August 7, 2015 | 22 Av, 5775 | Vol. 89; No. 16 Published by The Jewish Federation of Greater Harrisburg | Greater Harrisburg’s Jewish Newspaper www.jewishharrisburg.org comm unity review On Tuesday, July 14, 2015 the Senior Adult Club inducted their new slate of Officers for the 2015 to 2017 term. We are looking forward to another great two years of leadership from our officers. Here is Nancy Bayuk’s synopsis of the past two years and her hopes for the next two years: Wow! I can't believe I'm doing this again. I never thought I'd be President of any organization, and here I am doing this for the second time. Now my predecessor, Ann Feierman, wouldn't be impressed. She would say to me, "Only 18 more years to go!" However I don't think I will aim for Ann's place in the Guinness Book of World Records. The past two years flew by. My mom always said,” the older you get, the faster time goes by” , and was she ever right! Looking over the past 2 SENIOR ADULT CLUB INSTALLATION JULY 14, 2015 Newly-elected officers of the JCC Senior Adult Club (left to right Barbara Lock, Carla Silverman, Harriet Kopp, Nancy Bayuk, Roberta Krieger, Roberta Berdofe, Zelda Arch, Lois Morgan years, I think we have done well. I am especially proud of the things we have done to help others. We made the dolls for Hadassah, and now we're working diligently on our present project of knitting and crocheting the Bears without Borders - also for Hadassah. We also painted the JCC tables. We have gone on many day trips, had lunch together twice a week, and had lots of entertainment and informative speakers. We even put on our talent show, written and directed by Roberta Krieger. Most importantly, we have become friends and shared our joys as well as our sorrows. As I look out at the next 2 years, what are our aims? To keep as healthy as we can. Keep coming out so we enjoy each other. Hopefully, we can increase our numbers. And for me, to defend my table’s winning record in the “Millionaire Game.” I want to thank everyone on the board. With their help, my job is very easy. I want to especially thank Roberta Krieger for taking over in my absence. A big rousing cheer to Cheryl Yablon. Her work for us is unceasing, and she makes me look organized. Last, but certainly not least, is Bruce, my one-man rooting section. He's like my little engine who could. I think I can, I think I can, I know I can. Thanks, Bruce, for your confidence in me.

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The 8-7-15 issue of the Community Review

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August 7, 2015 | 22 Av, 5775 | Vol. 89; No. 16Published by The Jewish Federation of Greater Harrisburg | Greater Harrisburg’s Jewish Newspaper

www.jewishharrisburg.orgcommunity review

On Tuesday, July 14, 2015

the Senior Adult Club inducted

their new slate of Officers for

the 2015 to 2017 term. We are

looking forward to another

great two years of leadership

from our officers. Here is

Nancy Bayuk’s synopsis of

the past two years and her

hopes for the next two years:

Wow! I can't believe I'm

doing this again. I never

thought I'd be President of

any organization, and here I

am doing this for the second

time. Now my predecessor,

Ann Feierman, wouldn't be

impressed. She would say

to me, "Only 18 more years

to go!" However I don't think

I will aim for Ann's place in

the Guinness Book of World

Records. The past two years

flew by. My mom always

said,” the older you get, the

faster time goes by”, and was

she ever right!

Looking over the past 2


Newly-elected officers of the JCC Senior Adult Club (left to right Barbara Lock, Carla Silverman, Harriet Kopp, Nancy Bayuk, Roberta

Krieger, Roberta Berdofe, Zelda Arch, Lois Morgan

years, I think we have done

well. I am especially proud

of the things we have done

to help others. We made the

dolls for Hadassah, and now

we're working diligently on

our present project of knitting

and crocheting the Bears

without Borders - also for

Hadassah. We also painted

the JCC tables. We have gone

on many day trips, had lunch

together twice a week, and

had lots of entertainment

and informative speakers.

We even put on our talent

show, written and directed

by Roberta Krieger. Most

importantly, we have become

friends and shared our joys

as well as our sorrows. As I

look out at the next 2 years,

what are our aims? To keep

as healthy as we can. Keep

coming out so we enjoy

each other. Hopefully, we

can increase our numbers.

