Company XYZ Evaluation Report

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  • 7/31/2019 Company XYZ Evaluation Report


    1Company XYZ STAR 2.0 Training Evaluation

    Company XYZ Star 2.0 TrainingProgram Evaluation

    Conducted by the following students in the USU MS InstructionalTechnology Program:

    Patrick CassityJustin GastKyle Loosle

    Lori MaherRichard Mckenna

    Shawn PollockJan Reese

    Stephanie Anne RoosChristian Smith

    Ann Yandell

    Instructor: Dr. Nick Eastmond

    Evaluation and Research in Instructional Technology & Learning Sciences(INST 6510) class during the 2011 Spring Semester
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    2Company XYZ STAR 2.0 Training Evaluation

    Executive SummaryThis report summarizes the findings of an evaluation of the STAR 2.0 training

    method designed and developed by the Company XYZ Learning/Training

    department and currently being utilized by retail employees. The evaluation

    sought to discover how STAR 2.0 is currently being used as well as if there

    needs to be another iteration of the STAR training. Data was gathered using

    surveys developed for this evaluation. The results show that STAR 2.0 is being

    used in every retail store interviewed and that the overall opinion of it is

    favorable. Results also indicate that STAR 2.0 is effective overall in helping

    employees achieve the goals of the program. Results indicate that an iteration to

    the current STAR 2.0 is not necessary, but there are enough improvement

    suggestions for a STAR 3.0, should that course of action be chosen.

    IntroductionThe STAR 2.0 training program was designed and developed to be a successor

    to the MAGIC training program, a program which previous Company XYZ

    employees were trained on. This program was created to assist Company XYZ

    employees both old and new on techniques to approach customers as well as

    how to effectively sell products. The program has been in place for approximately

    one year. Company XYZ administrators requested an evaluation to assess its

    effectiveness. The study was conducted by a group of 10 INST 6510 students in

    Dr. Nick Eastmonds Evaluation and Research in Instructional Technology &

    Learning Sciences (INST 6510) class during the 2011 Spring Semester. The

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    evaluation was conceived and deployed by ,

    graduate of the USU MS Instructional Technology program and current

    Company XYZ employee. The evaluation was conducted through qualitative

    information gathered from Company XYZ stores across the US continent. Data

    were gathered from surveys conducted in person as well as via the telephone by

    the students in the evaluation group.

    The Star 2.0 program is a training program for new and existing employees

    stationed at any of the US retail stores. It was first introduced to existing

    employees in 2010 via the Company XYZ All Store Meetings. The purpose of

    the training program is to assist employees in skill development for approaching

    store patrons for customer service, educating new employees on product

    knowledge, as well as training employees on sales skills. The STAR 2.0 program

    consists of several steps as represented by the acronym STAR: Smile, Talk,

    (Be) Available, and Rapid. Each of these steps also has substeps to guide the

    employees in approaching guests so that there is consistency and effectiveness

    in their approach. Videos created by the Company XYZ Learning Department

    are shown to all employees as well as all new hires to demonstrate and train on

    the program.

    The task for the Company XYZ student evaluation group was to answer two

    evaluation questions:I) How are team members using STAR 2.0 (SUPER STAR SELLING) to engage

    guests?2) What does the next level of STAR look like?

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    We planned on answering these evaluation questions by interviewing current

    retail employees and store mangers, and using this qualitative data to assess the

    current standing of the STAR 2.0 program as well as what could be included for

    the next iteration. By gaining this feedback from current store managers and

    team members we hoped to gain the insight needed to address the above

    research questions.

    Orientation to the Training Materials

    Our team reviewed a collection of videos and documents created for the STAR

    2.0 program developed by the Company XYZ Learning department. The videos

    were developed to introduce the program to retail store employees and as well

    as to assist them in how to implement the program in their daily duties. There

    are three videos in total: STAR Guest Engagement Model Video, SuperSTAR

    Selling Video, Star Coach Video. Each video has a different purpose and focus of

    its presentation. Documents that were reviewed also include the training

    materials from the All Stores Meeting when the program was first being

    introduced, as well as some documents relating to the plans for the

    implementation of the STAR 2.0 training project.

    Our evaluation team first viewed the videos in a meeting that we had with the

    store manager of the Layton, UT store on January 28 th, 2011. There we were

    introduced to the store layout and were able to view the training videos given to

    all new trainees. By viewing these materials and discussing some of its contents

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    with the Layton, UT store manager our evaluation team was able to gain some

    valuable insights into what the STAR 2.0 program is about and how it is

    presented to its employees. We felt that this on-site visit offered a solid

    foundation for the evaluation.

    MethodTo gather data for this evaluation study, our team developed our own instruments

    instead of trying to locate and adapt existing ones. In order to coordinate the

    development of these instruments so we could most effectively gather the

    information that we were looking for, we focused the creation of the survey

    questions around our two previously mentioned research questions as well as

    level 3 and level 4 of Kirkpatricks Four-Level Training Evaluation Model. All

    questions for the survey were targeted to address one of these two levels as well

    as the two basic research questions.

    We developed two different survey instruments, one targeted for store managers

    and the other for the retail store employees. The questionnaire for the store

    managers consisted of twenty-seven questions, broken down into four main

    categories: Value, Training/Coaching, Results, and Suggestions. A copy of the

    survey instruments is provided in Appendix 1. The team member questionnaire

    consisted of thirteen questions, four of which were ratings questions based on a

    five-point Likert scale, with one being the least useful and five being the most

    useful. The pilot test of these surveys was conducted at the Orem, UT Company

    XYZ location, with minor changes to the survey instruments made afterwards.

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    These minor changes included adding a final question to the team member

    survey bringing the total to fourteen questions. The surveys for the pilot study

    were conducted face-to-face with the rest of the surveys completed later via

    telephone. After the pilot study was completed and changes made, evaluators in

    the group were given an assignment of names and stores to contact across the

    country. Some of the states included on the list were California, Pennsylvania,

    and Utah. Included in these assignments were schedules for the store managers

    as well as the team members to be interviewed and store phone numbers.

    LimitationsThere were multiple limitations for this evaluation. First, there were strict

    deadlines that were given to the evaluation team for gathering data. The team

    was informed of the opportunity to conduct face-to-face interviews in Orem, UT

    for the pilot study only days before the actually meeting date. Because of this

    short notice, only one evaluator was able to attend. In addition, many team

    members and store managers were not available by phone at the appointed

    times, making it difficult to collect all of the desired data. In all, the evaluation

    group was given 150 employees to interview, but we only reached 46 team

    members and 15 managers.

    Additionally, there were budget limitations which made it difficult for some

    researchers to make long distance calls to some of the states in areas outside of

    their residence.

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    Time constraints were also a large factor. Many of the students who were

    participants in the research group are also working professionals and were not

    able to call their assigned employees at the appointed times.

    Data Analysis

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    Results of the surveys are divided up into team member results as well as the

    store manager results. Each section that follows shows the quantitative and the

    qualitative results of each survey, along with an evaluation of that data.

    Team Member Results:How long has it been since you completed STAR 2.0 Training?

    Statistic Value

    Total Responses 46

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    How helpful do you feel the STAR 2.0 Training has been in improving your guest

    engagement skills?

    # Answer Response %

    1 1 -Not Helpful 0 0%

    2 2 - Somewhat Unhelpful 2 4%

    3 3 -Neutral 11 24%

    4 4- Somewhat Helpful 21 46%

    5 5- Very Helpful 12 26%

    Total 46 100%

    Statistic Value

    Min Value 2

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    Max Value 5

    Mean 3.93

    Variance 0.68

    Standard Deviation 0.83

    Total Responses 46

    Rate how confident you felt about engaging guests immediately after completing

    STAR 2.0 training.

