Jeff Dierking McCarroll 1 The condition of the modern American family’s expectations of their children are much higher than generations before. The college rate for high school graduates are stronger and higher than ever. From a young age, children are taught that once you graduate from High School, you have to go to college. Once you graduate from the college of your dreams, you then go to the profession you’ve aspired from a young age. From then on, you supposedly live the life you have dreamt of. WIth an amazing job, a picture perfect family, and not one bead of a tear found in your eyes from stress of monetary debts, life is clearly perfect. That is where this upcoming generation is at fault. From grade school and up, children are influenced by their parents and family members to figure out what the future holds for them. Honestly most children thoroughly and completely don’t understand or even know what they want to do in the future. This next generation is a generation of over-achievers. Because of the economic struggle in America, my family has been directly affected by a hard overachieving angst. My entire life, I’ve been told I would have to pay my own way to college, and not going to college was definitely not an option in my household. My parents wanted what was best for me to succeed in this world, because they knew what the world was like. As


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Page 1: Comp.110FamilyEssayRoughDraft

Jeff DierkingMcCarroll 1

The condition of the modern American family’s expectations of their children are much

higher than generations before. The college rate for high school graduates are stronger and

higher than ever. From a young age, children are taught that once you graduate from High

School, you have to go to college. Once you graduate from the college of your dreams, you then

go to the profession you’ve aspired from a young age. From then on, you supposedly live the

life you have dreamt of. WIth an amazing job, a picture perfect family, and not one bead of a

tear found in your eyes from stress of monetary debts, life is clearly perfect. That is where this

upcoming generation is at fault.

From grade school and up, children are influenced by their parents and family members

to figure out what the future holds for them. Honestly most children thoroughly and completely

don’t understand or even know what they want to do in the future. This next generation is a

generation of over-achievers. Because of the economic struggle in America, my family has been

directly affected by a hard overachieving angst. My entire life, I’ve been told I would have to pay

my own way to college, and not going to college was definitely not an option in my household.

My parents wanted what was best for me to succeed in this world, because they knew what the

world was like. As Moore explained in “Idiot Nation”,”...There are forty-million AMericans who

cannot read and write above a fourth-grade level - in other words, who are functional

illiterates…” (132).

Being the oldest of four, as well as having both of my parents work, money has never

been an easy thing to come by. Along with the four of us being only a couple of years apart, we

are also all involved in extracurricular activities both physical and fine arts related. We all have

above a 3.5 GPA, and have never received a disciplinary action from a school authority. Why is

this? It is because each of us were taught to be examples and pushed to be the best that we


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Jeff Dierking

McCarroll 2

be. Ultimately, I desire to get good grades, mainly for myself. I desire to go to college and want

to pay the least amount of money for a good college education possible, but doing so will

require for me to work my way there. That is what I’ve been taught.

Not every family pushes their children to go to college and make good grades, of course,

but this generation's’ parents’ majority desires what is best for their children concerning

schooling ultimately. They see the importance of going to school, getting an education, and

preparing yourself for your future and doing what you love to do as a priority in their children’s

lives as well as theirs. College, in their eyes, seems like an answer to prayers. Sadly, the

amount of college drop-outs have also increased along with enrollment. Life has gotten much

harder in the past 50 years. It is much more difficult to get a job that an averaged-sized family

can live off of.

The modern American family struggles greatly, but still sees hope in bleak and blinding

situations. As Santorum states in “It Takes a Family: Conservatism and the Common

Good”,”...A society rich in social, cultural, and moral capital-like America in previous

generations-supports and nurtures families. A society in which those kinds of capital have

eroded creates something like a vacuum, sucking the life out of families…” (92). My father, in

2008, was laid off from his job of 9 years. He worked as a customer service manager, and did

his job well and effectively. Another company bought out my father’s company, and made cuts

off their roster. My father was just another number that didn’t fit in their plan, so they deleted him

from their payroll. The fact that he had faithfully been there for 9 years did not amount to

anything, but that’s just the way life is. It took him 3 months to find a new job. During this time,

my mother had to get a job as well to help and support my family. Though this was an extremely

difficult time for my family, we got through it, and now both of my parents are employed and

have jobs that greatly intrigue their interests.

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Jeff Dierking

McCarroll 3

The traditional family is also not very common in the now. Many American families have

a mixture of relatives that they refer to as family, but in the end of the day, they are still family.

My family, uncommonly, is traditional. My parents have been married now for 20 years, and all

of my siblings are my full-blooded siblings, from both of the same parents. Divorce is not a rare

thing at all in this generation. 50% of marriages end in divorce. My parents are a rare specimen

in this society. Is it easy to have a marriage? Never has been, and it never will be. Most

relationships go into marriage expecting to be together forever, but as soon as the reality of

marriage actually hits, it isn’t so easy anymore. Many problems occur. Little issues that seemed

minor at the beginning of the relationship then turn into major issues. Solution is divorce.

Couples commonly divorce because of these issues and see it as a solution to these issues.

They ignore the problems when they first form, and then allow them to marinate for a long time,

causing mental and sometimes physical trauma. My parents have addressed the problems

when first formed and worked out their differences. Though two entirely different people, they

have persevered through the toughest of times, and still continue to live a stable life, raising four


Raising a family is not easy. I realize that as a nearing adult, and recognize the

sacrifices my family has made for me. The modern American Family accepts each other’s faults

as well as wants what is best for their children. They want their children to confidently pursue

their own passions, and live the life they want to live. They also want their children to grow up

and be influenced by an atmosphere that would encourage them to make right and educated

decisions. The Modern American Family never ceases to give up, even when hope seems lost.