Comparative Pharmacology of Chemically Distinct NADPH Oxidase Inhibitors

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  • 8/9/2019 Comparative Pharmacology of Chemically Distinct NADPH Oxidase Inhibitors



    Comparative pharmacologyof chemically distinctNADPH oxidase inhibitorsS Wind1, K Beuerlein1, T Eucker1, H Müller1, P Scheurer2, ME Armitage3,

    H Ho3, HHHW Schmidt3,4 and K Wingler3,4

    1 Rudolf-Buchheim-Institute for Pharmacology, Justus-Liebig-University, Gießen, Germany,2Vasopharm GmbH, Würzburg, Germany,   3 Florey Neuroscience Institutes, National Stroke

     Research Institute, Melbourne, Australia and   4 Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology,

    Cardiovascular Research Institute Maastricht, Maastricht University, The Netherlands

    CorrespondenceProf Harald Schmidt, Departmentof Pharmacology, MaastrichtUniversity, PO Box 616, 6200MD Maastricht, The Netherlands.

    E-mail:[email protected]


    Re-use of this paper is permittedin accordance with the Termsand Conditions set out at


    Keywordshypertension; NADPH oxidase;NOX; oxidative stress; reactiveoxygen species


    Received20 October 2009Revised12 May 2010

    Accepted18 May 2010

    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSEbph_920 885..898Oxidative stress [i.e. increased levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS)] has been suggested as a pathomechanism of differentdiseases, although the disease-relevant sources of ROS remain to be identified. One of these sources may be NADPH oxidases.However, due to increasing concerns about the specificity of the compounds commonly used as NADPH oxidase inhibitors,data obtained with these compounds may have to be re-interpreted.

    EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH We compared the pharmacological profiles of the commonly used NADPH oxidase inhibitors, diphenylene iodonium (DPI),apocynin and 4-(2-amino-ethyl)-benzolsulphonyl-fluoride (AEBSF), as well as the novel triazolo pyrimidine VAS3947. We usedseveral assays for detecting cellular and tissue ROS, as none of them is specific and artefact free.

    KEY RESULTSDPI abolished NADPH oxidase-mediated ROS formation, but also inhibited other flavo-enzymes such as NO synthase (NOS)and xanthine oxidase (XOD). Apocynin interfered with ROS detection and varied considerably in efficacy and potency, as did

     AEBSF. Conversely, the novel NADPH oxidase inhibitor, VAS3947, consistently inhibited NADPH oxidase activity in low

    micromolar concentrations, and interfered neither with ROS detection nor with XOD or eNOS activities. VAS3947 attenuatedROS formation in aortas of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs), where NOS or XOD inhibitors were without effect.

    CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONSOur data suggest that triazolo pyrimidines such as VAS3947 are specific NADPH oxidase inhibitors, while DPI and apocynincan no longer be recommended. Based on the effects of VAS3947, NADPH oxidases appear to be a major source of ROS inaortas of SHRs.

    AbbreviationsAEBSF, (4-2-amino-ethyl)-benzolsulphonyl-fluoride hydrochloride; AUC, area under the curve; CAT, catalase; COLDER,colour-developing reagent; DHE, dihydroethidium; DPI, diphenylene iodonium; eNOS, endothelial NOS; HBSS, Hanks’sbalanced salt solution; HUVEC, human umbilical vein endothelial cell;   L-NAME, NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester;NOX, NADPH oxidase; OPZ, opsonized zymosan; oxLDL, oxidized LDL; PBS, phosphate-buffered saline; PMA, phorbolmyristate acetate; ROS, reactive oxygen species; SHR, spontaneously hypertensive rat; SOD, superoxide dismutase;VSMC, vascular smooth muscle cell; WCH, whole-cell homogenate; WKY, Wistar Kyoto (rats); XOD, xanthine oxidase

    BJP   British Journal of PharmacologyDOI:10.1111/j.1476-5381.2010.00920.x

    British Journal of Pharmacology (2010)  161 885–898 885© 2010 The AuthorsBritish Journal of Pharmacology © 2010 The British Pharmacological Society

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    Growing evidence suggests that an overproductionof reactive oxygen species (ROS), such as superoxide,hydrogen peroxide, hydroxyl radicals and peroxyni-

    trite, contributes to the pathogenesis of cardiovascu-lar diseases (Stocker and Keaney, 2004). With respectto the relevant enzymatic sources of these ROS, thefamily of NADPH oxidases has received considerableattention (Griendling et al., 2000; Cave et al., 2006).

    NADPH oxidases are comprised of membraneproteins (i.e. the catalytic flavin–heme protein);NOX, of which five isoforms exist (NOX1–5); andthe non-catalytic 22 kDa binding protein, p22phox(Lassegue and Clempus, 2003). Other componentsof the NADPH oxidase complex can include a cyto-solic organizer (p47phox or NOXO1), an activator

    (p67phox or NOXA1) and other proteins (p40phoxand Rac). These cytosolic subunits vary with thedifferent NOX isoforms (Opitz   et al., 2007). Uponphosphorylation, cytosolic subunits translocate tothe NOX-containing membrane resulting in ROSformation. However, NOX4 and NOX5 may be inde-pendent of cytosolic subunits and constitutivelyactive (Brandes and Kreuzer, 2005; Bedard andKrause, 2007; Lambeth   et al., 2007; Opitz   et al.,2007) or regulated by intracellular free calcium(Bedard and Krause, 2007) respectively.

    The only known function of NADPH oxidases isto generate ROS. This feature makes NADPH oxi-dases distinct from other sources of ROS such asxanthine oxidase (XOD) or uncoupled NOS as theseenzymes produce ROS only after conversion to adysfunctional state. This is triggered by ROS derivedfrom a primary source. NADPH oxidases may be thisprimary source of ROS, initiating oxidative stressand converting other enzymes into an ROS-producing state (McNally  et al., 2003) to eventuallyinduce cardiovascular pathophysiology. To test thishypothesis, both genetic and pharmacologicalapproaches have been pursued.