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    # Answer Response %

    11 - Not Confident At

    All0 0%

    2 2 - Not Very Confident 2 4%

    3 3 - Neutral 4 9%

    4 4 - Somewhat Confident 12 26%

    5 5 - Very Confident 28 61%

    Total 46 100%

    Statistic Value

    Min Value 2

    Max Value 5

    Mean 4.43

    Variance 0.70

    Standard Deviation 0.83

    Total Responses 46

    How useful are the observation and feedback sessions in helping you to improve

    guest engagement?

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    # Answer Response %

    1 1 -Very Useless 2 4%

    2 2 - Useless 0 0%

    3 3 - Neutral 9 20%

    4 4 - Somewhat Useful 18 39%

    5 5 - Very Useful 17 37%

    Total 46 100%

    Statistic Value

    Min Value 1

    Max Value 5

    Mean 4.04

    Variance 0.98

    Standard Deviation 0.99

    Total Responses 46

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    How much, if any, did your product knowledge increase as a result of completing

    STAR 2.0?

    # Answer Response %

    1 1- None 4 9%

    2 2 - A Little 6 13%

    3 3 - Somewhat 16 35%

    4 4 - A Lot 7 15%

    5 5 - Very Much 13 28%

    Total 46 100%

    Statistic Value

    Min Value 1

    Max Value 5

    Mean 3.41

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    Variance 1.63

    Standard Deviation 1.27

    Total Responses 46

    Has your guest engagement technique improved over time? If so, in what ways?

    Of the 46 responses, 97.83% people said that it helped them improve their

    technique. Two of the biggest things reported to have been gained from the

    training were how to approach guests and that using product knowledge helped

    them sell better. A few team members also mentioned becoming more

    comfortable with asking questions and having the confidence to approach people

    as their techniques were developed.

    Do you think your guest engagement technique has resulted in increased sales?

    If so, how?

    Almost all team members, 98%, believe that their guest engagement technique

    does result in increased sales. Responses were divided about why they were

    able to achieve increased sales, however, 27% believe sales increased due to

    their ability to communicate with guests, 33% believe their 2-minute selling

    technique was the key to increased sales, and another 27% of team members

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    believe they are able to increase sales because of product knowledge.

    Can you give an example of how STAR 2.0 created a solution in a guest

    engagement situation?

    One person said that the training had helped with how to interact with

    customers rather than just be a salesman, and that selling is all about how you

    approach the customer . Most team members mentioned that they ask more

    open-ended questions. Another example of what seemed to help was being able

    to answer all the customers' questions and then to take them to the closest

    match with the product that they are looking for.

    When you are helping guests, what issues do you encounter, if any, that STAR

    2.0 does not cover?

    Of team members surveyed, 40% indicated they felt STAR 2.0 was adequate in

    covering issues of guest engagement. The most common suggestion for

    additional training in STAR 2.0 was the 12% of team members who suggested

    they would like training on how to handle situations where there are out of stock

    items or with having techniques for dealing with disgruntled guests. The second

    most frequent suggestion by 6% of team members was concerned with how to

    deal with guests who dont want to be helped or how to help guests when team

    members are also fielding an in-store phone call. Another 4% wished they knew

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    more about both product knowledge and how to accept coupons.

    It should be noted the survey answers indicated concerns that the STAR 2.0

    program does not take into consideration that some of the guidelines are affected

    by the team member's job duty. For example, if they are doing returns, service at

    the service desk, or being on the register they cannot leave their posts to show

    the customer products. On the team member survey we did not record the team

    members position to indicate if lack of training is isolated more toward

    specialized tasks.

    Two percent of team members listed the following issues they have encountered:

    selling an item can often take longer then two minutes, dealing with damaged

    items, returning items, knowing customers pricing/price matching, keeping

    communication fluid with customer while waiting for manager to show up, selling

    warranties, dealing with isle information not matching with information shown on

    the register, showing customers how to shop online, demonstrating the Store

    Ordering Process (SOS), and making good suggestions to guests.

    Is there anything that prevents you from engaging guests according to the STAR

    2.0 model? If so, what aspect?

    The majority (60%) of team members felt there was nothing impeding their ability

    to engage guests according to the STAR 2.0 Model. However, 22% felt the

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    challenges of multitasking frequently prevented them from engaging with guests,

    while 6% reported having trouble with customers avoiding them, and 4% reported

    they were involved with a phone call with another customer and could not

    engage a guest standing right in front of them.

    Two percent of team members listed the following issues they have encountered:

    parents being occupied with children, language barriers, and guests talking on

    their cell phones.

    What aspect of STAR 2.0 guest engagement do you find most difficult to


    It was reported by 37% of the team members that they had no difficulty

    implementing the STAR aspects of Smile, Talk, Available, and

    Rapid. However, the majority of the feedback, stated that meeting the

    prescription to be both Rapid and Available were the most difficult to

    implement in practice. This challenge was especially difficult on busy days with a

    limited amount of team members.

    Responding in Rapid fashion was the difficulty mentioned by 32% of the team

    members. Of those who mentioned Rapid as the most difficult to implement,

    most made comments centered on 2-minute selling. Here are some team

    members' comments: Sometimes you need more time with a guest to give them

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    information; youre in the middle of something and you have to leave it. In such

    cases, you often cant find an item in time, and your approach to the client can

    seem pushy. Specifically, Rapid doesnt cover when there is a lack of

    associates around to meet the demand...some products (cribs and car seats)

    take more time to explain and sell. And, at the register, So much time is spent

    offering rewards and dealing with credit cards, and that takes time!.

    Available made up 21% of the responses. Of those who mentioned Available

    as the most difficult, many said that it is difficult when its busy, especially at cash

    registers and when multiple people need assistance. One team member said, It

    can be difficult to deal with customers at the register depending on coupons and

    issues that arise. Another, We are supposed to offer services and products to

    each guest while ringing up the sale, but that can be difficult when there are

    many other guests waiting in line.

    The aspect of Talk made up 8% of the responses. Comments centered on the

    difficulty of having sufficient product knowledge to properly engage guests.

    How could STAR 2.0 training be improved to strengthen your guest engagement


    The majority of responses can be grouped into 4 main categories: 1) Provide

    more realistic solutions (19%), 2) Provide reminders or refreshers (15%), 3) Use

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    peers (13%), and 4) Provide more product information (10%).

    For more realistic solutions, team members requested being shown several

    different scenarios of how to use guest engagement skills. They would like to see

    these scenarios deal with handling multiple guests, unapproachable guests,

    phone calls, and complaints. Other suggestions involved having reminders or

    refreshers on a consistent basis in morning meetings and reviewing a new

    monthly STAR scenario using a new video (not a repeat of the same one). It was

    mentioned that peers and role-playing could be used to encourage dialogue

    practice, the sharing of ideas in a group training, and having peers do

    observations, shadowing, and feedback. Some wanted to see more training on

    product knowledge. Others point out the need for a register-specific coaching

    form; recognition/appreciation for associates doing a good job; and tips for

    dealing with foreign language speakers. Of those surveyed, 26% had no


    How would you change the STAR 2.0 program if you could?

    Of the 46 responses, 30% were either positive or noncommittal in their

    assessment of the training (i.e. could not think of anything, or could not respond

    without offering any specific positive examples). Among the remaining

    responses, 6 felt that the videos were not realistic and too simplistic, in that they

    did not address different types of customers (grandparents, teenagers, etc.) and

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    Manager Results

    What do you like best about STAR 2.0 Training?