And for me, to defend my

table’s winning record in the

“Millionaire Game.”

I want to thank everyone

on the board. With their help,

my job is very easy. I want

to especially thank Roberta

Krieger for taking over in my

absence. A big rousing cheer

to Cheryl Yablon. Her work

for us is unceasing, and she

makes me look organized.

Last, but certainly not least,

is Bruce, my one-man rooting

section. He's like my little

engine who could. I think

I can, I think I can, I know I

can. Thanks, Bruce, for your

confidence in me.

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A copy of the official registration and financial information of the Jewish Federation of Greater Harrisburg may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling, toll free within Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.

A Message from Margie Adelmann, CEOJewish Federation of Greater Harrisburg

A little more than a year ago, I shared with you a new program in our

Early Learning Center called Discover Catch - a holistic approach to

children’s health intended to help put our community’s youngest members

on a lifelong path of health and caring for their bodies. This program

has literally grown before our eyes this past year. Under the direction of

Discover Catch Master Gardner, Jodie Raffensperger, the garden that

started as a vision last year is in full bloom!

I often have the opportunity to take tours through the Center, and a top

highlight is visiting the Early Learning Center and seeing first-hand the

garden center and art classrooms where it all begins. All of our children

have Art and Gardening weekly. They helped to pick the seeds that were

planted in the garden and started them as seedlings, in many instances.

They learned about photosynthesis (thank goodness for spellcheck) and

that food doesn’t always come from GIANT and Weis! They have a worm

farm and butterfly lab, learning about nature. They helped to plant the

garden (each class has a plot), and they have been nurturing it and are

now picking the fruits and vegetables that they are growing for snacks and

lunch! Just this week they made kohlrabi salad from the largest kohlrabi I

have ever seen and are using the cabbage for stuffed cabbage! The impact

continues when the children go home. Many families have shared with us

that they have planted their own gardens this summer, and they are eating

lots of nutritious vegetables!

The garden is designed around Jewish values and holidays. When you

enter the garden, on your left is a bed of herbs for Havdalah. There are

apple trees for Rosh Hashanah, a living sukkah, a rain barrel to collect

water to release into the runnel for Tashlich, and so much more. There is

even a “Mt. Sinai” hill to play in the mud. It’s worth a visit to see this labor

of love that has enabled us to teach our children more than we could have

even imagined when we decided to embrace this new program.

I hope that you will take a few minutes the next time you visit the J to

walk to the back of the ballfield and take a peek at what’s growing. And if

you have 15 minutes, we’d love to show you the Garden Center and Art

room. I may be biased but I thought our Early Learning Center was top

notch before we introduced this program; now with the Discover Catch

curriculum in full bloom there is no question in my mind that we have

the best program in town! Ok, I am biased, but I am also very proud of

our team and all of the work that they have done to weave Discover Catch

into our Center.



Vol. 89 No. 16August 7, 2015

(ISSN 1047-9996)(USPS 126-860)

Published bi-weeklyby the Jewish Federation of

Greater Harrisburg,3301 N. Front Street,

Harrisburg, Pa., 17110. Subscription rate: $50 per year.

Periodicals postage paid atHarrisburg, Pa., and

additional entry office.

Editorial Board MembersMargie Adelmann

Esther BoldesRabbi Carl Choper

Aaron DymRita Gordon

Jeanette Krebs


Patti [email protected]

Sales DirectorMarty Lamonoff

717 232-6279717-877-5973

[email protected]

Design and LayoutBenchmark Group Media

Graphic DesignerShawn Skvarna

Postmaster:Send address changes to Community Review, 3301 N. Front Street,

Harrisburg, Pa., 17110.

Mission Statement of The Community Review:

Inform readers about local, national and international events of interest to Jews.

Promote Jewish values, Jewish identity and a

sense of Jewish community in central Pennsylvania.