    According to studies using genetically modified

    mice, NOX1 plays a role in the pathophysiology of hypertension (Matsuno  et al., 2005; Gavazzi  et al.,2006) and in neointima formation in mice (Leeet al., 2009). However, pharmacological evidence –and thus the potential of translating these findingsinto therapeutic applications – has not yet beenprovided. This is mainly due to the lack of specificNADPH oxidase inhibitors. In particular, there areconcerns about the specificity of compounds cur-rently used as NADPH oxidase inhibitors. Forexample, one of the most frequently applied com-pounds, apocynin, may also act as an antioxidant

    (Heumuller  et al., 2008) and a Rho kinase inhibitor(Schluter et al., 2008). Other compounds that have

    been widely used include 4-(2-aminoethyl)-benzenesulphonyl fluoride (AEBSF) (Bayraktutan,2005), which blocks p47phox translocation to themembrane but also inhibits serine proteases(Diatchuk et al., 1997), as well as diphenylene iodo-

    nium (DPI). DPI also inhibits other flavin-containing enzymes such as NOS and XOD(O’Donnell  et al., 1993), as well as cholinesterasesand the internal calcium pump (Tazzeo et al., 2009).

    We here directly compared the specificity andefficacy of the most commonly investigated NADPHoxidase inhibitors in three different cell lines, andisolated enzyme preparations using several assaysfor ROS detection. We also analysed the compoundsin situ   in vascular tissue sections of spontaneouslyhypertensive rats (SHRs). We are aware that many, if not all, of the ROS assays have limitations with

    respect to specificity and artefacts (Dikalov   et al.,2007). Therefore, we followed current recommenda-tions and used several of the most frequently usedROS detection systems in parallel to ensure that ourdata are not only representative, but also compa-rable to previous papers.

    We included the triazolo pyrimidine VAS3947, anovel derivative of VAS2870 with higher solubility.VAS3947 has been developed by in silico optimizationof VAS2870 (Tegtmeier   et al., 2005), which wasrecently shown to inhibit NADPH oxidase activity inprimary rat vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs)(ten Freyhaus   et al., 2006), and human umbilicalvein endothelial cells (HUVECs) (Stielow   et al.,2006). VAS2870 also inhibited wound margin H2O2production without obvious toxicity in zebrafishlarvae (Niethammer et al., 2009), as well as platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) BB-stimulated vascu-logenesis of embryonic stem cell-derived endothelialcells (Lange et al., 2009). We here show that, amongthe tested compounds, only VAS3947 was an appar-ently specific inhibitor of NADPH oxidases, whichdid not interfere with commonly used ROS assays.Using this novel inhibitor, we also provide pharma-cological evidence that NADPH oxidases are indeed a

    relevant source of ROS in the SHR model of hyper-tension. Having established the specificity, futureexperiments are justified to determine the mecha-nism of action, the isoform specificity and the in vivoactions of this novel NADPH oxidase inhibitor com-pound class, which is beyond the scope of this study.


     RNA isolation and RT-PCRTotal RNA was isolated from the human CaCo-2 and

    HL60, and the rat A7r5 cell lines using the RNeasyKit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) and treated with

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    DNase I (Invitrogen, Karlsruhe, Germany) accordingto the manufacturers’ protocols. Total RNA was thenreverse transcribed by Superscript III using the pro-tocol for random hexamer primers (Invitrogen).Thereafter, each reaction was treated with RNase H

    (Invitrogen) for 20 min at 37°C before PCR was per-formed [94°C 5 min, 94°C 1 min–60°C 1 min–72°C30 s (35¥), 72°C 10 min] using the following specificprimers: human NOX1 (5′-tctctccagcctatctcatg-3′,5′-ctcattcatgctctcctctg-3′), NOX2 (5′-tcctccaccaaaaccatccg-3′, 5′-aaaaccgcaccaacctctcac-3′), humanNOX3 (5′-ctgccctgacagatgtatttc-3′, 5′-gtcagtattttcgtcccagtg-3′), human NOX4 (5′-tctggctctccatgaatgtc-3′, 5′-agaagttgagggcattcacc-3′), human NOX5 (5′-gtgcatcatggaagtcaacc-3′, 5′-ccaaaagtatctcagagccc-3′),or rat NOX1 (5′-cctgctcattttgcaaccac-3′, 5′-catgagaaccaaagccacag-3′), rat NOX2 (5′-gacagacttcggaca

    gtttg-3′, 5′-actctagcttggatacctgg-3′) and rat NOX4(5′-gtgtttgagcagagcttctg-3′, 5′-gtgaagagaagctttctggg-3′). Purified PCR fragments were subcloned inpCR2.1 TOPO (Invitrogen) and validated bysequencing (GENterprise Gesellschaft für Genanal-yse und Biotechnologie mbH, Mainz, Germany).

    Cell cultureA7r5 cells (rat, smooth muscle embryonic aorta,ATCC-No. CRL 1444) were cultured in Dulbecco’smodified Eagle’s medium (Sigma, Deisenhofen,Germany) supplemented with 0.1% glucose, 10%heat-inactivated calf serum, 100 U·mL-1 penicillin,100 mg·mL-1 streptomycin and 2 mM glutamine.CaCo-2 cells (human, adenocarcinoma, colon,ATCC-No. HTB 37) were cultured with medium of the same composition as for A7r5 cells, but addi-tionally supplemented with 1% non-essentialamino acids. Cells were cultured at 37°C under anatmosphere of 6% CO2  until they reached 70–80%confluence. Cells were washed with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) buffer (2.7 mM KCl, 1.5 mMKH2PO4, 137 mM NaCl, 8 mM Na2HPO4, pH 7.3)and detached using a solution of trypsin (0.05%)and EDTA (0.02%) in PBS buffer. Subsequently, cells

    were counted and resuspended in reaction buffer[140 mM NaCl, 5 mM KCl, 0.8 mM MgCl2  ¥  2H2O,1.8 mM CaCl2   ¥   2H2O, 1 mM Na2HPO4, 25 mMHEPES, 0,1% (w/v) glucose, complete EDTA-free pro-tease inhibitor cocktail; pH 7.3] to a concentrationof 2 ¥  106 cells·mL-1.