    Store managers frequently offered the opinion that STAR 2.0 training allows

    them to interact and work with their store employees on a personal basis. Some

    store managers felt that STAR 2.0 gave a good baseline from which to judge

    employee performance. One manager mentioned that STAR 2.0 training gives

    them a good opportunity to be able to judge employee performance one at a

    time. Another mentioned that they like to be able to listen in to the conversation

    that employees are having and to be able to analyze the small details of what is

    going on. Some liked the fact that STAR 2.0 was very specific and direct. One

    manager mentioned that this makes it easy for new employees to catch on.

    Some managers liked the selling strategies that STAR 2.0 teaches and the

    scaffolding that it provides the employees.

    There were a few managers that were straightforward in stating that they didnt

    like STAR 2.0, making comments such as Don't like it at all. It's not informative

    and too vague, and simply Could be better.

    In summary, they was a general positive attitude towards the training with most

    comments focused on STAR 2.0 being a very direct program, easy to understand

    especially for newer employees, and a great tool for interacting with employees

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    one-on-one and evaluating them, as well as being a good selling tool.

    What do you like least about STAR 2.0 Training?

    The overwhelming response to this question was that the managers do not have

    time to do the training and the observations that are required. Many would like to

    be able to do more of the evaluations and give more consistent (and regular)

    feedback. One manager mentioned that he or she likes doing it, when time is

    available to do so. A second manager felt that STAR 2.0 was too vague and that

    they were not sure what corporate wanted out of them. Another mentioned how

    the forms that they are given to evaluate their employees were too black and

    white and that there needed to be more gray area for the guidelines.

    Some other general comments included that they Like[d] it much better than

    other trainings that have been done, referring to previous Company XYZ

    trainings. Two different managers mentioned the observations as something that

    they didnt like to do. One felt that it was too time -consuming. Another felt that the

    guidelines did not pertain to every situation. A singular comment was made that

    MAGIC was much better because it was easier to follow. Finally, one manager

    did not like that STAR 2.0 doesnt give guidelines for not-so-perfect customers.

    The overall assessment was that carrying out consistent observing is too time-

    consuming. These managers felt that the observation requirement needs to be

    less vague and more streamlined, although they did not give suggestions on how

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    service as a result of the training. Additionally, 14% commented that the required

    paperwork was a hindrance to effective training.

    Do you feel the time you spend to train your team members in the STAR model is

    time well spent?

    Overall, the greater part of the managers, 79%, stated that the time spent training

    team members with STAR was valuable. One manager felt that it was not useful

    at all. Another felt it was more useful for new hires. Yet another felt that one-on-

    one training would be more useful if time would allow.

    From observations, does STAR training help team members understand the

    value of good guest engagement?

    Overall, 86% of managers feel that STAR 2.0 training helps team members

    understand the value of good guest engagement. One felt that the training did

    not do so, and another manager felt that the outcome depended on leadership


    Do you believe motivation plays an important part in training?

    Nearly all (93%) of managers responded that motivation is an important part of

    training. They elaborated that it is important to understand the reasons behind

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    the training, especially for team members who lack experience. It is less of a

    factor for more seasoned associates. Also mentioned as important are praise

    and feedback, though the opinion was expressed that the repetition of feedback

    tends to reduce motivation.

    Do you think people learn better when they are motivated?

    All of the managers responded that people learn better when they are motivated

    or when they want to learn. Sometimes learning can be affected by what type of

    motivation is present.

    What do you think motivates people to learn?

    The results from this question varied since it was such a broad question. The

    managers stated that the following were motivators to learning: positive work

    environment and feedback, incentives and rewards, praise, self-appreciation,

    meeting goals, new information, opportunities to learn, and knowing that it will

    benefit their job. Of these results, positive feedback and work environment were

    mentioned by three different managers. Receiving rewards and incentives also

    had three comments.

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    Whats your impression of STAR COACH?

    Most of the manager's responses mentioned that the idea behind the STAR

    COACH was good. However, there were some areas suggested for

    improvement. Some felt that there wasn't enough time to review it and had not

    watched the video except for the first time. They suggested having a review of

    the video in staff meetings. Others mentioned that the video came across as not

    realistic and a little awkward. The suggestion was made that behavior modeled

    by the coach on the video could be improved to show the person as being more

    friendly and likable. Others mentioned that there was a lot of paper work that was

    not useful in turning the observations into positive conversation that would benefit

    the team members.

    Did the STAR COACH video adequately prepare you to train your team


    The majority of the managers felt that the video was helpful. Several store

    managers mentioned that their prior experiences agreed with the video, but

    added little new information. One manager did mention that the video needs to

    be adapted depending on whether it is being shown at a Company XYZ or a

    location since, in their view, the two-minute selling isn't feasible

    in the situation.

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    How could STAR COACH be improved?

    The majority of the ideas on how to improve the STAR COACH program focused

    on the video. There was a general sense that the video was unrealistic and the

    acting (mostly the coach) was awkward and uncomfortable. Other suggestions

    included having different observations sheets depending on where the employee

    is working (cashiers shouldn't be judged on the same criteria as team members

    doing sales), give techniques to motivate team members, show how to take the

    form and transfer it to a conversation, and how to do role plays. It was also

    mentioned that some branches implement the STAR program differently than

    others. If true, in their view, the implication that different stores should act

    differently leaves a lot of gray area.

    Which part of STAR training do you find most difficult to present?

    There were several managers who mentioned that nothing about STAR 2.0 was

    difficult to present by citing such things as their own retail experience or that the

    training was just simple enough and straightforward. Some managers felt the

    difficulties were in working with their employees, such as getting them to do

    STAR consistently, comfortably, as well as having some consistency with the


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    Rapid was mentioned a couple of times as something difficult to present, with

    one manager mentioning that the implementation of Rapid depends on how busy

    the store environment is. The busier the store is the less relevant the Rapid

    concept becomes. There was some mention of the difficulty of getting employees

    to do the STAR approach as well as some lack of consistency in the

    observations that were taken. One manager mentioned it is difficult getting others

    to give good feedback while doing the observations. Another mentioned the day-

    to-day activities do not look the way the video did. A couple of managers

    mentioned the difficulty of getting their employees to approach the guests


    Finally, one manager mentioned the sales and specifically that rapid was not

    possible at the check-out counter.

    Not including scheduled observation/feedback, how much time do you spend

    coaching your team members in guest engagement practices after they complete

    STAR training?

    Almost every manager said they are coaching their team members on STAR

    training on a daily basis in the daily meetings, as well making it an ongoing

    process. The managers really seem to make this a focus and feel that it is

    important. Others stated they would like to take more time for these coachings.

    There seemed to be no dispute that they feel that it is more important to coach

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    insufficient. Some managers even felt the training made no difference at all.

    managers did indicate the training gave their staff more instructions and options

    than just greeting the guests and walking away. Being able to go back and retrain

    their employees was a common proposal from the managers.

    To what extent do you believe STAR training strengthens the guest engagement

    practices of your team members?

    The majority of managers felt STAR training met the basic expectations they had

    for providing skills their employees needed to get out of the training. It helped

    team members to be aware of the guests and make the required interaction. A

    few managers expressed enthusiasm about the training, but felt it lost its

    effectiveness with time. While a couple manages feel a lot of guest engagement

    is more about the store getting high survey scores instead of focusing on serving

    the guests needs.

    Have you observed effective guest engagement techniques that are not currently

    addressed in STAR 2.0 Training? If so, what are they?

    Topics that were not addressed in the training included techniques to offer

    solutions for out-of-stock items, extra services for backroom employees, taking

    packages to customers cars and getting carts, developing conversations and

    adding personal customer approaches, making a connection with the children,

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    using the SOS and in-store pickup services, and providing guest engagement

    training for no-sales employees.

    From observation, which part of STAR guest engagement is most difficult for

    team members to implement?