The opinions expressed in the Community Review do not necessarily reflect the position of the Jewish Federation of Greater Harrisburg. The Federation does not endorse any candidate or political party for any elected office.

thurSDay, auGuSt 6Seniors Lunch Program, 11:30 a.m.

Program: Movie Day – Invictus withMorgan Freeman and Matt Damon

tuESDay, auGuSt 11Seniors Lunch Program, “Bridge Bruce’s Way”,

10:30 a.m. Program: Business meeting/Birthday party

thurSDay, auGuSt 13 Seniors Lunch Program, 11:30 a.m., JCC

Program: “The Millionaire Game”Camp Finale, 7 p.m., JCC

tuESDay, auGuSt 18Seniors Lunch Program, 11:30 a.m.

Program: Current Events with Herm Minkoff

thurSDay, auGuSt 20Seniors Lunch Program, 11:30 a.m.

Program: Musical Program with Al Goodman



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Kol Haneshama, Harrisburg’s Jewish Community Chorus, Planning Second

Season, Seeks New Members“...stunned at how wonderful the group sounded.” - Michael Greenwald

“...the choir was really good!” - Nancy Spielberg

Kol Haneshama, the Harrisburg Jewish Community Chorus, is preparing for its second season. Founded by Janet Frankel Staub (z’l), the mixed voices a cappella chorus brings singers together to enrich artistic life in Harrisburg and the surrounding communities by performing and promoting Jewish music in all its different forms. Kol Haneshama is directed by Marina Cherepinsky, who has a distinguished career as a performer in her native Russia, and in Central Pennsylvania as a choral and instrumental music educator, and choral director. In its first year season, the chorus performed to critical acclaim at area synagogues, college, and senior center events; and at community gatherings and celebrations.

The chorus is actively seeking new members. If you 18 or over and desire to grow as a singer in the warm context of a chorus that represents a wide swath of the community, please consider joining us. We will resume weekly rehearsals on Sunday evening, August 30. For details, please contact Dave Spector, 717-533-6483 or Marina Cherepinsky, 717- 651-6641.

BBYO TOURNIES CONVENTION IS COMING TO TOWN AND WE NEED YOU!!I am excited to announce that Harrisburg BBYO will

be hosting TOURNIES Convention, our Region’s biggest convention of the year, November 13th–15th! Programming is held at the JCC and the out-of- town teens are hosted by BBYO families and community members.

We are currently looking for families to host the teens, volunteers to help judge competitions of all kinds and help serve meals during the convention.

Parents, Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles, Teachers – ANYONE can help! Please contact Paula Rosen at [email protected] or 903-5631 for more information.

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CHICAGO – Harrisburg

native Tal Rosen, 33, has been

named to the fourth annual

“Double Chai in the Chi:

36 Under 36” list of young

Jewish movers and shakers

in Chicago.

(The letters of the Hebrew

word “Chai,” which means

“life,” also represent the

number 18.)

This year’s list is replete

with entrepreneurs, activists,

fundraisers and more,

running the gamut from

rabbis to attorneys, camp

directors to anthropologists...

and, well, the list goes on.

A complete roster of the

honorees, along with profiles

of Tal and the others, is

available on the Oy!Chicago

website at www.oychicago.


Presented by JUF’s Young

Leadership Division (YLD)

and Oy!Chicago (www.

oychicago.com) – an outreach

website for Chicago’s

20- and 30-somethings

– the list spotlights the

faces of Chicago's Jewish

future and recognizes the

amazing contributions of

this generation. The young

professionals featured are

noted for making a difference

through their work, giving

back in their free time, and

earning distinction in the

Jewish community and


“The incredible volume

and quality of nominations

for this honor has increased

every year,” said Stefanie

Pervos Bregman, founding

editor and blogger-in-chief

for Oy!Chicago. “If this list is

any indication, the future of

Chicago’s Jewish community

is incredibly bright.”

“The beauty of this list is

that it isn’t focusing on just

one type of person or area of

achievement,” said Michael

Oxman, YLD president and

a former honoree. “The

purpose of this list is really

to honor young Jewish

adults from all walks of life

who are making incredible

contributions to our

community, in whatever way

is most uniquely meaningful

to them.”