    HL-60 cells (human, promyeloblast, ATCC-No.CCL 240) were cultured in RPMI-1640 medium (PAALaboratories GmbH, Pasching, Austria) supple-mented with 5% fetal calf serum, penicillin(100 U·mL-1), streptomycin (100 mg·mL-1) andglutamine (2 mM). Cell suspensions (5   ¥   105



    ) were incubated with 1.25% DMSO for 6days to induce differentiation into granulocyte-like

    cells. Differentiated cells were centrifuged at 300¥ g ,washed with Hanks’s balanced salt solution (HBSS,PAA Laboratories GmbH) and resuspended in HBSSto a final concentration of 4.4  ¥  106 cells·mL-1.

    NADPH oxidase activity assay in cellhomogenatesIn CaCo-2 and A7r5 whole-cell homogenates(WCHs), NADPH oxidase-catalysed ROS formationwas measured using lucigenin-enhanced chemilu-minescence according to the protocol of Li andShah (2001) with slight modifications. A7r5 andCaCo-2 cells were suspended in reaction buffer (2 ¥106 cells·mL-1) and then underwent three freeze(-20°C) thaw cycles to produce WCH. We routinelyconfirmed complete lysis of the cells under themicroscope. The chemiluminescent probe lucigenin

    was added to WCH to a final concentration of 5  mM.Then, 100 mL aliquots of WCH (2 ¥  105 cells equiva-lent) were transferred to individual wells of anopaque white 96-well plate. Inhibitors were directlyadded to the wells in the specified concentrations,and the reaction mixture was incubated for 30 minat 37°C in the dark. Subsequently, the reaction wasstarted by the addition of 100 mM NADPH, andchemiluminescence was recorded every 3 min overa period of 9 min (CaCo-2) or 21 min (A7r5) in aluminescence reader (Fluoroscan Ascent FL; ThermoLabsystems, Vantaa, Finland). All measurementswere performed in duplicate and repeated at leastthree times. Results are expressed as area under thecurve (AUC), normalized as either a percentage of the NADPH-induced signal in untreated WCH or asa percentage of the superoxide dismutase (SOD)(250 U·mL-1)/catalase (CAT) (1000 U·mL-1) inhib-itable control signal.

    Whole-cell NADPH oxidase activity assay During the oxidative burst stimulated by phorbolmyristate acetate (PMA) in HL-60 cells, NADPHoxidase activity was measured using the superoxide-specific chemiluminescent probe L012. L012 was

    added to DMSO-differentiated HL-60 cell suspen-sions to a final concentration of 100 mM. At thisconcentration, L012 is reportedly devoid of redoxcycling properties (Sohn  et al., 1999). Then, 100 mLaliquots of cell suspension (4.4   ¥   105 cells) weretransferred to individual wells of a 96-well plate.Inhibitors were directly added to the wells at thespecified concentrations. Following a 30 min incu-bation at 37°C in the dark, the oxidative burst wasinitiated by the addition of 100 nM PMA, and thechemiluminescence signal was recorded every5 min over a period of 60 min in the luminescence

    reader mentioned above. All measurements wereperformed in duplicate and repeated at least three

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    times. Results were expressed as AUC normalized asa percentage of the signal generated by untreatedPMA-stimulated HL-60 cells.

    A second series of experiments was performed inwhich we used cytochrome  c  reduction as an alter-

    native measure of superoxide production. Cyto-chrome   c   was added to the DMSO-differentiatedHL-60 cell suspension to a final concentration of 100 mM. Then, 100 mL aliquots (4.4 ¥  105 cells) weretransferred to individual wells of a 96-well plate.Following the direct addition of inhibitors, cellswere incubated for 30 min at 37°C in the dark. Sub-sequently, the oxidative burst was initiated by theaddition of PMA (final concentration 100 nM) andthe cells incubated for 120 min at 37°C. Absorbancewas then measured at 540 nm (isosbestic point of cytochrome   c ) and 550 nm (SpectraMax 340;

    Molecular Devices, Sunnyvale, CA, USA). Eachexperiment was performed in duplicate andrepeated at least three times. Signals were calculatedby normalization of the signals obtained at 540 nm.The blank signal (HBSS buffer, cytochrome  c , PMA)was subtracted and all values expressed relative tothe control signal (cells, cytochrome  c , PMA).

    Additional cytochrome   c  assays were performedusing opsonized zymosan (OPZ)-treated HL-60 cellsinstead of PMA treated. OPZ was prepared fromzymosan A from   Saccharomyces cerevisiae   (Vejrazkaet al., 2005). Briefly, 5 mg·mL-1 zymosan A was incu-bated with normal human serum for 30 min at37°C. Finally, zymosan was washed and resus-pended in HBSS; 500 mg·mL-1 OPZ was used forstimulation of oxidative burst.

    In situ  tissue ROS assay All animal care and experimental procedures com-plied with the recommendations of the Federationof European Laboratory Animals Science Associa-tion, and were approved by the local ethics commit-tee. Rats (SHR and WKY) were bred in the animalfacilities of the Rudolf Buchheim Institute, Giessen,and fed standard rodent chow and water  ad libitum.