    The managers reported that the most difficult to implement was RAPID. This was

    because everyone operates at a different pace. Two-minute selling is hard

    because of different customer needs and lack of product knowledge on the part

    of the customer. Communication skills including follow-up skills were mentioned

    along with approaching customers and how to follow the STAR steps when other

    customers are waiting.

    What guest engagement practice(s) do you feel team members most often miss

    or neglect, why?

    This question had many diverse responses that included Rapid. The thought

    was that sometimes the customer needs help that will take more time. Two

    minute selling, buyer protection plan, all of the product knowledge information,

    add-ons, return policy and approaching guests were also pointed out as

    frequently missed on the observations.

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    Do you feel the observation form provides the feedback necessary for improving

    guest engagement skills? Why?

    Of the managers interviewed, 77% stated that the observation form does indeed

    provide the necessary feedback to help team members improve guest

    engagement. They described the form as self-explanatory and clearly

    delineated. Another 38% of the managers offered that there are possibly too

    many aspects of guest engagement addressed on the coaching forms to give

    effective feedback. For example, one mentioned how there are six items under

    communication, which this participant thinks are too many. 46% percent of the

    managers referenced the effectiveness of the comment sections in giving the

    manager the ability to record comments and feedback from the coaching

    experience. Also, 46% of managers described the experience of using the form

    as an opportunity to teach team members valuable skills and attitudes.

    Do your team members remember all the steps and sub-steps on the observation


    When asked how many team members remember the steps on the observation

    form, 80% of managers said their team members do not remember all the steps

    and sub-steps. Managers observed that team members know the STAR model,

    but do not know the sub-steps. One manager said the form is too specific and

    should include benchmarks instead of specifics. Another agreed, saying there

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    33Company XYZ STAR 2.0 Training Evaluation

    are too many bullet points. One manager said the form isnt used enough, and

    that could be a cause of why team members dont remember the sub-steps.

    Have you observed inappropriate guest engagement practices that you found

    difficult to provide feedback for? Please explain.

    The majority of managers (75%) said they have not observed inappropriate guest

    engagement practices that they have found difficult to provide feedback

    for. However, one manager expressed a need for training on how to handle loss

    prevention, which is a scenario that can affect guest engagement. One important

    concern that was mentioned was that many times managers fill out the form

    without much thought for the training, and as a result, what the manager

    observes does not reflect what he or she records in the form. Another mentioned

    providing feedback on how to follow through with instant credit.

    List some ways STAR 2.0 training could be changed to improve guest

    engagement in a measurable way:

    A small portion (14%) of the managers said that the training is good and no

    changes need to be made. The remaining managers suggested changes to the

    training that fell into 2 categories: the content of the training and the process by

    which the training is delivered.

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    34Company XYZ STAR 2.0 Training Evaluation

    Of the 50% of managers who mentioned a change to the content, 21%

    suggested that a change to the form should be made so that it is suited for the

    front end of the store or for sales. Cashiers should use a different form than floor

    team members. Additional content-related suggestions were to increase product

    knowledge and adapt training to accommodate versus

    Company XYZ. One manager suggested that the Rapid element of the STAR

    model be more guest-oriented, and not time-oriented. Another suggested a more

    thorough training on 2-minute selling and a different manager suggested in-

    depth training on add-on selling.

    36% of the managers asked for a change to the process. Three managers

    advocated the implementation of a more effective coaching process, with a focus

    on quality over quantity, more hands-on training, and more opportunity to give

    positive feedback. One manager suggested after the initial STAR training that

    there be standardized refresher courses for managers to cover with team

    members during morning meetings or to have a monthly (or quarterly) newsletter

    to cover various topics.

    As a manager, what do you think is the greatest weakness of the STAR training

    your sales seam members receive?

    Only 1 felt there were no weaknesses with the 2.0 training. The other 97% had

    varying ideas on what the weaknesses were. The most consistent, with four

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    responses, was time constraints. The basis for this concern was caused by the

    time it takes to do the observations or the time it takes team members to get up

    to speed after receiving the training. Individual comments included the need for

    product knowledge, consistency in implementing the training in all the stores, the

    difference in sales techniques between Company XYZ and

    brands and how each brand warranted its own training, how the training is too

    general and unrealistic, and how team members acted differently when they

    knew they were being observed.

    What kind of program would you like to see if a STAR 3.0 was created?

    Only one manager felt the current training was fine, with the qualifying statement

    that managers need less paperwork. The most consistent wish for 3.0, with 5

    responses, addressed more training in selling and guest engagement. Other

    responses included the need for motivation and incentives, peer training and

    periodic refresher courses and follow-up, product knowledge, observation forms

    tailored to various departments and positions, better examples in the videos, and

    customer surveys.


    Team Members

    Team members generally had a positive view of STAR 2.0, with roughly 98% of

    those interviewed stating that their guest engagement technique had improved

    as a result of the training, helping them interact with guests, answer guests

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    questions and ask open-ended questions. 60% percent of those felt there was

    nothing from the training that impeded their ability to engage guests. However,

    even with this response, many of the team members provided feedback on

    additional factors that they felt were important enough to be considered.

    STAR 2.0 provides guidance on the ideal guest engagement situation, but a

    small percentage of team members indicated that they dealt with situations their

    training had not prepared them for, yet for which they were still evaluated. Some

    of these included:

    parents occupied with children

    language barriers

    guests talking on their cell phones

    A bigger concern stemmed from the fact that there are several different positions

    within a store, such as sales, back room, cash register, service desk, etc., which

    allows for different types of interactions with guests, but that there is only one

    observation form from which they are all evaluated. Team members at the

    service desk or cash register, for example, cannot leave their posts to show a

    guest a product and implement the Two-Minute Selling techniques, as indicated

    in the survey responses in the previous section.

    STAR 2.0 Model

    Of the four points in the STAR model, Rapid was the one with which most team

    members had difficulty. About 30% found Two-Minute Selling challenging due to

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    the realities of guest engagement. Team members spoke of giving guests

    information, finding items, or even attempting to refrain from being pushy as

    factors that often exceeded the two-minute mark. Additionally, being short-

    handed also required team members to spend more time on a sale. Selling a toy

    is also different from explaining the differences in a line of baby products; the

    latter often takes more time.

    Available was the next most challenging STAR point for team members, with

    21% stating that if a store is busy it is difficult to be available for every guest.

    This was especially a problem at the cash register, when cashiers are expected

    to continue to engage guests but feel rushed by the lines that form.


    Team members cited four main areas in which the STAR 2.0 training could be


    1.Provide more realistic solutions in the videos; i.e., depictions of various

    guest engagement scenarios (handling multiple guests, guests of different

    ages, unapproachable guests, phone calls, and complaints). 19% of team

    members mentioned it.

    2.Schedule reminders or refreshers; i.e., follow-up training and videos.

    Responses from 26% of team members were divided between this and

    the next point.

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    3.Use peer training and role playing; i.e., practice dialogues among team

    members, the sharing of ideas in a group training, and having peers do

    observations, shadowing, and feedback.

    4.Provide more training on product knowledge. 9% of team members

    mentioned this.


    Sixty-seven percent of managers interviewed stated that they like STAR 2.0

    training and appreciate the chance that the training provides to interact with their

    employees on a personal level. Twenty-seven percent of them feel it is helpful,

    but not vital to the success of a store. For the most part, they felt it is at a level

    that is beneficial to employees, allows them to learn the sales techniques and

    provides guidance as they do.

    Managers see the main drawback to STAR 2.0 as a matter of having enough

    time to do everything that is required. The training and observations dont always

    get the attention they deserve because of other time constraints. Managers also

    regard paperwork as a hindrance that prevents them from conducting more

    observations and one-on-one reviews with their employees.