Harrisburg native Tal Rosen named to Jewish Chicago’s “36 Under 36” list

The 36 honorees will be

celebrated at YLD’s “WYLD”

party at 7 p.m. Thursday, Aug.

13, at John Barleycorn, 149

W. Kinzie, Chicago. The party

is open to the public. Tickets

are $20 in advance, $30 at the

door. To register, visit http://

www.juf.org/yld/wyld.aspx or

e-mail [email protected]. Register

early – last year’s party

completely sold out!

The Jewish United Fund

of Metropolitan Chicago is

the one organization that

impacts every aspect of

local and global Jewish life,

providing human services

for Jews and others in need,

creating Jewish experiences

and strengthening Jewish

community connections.

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By Rabbi Akiva MalesFor close to three weeks at the end of July / beginning of August, Kesher Israel Congregation

happily welcomed a wonderful group (comprised of 4 single fellows and 2 married couples) of rabbinical students from Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim in Queens, NY for its annual Summer Kollel program.

KI’s Summer Kollel is dedicated to the memory of Rabbi Berel Zafran - of blessed memory. A long-time chief Kashrus supervisor of Empire Kosher Poultry, he was devoted to our community and Kesher

Israel, but most of all, he was unconditionally dedicated to the study of Torah.Between an array of engaging Torah learning opportunities, a very popular after-camp

youth program at the JCC, an 8:00 AM daily Shacharis, and the thrill so many one-on-one Torah study sessions, the Summer Kollel once again provided numerous avenues for terrific summer Torah enrichment for men, women, and children of the entire Harrisburg Jewish community.

Kesher Israel Thanks:• The generous supporters who made this terrific program possible. • The Loketch Group for donating

three apartments in their River Plaza Apartment building for the Summer Kollel volunteers to stay in.

• Rabbi Barry & Sandy Nussbaum, Rabbi Moshe Y. Gewirtz, Ricki Gold, Marcy Flicker, and Oleasa Salkin for planning this wonderful Summer program.

• This year's Summer Kollel volunteers: Shlomo & Adina Burger (and their daughter Malka), Aryeh Leib & Malka Deitz, Tzvi Bander, Yisroel Lejtman, Shua Skier, and Amrom Steinberger. We thank each of the Summer Kollel participants for sharing some of their well-deserved summer break with our community!

synagogue life

Kesher Israel Congregation Welcomes Back Its Summer Kollel Program

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synagogue lifesynagogue lifeBeth el temple232-0556 | www.betheltemplehbg.org

Minyan 7 a.m. daily and 5:30 p.m.Sunday morning at 9:00 a.m.Friday night Kabbalat Shabbat 6:00 p.m.Shabbat morning service 9:15 a.m.Saturday night mincha/maariv/havdalah at same time as Friday evening candle-lighting time


Chisuk emuna Congregation 232-4851 | www.chisukemuna.org | [email protected]

Weekly Minyan times: Sunday mornings at 8:30 a.m.Monday, Thursday mornings, 6:50 a.m.Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday mornings, 7 a.m. Sunday through Thursday evenings, 7:15 p.m.

Congregation Beth israel Lebanon | 273-2669

Visit the Congregation Beth Israel Web Site at www.congregation-beth-israel.orgAll are welcome to our egalitarian services: Sundays at 9 a.m., Thursdays at 7:30 a.m. Our Shabbat services, led by Rabbi Paula Reimers, are at 7:30 p.m. on Friday evenings and on Shabbat morning at 9:30 a.m. followed by Kiddush.