    Thoracic aortas of 12- to 14-month-old SHRs (n =  6)and WKY (n = 6) were embedded in Tissue Tek O.C.T.Compound (Sakura Finetek, Torrance, CA, USA).Unfixed frozen cross sections (5  mm) were incubatedwith dihydroethidium (DHE) (5 mM; Invitrogen,Darmstadt, Germany) in a light-protected moistchamber at 37°C for 30 min. Before incubation withDHE, serial sections were treated with eitherL-NAME (100 mM), pegylated SOD (PEG-SOD)(250 U·mL-1), oxypurinol (100 mM) or VAS3947(10 mM) for 30 min at 37°C. Images were obtainedwith a DM 6000 B fluorescence microscope (Leica,

    Wetzlar, Germany) using the same imaging settingsfor each sample. For semi-quantitative analysis of 

    ROS production, total fluorescence intensity wasanalysed with the FW4000 software (Leica) usingthree to six images from three sections per aorticring for each experimental condition.

     Xanthine/XOD activity assay Xanthine (final concentration: 500 mM) and cyto-chrome   c   (final concentration: 100 mM) were dis-solved in HBSS, and 100 mL aliquots of thissolution were transferred to individual wells of a96-well plate. After addition of the inhibitors, themixtures were allowed to equilibrate for 20 min.The reaction was started by the addition of 100 mLXOD (final concentration: 20 mU·mL-1), and absor-bance at 540 and 550 nm was recorded 10 minafter the start of the reaction (SpectraMax 340;Molecular Devices). Superoxide production was cal-

    culated by normalization of the signals obtained at540 nm. The blank signal (without xanthine) wassubtracted.

    A L012-based xanthine/XOD assay was per-formed with the same substances and concentra-tions as mentioned above using 100 mM L012instead of cytochrome c . After an equilibration timeof 20 min, the reaction was started with XOD(20 mU·mL-1), and the chemiluminescence wasrecorded for 20 min in a Fluoroscan FL microplatereader. Signals were calculated as AUC and related tothe xanthine/XOD-derived control signal.

     Endothelial NOS (eNOS) activity assay eNOS activity was determined in homogenates of Sf9 cells (derived from   Spodoptera frugiperda) trans-fected with a recombinant baculoviral vectorexpressing human eNOS (Schmidt  et al., 1996; Freyet al., 1999). A colorimetric 96-well microtiter plateassay for the determination of enzymaticallyformed citrulline was performed according to themethod of Knipp and Vasak (2000) with slightmodifications. Briefly, 90 mL reaction mixturepH 7.5 (100 mM Tris–HCl, 0.05 mM calmodulin,1 mM CaCl2, 1 mM flavin adenine dinucleotide,

    1 mM flavin mononucleotide, 250 mM CHAPSO,1 mM   L-arginine, 5 mM tetrahydrobiopterin, 1 mMNADPH, 2 mM reduced glutathione) was incubatedwith the specified concentration of NADPHoxidase inhibitors (or the respective solvents) and5 mL of eNOS cell homogenate for 60 min at 37°C.The reaction was stopped by the addition of 300 mL colour-developing reagent (COLDER), con-sisting of one part solution A (80 mM diacetyl-monoxime, 2 mM thiosemicarbazide) and threeparts solution B [3 M H3PO4, 6 M H2SO4, 2 mMNH4Fe(SO4)2]. The mixture was heated for 15 min

    at 95°C, cooled to room temperature and centri-fuged for 5 min at 16 000¥ g . Then, 300 mL of each

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    sample was transferred to a 96-well microtiterplate, and the absorption at 540 nm was recorded(SpectraMax 340; Molecular Devices). A citrullinecalibration curve was performed by mixing 100 mLof 0, 3.125, 6.25, 12.5, 25, 50, 100, 200 or 400 mM

    citrulline in 100 mM Tris buffer containing 2 mMreduced glutathione with 300 mL COLDER solu-tion, and subsequently treated as described above.Enzyme activity was calculated using the citrullinecalibration curve. The effects of NADPH oxidaseinhibitors were expressed as a percentage of therespective control solutions. Signal inhibition byL-NAME (1 mM) demonstrated specificity of theassay for NOS. Standards were measured in dupli-cate, while all other measurements were performedin triplicate and repeated at least twice.

     Data analysisData analysis was performed using Prism 4.0 forMacintosh (GraphPad Software, San Diego, CA,USA). IC50 values of concentration-dependent inhi-bition curves were calculated with a non-linearregression analysis using an algorithm for sigmoi-dal dose–response with variable slopes. Results areexpressed as mean     SEM. Statistical differencesbetween the means were analysed by one-wayANOVA   followed by Bonferroni’s multiple rangetest. A value of   P   <   0.05 was considered to be


     MaterialsN ,N -dimethyl-9,9–biacridinium dinitrate (lucige-nin), cytochrome   c   from horse heart,   N G-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME), oxypurinol, SODfrom bovine erythrocytes, CAT from bovine liver,PMA, DPI chloride (dissolved in DMSO; 0.3–10  mM)were purchased from Sigma (Deisenhofen,Germany); 8-amino-5-chloro-7-phenylpyrido[3,4-d]pyridazine-1,4-(2H,3H) dione (L012) from Wako

    (Osaka, Japan); XOD from cow’s milk and completeEDTA-free protease inhibitor cocktail from Roche(Mannheim, Germany); 4′-hydroxy-3′-methoxyacetophenone (apocynin) from Calbiochem (Darms-tadt, Germany; in 40% ethanol, 3–1000  mM); AEBSFfrom Merck (Darmstadt, Germany; in HBSS,3–1000  mM); 3-benzyl-7-(2-oxazolyl)thio-1,2,3-triazolo[4,5-d]pyrimidine (VAS3947) from Vasop-harm GmbH (Würzburg, Germany; in DMSO).Synthesis and analytical data for VAS3947 have beendescribed by Tegtmeier et al. (2005). The structure of VAS3947 is shown in Figure 1. Solvent controls were

    performed for all assays and did not have any sig-nificant effect, if not stated otherwise.


