PROFILE 2020 COMPANY Lungisa P. Consultancy (Pty) Ltd

Company Profile - Consultancy Agency · Management Programme Management Job Profiling Planning Process R˝ngin˝ring Transforma˚on OD Consul˚ng Services Lungisa P. Consultancy

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Page 1: Company Profile - Consultancy Agency · Management Programme Management Job Profiling Planning Process R˝ngin˝ring Transforma˚on OD Consul˚ng Services Lungisa P. Consultancy



Lungisa P. Consultancy (Pty) Ltd

Page 2: Company Profile - Consultancy Agency · Management Programme Management Job Profiling Planning Process R˝ngin˝ring Transforma˚on OD Consul˚ng Services Lungisa P. Consultancy


We are pleased to introduce Lungisa P. Consultancy (LPC). LPC is one of the leading indepen-dent providers of consul�ng and human capital development services in South Africa. Our foo-tprint shows extensive experience in management consul�ng and human resources develop-ment. Regi�ered in 2004, we have b�n opera�ng as a �ose corpora�on and in 2012 we assu-med the legal �a�s of a private company.

Our approa� to providing consul�ng services ensures a partnership betw�n the �ient and our proje� team, therefore permi�ing the sharing of �ills, knowledge and values. We are looking forward to a value adding work rela�onship with your organisa�on.

Lungisa P. Consultancy (Pty) Ltd

Page 3: Company Profile - Consultancy Agency · Management Programme Management Job Profiling Planning Process R˝ngin˝ring Transforma˚on OD Consul˚ng Services Lungisa P. Consultancy

Company reg. number: 2012/077727/07Income tax number: 9391089175VAT number: 4260269446PAYE number: 7050780644UIF number: U050780644BBBEE contributor: Level 1

Our Compliance

Lungisa P. Consultancy (Pty) Ltd

Page 4: Company Profile - Consultancy Agency · Management Programme Management Job Profiling Planning Process R˝ngin˝ring Transforma˚on OD Consul˚ng Services Lungisa P. Consultancy

Our VisionTo enhance the performance of our �ients at in�i��onaland individual levels.

• Under�and the business priori�es of ea� �ient• Render a service that aligns with ea� �ient’s business �rategy; and• Ensure a well developed human capital that supports the �ient’s organisa�onal priori�es.

Lungisa P. Consultancy (Pty) Ltd

Our Mission Our ValuesProfessional excellenceService excellenceHone�yDisciplinePeople development

Page 5: Company Profile - Consultancy Agency · Management Programme Management Job Profiling Planning Process R˝ngin˝ring Transforma˚on OD Consul˚ng Services Lungisa P. Consultancy

In the human resources management field, we take pride in our view that employ�s are a significant asset through whom a business can succ�d or fail. Although other forms of assets may exi� at a workplace, it is ul�mately through people that performance can be improved for the benefit of the organisa�on and its surroundings.

Human ResourceManagement Services

• Employ� Rela�ons• HR Management• Training

Lungisa P. Consultancy (Pty) Ltd

Page 6: Company Profile - Consultancy Agency · Management Programme Management Job Profiling Planning Process R˝ngin˝ring Transforma˚on OD Consul˚ng Services Lungisa P. Consultancy







Process R�ngin�ring


OD Consul�ng Services

Lungisa P. Consultancy (Pty) Ltd

Our consul�ng services involve a broad range of services, in�uding the design,

development, implementa�on and impa� assessment of organisa�onal development

sy�ems and processes. In essence, we provide a complete package that ensures the tran�a�on

of the �ient’s organisa�onal �rategy into �ear and measurable outputs.

Page 7: Company Profile - Consultancy Agency · Management Programme Management Job Profiling Planning Process R˝ngin˝ring Transforma˚on OD Consul˚ng Services Lungisa P. Consultancy

OD Consul�ng Services

�e composite elements for each area of consultingare as follows:

• Audits: HR Audit, Skills Audit, Employment Equity Audit, Organisational Climate Survey

• Performance Management: Institutional performance, Employee Performance, Sta� Re-deployment

• Programme Management: OD projects and programmes, Workshop Facilitation, Report Writing

• Research & Analysis: Baseline studies, Monitoring & Evaluation, Impact Assessment (social research)

• Job Pro�ling: Organisational Design, Job Description, Job Grading and Remuneration Structuring

• Planning: Strategic Planning, Business Planning, HR Planning, Employment Equity Planning

• Process Re-engineering: Business Process Analysis, Work�ow Process Mapping, Work�ow Re-alignment