    Another complaint is similar to the one the team members have, in that they feel

    the training is too general and does not provide instruction on the various types

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    of guests and situations. In this state, it serves as a good primer for a new hire

    but does not necessarily help employees gain experience with the many

    situations they encounter on the job.

    Managers also cited the things they felt keep their employees motivated. Of

    these, positive feedback and work environment, and receiving rewards and

    incentives were mentioned most.


    Most of the managers felt STAR COACH was a good idea that needs

    improvement. Most of the comments were about the video: it was not very

    realistic and didnt add much to what they had learned from prior experience,

    although several also thought reviewing the video periodically would be helpful.

    One manager said there needs to be two STAR COACH videos, one for

    Company XYZ and one for , addressing the different sales

    styles in the two stores.

    STAR 2.0 Model

    For the most part, managers did not find STAR 2.0 difficult to present to their

    employees. Some felt Rapid was the most difficult part of the STAR model to

    train on. The rapidity with which a team member can successfully implement

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    Rapid depends on how busy the store is, and is often a problem at the checkout

    counter as well. Likewise, different customer needs did not always fit within the

    two-minute time limit.

    Managers endeavor to coach on a daily basis and feel it is important to do so.

    Many of them would like to be able to spend more time coaching but have to

    consider time constraints.

    Even with daily coaching, not every manager feels STAR 2.0 has an impact on

    guest engagement. A slight majority felt there was an impact, with the rest

    stating there was little or no impact. While it meets the expectations one might

    have for a basic training, some felt it did not improve on basics or provide

    instruction that remained fresh over time.


    67% percent of the managers interviewed stated that the observation form is

    intuitive and provides the necessary feedback to help team members improve

    their guest engagement techniques. Thirty-eight percent said there was too

    much detail in the form, which made it difficult to provide effective feedback. One

    example cited was the six items in the communication category.

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    41Company XYZ STAR 2.0 Training Evaluation

    The majority of managers (79%) said their team members do not remember the

    STAR 2.0 model in enough detail to be able to focus on every sub-step. Some

    felt that managers might be filling out the form without considering the training

    and delivering feedback that does not necessarily reinforce the training. Still, a

    similar number of managers were able to provide feedback on inappropriate

    guest engagement practices with no real difficulty.


    86% of the managers felt there is room for improvement in either the training

    content or its delivery. See the Recommendations section below for suggestions

    on improving these aspects of the training.

    All the managers but one said time constraints were the biggest weakness in

    STAR 2.0, with observations and paperwork taking up too much time and team

    members taking a great deal of time to learn the training well enough to put it into


    Others cited the difference in the Company XYZ and brands

    and want training specific for each.

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    42Company XYZ STAR 2.0 Training Evaluation

    Summary and Recommendations

    The overall conclusion is that, while STAR 2.0 is generally well-regarded, it has

    some wrinkles to iron out. It has the basis of a good training program that

    provides suitable direction for team members. Improvements generally deal with

    details rather than the foundations of the program.

    There are significant recommendations for both the training material and the

    means by which the training is implemented and sustained. These are primarily

    drawn from the suggestions and concerns of the team members and managers.

    This would indicate that Company XYZ would be justified in creating a STAR

    3.0 program to improve on the current 2.0.

    For the training videos:

    Depict varied and realistic situations in the videos that deal with different

    age groups, different numbers of guests, and different stress levels.

    Teach team members how to make a connection with children.

    Develop guest engagement training for non-sales employees (service desk,

    cash register, etc.).

    Make allowance for, and provide training on, situations and store positions

    where rapid selling is not always possible.

    Develop different training material and expectations for Company XYZ and


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    After initial training:

    Provide refresher courses that include occasional supplemental videos

    that train on a given specific issue (two-minute or add-on selling, for


    Allow managers to review the STAR Coach video as a refresher, and tailor

    it toward realistic situations.

    Design peer training activities such as role playing and peer reviews.

    Provide instruction on loss prevention/shoplifting.

    Provide additional product knowledge training, especially for .

    Make more time for coaching and observations with simplified observation

    sheets and paperwork.

    Create different observations sheets for different positions in the store.

    Provide a system of rewards or incentives for team members.

    Focus on quality feedback over a quantity of observations.

    Do not stress Rapid at the expense of good guest interaction for the sake

    of time.

    An evaluator with experience in document control systems proposes one final

    recommendation, which is that Company XYZ might consider investing in a

    training software in which training is created on a given topic, trainees added and

    the training configured to recur at defined intervals. Some such programs require

    the trainee to pass exams before they can sign off on the training, making it more

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    44Company XYZ STAR 2.0 Training Evaluation

    probably that a trainee has absorbed the lesson. This will provide a consistent

    cycle of refresher courses on many of the issues cited above and help managers

    organize their schedule accordingly.

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    45Company XYZ STAR 2.0 Training Evaluation

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------APPENDIX I: The Instruments



    Questions posed by TRU Learning:I) How are team members using STAR 2.0 (SUPER STAR SELLING) to engageguests?2) What does the next level of STAR 2.0 (SUPER STAR SELLING) look like?

    Proposed Introduction:Hi, Im _____ from the Utah State University ITLS department, and we are

    conducting an anonymous survey as a class project for Company XYZ to helpdiscover how the STAR 2.0 (SUPER STAR SELLING) training is being used toengage guests.

    As a reminder STAR 2.0, also known as Super STAR Selling, was delivered tothe field in 2010 via our All Store Meetings or Onboarding. STAR 2.0 focuses onthe following: Smile: Approach, Welcome, Initiate Talk: Ask, Tell, Show Available: Be Aware Rapid: Use Two Minute Selling

    This survey has been approved and authorized by (title, name ), at theCompany XYZ corporate office. Well be asking you (#) questions, and itshould take around 10 minutes. We appreciate your candid, honest answers --Be assured that your answers will be completely anonymous. This is not aperformance evaluation, but an evaluation of the training program itself. Yourfeedback is important to help us determine the state of the current training andwhat improvements might be made in the future.

    Proposed Closing (after the survey):Thank you so much for your help and sharing your experiences with

    STAR 2.0 (SUPER STAR SELLING)! We appreciate your time and value your

    input. Do you have any questions for me, or any final thoughts? (If they ask forresults of the survey, collect their email address).

    SALES TEAM MEMBER SURVEYQUESTIONS1. How long has it been since you completed STAR 2.0 Training?

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    On a scale of 1-5, with 1 being the least and 5 being the most,2. How helpful do you feel the STAR 2.0 Training has been in improving yourguest engagement skills?1: Not helpful 2: Somewhat unhelpful 3: Neutral 4: Somewhat helpful 5: Very


    3. Rate how confident you felt about engaging guests immediately aftercompleting STAR 2.0 training?1: Not confident at all 2: Not very confident 3: Neutral 4: Somewhatconfident 5: Very confident

    4. How useful are the observation and feedback sessions in helping you toimprove guest engagement?1: Very useless 2: Useless 3: Neutral 4: Somewhat useful 5: Very useful

    5. How much, if any, did your product knowledge increase as a result ofcompleting STAR 2.0?1: None 2: A little 3: Somewhat 4: A lot 5: Verymuch

    The next are short answer questions:6. Has your guest engagement technique improved over time? If so, in whatway(s)?7. Do you think your guest engagement technique has resulted in increasedsales? If so, how?8. Can you give an example of how STAR 2.0 created a solution in a guestengagement situation?9. When you are helping guests, what issues do you encounter, if any, that STAR2.0 does not cover?10. Is there anything that prevents you from engaging guests according to theSTAR 2.0 model? If so,what?11. What aspect of STAR 2.0 guest engagement do you find most difficult toimplement?12. How could STAR 2.0 training be improved to strengthen your guestengagement skills? (1)13. How would you change the STAR 2.0 program if youcould?