    CaCo-2, HL-60 and A7r5 cells collectively express all known NOX subunitsFirst, we wanted to establish cell models thatphysiologically expressed different NOX isoforms.Therefore, we analysed the NOX mRNA expressionpatterns using non-quantitative RT-PCR(Figure 2A). In contrast to previous reports, ourbatch of CaCo-2 cells not only expressed NOX1mRNA, the predominant isoform in colon(Rokutan  et al., 2006), but also mRNAs of NOX2,

    NOX4 and NOX5. As reported, HL-60 cells mainlyexpressed NOX2 mRNA (Teufelhofer   et al., 2003),the main isoform in human neutrophils (Babioret al., 2002). However, we also detected NOX5 inthese cells. Finally, A7r5 cells contained not onlyNOX4 mRNA, the predominant isoform in VSMCs(Wingler   et al., 2001), but also NOX3, previouslythought to be confined to the inner ear (Banfiet al., 2004) and NOX1 (Suh   et al., 1999). Thus,none of the cell lines was specific for any NOXisoform, and they expressed different NOX isoformpatterns. Jointly, the chosen cell lines expressed all

    NOX isoforms relevant to the cardiovascularsystem under basal conditions (i.e. NOX1, NOX2,NOX4 and human NOX5).

    Cellular ROS formation is independent of  XOD and NOSWe next characterized the likely enzymatic sourceand nature of ROS generated in our chosen cellmodels. The NADPH-dependent lucigenin (5 mM)chemiluminescence in homogenates represents afrequently used cell-free NADPH oxidase assay. Atthat low concentration, lucigenin is claimed to be

    free of relevant redox cycling and artefactual signals(Munzel et al., 2002). Using this assay, we found that

    Figure 1Chemical structure of VAS3947 [3-benzyl-7-(2-oxazolyl)thio-1,2,3-

    triazolo[4,5-d]pyrimidine]. VAS3947 was characterized by NMR and

    mass spectrometry [1H nmr (DMSO-D6): d 5.90 (s, 2H, CH2), 7.3–7.4

    (m, 5H, Ph), 7.6 (s, 1H, Ar), 8.55 (s, 1H, Ar), 8.95 (s, 1H, H-5). ms:

    (+ APCI)  m/z  311 [M+H]+).

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    both SOD and CAT attenuated the signal in CaCo-2and A7r5 cell homogenates (Figure 2B,D), and weobserved an additive effect when combining SODand CAT. Inhibition of the lucigenin signals by CAT(Rost   et al., 1998; Janiszewski  et al., 2002), in theabsence and presence of SOD, suggested that lucige-

    nin is also sensitive to H2O2 (Rost et al., 1998). Bothspecies, superoxide and H2O2, may originate from

    NADPH oxidases (Cai, 2005). Therefore, the SOD/CAT inhibitable fraction of the CaCo-2 and A7r5signal was utilized as basal ROS formation. Never-theless, the inhibition by SOD and CAT was notcomplete. Although we made sure that all cells werelysed, some cell organelles or intracellular vesicles

    may stay intact under our lysis protocol. NADPHoxidases and ROS can be highly localized, and SOD

    Figure 2NOX expression and NADPH oxidase activity in three different cell lines. (A) Reverse transcriptase PCR of the five human (NOX1–5) and four rodent

    (NOX1–4) NOX isoform mRNAs in the human colon epithelial cell line CaCo-2, the human leucoblast cell line HL-60 and the rat aortic smooth

    muscle cell line A7r5. All cell lines expressed more than one NOX subunit. For measurement of NADPH oxidase activity, CaCo-2

    homogenates +  substrate NADPH (B), PMA-treated HL-60 cells (C and E) and A7r5 homogenates  +  substrate NADPH (D) were incubated in the

    absence or presence of SOD (250 U·mL-1), CAT (1000 U·mL-1), oxypurinol (100 mM) or   L-NAME (100 mM). ROS formation was measured by

    lucigenin (B and D), or L012 (B) chemiluminescence, or by cytochrome  c  reduction (E). In none of the cells, detectable ROS formation originated

     from NOS (inhibited by  L-NAME) or XOD (inhibited by oxypurinol). Only in HL-60 cells, the assay signals were fully inhibited by SOD and thus

    due to superoxide. In CaCo-2 and A7r5 cell homogenates, even the combination of SOD and CAT only partially attenuated the assay signal,

    suggesting that only a fraction was due to superoxide and/or H2O2. In later experiments, only the SOD/CAT-inhibited signal component was

    considered as a measure of superoxide/H2O2   formation in CaCo-2 and A7r5 cell homogenates. Data labelled ‘blank’ represent signals in the

    absence of cells or homogenate. Values represent means SEM of  n 6 observations; ***P  <   0.001, significantly different from control values.

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    and CAT may not enter these organelles, which mayexplain these observations.

    In PMA-stimulated HL-60 cells, the oxidativeburst was measured by L012-mediated chemilumi-nescence (Figure 2C) (Daiber  et al., 2004) and cyto-

    chrome   c   reduction (Figure 2E). SOD completelyabolished the PMA-stimulated signal in both assays,confirming that superoxide is the only detectableROS released from PMA-stimulated HL-60 cells.Consequently, the entire L012 signal was taken asPMA-stimulated ROS formation in HL-60 cells.

    To determine the enzymatic source of ROS, ROSformation was re-assessed in the absence or presenceof the NOS inhibitor, L-NAME, and the XOD inhibi-tor, oxypurinol. Both compounds failed to attenuatethe ROS signals in any of the assays, suggesting thatneither XOD nor uncoupled NOS are relevant

    sources of ROS in our cell models under the condi-tions used.

