Comparision Between Taylor and Fayol s Principles

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  • 5/21/2018 Comparision Between Taylor and Fayol s Principles


    Comparision betweenTaylor and Fayols


  • 5/21/2018 Comparision Between Taylor and Fayol s Principles


    Taylors Scientific Management

    Sceintific management is concerned withknowing exactly what you want men to do

    and then see in that they do it in the bestand cheapest way.

  • 5/21/2018 Comparision Between Taylor and Fayol s Principles


    Elements and Tools of Scientificmanagement

    Separation of planning and doing Functional formanship

    Job analysis Standardisation Financial incentives

    Scientific selection and training Economy Mental revolution

  • 5/21/2018 Comparision Between Taylor and Fayol s Principles


    Principles of Scientific management

    Replacing Rule of thumb with Science Harmony in group action

    Cooperation Maximum output Development of worker

  • 5/21/2018 Comparision Between Taylor and Fayol s Principles


    Fayols Administrative Management

    Fayol looked at the problems of managingan organisation from top management

    point of view.

  • 5/21/2018 Comparision Between Taylor and Fayol s Principles


    0rganisation can be divided into sixgroups

    Technical Commercial

    Financial SecurityAccounting Managerial: emphasised more on this

  • 5/21/2018 Comparision Between Taylor and Fayol s Principles


    Approach of Studying Management

    Managerial qualities and training General principle of management

    Elements of management

  • 5/21/2018 Comparision Between Taylor and Fayol s Principles


    Manegerial Qualities and Training

    Physical Mental

    Moral Educational Technical Experience

  • 5/21/2018 Comparision Between Taylor and Fayol s Principles


    General principles of management

    Division of work Authority and responsibility Discipline Unity of command

    Unity of direction Subordination of individual to General Interest Remuneration of personnel Centralisation Scalar chain Order

    Equity Stability of tenure Initiative Esprit de corps(team work)

  • 5/21/2018 Comparision Between Taylor and Fayol s Principles


    Elements of Management

    Planning Organising

    Commanding Coordinating Controlling

  • 5/21/2018 Comparision Between Taylor and Fayol s Principles



    Both conributed in the evolution of management thought Both emphasised on proper utilisation of human resourse Stressed on the technical and professional aspects Responsible for managerial revolution

    Both were a successful manager in life so gave a very practicalsolution

    Both were unable read to the human psychology to some extent Both emphasised on maximum output Both emphasised on division of work

    Both emphasised on competent management

  • 5/21/2018 Comparision Between Taylor and Fayol s Principles


    Fredrick taylor Henry Fayol

    Place of origin American French

    Working proces Shop floor level Managerial level

    Importance given bythem

    Emphasised on time &motion study

    Gave importance toplanning & controlling

    Recognition of approach Recognised as an engineersapproach

    Recognised as a managersapproach

    Difference of approach Confined to productionmanagement

    Confined to overallmanagerial job

    Their contribution Scientific based management Emphasised onadministration

    System of wage payment Differencial payment system He emphasised on profitsharing for managers

    Results Sceintific observationmanagement

    Personal experiencetranslated into universaltruth