    Questions posed by TRU Learning:I) How are team members using STAR 2.0 (SUPER STAR SELLING) to engage

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    guests?2) What does the next level of STAR 2.0 (SUPER STAR SELLING) look like?

    Proposed Introduction:Hi, Im _____ from the Utah State University ITLS department, and we are

    conducting an anonymous survey as a class project for Company XYZ to helpdiscover how the STAR 2.0 (SUPER STAR SELLING) training is being used toengage guests.

    As a reminder STAR 2.0, also known as Super STAR Selling, was delivered tothe field in 2010 via our All Store Meetings or Onboarding. STAR 2.0 focuses onthe following: Smile: Approach, Welcome, Initiate Talk: Ask, Tell, Show Available: Be Aware Rapid: Use Two Minute Selling

    This survey has been approved and authorized by (title, name ), at theCompany XYZ corporate office. Well be asking you (#) questions, and itshould take around 10 minutes. We appreciate your candid, honest answers --Be assured that your answers will be completely anonymous. This is not aperformance evaluation, but an evaluation of the training program itself. Yourfeedback is important to help us determine the state of the current training andwhat improvements might be made in the future.

    Proposed Closing (after the survey):Thank you so much for your help and sharing your experiences with

    STAR 2.0 (SUPER STAR SELLING)! We appreciate your time and value yourinput. Do you have any questions for me, or any final thoughts? (If they ask forresults of the survey, collect their email address).


    As a manager,1. What do you like best about STAR 2.0training?

    2. What do you like least about STAR 2.0training?

    VALUE:3. What is your impression of the value of STAR 2.0training?4. Do you feel it is important for all of your team members to receive STAR

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    training?5. How vital do you feel STAR training is to the success of yourstore?6. Do you feel the time you spend to train your team members in the STARmodel is time well spent?

    7. From observation, does STAR training help team members understand thevalue of good guest engagement?

    TRAINING/COACHING:8. Do you believe motivation plays an important part intraining?9. Do you think people learn better when they aremotivated?10. What do you think motivates people tolearn?

    11. Whats your impression of STARCOACH?

    12. Did the STAR COACH video adequately prepare you to train your teammembers?13. How could STAR COACH beimproved?

    14. Which part of STAR training do you find most difficult topresent?15. Not including scheduled observation/feedback, how much time do you spendcoaching your team members in guestengagement practices after they complete STAR training?16. Do you think the way in which STAR training is delivered effectively transferslearning to sales for team members?

    RESULTS:17. How would you rate the impact of STAR 2.0 training on guest engagementpractices?18. To what extent do you believe STAR training strengthens the guestengagement practices of your team members?19. Have you observed effective guest engagement techniques that are notcurrently addressed in STAR 2.0 Training? If so, what are they?20. From observation, which part of STAR guest engagement is most difficult forteam members to implement?21. What guest engagement practice(s) do you feel team members most oftenmiss or neglect, why?22. Do you feel the observation form provides the feedback necessary forimproving guest engagement skills? Why?23. Do your team members remember all the steps and sub-steps on the

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    observation form?24. Have you observed inappropriate guest engagement practices that you founddifficult to provide feedback for? Explain.


    25. List some ways STAR 2.0 training could be changed to improve guestengagement in a measurable way:26. As a manager, what do you think is the greatest weakness of the STARtraining your team members receive?27. What kind of program would you like to see, if a STAR 3.0 was created?

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------APPENDIX II: Data Results


    Initial Report

    Last Modified: 04/04/2011

    1. What is your store number (and state location)?

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    50Company XYZ STAR 2.0 Training Evaluation

    # Answer Response %

    1 8730 Florida 0 0%

    2 6536 Florida 0 0%

    3 5657 California 1 9%

    4 8002 Washington 1 9%

    5 9237 Indiana 1 9%

    6 5672 California 1 9%

    7 8729 Florida 0 0%

    8 9581 California 0 0%

    9 5656 California 0 0%

    10 7515 Connecticut 0 0%

    11 6321 New Jersey 1 9%

    12 6379 New Jersey 1 9%

    13 8303 Pennsylvania 0 0%

    14 9203 Ohio 0 0%

    15 6022 Illinois 1 9%

    16 6454 Pennsylvania 0 0%

    17 8361 Maryland 2 18%

    18 6079 Michigan 1 9%

    19 6387 Pennsylvania 0 0%

    20 7820 Texas 0 0%

    21 6040 Iowa 1 9%

    22 5689 Utah 0 0%

    23 5691 Utah 0 0%

    24 6515 Utah 0 0%

    25 9568 Utah 0 0%

    26 8739 Florida 0 0%

    28 6010 Illinois 0 0%

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    51Company XYZ STAR 2.0 Training Evaluation

    29 5675 California 0 0%

    30 7808 Texas 0 0%

    31 7713 Texas 0 0%

    32 7811 Oklahoma 0 0%

    Total 11 100%

    Statistic Value

    Min Value 3

    Max Value 21

    Mean 11.73

    Variance 40.62

    Standard Deviation 6.37

    Total Responses 11

    2. What do you like best about STAR 2.0 Training?

    Text Response

    Allows the managers to stop and pay attention to the

    conversations that are going on with their employees and look at

    the smaller details that they normally wouldn't pay attention to.

    Being able to train one-on-one with team members.

    Could be better. It's been out for a while now. It's not that I

    don't like the training. Would like more time to re-train on

    existing materials.

    Don't like it at all. It's not informative and too vague.Good tool for GSL to have a baseline to judge behavior. Good to

    help team members understand areas to work on, also approach and

    product knowledge.

    Helps associates have a good example.

    IT asks for deliberate guest service. It is task-related. Their

    guest service wasn't deliberate before STAR 2.0. It is now

    specific and actionable.

    It gives us chance to observe and focus on one person at a time

    It makes our employees aware of responsibilities.

    Likes that it is very straightforward, described it as "black and

    white, no gray area"

    Like the selling. It's quick.

    Self explanatory, what STAR stands for, this is more simple. Easy

    for newest employees to catch on.

    The opportunity for interaction between manager and team member.

    The video is "catchy". Good intro that draws you in. I like the

    different situations presented.

    Two minute selling, in depth, covers basics, provides example.

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    Statistic Value

    Total Responses 15

    3. What do you like least about STAR 2.0 Training?

    Text Response

    Doesn't go into problem solving phase of guest interaction.

    Doesn't give examples for not perfect customers.

    Don't have time to do it

    Don't like the "mgr" represented on the video. He is "weird" the

    way he peers around the corner to conduct observations. Makes

    team members uncomfortable.

    Don't like to have GSL to do observations b/c they don't have

    time. Suggests supervisors and peers give feedback.

    Felt that the number of observations of team members was too time


    I don't think you're training enough. When you're new, need more.

    Most of the new people don't know anything. They see when we on-

    board them but not after that.

    It doesn't flow. We used to have MAGIC program, that was easier

    to follow, it was more linear. STAR is just kind of a word to

    follow. IT doesn't make a whole lot of sense. It's just an

    acronym. Likes MAGIC better, MAGIC was easier to follow.

    It is a formalized piece of paper. I am constantly doing

    coaching but not necessarily with the paper. When I see an

    opportunity for coaching I am not going to run back to the office

    to get the form so I can do an official coaching session.

    Not really anything that they can think of. Likes it much better

    than other trainings that have been done.

    Observations. Guidelines don't obtain to every situation.

    There's too much information to train. I feel like I can't do it


    The way the forms are setup. It is black and white when people

    are in the gray area. Too structured. Example, 2 and 3 star

    rating, unable to communicate isn't an option. Everyone

    communicates. 2 star option isn't reasonable because no one does

    that terrible which makes it black and white (between 3 and 4

    star). A little manipulative by wording. It is negative and not

    positive towards the people being evaluated.