     Antioxidant effectsNOX inhibitors may also reduce ROS signals bydirect antioxidant effects (i.e. radical scavenging).Therefore, we performed a xanthine/XOD cyto-chrome c  reduction assay, which generates superox-ide independent of NADPH oxidase activity. Asshown in Figure 3A, DPI and oxypurinol, but noneof the other compounds, potently attenuated theXOD signal, suggesting a direct inhibition of XOD.This is consistent with DPI being a flavoproteininhibitor (Lange et al., 2009) as both NOX and XODare flavoproteins. Interestingly, when using L012 todetect ROS from xanthine/XOD, apocynin potentlyinterfered with the signal (Figure 3B). This confirmsrecent reports that apocynin directly scavenges reac-tion products of H2O2, which are detected by L012,but not by cytochrome   c   (Heumuller  et al., 2008).Surprisingly, AEBSF increased the L012 signal morethan eightfold, suggesting a previously unrecog-nized interaction between L012 and AEBSF. Thismay be particularly problematic when AEBSF is usedin homogenizing buffers as a serine protease inhibi-

    tor (Kobayashi   et al., 2007; Baumer   et al., 2008).VAS3947 (30 mM) was the only compound that didnot interfere with xanthine/XOD-derived L012signals, suggesting this compound is free of antioxi-dant or scavenging effects relevant to ROS detection.

     Inhibition of non-NOX flavoproteinsIn addition to XOD, eNOS was used as a flavopro-tein control to test the specificities of NADPHoxidase inhibitors. eNOS, like the catalytic NOXsubunit, binds NADPH and contains both a flavinand haem cofactor. As expected, DPI (10 mM) also

    abolished eNOS activity (Figure 3C), while apocynin(1 mM), AEBSF (1 mM) and VAS3947 (10  mM) had

    Figure 3Effect of the NADPH oxidase inhibitors apocynin (1 mM), AEBSF

    (1 mM), DPI (10 mM) and VAS3947 on the activity of the flavo-

    protein XOD (30 mM VAS3947), and the flavo-haem protein, eNOS

    (10 mM VAS3947). XOD activity was assayed by cytochrome  c  reduc-

    tion (A) or L012 chemiluminescence (B); eNOS activity was deter-

    mined by   L-arginine to   L-citrulline conversion using recombinantly

    expressed eNOS (C). SOD (250 U·mL-1) and oxypurinol (1 mM)

    served as positive controls for XOD activity and L-NAME (1 mM) for 

    eNOS activity. While apocynin did not scavenge superoxide in the

    cytochrome   c  reduction assay, it interfered with the L012 chemilu-

    minescence assay. DPI inhibited both XOD and eNOS, and was thus

    no longer considered for NADPH oxidase enzyme assays in the

    present study. Values represent means SEM of  n 5 experiments.

    ***P  <  0.001, significantly different from control values.

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    no effect. As DPI inhibited both XOD and eNOSactivity in concentrations similar to those neededfor NADPH oxidase inhibition, it was no longer con-sidered for further NADPH oxidase enzyme assays inthe present study. We also tested higher concentra-

    tions (up to 100 mM) of VAS3947, and neither foundan effect on XOD nor on eNOS activity (not shown).

    Concentration dependence and efficacy We next investigated the concentration dependenceand efficacy of the remaining compounds, apocy-nin, AEBSF and VAS3947. In CaCo-2 cell homoge-nates, VAS3947 completely blocked NADPH-dependent ROS production with an IC50  of 12 mM,whereas apocynin and AEBSF caused only modestinhibition (Figure 4A). In contrast, the L012 chemi-luminescence signal from HL-60 cells was inhibited

    by all three compounds (Figure 4B). The IC50 valuesfor apocynin and VAS3947 were 97 and 2 mM respec-tively. Surprisingly, AEBSF exerted a biphasicresponse with concentrations  

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     –25   L  u  c   i  g  e  n   i  n  c   h  e  m   i   l  u  m   i  n  e  s  c  e  n  c  e

       (   %   o

       f   S   O   D   /   C   A   T  -   i  n   h

       i   b   i   t  a   b   l  e  s   i  g  n  a   l   )









       L  u  c   i  g  e  n   i  n  c   h  e  m   i   l  u  m   i  n  e  s  c  e  n  c  e

       (   %   o

       f   S   O   D   /   C   A   T  -   i  n   h   i   b   i   t  a   b   l  e  s   i  g  n  a   l   )






    0   L   0   1   2  c

       h  e  m   i   l  u  m   i  n  e  s  c  e  n  c  e

       (   %   o

       f   P   M   A  -   d  e  r   i  v  e   d  s   i  g  n  a   l   )






    0   C  y   t  o  c   h  r  o  m  e      c

      a   b  s  o  r   b  a  n  c  e

       (   %   o

       f   P   M   A  -   d  e  r   i  v  e   d  s   i  g  n  a   l   )

       C  o   n   t   r

      o   l

       A   p  o  c   y    n

       i   n

       A   E   B   S   F

        V   A   S   3   9

       4   7

      C  o  n

      t  r  o   l

      A  p  o

      c  y  n   i  n

      A   E   B

      S   F

       V  A  S  3   9  4   7

      C  o  n  t  r  o   l

      A  p  o

      c  y  n

       i  n

      A   E   B  S   F

       V  A  S  3   9

      4   7

      C  o  n

      t  r  o   l


      p  o  c  y  n   i  n

      A   E   B

      S   F

       V  A  S  3   9  4










     –6 –5 –4 –3

     –6 –7 –5 –4 –3

     –6 –7 –5 –4 –3

     –6 –5 –4 –3 –2

    Log c [inhibitor]

