigued. There is also a use of Informal/Personal mode of address.

Interviews- the Empire magazine uses these interviews in order to hear the opinions and facts about the film from actors or directors which are in the film. The interviews give the audience an idea of what the characters views are on the film and it also allows the audience to know more about the film and the back story of the whole making of the film. For example in one of the double page spreads it shows you various different quotes and other information about the film.

Quotes- In the Empire magazine there are various quotes about the film and where the actors and the directors talk about the film and their thoughts on the film, one of the quotes which is used is: “At its core the movie is about these characters that don’t really care about each other for and become family.” One other quote which Chris Pratt goes onto says “This was an 85 day shoot. On the last day I was sick.” judging by all the quotes which are used in the article and the quotes about the film they All enjoyed the production of the film.

Mode of address-The mode of address in the magazine is used with formal and informal messages as the quotes which are used in the articles are quite informal. Also to add to this the main mode of address of the Magazine itself is formal and the objective of the magazine is to provide opinions and facts for the audience, this includes the box office figures, how many people went to see the film at the cinema, what the reviews of the film are and the ratings. This is used in order to show a reason as to why to watch the film.

Structure of information-

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The structure of the information is set out in a particular way such as the way the magazine looks, this can include the amount of Images and how the Images are being used. For example in the double page spread of the Interview with Chris Pratt, there is a fairly large Image on the right hand side of the page, this could be used in order to indicate who the interview is about, there is also a Tag line next to it which reads “The next Han “this could be used in order to Indicate how big of a deal the character is. One other reason the Tag line could’ve been used is to indicate who the character is what makes him so special in comparison to the characters. In terms of structure the Magazine front cover has the emphasis on the top of the page in order to show the branding of the magazine. This leads to the hierarchy of the front page where it shows you the Image this presents what the main focus of the magazine is going to be on. You also notice at the bottom of the page with the bold tag lines and main headlines you can see that the Image wants to be emphasised the most as it is the main point of focus.

The content which has been used in both examples are as follows, In the film of Guardians of the Galaxy you can clearly see that the main purpose of the film is to Entertain and follow with the fictional story which involves good conquering Evil. This is also apparent in the Empire magazine as they both explain the Values of the product. For example the Film is used in order to entertain and understand the storyline and the values which are involved in the Marvel franchise and to the values of the Comic books. The Empire film magazine is also used to promote and to entertain the audience in order to increase the films sales and is also used in order to boost the recognition of the comic book sales. One other comparison you can make about the film and the magazine is that values and the purposes are similar for example the purpose of the Empire Magazine is to deliver “The constant quest to deliver the best movie coverage on the planet is underscored by amazing relationships between Empire and the biggest filmmakers in the world: Steven Spielberg, James Cameron, Christopher Nolan, Quentin Tarantino, Peter Jackson and JJ Abram’s just some of its most influential fans and readers.” If the magazine itself continues to impress them then the Magazine would be able to promote various other films. Seen as though that after 25 years of being the world’s best movie magazine, Empire is now the BIGGEST movie magazine in the world. This international domination – outselling all its rivals globally by an average of 2 to 1 – is down to Empire’s continued commitment to delivering movie fans the greatest monthly experience, telling them which movies to get excited about and why. The images which are used in both of the magazines are that in they show more of what goes in behind the scenes of the film this allows the film to get extra information. However in the film Guardians of the galaxy as it does involve moving Images this gives more detail and more of an idea of what the film stands for.

One of the products uses its target audience in an effective way as they both advertise the product very well towards the primary fan base which is Marvel. In my opinion the franchise which I feel explains the meaning and reaches the target audience the best in my opinion is the film. The reason I think this is because the way the Images are portrayed and the way that the characters are introduced is in a lot more detail in comparison to the Magazine which only shows the biased views, instead of reading through a magazine it’s a lot easier to watch the film and see if you can come up with your own opinions. One other reason it delivers its content in more of an effective way and delivers it to its audience is because there are semiotics and different representations which the audience is able to relate to. It achieves this by representing all the characters so they are able to relate to the audience, for example the character Gamora has a positive representation of women as it shows that the character is powerful, she’s a leader and that she is able to take care of herself and others around her. In terms of how the character Star Lord is presented he is presented as this typical cliché Marvel hero who saves the world and is the leader of the group, it also shows that in the film star lord is presented as quite a selfish kind of the guy then as the film goes on you start to learn more and more about his character and the way he is as a person. This is achieved by the way James Gunn has presented the characters and the way that the personalities are presented this is used by how the film has been presented.

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The Images used in this example portray how most criminals/ vigilantes are, the messages which are presented with their facial expressions which they use as it represents a sense of rebellion. The message which is presented is the Image is the expression “don’t mess with us. “ They have a certain Image because of the way there posture is presented it immediately suggests that we mean business. I think the Image represents the genre as in the background you can see the vast use of machinery which would suggest they are in a spaceship. Also the characters are non-human which would suggest that the genre is SCI-FI. The Images used communicate fiction as they simply aren’t realistic and with the background being inside a spaceship.

With the image used in the magazine they reinforce the text which used in the magazine, as if to suggest that we are the villains, you can see this as the facial expressions they make and the way they are stood behind the dark background. These represent all the bad people in the world and they are presented as this unstoppable force within the Magazine. They have a certain Image as they represent Evil and this based on how they look and on how they appeal to the audience. This links in with the sci-fi genre as they look Non-human and the guy on the far left is holding a science fiction sort of weapon. As for the girl on the right hand side she almost looks bionic. All these link in with the SCI-FI genre. The Images communicate Fiction to the audience as they represent what Evil is and with the vast use of non-human characteristics with their skin, weapons and with the use of the background being dark and mystical.

With regards to both of the Images which are used in the film and the magazine, both of the products use Images very well in their own way. However in my opinion I think that the Images which are used in the film are far more effective as they present a whole new meaning towards the audience, also due to the fact that the Images used in the film are moving it shows a much larger picture to audiences. Also the image used on the left represents Good as the Image is fairly light and the characters clothes are light, this shows that although the characters in the picture are Vigilantes but they are also good people. I also think that the one on the left is more effective as it shows the main characters in the film which the audience would immediately understand. Whereas if you look at the one on the right it doesn’t quite give you the whole plot of the film in comparison to the one on the left as it only shows the Protagonists in the film.