    Too vague on what is expected - what does corporate want to see?

    Would like to spend more time with every team member and wishes

    she had more time for the message. Observations take time, they

    like them but doing them has not been consistent.

    You have to type in information on your associates -

    reporting/paperwork takes time.

    Statistic Value

    Total Responses 15

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    53Company XYZ STAR 2.0 Training Evaluation

    4. What is your impression of the value of STAR 2.0


    Text Response

    better than nothing, but not goodDoing it as a scheduled exercise seemed to make a point with team

    members. Talking to team members on a casual basis was not as


    Emphasizing what STAR stands for and it helps with initlal guest


    Good step up from initial Star training rollout, but thinks the

    selling part could be improved. Selling is different for

    and Company XYZ.

    It's valuable. It gives us the opportunity to sit down and go

    over how to engage guests.

    It has a high value. It goes a long ways for what we want in

    team members.

    It is good, b/c it makes employees/mgrs aware of what they should

    be doing

    It is good and gives the customers a good basis

    It is valuable because it makes associates aware of the need for

    good customer engagement.

    It tells team members what guest service should look like.

    Some parts are good. Greeting them and selling to them. Hard to

    do every customer.

    There is benefit to the on-going coaching in the training, but is

    becoming repetitive and redundant to team members because they

    hear the same things (feedback) over and over again. Getting

    tired of it.To bring associates who are struggling more up to speed, with our


    Valuable as far as finding out baseline information -

    expectations. Good measurement tool.

    video was good except for not enough focus on how to

    constructively give feedback. How to take observations and have a

    positive conversation. The STAR 2.0 is a step in the right


    Statistic Value

    Total Responses 15

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    54Company XYZ STAR 2.0 Training Evaluation

    5. Do you feel it is important for all of your team

    members to receive STAR training?

    Text Response


    Absolutely. It provides them with consistent expectations of

    what we want.








    yes, but we need more coaching tools

    Yes, definately.


    Yes. If they had it more than just on-boarding it would be good.

    Yes. It provides a refresher on the most important part of our

    job. For many team members, this is their first job and it's

    easy to get lazy in regards to guest engagement.

    Statistic Value

    Total Responses 15

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    55Company XYZ STAR 2.0 Training Evaluation

    6. How vital do you feel STAR training is to the success

    of your store?

    Text Response

    Everything starts with guest service. One of the most important

    things that can be done with the store.

    It helps when it teaches you to approach. The guest gets to see

    you more.

    I think it's more important than I realize. I use the program

    itself more than I use the sheet.

    It is vital but depends on the execution of the tools given. The

    form makes it difficult to give the right communication. More

    pencil work than communication.

    Not vital. I have seen no change in store success. The training

    is good to redirect behavior, but not vital because managers

    would redirect without it.

    Really vital.

    The staff here is very tenured, 15-20 years, it's not like we

    have great turnover, even cashiers have been here 3-5 years. It

    would be more important during seasonal times, they have to get

    up to speed in a 10-12 hours.

    Utilize Star training daily, we are the leader in implement Star



    Very important, since the point is to retain guests

    Very Important. Creates environment where guests want to come


    very vital

    very vitalvery vital

    yes, If it is not too vague

    Statistic Value

    Total Responses 15

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    57Company XYZ STAR 2.0 Training Evaluation

    8. From observations, does STAR training help team

    members understand the value of good guest


    Text ResponseDepends on the leader. It also depends on if they are behind it.

    I think so. Even the tenured staff forgets what to do.

    It takes time for associates to understand what the value is, but

    as they progress they start to see the value of each step.







    Yes, when done in the right way. It's more than just filling out

    the paper. The feedback that team members get is most valuable.


    Yes. Feedback (coaching) adds to it.

    Yes. The video gives good examples.

    Yes. Training is only going to be as successful as the follow


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    58Company XYZ STAR 2.0 Training Evaluation

    9. Do you believe motivation plays an important part in


    Text Response

    AbsolutelyMotivation is part of it. The lack of experience of team members

    is another part. This is their first job, and so giving them

    experience is very important.

    No, I don't think they need to be motivated to use it. Especially

    tenured, they just do it usually.

    Very critical to understand the reason behind it, motivation is a

    self directed attribute, each individual associate is motivated


    Yeah it does. They have to have a reason. A lot of the quick

    seasonal trained people don't use it - they weren't trained well.





    Yes, and the initial motivation provided by the training is good,

    but the repetition of the feedbacks tend to reduce motivation

    yes, motivation and incentives

    yes - praise and being positive are important


    Yes. People want to hear how they are doing. Being able to

    coach them and give feedback is effective in this way.

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    59Company XYZ STAR 2.0 Training Evaluation

    10. Do you think people learn better when they are


    Text Response

    Absolutely.They learn alot better when they want to learn.









    yes, depends on the motivation



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    11. What do you think motivates people to


    Text Response

    Any benefit to the learner is motivational; in this case, what

    will make their jobs easier.

    Competitive factor within themselves and departments.

    Creating a positive work environment. Being honest & kind in the

    way that you lead others and in how you lead.

    financially - more hours accolades

    If you set goals to help them learn, they'll see progress.

    There's nothing they currently see.

    incentives, rewards, telling about wins to store managers

    New information - keeps you stimulated, like new product

    knowledge content

    People want to feel like they are good at their job. Internalconfirmation of doing a good job.

    Positive attitude, financial incentives, please thank yous,

    positive feedback motivates, the satisfaction of knowing you're



    Praise. Others see that and try to do better.

    When they know they have an opportunity to grow and improve from


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    61Company XYZ STAR 2.0 Training Evaluation

    12. Whats your impression of STAR COACH?

    Text Response

    A little cheesy...having a variety of people would be better

    Feedback is important but the form needs to be rewritten. Need to

    take results from form and transfer to a conversation.good


    Important in every aspect and should be utilized more often than

    it is.

    I think it's good. Most employees know when you're watching them,

    then they step it up.

    Its important.

    It works if managers dedicate themselves to following it well.

    I watched it once. That's all.

    needs to have fun, not necessary to fill out paper

    The ones I've had were pretty good. They did a good job.

    The purpose of it is to help people improve, which is good.

    The video coach was "creepy", not realistic.

    They need more time to review it each quarter with staff in the

    in-staff meetings. It needs to be mandated.

    Video was awkward - the video coach was not the type of coach I

    would want training team members. He was weird and unfriendly.

    Their was no positive reinforcement to team members. I had to

    redirect my coaches after watching the video.

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    62Company XYZ STAR 2.0 Training Evaluation

    13. Did the STAR COACH video adequately prepare you

    to train your Team Members?

    Text Response

    Basic general breakdown. Gives knowledge on what to do and what

    not to do. Liked video.

    It explained it well, but I didn't need it.

    It is an okay video. I think it is lacking. The coach in the

    video seems like a stalker.

    n/a. I already know how.

    No, a little too vague, broadband approach. Not enough trouble


    no - I go with instinct

    The way that it is shown in the video is hard to do ni the store

    . To the leaders, "it's the spirit" of getting the observations



    Yes, as much as a video can.

    Yes, but I also have 10 years of customer service experience and

    feel it is common sense

    yes - good guidelines

    Yes. It was an ok video.

    Yes and no. The basics were good, but this manager feels the

    training needs to be adapted to each brand. The training

    required for BRU employees is different from that required for

    TRU employees. The emphasis is on 2 minute selling, which is

    feasible with toys but BRU employees typically take 20-45 minutesto complete sale. There is a difference between recommending a

    toy and telling a customer about several different makes of car

    seat or stroller.