     Apocynin AEBSF VAS3947

    Figure 4Maximal inhibition and potency of apocynin, AEBSF and VAS3947 to inhibit NADPH oxidase activity. Activity was measured in CaCo-2 (A) or A7r5

    (D) cell homogenates as NADPH-induced and SOD/CAT-inhibitable lucigenin-derived chemiluminescence, or in DMSO-differentiated HL-60 cells

    as measured by L012-derived chemiluminescence (B) or cytochrome   c  reduction (C). The left panels depict maximal inhibition; the right panels

    concentration–response curves. Concentrations used for maximal inhibition were in CaCo-2 cell homogenates 1 mM apocynin, 1 mM AEBSF and

    30 mM VAS3947 (A); in HL-60 cell-mediated L012 chemiluminescence 1 mM apocynin, 100 mM AEBSF and 10  mM VAS3947 (B); in HL-60

    cell-mediated cytochrome   c  reduction 1 mM apocynin, 1 mM AEBSF and 10 mM VAS3947 (C); and in A7r5 cell homogenates 1 mM apocynin,

    1 mM AEBSF and 30 mM VAS3947 (D). IC50 values for VAS3947 were 12  mM (A), 2 mM (B), 1 mM (C) and 13 mM (D). Apocynin had a potency in

    the micromolar range (97  mM) only in the HL-60/L012 assay (B). AEBSF had the lowest potency (420 mM in B, 304  mM in C; 1.2 mM in D), and

    in the HL-60/L012 assay it even enhanced signal intensity at low micromolar concentrations (EC50  =  30  mM). Values represent means    SEM of 

    n    5 experiments. *P  

  • 8/9/2019 Comparative Pharmacology of Chemically Distinct NADPH Oxidase Inhibitors


    Figure 5Effect of the NADPH oxidase inhibitors on ROS formation in aortic sections from 12- to 14-month-old SHRs as determined by   in situ  DHE tissue

    stain. DHE signals are enhanced in SHR versus WKY rat aorta, and correlate with enhanced levels of NOX1, 2 and 4. Sections were incubated either 

    in the absence (Con) or presence of  L-NAME (100 mM), PEG-SOD (250 U·mL-1

    ), oxypurinol (100 mM) or VAS3947 (10 mM). Signal intensity wasquantified and expressed as mean    SEM of three experiments (n  =  6). **P  <  0.01, significantly different from control (CON).

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    NADPH oxidase activity in three cellular modelsexpressing different patterns of all known NOX iso-forms. Therefore, at least   in vitro, triazolo pyrim-idines are new pharmacological tools for inhibitingNADPH oxidases. Applying this novel tool, we

    were able to establish that NADPH oxidases are amajor source of ROS in aortas of aged hypertensiverats.

    Based on genetic and other data, NADPH oxi-dases potentially play a major role in the develop-ment and progression of cardiovascular diseases(Williams and Griendling, 2007). This wouldsuggest that it might be beneficial to therapeuticallytarget NADPH oxidases. Apart from genetic mousemodels, pharmacological agents are essential toprovide proof-of-principle in non-mouse speciesand to serve as experimental therapeutics. The first

    triazolo pyrimidine described as an NADPH oxidaseinhibitor was VAS2870, stemming from a systematiccompound screen in HL-60 cells. VAS2870 inhibitsNADPH oxidase activity in oxLDL-exposed HUVEC(Stielow et al., 2006) and PDGF-stimulated primaryrat aortic VSMC (ten Freyhaus et al., 2006). VAS2870also inhibits the stimulation of vasculogenesis of mouse embryonic stem cells upon treatment withPDGF-BB (Lange et al., 2009), and it inhibits woundmargin H2O2 production without obvious toxicity inzebrafish larvae (Niethammer  et al., 2009). In addi-tion, VAS2870 does not interact with ROS in anantioxidant manner nor does it interfere with XOD(ten Freyhaus  et al., 2006). However, a major disad-vantage of VAS2870 is its poor solubility. Therefore,a closely related derivative, VAS3947, was developedwith an approximately four times better solubility(data not shown). Apart from the solubility,VAS3947 has strikingly similar properties comparedto VAS2870. For example, the IC50 values for NADPHoxidase activity of PMA-stimulated HL-60 cells,PMA-stimulated whole blood and freshly isolatedhuman lymphocytes stimulated with PMA areessentially the same for both compounds (unpub-lished data). VAS3947 (this study) and VAS2870 (not

    shown) both effectively inhibit ROS production inaortas of SHRs as assessed by   in situ   DHE staining.Taken together, our evidence shows that: (i) thepotential to inhibit NADPH oxidases is a class effectof triazolo pyrimidines; and (ii) this compound classinhibits NADPH oxidase activity in a variety of celltypes and tissues of phagocytic, as well as non-phagocytic, origin with similar efficacy.

    Our emphasis was to characterize the com-pounds in the most commonly used assays. We havetherefore used alternative ways to characterizeNADPH oxidase inhibitors: PMA-stimulated ROS

    release from HL-60 cells and NADPH-stimulatedROS production in cell homogenates. For detection,

    we used cytochrome  c , L012 and lucigenin. We areaware that these assays do have drawbacks.Lucigenin-enhanced chemiluminescence has beenwidely used and is reported to be reasonably specificfor superoxide. The lack of complete inhibition of 

    the lucigenin signal by SOD that we observed wasalso reported by others (Rost et al., 1998). This indi-cates that it is not completely specific for superox-ide. Lucigenin can penetrate cells and is prone toredox cycling. However, when 5 mM is used, theamount of artefact is probably insignificant (Dikalovet al., 2007). Compared to lucigenin, L012 is moresensitive for the detection of ROS (Daiber   et al.,2004). H2O2   does not significantly contribute toL012-enhanced chemiluminescence. However, inaddition to reacting with superoxide, L012 alsodetects peroxynitrite (Daiber  et al., 2004). In con-

    trast to lucigenin, L012 only detects extracellularROS, as does cytochrome   c , which considered as a‘gold standard’ for detection of superoxide releasedin large amounts, such as during the respiratoryburst of neutrophils. A disadvantage is its poor sen-sitivity (Dikalov et al., 2007).