• Organisational Transformation: HR Policies & Procedures, Change Management

Lungisa P. Consultancy (Pty) Ltd

Page 8: Company Profile - Consultancy Agency · Management Programme Management Job Profiling Planning Process R˝ngin˝ring Transforma˚on OD Consul˚ng Services Lungisa P. Consultancy

Clients and proje�s

Labour Rela�ons: Chairing of disciplinary hearings

Labour Rela�ons: Concilia�on Chairing of disciplinary hearings




2018Service Delivery and Budget Implementa�on Planning (SDBIP)

Lungisa P. Consultancy (Pty) Ltd

Analysis of the performance �ain of the water services depart-ment, notably in the areas of planning for performance, budg-e�ng, implementa�on of the budget & monitoring and meas-urement of performance

KwaZulu-Natal province

KwaZulu-Natal province

KwaZulu-Natal province

KwaZulu-Natal province

Richmond Municipality

Page 9: Company Profile - Consultancy Agency · Management Programme Management Job Profiling Planning Process R˝ngin˝ring Transforma˚on OD Consul˚ng Services Lungisa P. Consultancy

Clients and proje�s





KwaZulu-Natal provinceChange management: Organisa�onal cul�re

Budget, planning and team building

Development of organisa�onal �rategy and design on �n�ional �ru�ure

Employment Equity compliance and repor�ng

Lungisa P. Consultancy (Pty) Ltd



KwaZulu-Natal province

KwaZulu-Natal province

Northern Cape Province

Page 10: Company Profile - Consultancy Agency · Management Programme Management Job Profiling Planning Process R˝ngin˝ring Transforma˚on OD Consul˚ng Services Lungisa P. Consultancy

Clients and proje�s

Limpopo province• Change Management Services for a process mappingproje� at Limpopo Economic Development Agency(LEDA)

KwaZulu-Natal province• Change Management �rategy & plan• Change Management Advisory Services for an I.T. sy�em development proje� at KZN Provincial Treasury





Gauteng province• Strategic Human Resources Advisory Services• Organisa�onal Development• Human Resource Admini�ra�on & Remunera�on• Employ� Rela�ons• Human Resource Development• Representa�ons at EXCO and Board levels

Ea�ern Cape province• Update of performance management framework• Alignment of organisa�onal �rategic obje�ives and key performance indicators.• Alignment of the IDP, SDBIP and budget

Lungisa P. Consultancy (Pty) Ltd

Page 11: Company Profile - Consultancy Agency · Management Programme Management Job Profiling Planning Process R˝ngin˝ring Transforma˚on OD Consul˚ng Services Lungisa P. Consultancy

Clients and proje�s

Gauteng province• Condu�ing a quick diagno�ic audit on the work ethic and organisa�onal cul�re• Repor�ng on the findings of the diagnosis.• Developing a programme cu�omised for various levels of �aff• Facilita�ng workshops on work ethic and organisa�onal cul�re• Developing a �rategy for su�aining the �ange process• Repor�ng on necessary follow-up and proposed �ange management process.




Ea�ern Cape province• Development of job descrip�ons

Ea�ern Cape province• Development of job descrip�ons• Training on job descrip�on and job evalua�on

Lungisa P. Consultancy (Pty) Ltd

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Clients and proje�s





KwaZulu-Natal provinceCondu�ing a �ills audit

KwaZulu-Natal provinceCompila�on of the Annual report for 2012/13financial year

KwaZulu-Natal province• Condu�ing a �ills audit• Developing the Human Resource �rategy• Upda�ng the organisa�onal �ru�ure• Developing the Employment Equity plan• Developing the Job profiles

KwaZulu-Natal province• Development of learning material• Facilita�on of training sessions• Repor�ng

Lungisa P. Consultancy (Pty) Ltd

Page 13: Company Profile - Consultancy Agency · Management Programme Management Job Profiling Planning Process R˝ngin˝ring Transforma˚on OD Consul˚ng Services Lungisa P. Consultancy

Clients and proje�s





Gauteng provinceDesign and facilita�on of workshop on EmploymentEquity and Skills Development

KwaZulu-Natal provinceDesign and facilita�on of workshop on EmploymentEquity and Skills Development

KwaZulu-Natal provinceCompila�on of the Annual report for 2011/12financial year

Gauteng provinceDesign and implementa�on of the Organisa�onalDevelopment programme focusing on differentproje�s, viz. Organisa�onal design, Employmentequity, Skills audit, Remunera�on �ru�uring, Jobanalysis and evalua�on

Lungisa P. Consultancy (Pty) Ltd

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Clients and proje�s





KwaZulu-Natal provinceCondu�ing a Skills Audit for oNdlunkuluProgramme in the 11 Di�ri�s of KwaZulu-Natal.