Congregation Beth tikvah Carlisle | 245-2811 | www.bethtikvah.orgFriday Night Shabbat Services 7:15 p.m.Location: Asbell Center, 262 West High Street, CarlisleShabbat Services:August 7, 21Everyone is welcome to join us!


historiC B’nai JaCoB Middletown | 319-3014 | www.bnai-jacob.org

Historic B’nai Jacob Synagogue, Water and Nissley Streets in Middletown, will conduct Shabbat Service on Friday, August 7th at 7:30 p.m.We are a Community Shul, all are welcome Tel (717) 319-3014 Visit our website for more information.


kesher israel Congregation 238-0763 | www.kesherisrael.org

Participate in our daily Minyanim. Mornings: Sundays and Federal holidays at 8 a.m., Monday through Friday at 6:45 a.m. Rosh Chodesh and fast days at 6:30 a.m. Evening services begin at 20 minutes before sunset.Please join us for our 9 a.m. Shabbat morning services - followed by Kiddush.Please contact our Office Manager, Cecelia Baker, at (717) 238-0763 for information about our congregation.


temple Beth shalom 697-2662 | www.tbshalom.org

Temple Beth Shalom’s Friday evening Shabbat Services are at 7:15 p.m., followed by an oneg in the social hall. Services are led by Rabbi Daniel Grossman and Lay Leaders of Beth Shalom. For scheduling information on August Shabbat services at Temple Beth Shalom, please call the office at 697-2662 or check the website calendar for details, as well as updates on when Saturday Shabbat services will be held. The Sisterhood Book Group will meet on Tuesday, August 18 at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Honey Aves. The book for discussion is, “Let’s Face It” by Kirk Douglas. All women are welcome! Please contact Honey at [email protected] if you plan to attend. For details on upcoming Temple Beth Shalom services and events, check the website: http://tbshalom.org.


temple ohev sholom 233-6459 | www.ohevsholom.org

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synagogue lifesynagogue life

august 7 ....7:55 p.m.

august 14 ..7:46 p.m.

august 21 ..7:36 p.m.


Historic B’nai Jacob Challenge!

Anonymous donor offers matching donations

Middletown, PA – July 20, 2015 – Historic B’nai Jacob synagogue in Middletown, PA has received a wonderful challenge from an anonymous donor. He will match each and every donation up to $5,000 for all contributions to Historic B’nai Jacob Synagogue through our GoFundMe campaign (gofundme.com/wrss4vw) made between July 20 and August 31 for redoing the front steps and facade. This is an incredible gesture on his part! The donor wrote the following:

"What I would like to propose is a 'challenge' contribution of a maximum of $5,000. This would be a dollar-for-dollar match from now thru the end of August. We would have a potential of raising an additional $10,000 total if you can raise the maximum of $5,000 with new, or additional, contributions for this effort."

Campaign coordinator Roxanne Toser added the following: “We are thrilled with the donations received thus far and now we'll be taking two steps at a time to reach the end. We are so excited to see the goal within sight.”

It is hoped that many will contribute either online or offline to help us meet the challenge! B’nai Jacob also encourages readers to enlist their friends and relatives.

Contact: Roxanne. Toser Telephone: 717-238-1936 [email protected] B’nai Jacob 121 Shirley Drive Middletown, PA 17057 717-319-3014Web: bnai-jacob.org • Facebook: facebook.com/HistoricBnaiJacob Twitter: @BnaiJacobShul


SAVE THE DATE – August 27, 2015 !!!

The Harrisburg JCC’s Senior Adult Club is most excited

to announce that Maestro Stuart Malina and his son, Zev

(and possibly his daughter, Sara), will be presenting a

musical program for our members on Thursday, August

27, 2015, for our after-lunch entertainment.

Maestro Stuart Malina is one of America’s most

versatile and accomplished conductors. In a wide variety

of concerts, from masterworks and grand opera to

pops, Maestro Malina’s ease on the podium, engaging

personality, and insightful interpretations have thrilled audiences and helped to break

down the barriers between performer and listener wherever he has worked.

I’m sure we will have many members who won’t want to miss this opportunity to hear

Maestro Malina and his children’s musical performance. Please make your reservations

early and no later than Thursday, August 20th, so we can accommodate all those who

would like to attend. Call Cheryl at 236-9555 Ext. 3115 for your reservations. Cost for lunch

and program is $10 for Senior Adult Club Members/$20 for Non-Members. Program

only is $10 members and $20 non-members, no walk-ins please. ABSOLUTE DEADLINE



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