    In comparison to VAS3947, DPI is a less suitablepharmacological tool to validate the involvement of NADPH oxidase because of its effects on other flavo-enzymes, such as XOD and eNOS, as well as oncholinesterases and the internal calcium pump(Tazzeo  et al., 2009). In our hands, apocynin hadonly minor efficacy and potency. This may in partbe due to the fact that apocynin is a pro-drug requir-ing metabolic activation by myeloperoxidases. Fur-thermore, in PMA-stimulated HL-60 cells, theinhibition of the L012 signal by apocynin wascaused by interference with the assay, either due toantioxidative effects or a direct interaction withL012. Thus, inhibitory effects of apocynin in theL012 assay may not necessarily reflect inhibition of NADPH oxidase activity (Heumuller   et al., 2008).Interestingly, upon oxidation of apocynin during itsactivation, the resulting apocynin radical becomes apotent pro-oxidant with high capacity to oxidize

    thiols and NADPH. The depletion of NADPH poten-tially reduces NADPH oxidase activity (Castor  et al.,2010). AEBSF was a similarly weak NADPH oxidaseinhibitor in CaCo-2 and A7r5 cell homogenates,possibly indicating an only minor role for p47phox-dependent NADPH oxidases in these cells. Indeed,NOXO1 and/or NOXA1, homologues of p47phoxand p67phox, may be of more relevance in CaCo-2cells and not affected by AEBSF (Banfi  et al., 2003;Takeya  et al., 2003). In NADPH-stimulated homoge-nates from A7r5 cells, NOX4 may be the mainsource of ROS and independent of cytosolic sub-

    units. While AEBSF attenuated the oxidative burst of HL-60 cells at high concentrations in the L012 and

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    the cytochrome  c  assay, it may not be advisable touse this compound as an NADPH oxidase inhibitorbecause it obviously interferes with L012 and hasoff-target effects such as serine protease inhibition(Diatchuk et al., 1997).

    The mechanism of action of triazolo pyrimidinessuch as VAS3947 and VAS2870 is unclear. In humanleucocytes, VAS2870 does not inhibit translocationof p47phox to the membrane (ten Freyhaus  et al.,2006), but may still interfere with oxidase assemblyonce the translocation has occurred. This assump-tion is supported by experiments showing thatVAS2870 inhibits NOX2 activity in a cell-free systemwhen added before (ten Freyhaus  et al., 2006), butnot after complex formation and stimulation of theoxidase (unpublished observations). The consistentpotency and efficacy of VAS3947 in different cell

    and tissue models indicate that VAS3947, in contrastto apocynin, is not a pro-drug.

    VAS3947 effectively suppressed the DHE signal inaortas of aged SHRs, suggesting that NADPH oxi-dases are indeed a major source of ROS in thisdisease model and that these enzymes can be phar-macologically targeted. However, the pharmacoki-netic profile of VAS3947 and the  in vivo   efficacy, aswell as long-term effects of NADPH oxidase inhibi-tion, are unknown. In this context, peptide-basedNADPH oxidase inhibitors are more advanced. TheNOX2 homologous fusion peptide, gp91ds-tat (Reyet al., 2001), which interferes with cytosolic subunittranslocation and activation of NOX2, inhibitsangiotensin II-induced aortic superoxide produc-tion and hypertension   in vivo  (Rey  et al., 2001). Inaddition, adenoviral expression of this peptidesequence in blood vessel adventitia had a beneficialeffect, preventing neointimal hyperplasia (Dourronet al., 2005). Because our focus was on small syn-thetic molecules, and not on peptides, we did notinclude gp91ds-tat in our study. Nevertheless,NOX1-, NOX3-, NOX4- and NOX5-specific tat-peptide analogues may become useful pharmaco-logical tools in the future.

    In conclusion, apocynin, AEBSF and DPI appearto lack specificity as pharmacological agents whenvalidating the involvement of NADPH oxidases inany physiological or pathological function. In con-trast, triazolo pyrimidines such as VAS3947 are spe-cific for NADPH oxidases versus NOS and XOD, anddo not interfere with commonly used ROS assaysystems. However, we cannot exclude the possibilitythat VAS3947, in addition to inhibiting NADPH oxi-dases, also interferes with alternative sources of ROSthat we have not yet investigated, such as the mito-chondrial electron chain. Future studies will be

    required to clarify the precise mechanism of actionand   in vivo   efficacy of triazolo pyrimidines, and –

    once several derivatives become available – theirisoform selectivity. For   in vivo  experiments, deriva-tives with higher solubility are essential. Impor-tantly, by applying VAS3947 to the SHR model, wehere have provided validated pharmacological evi-

    dence that NADPH oxidases are a relevant source of ROS in hypertension.


    This work was funded by grants from the DeutscheForschungsgemeinschaft, SFB547/C7 (H.H.H.W.S.),the Bayerische Forschungsstiftung (K.W. andH.H.H.W.S.) and the National Health and MedicalResearch Council of Australia (H.H.H.W.S.).

    Conflict of interest

    H.H.H.W.S. declares that he holds shares in Vasop-harm GmBH, which develops NADPH oxidaseinhibitors pharmaceutically. H.H.H.W.S., K.W. andP.S. are inventors of a patent on VAS3947, which isowned by Vasopharm GmbH. P.S. is employed byVasopharm GmbH. K.W. is a former employee of Vasopharm GmbH.


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