All South African provincesCondu�ing an HR Audit in the Services SETA

We�ern Cape and Northern Cape• Condu�ing a �ills audit.• Provision of training courses in iden�fied learning areas• Condu�ing a n�ds assessment for par�cipa�ng Non Profit Organisa�ons

Gauteng provinceDesign, development and pilo�ng of the course onRecruitment and Sele�ion in the Public Service

Lungisa P. Consultancy (Pty) Ltd

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Clients and proje�s





KwaZulu-Natal provinceOrganisa�onal design and public en�ty human resourcesplanning, in�uding Organisa�onal design, HRplanning, job analysis and evalua�on and remunera�on�ru�uring

Gauteng provinceCondu�ing a Baseline S�dy on the Extent ofPerformance Management Sy�em (PMS)Implementa�on within South African Municipali�es

Ea�ern Cape provinceRe�ru�uring of performance targets, assi�ing withmid-year performance reviews and calcula�on ofperformance bonuses

Gauteng, North We� & Limpopo provincesCondu�ing an impa� assessment on the implementeddevelopment proje�s in the mining communi�es

Lungisa P. Consultancy (Pty) Ltd

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Clients and proje�s





KwaZulu-Natal provincePlanning, design and managing the �angemanagement process in support of the newlydeveloped banking sy�em. Leading the work �reamfor organisa�onal design, communica�ons, �imatesurvey and training

Ea�ern Cape provinceUpdate of the performance management policyframework, development of the organisa�onalperformance scorecard and implementa�on plan at BlueCrane Route Local Municipality

Gauteng, North We� & Limpopo provincesDeveloping Opera�on-Specific A�ion Plansspecifying key focus areas for 7 mines

Mpumalanga provinceDesign and development of the course onperformance management in local government; andtraining the management team and labourrepresenta�ves.

Lungisa P. Consultancy (Pty) Ltd

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Clients and proje�s





Gauteng provinceReport wri�ng with regard to the followinginterven�ons:• Na�onal Youth Commission In�i��onal Review S�dy (2008)• Interna�onal Conference on Vi�im Empowerment (2010)

KwaZulu-Natal provinceDeveloping the Human Resources Plan, job descrip�ons,job grading and condu�ing an employ� sa�sfa�ionsurvey

Northern Cape provinceDiversity management and employment equity in theDiamond Trading Company South Africa

Mpumalanga provinceDevelopment of new and review of exi�ing jobdescrip�ons for the Department of Cul�re, Sport &Recrea�on

Lungisa P. Consultancy (Pty) Ltd

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Clients and proje�s




Ea�ern Cape provinceReview and update of the performance managementpolicy framework and roll out plan for the Emalahlenilocal municipality (EC 136)

Northern Cape provinceDiversity management and employment equity in theDiamond Trading Company South Africa

KwaZulu-Natal provinceDeveloping a �n�ional performance management sy�emfor the iden�fied municipali�es in KZN, in�uding• E�ablishment of Performance Management Te�nical Advisory Commi��s and their terms of reference (in two Di�ri�s)• Development of repor�ng and monitoring sy�em.• Se�ing up the audi�ng �ru�ures and linking individual with organisa�onal performance management• Assi�ing with the cra�ing of annual performance reports• Development of training material and provision of training

Lungisa P. Consultancy (Pty) Ltd

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Clients and proje�s




Tanzania (Dar es Salaam and Bagamoyo)Development of the manual and �idelines for Human ResourcePlanning detailing methodologies and in�ruments tobe used within the 6 Mini�ries, Dire�orates andAgencies (MDAs) and the president’s officeTraining all sele�ed MDA’s in developing their ownhuman resource plans and quality controlling theiroutputs

Gauteng provinceDesign and development of tools for condu�ing alocal government �ills audit and e�ablishingrelated informa�on, in�uding the scope of ea�municipal �n�ion, norms and �andards andoccupa�onal competency profiles

Gauteng provinceDevelopment of profiling and scr�ning tools to beused in the placement of tenants for the SEDAEkurhuleni Base Metal incubator programme

Lungisa P. Consultancy (Pty) Ltd

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Physical: 785 Riet Street, Wingate Park, 0181

Postal: PostNet Suite #81, Private Bag X8, Elardus Park, 0047

E-mail: [email protected]

Web: www.lungisa-it.co.za


Lungisa P. Consultancy (Pty) Ltd

Lumkile Gxabagxaba

+27 81 311 6112+27 86 647 [email protected]

Sikhumbuzo Mthembu

+27 83 629 7748+27 86 680 [email protected]