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    63Company XYZ STAR 2.0 Training Evaluation

    14. How could STAR COACH be


    Text Response

    Add more realistic situations/examples of guest engagement. The

    ones on the video were too staged and easy.

    By taking the awkward coach out - It is very staged and

    uncomfortable. He looked like he was "spying" on the team member.

    Difficult to fill in different sections of the STAR levels.

    Different sheets based on what the employees are positioned.

    Cashiers should be looked at differently than people on the


    Explain how to motivate team members - give techniques to do this

    Form. Need to take results from form and transfer to a

    conversation. The forms should be a pathway and not a staircase.

    Not every conversation is the same. There needs to be different

    forms based on the sales floor or someone at the register.

    Gave the basics, felt that they had to stress the spirit of it

    with their employees. The video acting was rigid and elicited

    lots of giggles form employees while watching, although they

    still took it seriously.

    How to role play between coach/team member

    If part of the Coach program were a management meeting meeting to

    convey the importance of the training, I think it would help us

    to be more effective. Everyone has different perceptions and it

    would be good for us to talk about our differences and try to

    align ourselves more.

    It's bad acting. It doesn't seem real. I think they could make

    it more productive looking and professional. Also, it isn't very

    realistic. For example, we are supposed to greet every guest.

    In the video the coach is too busy stalking the team member to

    greet the guests around him.

    It's been a while since I watched it. Nothing stands out.

    make it more black and white. Too much grey area, up to

    interpretation. Training needs to be streamlined - every store

    approaches it differently

    Need to be realistic and allow them to be managers

    See above.

    Troubleshooting information.

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    64Company XYZ STAR 2.0 Training Evaluation

    15. Which part of STAR training do you find most

    difficult to present?

    Text Response

    2-minute selling. Especially at the registers. When I am

    observing cashiers I have seen that it is really hard for a

    cashier to have to practice 2-minute selling to a guest.

    Accountability factor, conflict management.

    Approaching is a hard part for some associates

    Attitude, dress code

    Available and Rapid. Rapid is tough because it isn't always

    relanvant based on how busy it is.

    Consistency in observations.

    Getting associates to approach initially - TALK

    It's all pretty easy and straightforward.

    Making other people who are doing observations more comfortable

    giving feedback.


    No. I've been in retail a long time.


    No problems. However, sometimes a team member doesn't hit every

    point on the form, but they still do the job. The problem is the

    form makes it seem like they are missing something, when in

    reality they did great.


    The day-to-day activities in the store do not always loot how the

    videos did. The training video should combine multiple guest


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    65Company XYZ STAR 2.0 Training Evaluation

    16. Not including scheduled observation/feedback, how

    much time do you spend coaching your team members

    in guest engagement practices after they complete

    STAR training?Text Response

    10-15 minutes per day among the 50 team members.

    A lot, upfront and after

    Constantly. Every morning they emphasize how important it is to

    help the guest. in group meetings.

    Daily discussions, ongoing process.

    Go over STAR expectations on a daily basis. Going over

    expectations of the observing doesn't happen enough.

    I am a stickler for training. I am constantly training team


    Initially, more time. Now less b/c it is not feasible to take

    the time - redundant.

    Less b/c it's not important. The quality needs to be higher.

    Would prefer to do fewer of them and take more quality time with

    feedback rather than a greater number of them.

    Less than I need b/c of time

    Less time, in the beginning it was more

    Less time than required b/c of time constraints

    Thew approach. How approaches guests and initiate/end

    conversations -- > The whole dynamic of working with the guest.

    This manager is at it constantly, 8 hours out of a 10-hour shift.

    Company XYZ is about STAR quality service to the guests. Weare talking about STAR training constantly. In every meeting and

    every day out on the floor.

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    67Company XYZ STAR 2.0 Training Evaluation

    18. How would you rate the impact of STAR 2.0 training

    on guest engagement practices?

    Text Response

    Definately an impact, but could be better

    Depends on how much the leader put into it. Not in other stores

    from what they have seen, for example in Sugar House. Murray has

    struggled as well as is not doing as well with guest interaction.

    Employees are awar of what they need to do and it makes them more

    comfortable engaging guests

    Has not had an impact.

    High, it helps give guidelines.

    It's ok, but it could be better. I'm not sure exactly what to

    make it better. But it would be nice to go back and re-train.

    They get it once and that's it. Unless there is a problem, you

    don't go back.I think it has helped - have seen some improvement.

    It is a good basis for them

    Positive impact. Created more awareness.

    Rates pretty high. It gives them actual steps to do instead of

    saying hi and walking away. It's a good things.

    This goes back to the same observation about the difference in

    the two brands and the need for adaptable training.

    Very High

    Very high - get lots of good customer feedback

    Very valuable.

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    68Company XYZ STAR 2.0 Training Evaluation

    19. To what extent do you believe STAR training

    strengthens the guest engagement practices of your

    team members?

    Text Response


    Helps a lot.

    Helps guide.

    Helps them to understand expectations.

    Immediately after was good. Long term - minimal

    It does strengthen guest engagement

    It has all the necessary information in it

    It separates those who do well from those who don't.

    Makes them more aware of what makes and complete interaction witha guest.

    The initial training for team members is okay. When the manager

    is able to use it to train the team members, it is great!

    They was a high guest level last year but it was done

    dishonestly. They were focused more on numbers than guests.

    Employees can't walk with guests during busy months. Members were

    asking for a 100% result form the survey if the guest was

    satisfied when the survey printed off on the receipt at the

    register. Employees then circle it and place their name next to

    it. This is suggested at district meetings but this store manager

    does not agree with it.


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    69Company XYZ STAR 2.0 Training Evaluation

    20. Have you observed effective guest engagement

    techniques that are not currently addressed in STAR 2.0

    Training? If so, what are they?

    Text ResponseCouldn't say yes. Offer solutions for out of stock and never let

    the guest leave empty handed.

    Extra effort by back room employees - i.e. taking packages to

    car, getting carts, going the extra mile

    Gives them guidelines. Its up to the leadership team to take it

    to the next level along with employees.

    Going extra step to find what they need instead of talking them

    into buying something else.

    How to develop a conversation. How to engage a guest and not wait

    for the guest to come to you. What open ended questions help

    stimulate conversation. Stimulate the conversation.

    I don't think so. It would help if the team member knew theordering system better to help customers.

    Making a connection with the customer by adding personal

    experiences/similar interests into the conversation

    Matching guest engagement practices with individual personalities

    - the team members sort of personalize their approaches




    None, they use the training.

    Talking to the children to make a connection

    Using the SOS and in-store pickup services are new and need to beaddressed in the STAR training. Also, the behind-the-scenes guys

    who work in the back have a lot to do with good guest engagement,

    but they aren't addressed in the training.

    Yes. My non-sales employees use good guest engagement even

    without seeing the training.

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    70Company XYZ STAR 2.0 Training Evaluation

    21. From observation, which part of STAR guest

    engagement is most difficult for team members to


    Text Response2 minute selling, for the branding reason explained above.

    Approaching customers

    Approaching customers - the initial contact

    Available and Rapid with being available when there are multiple


    Follow up conversation

    Hard to give a sales pitch, when other customers are waiting for


    It depends on the team member. Some are somewhat shy, so they

    don't like talking to guests. We try to steer certain employees

    to better jobs if that's the case like truck processing.Most of the team members say hi and walk away. To stay and assist

    the customer is difficult. They get the first step and not the



    Product knowledge

    RAPID - everyone's pace is different. Quick response means

    different thing to different people. 2-minute selling is quite

    difficult to do.

    RAPID - they want to help customers, but they don't want to do it

    so quickly that the customers don't feel helped.

    RAPID. W